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The goal of this research was to study the effect of the substitution of wheat starch by potato starch (PS) on the performance, health and digestion of growing rabbits. Three experimental diets were formulated with 0%, 7% and 14% PS (PS0, PS7 and PS14, respectively) and similar starch contents (22% dry matter basis), proteins and fibre. The three diets were administered to three groups of 48 rabbits from weaning (28 days) to slaughter (70 days), and growth and health measurements were made. Another 10 rabbits per diet (30 rabbits at each age), reared under similar conditions, were slaughtered at 6 to 10 weeks of age, and the digesta were collected to analyse the caecal microbial activity (pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA) levels, fibrolytic activity) and the starch concentration in the ileal digesta. At the same ages, the whole tract digestibility coefficients were measured in 10 other rabbits for each treatment (30 rabbits). The feed intake between 28 and 42 days of age (days) increased by 11% (P < 0.05) in PS0 v. PS14. Over the whole growth period (28 to 70 days), weight gain was similar among diets (40.5 g/day), whereas the feed intake and feed conversion increased (8.5% and 5.2%, respectively; P < 0.05) with the PS14 diet. Mortality and morbidity were not affected by the diets. The starch concentration of the ileal contents increased (P < 0.01) with the addition of PS to the diet (0.39%, 0.77% and 1.08% for diets PS0, PS7 and PS14, respectively). Starch digestibility was 0.8 percentage units higher (99.8% v. 99.0%) with the PS0 diet than the PS14 diet (P = 0.04). The bacterial cellulolytic activity in the caecum tended to be higher with the PS14 diet (P = 0.07). The total VFA caecal concentration increased (P < 0.01) only in 6-week-old rabbits with PS7 compared with PS0 (54.7 v. 74.5 mmol/l). Protein digestibility and ileal starch concentration decreased (P < 0.05) with age (6 v. 10 weeks), and hemicelluloses digestibility increased (P < 0.05). At 10 weeks of age, rabbits showed a higher VFA pool (6.25 mol) and proportion of butyrate (15.9%) and a lower proportion of acetate (79.3%), ammonia level (7.5 mmol/l) and C3/C4 ratio (0.31) than at 6 weeks of age. The intake of potato starch had no effect on the performance, caecal microbial activity or digestive health of growing rabbits.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of level of fibre on production performance, gastrointestinal tract development, caecum fermentation and fibrolytic activity in weaner to 2-month-old New Zealand rabbits. One hundred weaner rabbits were allocated in individual cages for five treatments in which they were fed each diet with ADF at 130 (NDF, 274.1; ADL, 39.7; CP, 158.4; EE, 26.8; starch, 252.5 g/kg), 160 (NDF, 292.9; ADL, 41.9; CP, 160.3; EE, 25.6; starch, 249.4 g/kg), 190 (NDF, 312.4; ADL, 50.5; CP, 157.6; EE, 24.2; starch, 218.2 g/kg), 220 (NDF, 343.9; ADL, 51.2; CP, 158.5; EE, 22.2; starch, 217.6 g/kg), and 250 g/kg (NDF, 375.7; ADL, 66.0; CP, 156.9; EE, 22.4; starch, 220.8 g/kg) original matter basis, respectively. The results were: ADG and F/G deteriorated with increasing fibre (P<0.05); ADI increased with increasing dietary ADF (P=0.002). The stomach relative weight (g/kg LW), small intestine relative weight (g/kg LW), caecum weight, caecum content weight and caecum relative weight (g/kg LW) all increased with increasing ADF (P=0.003, 0.007, 0.002, 0.010 and <0.001, respectively). Quadratic effects of level of ADF on the villus height, villus height/crypt depth of the duodenum and the villus height/crypt depth of the jejunum were obtained; cubic effects of level of ADF on the crypt depth of the jejunum and the villus height/crypt depth of the ileum were obtained. Cubic effects of level of ADF on the pH, the butyric acid (% total VFA) and C2/C4 were obtained. The NH3–N concentration dropped and the acetic acid (% total VFA) increased when the dietary ADF increased (P<0.001). The fibrolytic activity measured in the caecal contents increased when the dietary ADF increased (P<0.001). Providing a ration consisting mainly of clover meal, wheat straw and peanut hulls, the optimum dietary ADF content for weaner to 2-month-old growing meat rabbits was shown to be 190 g/kg feed.  相似文献   

The in vitro caecal fermentation of five substrates low in starch and protein content [d-(+)-glucose (GLU), d-cellobiose (CEL), sugar beet pectin (PEC), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and wheat straw (WS)] was investigated using soft faeces from rabbits receiving different levels of cellobiose and soluble fibre as inoculum. A total of 24 rabbits were supplemented 3 levels of cellobiose in the drinking water (0.0, 7.5, 15.0 g/l) and fed two experimental diets containing either low soluble fibre (LSF) or high soluble fibre (HSF) levels (84.0 and 130 g/kg dry matter). All substrates were subjected to a two-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro pre-digestion, and the whole residue was used as substrate for the in vitro incubations. Gas production was measured until 144 h, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production was determined at 24 h incubation. Experimental treatments did not affect SBP fermentation and had only a subtle influence on fermentation of WS and GLU. In contrast, cellobiose supplementation × donors’ diet interactions were detected for most gas production parameters for CEL. Both the fractional gas production (k) and maximal gas production rates were linearly increased (p ≤ 0.042) and the initial delay in the onset of gas production (Lag) linearly decreased (p < 0.001) by cellobiose supplementation with the HSF inoculum, with no differences between the 7.5 and 15.0 doses. In contrast, with the LSF inoculum cellobiose supplementation only affected k values, which were quadratically increased (p = 0.043) and had maximal values for the 7.5 dose. A quadratic effect (p ≤ 0.018) of cellobiose supplementation was observed for total VFA production at 24 h when CEL and PEC were fermented, obtaining the maximal VFA production for the 7.5 dose of cellobiose. Total VFA production for CEL was greater with LSF than with HSF inoculum (20.7 vs. 12.9 mmol/l; p = 0.014), but the opposite was found for WS (3.97 vs. 6.21 mmol/l; p = 0.005). The use of LSF inoculum for CEL fermentation sharply reduced acetate (p = 0.001) and increased butyrate proportions (p ≤ 0.001) compared with the HSF inoculum. A positive relationship between total VFA caecal concentrations in rabbits receiving the same experimental treatments and in vitro values was only observed when WS was used as substrate (r = 0.90; p = 0.015; n = 6). The results suggest that experimental factors influenced the fermentative activity of caecal digesta, but the observed response differed with the incubated substrate, being the CEL the most affected.  相似文献   

Apart from being an energy source, dietary fibre is also discussed to act as anti-nutritional factor reducing apparent precaecal protein and amino acid (AA) digestibility due to reduced absorption or increased endogenous secretion or both. However, the amounts of protein and AA of endogenous origin determined at the terminal ileum in cannulated animals do not represent the total losses associated with endogenous secretion. A high proportion of secreted protein is reabsorbed and does not reach the terminal ileum, and losses occur during synthesis of endogenous protein. Therefore, the present study used an alternative indirect approach, taking the reduction of nitrogen (N) retention in a threonine (Thr) limited diet as a sensitive indicator for fibre-associated Thr losses. Two experiments were conducted with 12 castrated male pigs each between 37 and 75 kg body weight to measure the effect of the intake of Thr and 150 and 300 g/d fibre from wheat bran (Exp. 1), or 150 g/d fibre from rape seed, cassava leaves, and cassava root peels, respectively (Exp. 2), on N retention. During two (Exp. 1) and three (Exp. 2) balance periods the animals were subjected to the dietary treatments according to a cross-over design. All animals received 1350 g/d of a wheat–soybean-based diet supplemented with free AA to ensure Thr being the first-limiting AA. To determine the effect of Thr on N retention, intake of the basal diet was reduced to 1150 g/d and supplemented with corn starch to reach equal energy intake and an unchanged AA pattern. With increasing BW additional starch was added to all diets to ensure a constant energy intake of 1.25 MJ ME/kg BW0.75. Since the fibre sources contained small amounts of Thr, N retentions were corrected for precaecal digestible Thr intake originating from the fibre sources according to the Thr effect on N retention as determined in experiment 1. Corrected N retentions were affected by fibre level (p = 0.007) and source (p < 0.001). Fibre-associated Thr losses amounted to 3.3, 3.2, 1.2, and 1.1 g/kg fibre from wheat bran, rapeseed, cassava leaf, and cassava root peel, respectively. It is concluded that Thr losses per gram of dietary fibre depend on the fibre source and that fibre concentration and source in pig diets should be considered as a factor affecting Thr requirement.  相似文献   

The effect of different weaning ages, that is, 21 (G21), 28 (G28) or 35 (G35) days, on growth and certain parameters of the digestive tract was examined in rabbits to assess the risk of early weaning attributable to the less-developed digestive system. On days 35 and 42, G35 rabbits had 10% to 14% and 10% higher BW, respectively (P < 0.05), than those weaned at days 21 and 28. In the 4th week of life, early weaned animals had 75% higher feed intake than G28 and G35 rabbits (P < 0.05). The relative weight of the liver increased by 62% between 21 and 28 days of age, and thereafter it decreased by 76% between 35 and 42 days of age (P < 0.05), with G21 rabbits having 29% higher weight compared with G35 animals on day 35 (P < 0.05). The relative weight of the whole gastrointestinal (GI) tract increased by 49% and 22% after weaning in G21 and G28 rabbits, respectively (P < 0.05). On day 28, the relative weight of the GI tract was 19% higher in G21 than in G28 rabbits, whereas on day 35 G21 and G28 animals had a 12% heavier GI tract compared with G35 rabbits (P < 0.05). Age influenced the ratio of stomach, small intestine and caecum within the GI tract; however, no effect of different weaning age was demonstrated. The pH value of the stomach and caecum decreased from 5.7 to 1.6 and from 7.1 to 6.3, respectively, whereas that of the small intestine increased from 6.8 to 8.4 (P < 0.05); the differences between groups were not statistically significant. Strictly anaerobic culturable bacteria were present in the caecum in high amounts (108), already at 14 days of age; no significant difference attributable to weaning age was demonstrable. The concentration of total volatile fatty acids (tVFA) was higher in G21 than in G28 and G35 throughout the experimental period (P < 0.05). The proportion of acetic and butyric acid within tVFA increased, whereas that of propionic acid decreased, resulting in a C3 : C4 ratio decreasing with age. Early weaning (G21) resulted in higher butyric acid and lower propionic acid proportions on day 28 (P < 0.05). No interaction between age and treatment was found, except in relative weight of the GI tract and caecal content. In conclusion, early weaning did not cause considerable changes in the digestive physiological parameters measured, but it resulted in 10% lower growth in rabbits.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of partial replacement of neutral detergent soluble fibre (NDSF) for starch in diets varying in particle size (PS) of alfalfa hay on chewing activities, ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestibility and performance in mid-lactation dairy cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (146 ± 6.0 d in milk; 36.7 ± 2.57 kg milk/d) were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with four 21 d periods with the last 7 d for data collection. The experiment was a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with 2 levels of NDSF (low = 85 g/kg or high = 130 g/kg diet dry matter) each combined with 2 PS (short = 20 mm or long = 40 mm) of alfalfa hay. Results show that forage PS alone, or in combination with NDSF inclusion, had no effect on dry matter (DM) intake. Although total chewing, eating and ruminating times were not affected by treatments, eating time per kg of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) ingested was higher in long versus short alfalfa hay-based diets (P<0.05). Feeding long forage PS increased sorting of the diet against particles >19 mm, and in favor of those <8 mm (P<0.05). Feeding diets high in NDSF lowered DM intake (P<0.05), but increased apparent digestibility of all nutrients including NDF (P<0.05) independent of forage PS. Ruminal pH and concentrations of total volatile fatty acids were unaffected by dietary treatments, however the proportion of butyrate was higher in ruminal fluid of cows fed high NDSF diets (P<0.05). Changes in milk composition included lower milk crude protein content in high NDSF diets and higher lactose content for short hay-based diets (P<0.05). That milk yield and milk energy output were similar in low versus high NDSF diets suggests that high NDSF-fed cows had higher energy efficiency due to lower DM intake. Results suggest that, independent of forage PS, NDSF sources can be successfully included to partly replace starchy grains in diets exceeding minimum fibre recommendations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated wheat grain which was treated with xylose in aqueous Ca–Mg lignosulphonate solution at elevated temperatures (WeiPass®) in order to reduce ruminal degradation of starch and crude protein. The two tested isoenergetic and isonitrogenous diets contained on dry matter (DM) basis either 16% maize grain and 6.4% soybean meal (Diet CON) or 17.8% xylose-treated wheat and 4.6% soybean meal (Diet Wheat). Thirty-six German Holstein dairy cows were assigned to one of the two groups according to parity, body weight after calving, and milk yield during the previous lactation. Data collection started at 21 d before the expected calving date until 120 d in milk. The average of DM intake, energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield, and milk fat and protein yields (all given as kg/d) were 18.9, 28.7, 1.25, and 1.02 for Diet CON and 19.3, 32.5, 1.36, and 1.11 for Diet Wheat, respectively. Only ECM and milk protein yields were greater (p < 0.05) for cows receiving Diet Wheat. In conclusion, the xylose-treated wheat grain can replace maize grain and part of soybean meal in diets for lactating dairy cows and may be an alternative feedstuff depending on overall ration composition and availability and costs of grain sources.  相似文献   

This review aims to present the different effects produced by a post-weaning intake limitation strategy on the growing rabbit, now largely used by French professional rabbit breeders. Although a quantitative feed restriction leads to slower growth, feed conversion (FC) is improved, particularly when the rabbits are again fed freely, as compensatory growth occurs. This better FC or the healthy rabbit is because of better digestion resulting from slower passage through the intestine, whereas the digestive physiology is slightly modified (morphometry of the intestinal mucosa, fermentation pattern, microbiota). Meat quality and carcass characteristics are not greatly affected by feed restriction, except for a lower dressing-out percentage. One of the main advantages of limiting post-weaning intake of the rabbit is to reduce the mortality and morbidity rate due to digestive disorders (particularly epizootic rabbit enteropathy syndrome). The consequences for animal welfare are debatable, as feed restriction probably leads to hunger, but it reduces the incidence of digestive troubles after weaning. However, the growing rabbit adapts very well to an intake limitation strategy, without any aggressive behaviour for congener. In conclusion, restriction strategies could improve profitability of rabbit breeding, but they should be adapted to any specific breeding situation, according to the national market, feed prices, etc.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of pelleting on the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of energy and nutrients according to the dietary fibre (DF) level in growing pigs (experiment 1) and in adult sows (experiment 2). Four diets based on wheat, barley, maize and soybean meal and supplemented with increased contents of a mixture of wheat bran, maize bran, soybean hulls and sugar beet pulp (116, 192, 268 and 344 g NDF/kg dry matter (DM) in diets 1 to 4) were tested. In experiment 1, 32 growing pigs (62 kg average BW), in two replicates and according to a factorial design, were fed one of the four diets, either as mash or as pellets. The digestibility of energy, organic matter (OM) and all nutrients decreased with DF increasing for both feed forms; the reduction was about 1% for each 1% NDF increase in the diet (P < 0.001). Pelleting improved moderately the digestibility of energy and OM (+1.5% and +1.0%, respectively; P < 0.05) in connection with greater DF (+5%; P < 0.05) and fat digestibility (+25%). Thus, pelleting improved the digestible energy content of diets on average by 0.3 MJ/kg of feed DM (P < 0.01). In experiment 2, four adult dry sows (235 kg average BW) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design and fed the four diets used in experiment 1 as pellets. The digestibility of energy, OM and macronutrients also decreased with DF increase (P < 0.001; -0.4% per 1% increase of dietary NDF for energy) while the digestibility of DF (i.e. crude fibre (CF) or ADF) increased (P < 0.001) or remained at a high level. In conclusion, increasing DF in diets decreases the digestibility of nutrients and energy in pigs and in sows. Although positive, the pelleting impact is minor on the energy and nutrients digestibility of fibre-rich diets in growing pigs, even in high-DF diets.  相似文献   


This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of wheat bran (WB) as insoluble fibre source, and sugar beet pulp (SBP) as soluble fibre source, on performance, serum parameters and intestinal health in weaned pigs. A total of 90 weaned pigs (BW: 7.33 ± 1.24 kg) were randomly assigned to three dietary treatments: (1) a control diet (CON) based on corn and soybean meal; (2) CON + 6% WB; (3) CON + 6% SBP. Each treatment had five replicate pens with six pigs per pen. The experimental period was divided into two phases (d 0 to 14 and d 14 to 28). Pigs in group WB tended to have greater avarage daily gain than those in group SBP. Compared with CON, SBP reduced (p < 0.05) the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter, organic matter (OM), gross energy and neutral detergent fibre on d 14 and 28, while WB decreased (p < 0.05) the ATTD of OM on d 28. Pigs in group SBP had higher (p < 0.05) glucagon-like peptide 1 concentration than the other groups on d 14 and 28. The villus height to crypt depth (V:C) ratio of duodenum and jejunum in pigs fed diet WB were greater (p < 0.05) than in group SBP. The WB increased (p < 0.05) the V:C ratio of ileum compared with CON or SBP. Compared with SBP, WB increased (p < 0.05) the sucrase activity in the duodenum. Moreover, pigs in WB had higher (p < 0.05) activities of maltase and sucrase in the jejunum compared with CON or SBP. The abundances of Ruminococcaceae and Prevotellaceae were increased (p < 0.05) in WB, while the Lachnospiraceae abundance was increased (p < 0.05) in SBP. WB increased (p < 0.05) concentrations of acetate, butyrate and total short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), while SBP increased (p < 0.05) concentrations of acetate and total SCFA when compared with CON. In conclusion, WB was beneficial to performance in weaned pigs by improving morphology, enzyme activities and microbiota when compared with SBP, highlighting that effects of fibre depends on the fibre sources.  相似文献   

This study assessed the long-term effects of feeding diets containing either a gelling fibre (alginate (ALG)), or a fermentable fibre (resistant starch (RS)), or both, on feeding patterns, behaviour and growth performance of growing pigs fed ad libitum for 12 weeks. The experiment was set up as a 2×2 factorial arrangement: inclusion of ALG (yes or no) and inclusion of RS (yes or no) in the control diet, resulting in four dietary treatments, that is, ALG−RS− (control), ALG+RS−, ALG−RS+, and ALG+RS+. Both ALG and RS were exchanged for pregelatinized potato starch. A total of 240 pigs in 40 pens were used. From all visits to an electronic feeding station, feed intake and detailed feeding patterns were calculated. Apparent total tract digestibility of energy, dry matter (DM), and CP was determined in week 6. Pigs’ postures and behaviours were scored from live observations in weeks 7 and 12. Dietary treatments did not affect final BW and average daily gain (ADG). ALG reduced energy and DM digestibility (P<0.01). Moreover, ALG increased average daily DM intake, and reduced backfat thickness and carcass gain : digestible energy (DE) intake (P<0.05). RS increased feed intake per meal, meal duration (P<0.05) and inter-meal intervals (P=0.05), and reduced the number of meals per day (P<0.01), but did not affect daily DM intake. Moreover, RS reduced energy, DM and CP digestibility (P<0.01). Average daily DE intake was reduced (P<0.05), and gain : DE intake tended to be increased (P=0.07), whereas carcass gain : DE intake was not affected by RS. In week 12, ALG+RS− increased standing and walking, aggressive, feeder-directed, and drinking behaviours compared with ALG+RS+ (ALG×RS interaction, P<0.05), with ALG−RS− and ALG−RS+ in between. No other ALG×RS interactions were found. In conclusion, pigs fed ALG compensated for the reduced dietary DE content by increasing their feed intake, achieving similar DE intake and ADG as control pigs. Backfat thickness and carcass efficiency were reduced in pigs fed ALG, which also showed increased physical activity. Pigs fed RS changed feeding patterns, but did not increase their feed intake. Despite a lower DE intake, pigs fed RS achieved similar ADG as control pigs by increasing efficiency in DE use. This indicates that the energy utilization of RS in pigs with ad libitum access to feed is close to that of enzymatically digestible starch.  相似文献   

The co-products from the industry are used to reduce costs in pig diets. However, the co-products used in pig diets are limited because of a high fibre content which is not digested by endogenous enzymes and is resistant to degradation in the small and large intestines. The aim of this study was to investigate digestibility of nutrients and energy, and energy utilisation in pigs fed diets with various soluble and insoluble dietary fibre (DF) from co-products. The experiment was performed as a 4 × 4 Latin square design (four diets and four periods) using four growing pigs (66.2 ± 7.8 kg) surgically fitted with a T-cannula in the end of the small intestine. The pigs were fed four experimental diets: low-fibre control (LF), high-fibre control (HF), high-soluble fibre (HFS) and high-insoluble fibre (HFI) diets. The apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of ash, organic matter, CP, fat, carbohydrates, starch and non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) divided into cellulose and soluble and insoluble non-cellulosic polysaccharide residues were measured using chromic oxide as marker. The recovery of total solid materials, organic matter and total carbohydrates in ileal digesta in pigs fed the HF and HFS diets was higher than in pigs fed LF and HFI, whereas recovery of organic matter and total carbohydrates in faecal materials in the HFS diet was lowest (P < 0.05). AID of organic matter, total carbohydrates and starch was lowest for HFS diet (P < 0.05). ATTD of organic matter and CP was higher for LF diet compared with other diets (P < 0.05), whereas total NSP, cellulose and non-cellulosic polysaccharides residues were highest for HFS diet (P < 0.05). Lactic acid in ileal digesta was influenced by dietary composition (P < 0.05) whereas neither type nor level of DF affected short chain fatty acids. The digestible energy, metabolisable energy, net energy and retained energy intake were similar among diets without influence of DF inclusion (P > 0.05). The metabolisable energy:digestible energy ratio was lower when feeding the HFS diet because of a higher fermentative methane loss. Faecal nitrogen and carbon were positively correlated with DM intake and insoluble DF in the diets (P < 0.05), but nitrogen and carbon (% of intake) were similar among diets. The present findings suggest that high-DF co-products can be used as ingredients of pig diets when features of DF are considered.  相似文献   

The current experiment with 3 trials aimed to study the effect of two levels of dietary fibre – high fibre (HF; 323 g aNDFom/kg) and low fibre (LF; 248 g aNDFom/kg) – and the effect of mannanoligosaccharides (MOS) addition (1 g/kg) to the LF diet (LFM) on the performances and health status of growing rabbits, digestibility and caecal fermentative characteristics. In the growth trial 132 rabbits of both sexes were used (11 cages with 4 rabbits per treatment) from weaning (32 days of age) to slaughter (67 days of age). Rabbits fed HF diet showed a significantly higher weight gain and live weight at 67 days than rabbits fed LF diet (2032 g vs. 1935 g) (P<0.05). Feed and digestible energy intake increased with dietary fibre level (P<0.05). During the growing period rabbits fed HF diet had a feed intake 26% higher than those fed LF diet. Feed efficiency ratio was worse in HF animals (0.334 vs. 0.385; P<0.05). Addition of MOS to LF diet did not affect growth performance parameters (P>0.05). Mortality and morbidity rate were not affected by treatments. In the digestibility 24 rabbits from 46 to 51 days of age trial were used. The HF diet resulted in a significant (P<0.05) decrease in digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and protein while the aNDFom digestibility was not significantly different between diets (P>0.05). Supplementation with MOS had no effects on digestibility (P>0.05). In the 3rd trial the caecal traits were measured in 30 rabbits with 46 days of age that received the experimental diets in the previous 14 days. Caecal production of total volatile fatty acids (VFA), acetate and propionate were significantly higher (P>0.05) on rabbits fed HF diets than on rabbits fed LF diets. The total VFA concentration increased 64% (from 5.01 to 8.20 mmol/100 ml) and acetate increased 73% (from 3.73 to 6.44 mmol/100 ml). Butyrate production was not different between diets (P>0.05). Fibre level did not affect proportions of VFA and caecal contents and caecal weights. Addition of MOS to LF diet did not affect any caecal trait (P>0.05). It was concluded that the reduction of dietary fibre level increases feed digestibility but worsens rabbit growth performances. Supplementation of low fibre diet with 1 g MOS/kg is not enough to reduce its negative effects on growth performances.  相似文献   

研究了互花米草在不同培养盐度下,株高、茎粗、叶长、叶宽、叶面积、鲜重等生长指标以及脯氨酸、可溶性糖和蛋白质含量的变化情况。结果表明,随着盐度增加,米草株高呈下降趋势,在高盐度(50‰)下,米草叶面积、叶长等指标与对照组相比明显下降,鲜重与低盐度组比较显著下降。米草叶片中可溶性糖、脯氨酸含量随盐度增加总体上呈上升趋势;可溶性蛋白质含量随盐度增加亦呈上升趋势,表明蛋白质合成增强。在盐胁迫下。渗透调节物质的积累作用是互花米草对盐胁迫的主要响应过程,可以作为其抗盐性的生理参数。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effect of protein source / availability on the intestinal microbiota, digestive traits and nutritional performance of early-weaned rabbits. The effects of supplemental antibiotics in the drinking water were also evaluated. Four isoenergetic and isofibrous diets were formulated: a control diet with a high protein (207 g/kg dry matter (DM)) and lucerne hay content (HPHL), a diet with low crude protein (CP) (179 g/kg DM) and high lucerne hay content (LPHL) and low protein diets in which the lucerne hay in diet LPHL was replaced partially (LPML) or totally (LPLL) with soya-bean protein concentrate. Rabbits, weaned at 25 days (52 per diet), were fed the experimental diets for a 2-week period and thereafter received a commercial diet until 56 days of age. The incidence of mortality was investigated using 70 animals per diet without supplemental medication. The profile of the ileal microbiota was studied at 35 days of age in rabbits treated (18 per diet) or not (12 per diet) with antibiotic. As expected, supplementation with antibiotics effectively reduced fattening mortality rate and microbial biodiversity. However, lowering of also the dietary CP content led to a reduction in the mortality rate ( P < 0.05), both in animals treated with (by 80%) or without (by 39%) antibiotics. In addition, there was a reduction ( P < 0.05) in the frequency of Clostridium perfringens in non-medicated animals. Neither jejunal morphology nor growth performance, over the whole fattening period, was affected by dietary CP content of the experimental diets. However, with HPHL, feed efficiency was higher (by 4.8%; P < 0.01) than with LPHL diets. Substitution of lucerne hay with soya-bean meal in low protein diets did not affect apparent faecal or ileal digestibility of DM and CP. However, the ileal digestibility of cystine, alanine, aspartic acid, and proline was lowered ( P < 0.05) with increasing substitution by soya bean. Nevertheless, ileal CP flow, incidence of mortality and presence of C. perfringens were unaffected. Our results suggest that a reduction in dietary CP, resulting in reduced lumenal flows of nitrogen through the ileum, may be beneficial for young rabbits and limit the numbers of potentially harmful bacteria in the lower gut. Modulation of dietary CP should be contemplated as a strategy to increase the intestinal health in rabbits.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the effects of dietary fibre and associated components on protein digestibility and utilization are discussed. Based on the literature it could be shown that the implications and mechanisms behind the effect of soluble and insoluble dietary fibre on protein digestibility and utilization are quite different. Insoluble dietary fibre will increase faecal bulk and faecal nitrogen excretion is primarily due to and increased excretion of cell wall bound protein. Contrary to this, soluble dietary fibre increase faecal bulk and faecal nitrogen due to an increased excretion of microbial nitrogen. A matter of controversy is the influence of dietary fibre on endogenous nitrogen excretion and factors affecting the losses of nitrogen in this way. It is not known if fibre acts as a secretogogue.  相似文献   

Replacing dairy components from milk replacer (MR) with vegetable products has been previously associated with decreased protein and fat digestibility in milk-fed calves resulting in lower live weight gain. In this experiment, the major carbohydrate source in MR, lactose, was partly replaced with gelatinized corn starch (GCS) to determine the effect on protein and fat digestibility in milk-fed calves. In total, 16 male Holstein-Friesian calves received either MR with lactose as the carbohydrate source (control) or 18% GCS at the expense of lactose. In the adaptation period, calves were exposed to an increasing dose of GCS for 14 weeks. The indigestible marker cobalt ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was incorporated into the MR for calculating apparent nutrient digestibility, whereas a pulse dose of chromium (Cr) chloride was fed with the last MR meal 4 h before slaughter as an indicator of passage rates. The calves were anesthetized and exsanguinated at 30 weeks of age. The small intestine was divided in three; small intestine 1 and 2 (SI1 and SI2, respectively) and the terminal ileum (last ~100 cm of small intestine) and samples of digesta were collected. Small intestinal digesta was analysed for α-amylase, lipase and trypsin activity. Digestibility of protein was determined for SI1, SI2, ileum and total tract, whereas digestibility of fat was determined for SI1, SI2 and total tract. Apparent protein digestibility in the small intestine did not differ between treatments but was higher in control calves at total tract level. Apparent crude fat digestibility tended to be increased in SI1 and SI2 for GCS calves, but no difference was found at total tract level. Activity of α-amylase in SI2 and lipase in both SI1 and SI2 was higher in GCS calves. Activity of trypsin tended to be higher in control calves and was higher in SI1 compared with SI2. A lower recovery of Cr in SI2 and a higher recovery of Cr in the large intestine suggest an increased rate of passage for GCS calves. Including 18% of GCS in a milk replacer at the expense of lactose increased passage rate and decreased apparent total tract protein digestibility. In the small intestine, protein digestion did not decrease when feeding GCS and fat digestion even tended to increase. Overall, effects on digestion might be levelled when partially replacing lactose with GCS, because starch digestion is lower than that of lactose but fat digestion may be slightly increased when feeding GCS.  相似文献   

Selected compounds were used to study physiological processes associated with digestion in the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight. Durations of passage and rates of absorption, digestion, and excretion were determined for a digestible protein (casein), a non-digestible protein (green fluorescent protein, GFP), and a non-digestible carbohydrate (dextran). Dextran was used as a control to monitor the non-absorptive flow rate of ingesta through the digestive system. Fluorescent tracking of FITC-conjugates of casein and dextran, as well as immunoblotting and immunofluorescent staining of casein and GFP, were used to monitor the degradation (in vitro) and ingestion, digestion, and distribution (in vivo) of the respective compounds. Under our experimental conditions, L. hesperus took discrete meals, feeding and excreting at 2-3 h intervals. Rate of food passage was variable. FITC-dextran was found in the fecal material of most insects by 6-8 h after treatment initiation; by 12 h, 95% of ingested FITC-dextran was recovered from all insects. FITC-casein was digested extensively in in vitro homogenates of gut, hemolymph, and salivary gland. In vivo, FITC-casein was ingested and partially absorbed as a holoprotein into the hemolymph. Ingested FITC-casein was partially degraded in the gut and hemolymph within 2 h of ingestion, and no holoprotein was found after 12 h. In contrast, there was no detectable degradation of GFP in hemolymph, gut, and salivary gland homogenates after 24 h of incubation. Ingested GFP was not degraded in gut or hemolymph up to 8 h after treatment initiation, but did transfer to the hemolymph as a holoprotein. Analysis of immunohistological images confirmed that GFP bound to gut epithelial cell brush-border membranes. However, the mechanism by which GFP and casein pass as holoproteins into the hemolymph remains unknown.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment on 180 weaned piglets (8.9 kg body weight) was to investigate the influence of high fibre diets formulated with different fibrous ingredients on performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhoea incidence and numbers of faecal microbiota. The dietary treatments included a Control diet and five high fibre diets formulated with different fibre sources including wheat bran, soybean hulls, naked oat hulls, palm kernel expeller and bamboo fibre. The high fibre diets averaged 14.6% neutral detergent fibre with different non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) components and were fed ad libitum for 28 d. Faecal samples were collected during the last 3 d of the experiment and the apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients and fibre components were determined. Pigs fed the Control and wheat bran diets had a higher (≤ 0.05) average daily gain (ADG) than pigs fed the palm kernel expeller and bamboo meal diets. The reduced ADG for pigs appeared to be related to reductions in the digestibility of gross energy and dry matter, respectively. The feed-to-gain ratio was significantly higher (≤ 0.05) for pigs fed the fibre diets. The digestibility of NSP components was different among the treatments. The diarrhoea incidence was not affected by treatments. The abundance of faecal bifidobacteria was significantly higher (≤ 0.05) for pigs fed the wheat bran diet than for pigs fed the bamboo meal diet. It was concluded that the diets formulated with different fibre sources when fed to weaned piglets have different effects on pig performance, nutrient digestibility and numbers of faecal microbiota. The wheat bran diet rich in arabinoxylans enabled a better performance than the other tested diets with fibre addition.  相似文献   

Restriction of protein in nutrition of rat pups weaned at different terms has been found to produce changes in activities of digestive enzymes (maltase, alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase M, and glycyl-L-leucine dipeptidase) in the small and large intestine both at once after cessation of nutrition with low-protein diet for 10 days and 4 months later. In adult animals after the earlier or later weaning there are observed not only a decrease or increase of the enzyme activities, but also a different type of distribution of the alkaline phosphatase activity along the small intestine, which is more pronounced in the lately weaned rats. Thus, disturbance of metabolic programming of enzyme systems of the small and large intestine due to a change of quality of nutrition in early ontogenesis depends on terms of weaning of animals.  相似文献   

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