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It has not escaped the attention of the plant disease resistance community that the vacuole is rapidly emerging as a central player in the execution of cell death. On the one hand the targeted destruction of the vacuole—from the inside out—by vacuolar processing enzymes (VPE) is required to induce PCD in pathogen-infected cells. On the other hand, an intact vacuole is vital for a functional autophagic response to ensure survival of uninfected cells. At face value, the two responses seem to represent distinct resistance mechanisms that operate at divergent branch points and their use of the vacuole merely coincidental. However, closer examination has led us to propose an interesting hypothesis that accounts for these two opposing roles of the vacuole in both VPE-mediated PCD and autophagy-dependent cell survival. During initial infection, we propose a mechanism similar to the CPY transport pathway in yeast wherein select ATG genes are needed for VPE transport, vacuolar processing and initiation of PCD. Later during infection, autophagy-specific genes are needed for autophagosome formation, sequestration of VPE preproteins and VPE degradation.  相似文献   

Coexistence often involves niche differentiation either as the result of environmental divergence, or in response to competition. Disentangling the causes of such divergence requires that environmental variation across space is taken into account, which is rarely done in empirical studies. We address the role of environmental variation versus competition in coexistence between two rodent species: Rhabdomys bechuanae (bechuanae) and Rhabdomys dilectus dilectus (dilectus) comparing their habitat preference and home range (HR) size in areas with similar climates, where their distributions abut (allopatry) or overlap (sympatry). Using Outlying Mean Index analyses, we test whether habitat characteristics of the species deviate significantly from a random sample of available habitats. In allopatry, results suggest habitat selection: dilectus preferring grasslands with little bare soil while bechuanae occurring in open shrublands. In sympatry, shrubland type habitats dominate and differences are less marked, yet dilectus selects habitats with more cover than bechuanae. Interestingly, bechuanae shows larger HRs than dilectus, and both species display larger HRs in sympatry. Further, HR overlaps between species are lower than expected. We discuss our results in light of data on the phylogeography of the genus and propose that evolution in allopatry resulted in adaptation leading to different habitat preferences, even at their distribution margins, a divergence expected to facilitate coexistence. However, since sympatry occurs in sites where environmental characteristics do not allow complete species separation, competition may explain reduced inter-species overlap and character displacement in HR size. This study reveals that both environmental variation and competition may shape species coexistence.  相似文献   

A wide range of complex social behaviors are facilitated by the recognition of individual conspecifics. Individual recognition requires sufficient phenotypic variation to provide identity information as well as receivers that process and respond to identity information. Understanding how a complex trait such as individual recognition evolves requires that we consider how each component has evolved. Previous comparative studies have examined phenotypic variability in senders and receiver learning abilities, although little work has compared receiver responses to identity information among related species with and without individual recognition. Here, we compare responses to identity information in two Polistes paper wasps: P. fuscatus, which visually recognizes individuals, and P. metricus, which does not normally show evidence of individual recognition. Although the species differ in individual recognition, the results of this study show that receiver responses to experimentally manipulated identity information are surprisingly similar in both species. Receivers direct less aggression toward identifiable individuals than unidentifiable individuals. Therefore, the responses necessary for individual recognition may pre‐date its evolution in the P. fuscatus lineage. Additionally, our data demonstrate the apparent binary differences in a complex behavior between the two species, such as individual recognition, likely involve incremental differences along a number of axes.  相似文献   



Childhood asthma prevalence and morbidity have been shown to vary by neighborhood. Less is known about between-school variation in asthma prevalence and whether it exists beyond what one might expect due to students at higher risk of asthma clustering within different schools. Our objective was to determine whether between-school variation in asthma prevalence exists and if so, if it is related to the differential distribution of individual risk factors for and correlates of asthma or to contextual influences of schools.


Cross-sectional analysis of 16,640 teens in grades 7–12 in Wave 1 (data collected in 1994–5) of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Outcome was current diagnosis of asthma as reported by respondents'' parents. Two-level random effects models were used to assess the contribution of schools to the variance in asthma prevalence before and after controlling for individual attributes.


The highest quartile schools had mean asthma prevalence of 21.9% compared to the lowest quartile schools with mean asthma prevalence of 7.1%. In our null model, the school contributed significantly to the variance in asthma ( = 0.27, CI: 0.20, 0.35). Controlling for individual, school and neighborhood attributes reduced the between-school variance modestly ( = 0.19 CI: 0.13–0.29).


Significant between-school variation in current asthma prevalence exists even after controlling for the individual, school and neighborhood factors. This provides evidence for school level contextual influences on asthma. Further research is needed to determine potential mechanisms through which schools may influence asthma outcomes.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in the possibility that behavioral experience—in particular, exposure to stress—can be passed on to subsequent generations through heritable epigenetic modifications. The possibility remains highly controversial, however, reflecting the lack of standardized definitions of epigenetics and the limited empirical support for potential mechanisms of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance. Nonetheless, growing evidence supports a role for epigenetic regulation as a key mechanism underlying lifelong regulation of gene expression that mediates stress vulnerability. This Perspective provides an overview of the multiple meanings of the term epigenetic, discusses the challenges of studying epigenetic contributions to stress susceptibility—and the experimental evidence for and against the existence of such mechanisms—and outlines steps required for future investigations.  相似文献   



Currently, no published studies have compared the clinical outcomes of the medial-to-lateral approach (MA) and lateral-to-medial approach (LA) for open right hemicolectomy. Thus, the present study aimed to assess whether one of these approaches has any potential benefits over the other.


A retrospective study was performed of all patients who underwent open right hemicolectomy with pathologically confirmed disease who met the eligibility criteria between June 2008 and June 2012. The population was divided into an MA group and an LA group by propensity scoring. We compared patient demographic and clinical characteristic variables between the two groups and assessed short-term and long-term outcomes.


A total of 450 patients (MA, n = 150; LA, n = 300) were evaluated. The operation time (MA,138.4 minutesvs.LA,166.2 minutes; P < .05) and blood loss (MA,52.0mL vs. LA,62.6mL; P < .05)were significantly lower in the MA group. No differences in the number of harvested lymph nodes and oncologic outcomes were observed between the two groups. Further subgroup analysis for stage III colon cancer revealed that the MA group had significantly more retrieved lymph nodes (MA,18.8vs. LA,16.0; P = .028). There were no differences in other variables between the two groups.


The MA reduced operative time and blood loss compared with the LA. We thus concluded that the MA provided short-term benefits compared with the LA in open right hemicolectomy for right-sided colon cancer.  相似文献   

While the extraordinary life span of queens and division of labor in eusocial societies have been well studied, it is less clear which selective forces act on the short life span of workers. The disparity of life span between the queen and the workers is linked to a basic issue in sociobiology: How are the resources in a colony allocated between colony maintenance and reproduction? Resources for somatic maintenance of the colony can either be invested into quality or quantity of workers. Here, we present a theoretical optimization model that uses a hierarchical trade-off within insect colonies and extrinsic mortality to explain how different aging phenotypes could have evolved to keep resources secure in the colony. The model points to the significance of two factors. First, any investment that would generate a longer intrinsic life span for workers is lost if the individual dies from external causes while foraging. As a consequence, risky environments favor the evolution of workers with a shorter life span. Second, shorter-lived workers require less investment than long-lived ones, allowing the colony to allocate these resources to sexual reproduction or colony growth.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in predation risk may fundamentally influence antipredator responses of prey animals. To maximize lifetime fitness, prey must be able to optimize energy gain and minimize predation risk, and responses to current levels of risk may be influenced by background levels of risk. A ‘risk allocation’ model has recently been proposed to predict the intensity of antipredator responses that should occur as predation risk varies over time. Prey animals from high‐risk environments should respond to predators with relatively low intensities of antipredator behaviour because long periods of antipredator behaviour may result in unacceptable decreases in levels of foraging activity. Moreover, animals that are under frequent risk should devote more energy to foraging during brief pulses of safety compared with animals under infrequent attack. In this study, we experimentally tested the risk allocation hypothesis. We exposed juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, to three levels of risk (high, moderate and low) crossed with two levels of temporal variation (exposed to risk three times a day and once a day). In accordance with the model, we found that trout exposed to risky situations more frequently responded with significantly less intense antipredator behaviour than trout exposed to risk infrequently. The intensity of response of trout exposed to moderate risk three times a day decreased to levels similar to situations of no risk. However, in contrast to the second prediction of the model, animals under frequent risk were not more active during periods of safety compared with animals under infrequent risk. Although behaviour in the face of predation risk was dependent on the broader temporal context in which risk varied, the specific predictions of the risk allocation model were only partly supported.  相似文献   

The processing of notes and chords which are harmonically incongruous with their context has been shown to elicit two distinct late ERP effects. These effects strongly resemble two effects associated with the processing of linguistic incongruities: a P600, resembling a typical response to syntactic incongruities in language, and an N500, evocative of the N400, which is typically elicited in response to semantic incongruities in language. Despite the robustness of these two patterns in the musical incongruity literature, no consensus has yet been reached as to the reasons for the existence of two distinct responses to harmonic incongruities. This study was the first to use behavioural and ERP data to test two possible explanations for the existence of these two patterns: the musicianship of listeners, and the resolved or unresolved nature of the harmonic incongruities. Results showed that harmonically incongruous notes and chords elicited a late positivity similar to the P600 when they were embedded within sequences which started and ended in the same key (harmonically resolved). The notes and chords which indicated that there would be no return to the original key (leaving the piece harmonically unresolved) were associated with a further P600 in musicians, but with a negativity resembling the N500 in non-musicians. We suggest that the late positivity reflects the conscious perception of a specific element as being incongruous with its context and the efforts of musicians to integrate the harmonic incongruity into its local context as a result of their analytic listening style, while the late negativity reflects the detection of the absence of resolution in non-musicians as a result of their holistic listening style.  相似文献   

W. A. Cochrane 《CMAJ》1965,93(17):893-899
In most areas of the world nutritional problems are related to quantitative and qualitative deficiencies. However, in North America the possible harmful effects of overnutrition deserve careful consideration.Little information is available concerning overnutrition during prenatal and neonatal life. The author draws attention to this possibility by outlining clinical and biochemical disorders occurring in the newborn which are related to excessive ingestion of calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals before and after birth. Particular reference is made to the ingestion of nutritional substances during pregnancy in amounts that are relatively innocuous to the mother but may be harmful to the infant in utero.Further research in this interesting field is needed in an attempt to assess the effect on the fetus of qualitative overnutrition during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Age is often associated with a decline in cognitive abilities that are important for maintaining functional independence, such as learning new skills. Many forms of motor learning appear to be relatively well preserved with age, while learning tasks that involve associative binding tend to be negatively affected. The current study aimed to determine whether age differences exist on a configural response learning task, which includes aspects of motor learning and associative binding. Young (M = 24 years) and older adults (M = 66.5 years) completed a modified version of a configural learning task. Given the requirement of associative binding in the configural relationships between responses, we predicted older adults would show significantly less learning than young adults. Older adults demonstrated lower performance (slower reaction time and lower accuracy). However, contrary to our prediction, older adults showed similar rates of learning as indexed by a configural learning score compared to young adults. These results suggest that the ability to acquire knowledge incidentally about configural response relationships is largely unaffected by cognitive aging. The configural response learning task provides insight into the task demands that constrain learning abilities in older adults.  相似文献   

Wicklum  D 《Journal of plankton research》1999,21(10):1957-1975
Hypothesizing that fish predation, active shore avoidance and outlet stream avoidance may be separately affecting horizontal zooplankton distribution, the effects of fish presence, sampling location (midlake, outlet and non-outlet shore) and time (day or night) on zooplankton abundance and body size were tested. Statistically significant horizontal zooplankton abundance gradients occurred in both fish-present and fish-absent lakes. Fish may strengthen zooplankton spatial patterns common to both fish-present and fish-absent lakes, as abundance differences among locations were often greater in fish-present systems compared to fish-absent systems. Horizontal zooplankton abundance gradients differed through a diel cycle, but were species specific with some species exhibiting gradients only during the day, while others exhibit gradients only during the night. Avoidance of the outlet over and above active shore avoidance appeared to take place in Daphnia sp. Other taxa provided equivocal support of active outlet avoidance with most showing no significant difference between shore and outlet abundance (seven of nine), one taxa showing a significant decrease and one a significant increase in outlet compared to shore abundance. No gradients in zooplankton body size were found.   相似文献   

Pierce WS 《Plant physiology》1981,67(4):864-868
Following excision, etiolated epicotyl segments of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska exhibit a marked hyperpolarization of membrane potential which is followed by a linear accumulation of K+ when segments are incubated in Higinbotham nutrient solution. Segments aged for several hours and then reexcised display only a slight depolarization of membrane potential and no delay in ion accumulation; thus, recovery from injury appears an unlikely explanation for these responses. Substances originating in either the plumule or the cotyledons do not seem to be directly involved in these “aging” responses. However, locally produced substances, such as ethylene, or substances originating in the roots have not been eliminated as causative factors. Cold temperatures and cycloheximide prolong the lag in K+ accumulation indicating a metabolic explanation for the induced K+ accumulation. However, similar specific activities of plasma membrane-bound ATPase were found in isolates from fresh and aged epicotyl segments. Reactivation of an ion transport mechanism, perhaps responsible for the osmotic control of growth in immature cells, is suggested as a possible explanation for the pattern of ion accumulation characteristic of excised pea epicotyl tissue.  相似文献   

The actin network has been implicated in the intracellular transport and positioning of the melanosomes, organelles that are specialized in the biosynthesis and the storage of melanin. It contributes also to molecular mechanisms that underlie the intracellular membrane dynamics and thereby can control the biogenesis of melanosomes. Two mechanisms for actin‐based movements have been identified: one is dependent on the motors associated to actin namely the myosins; the other is dependent on actin polymerization. This review will focus on to the role of the actin cytoskeleton and myosins in the transport and in the biogenesis of melanosomes. Myosins involved in membrane traffic are largely seen as transporters of organelles or membrane vesicles containing cargos along the actin networks. Yet increasing evidence suggests that some of the myosins contribute to the dynamics of internal membrane by using other mechanisms. The role of the myosins and the different molecular mechanisms by which they contribute or may contribute to the distribution, the movement and the biogenesis of the melanosomes in epidermal melanocytes and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells will be discussed.  相似文献   

Despite increasing evidence of the importance of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities, its role in community trait responses to environmental variation, particularly along broad-scale climatic gradients, is poorly understood. We analyzed functional trait variation among early-successional herbaceous plant communities (old fields) across a 1200-km latitudinal extent in eastern North America, focusing on four traits: vegetative height, leaf area, specific leaf area (SLA), and leaf dry matter content (LDMC). We determined the contributions of species turnover and intraspecific variation to between-site functional dissimilarity at multiple spatial scales and community trait responses to edaphic and climatic factors. Among-site variation in community mean trait values and community trait responses to the environment were generated by a combination of species turnover and intraspecific variation, with species turnover making a greater contribution for all traits. The relative importance of intraspecific variation decreased with increasing geographic and environmental distance between sites for SLA and leaf area. Intraspecific variation was most important for responses of vegetative height and responses to edaphic compared to climatic factors. Individual species displayed strong trait responses to environmental factors in many cases, but these responses were highly variable among species and did not usually scale up to the community level. These findings provide new insights into the role of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities and the factors controlling its relative importance. The contribution of intraspecific variation to community trait responses was greatest at fine spatial scales and along edaphic gradients, while species turnover dominated at broad spatial scales and along climatic gradients.  相似文献   

For most eukaryotic organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the rapid inhibition of protein synthesis forms part of a response to stress. In order to balance the changing conditions, precise stress-specific alterations to the cell's proteome are required. Therefore, in the background of a global down-regulation in protein synthesis, specific proteins are induced. Given the level of plasticity required to enable stress-specific alterations of this kind, it is surprising that the mechanisms of translational regulation are not more diverse. In the present review, we summarize the impact of stress on translation initiation, highlighting both the similarities and distinctions between various stress responses. Finally, we speculate as to how yeast cells generate stress-responsive programmes of protein production when regulation is focused on the same steps in the translation pathway.  相似文献   

Myosins in melanocytes: to move or not to move?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The actin network has been implicated in the intracellular transport and positioning of the melanosomes, organelles that are specialized in the biosynthesis and the storage of melanin. It contributes also to molecular mechanisms that underlie the intracellular membrane dynamics and thereby can control the biogenesis of melanosomes. Two mechanisms for actin-based movements have been identified: one is dependent on the motors associated to actin namely the myosins; the other is dependent on actin polymerization. This review will focus on to the role of the actin cytoskeleton and myosins in the transport and in the biogenesis of melanosomes. Myosins involved in membrane traffic are largely seen as transporters of organelles or membrane vesicles containing cargos along the actin networks. Yet increasing evidence suggests that some of the myosins contribute to the dynamics of internal membrane by using other mechanisms. The role of the myosins and the different molecular mechanisms by which they contribute or may contribute to the distribution, the movement and the biogenesis of the melanosomes in epidermal melanocytes and retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells will be discussed.  相似文献   

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