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We sequenced almost the complete coding region of the MC1R gene in several domestic rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and identified four alleles: two wild-type alleles differing by two synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (c.333A>G;c.555T>C), one allele with a 30-nucleotide in-frame deletion (c.304_333del30) and one allele with a 6-nucleotide in-frame deletion (c.280_285del6). A polymerase chain reaction-based protocol was used to distinguish the wild-type alleles from the other two alleles in 263 rabbits belonging to 37 breeds or strains. All red/fawn/yellow rabbits were homozygous for the c.304_333del30 allele. This allele represents the recessive e allele at the extension locus identified through pioneering genetic studies in this species. All Californian, Checkered, Giant White and New Zealand White rabbits were homozygous for allele c.280_285del6, which was also observed in the heterozygous condition in a few other breeds. Black coat colour is part of the standard colour in Californian and Checkered breeds, in contrast to the two albino breeds, Giant White and New Zealand White. Following the nomenclature established for the rabbit extension locus, the c.280_285del6 allele, which is dominant over c.304_333del30, may be allele E(D) or allele E(S).  相似文献   

Here we have tested the hypothesis of association between different levels of agouti signalling peptide (ASIP) mRNA and the recessive black coat colour in the rare Xalda breed of sheep. To deal with this task, we first tested the possible action of both the dominant black extension allele (E(D)) and a 5-bp deletion (X99692:c.100_104del; A(del)) in the ovine ASIP coding sequence on the black coat colour pattern in 188 Xalda individuals. The E(D) allele was not present in the sample and only 11 individuals were homozygous for the A(del)ASIP allele. All Xalda individuals carrying the A(del)/A(del) genotype were phenotypically black. However, most black-coated individuals (109 out of 120) were not homozygous for the 5-bp deletion, thus rejecting the A(del)/A(del) genotype as the sole cause of recessive black coat colour in sheep. Differences in expression of ASIP mRNA were assessed via RT-PCR in 14 black-coated and 10 white-coated Xalda individuals showing different ASIP genotypes (A(wt)/A(wt), A(wt)/A(del) and A(del)/A(del)). Levels of expression in black animals were significantly (P < 0.0001) lower than those assessed for white-coated individuals. However, the ASIP genotype did not influence the ASIP mRNA level of expression. The consistency of these findings with those recently reported in humans is discussed, and the need to isolate the promoter region of ovine ASIP to obtain further evidence for a role of ASIP in recessive black ovine pigmentation is pointed out.  相似文献   

We have examined the frequency of SNP polymorphisms within the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) and agouti signaling protein (ASIP) genes in 114 Korean vitiligo patients and 111 normal controls to assess the association of these loci with vitiligo risk. Using direct sequencing techniques, we found the following five MC1R coding region SNPs: Arg67Gln (G200A), Val92Met (G274A), Ile120Thr (T359C), Arg160Arg (C478A), and Gln163Arg (A488G). Of these, the most common were Val92Met at 14% in patients vs. 9% in controls (P = 0.17) and Gln163Arg at 17% in patients vs. 17% in controls (P = 0.84). Presence of the A allele of Val92Met (G274A) was higher in vitiligo patients [P = 0.12, odds ratio (OR) [95% confidence interval (CI)] = 1.68 (0.86-3.25)]. The other three variants showed a frequency <5% of both patients and controls. The ASIP 3'UTR genotype (g.8818A-G) was also assessed in the same subjects. The frequency of the G allele of 3'UTR in ASIP was 17% in vitiligo and 12% in controls [P = 0.14, OR (95% CI) = 1.49 (0.87-2.54)]. Carriage of the G allele was higher in vitiligo patients [P = 0.17, OR (95% CI) = 1.50 (0.83-2.72)], and those who also carried MC1R Val92Met were more prone to vitiligo [eight of 111 patients vs. four of 111 in controls, P = 0.14, OR (95% CI) = 2.75 (0.71-8.69)]. None of these associations, however, reached statistical significance.  相似文献   

The co-segregation of plumage colour and sequence polymorphism in the melanocortin 1-receptor gene (MC1R) was investigated using an intercross between the red junglefowl and White Leghorn chickens. The results provided compelling evidence that the Extended black (E) locus controlling plumage colour is equivalent to MC1R. E/MC1R was assigned to chromosome 11 with overwhelming statistical support. Sequence analysis indicated that the E92K substitution, causing a constitutively active receptor in the sombre mouse, is the most likely causative mutation for the Extended black allele carried by the White Leghorn founders in this intercross. The MC1R sequence associated with the recessive buttercup (ebc) allele indicated that this allele evolved from a dominant Extended black allele as it shared the E92K and M71T substitutions with some E alleles. It also carried a third missense mutation H215P which thus may interfere with the constitutive activation of the receptor caused by E92K (and possibly M71T).  相似文献   

By studying genes associated with coat colour, we can understand the role of these genes in pigmentation but also gain insight into selection history. North European short‐tailed sheep, including Swedish breeds, have variation in their coat colour, making them good models to expand current knowledge of mutations associated with coat colour in sheep. We studied ASIP and MC1R, two genes with known roles in pigmentation, and their association with black coat colour. We did this by sequencing the coding regions of ASIP in 149 animals and MC1R in 129 animals from seven native Swedish sheep breeds in individuals with black, white or grey fleece. Previously known mutations in ASIP [recessive black allele: g.100_105del (D5) and/or g.5172T>A] were associated with black coat colour in Klövsjö and Roslag sheep breeds and mutations in both ASIP and MC1R (dominant black allele: c.218T>A and/or c.361G>A) were associated with black coat colour in Swedish Finewool. In Gotland, Gute, Värmland and Helsinge sheep breeds, coat colour inheritance was more complex: only 11 of 16 individuals with black fleece had genotypes that could explain their black colour. These breeds have grey individuals in their populations, and grey is believed to be a result of mutations and allelic copy number variation within the ASIP duplication, which could be a possible explanation for the lack of a clear inheritance pattern in these breeds. Finally, we found a novel missense mutation in MC1R (c.452G>A) in Gotland, Gute and Värmland sheep and evidence of a duplication of MC1R in Gotland sheep.  相似文献   

The protein‐coding region of melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) was sequenced to identify potential variation affecting coat color in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). A T→C sequence variation at nucleotide position 218 (c.218T>C) causing an amino acid (aa) change from methionine to threonine at aa position 73 (p.Met73Thr) was identified. In addition, a T→G sequence variation was found at nucleotide position 839 (c.839T>G), causing phenylalanine to be exchanged by cysteine at aa position 280 (p.Phe280Cys). The two sequence variants (c.218C and c.839G) were found to be closely associated with a darker belly coat compared with animals not having any of these two variants. The aa acid change p.Met73Thr affects the same position as p.Met73Lys previously reported to give constitutive activation of MC1R in black sheep (Ovis aries), whereas p.Phe280Cys is identical to one of two variants previously reported to be associated with dark coat color in Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), supporting that the two variants found in reindeer are functional. The complete absence of Thr73 and Cys280 among the 51 wild reindeer analyzed provides some evidence that these variants are more common in the domestic herds.  相似文献   

We have characterized the biochemical function of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a critical regulator of melanin synthesis, from 9 phylogenetically diverse primate species with varying coat colors. There is substantial diversity in melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) binding affinity and basal levels of activity in the cloned MC1Rs. MSH binding was lost independently in lemur and New World monkey lineages, whereas high basal levels of MC1R activity occur in lemurs and some New World monkeys and Old World monkeys. Highest levels of basal activity were found in the MC1R of ruffed lemurs, which have the E94K mutation that leads to constitutive activation in other species. In 3 species (2 lemurs and the howler monkey), we report the novel finding that binding and inhibition of MC1R by agouti signaling protein (ASIP) can occur when MSH binding has been lost, thus enabling continuing regulation of the melanin type via ASIP expression. Together, these findings can explain the previous paradox of a predominantly pheomelanic coat in the red ruffed lemur (Varecia rubra). The presence of a functional, MSH-responsive MC1R in orangutan demonstrates that the mechanism of red hair generation in this ape is different from the prevalent mechanism in European human populations. Overall, we have found unexpected diversity in MC1R function among primates and show that the evolution of the regulatory control of MC1R activity occurs by independent variation of 3 distinct mechanisms: basal MC1R activity, MSH binding and activation, and ASIP binding and inhibition. This diversity of function is broadly associated with primate phylogeny and does not have a simple relation to coat color phenotype within primate clades.  相似文献   

杨前勇  叶俊华  任军  谢爱芳  徐波 《遗传》2006,28(3):357-361
犬的驯养迄今约有1万多年,由于不同环境和不同目的人工选择形成了犬品种间或品种内极丰富的毛色多样性,经证实,这些犬的很多毛色类型与MC1R相关 ,MC1R在一些物种中有同源基因 本文阐述了犬MC1R多态性研究进展,并选择其它9个有代表性的哺乳动物物种与犬MC1R同源基因进行了比较,以此建立系统发育树。结果显示,10个物种的MC1R基因的分子进化关系与物种的经典分类学地位基本相符。   相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,92(2-3):200-207
Sequence of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene (the Extension locus) was obtained from a panel of 73 animals belonging to 9 Italian sheep breeds or populations (Appenninica, Bergamasca, Comisana, Cornigliese-like, Delle Langhe, Massese, Merinizzata Italiana, Sarda and Valle del Belice) with different coat colours. Evaluation of the identified polymorphisms on this phenotype was reported with in silico predictions and comparative approaches within and across breeds and across species. Five novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), organized in three haplotypes, were detected. Another haplotype, including the two missense mutations already described for the ED allele, was identified in few Massese sheep. One SNP (c.199C > T) caused a predicted amino acid substitution (p.R67C) in a highly conserved position of the first intracellular loop of the MC1R protein. The same substitution causes recessive pheomelanism in other species. We propose that the p.67C allele represents the recessive e allele at the ovine Extension series that was, so far, not completely recognized in sheep by classical genetic studies. This polymorphism was analysed in a total of 388 sheep of the 9 investigated breeds. The p.67C allele was identified only in the Valle del Belice breed (allele frequency of 21.3% in 176 analysed animals of this breed) in which the presence of epistatic white-determining loci might mask, at least in part, its effects. Confirming the effect of this novel allele on coat colour will lead to new perspectives on the composition of specialized coloured sheep lines.  相似文献   

猪黑素皮质素受体1(MC1R)基因与毛色表型的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
猪的毛色表型虽然与经济性状没有直接相关,但它却对经济效益产生重要影响,在猪育种实践、商品猪生产等方面都有应用。结合PCR—AccⅡ—RFIP、PCR—BspH I—RFLP及PCR-SSCP技术,分析了16个全同胞家系和金华猪、嘉兴黑猪、玉山黑猪、乐平花猪、上高两头乌猪及嵊县花猪等6个地方猪种随机采样个体的黑素皮质素受体1(MCIR)基因型。结果显示,地方猪种在MCIR位点携带高频率的显性黑等位基因E^DI,表明我国地方猪种的黑毛色可能主要由显性黑等位基因E^DI调控。通过对嵊县花猪MCIR位点的分析,首次发现PCR-SSCP证据的新序列,与已知的其他5个等位基因带型不同。家系个体的分析结果进一步验证了E^DI对E^p、e为完全显性,E^p对e为不完全显性。  相似文献   

M-H Li  T Tiirikka  J Kantanen 《Heredity》2014,112(2):122-131
In sheep, coat colour (and pattern) is one of the important traits of great biological, economic and social importance. However, the genetics of sheep coat colour has not yet been fully clarified. We conducted a genome-wide association study of sheep coat colours by genotyping 47 303 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Finnsheep population in Finland. We identified 35 SNPs associated with all the coat colours studied, which cover genomic regions encompassing three known pigmentation genes (TYRP1, ASIP and MITF) in sheep. Eighteen of these associations were confirmed in further tests between white versus non-white individuals, but none of the 35 associations were significant in the analysis of only non-white colours. Across the tests, the s66432.1 in ASIP showed significant association (P=4.2 × 10−11 for all the colours; P=2.3 × 10−11 for white versus non-white colours) with the variation in coat colours and strong linkage disequilibrium with other significant variants surrounding the ASIP gene. The signals detected around the ASIP gene were explained by differences in white versus non-white alleles. Further, a genome scan for selection for white coat pigmentation identified a strong and striking selection signal spanning ASIP. Our study identified the main candidate gene for the coat colour variation between white and non-white as ASIP, an autosomal gene that has been directly implicated in the pathway regulating melanogenesis. Together with ASIP, the two other newly identified genes (TYRP1 and MITF) in the Finnsheep, bordering associated SNPs, represent a new resource for enriching sheep coat-colour genetics and breeding.  相似文献   

The involvement of melanocortin 4 receptor gene (MC4R) in food intake and body weight regulation is well characterized. MC4R mutations are the most frequent monogenic cause of human obesity. Significant associations have been revealed between MC4R mutations and productive traits in pigs, cattle and poultry. Herein, fluorescence-based conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis was used to identify two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding region (93G>A and 292G>A) and two SNPs in the 3′-UTR area (1016G>A and 1240T>C) of MC4R gene in 132 German Merino sheep. We found that the 1016G>A mutation in the 3′-UTR was significantly associated with body weight at 120 and 180 days, average daily gain, back fat thickness and loin-eye area. Allele A located at the 292th position of MC4R gene representing Arg98 was associated with significantly higher loin-eye area in sheep. For the synonymous 93G>A mutation, A allele carrier animals had higher back fat thickness. Our results provide evidence that the MC4R gene may be a candidate gene for growth and meat quality traits with MC4R SNPs being potentially valuable as genetic markers for economic traits in German Merino sheep.  相似文献   

Xi D  Liu Q  Huo Y  Sun Y  Leng J  Gou X  Mao H  Deng W 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(7):7293-7301
The melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) plays a crucial role in determining coat colour of mammals. To investigate the relationship of polymorphism of the MC1R with coat colour in gayal, the coding sequence (CDS), and the 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions (UTR) of the MC1R were sequenced from 63 samples from the gayal and compared with the sequences of the MC1R from other ruminant species. A sequence of 1,136 bp including the whole CDS (954 bp) and parts of the 5'- and 3'-UTR (164 and 18 bp, respectively) of the gayal MC1R was obtained. A total of nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) including four SNPs (c.-129T>C, c.-127A>C, c.-106C>T, c.-1G>A) in the 5'-UTR and five SNPs (c.201C>T, c.583C>T, c.663T>C, c.871A>G and c.876T>C) in the CDS were detected, revealing high genetic diversity. Three novel coding SNPs including c.201C>T, c.583C>T and c.876T>C, which have not been reported previously in bovid species, were retrieved. Within five coding SNPs, c.201C>T, c.663T>C and c.876T>C were silent mutations, while c.583C>T and c.871A>G were mis-sense mutations, resulting in changes in the amino acids located in the fifth (p.L195F) and seventh (p.T291A) transmembrane regions, respectively. The alignment of amino acid sequences was found to be very similar to those for other bovid species. It was demonstrated, using the functional effect prediction, that the p.T291A amino acid replacement could have an effect on MC1R protein function but not for the p.L195F substitution. Using phylogenetic analyses it was revealed that the gayal has a close genetic relationship with the yak. However, three classical bovine MC1R loci the E (D), E (+) and e were not retrieved in the gayal, indicating other genes or factors could affect coat colour in this species.  相似文献   

牛黑素皮质素受体1(MC1R)基因与毛色表形的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牛MC1R基因不仅与毛色有关, 而且与牛乳中乳蛋白的含量有关。利用PCR-RFLP和DNA测序技术分析了中国荷斯坦黑白花牛, 中国荷斯坦红白花牛, 鲁西黄牛和渤海黑牛共4个品种的MC1R基因。共检测出3种等位基因(ED, E+, e)。中国荷斯坦黑白花牛主要是ED和E+等位基因(ED=0.12、E4=0.80); 渤海黑牛也主要是ED和E+等位基因(ED=0.52、E+=0.47); 中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛大多为e等位基因(e=0.95)。中国荷斯坦红白花牛和鲁西黄牛还存在E+/e基因型。由此推测ED和E+等位基因导致黑色素合成。另外发现牛MC1R基因编码区725处存在一重要的SNP(单核苷酸多态性)。  相似文献   

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