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A total of 16 pure-bred Iberian (IB) sows, all of them suckling six piglets, were used, eight of them in each of the two consecutive trials (1 and 2). Daily milk yield and composition were determined weekly over a 34-day lactation period. Within each litter, one piglet at birth and four piglets on day 35 of life were slaughtered. Milk intake per piglet tended to be greater in trial 2 (832 v. 893 g/day; P=0.066), but piglets grew at 168±3.3 g/day, irrespective of the trial. In the IB sow milk, the linoleic (LA) : linolenic (LNA) acid ratio averaged 14.6 and 15.2 in trial 1 and trial 2, respectively. A fivefold increase in piglet body fat content was observed over lactation (P<0.001). Most of this fat (81.4%) was present in the carcass. After 34 days of lactation, whole-body relative content of palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic and oleic acids were very close to those in the milk consumed, suggesting direct deposition. Daily deposition of LA derivatives and of LNA and its derivatives was found to be extremely low (<0.02 g, on average). Moreover, some of the arachidonic acid (ARA) in tissues of the IB piglet at birth disappeared throughout the lactating period. An overall fractional deposition for total fatty acids (FA) was 0.409. Fractional oxidation (disappearance) rates were 0.939 and 0.926 for n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated FA. The overall rate of disappearance for the major non-essential FA (myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic and oleic acids), estimated as 1−the overall fractional deposition rate, was 0.546. It is concluded that the high degree of FA unsaturation, high oxidation rate of LA and LNA, and poor synthesis of ARA from LA and of docosahexaenoic acid from LNA found in the suckling piglet might increase the energy cost of whole-body fat accretion, a contributor to the observed low efficiency of use of milk energy for growth.  相似文献   

Piglet body composition at weaning could be a determinant for pig’s viability and may be influenced by factors such as the nutritional management followed during suckling. An experiment was conducted to study whether intermittent suckling (IS) affects body composition at weaning and nutrient and energy retention during a 34-day lactation period in Iberian piglets. Litters were subjected to conventional suckling (CS) or IS (n=10 litters of six piglets per treatment) in two trials. All piglets had ad libitum access to creep feed from day 15 onwards. In IS, piglets were progressively separated from the sow for 6, 8 and 10 h daily during the last week of lactation, whereas in CS piglets had continuous access to their dams. Creep feed intake in litters and BW development of individual piglets were measured throughout the 34-day lactation. Within each litter, both at birth and at weaning (day 35), one piglet was used to assess nutrient retention and body composition by the comparative slaughter approach. During days 29 to 35 of the experiment, daily creep feed intake was greater in IS piglets (IS 124, CS 67 g/piglet, P=0.040), and average daily gain differed significantly between groups (IS 190, CS 150 g/day, P=0.010). BW at weaning was higher in the IS than in the CS piglets (IS 8.19, CS 7.48 kg, P=0.011). Empty-body fat and energy content at weaning were higher in the IS compared with CS litters, as well as fat content in the carcass (P=0.04). The IS treatment did not affect empty-body protein deposition, but significantly increased daily retention of fat, energy, ash and calcium, compared with CS litters (P<0.05). Thus, IS in Iberian piglets seems to enhance feed intake, growth rate and retention of some body components, which may contribute to a higher body fat content at weaning and facilitate the weaning process.  相似文献   

Using a meta-analysis of literature data, this study aimed to quantify the dry matter (DM) intake response to changes in diet composition, and milk responses (yield, milk component yields and milk composition) to changes in dietary net energy for lactation (NEL) and metabolizable protein (MP) in dairy cows. From all studies included in the database, 282 experiments (825 treatments) with experimentally induced changes in either NEL or MP content were kept for this analysis. These treatments covered a wide range of diet characteristics and therefore a large part of the plausible NEL and MP contents and supplies that can be expected in practical situations. The average MP and NEL contents were, respectively (mean±SD), 97±12 g/kg DM and 6.71±0.42 MJ/kg DM. On a daily supply basis, there were high between-experiment correlations for MP and NEL above maintenance. Therefore, supplies of MP and NEL above maintenance were, respectively, centred on MP supply for which MP efficiency into milk protein is 0.67, and NEL above maintenance supply for which the ratio of NEL milk/NEL above maintenance is 1.00 (centred variables were called MP67 and NEL100). The majority of the selected studies used groups of multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows in mid lactation, milked twice a day. Using a mixed model, between- and within-experiment variation was split to estimate DM intake and milk responses. The use of NEL100 and MP67 supplies substantially improved the accuracy of the prediction of milk yield and milk component yields responses with, on average, a 27% lower root mean square error (RMSE) relative to using dietary NEL and MP contents as predictors. For milk composition (g/kg), the average RMSE was only 3% lower on a supply basis compared with a concentration basis. Effects of NEL and MP supplies on milk yield and milk component yields responses were additive. Increasing NEL supply increases energy partitioning towards body reserve, whereas increasing MP supply increases the partition of energy towards milk. On a nitrogen basis, the marginal efficiency decreases with increasing MP supply from 0.34 at MP67=−400 g/day to 0.07 at MP67=300 g/day. This difference in MP67 supply, assuming reference energy level of NEL100=0, equates to a global nitrogen efficiency decrease from 0.82 to 0.58. The equations accurately describe DM intake response to change in dietary contents and milk responses to change in dietary supply and content of NEL and MP across a wide range of dietary compositions.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to investigate if dietary alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) supplementation may improve the performance of lactating sows and their suckling piglets. After farrowing, 24 lactating sows (Large White × Landrace) with similar body weight (BW) were assigned to the control and AKG groups based on parity, and their lactation diets were supplemented with 0.00 or 0.25% AKG, respectively. It was found that supplementing the diet of lactating sows with 0.25% AKG enhanced growth performance of the suckling piglets from d 7 to d 21 of the lactation period, improved villus height of ileum and tended (p = 0.085) to increase mean volumetric bone mineral density of femur in the weanling piglets. In the lactating sows, dietary supplementation of AKG decreased plasma urea level on d 14 of lactation, decreased plasma calcium (Ca) concentrations from d 7 to d 21 of lactation and increased lactose and Ca levels in ordinary milk. Thus, it was proposed that AKG supplementation stimulates the capacity for lactose synthesis and Ca uptake in the mammary gland, thereby altering the composition of the ordinary milk which might be associated with the enhanced performance of piglets during the suckling period. These findings could lead to a better application of AKG in lactating nutrition, and therefore, promoting pork production.  相似文献   

The control of nutrient partitioning is complex and affected by many factors, among them physiological state and production potential. Therefore, the current model aims to provide for dairy cows a dynamic framework to predict a consistent set of reference performance patterns (milk component yields, body composition change, dry-matter intake) sensitive to physiological status across a range of milk production potentials (within and between breeds). Flows and partition of net energy toward maintenance, growth, gestation, body reserves and milk components are described in the model. The structure of the model is characterized by two sub-models, a regulating sub-model of homeorhetic control which sets dynamic partitioning rules along the lactation, and an operating sub-model that translates this into animal performance. The regulating sub-model describes lactation as the result of three driving forces: (1) use of previously acquired resources through mobilization, (2) acquisition of new resources with a priority of partition towards milk and (3) subsequent use of resources towards body reserves gain. The dynamics of these three driving forces were adjusted separately for fat (milk and body), protein (milk and body) and lactose (milk). Milk yield is predicted from lactose and protein yields with an empirical equation developed from literature data. The model predicts desired dry-matter intake as an outcome of net energy requirements for a given dietary net energy content. The parameters controlling milk component yields and body composition changes were calibrated using two data sets in which the diet was the same for all animals. Weekly data from Holstein dairy cows was used to calibrate the model within-breed across milk production potentials. A second data set was used to evaluate the model and to calibrate it for breed differences (Holstein, Danish Red and Jersey) on the mobilization/reconstitution of body composition and on the yield of individual milk components. These calibrations showed that the model framework was able to adequately simulate milk yield, milk component yields, body composition changes and dry-matter intake throughout lactation for primiparous and multiparous cows differing in their production level.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of adding protected palmitic acid (PA) to the ration of grazing dairy cows supplemented with protected conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on milk production, chemical composition and fat profile. Six cows were used, 3/4 American Swiss × Zebu, under a rotational grazing system in a mixed sward with Cynodon plectostachyus, Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha. Furthermore, each cow received daily 4 kg concentrates and 8 kg sorghum silage, which made up the basal diet. The cows were distributed into three two-cow groups. Three treatments were randomly assigned to the groups, using a cross design: (1) control (basal diet), (2) basal diet + CLA (50 g/d) and (3) basal diet + CLA (50 g/d) + PA (412 g/d). The following variables were evaluated: forage intake, milk production, protein, fat and lactose concentration in milk, and milk fatty acid (FA) profile. There were no differences in forage intake between treatments; however, there were differences in milk production, protein, fat and lactose yield and fat concentration, which increased significantly in group CLA + PA when compared with group CLA. The concentration of FA synthesised de novo was lower when PA was included in the diet. Adding PA to the diet of grazing cows mitigates the milk fat decline caused by including trans-10, cis-12 CLA in the diet.  相似文献   

It is well known that energy plays an important role in sow growth and development. Increasing the utilization of lipids will be beneficial to sows. Emulsifiers are substances which stabilize mixtures and prevent oil and water from separating, thereby enhancing the digestion of lipids. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary emulsifier (lysophospholipids (LPL)) supplementation in diets differing in fat contents on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and milk composition in lactating sows, as well as performance and fecal score in piglets. A total of 32 multiparous sows (Landrace×Yorkshire) were used in a 21-day experiment. On day 110 of gestation, sows were weighed and moved into the farrowing facility, randomly assigned in a 2×2 factorial arrangement according to their BW with two levels of LPL (0 and 30 mg/kg) and two levels of fat (4.75% and 2.38% fat; 13.66 and 13.24 MJ/kg). BW loss and backfat thickness loss were decreased (P<0.05) by LPL supplementation. Backfat thickness at weaning was higher (P<0.05) in sows fed LPL supplementation diets. The apparent total tract digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen, gross energy and crude fat in sows fed LPL diets was increased (P<0.05) compared with those fed non-LPL diets. Sows fed the high-fat diets had higher (P<0.05) milk fat on day 10 and milk lactose on day 20 than those fed the low-fat diets. Milk fat and lactose concentrations in LPL supplementation treatments was increased (P<0.05) compared with non-LPL treatments on day 10 and day 20, respectively. Positive interaction effects (P<0.05) between fat and LPL were observed for milk fat concentration on day 10. In conclusion, LPL addition decreased BW loss and backfat thickness loss, improved nutrient digestibility and milk fat as well as milk lactose concentrations. In addition, there was a complementary positive effect of dietary fat and LPL supplementation on milk fat concentration in lactating sows.  相似文献   

Hyper-prolific sows nurse more piglets than less productive sows, putting a high demand on the nutrient supply for milk production. In addition, the high production level can increase mobilization from body tissues. The effect of increased dietary protein (104, 113, 121, 129, 139 and 150 g standardized ileal digestible (SID) CP/kg) on sow body composition, milk production and plasma metabolite concentrations was investigated from litter standardization (day 2) until weaning (day 24). Sow body composition was determined using the deuterium oxide dilution technique on days 3 and 24 postpartum. Blood samples were collected weekly, and milk samples were obtained on days 3, 10 and 17 of lactation. Litter average daily gain (ADG) peaked at 135 g SID CP/kg (P < 0.001). Sow BW and back fat loss reached a breakpoint at 143 and 127 g SID CP/kg (P < 0.001). Milk fat increased linearly with increasing dietary SID CP (P < 0.05), and milk lactose decreased until a breakpoint at 124 g SID CP/kg and 5.3% (P < 0.001) on day 17. The concentration of milk protein on day 17 increased until a breakpoint at 136 g SID CP/kg (5.0%; P < 0.001). The loss of body protein from day 3 until weaning decreased with increased dietary SID CP until it reached a breakpoint at 128 g SID CP/kg (P < 0.001). The body ash loss declined linearly with increasing dietary SID CP (P < 0.01), and the change in body fat was unaffected by dietary treatment (P=0.41). In early lactation (day 3 + day 10), plasma urea N (PUN) increased linearly after the breakpoint at 139 g SID CP/kg at a concentration of 3.8 mmol/l, and in late lactation (day 17 + day 24), PUN increased linearly after a breakpoint at 133 g SID CP/kg (P < 0.001) at a concentration of 4.5 mmol/l. In conclusion, the SID CP requirement for sows was estimated to 135 g/kg based on litter ADG, and this was supported by the breakpoints of other response variables within the interval 124 to 143 g/kg.  相似文献   

The energy supplied by the high-forage diets used in organic farming may be insufficient to meet the requirements of dairy cattle. However, few studies have considered this problem. The present study aimed to analyze the composition of the diets and the nutritional status (focusing on the energy–protein balance of the diets) of dairy cattle reared on organic farms in northern Spain, which are similar to other organic farming systems in temperate regions. Exhaustive information about diets was obtained from organic (ORG) and representative conventional grazing (GRZ) and conventional no-grazing (CNG) farms. Samples of feed from the respective farms were analyzed to determine the composition. Overall, the diets used on the ORG farms were very different from those used on the CNG farms, although the difference was not as evident for GRZ. The CNG farms were characterized by a higher total dry matter intake with a high proportion of concentrate feed, maize silage and forage silage. By contrast, on ORG and GRZ farms, the forage, pasture and fibre intake were the most important variables. The ration used on ORG farms contained a significantly higher percentage of ADF and lower organic matter (OM) content than the rations used in both of the conventional farming systems, indicating that the diets in the former were less digestible. Although the protein concentration in the diets used on the grazing farms (ORG and GRZ) was higher than those used on CNG farms, the protein intake was similar. The results indicated an imbalance between energy and protein due to the low level of energy provided by the ORG diets, suggesting that more microbial protein could be synthesized from the available rumen-degraded dietary nitrogen if rumen-fermentable OM was not limiting. The imbalance between energy and protein led to a reduced amount of total digestible protein reaching the intestine and a lower milk yield per kilogram of CP intake on the ORG farms. In order to improve the protein use efficiency and consequently to reduce the loss of nitrogen to the environment, organic farming should aim to increase the energy content of cattle diets by improving forage quality and formulating rations with more balanced combinations of forage and grain.  相似文献   

The ligand binding and aggregation behavior of cow's milk folate binding protein depends on hydrogen ion concentration and buffer composition. At pH 5.0, the protein polymerizes in Tris-HCl subsequent to ligand binding. No polymerization occurs in acetate, and binding is markedly weaker in acetate or citrate buffers as compared to Tris-HCl. Polymerization of ligand-bound protein was far more pronounced at pH 7.4 as compared to pH 5.0 regardless of buffer composition. Binding affinity increased with decreasing concentration of protein both at pH 7.4 and 5.0. At pH 5.0 this effect seemed to level off at a protein concentration of 10–6 M which is 100–1000 fold higher than at pH 7.4. The data can be interpreted in terms of complex models for ligand binding systems polymerizing both in the absence or presence of ligand (pH 7.4) as well as only subsequent to ligand binding (pH 5.0).  相似文献   

The supplementing of sow diets with lipids during pregnancy and lactation has been shown to reduce sow condition loss and improve piglet performance. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of supplemental palm oil (PO) on sow performance, plasma metabolites and hormones, milk profiles and pre-weaning piglet development. A commercial sow ration (C) or an experimental diet supplemented with 10% extra energy in the form of PO, were provided from day 90 of gestation until weaning (24 to 28 days postpartum) in two groups of eight multiparous sows. Gestation length of PO sows increased by 1 day (P<0.05). Maternal BW changes were similar throughout the trial, but loss of backfat during lactation was reduced in PO animals (C: −3.6±0.8 mm; PO: −0.1±0.8 mm; P<0.01). Milk fat was increased by PO supplementation (C day 3: 8.0±0.3% fat; PO day 3: 9.1±0.3% fat; C day 7: 7.8±0.5% fat; PO day 7: 9.9±0.5% fat; P<0.05) and hence milk energy yield of PO sows was also elevated (P<0.05). The proportion of saturated fatty acids was greater in colostrum from PO sows (C: 29.19±0.31 g/100 g of fat; PO: 30.77±0.36 g/100 g of fat; P<0.01). Blood samples taken on 105 days of gestation, within 24 h of farrowing, day 7 of lactation and at weaning (28±3 days post-farrowing) showed there were no differences in plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol, non-esterified fatty acids, insulin or IGF-1 throughout the trial. However, circulating plasma concentrations of both glucose and leptin were elevated during lactation in PO sows (P<0.05 and P<0.005, respectively) and thyroxine was greater at weaning in PO sows (P<0.05). Piglet weight and body composition were similar at birth, as were piglet growth rates throughout the pre-weaning period. A period of 7 days after birth, C piglets contained more body fat, as indicated by their lower fat-free mass per kg (C: 66.4±0.8 arbitrary units/kg; PO: 69.7±0.8 arbitrary unit/kg; P<0.01), but by day 14 of life this situation was reversed (C: 65.8±0.6 arbitrary units/kg; PO: 63.6±0.6 arbitrary units/kg; P<0.05). Following weaning, PO sows exhibited an increased ratio of male to female offspring at their subsequent farrowing (C: 1.0±0.3; PO: 2.2±0.2; P<0.05). We conclude that supplementation of sow diets with PO during late gestation and lactation appears to increase sow milk fat content and hence energy supply to piglets. Furthermore, elevated glucose concentrations in the sow during lactation may be suggestive of impaired glucose homoeostasis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The butterfly assemblages of three vegetation types (pasture, heathland and rocky outcrop with Genista spp.) and two geographical orientations (a northern slope and a sheltered gorge) were studied along an altitudinal gradient in the Picos de Europa in northern Spain. In order to study the effects or historical climatic changes on current butterfly assemblages, it was examined if changes in richness and faunal composition of assemblages were joined with changes in their biogeographical composition. The three vegetation types showed characteristic butterfly assemblages, but no difference in species richness and biogeographical composition was found. Species richness in the sheltered gorge was higher than in the northern slope. Faunal composition also varied between orientations and there were more widespread and Mediterranean species in the sheltered gorge than in the northern slope. Species richness declined with increasing altitude, though a midaltitudinal peak was observed. There was a faunal segregation between high and low localities. Species richness of widespread and Mediterranean butterflies decreased as altitude increased, whereas the reverse was true for montane species. Moreover, biogeographical elements differed in their climatic tolerances measured as altitudinal ranges. Therefore, changes in richness and composition of butterfly assemblages between both slopes and along the altitudinal gradient were joined in part with variation in their biogeographical composition. These results suggest that current species richness and composition of butterfly assemblages in the Picos de Europa might be the consequence of differential colonization of refuges during the past climatic changes.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of a high-protein diet (HP) on pregnancy, lactational and rearing success in mice. At the time of mating, females were randomly assigned to isoenergetic diets with HP (40% w/w) or control protein levels (C; 20%). After parturition, half of the dams were fed the other diet throughout lactation resulting in four dietary groups: CC (C diet during gestation and lactation), CHP (C diet during gestation and HP diet during lactation), HPC (HP diet during gestation and C diet during lactation) and HPHP (HP diet during gestation and lactation). Maternal and offspring body mass was monitored. Measurements of maternal mammary gland (MG), kidney and abdominal fat pad masses, MG histology and MG mRNA abundance, as well as milk composition were taken at selected time points. HP diet decreased abdominal fat and increased kidney mass of lactating dams. Litter mass at birth was lower in HP than in C dams (14.8 v. 16.8 g). Dams fed an HP diet during lactation showed 5% less food intake (10.4 v. 10.9 g/day) and lower body and MG mass. On day 14 of lactation, the proportion of MG parenchyma was lower in dams fed an HP diet during gestation as compared to dams fed a C diet (64.8% v. 75.8%). Abundance of MG α-lactalbumin, β-casein, whey acidic protein, xanthine oxidoreductase mRNA at mid-lactation was decreased in all groups receiving an HP diet either during gestation and/or lactation. Milk lactose content was lower in dams fed an HP diet during lactation compared to dams fed a C diet (1.6% v. 2.0%). On days 14, 18 and 21 of lactation total litter mass was lower in litters of dams fed an HP diet during lactation, and the pups' relative kidney mass was greater than in litters suckled by dams receiving a C diet. These findings indicate that excess protein intake in reproducing mice has adverse effects on offspring early in their postnatal growth as a consequence of impaired lactational function.  相似文献   

Although many toothed whales (Cetacea: Odontoceti) lactate for 2–3 years or more, it is not known whether milk composition is affected by lactation stage in any odontocete species. We collected 64 pooled milk samples spanning 1–30 months postpartum from three captive bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus . Milks were assayed for water, fat, crude protein (TN × 6.38) and sugar; gross energy was calculated. Ovulation and pregnancy were determined via monitoring of milk progesterone. Based on analysis of changes in milk composition for each individual dolphin, there were significant increases ( P <0.05) in fat (in all three dolphins) and crude protein (in two of three), and a decrease ( P <0.05) in water (in two of three) over the course of lactation, but the sugar content did not change. In all three animals, the energy content was positively correlated with month of lactation, but the percentage of energy provided by crude protein declined slightly but significantly ( P <0.05). At mid-lactation (7–12 months postpartum, n =17), milk averaged 73.0±1.0% water, 12.8±1.0% fat, 8.9±0.5% crude protein, 1.0±0.1% sugar, 1.76±0.09 kcal g−1 (=7.25 kJ g−1) and 30.3±1.3% protein:energy per cent. This protein:energy per cent was surprisingly high compared with other cetaceans and in relation to the growth rates of calves. Milk progesterone indicated that dolphins ovulated and conceived between 413 and 673 days postpartum, following an increase in milk energy density. The significance of these observed compositional changes to calf nutrition will depend on the amounts of milk produced at different stages of lactation, and how milk composition and yield are influenced by sampling procedure, maternal diet and maternal condition, none of which are known.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the concentrations of macronutrients and the mineral and trace element composition in maternal milk of Japanese women. We collected human milk samples from mothers living throughout Japan from December 1998 to September 1999, and defined as group A the 1197 samples among them that met the following conditions: breast milk of mothers who were under 40 years old, not in the habit of smoking and/or using vitamin supplements, and whose babies showed no symptoms of atopy and whose birth weights were 2.5 kg or more. We then analyzed their contents individually. We also analyzed the amino acid and free amino acid composition of the breast milk of pooled samples from various lactation stages. Large differences were found to exist among the contents of individual human milk samples. The mean contents of each component were as follows: energy, 66.3+/-13.3 kcal/100 mL; solid matter, 12.46+/-1.56 g/100 mL; ash, 0.19+/-0.06 g/100 mL; total nitrogen, 0.19+/-0.04 g/100 mL; lipids, 3.46+/-1.49 g/100 mL; carbohydrates, 7.58+/-0.77 g/100 mL; lactose, 6.44+/-0.49 g/100 mL; pH, 6.5+/-0.3; osmotic pressure, 299+/-14 mOsm/kg.H2O; chloride, 35.9+/-16.2 mg/100 mL; sodium, 13.5+/-8.7 mg/100 mL; magnesium, 2.7+/-0.9 mg/100 mL; phosphorus, 15.0+/-3.8 mg/100 mL; potassium, 47.0+/-12.1 mg/100 mL; calcium, 25.0+/-7.1 mg/100 mL; chromium, 5.9+/-4.7 microg/100 mL; manganese, 1.1+/-2.3 microg/100mL; iron, 119+/-251 microg/100 mL; copper, 35+/-21 microg/100 mL; zinc, 145+/-135 microg/100 mL; and selenium, 1.7+/-0.6 microg/100 mL. The content of each component varied greatly as the duration of lactation increased. In conclusion, it appears to be necessary to evaluate individual differences of human milk in order to perform valid research regarding infant formula.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthase (FASN) is a multifunctional protein that catalyzes de novo synthesis of fatty acids in cells. It plays a key role in the lipid biosynthesis as well as in the general metabolism of all living animals. We herein investigated polymorphisms of FASN. As a result, six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found and then genotyped in 752 Chinese Holstein cows. It was found that g.17924A>G was non‐synonymous, g.13965 C>T, g.16907 T>C and g.18663T>C were synonymous mutations and two other two SNPs, g.8948 C>T (ss491228481) and g.14439T>C (rs133498277), were in intronic sequences of the gene. All such identified SNPs were found to be associated with milk yield and composition traits (= 0.0441 to <0.0001). Significant additive and allele substitution effects were observed for three yield traits at all six loci as well (< 0.05 to <0.01). Complete linkage disequilibrium among the five SNPs, with the exception of g.8948 C>T, was observed.  相似文献   

This study explored the potential for using seed cake from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) as a protein feed for dairy cows. The aim was to evaluate the effects of increasing the proportion of hempseed cake (HC) in the diet on milk production and milk composition. Forty Swedish Red dairy cows were involved in a 5-week dose-response feeding trial. The cows were allocated randomly to one of four experimental diets containing on average 494 g/kg of grass silage and 506 g/kg of concentrate on a dry matter (DM) basis. Diets containing 0 g (HC0), 143 g (HC14), 233 g (HC23) or 318 g (HC32) HC/kg DM were achieved by replacing an increasing proportion of compound pellets with cold-pressed HC. Increasing the proportion of HC resulted in dietary crude protein (CP) concentrations ranging from 126 for HC0 to 195 g CP/kg DM for HC32. Further effects on the composition of the diet with increasing proportions of HC were higher fat and NDF and lower starch concentrations. There were no linear or quadratic effects on DM intake, but increasing the proportion of HC in the diet resulted in linear increases in fat and NDF intake, as well as CP intake (P < 0.001), and a linear decrease in starch intake (P < 0.001). The proportion of HC had significant quadratic effects on the yields of milk, energy-corrected milk (ECM) and milk protein, fat and lactose. The curvilinear response of all yield parameters indicated maximum production from cows fed diet HC14. Increasing the proportion of HC resulted in linear decreases in both milk protein and milk fat concentration (P = 0.005 and P = 0.017, respectively), a linear increase in milk urea (P < 0.001), and a linear decrease in CP efficiency (milk protein/CP intake; P < 0.001). In conclusion, the HC14 diet, corresponding to a dietary CP concentration of 157 g/kg DM, resulted in the maximum yields of milk and ECM by dairy cows in this study.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to study different methodological aspects of quantifying CO2 production and milk intake of suckling piglets using the doubly labelled water (DLW) technique. In total, 37 piglets were enriched intraperitoneally with DLW to study equilibration time of 18O (n = 3), to validate the estimation of milk intake and CO2 production (n = 10) of piglets fed milk replacer and to quantify milk intake and CO2 production of piglets nursed ordinarily by sows (n = 24). Enrichment of 18O in expired air was analysed without any sample preparation, whereas enrichment of 18O in serum was analysed after a minimum step of sample preparation, which included pipetting of the sample, blowing gaseous CO2 into the vial for 3 s and equilibrating for 24 h. The 18O enrichment of CO2 in expired air was constant within 30-40 min of intraperitoneal injection, suggesting that DLW was equilibrated within the body water by that time. For piglets fed milk replacer, the estimation of the daily CO2 production by the DLW method (64.0 ± 2.7 l CO2/day) was in agreement with that obtained by respiration trials (64.7 ± 1.8 l CO2/day). Furthermore, the intake of milk replacer (891 ± 63 g/day) determined by deuterium oxide (D2O) dilution was similar in magnitude to that found by weighing the milk disappearance (910 ± 58 g/day). The milk intake of piglets fed milk replacer was comparable with that of sucking piglets, but sucking piglets had a remarkably higher CO2 production than artificially reared piglets, which likely was caused by a higher intake of milk solids and a higher activity level. For sucking piglets, the daily CO2 production increased curvilinearly with increasing live weight (LW) in kg: piglet CO2 production (l/day) = 25.75 × LW - 1.01 × LW2. In conclusion, 18O equilibrates fast within the body water pool when administered intraperitoneally, and the accuracy of assessing milk intake and rate of CO2 production using the DLW technique is promising. Assessment of excess enrichment of 18O in serum proved to be robust. Finally, the CO2 production of piglets fed milk replacer differs considerably from that of sucking piglets.  相似文献   


In order to determine the effects of a varied level of dietary energy intake during pregnancy and lactation on milk yield and composition, first, second and fourth parity sows (Large White × German Landrace) were provided with energy at a level of either: (i) 100% of ME requirement (MEreq) during pregnancy and lactation, (ii) 120% MEreq during pregnancy and 80% during lactation, and (iii) 80% MEreq during pregnancy and 120% during lactation. In spite of equal target levels feed analysis revealed that gestating first parity sows with 120/80 treatment combination and lactating sows of 80/120 treatment combination received 25, and 11 – 17% more digestible N than in the respective 100/100 treatment combination. Irrespective of this 120/80 sows responded with the highest milk DM, fat, and energy contents, and the lowest lactose concentrations whereas protein levels where not affected, irrespective of parity (p < 0.05). Milk yield of sows in 1st and 4th lactation was 85 and 106% of that in 2nd lactation, respectively. Average milk composition was 18.1% DM, 4.9% protein, 6.8% fat, 5.6% lactose, and 0.8% ash. Milk composition changes ceased at day 7 of lactation with a reduction of milk GE and protein, and an increase of lactose content. Concentrations of threonine, arginine, valine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, cystine, and tryptophan, as well as stearic, oleic, and linoleic acid were higher in colostrum than in milk at later lactation stages. In contrast, laurine, myristic, palmitic, and palmitoleic acids were lower concentrated in colostrum. In conclusion, these results illustrate the importance of body reserve mobilization for milk production in sows and indicate that low energy supply during gestation cannot be compensated by higher energy supply during lactation.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibodies to purified folate binding protein from cow's milk whey were used for development of a two-site enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantitation of bovine folate binding proteins, The folate binding proteins in human milk and serum showed no cross-reactivity. A partial saturation of purified bovine folate binder with folate gave rise to an increased antigenicity probably due to a ligand (folate)-induced exposure of antigenic sites on the protein.  相似文献   

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