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Recombination between a 360-base-pair (bp) segment of a wild-type thymidine kinase gene (tk) from each of three different strains (F, MP, and 101) of herpes simplex virus type one and a complete herpes simplex virus type 1 (strain F) tk gene containing an 8-bp insertion mutation was studied. The pairs of tk sequences resided as closely linked repeats within the genome of mouse LTK- cells. The frequency of recombination between sequences exhibiting 232 bp of uninterrupted homology and containing no mismatches other than the insertion mutation was comparable to the frequency of recombination between two sequences exhibiting four additional nucleotide mismatches distributed in such a way to preserve the 232-bp stretch of contiguous homology. In contrast, the placement of only two single-nucleotide mismatches (in addition to the insertion mutation) in such a manner to reduce the longest uninterrupted homology to 134 bp resulted in a 20-fold reduction in recombination. We conclude that the rate of intrachromosomal recombination in mammalian cells is determined by the amount of uninterrupted homology available and not by the total number of mismatches within a given interval of DNA. Furthermore, efficient recombination appears to require between 134 and 232 bp of uninterrupted homology; single-nucleotide heterologies are most likely sufficient to disrupt the minimal efficient recombination target. We also observed that if recombination was allowed to initiate within sequences exhibiting perfect homology, the event could propagate through and terminate within adjacent sequences exhibiting 19% base pair mismatch. We interpret this to mean that heterology exerts most of its impact on early rather than late steps of intrachromosomal recombination in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Homologous intrachromosomal recombination between linked genes can involve interactions that are either intramolecular (intrachromatid) or intermolecular (sister chromatid). To assess the relative proportions of chromatid interactions, we report studies of intrachromosomal recombination in mouse L cells containing herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase genes in two alternative configurations of direct repeats. By comparing products of reciprocal exchanges between these two configurations, we conclude that the majority of interactions that give rise to crossover products involve unequally paired sister chromatids after DNA replication. Analyses of an additional class of crossover products that involve discontinuous associated gene conversion suggest that these recombination events involve a heteroduplex DNA intermediate.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) is important in repairing errors of replication and other forms of DNA damage. In mammalian cells, potential templates include the homologous chromosome, and after DNA replication, the sister chromatid. Previous work has shown that the mammalian recombination machinery is organized to suppress interchromosomal recombination while preserving intrachromosomal HR. In the present study, we investigated spontaneous intrachromosomal HR in mouse hybridoma cell lines in which variously numbered tandem repeats of the µ heavy chain constant (Cµ) region reside at the haploid, chromosomal immunoglobulin µ heavy chain locus. This organization provides the opportunity to investigate recombination between homologous gene repeats in a well-defined chromosomal locus under conditions in which recombinants are conveniently recovered. This system revealed several features about the mammalian intrachromosomal HR process: (i) the frequency of HR was high (recombinants represented as much as several percent of the total of recombinants and non-recombinants); (ii) the recombination process appeared to be predominantly non-reciprocal, consistent with the possibility of gene conversion; (iii) putative gene conversion tracts were long (up to 13.4 kb); (iv) the recombination process occurred with precision, initiating and terminating within regions of shared homology. The results are discussed with respect to mammalian intrachromosomal HR involving interactions both within and between sister chromatids.  相似文献   

We determined the effect of 3-methoxybenzamide (3-MB), a competitive inhibitor of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (E.C., on intrachromosomal homologous recombination in mouse Ltk- cells. We used a cell line that contained in its genome two defective Herpes thymidine kinase (tk) genes as closely linked direct repeats. Intrachromosomal homologous recombination events were monitored by selecting for tk-positive segregants that arose during propagation of the cells and recombination rates were determined by fluctuation analysis. We found that growth of cells in the continuous presence of 2mM 3-MB increased intrachromosomal recombination between 3 and 4-fold. Growth of cells in the presence of 2mM m-anisic acid, a non-inhibitory analog of 3-MB, had no effect on intrachromosomal recombination rates. Additionally, we found that 3-MB increased both gene conversions and crossovers to similar extents, adding to the evidence that these two types of intrachromosomal rearrangements share a common pathway. These findings contrast with our previous studies [Waldman, B.C. and Waldman, A.S. (1990) Nucleic Acids Res., 18, 5981-5988] in which we determined that 3-MB inhibits illegitimate recombination and has no effect on extrachromosomal homologous recombination in mouse Ltk- cells. An hypothesis is offered that explains the influence of 3-MB on different recombination pathways in mammalian cells in terms of the role that poly(ADP-ribosylation) plays in DNA break-repair.  相似文献   

Puget N  Knowlton M  Scully R 《DNA Repair》2005,4(2):149-161
Sister chromatid recombination (SCR) is a potentially error-free pathway for the repair of double-strand breaks arising during replication and is thought to be important for the prevention of genomic instability and cancer. Analysis of sister chromatid recombination at a molecular level has been limited by the difficulty of selecting specifically for these events. To overcome this, we have developed a novel "nested intron" reporter that allows the positive selection in mammalian cells of "long tract" gene conversion events arising between sister chromatids. We show that these events arise spontaneously in cycling cells and are strongly induced by a site-specific double-strand break (DSB) caused by the restriction endonuclease, I-SceI. Notably, some I-SceI-induced sister chromatid recombination events entailed multiple rounds of gene amplification within the reporter, with the generation of a concatemer of amplified gene segments. Thus, there is an intimate relationship between sister chromatid recombination control and certain types of gene amplification. Dysregulated sister chromatid recombination may contribute to cancer progression, in part, by promoting gene amplification.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid and highly efficient method for the assembly, recombination, targeted chromosomal integration and regulatable expression of mosaic metabolic pathways by homeologous recombination in DNA repair deficient yeast cells. We have assembled and recombined 23 kb pathways containing all the genes encoding enzymes for the production of flavonoids, a group of plant secondary metabolites of nutritional and agricultural value. The mosaic genes of the pathways resulted from pair-wise recombination of two nonidentical (homeologous) wild-type genes. The recombination events occurred simultaneously in the cell. Correctly assembled mosaic gene clusters could only be observed in DNA repair deficient strains. Thus, libraries of intragenic mosaic pathways were generated. Randomly isolated clones were screened for their ability to produce flavonoids such as kaempferol, phloretin and galangin. Thus, the functionality of the recombinant pathways was proven. Additionally, significant higher concentrations of metabolites such as naringenin, pinocembrin and dihydrokaempferol were detected. Further analysis also revealed the production of different aromatic compounds such as styrene, hydroxystyrene, phloretic acid and other molecules. We show that the in vivo homeologous recombination strategy can generates libraries of intragenic mosaic pathways producing a high diversity of phenylpropanoid compounds.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of nonhomologous recombination in mammalian cells.   总被引:49,自引:25,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文
The primary mechanism of nonhomologous recombination in transfected DNA involves breakage followed by end joining. To probe the joining step in more detail, linear simian virus 40 genomes with mismatched ends were transfected into cultured monkey cells, and individual viable recombinants were analyzed. The transfected genomes carried mismatched ends as a result of cleavage with two restriction enzymes, the recognition sites of which are located in the intron of the gene encoding the T antigen. Because the T antigen gene was split by this cleavage, the transfected genomes were inert until activated by cell-mediated end joining. Clonal descendants of the original recombinants were isolated from 122 plaques and were grouped into four classes based on the electrophoretic mobility of the junction fragment. The structures of representative junctions were determined by nucleotide sequencing. The spectrum of nonhomologous junctions analyzed here along with a large number of previously reported junctions suggest that there are two mechanisms for the linkage of DNA molecules: (i) direct ligation of ends and (ii) repair synthesis primed by terminal homologies of a few nucleotides. A paired-priming model of nonhomologous recombination is discussed.  相似文献   

Intrachromosomal recombination between direct repeats can occur either as gene conversion events, which maintain exactly the number of repeat units, or as deletions, which reduce the number of repeat units. Gene conversions are classical recombination events that utilize the standard chromosome recombination machinery. Spontaneous deletions between direct repeats are generally recA-independent in E. coli and RAD52-independent in S. cerevisiae. This independence from the major recombination genes does not mean that deletions form through a nonrecombinational process. Deletions have been suggested to result from sister chromatid exchange at the replication fork in a recA-independent process. The same type of exchange is proposed to be RAD52-independent in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. RAD52-dependent events encompass all events that involve the initial steps of a recombination reaction, which include strand invasion to form a heteroduplex intermediate.  相似文献   

Palindromic and quasi-palindromic sequences are important DNA motifs found in various cis-acting genetic elements, but are also known to provoke different types of genetic alterations. The instability of such motifs is clearly size-related and depends on their potential to adopt secondary structures known as hairpins and cruciforms. Here we studied the influence of palindrome size on recombination between two directly repeated copies of the yeast CYC1 gene leading to the loss of the intervening sequence (“pop-out” recombination). We show that palindromes inserted either within one copy or between the two copies of the CYC1 gene become recombinogenic only when they attain a certain critical size and we estimate this critical size to be about 70 bp. With the longest palindrome used in this study (150 bp) we observed a more than 20-fold increase in the pop-out recombination. In the sae2/com1 mutant the palindrome-stimulated recombination was completely abolished. Suppression of palindrome recombinogenicity may be crucial for the maintenance of genetic stability in organisms containing a significant number of large palindromes in their genomes, like humans.  相似文献   

Summary Intrachromosomal recombination was estimated by the occurrence of unequal crossing over without marker gene exchange in three different, independent tandem duplicaltions in Drosophila melanogaster. Each tandem duplication gave rise to intrachromosomal recombinants. The frequency of intrachromosomal recombination is independent of the genetic length of the tandem duplication. Further, intrachromosomal recombinants were recovered as frequently in ring as in rod X chromosomes implying that the recombination event is not equatable to a single interchromosomal crossover.Communicated by Ch. Auerbach  相似文献   

Homologous recombination occurs intrachromosomally as well as interchromosomally, both in mitotic (somatic) cells as well as meiotically in the germline. These different processes can serve very different purposes in maintaining the integrity of the organism and in enhancing diversity in the species. As shown here, comparison of the frequencies of intra- and interchromosomal recombination in meiotic and mitotic cells of both mouse and yeast argues that interchromosomal recombination is particularly low in mitotic cells of metazoan organisms. This result in turn suggests that the recombination machinery of metazoa might be organized to avoid the deleterious effects of homozygotization in somatic cells while still deriving the benefits of species diversification and of DNA repair.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance are known to date. The first includes the use of a special enzymatic telomerase complex to solve the problems that arise during the replication of linear DNA in a normal diploid and part of tumor cells. Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), which is based on the homologous recombination of telomere DNA, represents the second mechanism. Until recently, ALT was assumed to be expressed only in 15–20% of tumors lacking active telomerase and,, together with telomerase reactivation represented one of two possibilities to overcome the replicative senescence observed in somatic mammalian cells due to aging or during cell culturing in vitro. Previously described sporadic cases of combinations of the two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance in several cell lines in vitro were attributed to the experimental design rather than to a real biological phenomenon, since active cellular division without active telomerase was considered to be the “gold standard” of ALT. The present review describes the morphological and functional reorganizations of mammalian telomeres observed with ALT activation, as well as recently observed and well-documented cases of combinations between ALT-like and telomerase-dependent mechanisms in mammalian cells. The possible role of telomere recombination in telomerase-dependent cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Centromeres are special structures of eukaryotic chromosomes that hold sister chromatid together and ensure proper chromosome segregation during cell division. Centromeres consist of repeated sequences, which have hindered the study of centromere mitotic recombination and its consequences for centromeric function. We use a chromosome orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization technique to visualize and quantify recombination events at mouse centromeres. We show that centromere mitotic recombination occurs in normal cells to a higher frequency than telomere recombination and to a much higher frequency than chromosome-arm recombination. Furthermore, we show that centromere mitotic recombination is increased in cells lacking the Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferases, suggesting that the epigenetic state of centromeric heterochromatin controls recombination events at these regions. Increased centromere recombination in Dnmt3a,3b-deficient cells is accompanied by changes in the length of centromere repeats, suggesting that prevention of illicit centromere recombination is important to maintain centromere integrity in the mouse.  相似文献   

A Galli  R H Schiestl 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1235
Intrachromosomal recombination between repeated elements can result in deletion (DEL recombination) events. We investigated the inducibility of such intrachromosomal recombination events at different stages of the cell cycle and the nature of the primary DNA lesions capable of initiating these events. Two genetic systems were constructed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that select for DEL recombination events between duplicated alleles of CDC28 and TUB2. We determined effects of double-strand breaks (DSBs) and single-strand breaks (SSBs) between the duplicated alleles on DEL recombination when induced in dividing cells or cells arrested in G1 or G2. Site-specific DSBs and SSBs were produced by overexpression of the I-Sce I endonuclease and the gene II protein (gIIp), respectively. I-Sce I-induced DSBs caused an increase in DEL recombination frequencies in both dividing and cell-cycle-arrested cells, indicating that G1- and G2-arrested cells are capable of completing DSB repair. In contrast, gIIp-induced SSBs caused an increase in DEL recombination frequency only in dividing cells. To further examine these phenomena we used both gamma-irradiation, inducing DSBs as its most relevant lesion, and UV, inducing other forms of DNA damage. UV irradiation did not increase DEL recombination frequencies in G1 or G2, whereas gamma-rays increased DEL recombination frequencies in both phases. Both forms of radiation, however, induced DEL recombination in dividing cells. The results suggest that DSBs but not SSBs induce DEL recombination, probably via the single-strand annealing pathway. Further, DSBs in dividing cells may result from the replication of a UV or SSB-damaged template. Alternatively, UV induced events may occur by replication slippage after DNA polymerase pausing in front of the damage.  相似文献   

Induction of intrachromosomal homologous recombination in whole plants   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
The influence of different factors on frequencies of intrachromosomal homologous recombination in whole Arabidopsis thaliana and tobacco plants was analyzed using a disrupted β-glucuronidase marker gene. Recombination frequencies were enhanced severalfold by DNA damaging agents like UV-light or MMS (methyl methanesulfonate). Applying 3-methoxybenzamide (3-MB), an inhibitor of poly(ADP)ribose polymerase (PARP), an enzyme that is postulated to be involved in DNA repair, enhanced homologous recombination frequencies strongly. These findings indicate that homologous recombination is involved in DNA repair and can (at least partially) compensate for other DNA repair pathways. Indications that recombination in plants can be induced by environmental stress factors that are not likely to be involved in DNA metabolism were also found; Arabidopsis plants growing in a medium containing 0.1 M NaCl exhibited elevated recombination frequencies. The possible general effects of ‘environmental’ challenges on genome flexibility are discussed.  相似文献   

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