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Role of phosphodiesterase type 3A in rat oocyte maturation.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
It is generally accepted that cyclic nucleotides are key signaling molecules in the control of oocyte meiotic resumption. Given the role of phosphodiesterases (PDEs) in cyclic nucleotide degradation, this study was undertaken to investigate the properties and regulation of PDEs expressed in rat oocytes. Cilostamide-sensitive PDE3 was the major activity detected in denuded oocytes, whereas no PDE3 activity could be detected in cumulus cells. Moreover, comparable levels of PDE3 activity were measured in cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) and in denuded oocytes. The oocyte PDE was recovered in the soluble fraction of the homogenate and immunoprecipitated with a specific PDE3A antibody. A significant and transient increase (P < 0.05) in PDE3 activity was measured in the oocytes after 30 min of culture (70 min after isolation) compared with immediately after collection (10 min after isolation). Conversely, no changes in activity were observed when denuded oocytes or cumulus cells were incubated for up to 130 min. Evaluation of oocyte maturation indicated that only 10% of oocytes had resumed meiosis at the peak of the PDE3 activity. A significant increase (P < 0.05) in PDE3 activity was measured in COCs when follicle-enclosed oocytes were cultured in the presence of hCG. Again, this increase preceded oocyte maturation. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that PDE3A is the major PDE form expressed in mammalian oocytes. PDE3A activity increases prior to resumption of meiosis in both spontaneous and gonadotropin-stimulated maturation. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that an increase in oocyte PDE3A activity is one of the intraoocyte mechanisms controlling resumption of meiosis in rat oocytes, at least in vitro.  相似文献   

Endogenous histamine is involved in tissue growth and cell proliferation. In accordance with a putative function of the H(3) receptor in this mitogenic effect, we show that H(3)-receptor mRNAs are expressed together with those of the histamine-synthesizing enzyme in the embryonic liver and adipose tissue, and in various epithelia. Finally, we show that activation of recombinant H(3) receptors enhances MAP kinase activity.  相似文献   

Bis-(5''-guanosyl) tetraphosphatase in rat tissues.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The occurrence and distribution of bis-(5'-guanosyl) tetraphosphatase activity towards dinucleoside tetraphosphates between the 27 000 g supernatant and sedimented fraction were studied in liver, kidney, brain, muscle and intestinal mucosa from rat. The p1p4-bis-(5'-guanosyl) tetraphosphate-hydrolysing activities found in total homogenates were 0.77, 1.44, 0.39, 0.36 and 2.14 units (mumol/min)/g respectively. The activities found in the 27000 g-sedimented fractions were 74, 49, 11, 4 and 96% of those present in the homogenates respectively. The properties of the soluble enzymes were investigated. All of them have low Km values for p1p4-bis-(5'-guanosyl) tetraphosphate (from 2 to 50 microM), are competitively inhibited by guanosine 5'-tetraphosphate with K1 values from 10 to 160 nM, have molecular weights of about 21 000, require Mg2+ or Mn2+ and are inhibited by Ca2+. These properties show that bis-(5'-guanosyl) tetraphosphatase (EC, an enzyme previously characterized in Artemia salina and rat liver [Warner & Finamore (1965) Biochemistry 4, 1568-1575; Vallejo, Sillero & Sillero (1974) Biochim, Biophys. Acta 358, 117-125; Lobatón, Vallejo, Sillero & Sillero (1975) Eur. J. Biochem. 50, 495-501], is present in all the rat tissues examined. The inhibition of the enzyme by Ca2+ could be related to the effect of p1p4-bis-(5'-adenosyl) tetraphosphate as a trigger of DNA synthesis [Grummt, Waltl, Jantzen, Hamprecht, Huebscher & Kuenzle (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 76, 6081-6085].  相似文献   

1. Supernatant fluids from rat cerebral cortex, cerebellum, kidney, heart and liver contained more phosphodiesterase activity hydrolysing cyclic GMP than that hydrolysing cyclic AMP when assayed with sub-saturating concentrations of substrate. 2. These activities were resolved into several fractions by Sephadex G-200 gel filtration; no two tissues had similar activity profiles. 3. With every tissue examined, a fraction (fraction II) with a molecular weight of about 150,000 was obtained which hydrolysed cyclic GMP preferentially at sub-saturating substrate concentrations in the presence of micromolar concentration of Ca2+, millimolar concentration of Mg2+ and a protein activator. 4. The activity of fraction II accounted for about 60 percent in liver, more than 80 percent in heart and cerebellum, and almost 100 percent in cerebral cortex of the total activity for cyclic GMP hydrolysis, calculated from the activity profiles. 5. Km values of fraction II samples from kidney, heart and liver for cyclic GMP were 1.3, 1.7 and 5 muM respectively. 6. 3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine inhibited hydrolysis of cyclic GMP by fraction II with an I50 value of 3muM for heart and liver and 50 muM for cerebrum. 7. The activator protein, with an estimated molecular weight of about 30,000 was isolated from all the tissues listed in 1.8. The concentrations of activator protein and of the isolated enzyme, fraction II, did not correspond exactly.  相似文献   

We report our successful effort to increase the PDE3 selectivity of PDE10A inhibitor pyridyl cinnoline 1 using a combination of computational modeling and structural–activity relationship investigations. An analysis of the PDE3 catalytic domain compared to the co-crystal structure of cinnoline analog 1 in PDE10A revealed two areas of structural differences in the active sites and suggested areas on the scaffold that could be modified to exploit those unique structural features. Once SAR established the cinnoline as the optimal scaffold, modifications on the methoxy groups of the cinnoline and the methyl group on the pyridine led to the discovery of compounds 33 and 36. Both compounds achieved significant improvement in selectivity against PDE3 while maintaining their PDE10A inhibitory activity and in vivo metabolic stability comparable to 1.  相似文献   

A phosphodiesterase activity that preferentially hydrolyzed cytidine 3':5'-monophosphate was partially purified from rat liver extract. The enzyme was best activated by Fe2+ (5 to 10 mM). Mn2+ and Mg2+ were less effective, whereas Zn2+, Co2+, and Ca2+ were ineffective. It exhibited kinetics typical of a high Km phosphodiesterase, with a Km for cycli CMP of 2.4 mM. The enzyme, inhibited by theophylline and 1-methyl-3-isobutyl xanthine to much less extents than cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP phosphodiesterases, was found in all rat tissues examined, with highest levels seen in the liver, kidney, and intestine, and lowest levels found in the skeletal muscle, cerebellum, aorta, and blood cells. The enzyme levels in the regenerating liver were found to be about 40% lower than the control liver of rats; they were also 3 to 10 times lower in the fetal liver, lung, and heart than the corresponding adult tissues of guinea pigs. These findings suggest that depressed cyclic CMP phosphodiesterase may be in part related to cell proliferation, in line with reports that the regenerating liver has higher levels of cyclic CMP (Bloch, A. (1975) Adv. Cycli Nucleotide Res. 5, 331-338) and cytidylate cyclase (Cech, S. Y., and Ignarro, L.J. (1977) Science 198, 1063-1065).  相似文献   

Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate was purified from the livers of chloroquine-treated rats and labeled with tritium by a nonreductive catalytic exchange procedure. The mechanism of its degradation by rat liver lysosomes has been examined. A substantial amount of bis(monoacylglycero)P is degraded to monoglyceride and lysophosphatidic acid by a lysosomal phosphodiesterase having an acid pH optimum. Some bis(monoacylglycero)P is degraded to lysophosphatidylglycerol by lysosomal phospholipase A. In contrast, other phosphoglycerides have been reported to be degraded by sequential deacylation in lysosomes. The initial rate of breakdown of bis(monoacylglycero)P is only 10% of the rate observed for dioleoylphosphatidylcholine. [3H]Lysophosphatidylglycerol conversion to [3H]bis(monoacylglycero)P is stimulated by unlabeled bis(monoacylglycero)P, resulting in a futile cycle which allows the resynthesis of bis(monoacylglycero)P from its breakdown product, lysophosphatidylglycerol. This futile cycle and the unusual sn-1-glycerophospho-sn-1'-glycerol stereoconfiguration of the water-soluble backbone (Joutti, A., Brotherus, J., Renkonen, O., Laine, R., and Fischer, W. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 450, 206-209) may be important factors in the marked resistance of bis(monoacylglycero)P to degradation by lysosomal acid hydrolases.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized rat cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE)11A, which exhibits properties of a dual-substrate PDE, and its splice variants (RNPDE11A2, RNPDE11A3, and RNPDE11A4). The deduced amino-acid sequence of the longest form of rat PDE11A splice variant, RNPDE11A4, was 94% identical with that of the human variant (HSPDE11A4). Rat PDE11A splice variants were expressed in a tissue-specific manner. RNPDE11A4 showed unique tissue distribution distinct from HSPDE11A4, which is specifically expressed in the prostate. Rat PDE11A splice variants were expressed in COS-7 cells, and their enzymatic characteristics were compared. Although the Km values for cAMP and cGMP were similar for all of them (1.3-1.6 and 2.1-3.9 microM, respectively), the Vmax values differed significantly (RNPDE11A4 > RNPDE11A2 > RNPDE11A3). Human PDE11A variants also displayed very similar Km values and significantly different Vmax values (HSPDE11A4 > HSPDE11A2 > HSPDE11A3 > HSPDE11A1). The Vmax values of HSPDE11A4 for cAMP and cGMP were at least 100 times higher than those of HSPDE11A1. These observations indicate unique characteristics of PDE11A splicing variants.  相似文献   

Previous breeding for the diet-induced obese (DIO) trait from outbred Sprague-Dawley rats produced a substrain with selection characteristics suggesting a polygenic mode of inheritance. To assess this issue further, selectively bred DIO male rats were crossed with obesity-resistant inbred Fischer F344 dams. Male offspring were crossed twice more against female F344 dams. The resultant N3 (F.DIO) rats were then inbred three more times. On low-fat chow, 10-wk-old male and female DIO rats weighed 86 and 59% more than respective F344 rats. By the N3 (F.DIO) generation, they were only 12 and 10% heavier, respectively. After three additional inbreeding cycles, chow-fed F.DIO males had an exaggerated insulin response to oral glucose compared with F344 rats. After 3 wk on a 31% fat (high-energy) diet, male N3 F.DIO rats gained 16-20% more carcass and adipose weight with 98% higher plasma leptin levels, whereas F.DIO females gained 36-54% more carcass and adipose weight with 130% higher leptin levels than comparable F344 rats. After three inbreeding cycles, F.DIO males still gained more weight on high-energy diet and developed a threefold greater insulin response to oral glucose than F344 males. Preservation of the DIO and glucose intolerance traits through successive backcrosses and inbreeding cycles to produce the F.DIO strain lends further support to the idea that they inherited in a polygenic fashion.  相似文献   

In a previous study, an up-regulation of rolipram-sensitive, low-Km, cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE4) subtype PDE4A in rat cerebral cortex following repeated treatment of desipramine was observed. To determine whether this effect is shared by antidepressants from different pharmacological classes, PDE4A expression was examined using immunoblot analyses following repeated treatment with the norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitor desipramine, the monoamine oxidase inhibitor phenelzine, the atypical antidepressant trazodone, and the serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine. Desipramine, phenelzine, and fluoxetine all increased the intensities of the PDE4A bands in hippocampal preparations; trazodone did not. In preparations of cerebral cortex, the intensities of the PDE4A bands were increased following desipramine treatment, not changed following phenelzine or fluoxetine treatment, and decreased following trazodone treatment. It appears that repeated treatment with antidepressant drugs from different pharmacological classes produces similar effects on the expressions of PDE4A variants in hippocampus. This effect is not correlated with the changes in beta-adrenergic receptor densities, suggesting these antidepressants may at some point alter intracellular signal transduction pathways in a similar manner.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the histochemical demonstration of phospholipase B (lysolecithinase) of rat tissues. The enzyme attacks lysolecithin with liberation of 1 mole of glycerylphosphorylcholine and 1 mole of fatty acid. The recommended procedure involves use of 6-10 micro frozen sections, fixed in cold calcium-formol and incubated at 37 degrees C in Tris buffered medium at pH 6.6 containing 2.2 X 10(-3) M lysolecithin and 1% cobalt acetate. The fatty acid liberated by enzymatic hydrolysis is trapped as a cobalt precipitate and is then converted to a black-brown precipitate by treatment with dilute ammonium sulfide in cold isotonic saline. Equivalent amounts of fatty acid and glycerylphosphorylcholine are recovered by extraction and analysis of the incubated sections and of the incubation medium, thus proving that lysolecithin hydrolysis occurs under the proposed reaction conditions. Staining is reduced by treating the sections with copper ions, mercury compounds, alcohols, acetone and by heating at 60 degrees C prior to incubation with substrate. Lowering of the pH of the incubation medium has similar effect. These findings are interpreted as evidence of the enzymatic nature of the reaction. Cells exhibiting a positive staining are found in the lamina propria of the intestinal villi and crypts, in the red pulp of the spleen and in the interstitial tissue of lung, liver and thymus. Similar elements are present in bone marrow smears and in leukocyte preparations obtained by peritoneal lavage. The morphologic and staining characteristics of these cells correspond to those of the eosinophilic leukocytes. Physical and chemical agents (x-irradiation, corticosteroids) which sharply decrease the number of eosinophils also reduce the number of cells shown histochemically to hydrolyze lysolecithin. A correspondent diminution of phospholipase B activity of homogenates of the same tissues can be shown in vitro. Differences in tissue distribution and chemical properties distinguish the phospholipase B from less specific esterases and lipases.  相似文献   

Tissue extracts from human heart, lung, liver, kidney, skeletal muscle and cerebrum displayed at least 3 distinct cyclic 3':5'-nucleotide phosphodieterase (EC activity peaks (FI, FII, FIII) on DEAE-cellulose chromatography and various properties of these forms were compared in each tissue. FI eluted at about 0.08 M sodium acetate, hydrolyzed cyclic GMP more rapidly than it did cyclic AMP, and cyclic GMP hydrolysis by FI in most tissues was enhanced by a protein activator in the presence of CaCl2. As only high concentrations of cyclic AMP inhibited cyclic GMP hydrolytic activity of FI, the enzyme probably has a low affinity for cyclic AMP. FII eluted at about 0.2 M sodium acetate, hydrolyzed both nucleotides at equal rates, and substrate affinities were relatively low. Cyclic GMP hydrolysis by FII was also stimulated by addition of a protein activator in the presence of CaCl2 and cyclic AMP hydrolysis in this fraction was accelerated by a micromolar fraction of cyclic GMP. FII eluted at about 0.35 M hydrolyzed cyclic AMP preferentially and was insensitive to protein activator. These two cyclic nucleotides act as mutual inhibitors of the hydrolysis in this fraction. Ratio of the cyclic GMP to cyclic AMP hydrolysis was in the order FI, FII, FIII. Four activity peaks were eluted from the cerebral extract and enzymes from this tissue exhibited much the same properties as observed in the other tissues examined herein.  相似文献   

Serine palmitoyltransferase [EC] catalyzes the first unique reaction of sphingolipid biosynthesis. To determine whether or not different rat tissues are capable of initiating this pathway, its activity was determined for microsomes from rat liver, lung, brain, kidney, intestine, spleen, muscle, heart, pancreas, testes, ovary, and stomach. Serine palmitoyltransferase was found in every tissue, and, when compared to the microsomal glycerol 3-phosphate acyltransferase, the activities correlated directly with their sphingomyelin levels as a percentage of total phospholipids. This suggests that the activities were comparable to expected cellular needs for long-chain bases, if the initial enzymes of glycerolipid and sphingolipid biosynthesis influence the phospholipid composition of cells by determining the relative partitioning of fatty acyl-CoA's toward these two lipid classes. Serine palmitoyltransferase activities were also determined using different fatty acyl-CoA's and were consistently greatest with CoA thioesters of saturated fatty acids with 16 +/- 1 carbon atoms. This suggests that the predominance of 18-carbon long-chain bases in vivo is due to the higher activity of this enzyme with palmitoyl-CoA. Together, these findings indicate a role for serine palmitoyltransferase in regulating both the type and amount of long-chain bases found in tissues.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity (EC was studied in fetal and newborn rabbit brain, heart, liver, kidney, and lung. Kinetic analysis of phosphodiesterase activity from homogenates of organs from the 25-day embryo suggested the presence of a high Km and a low Km activity for both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP hydrolysis. The addition of 1 μm cyclic GMP to the assay stimulated the hydrolysis of cyclic AMP by whole homogenates of liver, brain, lung, and kidney, but not heart, at all of the ages studied. The addition of micromolar levels of calcium ion stimulated cyclic GMP hydrolysis by homogenates of fetal brain, heart, and kidney, with or without added protein activator. Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase activity was not stimulated by the addition of calcium ion in homogenates of early fetal rabbit liver and lung, but stimulation was detected in the late embryo and newborn. The presence of the heat-stable protein activator was demonstrated in brain, heart, kidney, liver, and lung tissue at all of the fetal ages studied, and in the newborn rabbit. DEAE-cellulose chromatography demonstrated the presence of three separable enzymes in brain and liver at 15 days, heart at 19 days, and lung and kidney at 25 days of gestation, with no changes in the kinetic properties of the isolated enzymes during development. These experiments suggest that all of the organs studied have the mature array of phosphodiesterases early in development, but an enzyme from liver and lung becomes sensitive to regulatory control by calcium only late in gestation.  相似文献   

A unique ribonuclease, active only in the presence of Ca2+, was present in lactating mammary gland and milk of the rat. This enzyme was absent from virgin-rat mammary gland and non-mammary tissues of lactating rats. The presence of moderate activity in differentiated mammary tumours, together with an increase in activity in normal tissue parelleling development of mammary function, identify this enzyme as a marker of mammary differentiation in the rat.  相似文献   

Spired by the chemical structure of Cilostazol, a selective phosphodiesterase 3A (PDE3A) inhibitor, several novel hybrid compounds of nucleobases (uracil, 6-azauracil, 2-thiuracil, adenine, guanine, theophylline and theobromine) and tetrazole were designed and successfully synthesized and their inhibitory effects on PDE3A as well as their cytotoxicity on HeLa and MCF-7 cancerous cell lines were studied. Obtained results show the linear correlation between the inhibitory effect of synthesized compounds and their cytotoxicity. In some cases, the PDE3A inhibitory effects of synthesized compounds are higher than the Cilostazol. Besides, compared to a standard anticancer drug methotrexate, some of the synthesized compounds showed the higher cytotoxicity against the HeLa and MCF-7 cancerous cell lines.  相似文献   

3':5'-Cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) (EC activity was measured in interscapular brown adipose tissue (BAT) and in white epididymal adipose tissue of rats acclimated to constant or fluctuating cold. Experiments were carried out on isolated adipocytes or tissue homogenates. In brown or white adipose tissue or isolated adipocyte homogenates, two different apparent Km values were found according to the substrate (cAMP) concentration. The low Km was at about 10(-6) M and the high one at about 10(-4) M. The apparent V of the high Km enzyme was about 10-fold higher than the V of the low Km enzyme. Cold acclimation to constant or fluctuating cold did not modify appreciably the Km or V values. For low substrate concentrations (10(-6)-10(-8) M), the specific activity of PDE expressed per milligram of protein was decreased in BAT adipocytes of the two groups of cold-acclimated rats, compared to controls. Inversely, it was increased in total tissue homogenates. These variations were smaller in fluctuating cold than in constant cold-acclimate rats. They could, in part, induce the increases in lipolysis and in blood flow observed in the BAT of cold-acclimated rats.  相似文献   

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