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Social isolation has often been reported to facilitate male aggressiveness in various animal species. If social isolation also escalates male aggressive behavior towards females, the mating success of the aggressive males will be low. This study evaluated the effect of social isolation on mating behavior in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, which has traditionally been considered to be an asocial species. The results showed that social isolation from same-sex individuals enhanced male aggressiveness to females, and the mating success of aggressive males was reduced under the experimental conditions. More aggressive males exhibited a longer latency to court than less aggressive males. These results suggest that because male aggressiveness causes a delay in courtship, aggressive males may have reduced mating success. This demonstrated that social relationships are a critical factor affecting male mating success, even if the species is normally considered solitary.  相似文献   

Certain forms of marking behavior in Lemur catta have been considered to be aggressive in nature but had not been analyzed specifically in this respect. This study examines the relationship between the occurrence of all forms of marking behavior displayed by a captive group of lemurs and their physical and nonphysical aggressive interactions. All forms of marking behavior, especially males' tail mark and tail wave displays, were found to correlate with aggressive behavior including female-instigated agonism. In comparison, allogrooming, a behavior thought not to have an agonistic component, was not significantly correlated with any marking nor agonistic category. The data suggest that in intersexual interactions male marking behavior is an aggressive but nonphysical substitute for physical aggression toward females who have generally been regarded as dominant to males in this species.  相似文献   

大型水母迁移规律和灾害监测预警技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴玲娟  高松  白涛 《生态学报》2016,36(10):3103-3107
20世纪80年代以来,全球大型水母灾害发生频率与成灾种类不断增加,已严重影响了近海海洋渔业、沿海工业、滨海旅游业和海洋生态系统,已引起了各国政府高度重视,并且越来越多海洋工作者投身水母迁移等科学研究和监测预警工作中。回顾近年来国内外学者对水母漂移聚集和溯源等迁移规律的研究进展以及水母灾害监测预警工作现状。水母研究为预测预警工作服务,应侧重于开展系统的水母海上和室内试验,建立业务化立体监测体系;加强水母漂移聚集机理研究,建立更完善的水母预警模式。  相似文献   

Theoretical possibility of experimental modeling of learned (premediated) aggression developing in human after experience of aggression is considered. The sensory contact technique increases aggressiveness in male mice and allows aggressive type of behavior to be formed as a result of repeated experience of victories in daily agonistic confrontations. Some behavioral domains confirm the development of learned aggression in males similar to those in humans. The features are: repeated experience of aggression reinforced by victories; elements of learned behavior after period of confrontations; intent, measured by increase of the aggressive motivation prior agonistic confrontation; decreased emotionality estimated by parameters of open field behavior. Relevant stimuli provoke demonstration of aggression. This review summarized data on the influence of positive fighting experience in daily intermale confrontations on the behavior, neurochemistry and physiology of aggressive mice (winners). This sort of experience changes many characteristics in individual and social behaviors, these having been estimated in different tests and in varied situations. Some physiological parameters are also changed in the winners. Neurochemical data confirm the activation of brain dopaminergic systems and functional inhibition of serotonergic system in winners under influence of repeated experience of aggression. The expression of the neurochemical and behavioral changes observed in winners has been found dependent on the mouse strain and on the duration of their agonistic confrontations. Similarities in mechanisms of learned aggression in humans and mice are considered.  相似文献   

Agonistic behavior between heterospecifics, in which individuals of one species attack another, may cause a subordinate species to shift resource or habitat use. Subsequent evolutionary responses to selection may mimic shifts expected under ecological character displacement, but with no role played by exploitative competition. Alternatively, aggressive behavior can evolve when fitness is improved by excluding members of a coexisting species from a defendable resource through interference. We tested whether heterospecific agonistic behavior has evolved in brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) by comparing replicate allopatric populations to those sympatric with ninespine stickleback (Pungitius pungitius). We also tested for heritable variation in heterospecific aggressive behavior by rearing family groups in a common environment. Allopatric populations of brook stickleback were more aggressive than ninespine stickleback, suggesting that pre-existing aggression in brook stickleback contributed to niche shifts by ninespine stickleback. In addition, sympatric adult brook stickleback were more aggressive toward ninespine stickleback than brook stickleback from allopatric populations. Overt heterospecific aggressive behaviors were heritable, and aggression in juvenile brook stickleback increased with age in sympatric but not in allopatric populations reared in a common environment. Brook stickleback have evolved increased aggression when they coexist with ninespine stickleback. These stickleback communities have been structured by both evolved and pre-existing variation in heterospecific aggressive behavior in brook stickleback.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的发展,外来入侵生物的危害日益加重。我国针对当前各类重大外来生物的入侵,按照基础研究、共性关键技术与重大产品研发、典型应用示范3个层面,部署了一系列项目,并取得了一定成果:揭示了入侵生物的入侵特性和入侵机理,以及入侵植物与脆弱生态系统的相互作用机制;研发了重大新发农业入侵物种风险评估及防控技术,建立了生物威胁数据库和生物入侵突发事件可视化智能决策支持平台,以及重大入侵动植物的治理模式和技术体系;建立了主要入侵生物标本资源库。今后应以跨境动植物有害生物为主要目标,开展入侵扩散与成灾机制、早期预防预警、快速检测监测、识别追踪溯源、点面拦截狙击、区域防灾减灾等技术研究。  相似文献   

When heterospecific seabirds are part of a nesting colony, there may be less opportunity for conspecifics to come in direct contact with each other, resulting in lower intraspecific aggressiveness. To determine if individuals spend less time in aggressive behavior when nesting in conspecific rather than heterospecific groups, we compared the behavior of black skimmers (Rhynchops niger) nesting with gull-billed terns (Sterna nilotica) in three mixed species subcolonies to those of black skimmers in three single species subcolonies. In contrast to our predictions, black skimmers spent significantly less time in aggressive behaviors when nesting in single species subcolonies than when nesting with heterospecifics. Although skimmers in mixed species subcolonies tended to have more aggressive interactions with skimmers than terns, this may be a function of subcolony composition; the proportions of aggressive interactions with conspecifics were similar to the proportions of conspecifics in each subcolony. However, within the mixed species subcolonies, skimmers that nested nearer to terns were involved in aggressive interactions significantly less than skimmers that nested closer to conspecifics. Also, skimmers nested closer to their nearest neighbor when it was a gull-billed tern than when it was another skimmer. Regardless of which species they nested closest to, skimmers were more aggressive towards other skimmers than to terns within the mixed species subcolonies. Distance to nearest neighbor's nest did not differ significantly between the colony types, and did not seem to influence the duration of aggressive activity in the single species subcolonies. In the mixed species subcolonies, however, the time spent in aggressive behavior increased as the distance to nearest neighbor increased. It appears that of the several benefits that have been proposed of mixed species colonies, reduced time spent in conspecific aggression is not among them. However, within a mixed species colony, an individual can reduce time spent in aggressive interactions by nesting near heterospecifics. Received: 16 September 1996 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

外来生物入侵是继生境破坏后造成生物多样性丧失的第二大威胁因素, 已对入侵地的生态安全、经济和社会发展及人类健康等造成严重负面影响, 成为21世纪五大全球性环境问题之一。作为水产养殖、航运和水生宠物交易大国, 我国水生生态系统的生物入侵问题尤为严重。研究表明, 系统地构建并应用早期监测预警技术是防控水生生态系统生物入侵最有效的途径。和陆生生物相比, 水生生物群落的物种繁多、群落结构复杂、生物形体微小且在入侵初期群体规模极小、隐匿于水下、可用于物种鉴定的外部形态缺乏, 使得在水生生态系统中构建并应用早期监测和预警体系在技术层面更具挑战。随着高通量测序技术的快速发展, 环境DNA-宏条形码技术成为构建水生生态系统入侵生物早期监测与预警技术的首选。本文主要综述了基于环境DNA-宏条形码技术的水生生态系统入侵生物的早期监测与预警技术方法; 解析了环境DNA-宏条形码监测系统的应用现状、技术优势; 着重探讨了影响监测结果准确性的I型和II型错误及其产生原因, 并为避免两类错误提供了可行的优化/改进方案; 最后对该方法在水生入侵生物监测中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Within the past 2 million years, the cichlids of Lake Malawi have diversified into well over 500 species resulting in one of the worlds largest lacustrine fish radiations. As a result, many of the habitats within the lake support a high diversity of species. In these highly species rich communities, male cichlids must acquire and defend a territory to successfully reproduce. Within the rock-dwelling cichlids of Lake Malawi (mbuna), this has resulted in the formation of polyspecific leks on the heterogeneous rocky benthos. Aggression is fairly common in these leks and has been tied not only to individual reproduction but to the larger phenomenon of community assembly and the maintenance of biological diversity. In this study, I examined the patterns of aggressive acts of four species within the mbuna genus Maylandia at two locations in the southern Lake Malawi. The number of aggressive acts of two sympatric species was examined at each location. At each site, one species defends territories over bedrock and the other over cobble. The number of aggressive acts across the four species was compared. The influence of habitat type on male aggression was examined and the targets of male aggression were identified to evaluate several hypotheses concerning the evolution of male aggression. The results show that aggression quantitatively varied among species, was largely directed towards heterospecifics, and was strongly influenced by habitat type. The aggressive behavior of one sympatric species pair, Maylandia benetos and Maylandia zebra, was observed under controlled laboratory conditions. Laboratory results support field observations: the bedrock associated species performed more aggressive acts and aggressive acts were directed equally at con- and heterospecifics. The results of this study suggest that habitat complexity plays a larger role in shaping aggressive behavior than other suggested factors such as competition for resources.  相似文献   

Green and European Atlantic sturgeon are listed as a vulnerable and a critically endangered species, respectively. These anadromous species inhabit different continents but have many similar life history traits and demographic characteristics, including wide geographic ranges, similar migratory and foraging behavior, age and size structures of reproductive stocks and, historically, diverse population structures. The differences are limited to tetraploid genome and much larger egg size and lower fecundity in green sturgeon, reflecting the adaptations to different geomorphology and biota of the Pacific region. Both species have been affected by over-harvest and habitat losses but the severity of these impacts have been greater and lasted longer for the European Atlantic sturgeon, resulting in loss of diversity and extirpation of all but one stock. From the comparison of human impact on two species we conclude that preventive actions should be taken at the early warning signs of changes in population and recruitment. These should mitigate multiple factors of human activity affecting sturgeon stocks and their habitats.  相似文献   

The intraspecific behavior of the non-singing cricket Phaeophilacris bredoides Kaltenbach, 1986, which has no tympanal system, stridulatory apparatus, and classical acoustic communication, was studied. Even though this cricket has no song, its intraspecific behavior can be differentiated into reproductive and agonistic (defensive and aggressive), as this was done before for singing crickets. The main elements and the sequence of the phases were described for reproductive behavior. The active role during copulation belongs to the male. Wingflicks and rocking movements of the male can function as a “song.” Wing-flicks apparently generate air movements that function as short-range signals during reproductive and aggressive behavior. Substrate-borne vibrations produced by rocking also seem to be associated with aggressive behavior. Antennal contacts form an important part of interaction between crickets of both sexes. Thus, intraspecific signaling is at least partly mediated by mechanosensory channels. The assumption about the possible direction of evolution in the singing and non-singing groups of crickets was made.  相似文献   

海洋贝类种类繁多,是近海底栖生态系统的优势种,在生态系统物质循环和能量流动中起着极其重要的作用;但因频繁的人类活动导致的贝类入侵问题,往往使该过程不能正常运转。大量研究表明,入侵贝类会抑制原著贝类或其他生物的生长及拓殖,形成单一优势群落,破坏当地生态系统的平衡,也会对海洋渔业生产和近海工程及作业等造成不可预测的危害。目前,欧美等国家针对该问题已开展了大量工作,十分重视入侵贝类的生物学、生态学与行为学特征及特性的研究,并根据其入侵途径与方式的不同开展了检测、监测、防控及管理工作。但在我国,入侵贝类还未引起相关部门及研究机构的足够重视。本文主要简述了我国近海的3种入侵贝类沙筛贝、指甲履螺和地中海贻贝的生物学、生态学及行为学等特征及其对当地生态系统的影响;同时,根据其特性及入侵过程控制的难易,建议在完善我国入侵贝类数据库的基础上加强早期预警与检测,以及安全防控和管理等工作。  相似文献   

Androgen hormones have been shown to facilitate competitive ability in courtship and territorial behavior, while suppressing paternal behavior. The rock-pool blenny, Parablennius parvicornis, provides an excellent model to study the proximate regulation of such a trade-off between territorial and parental behavior, because nest-holder males of this species display these behaviors simultaneously. A field study was carried out in which territorial nest holder males were either treated with long-lasting implants filled with 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) or with control implants. Males treated with 11-KT showed a higher frequency of aggressive behavior, were more responsive to aggressive challenges, and were more persistent in aggressive behavior than control males. In addition, territories were larger in males treated with 11-KT than in controls. We found evidence for incompatibility between defense of a large territory and high levels of parental behavior. However, contrary to expectation, 11-KT did not suppress parental behavior. We suggest that trade-offs between territorial and parental behavior may not be regulated by androgen hormones but may result from a time constraint in the individual's activity budget.  相似文献   

Conspicuous warning signals of unprofitable prey are a defense against visually hunting predators. They work because predators learn to associate unprofitability with bright coloration and because strong signals are detectable and memorable. However, many species that can be considered defended are not very conspicuous; they have weak warning signals. This phenomenon has previously been ignored in models and experiments. In addition, there is significant within- and among-species variation among predators in their search behavior, in their visual, cognitive, and learning abilities, and in their resistance to defenses. In this article we explore the effects of variable predators on models that combine positive frequency-dependent, frequency-independent, and negative frequency-dependent predation and show that weak signaling of aposematic species can evolve if predators vary in their tendency to attack defended prey.  相似文献   

Neurosteroids, GABAA receptors, and escalated aggressive behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Aggressive behavior can serve important adaptive functions in social species. However, if it exceeds the species-typical pattern, it may become maladaptive. Very high or escalated levels of aggressive behavior can be induced in laboratory rodents by pharmacological (alcohol-heightened aggression), environmental (social instigation), or behavioral (frustration-induced aggression) means. These various forms of escalated aggressive behavior may be useful in further elucidating the neurochemical control over aggression and violence. One neurochemical system most consistently linked with escalated aggression is the GABAergic system, in conjunction with other amines and peptides. Although direct stimulation of GABA receptors generally suppresses aggression, a number of studies have found that positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptors can cause increases in aggressive behavior. For example, alcohol, benzodiazepines, and many neurosteroids are all positive modulators of the GABAA receptor and all can cause increased levels of aggressive behavior. These effects are dose-dependent and higher doses of these compounds generally shift from heightening aggressive behavior to being sedative and anti-aggressive. In addition, these modulators interact with each other and can have additive effects on the GABAA receptor and on behavior, including aggression. The GABAA receptor is a heteropentameric protein that can be constituted from various subunits. It has been shown that subunit composition can affect sensitivity of the receptor to some modulators and that subunit composition differentially affects the sedative vs anxiolytic actions of benzodiazepines. Initial studies targeting alpha subunits of the GABAA receptor point to their significant role in the aggression-heightening effects of alcohol, benzodiazepines, and neurosteroids.  相似文献   

This paper records the new occurrence of spaghetti bryozoan Zoobotryon verticillatum at the Port of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study, carried out between 2006 and 2007, also monitored its proliferation. Six observation stations were selected from the estuarine area, as well as samples of benthic invertebrates. The species was initially detected on the pilings of the port and on the hull of a fishing boat. 9 months later it was also found in four stations and on another fishing boat. The luxuriant colonial growth in the lower intertidal zone by the end of the study indicates that this species is well established in the estuarine area. This observation is consistent with the species’ biological characteristics; thus, it can be defined as an invasive organism due to its aggressive behavior when occupying the substrate. Its presence in port installations and vessels provide evidence that biofouling on ships’ hulls has been the most likely vector of introduction.  相似文献   

The threespine stickleback fish, Gasterosteus aculeatus, has undergone a remarkable postglacial adaptive radiation in which an ancient oceanic ancestor has given rise to uncountable freshwater populations. The radiation is characterized by repeated, independent evolution of similar derived phenotypes under similar environmental conditions. A common pattern of divergence is caused by differences in habitat that favor morphological and behavioral features that enhance efficiency of feeding on plankton (limnetic ecotypes) vs. those that enhance efficiency of feeding on benthic invertebrates (benthic ecotypes). These two ecotypes exhibit consistently different patterns of courtship and of foraging and cannibalistic behavior (divergent behavioral syndromes). Here, we demonstrate that there also exist differences in aggression toward conspecifics that are likely to be characteristic of the ecotypes. We report differences in patterns of aggression toward rivals between the ecotypes and offer evidence of differences in the patterns of phenotypic plasticity (norms of reaction) for these traits across population types, and of differences in the incorporation of aggressive elements of behavior in courtship. These data support an earlier suggestion that differences in aggressive tendencies could have facilitated assortative mating between the four benthic–limnetic species pairs found in British Columbia lakes, and they demonstrate the need to evaluate divergent behavioral phenotypes in this radiation as phenotypic norms of reaction rather than as fixed traits.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) has been found to have a stimulating effect on aggressive behavior in a wide range of vertebrate species. There is also some evidence of a positive relationship in humans, albeit less consistently. In the present study we investigated the relationship between T and aggression, dominance and delinquency over time, covering a period from early adolescence to adulthood. From a large population-based sample (n = 1.161) a subgroup of 96 boys was selected whose behavior had been assessed repeatedly by different informants from age 12 to 21 years, and who had provided multiple T samples over these years of assessment. On the whole, a decrease in aggressive and delinquent behavior was observed in a period in which T rises dramatically. Boys who developed a criminal record, had higher T levels at age 16. In addition, positive associations were observed between T and proactive and reactive aggression and self-reported delinquent behavior. Over the pubertal years different forms of aggressive and delinquent behavior were positively related to T, which may indicate that specific positive links are dependent on the social setting in which this relationship is assessed.  相似文献   

Despite over 25 years of intensive research, much of our knowledge of primate behavior has been limited to a small number of Old World, semiterrestrial species. With the exception of chimpanzees, these species share consistent patterns of behavior, including aggressive competition between males, male dominance over females, male dispersal and female kin groups, that have come to characterize the Order Primates. However, as research has expanded to include a number of newly studied species, such generalizations about primate behavior are no longer appropriate. Data presented on the wooly spider monkey, or muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides), provide examples of the ways in which traditional views of primate behavior are being reconsidered. In muriquis, and in several other New World monkeys, female kin groups do not occur because females disperse from their natal groups. In addition, aggressive competition between males is virtually absent; and, female muriquis appear to be codominant with males. Constraints on sexual dimorphism may help to explain why muriquis (and other New World primates) differ so fundamentally from the better known semi-terrestrial Old World monkeys.Logo of the 1988 International Primatological Society.  相似文献   

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