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Rapid cold hardening in Antarctic microarthropods   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  

Quantitative scaling relationships among body mass, temperature and metabolic rate of organisms are still controversial, while resolution may be further complicated through the use of different and possibly inappropriate approaches to statistical analysis. We propose the application of a modelling strategy based on the theoretical approach of Akaike's information criteria and non‐linear model fitting (nlm). Accordingly, we collated and modelled available data at intraspecific level on the individual standard metabolic rate of Antarctic microarthropods as a function of body mass (M), temperature (T), species identity (S) and high rank taxa to which species belong (G) and tested predictions from metabolic scaling theory (mass‐metabolism allometric exponent b = 0.75, activation energy range 0.2–1.2 eV). We also performed allometric analysis based on logarithmic transformations (lm). Conclusions from lm and nlm approaches were different. Best‐supported models from lm incorporated T, M and S. The estimates of the allometric scaling exponent linking body mass and metabolic rate resulted in a value of 0.696 ± 0.105 (mean ± 95% CI). In contrast, the four best‐supported nlm models suggested that both the scaling exponent and activation energy significantly vary across the high rank taxa (Collembola, Cryptostigmata, Mesostigmata and Prostigmata) to which species belong, with mean values of b ranging from about 0.6 to 0.8. We therefore reached two conclusions: 1, published analyses of arthropod metabolism based on logarithmic data may be biased by data transformation; 2, non‐linear models applied to Antarctic microarthropod metabolic rate suggest that intraspecific scaling of standard metabolic rate in Antarctic microarthropods is highly variable and can be characterised by scaling exponents that greatly vary within taxa, which may have biased previous interspecific comparisons that neglected intraspecific variability.  相似文献   

Hovenden  Mark J. 《Annals of botany》2000,86(4):717-721
The thallus nitrogen (N) concentration of two dominant macrolichensof continental Antarctica (Usnea sphacelata and Umbilicariadecussata) was estimated each month for 1 year on a low roundedknoll on Clark Peninsula, Windmill Islands, Wilkes Land, Antarctica.Thallus N was significantly higher in Umbilicaria decussatathan in Usnea sphacelata and varied according to site. Duringthe winter months, when the lichens were metabolically inactive,thalli gradually accumulated N. At the onset of warmer conditions,thallus N content fell dramatically in both species, with thetiming of the decline being related to microclimatic conditions.The strongly seasonal pattern of metabolic activity in thesespecies is reflected in their nitrogen relations. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Lichen, nitrogen, Antarctica, season, Usnea sphacelata, Umbilicaria decussata  相似文献   

Seasonal microbial activity in Antarctic freshwater lake sediments   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Summary Seasonal fluctuations in population numbers and activity were monitored in bottom sediments of oligotrophic Moss Lake, mesotrophic Heywood Lake and eutrophic Amos Lake on Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, during 1976–78. Heywood and Amos Lakes became anoxic under winter ice cover (8–10 months) and significant populations of facultatively anaerobic heterotrophs and sulphate-reducing bacteria developed. In contrast, Moss Lake surface sediments never became anoxic and anaerobic bacteria were virtually absent. Direct microscopic counts and viable plate counts fluctuated relatively little in Moss Lake throughout the study period, whereas distinct seasonality was observed in the more enriched lake systems. Similarly, measurements of oxygen consumption and dark 14CO2 uptake by mud cores indicated no obvious seasonal fluctuations in Moss Lake data, in contrast to the marked seasonal pattern observed in data from the other lakes. In these latter systems, oxygen uptake rates were highest in summer (c. 400 mg O2 m-2 d-1) and virtually undetectable in winter. Comparison of oxygen uptake with oxygen concentration and temperature revealed differences, between lakes, in uptake response to oxygen concentration, whereas uptake response to temperature did not differ significantly between lakes. Chemosynthetic production in the Signy Island lake sediments was in the range 1.6–35.3 g C m-2 (mud surface) d-1 with highest values recorded in Amos Lake under winter ice cover and anoxic conditions. The findings from this and earlier studies of the three lakes have been assembled to indicate the relative importance of green plants and bacteria to the carbon cycle in these permanently cold systems.  相似文献   

The Signy Island terrestrial reference sites epitomize unpolluted maritime Antarctic tundra. The extreme transition from the harsh Antarctic winter to the milder summer facilitates studies of the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on microbial activity in moss peat. Seasonal monitoring of peat oxygen uptake showed a transient spring peak at c. 0oC, attributed to microbial utilization of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). After a more gradual temperature-linked summer increase, autumnal freeze-thaw cycles stimulated a final pre-winter peak. The transient climaxes were associated with blooms of saccharolytic yeasts and microfungi. The bacterial population stabilized after a spring increase but then diversified as DOC became rate-limiting. Effects of pre-monitored spring freeze-thaw cycles on late-winter peat cores were simulated in a Gilson respirometer. In vitro perturbations demonstrated the regulatory effects of DOC availability, water content and temperature on peat respiration and microflora! composition. Comparative respirometry and loss in tensile strength of interred cotton strips showed a difference in decomposer activity beneath a relatively dry Polytrichum-Chorisodontium turf and a wet Cattiergon-Cephalozielta carpet. This was associated with water content and anaerobiosis. Cellulolysis accelerated during the growing season and increased with depth, despite anaerobic conditions. Estimates of annual bryophyte decomposition are presented for use in an Antarctic ecosystem model.  相似文献   

以2008年于南京地区采集的粽粑竹、美丽箬竹和阔叶箬竹竹叶为试验材料,研究了箬竹叶片中总黄酮、茶多酚和可溶性糖含量的季节变化.结果表明: 3个竹种叶片的总黄酮、茶多酚和可溶性糖含量存在显著的季节差异.不同季节叶片中总黄酮含量为1.7%~2.7%,春季粽粑竹和美丽箬竹叶片中总黄酮含量最高,冬季阔叶箬竹叶片中总黄酮含量最高;茶多酚含量为5.5%~7.6%;可溶性糖含量在1.0%~8.5%,以春季最高.在展叶后3个月内, 粽粑竹和美丽箬竹叶片中各活性成分含量随叶龄的增加而增加.12月至翌年3月为箬竹叶的最佳采叶时期. 3个竹种中,阔叶箬竹叶片的3种活性成分含量均最高,是活性成分利用潜力较大的竹种.  相似文献   

The distributions of bacterial populations in sea ice and underlying seawater were investigated on the continental shelf of the “Terre Adélie” area. A reference station was sampled weekly from January 1991 to January 1992. In winter, the survey included a minimum of six sampling layers: surface and bottom ice, brine, seawater from the interface, and at 0.5 and 2 m depth. In seawater, the total bacterial abundance ranged from 0.5 × 105 cells ml−1 in July to 6.0 × 105 cells ml−1 after ice break. Values reaching 2.5 × 106 cells ml−1 were recorded in the overlying ice cover. Mean cell volumes were twice as high in brine as in seawater. The saprophytic bacterial abundance ranged from 5.0 × 104 CFU (colony-forming units) ml−1 in some winter interface samples to less than 1.0 × 103 CFU ml−1 in most of the summer seawater samples. In sea ice a clear decreasing gradient for most of the studied bacterial parameters from the surface layers towards the bottom layer was found. The ice cover had a discernible impact on underlying seawater, but its influence was restricted to a limited interface layer.  相似文献   

The effect of viruses on the microbial loop, with particular emphasis on bacteria, was investigated over an annual cycle in 2003–2004 in Lake Druzhby and Crooked Lake, two large ultraoligotrophic freshwater lakes in the Vestfold Hills, Eastern Antarctica. Viral abundance ranged from 0.16 to 1.56 × 109 particles L-1;1 and bacterial abundances ranged from 0.10 to 0.24 × 109 cells L-1;1, with the lowest bacterial abundances noted in the winter months. Virus-to-bacteria ratios (VBR) were consistently low in both lakes throughout the season, ranging from 1.2 to 8.4. lysogenic bacteria, determined by induction with mitomycin C, were detected on three sampling occasions out of 10 in both lakes. In Lake Druzhby and Crooked Lake, lysogenic bacteria made up between 18% and 73% of the total bacteria population during the lysogenic events. Bacterial production ranged from 8.2 to 304.9 × 106 cells L-1;1 day-1;1 and lytic viral production ranged from 47.5 to 718.4 × 106 viruslike particles L-1;1 day-1;1. When only considering primary production, heterotrophic nanoflagellate (HNF) grazing and viral lysis as the major contributors to the DOC pool (i.e., autochthonous sources), we estimated a high contribution from viruses during the winter months when >60% of the carbon supplied to the DOC pool originated from viral lysis. In contrast, during the summer <20% originated from viral lysis. Our study shows that viral process in ultraoligotrophic Antarctic lakes may be of quantitative significance with respect to carbon flow especially during the dark winter period.  相似文献   

Growth, photosynthesis, dark respiration and pigment contents were monitored in adult sporophytes of the Antarctic brown alga Desmarestia menziesii J. Agardh grown under fluctuating Antarctic daylength conditions. Growth rates were closely coupled to daylength variations with values varying from 0.05% d?1 in winter condition (July-August) to 0.5% d?1 in early summer (December). Photosynthetic pigments had maximum values of 1.8 mg g?1 FW (chlorophyll a), 0.4 mg g?1 FW (chlorophyll c) and 0.9 mg g?1 FW (fucoxanthin) in summer. These changes were also closely related to individual size and biomass of the plants. Net photosynthesis (Pmax), on a fresh weight basis, showed a clear seasonal pattern with highest rates of 25μmol O2 g?1 FW h?1 in October and minima close to 9μmol O2 g?1 FW h?1 in April. Dark respiration was high in spring (13μmol O2 g?1 FW h?1) approximately coinciding with growth peaks. Likewise, photosynthetic efficiency (α) and the initial saturating light point of photosynthesis (lk) increased significantly in spring [1.3 μimol O2 g?1 FW h?1 (μmol m?2 s?1)?1 and 26μmol photons m?2 s?1, respectively]. In the case of α, no significant differences between fresh weight and Chl a based rates were found. The results of the present study are the first that demonstrate seasonality of physiological parameters in D. menziesii sporophytes and confirm also that phenology and physiology of macroalgae can be simulated in the laboratory. On the other hand this study adds new elements to the explanation of the life strategy of D. menziesii, in particular that algal growth and photosynthesis occur under a programmed seasonal pattern.  相似文献   

Over 15 months between January 1990 and March 1991, a range of physical, chemical and biological parameters was monitored regularly in fellfield soils of frost-sorted polygons at four sites on Signy Island (South Orkney Islands, maritime Antarctica). These included inorganic nutrients (orthophosphate, available nitrate and, over a more limited period, ammonia), chlorophyll a (as a proxy measure of microalgal biomass) and a range of potential cryoprotectant compounds. Transects across soil polygons revealed neither intrapolygon gradients in concentrations of inorganic nutrients or chlorophyll a nor significant interpolygon differences, in contrast with previous studies. Nitrate was present in much lower concentrations than phosphate, supporting evidence that it is a limiting nutrient in these fellfield ecosystems. Spring snowmelt, although a potential source of nutrient input, was not associated with increased concentrations of inorganic nutrients in the soil, probably through isolation of the soil from overlaying snow by a surface layer of ice. Soil microalgae at the study sites must survive winter temperatures of at least −9°C, even when protected beneath up to 1 m of snow, and it has been proposed that they accumulate sugars and polyols as cryoprotectants. In support of this, concentrations of erythritol, glycerol, glucose, sucrose and trehalose in the soil (both absolute quantity and after correction for chlorophyll a concentration) increased as winter proceeded, suggesting that changes in sugar concentrations were due to accumulation within individual cells.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of growth, lipid deposition and lipid depletion were studied in anadromous Arctic charr from a north Norwegian population. Samples were collected in late May when fish were migrating between fresh water and the sea, and in mid-July when the fish re-entered fresh water. A sample of maturing fish captured in mid-July was held in captivity until late September to assess lipid mobilization linked to the final stages of maturation. The fish increased substantially in weight during their 40–50-day summer residence in sea water (immatures from c . 300 to 600 g; maturing fish from c . 500 to 800 g), and body lipid stores were increased approximately fivefold. The carcass (head, skeleton and skin) was the major lipid depot, accounting for c . 50% of the total lipid content when the fish re-entered fresh water from the sea. The muscle of the ascending charr contained 35–40% of the body lipids, whereas the gut and liver each held 4–5%. Body lipid decreased 30–40% during the period between the re-entry of the fish to fresh water and spawning; although lipids were depleted from all depots the carcass and muscle were quantitatively the most important. By the time of spawning, the gonads of the females held almost 25% of the body lipid, whereas in the males the gonads accounted for <3% of the total lipids. Females lost c . 80% of their body lipid during spawning and overwintering, and, consequently, the lipid depots were severely depleted by the early spring. By contrast, lipid depletion in the males amounted to 50–55% of total lipid in the same period. These data suggest that the combination of spawning and overwintering in fresh water imposes a greater load on the females than on the males. It may be that the severity of the depletion prevents females from spawning in successive years.  相似文献   

Metal bioaccumulation and metallothionein were investigated in different organs of the red-blooded teleost, Trematomus bernacchii and the haemoglobinless Chionodraco hamatus. Specimens of the two Antarctic fish were sampled from Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea), and their levels of Cd, Cu and Zn in homogenates and in soluble fractions of liver, muscle, gills, heart and plasma were determined. Dosages of metallothioneins (MTs) or MT-like proteins were assayed by the silver saturation method in soluble fractions of the same organs. In both T. bernacchii and C. hamatus the highest MT contents were found in liver. Hepatic MT and Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations correlated positively in T. bernacchii, whereas in C. hamatus hepatic MT showed a positive correlation only with Cd. Positive correlations were also found between Cd and MT in gills of the two species. A metal-binding protein containing a high percentage of cysteine from C. hamatus was purified and compared with the MT from T. bernacchii and mammals. Accepted: 27 November 1999  相似文献   

Quantitative samples of benthos were taken on a stony beach in the maritime Antarctic (Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands) during a complete annual cycle. The sampled habitat consisted of cobbles lying on sand and gravel in the fringe between the littoral and sublittoral zones; samples were always taken at low tide just below the water line. In this habitat, abundant macroalgal detritus was observed between stones. This stony beach appeared to be very rich in vagile fauna settled between and under stones. Macrobenthos consisted mainly of amphipods (ca. 85% of total number), gastropods (11%) and nemerteans (3%). The abundance of whole macrofauna ranged to over 50,000 ind. m-2 and its biomass over 600 g m-2 (FW). Seven species of Amphipoda and four species of Gastropoda were found. Amphipoda were dominated by Gondogeneia antarctica (over 70% of all amphipods) and Paramoera edouardi (over 20%), whereas among gastropods Laevilitorina antarctica prevailed (over 70%). Unexpectedly high abundance and biomass of Amphipoda were observed in the first half of winter (May/July), surpassing otherwise important summer amphipod abundance. The probable reason for this phenomenon could be high autumn abundance of decaying algae on the beach in the tidal zone, providing detritus that is probably the main food source for Amphipoda.  相似文献   

Summary The zooplankton community of a shallow coastal area in Eastern Antarctica was found to be one of low species diversity dominated by Copepoda. It was comprised of the more common Antarctic oceanic copepod species, medusae, molluscs, euphausiids, several copepod species associated with the ice-water interface and, in summer, benthic fauna larvae. Most species of copepods displayed a marked seasonality in abundance with peak numbers between March and May. It is proposed that several factors, including phytoplankton seasonality contribute to the zooplankton species composition, zooplankton seasonality, and to the temporal differences in the period of maximum abundance between copepod species. Annual vertical migratory behaviour in conjunction with the circulation of Prydz Bay are important determining factors for those species which can be considered as oceanic; Calanoides acutus, Calanus propinquus, Ctenocalanus citer, Metridia gerlachei, Oithona similis and Oncaea curvata. However, for copepod species which can be classified as inshore residents, such as Stephos longipes, Paralabidocera antarctica and Drepanopus bispinosus, it is their association with the ice water interface that determines their seasonal appearance and abundance. Some differences were established between the zooplankton community of the Vestfold Hills and that of other Antarctic coastal regions. This may be attributed, in part, to the extensive shallow areas of the Vestfold Hills coastal region. Spatial distribution of the zooplankton with depth and between sites was investigated and found to be essentially homogenous. When differences were established, in the majority of cases all species present, all age classes and both sexes contributed to the differences.  相似文献   

The abundance, biomass and community structure of phytoplankton,bacterioplankton and protozooplankton in a maritime Antarcticlake were determined at approximately monthly intervals fromDecember 1994 to February 1996 and compared with data from earlierstudies. Heywood Lake has become significantly eutrophic duringthe last three decades because of excreta from the expandingfur seal population in its catchment. Marked seasonal variationsin the abundance, composition and productivity of biota werecorrelated with the seasonality of both physical factors andnutrient levels. Protozooplankton were abundant, diverse andusually dominated by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF), withHNF abundance peaking at 2.35 x 107 l–1 in summer. Highnumbers of naked amoebae were sometimes present, reaching amaximum of 4.8 x 103 l–1 in March. An estimated 89 speciesof protozoa were observed during the study, indicating substantiallymore diversity than is found in continental Antarctic lakes.Diversity was highest in spring and lowest in winter, when theentire water column became anoxic and the plankton were dominatedby bacteria and a few species of relatively large anaerobicflagellates. The current status of the lake is compared withdata for continental Antarctic and lower latitude lakes. Earlierstudies of biota and physical/chemical parameters in HeywoodLake are used to examine the effects of eutrophication overthree decades. Observed changes include increased microbialabundance and changes in both community structure and seasonalpatterns.  相似文献   

The content of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates and the calorific contents in six Antarctic and three south Chilean brown algae were determined. These constitute the first reports of chemical composition in the endemic Antarctic species Cystosphaera jacquinotii, Phaeurus antarcticus and Desmarestia antarctica. There were no marked differences in total energy levels between Antarctic and cold-temperate species (values between 10.6 and 13 kJ g–1 dry weight). However, species such as Adenocystis utricularis showed significantly higher ash-free energy (26.3 kJ), which is explained in terms of morpho-functional differentiation. Ascoseira mirabilis and Phaeurus antarcticus showed high total lipids (2.1–2.2% dry weight) and soluble carbohydrates (5.9 and 3.4% dry weight). In general, algae from Chile had similar energy levels and no obvious differences in organic content could be found.  相似文献   

银杏黄酮苷和萜类内酯含量的季节变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.)2年生实生苗和大树为试材,分析根、茎和叶中银杏黄酮苷及萜类内酯含量的季节变化规律。银杏叶中萜类内酯含量从春季起逐渐增加,至夏末秋初达最高值,随后逐渐减少;根和茎中萜类内酯含量的季节变化与叶中相类似,但在冬季休眠期维持较高含量,进入春季伴随叶的萌发生长降低到全年的最低点。银杏茎中萜类内酯含量最低,相当于叶含量的1/3和根含量的1/2。叶中白果内酯含量在总萜类内酯中所占比例较高,而在根和茎中所占比例则较低。随着树龄增加,银杏叶萜类内酯含量下降,这可能与萜类内酯合成能力下降有关。银杏黄酮苷含量在春季幼叶中最高,夏季和秋季相对较低且变化不明显;长枝叶中槲皮素较多,而短枝叶中山柰黄素较多。对不同季节和不同部位的不同成分含量的相关机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Carbon fixation under controlled conditions was measured inthree mosses from the maritime Antarctic using an infra-redgas analysis system. Gas exchange parameters were determinedduring each season in 1993 and 1994 using the Arrhenius equationand a hyperbolic tangent function applied to respiration andphotosynthesis, respectively. Environmental data was collectedin 1994 for comparison. All seasonal variations were greaterinBrachythecium than in the species from less hydric habitats.Respiration rates were highest in summer and lowest in winterat all temperatures inBrachythecium, but there was little changeinChorisodontium orAndreaea . There was some seasonal variationin the initial slope (Kp) of the photosynthesis-irradiance curvein all species, although the environmental data suggested thatthis was of little ecological importance. In all species seasonalchanges in the maximum rates of photosynthesis (GPmax, NPmax)were observed, generally with a pattern of summer maxima, althoughthere were some interannual differences. These changes are consideredto be the most important in affecting the overall annual productivityof the mosses. There were no seasonal variations in the optimumtemperatures for either gross or net photosynthesis, or forthe irradiance at the onset of light saturation (Ik). The resultshave important implications for the use of models to estimatethe productivity of the Antarctic flora based upon present orpredicted climate data. Antarctica; bryophytes; mosses; carbon exchange; irradiance; photosynthesis; productivity models; respiration; seasonal variation; temperature  相似文献   

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