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Theodorou, Andreas, Natalie Weger, Kathleen Kunke, KyooRhee, David Bice, Bruce Muggenberg, and Richard Lemen. Ragweed sensitization alters pulmonary vascular responses to bronchoprovocation in beagle dogs. J. Appl. Physiol.83(3): 912-917, 1997.In ragweed (RW)-sensitized beagle dogs, wetested the hypothesis that reactivity of the pulmonary vasculature wasenhanced with aerosolized histamine (Hist) and RW. Seven dogs wereneonatally sensitized with repeated intraperitoneal RW injections, and12 dogs were controls (Con). The dogs were anesthetizedwith intravenous chloralose, mechanically ventilated, and instrumentedwith femoral arterial and pulmonary artery catheters. Specific lungcompliance(CLsp),specific lung conductance (Gsp),systemic vascular resistance index, and pulmonary vascular resistanceindex (PVRI) were measured before and after bronchoprovocation withHist and RW. After Hist inhalation (5 breaths of 30 mg/ml), both Conand RW dogs had significant (P < 0.05) decreases inCLsp(51 ± 4 and 53 ± 5%, respectively) andGsp (65 ± 5 and69 ± 3%, respectively), but only RW-sensitized dogs had asignificant increase in PVRI (38 ± 10%). After RW inhalation (60 breaths of 0.8 mg/ml), only RW-sensitized dogs had significant increases (62 ± 20%) in PVRI and decreases inGsp (77 ± 4%) and CLsp(65 ± 7%). We conclude that, compared with Con,RW-sensitized beagle dogs have increased pulmonary vasoconstrictiveresponses with Hist or RW inhalation.


To determine upper airway and respiratory muscle responses to nasal continuous negative airway pressure (CNAP), we quantitated the changes in diaphragmatic and genioglossal electromyographic activity, inspiratory duration, tidal volume, minute ventilation, and end-expiratory lung volume (EEL) during CNAP in six normal subjects during wakefulness and five during sleep. During wakefulness, CNAP resulted in immediate increases in electromyographic diaphragmatic and genioglossal muscle activity, and inspiratory duration, preserved or increased tidal volume and minute ventilation, and decreased EEL. During non-rapid-eye-movement and rapid-eye-movement sleep, CNAP was associated with no immediate muscle or timing responses, incomplete or complete upper airway occlusion, and decreased EEL. Progressive diaphragmatic and genioglossal responses were observed during non-rapid-eye-movement sleep in association with arterial O2 desaturation, but airway patency was not reestablished until further increases occurred with arousal. These results indicate that normal subjects, while awake, can fully compensate for CNAP by increasing respiratory and upper airway muscle activities but are unable to do so during sleep in the absence of arousal. This sleep-induced failure of load compensation predisposes the airways to collapse under conditions which threaten airway patency during sleep. The abrupt electromyogram responses seen during wakefulness and arousal are indicative of the importance of state effects, whereas the gradual increases seen during sleep probably reflect responses to changing blood gas composition.  相似文献   

Acute bronchoconstriction after isocapnic hyperpnea can be produced in most asthmatic individuals. However, the existence of a late-phase response is less certain. We used a canine model of isocapnic hyperpnea to test the hypothesis that this discrepancy is due to differences in the challenge threshold for the responses. Acute-phase and late-phase bronchoconstriction was measured in nine dogs after peripheral airway exposure to unconditioned air. Additionally, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was obtained during the late-phase response. The acute-phase response was a polynomial function with a decreasing slope at higher challenges, whereas the late-phase response suggested that a minimum threshold of challenge severity was needed to produce late-phase bronchoconstriction. BALF leukocyte and eicosanoid concentrations had linear relationships with challenge severity. Our data support the hypothesis that acute- and late-phase posthyperpnea responses have different dose-response relationships, a fact that may explain the frequent lack of a late-phase response. However, our data suggest that mild inflammation can be induced with relatively lower challenge severity.  相似文献   

A report on the Keystone Symposium 'Innate Immunity: Signaling Mechanisms', Keystone, USA, 24-29 February, 2008.  相似文献   

In some acromegalics, GH release can be induced by TRH and/or LHRH administration. The pathogenesis of these GH paradoxical responses was supposed to be a somatotroph-reduced sensitivity to somatostatin, somatotrophin release-inhibiting factor (SRIF), or an hypothalamic derangement of the SRIF release. In this study, this hypothesis was investigated by means of GH suppression during chronic therapy with octreotide [Somatostatin analogue (SMS)] in order to evaluate the possible correlation between GH and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) normalization and the disappearance of these paradoxical responses in 15 acromegalic patients: 15/15 with a paradoxical GH rise after TRH and 7/15 with a paradoxical GH rise after LHRH. SMS therapy was administered subcutaneously at the dose of 150-450 micrograms/day. During the treatment, GH and IGF-1 levels normalized in 12 patients and were reduced in the remaining 3 others. The GH response to TRH disappeared in 7 patients, while the GH response to LHRH disappeared in 4 patients. chi 2 analysis failed to show any significant correlation between GH and IGF-1 normalization and the disappearance of GH response to TRH and LHRH (chi 2 = 0.00686). No linear correlation existed between GH/IGF-1 decrease and GH peak or area under the curve at any time ('r' values: TRH test, GH -0.47, IGF-1 -0.48; LHRH test, GH -0.50, IGF-1 -0.49). The absence of any significant correlation between GH/IGF-1 normalization and the disappearance of GH paradoxical responses during chronic octreotide administration suggests that other factors apart from SRIF sensitivity are involved in the genesis of these responses.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the guinea pig tracheal epithelium in modulating tracheal smooth muscle responses to the relaxant agonists albuterol, sodium nitroprusside, and theophylline. We used an in vitro preparation that allowed separation of the fluids bathing the luminal (internal) and serosal (external) surfaces of the trachea, and bronchodilators were administered to either surface of carbachol-contracted tracheae. All three drugs produced dose-dependent relaxation. However, albuterol and nitroprusside were less potent (concentration that produced half-maximal effect increased by 100- and 32-fold, respectively) when given to the epithelial side with the epithelium intact compared with the epithelium denuded or compared with serosal administration with the epithelium intact. These differences were not observed for theophylline, where smooth muscle responses were independent of either the side of stimulation or of the presence or absence of the epithelium. Direct measurements of the diffusion of theophylline across the tracheal wall in the presence or absence of epithelium showed that after 5 h of incubation with a fixed luminal concentration of theophylline, only 1.7% had diffused across the tracheal wall with the epithelium intact. This increased to only approximately 3.3% when the epithelium was denuded. These results suggest that the epithelial is a relatively weak barrier for lipophilic agents but has a major role as a diffusion barrier to hydrophilic substances.  相似文献   

Soft palate muscle responses to negative upper airway pressure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The afferentpathways and upper airway receptor locations involved in negative upperairway pressure (NUAP) augmentation of soft palate muscle activity havenot been defined. We studied the electromyographic (EMG) response toNUAP for the palatinus, tensor veli palatini, and levator veli palatinimuscles in 11 adult, supine, tracheostomized, anesthetized dogs. NUAPwas applied to the nasal or laryngeal end of the isolated upper airwayin six dogs and to four to six serial upper airway sites from the nasalcavity to the subglottis in five dogs. When NUAP was applied at thelarynx, peak inspiratory EMG activity for the palatinus and tensorincreased significantly (P < 0.05) and plateaued at a NUAP of 10cmH2O. Laryngeal NUAP failed toincrease levator activity consistently. Nasal NUAP did not increase EMGactivity for any muscle. Consistent NUAP reflex recruitment of softpalate muscle activity only occurred when the larynx was exposed to the stimulus and, furthermore, was abolished by bilateral section of theinternal branches of the superior laryngeal nerves. We conclude thatsoft palate muscle activity may be selectively modulated by afferentactivity originating in the laryngeal and hypopharyngeal airway.  相似文献   

Dreshaj, Ismail A., Musa A. Haxhiu, Charles F. Potter, FatonH. Agani, and Richard J. Martin. Maturational changes in responsesof tissue and airway resistance to histamine. J. Appl.Physiol. 81(4): 1785-1791, 1996.We determinedhow postnatal maturation affects the relative contributions of airwaysand lung parenchyma to pulmonary resistance(RL) and whether there are developmental differences in their respective responses to constrictive agents. We studied open-chest ventilated anesthetized piglets of threeages: 2-4 days, 2-3 wk, and 10 wk.RL was partitioned into tissue(Rti) and airway (Raw) resistance by means of alveolar capsules underbaseline conditions and after intravenous histamine. Postnatalmaturation was associated with a progressive decline inRL, Rti, and Raw and with anincrease in the contribution of Rti toRL from 38 ± 8% at 2-4days to 72 ± 2% at both 2-3 and 10 wk. Histamine causedRL to increase at all ages. Whenpartitioned into Rti and Raw, the percent increase in Rti significantlyexceeded that of Raw at both 2-4 days and 2-3 wk. Incontrast, the percent increase in Raw significantly exceeded that ofRti at 10 wk. Administration of atropine before histamine in pigletsaged 10 wk reduced the response of Rti and Raw to histamine.Histamine-induced responses ofRL were blocked by priorH1-receptor blockade withpyrilamine (2 mg/kg). These results indicate that1) the contribution of Rti and Rawto RL changes during maturationand that 2) contractile responses toexogenous histamine are manifest predominantly in most distal airwaysand lung parenchyma during early postnatal life; with advancingmaturation there is greater contribution of airways to the increase inRL induced by histamine.


The neonatal ventilatory response to hypoxia is characterized by initial transient stimulation and subsequent respiratory depression. It is unknown, however, whether this response is also exhibited by the upper airway muscles that regulate nasal, laryngeal, and pharyngeal patency. We therefore compared electromyogram (EMG) amplitudes and minute EMGs for the diaphragm (DIA), alae nasi (AN), posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA), and genioglossus (GG) muscles in 12 anesthetized spontaneously breathing piglets during inhalation of 12% O2 over 10 min. Minute EMG for the DIA responded to hypoxia with an initial transient increase and subsequent return to prehypoxia levels by 10 min. Hypoxia also stimulated all three upper airway muscles. In contrast to the DIA EMG, however, AN, PCA, and GG EMGs all remained significantly above prehypoxia levels after 10 min of hypoxia. We have thus demonstrated that the initial stimulation and subsequent depression of the DIA EMG after 12% O2 inhalation contrast with the sustained increase in AN, PCA, and GG EMGs during hypoxia. We speculate that 1) central inhibition during neonatal hypoxia is primarily distributed to the motoneuron pools regulating DIA activation and 2) peripheral chemoreceptor stimulation and/or central disinhibition induced by hypoxia preferentially influence those motoneuron pools that regulate upper airway muscle activation, causing the different hypoxic responses of these muscle groups in the young piglet.  相似文献   

Laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR) responses elicited by fluid irrigation of the larynx have been described repeatedly in animals, whereas evidence for a similar reflex in human infants is extremely limited. Using nasopharyngeal catheters to instill small volumes of warm saline or water into the pharynx, we examined the incidence and characteristics of such a reflex in nine premature infants. Saline and water elicited the same pattern of responses, which frequently included swallows, central apnea, and airway obstruction and less commonly featured coughs, prolonged apnea, and arousal. With the exception of arousal, the incidence of these responses was significantly greater after delivery of water stimuli than after saline bolus administration. We therefore deduce chemoreceptor involvement in generation of these reflex responses and propose a laryngeal site for this sensory system, as in animals. Since greater potency of water compared with saline was demonstrable in all the infants studied, we further conclude that most preterm infants possess an upper airway chemoreflex.  相似文献   

Although ebselen, a seleno-organic compound, inhibits inflammation in various animal models, its efficacy as an anti-asthma drug remains to be clarified. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of ebselen on a guinea pig asthma model. Ebselen was orally administered at dosages of 1-20 mg/kg 2 h before an ovalbumin (OA) challenge, and then airway responses, airway inflammation, the generation of superoxide, H(2)O(2), and nitrotyrosine, and the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were evaluated. Sensitized animals challenged with OA aerosol showed dual airflow limitations, i.e., immediate and late airway responses (IAR and LAR). Ebselen significantly inhibited LAR at dosages greater than 10 mg/kg, but did not inhibit IAR at any dosage. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) examination showed that airway inflammation was significantly suppressed by ebselen at 10 mg/kg. The generation of superoxide and H(2)O(2) occurred on endothelial cells of LAR bronchi, and was inhibited by 10 mg/kg of ebselen. Superoxide generation was inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium chloride (DPI), a NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitor, but not by allopurinol, a xanthine oxidase inhibitor. Immunoreactivities for iNOS and nitrotyrosine were also observed on endothelial cells of LAR bronchi and were abolished in ebselen-treated animals. The present findings suggest that ebselen can be applied as a new therapeutic agent for asthma. The possible mechanisms by which ebselen inhibits LAR likely involve suppression of oxidant formation and iNOS induction in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of the neutral endopeptidase (NEP) inhibitor thiorphan (1.7 mg/kg iv) and the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor captopril (5.7 mg/kg iv) on airway responses to rapid intravenous infusions of neurokinin A (NKA) and neurokinin B (NKB) in anesthetized, mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. The dose of NKA required to decrease pulmonary conductance to 50% of its base-line value (ED50GL) was fivefold less (P less than 0.0001) in animals treated with thiorphan compared with controls. NKA1-8, a product resulting from cleavage of NKA by NEP, had no bronchoconstrictor activity. Similar results were obtained by using NKB as the bronchoconstricting agent. Captopril had no significant effect on airway responses to NKA or NKB. In contrast, both thiorphan and captopril decrease the ED50GL for substance P (SP). We also compared the relative bronchoconstrictor potency of NKA, NKB, and SP. In control animals, the rank order of ED50GL values was NKA much less than NKB = SP. NKA also caused a more prolonged bronchoconstriction than SP or NKB. Thiorphan had no effect on the rank order of bronchoconstrictor potency, but in animals treated with captopril, the rank order of ED50GL values was altered to NKA less than SP less than NKB. These results suggest that degradation of NKA and NKB by NEP but not by ACE is an important determinant of the bronchoconstriction induced by these peptides. The degradation by ACE of SP but not NKA or NKB influences the observed relative potency of the three tachykinins as bronchoactive agents.  相似文献   

A tendency toward excessive inflammation in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients often accompanies lung infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We tested the cytokine response to P. aeruginosa in two pairs of human airway epithelial cell lines matched except for CF transmembrane conductance regulator activity. The 9/HTEo(-) CF-phenotypic cell line produced significantly more interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor but not regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) in response to Pseudomonas than the 9/HTEo(-) control line, and the differences widened over time. Similarly, a 16HBE cell line lacking transmembrane conductance regulator activity showed enhanced IL-8 and IL-6 responses compared with the control cell line. The pharmacology of the cytokine response also differed because dexamethasone reduced cytokine production to similar levels in the matched cell lines. The protracted proinflammatory cytokine response of the CF-phenotypic cell lines suggests that the limiting mechanisms of normal cells are absent or attenuated. These results are consistent with in vivo observations in patients with CF and suggest that our novel cell lines may be useful for further investigation of the proinflammatory responses in CF airways.  相似文献   

The association between asthma and gastroesophageal reflux has been attributed to microaspiration of gastric contents and/or vagally mediated reflex bronchoconstriction. In previous experimental studies concerning the pulmonary effects of tracheal or esophageal acid infusion, only animals without airway inflammation have been studied. We assessed the effects of esophageal and tracheal administration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) on normal guinea pigs (GP) and GP with airway inflammation induced by repeated ovalbumin exposures. These GP were anesthetized (pentobarbital sodium) and received 1) 20 microl of either 0.2 N HCl or saline into the trachea, or 2) 1 ml of either 1 N HCl or saline into the esophagus. Intratracheal HCl resulted in a significant increase in both respiratory system elastance and resistance (P < 0.001). There were no significant changes in respiratory mechanics when HCl was infused into the esophagus. In conclusion, we observed that infusion of large volumes of HCl into the esophagus did not change pulmonary mechanics significantly, even in guinea pigs with chronic allergen-induced airway inflammation. In contrast, intratracheal administration of small amounts of acid had substantial effects in normal GP and GP with airway inflammation.  相似文献   

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