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The potential clinical use of stem cells for cell transplantation therapies to replace defective genes in myopathies is an area of intense investigation. Precursor cells derived from non-muscle tissue with myogenic potential have been identified in many tissues, including bone marrow and dermis, although the status of these putative stem cells requires clarification. The incorporation of circulating bone-marrow derived stem cells into regenerating adult skeletal muscle has been demonstrated in mice but the contribution of donor cells is so minimal that it would appear clinically irrelevant at this stage. The possibility of a true stem cell subpopulation within skeletal muscle that replenishes the satellite cells (conventional muscle precursors on the surface of myofibres) is also very attractive as a superior source of myoblasts for muscle construction. A full understanding of the intrinsic factors (i.e. gene expression within the stem cell) and extrinsic factors (i.e. signals from the external environment) which control the commitment of stem cells to the myogenic lineage, and the conditions which favour stem cell expansion in vivo is required before stem cells can be seriously considered for clinical cell therapy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pax7 is required for the specification of myogenic satellite cells   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  

Myogenic satellite cells were isolated from control and dystrophic hamster diaphragms to examine cellular mechanisms involved in the physiology of muscular dystrophy. The Bio 14.6 dystrophic hamster, which possesses a defect in the delta-sarcoglycan gene, develops biochemical and physical symptoms of Duchenne-like and limb girdle muscular dystrophies. Because primary cultures of the control and dystrophic satellite cells became extensively contaminated with non-myogenic cells during proliferation, cell clones were developed to provide pure cultures for study. Cell culture conditions were optimized with the use of Ham's F-12K medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum +5% horse serum + 10 ng/mL basic fibroblast growth factor + 50 microg/mL porcine gelatin. Proliferation rates of the two clonal cultures were similar between the two lines. Satellite cell-derived myotubes from both primary cultures and clones differed between control and dystrophic animals. Dystrophic myotubes tended to be long and narrow, while the control-derived myotubes were broader. Measurement of muscle-specific creatine kinase during differentiation revealed that the dystrophic myotubes possessed higher creatine kinase levels than control myotubes (up to 146-fold at 168 h). The results demonstrate that satellite cells can be isolated from the hamster and may provide a useful tool to study muscular dystrophies associated with defects in the sarcoglycan complex and the involvement of sarcoglycans in normal skeletal muscle growth and development.  相似文献   

Myostatin (GDF-8) inhibits the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of myogenic satellite cells. The relative importance of this growth factor is demonstrated in myostatin-null mice and cattle possessing defective myostatin genes. These defects result in greatly enhanced musculature. In the present study, we examined the effect of myostatin on turkey myogenic satellite cells and embryonic myoblasts. Compared with controls (P<0.05), proliferation of both turkey embryonic myoblasts and satellite cells was inhibited between 26 and 45% in serum-free medium containing 20 ng/mL myostatin. While individual turkey satellite cell clones differed in their responsiveness to myostatin, there were no significant differences in the responsiveness of fast and slow growing cells as groups (P>0.05). A slow growing clone that exhibited the greatest response to myostatin also exhibited the greatest depression of differentiation with this growth factor (P<0.05). All other turkey satellite cell clones exhibited similar responses to the differentiation depressing effects of myostatin (P>0.05). However, myostatin had no effect on differentiation of turkey embryonic myoblasts (P>0.05). When exposed to myostatin, 4 of 6 proliferating clones and all differentiating clones increased their expression of decorin, a growth inhibitor (P<0.05). The present study demonstrates that myostatin inhibits the proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells and suggests a role for decorin in myostatin action in muscle development.  相似文献   

Conditions for isolation and culture of porcine myogenic satellite cells.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Myogenic satellite cells were isolated from semimembranosus muscles of 4-8 week-old pigs. Muscles were ground and incubated in 0.8 mg/ml Pronase solution for 40 min at 37 degrees C. Following enzymatic digestion, cells were separated from muscle debris by differential centrifugation and sequential filtering through 500 and 53 microns nylon mesh. Primary cultures grown in 16 mm diameter cell culture wells were used to evaluate five sera, media, and substrata for their ability to promote satellite cell proliferation and differentiation. Porcine satellite cell proliferation and myotube formation were optimized in cultures grown on gelatin-coated substratum in the presence of Minimum Essential Medium-alpha supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (P less than 0.01). Maximum fusion was induced by 48 hr exposure to 2% FBS, horse serum, or lamb serum. These data 1) document the first evidence that myogenic satellite cells can be isolated from porcine skeletal muscle, and 2) identify culture conditions which optimize proliferation and myotube formation of porcine satellite cells.  相似文献   

Angiosperm nucellar cells can either use or avoid meiosis in vivo, depending on the developmental context. This unique ability contrasts with the conditions required in vitro, either for a reconstituted oocyte to avoid meiosis and produce clones by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), or for mammalian stem cells to undergo meiosis and produce synthetic sex cells (gametes). Current biotechnological initiatives to harness the potential of nucellar cells are based on the transfer of apomixis genes to sexual crop plants with the aim of producing clones through seeds. The elusive genetic basis of apomixis compels us to examine whether this process involves epigenetic factors. The elegant and versatile developmental platform available in nucellar cells should be explored as a genome-scale science and compared with mammalian stem cell biology for a holistic understanding of developmental programming and reprogramming in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Cells derived from blood vessels of human skeletal muscle can regenerate skeletal muscle, similarly to embryonic mesoangioblasts. However, adult cells do not express endothelial markers, but instead express markers of pericytes, such as NG2 proteoglycan and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and can be prospectively isolated from freshly dissociated ALP(+) cells. Unlike canonical myogenic precursors (satellite cells), pericyte-derived cells express myogenic markers only in differentiated myotubes, which they form spontaneously with high efficiency. When transplanted into severe combined immune deficient-X-linked, mouse muscular dystrophy (scid-mdx) mice, pericyte-derived cells colonize host muscle and generate numerous fibres expressing human dystrophin. Similar cells isolated from Duchenne patients, and engineered to express human mini-dystrophin, also give rise to many dystrophin-positive fibres in vivo. These data show that myogenic precursors, distinct from satellite cells, are associated with microvascular walls in the human skeletal muscle, may represent a correlate of embryonic 'mesoangioblasts' present after birth and may be a promising candidate for future cell-therapy protocols in patients.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying myogenic satellite cells (MSCs) differentiation into myotube-formed cells (MFCs) and transdifferentiation into adipocyte-like cells (ALCs) are unclear. As a step towards understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying MSC differentiation and transdifferentiation, we attempted to identify the genes differentially expressed during differentiation and transdifferentiation using gene microarray analysis (GMA). Thirty oligonucleotide arrays were used with two technical replicates and nine and six biological replicates for MFCs vs. MSCs and ALCs vs. MSCs, respectively, to contrast expression profile differences. GMA identified 1,224 differentially expressed genes by at least 2-fold during differentiation and transdifferentiation of MSCs. To select the highly expressed genes for future functional study, genes with a 4-fold expression difference were selected for validation by real time RT-PCR and approximately 96.9% of the genes were validated. The up-regulation of marker genes for myogenesis (MYL2, MYH3) and adipogenesis (PPAR??, and FABP4) was observed during the differentiation and transdifferentiation of MSCs into MFCs and ALCs, respectively. KOG analysis revealed that the most of the genes up-regulated during differentiation and transdifferentiation of MSCs were related to signal transduction. Again the exact location of 109 differentially expressed genes by 4-fold were analyzed by chromosome mapping. Among those, co-localization of 29 genes up-regulated during transdifferentiation with QTL for marbling score and intramuscular fat percentage supports the involvement of these genes in cellular transdifferentiation. Interestingly, some genes with unknown function were also identified during the process. Functional studies on these genes may unfold the molecular mechanisms controlling MSC differentiation and transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

Measuring the vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) promises to become a routine method for assessing vestibular function, although the technique is not yet standardized. To overcome the problem that the VEMP amplitude depends not only on the inhibition triggered by the acoustic stimulation of the vestibular end organs in the inner ear, but also on the tone of the muscle from which the potential is recorded, the VEMP is often normalized by dividing through a measure of the electromyogram (EMG) activity. The underlying idea is that VEMP amplitude and EMG activity are proportional. But this would imply that the muscle tone is irrelevant for a successful VEMP recording, contradicting experimental evidence. Here, an analytical model is presented that allows to resolve the contradiction. The EMG is modeled as the sum of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs). A brief inhibition can be characterized by its equivalent rectangular duration (ERD), irrespective of the actual time course of the inhibition. The VEMP resembles a polarity-inverted MUAP under such circumstances. Its amplitude is proportional to both the ERD and the MUAP rate. The EMG activity, by contrast, is proportional to the square root of the MUAP rate. Thus, the normalized VEMP still depends on the muscle tone. To avoid confounding effects of the muscle tone, the standard deviation of the EMG could be considered. But the inhibition effect on the standard deviation is small so that the measuring time would have to be much longer than usual today.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Embryonic and posthatch turkey skeletal muscle development was compared in in vitro studies using clonal-derived embryonic myoblasts and satellite cells.
  • 2.2. Although population doubling times were similar between the two lines (25.4 hr for satellite cells and 26.4 hr for embryonic myoblasts), embryonic myoblasts consistently began log phase growth 24 hr earlier than satellite cells.
  • 3.3. Differentiation (fusion) of embryonic myoblasts was maximized by 36 hr in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium containing 1% horse serum compared with 72 hr for satellite cells.
  • 4.4. When administered a serum-free medium which supports proliferation of turkey satellite cells, embryonic myoblasts differentiated to form myotubes.

A high concentration of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) stimulates myogenic progenitor cells to undergo heterotopic osteogenic differentiation. However, the physiological role of the Smad signaling pathway during terminal muscle differentiation has not been resolved. We report here that Smad1/5/8 was phosphorylated and activated in undifferentiated growing mouse myogenic progenitor Ric10 cells without exposure to any exogenous BMPs. The amount of phosphorylated Smad1/5/8 was severely reduced during precocious myogenic differentiation under the high cell density culture condition even in growth medium supplemented with a high concentration of serum. Inhibition of the Smad signaling pathway by dorsomorphin, an inhibitor of Smad activation, or noggin, a specific antagonist of BMP, induced precocious terminal differentiation of myogenic progenitor cells in a cell density-dependent fashion even in growth medium. In addition, Smad1/5/8 was transiently activated in proliferating myogenic progenitor cells during muscle regeneration in rats. The present results indicate that the Smad signaling pathway is involved in a critical switch between growth and differentiation of myogenic progenitor cells both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, precocious cell density-dependent myogenic differentiation suggests that a community effect triggers the terminal muscle differentiation of myogenic cells by quenching the Smad signaling.  相似文献   

Muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) can differentiate into multiple lineages, including haematopoietic lineages. However, it is unknown whether MDSCs preserve their myogenic potential after differentiation into other lineages. To address this issue, we isolated from dystrophic muscle a population of MDSCs that express stem-cell markers and can differentiate into various lineages. After systemic delivery of three MDSC clones into lethally irradiated mice, we found that differentiation of the donor cells into various lineages of the haematopoietic system resulted in repopulation of the recipients' bone marrow. Donor-derived bone-marrow cells, isolated from these recipients by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), also repopulated the bone marrow of secondary, lethally irradiated, recipients and differentiated into myogenic cells both in vitro and in vivo in normal mdx mice. These findings demonstrate that MDSC clones retain their myogenic potential after haematopoietic differentiation.  相似文献   

Satellite cells are the resident stem cells of adult skeletal muscle, supplying myonuclei for homoeostasis, hypertrophy and repair. In this study, we have examined the role of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling in regulating satellite cell function. Activated satellite cells expressed BMP receptor type 1A (BMPR-1A/Alk-3) and contained phosphorylated Smad proteins, indicating that BMP signalling is operating during proliferation. Indeed, exogenous BMP4 stimulated satellite cell division and inhibited myogenic differentiation. Conversely, interfering with the interactions between BMPs and their receptors by the addition of either the BMP antagonist Noggin or soluble BMPR-1A fragments, induced precocious differentiation. Similarly, blockade of BMP signalling by siRNA-mediated knockdown of BMPR-1A, disruption of the intracellular pathway by either Smad5 or Smad4 knockdown or inhibition of Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation with Dorsomorphin, also caused premature myogenic differentiation. BMP signalling acted to inhibit the upregulation of genes associated with differentiation, in part, through regulating Id1. As satellite cells differentiated, Noggin levels increased to antagonise BMP signalling, since Noggin knockdown enhanced proliferation and impeded myoblast fusion into large multinucleated myotubes. Finally, interference of normal BMP signalling after muscle damage in vivo perturbed the regenerative process, and resulted in smaller regenerated myofibres. In conclusion, BMP signalling operates during routine satellite cell function to help coordinate the balance between proliferation and differentiation, before Noggin is activated to antagonise BMPs and facilitate terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(4):610-619.e5
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