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A library of bacteriophage lambda clones containing chicken chromosomal DNA was screened, using the adult beta-globin cDNA plasmid pHb 1001 as a probe. Sixteen overlapping clones were isolated containing 35 kilobase pairs (kbp) of chicken DNA. Characterization of these clones revealed four beta-like globin genes, some genomically repeated sequences, but no pseudo-genes. The four beta-like genes have an average intergenic distance of less than half of that found for the mammalian beta-like globin gene clusters so far characterized. The overall features of the map were confirmed by genomic Southern analysis. Frequent deletions were shown to occur between the various beta-like globin genes during phage propagation. The presumptive hatching gene in particular was always associated with abnormal lambda clones although we were able to find one such clone that did contain a normal copy of the hatching gene itself. Probably such deletions explain the failure to recover this gene in previous attempts.  相似文献   

Thirty tajiks, whose relatives had beta-thalassemia traits (revealed in previous investigations by determination of the HbA-2 and HbF levels) were selected to screen beta-thalassemia mutations. DNA samples from each individual were subjected to the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) to amplify the 635 bp beta-globin gene fragment. One additional band was detected in three samples after the amplified fragment underwent electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel and the EtBr was stained, and two additional ones were revealed by 6% PAAGE and staining of the EtBr. All additional bands migrated more slowly than appropriate 635 bp fragment. It is supposed that additional bands are heteroduplexes formed from the wild type chains and mutated chains carrying a deletion or insertion. The 4 bp deletion of the 41-42 (-tctt) was detected after the direct sequencing of the amplified fragments. This mutation is common among Chinese but it was not revealed in the Middle Asia populations. The mutation can be easily screened using the PCR and electrophoresis in 2% agarose gel or PAAG of the amplified beta-globin gene fragments.  相似文献   

A sequence of 86 bp within the 5' region of the adult chicken beta-globin gene was found to undergo a DNA conformational transition at elevated levels of negative superhelical stress (- sigma = 0.068). In vitro chemical DNA modification studies which detect purine hyperreactivity (HR) to the alkylating agent diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEP) have identified this 86 bp long DEP-HR element. The DEP-HR element is composed of small, tandem segments with imperfect purine-pyrimidine alternations. Methylation of cytosines within GCGC sequences of the DEP-HR element facilitates this structural change. The binding of a monoclonal anti-Z-DNA antibody to the element has been revealed by chemical footprinting with DEP. These data suggest that the DEP-HR sequence can undergo a conformational transition to Z-DNA. It is unknown whether the conformational flexibility observed here occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

In the accompanying report (C. F. Webb, C. Das, S. Eaton, K. Calame, and P. Tucker, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11:5197-5205, 1991), we characterize B-cell-specific protein-DNA interactions at -500 and -200 bp upstream of the mu immunoglobulin heavy chain promoter whose abundances were increased by interleukin-5 plus antigen. Because of the high A + T/G + C ratio of these sequences and the consistent findings by others that enhancer- and promoterlike regions are often located near matrix-associated regions, we asked whether these sequences might also be involved in binding to the nuclear matrix. Indeed, DNA fragments containing the -500 binding site were bound by nuclear matrix proteins. Furthermore, UV cross-linking studies showed that the DNA binding site for interleukin-5-plus-antigen-inducible proteins could also bind to proteins solubilized from the nuclear matrix. Nuclear matrix-associated sequences have also been demonstrated on either side of the intronic immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer. Our data suggest a topological model by which interactions among proteins bound to the promoter and distal enhancer sequences might occur.  相似文献   

A survey of the gamma-globin gene region of over 1000 normal individuals revealed a novel 2.5 kb deletion which removes the 5' end of the A gamma-globin gene. Unusually, this deletion in the beta-globin gene cluster is not associated with increased fetal haemoglobin production. Sequence analysis of the deletion endpoints revealed no significant homology at the breakpoint and failed to support a role for a proposed recombination hotspot in IVS-2 in the generation of this illegitimate recombination event. The existence of small "silent" deletions in the beta-globin gene cluster emphasizes the importance of deletion size in altering expression of the fetal globin genes.  相似文献   

The temporal sequence of expression of human globin genes during development suggests precise regulation of these genes. Recent studies have characterized a number of DNA sequences within or flanking the human beta-globin gene which are important in its regulation and several proteins which bind to these sequences have been identified. We have found two proteins which bind 5' to the human beta-globin gene. One of these proteins, which we designate BP1, binds to two sequences, one between -550 and -527 bp relative to the cap site, the other between -302 and -294 bp. A second protein, BP2, binds to sequences between -275 and -263 bp. The binding sites for both BP1 and BP2 are in two regions which function as silencers in a transient expression assay using the human erythroleukemia cell line K562. These results and others presented here suggest that BP1 may act as a repressor protein. Negative regulation seems to be an important component of tissue and developmental specific globin gene regulation.  相似文献   

The 5'' flanking region of human epsilon-globin gene.   总被引:10,自引:12,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The structural analysis of the 2.0 kb region upstream from the epsilon-globin gene has been carried out. A genomic DNA map around the gene was worked out in some detail to ensure that the cloned DNA was representative of the actual chromosomal arrangement. Furthermore, a new technique was developed to precisely map a reiterated DNA sequence present 1.5 kb to the 5' side of the gene. The complete nucleotide sequence of the 2.0 kb 5' flanking region was then determined and overlapped with the gene. The sequence included the reiterated DNA sequence which is homologous to the so-called AluI family of repeats. Unusual stretches of sequence 50 nucleotides long, where A + T represent about 90% of the bases, are present at both the 5' and 3' sides of the repeat.  相似文献   

Zein genes, the genes coding for the zein storage proteins of maize, have a unique gene structure where at least two promoters lie upstream of the coding region. Between the P1 promoter (900 base pairs upstream of the coding region) and the translation initiation AUG codon are 18 short reading frames. A discrepancy between the signals obtained by S1-mapping and primer extension and the DNA sequence in the region of one of these signals suggests the presence of a 3' splice site lying 40 nucleotides upstream of the coding region. A splicing event removing all of the short reading frames from the mRNA transcribed from the P1 promoter would bring this mRNA into a translatable form. Further evidence for a functional 3' splice site has been obtained from sequencing of primer extension products and in vitro splicing of a hybrid intron in the HeLa cell in vitro splicing system.  相似文献   

This study reports the molecular characterization of beta-thalassemia in the Sardinian population. Three thousand beta-thalassemia chromosomes from prospective parents presenting at the genetic service were initially analyzed by dot blot analysis with oligonucleotide probes complementary to the most common beta-thalassemia mutations in the Mediterranean at-risk populations. the mutations which remained uncharacterized by this approach were defined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) followed by direct sequence analysis on amplified DNA. We reconfirmed that the predominant mutation in the Sardinian population is the codon 39 nonsense mutation, which accounts for 95.7% of the beta-thalassemia chromosomes. The other two relatively common mutations are frameshifts at codon 6 (2.1%) and at codon 76 (0.7%), relatively uncommon in other Mediterranean-origin populations. In this study we have detected a novel beta-thalassemia mutation, i.e., a frameshift at codon 1, in three beta-thalassemia chromosomes. The DGGE procedure followed by direct sequencing on amplified DNA is a powerful approach for the characterization of unknown mutations in this genetic system. The results herein presented allowed an expansion of the applicability of prenatal diagnosis by DNA analysis, to all couples at risk for beta-thalassemia in our population.  相似文献   

Viral chimeras have been constructed through in vitro manipulations of the infectious cDNA clones of two prototypes of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus: (i) the virulent GDVII strain and (ii) the less virulent BeAn and VL strains. Previous studies have suggested that the phenotypic differences in virulence between the BeAn and GDVII strains map to both the 5' noncoding and the coat protein regions of these viral genomes. It is shown here that attenuation mapped to the 5' noncoding region is due, at least in part, to an inadvertent deletion resulting from a cloning artifact of one C nucleotide out of four between positions 876 and 879 in the BeAn sequences. The in vitro growth characteristics in BHK-21 cells, however, do not reflect the large differences in neurovirulence between chimeras that are identical except for the deleted C. Another chimera with a mutation at position 877 and a deletion at 976 is also attenuated. The wild-type sequences from the less virulent strains BeAn and VL between nucleotides 1 and 933, in an otherwise GDVII chimera, do not attenuate virulence. Sequences of the 500 nucleotides of the 5' noncoding region proximal to the translation initiation codon were obtained for nine additional Theiler's virus strains. The attenuating deletions are discussed in the context of these sequences and the proposed secondary structures for the 5' noncoding region.  相似文献   

Using gel mobility shift assay, three protein factors (Pa, Pb, Pc) binding to the positive control region (PCR) in the 5' flanking sequence of human beta-globin gene were detected in the nuclear extracts from mouse fetal liver at d 18 or d 19 of gestation. Competitive experiment showed that Pb and Pc could bind to GATA-1 motif, therefore could be the members of GATA family. While Pa was a new and developmental stage specific trans-acting factor, we suggested that the factor Pa was related to the activation of beta-globin gene.  相似文献   

To examine the function of murine beta-globin locus region (LCR) 5' hypersensitive site 3 (HS3) in its native chromosomal context, we deleted this site from the mouse germ line by using homologous recombination techniques. Previous experiments with human 5' HS3 in transgenic models suggested that this site independently contains at least 50% of total LCR activity and that it interacts preferentially with the human gamma-globin genes in embryonic erythroid cells. However, in this study, we demonstrate that deletion of murine 5' HS3 reduces expression of the linked embryonic epsilon y- and beta H 1-globin genes only minimally in yolk sac-derived erythroid cells and reduces output of the linked adult beta (beta major plus beta minor) globin genes by approximately 30% in adult erythrocytes. When the selectable marker PGK-neo cassette was left within the HS3 region of the LCR, a much more severe phenotype was observed at all developmental stages, suggesting that PGK-neo interferes with LCR activity when it is retained within the LCR. Collectively, these results suggest that murine 5' HS3 is not required for globin gene switching; importantly, however, it is required for approximately 30% of the total LCR activity associated with adult beta-globin gene expression in adult erythrocytes.  相似文献   

d-Amino acids, enantiomers of l-amino acids, are increasingly recognized as physiologically active molecules as well as potential biomarkers for diseases. d-Amino acid oxidase (DAO) catalyzes the oxidative deamination of d-amino acids and is present in a wide variety of organisms from yeasts to humans. Previous studies indicated that LEA rats lacked DAO activity, and levels of d-Ser and d-Ala were markedly increased in their tissues, suggesting a mutated locus responsible for the lack of Dao activity (ldao) existed in the LEA genome. Sequence analysis identified deletion breakpoints located in intron 4–5 of the Dao gene and intron 1–2 of the Svop gene, resulting in a 54.1-kb deletion which encompassed exons 5–12 of the Dao gene and exons 2–16 of the Svop gene. We developed a novel congenic rat strain, F344-Daoldao, harboring the Daoldao mutation from LEA rats delivered onto the F344 genetic background. Compared to the parental F344 strain, in F344-Daoldao rats d-Ala was markedly increased in both cerebrum and cerebellum, while d-Ser content was increased in cerebellum but not cerebrum. d-Ala, d-Ser, d-Pro and d-Leu levels were also elevated in F344-Daoldao plasma. F344-Daoldao rats represent a novel model system that will aid in elucidating the physiological functions of d-amino acids in vivo. (203 words).  相似文献   

Amplification and characterization of a beta-globin gene synthesized in vitro.   总被引:123,自引:0,他引:123  
Full-length, double-stranded globin DNA was synthesized in vitro starting from rabbit globin mRNA. Several restriction endonuclease cleavage sites with known recognition sequences were mapped on this DNA as a means of assessing the accuracy of in vitro synthesis. By comparing this map with the nucleotide sequences known or predicted from the amino acid sequences of alpha-and beta-chain rabbit hemoglobin, it was possible to show that the synthetic globin DNA is a faithful copy of beta-globin mRNA. Amplification of the synthetic globin DNA was achieved by inserting the molecule into the plasmid PMB9 using the poly(dA)-(dT) joining procedure, and transforming E. coli with the hybrid DNA. Transformants carrying beta-globin DNA were identified by colony hybridization using purified 125I-beta-mRNA probe. Comparison of the restriction maps of the synthetic and inserted globin DNAs showed that the entire synthetic globin DNA molecule was amplified without sequence rearrangements. Both the synthetic and the cloned DNA include the entire coding sequence of the beta-globin gene plus a substantial portion of the untranslated regions flanking the structural gene.  相似文献   

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