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We demonstrate coordination of the extremely hydrophobic 13(2)-OH-Ni-bacteriochlorophyll (Ni-BChl) to the lipophilic domain of a novel, designed amphiphilic protein maquette (AP3) dispersed in detergent micelles [Discher et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 12329-12343]. Sedimentation velocity and equilibrium experiments and steady-state absorption spectra indicate that Ni-BChl-AP3 is a four-helix bundle containing one Ni-BChl axially ligated by one or two histidines. The nature of the ligation was pursued with ultrafast visible spectroscopy. While it is well established that light excitation of axially ligated mono- and bisimidazole Ni-BChl in solution leads to rapid imidazole dissociation and nanosecond recombination, there is no evidence of axial ligand dissociation in the light-excited Ni-BChl-AP3. This indicates that Ni-BChl is confined within the AP3 protein, ligated to histidines with severely restricted mobility. Dissociation constants show that Ni-BChl binding to AP3 is considerably weaker than the nanomolar range usual for heme and hydrophilic (HP) maquettes; moreover, there is a tendency for the Ni-BChl-AP3 four-helix bundles to dimerize into eight-helix bundles. Nevertheless, the preparation of the Ni-BChl-AP3 four-alpha-helix maquettes, supported by time-resolved spectroscopic analysis of the nature of the ligation, provides a viable new approach to AP maquette designs that address the challenges involved in binding extremely hydrophobic cofactors.  相似文献   

The YidC protein fulfills a dual and essential role in the assembly of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli. Besides interacting with transmembrane segments of newly synthesized membrane proteins that insert into the membrane via the SecYEG complex, YidC also functions as an independent membrane protein insertase and assists in membrane protein folding. Here, we discuss the mechanisms of YidC substrate recognition and membrane insertion with emphasis on its role in the assembly of multimeric membrane protein complexes such as the F1F0-ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Rhodobacter capsulatus xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) is a molybdo-flavoprotein that is highly homologous to the homodimeric mammalian xanthine oxidoreductase. However, the bacterial enzyme has an (alphabeta)(2) heterotetrameric structure, and the cofactors were identified to be located on two different polypeptides. We have analyzed the mechanism of cofactor insertion and subunit assembly of R. capsulatus XDH, using engineered subunits with appropriate substitutions in the interfaces. In an (alphabeta) heterodimeric XDH containing the XdhA and XdhB subunits, the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) was shown to be absent, indicating that dimerization of the (alphabeta) subunits has to precede Moco insertion. In an (alphabeta)(2) XDH heterotetramer variant, including only one active Moco-center, the active (alphabeta) site of the chimeric enzyme was shown to be fully active, revealing that the two subunits act independent without cooperativity. Amino acid substitutions at two cysteine residues coordinating FeSI of the two [2Fe-2S] clusters of the enzyme demonstrate that an incomplete assembly of FeSI impairs the formation of the XDH (alphabeta)(2) heterotetramer and, thus, insertion of Moco into the enzyme. The results reveal that the insertion of the different redox centers into R. capsulatus XDH takes place sequentially. Dimerization of two (alphabeta) dimers is necessary for insertion of sulfurated Moco into apo-XDH, the last step of XDH maturation.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin layers of a specialized extracellular matrix that form the supporting structure on which epithelial and endothelial cells grow, and that surround muscle and fat cells and the Schwann cells of peripheral nerves. One common denominator is that they are always in close apposition to cells, and it has been well demonstrated that basement membranes do not only provide a mechanical support and divide tissues into compartments, but also influence cellular behavior. The major molecular constituents of basement membranes are collagen IV, laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes, and proteoglycans. Collagen IV provides a scaffold for the other structural macromolecules by forming a network via interactions between specialized N- and C-terminal domains. Laminin-entactin/nidogen complexes self-associate into less-ordered aggregates. These two molecular assemblies appear to be interconnected, presumably via binding sites on the entactin/nidogen molecule. In addition, proteoglycans are anchored into the membrane by an unknown mechanism, providing clusters of negatively charged groups. Specialization of different basement membranes is achieved through the presence of tissue-specific isoforms of laminin and collagen IV and of particular proteoglycan populations, by differences in assembly between different membranes, and by the presence of accessory proteins in some specialized basement membranes. Many cellular responses to basement membrane proteins are mediated by members of the integrin class of transmembrane receptors. On the intracellular side some of these signals are transmitted to the cytoskeleton, and result in an influence on cellular behavior with respect to adhesion, shape, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. Phosphorylation of integrins plays a role in modulating their activity, and they may therefore be a part of a more complex signaling system.  相似文献   

Inter-helix hydrogen bonding involving asparagine (Asn, N), glutamine (Gln, Q), aspartic acid (Asp, D) or glutamic acid (Glu, E) can drive efficient di- or trimerization of transmembrane helices in detergent micelles and lipid bilayers. Likewise, Asn-Asn and Asp-Asp pairs can promote the formation of helical hairpins during translocon-mediated membrane protein assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum. By in vitro translation of model integral membrane protein constructs in the presence of rough microsomes, we show that Asn- or Asp-mediated interactions with a neighbouring transmembrane helix can enhance the membrane insertion efficiency of a marginally hydrophobic transmembrane segment. Our observations suggest that inter-helix hydrogen bonds can form during Sec61 translocon-assisted insertion and thus could be important for membrane protein assembly.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are dynamic organelles whose functional integrity requires a coordinated supply of proteins and phospholipids. Defined functions of specific phospholipids, like the mitochondrial signature lipid cardiolipin, are emerging in diverse processes, ranging from protein biogenesis and energy production to membrane fusion and apoptosis. The accumulation of phospholipids within mitochondria depends on interorganellar lipid transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria as well as intramitochondrial lipid trafficking. The discovery of proteins that regulate mitochondrial membrane lipid composition and of a multiprotein complex tethering ER to mitochondrial membranes has unveiled novel mechanisms of mitochondrial membrane biogenesis.  相似文献   

The N-terminal six-transmembrane domain (TM) bundle of lactose permease of Escherichia coli is uniformly inverted when assembled in membranes lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Inversion is dependent on the net charge of cytoplasmically exposed protein domains containing positive and negative residues, net charge of the membrane surface, and low hydrophobicity of TM VII acting as a molecular hinge between the two halves of lactose permease (Bogdanov, M., Xie, J., Heacock, P., and Dowhan, W. (2008) J. Cell Biol. 182, 925-935). Net neutral lipids suppress the membrane translocation potential of negatively charged amino acids, thus increasing the cytoplasmic retention potential of positively charged amino acids. Herein, TM organization of sucrose permease (CscB) and phenylalanine permease (PheP) as a function of membrane lipid composition was investigated to extend these principles to other proteins. For CscB, topological dependence on PE only becomes evident after a significant increase in the net negative charge of the cytoplasmic surface of the N-terminal TM bundle. High negative charge is required to overcome the thermodynamic block to inversion due to the high hydrophobicity of TM VII. Increasing the positive charge of the cytoplasmic surface of the N-terminal TM hairpin of PheP, which is misoriented in PE-lacking cells, favors native orientation in the absence of PE. PheP and CscB also display co-existing dual topologies dependent on changes in the charge balance between protein domains and the membrane lipids. Therefore, the topology of both permeases is dependent on PE. However, CscB topology is governed by thermodynamic balance between opposing lipid-dependent electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Members of the YidC family exist in all three domains of life, where they control the assembly of a large variety of membrane protein complexes that function as transporters, energy devices, or sensor proteins. Recent studies in bacteria have shown that YidC functions on its own as a membrane protein insertase independent of the Sec protein-conducting channel. YidC can also assist in the lateral integration and folding of membrane proteins that insert into the membrane via the Sec pathway.  相似文献   

Human membrane cofactor protein (MCP, CD46) is a 45-70 kDa protein with genetic and tissue-specific heterogeneity, and is expressed on all nucleated cells. MCP consists from N-terminus of 4 short consensus repeats (SCRs), 1-3 serine/threonine-rich (ST) domains, a transmembrane domain (TM) and a cytoplasmic tail (CYT). More than 8 isoforms are generated secondary to alternative splicing due to combinations of various exons encoding the ST, TM and CYT domains. It serves as a cofactor of serine protease factor I for inactivation of complement C3b and C4b. Its primary role is to protect host cells from homologous complement attack by inactivating C3b/C4b deposited on the membrane. It also acts as receptors for measles virus (MV), some kinds of bacteria and for a putative ligand on oocytes. MV infection causes temporal host immune suppression, which may appear secondary to signaling events through MCP on macrophages and dendritic cells. These functional properties of human MCP may facilitate xenotransplantation and may be useful in the generation of animal models of measles by creating human MCP-expressing animals.  相似文献   

A combined broken-symmetry density functional and continuum electrostatics approach has been applied to the iron-molybdenum center (FeMoco) of nitrogenase to evaluate the energetic effects of the local amino acid environment for several spin alignments of FeMoco. The protein environment preferentially stabilizes certain spin coupling patterns. The lowest energy spin alignment pattern in the protein displays calculated properties that match the experimental data better than any of the alternative possibilities. The total interaction energy of the protein with FeMoco has been evaluated and the contribution of each amino acid residue has been broken down into sidechain and backbone components. Arginine, lysine, aspartate and glutamate sidechains exert the largest electrostatic influence on FeMoco; specific residues are highlighted and their interaction with FeMoco discussed in the context of the available X-ray data from Azotobacter vinelandii (Av). Observed data for the M(N)(resting state)-->M(OX)(one-electron oxidized state) and M(N)-->M(R)(one-electron reduced state) or M(I)(alternative one-electron reduced state) redox couples are compared with those calculated for Av. The calculated redox potentials are fairly insensitive to the spin state of the oxidized or reduced states and the predicted qualitative trend of a more negative redox potential for the more reduced M(N)-->M(R) or M(I) couple is in accord with the available redox data. These calculations represent a first step towards the development of a microscopic model of electron and proton transfer events at the nitrogenase active site.  相似文献   

Proteins in the chloroplast outer envelope membrane are nuclear encoded and post-translationally targeted to the chloroplast. The targeting and membrane insertion of these proteins is not well understood. Although early work suggested otherwise, the best-studied outer membrane proteins (OMPs) use both proteins within the chloroplast and NTPs for insertion. There have been conflicting reports in the field regarding protein targeting and insertion, which have probably arisen because of differences in experimental methodology and different interpretations of reduction (versus abolition) of integration. This review summarizes what is known to date about the mechanism of chloroplast OMP targeting.  相似文献   

Functional properties of membrane cofactor protein of complement.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Membrane cofactor protein (MCP or gp45-70) of the complement system is a cofactor for factor I-mediated cleavage of fluid-phase C3b and C3b-like C3, which opens the thioester bond. In the present study the activity of MCP was further characterized. Unexpectedly, in the absence of factor I, MCP stabilized the alternative- and, to a lesser extent, the classical-pathway cell-bound C3 convertases and thereby enhanced C3b deposition. Soluble MCP, if added exogenously, hardly functioned as cofactor for the cleavage of erythrocyte-bound C3b to iC3b; i.e. its activity, compared with the cofactor activity of factor H, was inefficient, since less than 10% of the bound C3b was MCP-sensitive. Further, exogenously added soluble MCP was also a weak cofactor for the cleavage of C3b bound to zymosan. Likewise, factor I, in the presence of cells bearing MCP, cleaved fluid-phase C3b inefficiently. These results imply that MCP has very little extrinsic cofactor activity for factor I. In contrast, exogenously added MCP and factor I mediated efficient cleavage of erythrocyte-bound C3b if the concentration of Nonidet P40 was sufficient to solubilize the cells. Interestingly, soluble MCP and factor I degraded C3b attached to certain solubilized acceptor membrane molecules more readily than others. The cleavage reaction of fluid-phase and cell-bound C3b by soluble MCP and factor I produced iC3b, but no C3c and C3dg. These and prior data indicate that soluble MCP has potent cofactor activity for fluid-phase C3b or C3b bound to solubilized molecules, but acts inefficiently towards C3b on other cells. This functional profile is unique for a C3b/C4b binding protein and, taken together with its wide tissue distribution, suggests an important role for MCP in the regulation of the complement system.  相似文献   

Computational and theoretical methods are advancing protein design as a means to create and investigate proteins. Such efforts further our capacity to control, design and understand biomolecular structure, sequence and function. Herein, the focus is on some recent applications that involve using theoretical and computational methods to guide the design of protein sequence ensembles, new enzymes, proteins with novel cofactors, and membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The SecY (bacteria) and Sec61 (eukaryotes) translocon complexes, or protein-conducting channels, work in concert with bound ribosomes to insert proteins into membranes during the first step of membrane protein assembly. The crystallographic structure of an archaeal SecY translocon provides dramatic new insights into the mechanism of translocon function. This structure suggests an explanation for how the translocon can aid in establishing membrane protein topology via the positive-inside rule. The folding of membrane proteins may begin in the ribosome exit tunnel, before entering the translocon, according to cryo-electron microscopy and biophysical studies.  相似文献   

A C Newton  W H Huestis 《Biochemistry》1988,27(13):4645-4655
Sonicated dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine vesicles interact with cultured murine lymphoma (BL/VL3) to generate complexes of vesicle and cell membrane components. Cell-free supernatants harvested after cell-vesicle incubations contain three distinct lipid species that can be separated by density gradient centrifugation. Analysis of protein and lipid composition and assays for cell and vesicle lumen contents reveal that the densest of the three lipid species comprises sealed plasma membrane fragments complexed with vesicles, while the least dense species is indistinguishable from pure phospholipid vesicles. The third, intermediate density species consists of topologically intact vesicles with associated plasma membrane proteins but without detectable cell lipids or cytoplasmic components. The membrane fragmentation and cell-to-vesicle protein transfer observed during lymphoma-vesicle incubations are examined as functions of cell and vesicle concentrations and incubation time.  相似文献   

Membrane cofactor protein (MCP) regulates C activation by serving as a cofactor for the cleavage of C3b and C4b by the serine protease factor I. An MCP-like molecule on the inner acrosomal membrane of human spermatozoa has been characterized. Three mAb and a rabbit polyclonal antibody against MCP recognized the sperm protein. On SDS-PAGE, it migrated as a single band with a molecular mass of 38,000 and 44,000 Da under nonreducing or reducing conditions, respectively. The molecular mass was 10,000 to 20,000 Da less than the two forms of MCP expressed on others cells. The electrophoretic pattern, by one- and two-dimensional gel analysis, and the isoelectric point profile (4.5 to 5.0) of the sperm protein were similar among multiple individuals. In contrast to MCP of other cells, digestion with endoglycosidases did not alter either the m.w. or the pI of the protein, suggesting that it is a poorly or nonglycosylated form of MCP. The solubilized sperm protein bound C3 with broken thioester bond to Sepharose and possessed cofactor activity for factor I-mediated cleavage of C3 with the broken bond. A mAb that blocks the regulatory function of MCP inhibited the cofactor activity of the sperm lysate. Thus, the sperm protein is an antigenic and functional homologue of MCP but has the distinct structural features of a lower m.w. and an apparent lack of glycosylation. MCP may play an essential role in the survival of the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa by modulating C activation in the female genital tract.  相似文献   

The molybdenum cofactor (Moco) is synthesized by an ancient and conserved biosynthetic pathway. In plants, the two-domain protein Cnx1 catalyzes the insertion of molybdenum into molybdopterin (MPT), a metal-free phosphorylated pyranopterin carrying an ene-dithiolate. Recently, we identified a novel biosynthetic intermediate, adenylated molybdopterin (MPT-AMP), which is synthesized by the C-terminal G domain of Cnx1. Here, we show that MPT-AMP and molybdate bind in an equimolar and cooperative way to the other N-terminal E domain (Cnx1E). Tungstate and sulfate compete for molybdate, which demonstrates the presence of an anion-binding site for molybdate. Cnx1E catalyzes the Zn(2+)-/Mg(2+)-dependent hydrolysis of MPT-AMP but only when molybdate is bound as co-substrate. MPT-AMP hydrolysis resulted in stoichiometric release of Moco that was quantitatively incorporated into plant apo-sulfite oxidase. Upon Moco formation AMP is release as second product of the reaction. When comparing MPT-AMP hydrolysis with the formation of Moco and AMP a 1.5-fold difference in reaction rates were observed. Together with the strict dependence of the reaction on molybdate the formation of adenylated molybdate as reaction intermediate in the nucleotide-assisted metal transfer reaction to molybdopterin is proposed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the dipole potential and the interaction of the mitochondrial amphipathic signal sequence known as p25 with model membranes has been studied using 1-(3-sulfonatopropyl)-4-[beta[2-(di-n-octyl-amino)-6-naphthyl]viny l] pyridinium betaine (di-8-ANEPPS) as a fluorescent probe. The dipole potential of phosphatidylcholine membranes was modified by incorporating into the bilayer the sterols phloretin and 6-ketocholestanol (KC), which decrease and increase the dipole potential, respectively. The results derived from the application of a dual-wavelength ratiometric fluorescence method for following the variation of the membrane dipole potential have shown that when p25 inserts into the lipidic bilayer, a decrease in the dipole potential takes place. The magnitude of this decrease depends on the initial value of the dipole potential, i.e., before interaction with the peptide. Thus, when KC was incorporated into the bilayer, the decrease caused by the membrane insertion of p25 was larger than that caused in PC membranes. Alternatively, in the presence of phloretin, the decrease in the potential caused by the peptide insertion was smaller. Complementary studies involving attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of the peptide membrane interactions have shown that modification of the dipole potential affects the conformation of the peptide during the course of its interaction with the membrane. The presence of KC induces a higher amount of helicoidal structure. The presence of phloretin, however, does not appear to affect the secondary structure of the peptide. The differences observed in the dipole potential decreases caused by the presence of the peptide with the PC membranes and phloretin-PC membranes, therefore, must involve differences in the tertiary and, perhaps, quaternary conformations of p25.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Taz1 protein is the orthologue of human Tafazzin, a protein that when inactive causes Barth Syndrome (BTHS), a severe inherited X-linked disease. Taz1 is a mitochondrial acyltransferase involved in the remodeling of cardiolipin. We show that Taz1 is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein exposed to the intermembrane space (IMS). Transport of Taz1 into mitochondria depends on the receptor Tom5 of the translocase of the outer membrane (TOM complex) and the small Tim proteins of the IMS, but is independent of the sorting and assembly complex (SAM). TAZ1 deletion in yeast leads to growth defects on nonfermentable carbon sources, indicative of a defect in respiration. Because cardiolipin has been proposed to stabilize supercomplexes of the respiratory chain complexes III and IV, we assess supercomplexes in taz1delta mitochondria and show that these are destabilized in taz1Delta mitochondria. This leads to a selective release of a complex IV monomer from the III2IV2 supercomplex. In addition, assembly analyses of newly imported subunits into complex IV show that incorporation of the complex IV monomer into supercomplexes is affected in taz1Delta mitochondria. We conclude that inactivation of Taz1 affects both assembly and stability of respiratory chain complexes in the inner membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

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