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In pathogen-free mice, but not standard conventionally housed laboratory rodents, two distinctly different modes of early radiation lethality can be identified by modifying the irradiation technique (total-body versus abdominal irradiation) or by therapeutic intervention such as rescue of total-body-irradiated mice with syngeneic bone marrow or spleen. While damage to the gastrointestinal tract is usually designated as the predominant cause of death occurring within 10 days of radiation exposure, it was demonstrated that damage to the hematopoietic/lymphopoietic system can result in animal lethality over the same period as the gastrointestinal syndrome and that this target cell population is more radiation-sensitive than the gastrointestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Tetrachlorodecaoxide (TCDO) was tested for its effects in BD IX rats when combined with a single dose nearing LD50 of total-body irradiation (gamma rays, 60Co). In pilot tests we found that TCDO administrations prior to or immediately after irradiation led to a very high mortality rate (up to 90%), whereas the initiation of TCDO treatment on Day 2, 3, or 4 after irradiation lowered the death rate noticeably, with optimum results when TCDO application was started on Day 4. In our major experiment on 100 BD IX rats, it was demonstrated that the following treatment schedule considerably decreased the death rate (from 44 to 4%): 15.5 mumol TCDO/kg body wt/day on Days 4-6 after irradiation and 7.75 mumol/kg body wt/day on Days 7-11. The animals treated with TCDO showed only mild anemia in the peripheral blood, accompanied by reticulocytosis and low-grade leukocytopenia. Examination of the bone marrow on Day 12 after irradiation revealed X-ray-induced agranulocytosis in the animals that had received only physiological saline solution, whereas in the bone marrow of the animals treated with TCDO there was erythropoiesis as well as myelopoiesis. In addition, the degree of hair loss and depigmentation occurring about 1 month after irradiation was considerably reduced by TCDO. From these results it can be postulated that TCDO has two different effects: as an oxygen donator it causes radiosensitization in the tissue when given before or immediately after irradiation; as an agent stimulating phagocytes and tissue regeneration, it promotes regeneration very effectively when damage is already evident in the tissue.  相似文献   

Ethyl pyruvate (EP), a simple aliphatic ester of pyruvic acid, has been shown to improve survival and ameliorate organ damage in animal models of sepsis, ischemia/reperfusion injury and hemorrhagic shock. Incubating IL3-dependent mouse hematopoietic progenitor cell 32Dcl3 cells before or after irradiation with 10 mM EP increased resistance to radiation as assessed by clonogenic radiation survival curves, decreased release of mitochondrial cytochrome C into the cytoplasm, and decreased apoptosis. EP inhibited radiation-induced caspase 3 activation and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage in 32Dcl3 cells in a concentration-dependent fashion. EP was given i.p. to C57BL/6NHsd mice irradiated with 9.75 Gy total-body irradiation (TBI). This treatment significantly improved survival. The survival benefit was apparent irrespective of whether treatment with EP was started 1 h before TBI and continued for 5 consecutive days after TBI or the compound was injected only 1 h before or only for 5 days after TBI. In all of the in vitro and in vivo experiments, ethyl lactate, an inactive analogue of EP, had no detectable radioprotective or mitigating effects. EP may be an effective radioprotector and mitigator of the hematopoietic syndrome induced by TBI.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether a dietary supplement consisting of L-selenomethionine, vitamin C, vitamin E succinate, alpha-lipoic acid and N-acetyl cysteine could improve the survival of mice after total-body irradiation. Antioxidants significantly increased the 30-day survival of mice after exposure to a potentially lethal dose of X rays when given prior to or after animal irradiation. Pretreatment of animals with antioxidants resulted in significantly higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts in peripheral blood at 4 and 24 h after 1 Gy and 8 Gy. Antioxidants were effective in preventing peripheral lymphopenia only after low-dose irradiation. Antioxidant supplementation was also associated with increased bone marrow cell counts after irradiation. Supplementation with antioxidants was associated with increased Bcl2 and decreased Bax, caspase 9 and TGF-beta1 mRNA expression in the bone marrow after irradiation. Maintenance of the antioxidant diet was associated with improved recovery of the bone marrow after sublethal or potentially lethal irradiation. Taken together, oral supplementation with antioxidants appears to be an effective approach for radioprotection of hematopoietic cells and improvement of animal survival, and modulation of apoptosis is implicated as a mechanism for the radioprotection of the hematopoietic system by antioxidants.  相似文献   

C G Franz 《Radiation research》1985,101(3):434-441
Behavioral incapacitation for a physical activity task and its relationship to emesis and survival time following exposure to ionizing radiation were evaluated in 39 male rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Subjects were trained to perform a shock avoidance activity task for 6 hr on a 10-min work/5-min rest schedule in a nonmotorized physical activity wheel. Following stabilization of performance, each subject received a single, pulsed dose of mixed neutron-gamma, whole-body radiation (n/gamma = 3.0) ranging between 1274 and 4862 rad. Performance testing was started 45 sec after exposure. A dose-response function for early transient incapacitation (ETI) during the first 2 hr after irradiation was fitted, and the median effective dose (ED50) was calculated to be 1982 rad. More subjects experienced both incapacitation and emesis in this study than has been reported for other behavioral tasks in similar radiation fields. Analysis done on the relationship of dose to ETI, emesis, and survival time found (a) a significant relationship between the radiation dose and the number and duration of ETIs; (b) no correlation between emesis and dose, survival time, or ETI; (c) no relation between survival time and ETI at any dose; and (d) no significant difference in survival time for dose groups between 1766 +/- 9 (SEM) and 2308 +/- 23 rad.  相似文献   

131I is the radionuclide most commonly used in biologically targeted radiotherapy at the present time. Microdosimetric analysis has shown that microtumors whose diameters are less than the beta-particle maximum range absorb radiation energy inefficiently from targeted radionuclides. Micrometastases of diameters < 1 mm are likely to be spared if targeted 131I is used as a single modality. Because of this, combined modality therapy incorporating targeted 131I, external beam total-body irradiation (TBI), and bone marrow rescue has been proposed. In this study, the minimum necessary TBI component is shown to depend on the radiosensitivity of the tumor cells. The analysis shows that the TBI component, to achieve radiocurability, increases directly with tumor radioresistance. For the most radiosensitive tumors, a whole-body TBI treatment dose 2 x 2 Gy is calculated to be obligatory, whereas practical arguments exist in favor of higher doses. For more radioresistant tumors, the analysis implies that a TBI treatment delivery of 5 x 2 Gy is obligatory. In all situations, external beam TBI appears to be an essential factor in providing reasonable probability of cure of disseminated malignant disease. Reasonable prospects of tumor cure by combination strategies incorporating 131I exist for the more radiosensitive tumor types (e.g., neuroblastoma, lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, seminoma), but more resistant tumors are unlikely to be curable at present. Superior targeting agents, and the possible use of panels of different radionuclides, may be necessary to achieve high cure probabilities for less radiosensitive tumor types.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies were done on bone marrow cells and peripheral lymphocytes of four patients (three with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, one with aplastic anemia) at various intervals up to 861 days after total-body X irradiation (TBI) at doses between 4.5 and 10 Gy (450-1000 rad) followed by syngeneic or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Whereas no radiation-induced aberrations could be found in the bone marrow, apart from a transient finding in the patient with the lowest radiation dose, aberrant metaphases were seen in the peripheral lymphocytes of three patients in the range from 2.5 to 46% even at 861 days after the exposure. There were no demonstrable aberrations related to TBI in the only patient developing graft-versus-host disease. The dicentric yield as determined in the aberrant metaphases with 46 centromeres ranged between 3.4 +/- 1.3 and 4.9 +/- 0.4. In one patient it was demonstrated by BUdR-labeling that after 10 Gy (1000 rad) TBI the surviving and heavily damaged lymphocytes can go into cell cycle and reach at least the third mitosis. The percentage of aberrant cells diminished by about 25% at each mitotic division.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of nonuniform irradiation on the small intestine, we prepared 24 dogs for continent isoperistaltic ileostomies under aseptic surgical conditions and general anesthesia. After a 3-week recovery period, the ileum was catheterized with a fiberoptic endoscope to observe the intestinal mucosa and to harvest mucosal biopsies. The baseline macroscopic and microscopic appearance of the intestinal mucosa was determined. Two weeks later, the ileum was catheterized with a 100-cm soft tube containing 40 groups of three thermoluminescent dosimeters placed at equally spaced intervals, and a dose of either 4.5, 8, 10, 11, or 15 Gy 60Co gamma rays was delivered to the right abdomen (nonuniform exposure). This method allowed a direct and precise assessment of the dose received at 40 sites located in the 100-cm intestinal segment. The intestinal mucosa was again evaluated 1, 4, and 6 days after irradiation. All animals exposed to 4.5 and 8 Gy survived, whereas none survived after 11 and 15 Gy. After exposure to 10 Gy, 60% of the animals died within 4-6 days and 40% survived with symptoms associated with both the intestinal and the hematopoietic syndromes. Crypt cell necrosis, blunting of villi, and reduction of the mucosal lining increased between 1 and 4 days after irradiation, and mucosal damage was correlated with intraintestinal dosimetry at Day 6. The granulocyte counts at Day 4 were significantly lower than baseline level in animals that died within 4-6 days but not in survivors. The present model appears to be realistic and clinically relevant, allowing the concurrent study of the intestinal and hematopoietic effects of high-dose nonuniform irradiation similar to that received by patients during radiation therapy as well as by radiation accident victims.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to determine the alterations in the absorptive and secretory functions of the rat colon after abdominal irradiation and to compare the effects of abdominal and whole-body irradiation. Rats received an abdominal irradiation with 8 to 12 Gy and were studied at 1, 4 and 7 days after exposure. Water and electrolyte absorption was measured in vivo by insertion of an agarose cylinder into the colons of anesthetized rats. In vitro measurements of potential difference, short-circuit current and tissue conductance were performed in Ussing chambers under basal and agonist-stimulated conditions. Most of the changes appeared at 4 days after abdominal irradiation. At this time, a decrease in water and electrolyte absorption in the colon was observed for radiation doses > or = 9 Gy. The response to secretagogues (VIP, 5-HT and forskolin) was attenuated after 10 and 12 Gy. Epithelial integrity, estimated by potential difference and tissue conductance, was altered from 1 to 7 days after 12 Gy abdominal irradiation. These results show that the function of the colon was affected by abdominal irradiation. Comparison with earlier results for total-body irradiation demonstrated a difference of 2 Gy in the radiation dose needed to induce changes in the function of the colon.  相似文献   

Normal thyroid cells from 25 individuals treated surgically for malignant or benign thyroid tumour were cultured in vitro and radiation induced cytotoxicity was studied. The mean lethal dose (Do), quasi-threshold (Dq), and extrapolation number (n) of survival curves of actively dividing thyroid cells assayed by colony formation were estimated to be 92.9 +/- 2.8 cGy (rad), 58.1 +/- 6.9 cGy and 2.0 +/- 0.1, respectively (average for 25 individuals +/- standard error). These results suggest that proliferating human thyroid cells are more sensitive to X-rays than most other nonhaematologic mammalian cells in similar assays. Cell survival was not significantly affected by sex, age, disease or exposure to atomic bomb radiation of the cell donor. However, the number of samples currently available is too small for definite conclusions in this regard.  相似文献   

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