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The aim of the study was to determine seasonal variation in concentrations of selected fungal spore types due to meteorological parameters. The presence of spores of thirteen taxa: Cladosporium, Torula, Alternaria, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Stemphylium, Ganoderma, Erysiphales, Entomophthora, Drechslera type, Didymella, Polythrincium and Pithomyces was recorded in Cracow using a Burkard trap. The majority of selected taxa belong to the anamorphic fungi group, the others to Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes and Zygomycetes. Fungal spores were present in the air in large numbers throughout the summer with the highest levels being reached in June, July and August although their highest concentrations differed with time. For most of the studied spore types: Botrytis, Ganoderma, Alternaria, Epicoccum, Torula, Drechslera type, Polythrincium, Stemphylium and Pithomyces the peak period was recorded in August. Didymella and Entomophthora spores reached their highest concentrations in July while concentrations of Erysiphales and Cladosporium spores were highest in June. Multiple regression analysis was performed for two seasonal periods: pre-peak and post-peak. In the pre-peak period concentrations of 10 spore types: Cladosporium, Botrytis, Epicoccum, Stemphylium, Drechslera type, Pithomyces, Didymella, Erysiphales, Ganoderma and Entomophthora were strongest influenced by minimum temperature while Alternaria, Polythrincium and Torula by maximum temperature (significance level of α=0.05). During the post-peak period the most important factor affecting variation in concentrations of Botrytis, Polythrincium, Didymella, Erysiphales, Ganoderma and Entomophthora spores was the minimum temperature. For Alternaria, Cladosporium, Epicoccum and Torula the maximum temperature appeared to be the most influential, whereas for Drechslera type, Stemphylium and Pithomyces it was sunshine. All correlations between spore concentration, minimum and maximum temperature and sunshine were significant (significance level of α=0.05), and positive although the percentage of explained variation (R2) was low.  相似文献   


Background and Objective

The aim of the present study was to determine the level of adiposity and obesity in Polish adolescents and compare the results with earlier studies conducted in this population as well as those carried out in other populations.


The study group consisted of 456 boys and 514 girls aged 14-18 years living in Cracow chosen from randomly selected secondary schools. Weight, height, waist, and hip circumference (WC, HC) as well as triceps, biceps, subscapular, and suprailiac skinfold thickness (SFT) were measured. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), subscapular/triceps skinfold ratio (STR), and percentage body fat were computed. The prevalence of overweight and obesity based on Polish children growth reference were calculated and age-dependent and gender-specific smoothed percentile curves for BMI and ROC curves were generated.


Weight, height, WC, HC (up 16yr), WHtR (up 15yr), and WHR were considerably higher in males than females. Weight, height, and HC increased with age; WHtR remained the same. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were 10.2% (boys 10.3%; girls 10.1%) and 4.2% (boys 5.3%; girls 3.3%). ROC analysis revealed that WHtR was the best tool for detection of obesity (AUC of 0.982±0.007) in males, whereas the sum of four SFTs (AUC: 0.968±0.011) and WHtR (AUC: 0.963±0.012) were the best predictors of obesity in females.


The level of adiposity in Cracow adolescents increased during the last decade. However, it is still lower than in other well-developed societies struggling with obesity epidemics.  相似文献   

High concentrations of airborne fungal spores are associated with human health concerns. Environmental variables, such as temperature and moisture, can influence growth and reproduction in fungi and airborne spore concentrations can fluctuate seasonally. However, we do not understand how long-term changes in climate affect fungal abundance in the air. Here, we sampled annually (at peak season, in September, over a 20-yr period) for airborne fungal spores in two North American cities (New York and Toronto), and related fungal abundance to local variation in climate. We found that at both locations, the total precipitation during the 2- month period prior to sampling (Jul.–Aug.) was negatively related to observed fungal spore concentrations. Considering that climate predictions for these two regions indicate an increase in drought events in summer, we expect airborne fungal concentrations to increase in future years, potentially exacerbating human health concerns.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A carbonate buildup near the top of the Upper Jurassic limestone sequence in the Cracow area with a rigid framework built ofTubiphytes and thrombolites, and some fragments of encrusted siliceous sponges and serpules is described. The limestones form a dome-like elevation at the eastern wall of a 15 m high quarry flanked on both sides by stratified limestones with cherts. Six microfacies have been distinguished within the buildup: (1)Tubiphytes/thrombolite boundstone and (2) bioclasticTubiphytes/thrombolite wackestone dominate in the central and bottom part of the buildup. They gradually replace the cyanobacterial crusts and siliceous sponges (3. sponge-algal boundstone), which are sporadically the rock-forming elements in the basal part of the buildup as well as the top. Serpules randomly distributed within the buildup also form small cm-sized structures with a rigid framework (4. serpula-peloid boundstone). (5) tuberoid-peloid wackestone/floatstone and (6) ooid intraclastic grainstone exhibit no significant distributional pattern. Bioclastic-peloidal packstone comprising material derived from the destruction of the buildup occurs in the highest part of the outcrop, overlying the buildup. The sediments of the buildup were subject to rapid lithification, evidence by borings and neptunian microdykes filled with internal sediments, as well as by fracturedTubiphytes. Numerous petrographic features indicate probable episodic emergence of the buildup during its growth; these include asymmetric dissolution textures, asymmetric cements, vadose crystal silt and calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum. Upper Oxfordian carbonate buildups in the Cracow area display various stages of evolution. The carbonate buildup in Mydlniki most closely resembles classical Upper Jurassic reefs.  相似文献   

A long-living artificial tripartite symbiosis involving a green alga (Chlamydomonas), a bacterium (Azotobacter) and a fungus (Alternaria) was established on carbon- and nitrogen-free medium. The basis of the interdependence is the complementation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and atmospheric nitrogen fixation. Green color of the colonies indicated that the algal cells had enough nitrogen to synthesize chlorophylls. The chlorophyll content was nearly 40 % of the control cells. The relatively high rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution proved that nitrogen was effectively used for building up a well functioning photosynthetic apparatus. This was supported by the analysis of photosystems and ultrastructural investigations. In comparison with degreened algae cultured on nitrogen-free medium, the chloroplasts in the symbiont algal cells contained a well-developed, stacked thylakoid membrane system without extreme starch or lipid accumulation. The occurrence of the fungus in the association greatly increased the chlorophyll content. Far fewer types of amino acids were excreted by the tripartite cultures than by pure cultures. Cystathionine, which is a common intermediate in the sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism, was produced in high quantities by the tripartite symbiosis. This can mostly be attributed to the activity of the fungus.  相似文献   

Conidial types collected daily in the air above a vineyard in northwest Spain were identified and counted. A total of 26 fungal spore types were recognised; ten of which (Cladosporium, Botrytis, Fusarium-Leptosphaeria type,Torula, Puccinia, Alternaria, Uncinula, Helminthosporium type,Agrocybe andStemphylium) gave a seasonal total concentration exceeding 1000 spores. Seasonal patterns are shown for 12 of the identified taxa.  相似文献   

报道生于豆科植物沙冬青Ammopiptanthus mongolicus上的链格孢属真菌一新种,沙冬青链格孢Alternaria ammopiptanthi。此种不同于已从豆科植物上报道的5个长喙链格孢种(复喙链格孢A. multirostrata、决明链格孢A. cassiae、猪屎豆生链格孢A. crotalariicola、瓜尔豆链格孢A. cyamopsidis和长喙链格孢A. longirostrata),主要是其分生孢子的长喙不分枝和孢身细瘦。研究过的模式标本(PSNXAAFS 267852)保存在宁夏农林科学院植物病害标本室。  相似文献   

报道生于豆科植物沙冬青Ammopiptanthus mongolicus上的链格孢属真菌一新种,沙冬青链格孢Alternaria ammopiptanthi。此种不同于已从豆科植物上报道的5个长喙链格孢种(复喙链格孢A.multirostrata、决明链格孢A.cassiae、猪屎豆生链格孢A.crotalariicola、瓜尔豆链格孢A.cyamopsidis和长喙链格孢A.longirostrata),主要是其分生孢子的长喙不分枝和孢身细瘦。研究过的模式标本(PSNXAAFS267852)保存在宁夏农林科学院植物病害标本室。  相似文献   

In a study of microbial control of grasshoppers, Nosema locustae was applied to 10-acre plots in 2 replications of 24 treatment combinations in which the factors were (1) times of applications: 4 applications spaced over 22 days; (2) concentrations of spores: 1, 30, and 900 spores/in2; and (3) levels of the spore carrier: 1 and 4 lb wheat bran/acre. The concentrations of spores had the most effect in reducing the densities of grasshoppers and the incidence of infection among the survivors at the last sampling (coincided with the initiation of oviposition), the average reduction in density attributed to application of 1 spore/in2 was 21%, that attributed to 30 spores/in2 was 46%, and that attributed to 900 spores/in2 was 73%. The first and second applications caused the greatest reductions in density; the second, third, and fourth applications produced the highest incidence of infections. Also, a higher incidence of infection was observed among grasshoppers from plots treated with 30 spores/in2 on 1 lb bran/acre than from plots treated with 30 spores/in2 on 4 lb of bran/acre. Therefore, a ratio of about 0.63–0.94 billion spores/lb bran applied at a rate of 1–1.5 lb/acre (= 100–150 spores/in2) at the time when the principal early summer species are third-instar nymphs would have resulted in overall reductions in density of 50–60%, with 35–50% of the survivors sufficiently infected so that fecundity would probably be affected. The reductions and incidence of infections would be higher in species that readily accept and use wheat bran, among which are some of the more economically important species of grasshoppers.  相似文献   

Brown apical necrosis of English walnut and grey necrosis of hazelnut are destructive fruit diseases caused by a complex of opportunistic fungi including several small-spored catenulate Alternaria taxa. Thirty Alternaria isolates recovered from walnut and hazelnut fruit that were pathogenic on their respective host were compared along with type or representative isolates of A. alternata, A. tenuissima, A. arborescens, and A. infectoria using morphological and molecular criteria. Morphological examination using standardized procedures separated the walnut and hazelnut isolates into three morphological groups: the A. alternata group, the A. tenuissima group, and the A. arborescens group based upon common characteristics of the conidium and the sporulation apparatus. To evaluate genetic relationships among these groups, AFLP markers, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers, and histone gene sequence data were compared. Based upon AFLP data, the A. alternata and A. tenuissima groups comprised a single lineage, and the A. arborescens group comprised a separate lineage. ISSR data supported the grouping by AFLP data except for three isolates of the A. alternata group that clustered with the A. arborescens group. Base substitution of the H4 gene supported the discrimination of the A. arborescens group from the A. alternata and A. tenuissima groups. Tests of hypotheses based upon groupings derived from the various data sets supported the discrimination of the A. arborescens group but did not support the discrimination of the A. alternata group from the A. tenuissima group.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana was established in coffee seedlings after fungal spore suspensions were applied as foliar sprays, stem injections, or soil drenches. Direct injection yielded the highest post-inoculation recovery of endophytic B. bassiana. Establishment, based on percent recovery of B. bassiana, decreased as time post-inoculation increased in all treatments. Several other endophytes were isolated from the seedlings and could have negatively influenced establishment of B. bassiana. The recovery of B. bassiana from sites distant from the point of inoculation indicates that the fungus has the potential to move throughout the plant.  相似文献   

Work on the exceptionally well-preserved, rapidly accumulating Bath Cliff Section, Barbados and supplementary Deep Sea Drilling Project samples, has revealed the evolutionary origins of three stratigraphically useful species in theCryptoprora ornata Zone straddling the Eocene/Oligocene boundary and demonstrated the origin of the genusCyclampterium. Elucidation of the origin ofCyclampterium milowi necessitates a revision of the generaLophocyrtis andCyclampterium.Lophocyrtis (Lophocyrtis)jacchia is the ancestor ofL. (Cyclampterium)hadra, the earliest member in the subgenusCyclampterium which comprises the anagenetic lineage leading fromL. (C.)hadra toL. (C.)neatum. The monotypic subgenusSciadiopeplus branches off from an early member in theCyclampterium lineage. The new speciesL. (L.)exitelus andL. (S.)oberhaensliae terminate the subgeneraLophocyrtis andSciadiopeplus, respectively. During the investigation it also became clear that morphotypes resembling earlyL. (C.)milowi could be found in mid and high latitude assemblages in the late Early and late Middle Eocene. The origin of one these morphotypes was also traced toL. (Lophocyrtis)jacchia giving rise to the new subgenusParalampterium. This lineage includes the new speciesL. (Paralampterium)dumitricai and two species questionably assigned to it,L. (Paralampterium)?longiventer and the new speciesL. (Paralampterium) ?galenum. The relationship ofL. (P.)dumitricai toL. (P.) ?longiventer andL. (P.) ?galenum is unknown.  相似文献   

Ruga  Luigia  Orlandi  Fabio  Fornaciari  Marco 《Aerobiologia》2021,37(2):363-372

The conservation actions towards artworks holding a common patrimony for the community are of primary importance, but also those related to their "container" as museums, libraries or archives are to consider. Fungal spores and bacteria carried by air flows to the artwork surface can colonize it causing biodeterioration through physical and/or chemical alterations of the materials with the irreversible loss of their value. The quality control of the indoor air surrounding the historic building is essential, as well as for the protection and conservation of the artwork, also for the protection of the health of operators and visitors. The aim of this study was to monitor airborne fungal particles, through volumetric spore traps, for improving the knowledge about the conservation and protection of artworks in the museum environment analysing the principal relationships between indoor environmental conditions and potentially biodeteriogen fungal spore growth. The evidence of no significant relationships between spore concentrations and environmental conditions recorded inside the different expositive rooms testified the regular and correct maintenance of the air conditioning system inside the considered building (National Gallery of Umbria, central Italy). Moreover, in a specific museum room a significant spore concentration decreasing trend was recorded mainly due to a structural modification in the same building.


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