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The Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein aequorin and the Ca2+-dependent fluorescent indicators quin 2 and TnCDANZ have been used to investigate contractile processes in single crustacean muscle fibres. The investigations with quin 2 indicate that the free Ca2+ rises to a maximum value before peak force as with aequorin light (approximately 200 msec delay at 12 degrees C) and subsequently decays more slowly, unlike the majority of the aequorin signal, although an aequorin 'tail' signal remains. The resting quin 2 fluorescence from the cell suggests an upper limit of 348 nM for the resting calcium concentration. Experiments with TnCDANZ indicate that this fluorescence response rises rapidly but then the rate of rise slows to reach a maximum value at a time when peak force is achieved and then the fluorescence signal decays more slowly than force. The latter result implies that Ca2+ is attached to the Ca2+-specific sites of TnC when externally recorded force is small.  相似文献   

In isolated chief cells from the guinea pig, cholecystokinin (10 nM) and a high concentration of ionomycin each caused a biphasic pattern of pepsinogen secretion. The initial fast response to cholecystokinin was not dependent on medium Ca2+ ans was mimicked by low concentration of ionomycin (100 nM). Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate caused a similar fast release from permeabilized cells. The slow component of release was dependent on medium Ca2+, however, and was mimicked by the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) (100 nM) or the diacylglycerol analogue 1-oleoyl-2-acetylglycerol (OAG) (100 microM). Ionomycin (100 nM) and TPA (and/or OAG), when applied together, reproduced the biphasic pattern of pepsinogen secretion, suggesting that the signalling pathways utilized by both types of agonist contribute to the response evoked by cholecystokinin-hormone stimulation. Both fura-2 and aequorin were used to monitor changes of intracellular Ca2+. Three pathways were found to contribute to the Ca2+ transient. A rapid release of Ca2+ from intracellular store(s), a rapid Ca2+ entry from the extracellular space, and a more sustained Ca2+ entry from the extracellular space. Cholecystokinin induced a rapid increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) as estimated with fura-2 and aequorin. This rise was reduced but not abolished upon removal of extracellular Ca2+, suggesting that both Ca2+ entry from the extracellular space and Ca2+ mobilization from the intracellular store(s) contribute to the initial, fast component of the Ca2+ transient. A second, more sustained component of the Ca2+ transient induced by cholecystokinin was abolished by lanthanum. TPA and OAG induced a biphasic Ca2+ transient that could be detected only with aequorin. The late, sustained component of this response was again abolished by lanthanum as well as by removal of extracellular Ca2+. It appears that the late component of the Ca2+ transient is dependent on Ca2+ influx from the extracellular space and is too localized to be detected by fura-2. Prestimulation of cells with TPA or OAG prevented the aequorin transient caused by cholecystokinin and vice versa, suggesting that TPA, OAG and cholecystokinin activate the same pathways of Ca2+ entry into the cytosol from the intracellular store(s) or the extracellular space. The stimulation-sensitive Ca2+ pool was examined with electron probe X-ray microanalysis. It appears to be restricted to an area enriched in secretory granules or peripheral endoplasmic reticulum just beneath the apical plasma membrane and in close association with the microtubular-microfilamentous system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Strontium and barium can substitute for calcium at different levels of the excitation-contraction-relaxation cycle. The problem of sequestration of these ions in cellular microcompartments may be settled only by direct evidence obtained with analytical methods. Isolated frog twitch muscle fibres were perfused with increasing concentrations of potassium in Ca-free solution supplemented with Sr2+ (10 mmol/l) or Ba2+ (5 mmol/l). After equilibration in a Ca-free Ringer with Sr2+ or Ba2+ for 30 to 60 min the fibres were frozen in liquid propane (at 80 K) to immobilise ions. Ultrathin (150 nm) cryosections were cut at 170 K, freeze-dried, carbon-coated and analysed in an electron microscope equipped with an X-ray spectrometer. The ultrastructure of the superficial layer of the fibres was satisfactorily preserved. The terminal cisternae (t.c.) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) were dark and contained various amounts of Sr or Ba in addition to Ca. In Sr loaded fibres the longitudinal SR occasionally showed electron dense content with significant amounts of Ca; no Sr was present. The results suggest that t.c. is the common sequestering compartment for Ca, Sr and Ba. Essentially the same distribution pattern of Sr was found following precipitation of Sr with a solution containing digitonin and Koxalate.  相似文献   

Calcium ions are an important second messagers in the life of organisms, such as in silkworm growth and their developmental processes; these ions can trigger various effects, including the muscle excitation-contraction coupling mechanism, secretion of endocrine and exocrine glands, neuronal activities, midgut nutrients metabolisms, sensory system, enzymatic systems, and acceleration of metabolism activities. This paper reviewed the ecdysis process and mechanisms, where calcium plays an important role in larvae-to-larvae ecdysis and larvae-to-pupae and pupae-to-moth metamorphosis of silkworms; the paper focuses on the advanced achievements in the field of calcium actions during larvae-to-larvae and larvae-to-pupae changes. Calcium ion channels are shown to be the action mechanism of phospholipase C in the G protein cascade of the calcium signal transduction pathway, and the activators and inhibitors of these calcium channels are further discussed.  相似文献   

The mean resting concentration of cytosolic free Ca2+ [( Ca2+]i) in parenchymal liver cells, as determined with the intracellular Ca2+ indicator quin2, was lowered by about 30% in hypothyroidism (0.17 microM vs. 0.27 microM in normal cells). The [Ca2+]i level in hypothyroid cells at 10 s following stimulation by noradrenaline (1 microM) was about 64% lower than in normal cells (0.33 microM vs. 1.0 microM). The response to noradrenaline in hypothyroid cells was slower in onset (significant at 5 s vs. 3 s in euthyroid cells), and the maximum of the initial [Ca2+]i increase was reached later (14 s vs. 8 s in normal cells). In hypothyroid hepatocytes the initial increase was followed by a slow but prolonged secondary increase in [Ca2+]i. With vasopressin similar results were found. Chelation of extracellular Ca2+ with EGTA immediately prior to stimulation had no effect on the initial [Ca2+]i increase. Treatment with T3 in vivo (0.5 micrograms/100 g body weight daily during 3 days) completely restored the basal and stimulated [Ca2+]i in hypothyroid cells. The half-maximally effective dose of noradrenaline was the same in euthyroid and hypothyroid liver cells (1.8 X 10(-7) M). Hypothyroidism had no significant effect on the number of alpha 1-receptors determined by [3H]prazosin labeling in crude homogenate fractions, while the Kd for [3H]prazosin was 21% lower than in the euthyroid group. These results show that thyroid hormone has a general stimulating effect on intracellular Ca2+ mobilization by Ca2+-mobilizing hormones, probably at a site distal to the binding of the agonist to its receptor. The results also support our idea that thyroid hormone may control metabolism during rest and activation, at least partially, by altering Ca2+ homeostasis.  相似文献   

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