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The Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer caffer) is one of the dominant and most widespread herbivores in sub‐Saharan Africa. High levels of genetic diversity and exceptionally low levels of population differentiation have been found in the Cape buffalo compared to other African savannah ungulates. Patterns of genetic variation reveal large effective population sizes and indicate that Cape buffalos have historically been interbreeding across considerable distances. Throughout much of its range, the Cape buffalo is now largely confined to protected areas due to habitat fragmentation and increasing human population densities, possibly resulting in genetic erosion. Ten buffalo populations in Kenya and Uganda were examined using seventeen microsatellite markers to assess the regional genetic structure and the effect of protected area size on measures of genetic diversity. Two nested levels of genetic structure were identified: a higher level partitioning populations into two clusters separated by the Victoria Nile and a lower level distinguishing seven genetic clusters, each defined by one or two study populations. Although relatively small geographic distances separate most of the study populations, the level of genetic differentiation found here is comparable to that among pan‐African populations. Overall, correlations between conservancy area and indices of genetic diversity suggest buffalo populations inhabiting small parks are showing signs of genetic erosion, stressing the need for more active management of such populations. Our findings raise concerns about the future of other African savannah ungulates with lower population sizes and inferior dispersal capabilities compared with the buffalo.  相似文献   

Accurately estimating genetic variance components is important for studying evolution in the wild. Empirical work on domesticated and wild outbred populations suggests that dominance genetic variance represents a substantial part of genetic variance, and theoretical work predicts that ignoring dominance can inflate estimates of additive genetic variance. Whether this issue is pervasive in natural systems is unknown, because we lack estimates of dominance variance in wild populations obtained in situ. Here, we estimate dominance and additive genetic variance, maternal variance, and other sources of nongenetic variance in eight traits measured in over 9000 wild nestlings linked through a genetically resolved pedigree. We find that dominance variance, when estimable, does not statistically differ from zero and represents a modest amount (2-36%) of genetic variance. Simulations show that (1) inferences of all variance components for an average trait are unbiased; (2) the power to detect dominance variance is low; (3) ignoring dominance can mildly inflate additive genetic variance and heritability estimates but such inflation becomes substantial when maternal effects are also ignored. These findings hence suggest that dominance is a small source of phenotypic variance in the wild and highlight the importance of proper model construction for accurately estimating evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Ecological and evolutionary studies largely assume that island populations display low levels of neutral genetic variation. However, this notion has only been formally tested in a few cases involving plant taxa, and the confounding effect of selection on genetic diversity (GD) estimates based on putatively neutral markers has typically been overlooked. Here, we generated nuclear microsatellite and plastid DNA sequence data in Periploca laevigata, a plant taxon with an island–mainland distribution area, to (i) investigate whether selection affects GD estimates of populations across contrasting habitats; and (ii) test the long‐standing idea that island populations have lower GD than their mainland counterparts. Plastid data showed that colonization of the Canary Islands promoted strong lineage divergence within P. laevigata, which was accompanied by selective sweeps at several nuclear microsatellite loci. Inclusion of loci affected by strong divergent selection produced a significant downward bias in the GD estimates of the mainland lineage, but such underestimates were substantial (>14%) only when more than one loci under selection were included in the computations. When loci affected by selection were removed, we did not find evidence that insular Periploca populations have less GD than their mainland counterparts. The analysis of data obtained from a comprehensive literature survey reinforced this result, as overall comparisons of GD estimates between island and mainland populations were not significant across plant taxa (N = 66), with the only exception of island endemics with narrow distributions. This study suggests that identification and removal of markers potentially affected by selection should be routinely implemented in estimates of GD, particularly if different lineages are compared. Furthermore, it provides compelling evidence that the expectation of low GD cannot be generalized to island plant populations.  相似文献   

Roads and highways contribute enormously to habitat fragmentation, because they can inhibit or even block animal movement across them, which may result in the ultimate division of the populations adjacent to the roads into smaller isolated subpopulations. The isolation reduces gene flow and increases risk of extinction due to a decrease in the genetic diversity of the isolated population. The aim of the present study is to determine whether highways can cause genetic subdivision of the bank vole Myodes glareolus (Schreber, 1780) and yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834). The study was carried out at three sites in the Highway D1 (Prague-Brno) in the Czech Republic, where a previous study demonstrated a barrier effect of the highway avoiding the interchange of individuals of both species. The genetic structure was determined from the analysis of six DNA microsatellites loci in M. glareolus and five in A. flavicollis. We found only weak genetic differences between populations living at opposite sides of the highway in either of the species and a low degree of subdivision, but significant positive correlation between genetic and geographical distance, which suggests isolation by distance in both species.  相似文献   

A central controversy among biologists is the relative importance of natural selection and genetic drift as creative forces shaping biological diversification (Fisher 1930; Wright 1931). Historically, this controversy has been an effective engine powering several evolutionary research programs during the last century (Provine 1989). While all biologists agree that both processes operate in nature to produce evolutionary change, there is a diversity of opinion about which process dominates at any particular organizational level (from DNA and proteins to complex morphologies). To address this last level, we did a broadscale analysis of cranial diversification among all living New World monkeys. Quantitative genetic models yield specific predictions about the relationship between variation patterns within and between populations that may be used to test the hypothesis that genetic drift is a sufficient explanation for morphological diversification. Diversity at several levels in a hierarchy of taxonomic/phylogenetics relationship was examined from species within genera to families within superfamilies. The major conclusion is that genetic drift can be ruled out as the primary source of evolutionary diversification in cranial morphology among taxa at the level of the genus and above as well as for diversification of most genera. However, drift may account for diversification among species within some Neotropical primate genera, implying that morphological diversification associated with speciation need not be adaptive in some radiations.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are extremely polymorphic and this variation is assumed to be maintained by balancing selection. Cyclic interactions between pathogens and their hosts could generate such selection, and specific MHC alleles or heterozygosity at certain MHC loci have been shown to confer resistance against particular pathogens. Here we compare the temporal variation in allele frequencies of 23 MHC class I alleles with that of 23 neutral microsatellite markers in adult great reed warblers (a passerine bird) in nine successive cohorts. Overall, the MHC alleles showed a significantly higher variation in allele frequencies between cohorts than the microsatellite alleles, using a multi-variate genetic analysis (amova). The frequency of two specific MHC alleles, A3e (P = 0.046) and B4b (P = 0.0018), varied more between cohorts than expected from random, whereas none of the microsatellite alleles showed fluctuations exceeding the expectation from stochastic variation. These results imply that the variation in MHC allele frequencies between cohorts is not a result of demographic events, but rather an effect of selection favouring different MHC alleles in different years.  相似文献   

Wild river gravel banks (RGB) represent an extremely fragile biotope that is significantly endangered by human activities due to its fragmentation over the past century. The consequences of such processes were studied using the endangered violet willow (Salix daphnoides) at the westernmost foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. We quantified population genetic characteristics for 14 ecologically and demographically characterised populations using simple sequence repeats (SSR) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. We found a significant correlation between the biotope, sex, age and genetic structure of the populations. The natural RGB populations revealed high genotypic variability when using SSR markers, in contrast to low genotypic variability of the populations of other biotopes of Cirsium wet meadows (CWM) and Ash-alder forests (AAF) that consisted of one to two clones at each site. High heterozygosity (H obs?=?0.428–0.532) was similar across all natural (RGB) populations; however, these populations were deficient in heterozygotes (F IS/ρ IS?>?0). All RGB populations exhibited moderate to very significant genetic differentiation for microsatellites, despite the fact that the AFLP data showed strong differentiation only between CWM and AAF populations. Division into clusters by Structure confirmed consistent geographic groups for the RGB populations. According to our results, the strong decrease in previously continuous and large natural habitats for the violet willow is slightly counterbalanced by among-population gene flow. However, the survival of natural populations is tightly linked to the presence of river gravel banks and bars. Strict protection of this habitat is therefore essential for the conservation of the species.  相似文献   

The theory of adaptive senescence, or phenoptosis (“altruistic suicide” of the organism), implies that mutations enhancing mortality growth with age (“senescence genes”) can be favored by selection under some circumstances, although the nature of these circumstances and the frequency of their occurrence are not clear. Here I demonstrate by means of computer simulation that senescence genes can spread in the population’s gene pool via the mechanism of kin selection if two conditions are met. First, the population must have high viscosity (low intermixing), which provides positive correlation between spatial proximity of individuals and their relatedness, an important precondition for kin selection. Second, prior to acquisition of the senescence genes, there must be a sufficiently fast decline in the reproductive potential with age, while viability should decrease slower or remain constant. These conditions are probably met in some territorial and social species with severe competition for social rank and mating partners.  相似文献   



The C↔U substitution types of RNA editing have been observed frequently in organellar genomes of land plants. Although various attempts have been made to explain why such a seemingly inefficient genetic mechanism would have evolved, no satisfactory explanation exists in our view. In this study, we examined editing patterns in chloroplast genomes of the hornwort Anthoceros formosae and the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris and in mitochondrial genomes of the angiosperms Arabidopsis thaliana, Beta vulgaris and Oryza sativa, to gain an understanding of the question of how RNA editing originated.  相似文献   

To make long-term predictions using present quantitative genetic theory it is necessary to assume that the genetic variance–covariance matrix ( G ) remains constant or at least changes by a constant fraction. In this paper we examine the stability of the genetic architecture of two traits known to be subject to natural selection; femur length and ovipositor length in two species of the cricket Allonemobius. Previous studies have shown that in A. fasciatus and A. socius natural selection favours an increased body size southwards but a decreased ovipositor length. Such countergradient selection should tend to favour a change in G . In the total sample of eight populations of A. socius and one of A. fasciatus we show that there is significant variation in all genetic covariance components, i.e. VA for body size, VA for ovipositor length, and CovA. This variation results entirely from an increase in the covariances of A. fasciatus. However, although larger, these components are approximately proportionally increased, thereby leading to no statistically significant change in the genetic correlation. A proportional increase in the covariance components is consistent with changes resulting from genetic drift. On the other hand, the genetic covariance components are significantly correlated with the length of the growing season suggesting that the change in the genetic architecture is the result of selection and drift.  相似文献   

Ancient managed landscapes provide ideal opportunities to assess the consequences of habitat fragmentation on the patterns of genetic diversity and gene flow in long-lived plant species. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and allozyme markers, we quantified seed-mediated gene flow and population genetic diversity and structure in 14 populations of Myrtus communis (myrtle), a common endozoochorous shrub species of forest patches in lowland agricultural Mediterranean areas. Overall, allozyme diversity for myrtle was low (P95   =   25%; A   =   1.411; He = 0.085) compared to other known populations, and a significant portion of populations (57%) had lower levels of allelic diversity and/or heterozygosity than expected at random, as shown by simulated resampling of the whole diversity of the landscape. We found significant correlations between allozyme variability and population size and patch isolation, but no significant inbreeding in any population. Genetic differentiation among populations for both allozyme and AFLP markers was significant (ΦST = 0.144 and ΦST = 0.142, respectively) but an isolation-by-distance pattern was not detected. Assignment tests on AFLP data indicated a high immigration rate in the populations ( ca. 20–22%), likely through effective seed dispersal across the landscape by birds and mammals. Our results suggest that genetic isolation is not the automatic outcome of habitat destruction since substantial levels of seed-mediated gene flow are currently detectable. However, even moderate rates of gene flow seem insufficient in this long-lived species to counteract the genetic erosion and differentiation imposed by chronic habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Wildlife monitoring performed by volunteer personnel may suffer from bias with regard to their habitat use. Such errors can lead to erroneous population estimates, evidently influencing both management programmes and research that are based on the monitoring. We used a dataset on hunters’ habitat use in forest while searching for black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) and capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) to test whether hunters’ utilisation of the habitat was independent of that of grouse or if it corresponded to the grouse habitat preference. Twenty volunteer hunters with dogs registered their tracks and all observations of capercaillie and black grouse in Østfold County, Norway, during August 2003 and 2004. We performed an ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) and a K-select analysis with respect to hunters’ selection for habitat, described with ecogeographical variables related to forest stand characteristics, as well as the habitat preference of the observed grouse, conditional on the habitat utilisation of the hunters. Individual ENFA on the hunter's tracks revealed large variation in the habitat preferences of the hunters. The K-select indicated few overall patterns in the habitat characteristics of grouse observations, conditional on the hunters selected habitat. Accordingly, the results indicate that hunters’ observation of grouse prior to the hunt may give indicators of changes in grouse density unbiased by habitat preference due to the large between-hunter variation in habitat preference, given that a sufficient number of hunters is used. This suggests that such monitoring programmes can provide information about fluctuations in grouse population sizes valuable for both the management and research of forest grouse species.  相似文献   

All else being equal, inversely density-dependent (IDD) mortality destabilizes population dynamics. However, stability has not been investigated for cases in which multiple types of density dependence act simultaneously. To determine whether IDD mortality can destabilize populations that are otherwise regulated by directly density-dependent (DDD) mortality, I used scale transition approximations to model populations with IDD mortality at smaller “aggregation” scales and DDD mortality at larger “landscape” scales, a pattern observed in some reef fish and insect populations. I evaluated dynamic stability for a range of demographic parameter values, including the degree of compensation in DDD mortality and the degree of spatial aggregation, which together determine the relative importance of DDD and IDD processes. When aggregation-scale survival was a monotonically increasing function of density (a “dilution” effect), dynamics were stable except for extremely high levels of aggregation combined with either undercompensatory landscape-scale density dependence or certain values of adult fecundity. When aggregation-scale survival was a unimodal function of density (representing both “dilution” and predator “detection” effects), instability occurred with lower levels of aggregation and also depended on the values of fecundity, survivorship, detection effect, and DDD compensation parameters. These results suggest that only in extreme circumstances will IDD mortality destabilize dynamics when DDD mortality is also present, so IDD processes may not affect the stability of many populations in which they are observed. Model results were evaluated in the context of reef fish, but a similar framework may be appropriate for a diverse range of species that experience opposing patterns of density dependence across spatial scales.  相似文献   

Jordan MA  Snell HL 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(5):1224-1237
The formation of islands following a rise in sea level at the end of Pleistocene is expected to disrupt the equilibrium between genetic drift and gene flow in species with limited ability to disperse. Here, we test the hypothesis that genetic drift in isolation has caused the differentiation of Galápagos lava lizards ( Microlophus albemarlensis complex) found on 12 islets that are likely to have been connected to a larger island, Isla Santa Cruz, during the late Pleistocene. Using 11 microsatellite loci, screened on 524 individuals from 17 localities distributed among and within 15 islands, we found marked differences in allelic richness and heterozygosity. Genetic differentiation was strong (global F ST = 0.44), with pairwise differences found among populations on islets being larger than differences among three localities sampled within Isla Santa Cruz. As expected under a scenario of drift in isolation, there was a positive correlation of genetic diversity with island size, no relationship between genetic and geographical distance and a strong negative correlation between heterozygosity and measures of genetic differentiation. We conclude that seawater is a significant barrier to gene flow in lava lizards on this timescale. Our results suggest that the shallow diversification of the M. albemarlensis complex is not due to recent gene flow and that genetic drift may have played a substantial role in observed patterns of phenotypic variation among islands.  相似文献   

Hoehn M  Sarre SD  Henle K 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(16):3299-3312
Although habitat loss and fragmentation threaten species throughout the world and are a major threat to biodiversity, it is apparent that some species are at greater risk of extinction in fragmented landscapes than others. Identification of these species and the characteristics that make them sensitive to habitat fragmentation has important implications for conservation management. Here, we present a comparative study of the population genetic structure of two arboreal gecko species (Oedura reticulata and Gehyra variegata) in fragmented and continuous woodlands. The species differ in their level of persistence in remnant vegetation patches (the former exhibiting a higher extinction rate than the latter). Previous demographic and modelling studies of these two species have suggested that their difference in persistence levels may be due, in part, to differences in dispersal abilities with G. variegata expected to have higher dispersal rates than O. reticulata. We tested this hypothesis and genotyped a total of 345 O. reticulata from 12 sites and 353 G. variegata from 13 sites at nine microsatellite loci. We showed that O. reticulata exhibits elevated levels of structure (FST=0.102 vs. 0.044), lower levels of genetic diversity (HE=0.79 vs. 0.88), and fewer misassignments (20% vs. 30%) than similarly fragmented populations of G. variegata, while all these parameters were fairly similar for the two species in the continuous forest populations (FST=0.003 vs. 0.004, HE=0.89 vs. 0.89, misassignments: 58% vs. 53%, respectively). For both species, genetic structure was higher and genetic diversity was lower among fragmented populations than among those in the nature reserves. In addition, assignment tests and spatial autocorrelation revealed that small distances of about 500 m through fragmented landscapes are a barrier to O. reticulata but not for G. variegata. These data support our hypothesis that G. variegata disperse more readily and more frequently than O. reticulata and that dispersal and habitat specialization are critical factors in the persistence of species in habitat remnants.  相似文献   

Despite comparatively good rates of pollination and seed production, some populations of the endangered terrestrial orchid Caladenia rigida continue to decline. To determine whether seed quality may be limiting reproductive potential, we assessed seed viability among declining populations of C.?rigida (in the southern part of its distribution) and among populations that are regarded as stable (in the northern part of its distribution). We also compared differences in seed viability to plant traits, population size and habitat characteristics (soil properties, canopy cover, presence of proximate vegetation). Seed capsules from southern populations were significantly smaller, with only 9% of seeds being viable, compared to 36% in capsules from northern populations. Soil phosphorus concentrations differed between regions, but other habitat characteristics did not correlate with seed viability. Using calculations based on seedling recruitment data from other Caladenia species, we predict that seed output is insufficient to ensure the long-term persistence of the smallest C.?rigida populations.  相似文献   

While secondary contact between Mytilus edulis and Mytilus trossulus in North America results in mosaic hybrid zone formation, both species form a hybrid swarm in the Baltic. Despite pervasive gene flow, Baltic Mytilus species maintain substantial genetic and phenotypic differentiation. Exploring mechanisms underlying the contrasting genetic composition in Baltic Mytilus species will allow insights into processes such as speciation or adaptation to extremely low salinity. Previous studies in the Baltic indicated that only weak interspecific reproductive barriers exist and discussed the putative role of adaptation to environmental conditions. Using a combination of hydrodynamic modelling and multilocus genotyping, we investigate how oceanographic conditions influence passive larval dispersal and hybrid swarm formation in the Baltic. By combining our analyses with previous knowledge, we show a genetic transition of Baltic Mytilus species along longitude 12°‐13°E, that is a virtual line between Malmö (Sweden) and Stralsund (Germany). Although larval transport only occurs over short distances (10–30 km), limited larval dispersal could not explain the position of this genetic transition zone. Instead, the genetic transition zone is located at the area of maximum salinity change (15–10 psu). Thus, we argue that selection results in weak reproductive barriers and local adaptation. This scenario could maintain genetic and phenotypic differences between Baltic Mytilus species despite pervasive introgressive hybridization.  相似文献   

To counter losses of genetic diversity in reintroduced populations, species sometimes are reintroduced into networks of populations with the potential to exchange individuals. In reintroduced populations connected by gene flow, patterns of genetic structure initiated by the founding event may become obscured, and populations may eventually follow an isolation-by-distance model of genetic differentiation. Taking advantage of well-documented reintroduction histories of wild turkey populations in Indiana, we assessed the degree to which gene flow among reintroduced populations has obscured genetic signatures left by the founding events. Using a suite of nuclear microsatellite loci and sequence data from the mitochondrial control region, we characterized the level of genetic diversity and degree of genetic structure within and among: (1) reintroduced populations in isolated northern Indiana Fish and Wildlife Areas, (2) reintroduced populations in southern Indiana Fish and Wildlife Areas, where the distribution of populations is more continuous, and (3) source populations used for these reintroductions. We also utilized individual-based assignment tests to determine the relative contribution of source populations to the current distribution of alleles in reintroduced populations. Our results indicate that wild turkey reintroductions in Indiana have left distinct genetic signatures on populations that are detectable even after several decades. Although we found some case-specific evidence for gene flow, particularly in regions where populations are in close proximity, our data indicate on overall paucity of gene flow at a regional scale. Such post-reintroduction genetic monitoring has immediate implications for the design of optimal strategies to reintroduce wildlife for conservation and management.  相似文献   

We have studied levels and distribution of genetic variation in nine isolated populations of Brown trout in NW Spain. In the present study, we have tried to test the importance of preservation of genetic variability for the survival of a set of isolated Brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations from the same river drainage. We screened genetic variation in three different markers, mitochondrial, microsatellites and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC), presumed to be under different selective pressures. Overall, genetic diversity varied considerably across populations and the distribution of genetic variation was similar at MHC and microsatellites; highly polymorphic populations at the microsatellite loci were also highly polymorphic at the MHC. We also observed high levels of differentiation among populations. Although we found evidence suggesting that balancing selection has influenced the long term evolution of the MHC, genetic drift seems to have eroded the effect of selection, becoming the predominant evolutionary force shaping genetic variation in some of the smaller populations. Despite current lack of variation at the MHC, these small populations seem to have remained viable for a long time.  相似文献   

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