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The former Primulales used to be subdivided into the woody Theophrastaceae and Myrsinaceae, from the tropics and subtropics, and the herbaceous Primulaceae, which are mainly found in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Recent analyses based on morphological as well as molecular data revealed a close relationship between the genus Samolus L. of Primulaceae and the monophyletic family Theophrastaceae. We studied the floral development of six species from four different genera of Theophrastaceae and compared it to floral ontogenetical data of Samolus valerandi L. to find support for a close relationship. Samolus and the members of Theophrastaceae share the presence of staminodes and a similar development of the placenta and the ovules. Apart from the different habit and distribution, however, we also observed some major differences between both lineages, such as the absence of common primordia in Theophrastaceae, the development of a gynoecial cap in Samolus, and the difference in development, shape, and structure of the staminodes. Therefore, we propose to keep Samolus separated from the genera of the Theophrastaceae, and we suggest that it be raised to family level.  相似文献   

The Toll like receptors (TLRs) and the type I interferons have critical roles to play in innate immunity. In this review we will discuss new developments relating to the important area of TLR/IFN cross regulation.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (VP) receptors belong to the widespread G protein-coupled receptor family. The crucial role of VP receptor intracellular loops in the coupling with the heterotrimeric G proteins was previously demonstrated by construction of a vasopressin receptor chimera. Yet, no fine structural data are available concerning the receptor molecular determinants involved in their interactions with G proteins. In this study, we synthesized both a linear and a cyclic form of the second intracellular loop (i2) of the human V(1a) vasopressin receptor isoform that is important for the interaction between the alphaq/alpha11 G protein and the receptor. These two peptides are biologically active. They specifically inhibit vasopressin binding to the V(1a) receptor, suggesting that the corresponding endogenous peptides contribute to the structure of the vasopressin binding site via intra- or intermolecular interactions with the core of the V(1a) receptor. The i2 peptide structures were determined by (1)H NMR. Both exhibit a helix and helical elements in their N- and C-terminal parts, respectively, separated by a turn imposed by a proline residue. More interestingly, the central Pro-Leu motif conserved in many GPCRs and thought to be important for coupling to G proteins can adopt different conformations. The "U" shape structure of the i2 loop is compatible with its anchoring to transmembrane domains III and IV and is very similar to the shape of bovine rhodopsin i2. Altogether, these data contribute to a better understanding of the structure of a not yet crystallized GPCR using the mimetic peptide approach.  相似文献   

1. Field observations indicate that the ability to feed at different light intensities may differ between brown trout and Arctic charr, and this is the first study to test this experimentally. To establish a background level of feeding in daylight at midday, trout and charr in two size groups were kept in tanks (one fish per tank) at three constant temperatures (5.0, 10.8 and 13.0 °C) and each fish was offered, one at a time, 50 freshly killed shrimps (Gammarus pulex), the number eaten being recorded. Shrimps could only be taken in the water column because a metal mesh prevented access to dead shrimps on the tank bottom. In a first series of experiments, individual fish were kept at one of 10 natural light intensities (range 0.001–50 lx). In a second series, conditions were similar except that the fish tank was covered in black polyethylene and had a light‐tight lid with a shutter so that light levels could be kept constant, using artificial illumination. In a third series, the fish were fed in total darkness, but the false bottom was removed, allowing access to dead shrimps on the tank bottom as well as in the water column. 2. The results of the first and second series differed interspecifically but were very similar intraspecifically, with no significant differences between the food intake for the two size groups or in the experiments at 10.8 and 13.0 °C. Food intake remained fairly constant at light intensities between 50 lx (dusk or dawn) and 0.03 lx and was similar to that of fish feeding at midday. At 10.8 and 13.0 °C, food intake between 0.03 and 50 lx was higher for trout than for charr, mean values for shrimps eaten per fish being 39.9 for trout (range 36–44, n = 100 fish) and 32.0 for charr (range 28–38, n = 100), but at 5.0 °C, the situation was reversed with mean values of 15.1 for trout (range 11–18, n = 50 fish) and 19.8 for charr (range 17–22, n = 50). 3. As light intensity decreased from 0.04 to 0.001 lx, feeding rate decreased exponentially but was always higher for charr than for trout, with a mean number of shrimps eaten at 0.001 lx of 9.3 for trout (range 5–13, n = 20 fish) and 13.6 for charr (range 9–20, n = 20) at 10.8 and 13.0 °C, and 2.0 for trout (range 1–4, n = 10 fish) and 5.5 for charr (range 2–8, n = 10) at 5.0 °C. In total darkness (false bottom fitted), none of the 50 shrimps was taken by either species. When the false bottom was removed in the third series, the mean number of shrimps consumed over 24 h was eight for trout (range 3–11, n = 20 fish) and 14.9 for charr (range 9–20, n = 20) at 10.8 and 13.0 °C, and two for trout (range 0–4, n = 10 fish) and five for charr (range 3–8, n = 10) at 5.0 °C. 4. Therefore, the feeding ability of trout was superior to that of charr when using photopic vision in daylight and mesotopic vision at dusk and dawn, but inferior to that of charr when using scotopic vision at low light intensity. Charr were also superior at low temperatures and when foraging for food in total darkness. Therefore, as light intensity decreases after dusk in their natural habitat, the advantage in feeding will shift from trout to charr, with the reverse occurring as light intensity increases after dawn.  相似文献   

Eleven trials, involving 440 rats bred from 3 laboratory strains and worms from 4 isolates of Moniliformis moniliformis, were carried out with each rat receiving an oral dose of 15 cystacanths. The results showed that the infectivity of the cystacanths was not affected by their age (range 55-194 days) or by their density per cockroach during development (16.1-88.6 cystacanths per cockroach). The numbers of worms per rat recovered at 35 days postinfection (p.i.) were shown to be related to rat strain, with highly inbred strains (PVG and F344) being more supportive of numbers of worms than an outbred Wistar strain. There was no evidence to suggest that the sex of the rats had any influence on the numbers of worms recovered at 35 days p.i. Evidence was obtained to suggest that smaller (younger) rats are likely to support more worms on average than larger (older) rats. There was no evidence of any relationship between worm weight and numbers of worms present per rat on day 35 p.i. Generally, rat strain had little effect on the dry weight (growth) of male M. moniliformis, in contrast to observations made for female worms. The greatest range of worm weights was observed from the recent isolate of the worm (1982) as compared with the well established isolate (1956) and the rats that supported most worms differed from those that harbored the largest worms. Rat sex was not observed to be associated with worm weight. The frequency distributions of numbers of M. moniliformis per rat were not described readily by the negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

16 phenoxy-ω-17,18,19,20 tetranor PGE2 methylsulfonylamide (Sulprostone) was used for termination of second trimester pregnancy in four groups of 30 patients. The drug was administered in intramuscular doses of either 0.5 mg four hourly or 1.0 mg 8 hourly. In two groups of 30 patients a medium size sterile laminaria was inserted into the cervical canal eight hours before the start of prostaglandin treatment. In the group treated with 1.0 mg sulprostone eight hourly, 96.7% of those with laminaria and 86.7% without laminaria aborted in respective mean times of 11.2 hrs and 17.5 hrs. All 30 patients (100%) in the laminaria group treated with 0.5 mg sulprostone four hourly aborted within 30 hours in a mean time of 10.4 hours compared with 26 patients (86.7%) in a mean time of 16.7 hours in the group without laminaria.One patient receiving 0.5 mg sulprostone four hourly (no laminaria) sustained a cervical tear requiring repair. The incidence of nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, cold and shivering was low and similar in the four groups.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Current models of insect oviposition predict that clutch size in parasitoids should correlate with host size, with a continuum from solitary species at one end to large gregarious broods at the other. This prediction is tested for the genus Apanteles (sensu lato).
2. The distribution of brood sizes in Apanteles is bimodal, with peaks at one (solitary species) and at about twenty (gregarious species).
3. Brood size of gregarious species correlates with host size, but when a measure of the total volume of a parasitoid brood is plotted against host size, solitary species do not lie on the same regression slope as gregarious species.
4. There is a relative shortage of gregarious species on small hosts, and a relative excess of solitary species on large hosts. Solitary species on large hosts do not fully consume the host resource.
5. The possible role of evolutionary constraints to adaptive progeny allocation in Apanteles is discussed.  相似文献   

Two electrophoretic polymorphisms affecting lens crystallins, designated LEN-1 and LEN-2, have been discovered among inbred strains of mice. Analysis by isoelectric focusing demonstrated that both crystallins are monomeric proteins with isoelectric points at or above pH 7. Both proteins eluted in the low molecular weight (LM) fraction upon Sephadex G-200 gel filtration but LEN-2 was shown to be larger than LEN-1 by G75SF gel filtration and denaturing gel electrophoresis. Linkage analysis demonstrated that the genes encoding LEN-1 and LEN-2 assort independently. Amino acid analysis of the allelic products of the two genes revealed that genetic variants of each respective crystallin were very similar in amino acid compositions but that LEN-1 and LEN-2 were dissimilar crystallins.This research was sponsored in part by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.  相似文献   

The Pterasteridae comprises a diversified group of extant largely deep-sea starfishes. Generic diagnoses have been based classically on soft tissue characters and skeletal architecture. A preliminary phylogeny of sixteen extant species is here worked out by cladistic analysis. The resulting tree suggests monophyly of extant genera and the validity of dissociated plates for identification of genera. Fossil remains of Pterasteridae are here described for the first time. By comparison with extant species, all the skeletal remains from the lower Upper Campanian of Belgium and from the lower Maastrichtian of Germany are tentatively assigned to the genusPteraster. The fossil record of starfishes is poor, but the present Late Cretaceous pterasterids provide one more piece of evidence of the high diversity of starfishes during the Mesozoic. Known Late Cretaceous and Paleogene fossils are broadly similar, which suggests the end-Cretaceous extinction event did not cause major turnover in asteroid faunal composition. As suggested for other starfish groups, both the fossil record of deep-sea Pterasteridae in shelf settings and tree topology imply an onshore-offshore evolutionary trend.   相似文献   

Siloxane-polyurethane fouling-release (FR) coatings based on aminopropyl terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) macromers were prepared and characterized for FR performance via laboratory biological assays. These systems rely on self-stratification, resulting in a coating with a siloxane-rich surface and polyurethane bulk. Previously, these coating systems have used PDMS with multiple functional groups which react into the polyurethane bulk. Here, aminopropyl terminated PDMS macromers were prepared, where a single amine group anchors the PDMS in the coating. Coatings were prepared with four molecular weights (1000, 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 g mol?1) and two levels of PDMS (5% and 10%). High water contact angles and low surface energies were observed for the coatings before and after water immersion, along with low pseudobarnacle removal forces. Laboratory bioassays showed reduced biofilm retention of marine bacteria, good removal of diatoms from coatings with low molecular weight PDMS, high removal of algal sporelings (young plants), and low removal forces of live barnacles.  相似文献   

Fungal infections are probably the most frequent infectious diseases affecting human being. Resistance to different anti-fungal drugs, and their bioavailability in the infection site, represent a problem for treatment. Looking for effective solutions, combination of two or more antifungal drugs to obtain an additive effect or synergic effect that potent antifungal activity has been investigated. In this study, the effect (additive, antagonist or synergistic) of ajoene and ketoconazole combination was evaluated in the growth and proliferation of filamentous fungi. Interactions in vitro were investigated in three isolates of Microsporum canis through a preliminary study using micro dilution, according to recommendations of NCCLS M-38A, with several modifications. Results obtained for CIF of each isolates studied (CIF = 0.18 0.36 microM), demonstrate that exists a very potent synergistic effect, when they are combined, and it represents a hope for future clinic trials to treat resilient fungal infections caused by M. canis.  相似文献   

Contamination of mangrove ecosystems, including those of the Red Sea area, has caused serious concern globally. Spatial distribution of heavy metals and their bioaccumulation in one of the common mangrove plants of Saudi Arabia, Avicennia marina L., was evaluated in 8 stations at the Rabigh lagoon to assess the ecological risks due to heavy metal contamination. Among all the heavy metals, Fe concentration was recorded highest (8939.38 ± 312.63 mg/kg) at station S4. Contamination factor (CF) values for all heavy metals determined in this study were recorded in ascending order as Cu < Cr < Mn < Zn < Fe < Ni < Pb < Cd, with the pollution load index pattern recorded in descending order as S6 > S4 > S3 > S5 > S7 > S1 > S8 > S2. Bio-concentration factor (BCF) was <1 for all the heavy metals and there was a positive correlation between the antioxidants and lead (Pb), which can be a result of the ability of A. marina to exclude or detoxify this metal by its mechanism of exclusion or detoxification. A significant correlation existed between the heavy metals concentration in sediment and A. marina leaves at one combination or the other, except for Cu and Cd, which do not correlate with any other metal concentration. The information provided in the present study can be used in the monitoring and measurement of heavy metal pollution in marine ecosystems or other aquatic environments, to prevent several ecological risks to the mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of protein tyrosine phosphatase 51 (PTPIP51) and its in vitro interacting partner protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) was studied in human placentae of different gestational stages. The expression of PTPIP51 protein and mRNA was observed in the syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast layer of placentae from the first, second, and third trimesters. In contrast, PTP1B expression was restricted to the syncytiotrophoblast during all gestational stages. Cells of the cytotrophoblasts and parts of the syncytiotrophoblasts expressing high amounts of PTPIP51 were found to execute apoptosis as shown by TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling assay, cytokeratin 18f, and caspase 3 expression. PTPIP51 could also be traced in the endothelium and smooth muscle cells of placental arterial and venous vessels, identified by double immunostainings with antibodies directed against van Willebrand factor and alpha-smooth muscle actin. Some of these cells showing a high PTPIP51 reactivity were Ki67 positive, indicating proliferation. Additionally, a small population of placental CD14-positive macrophages and mesenchymal cells within the villous stroma were detected as PTPIP51 positive. Our data suggest that both proteins, PTPIP51 and PTP1B, play a role in differentiation and apoptosis of the cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast, respectively. Moreover, PTPIP51 may also serve as a cellular signaling partner in angiogenesis and vascular remodeling.  相似文献   

The interaction between the human copper(I) chaperone, HAH1, and one of its two physiological partners, the Menkes disease protein (ATP7A), was investigated in solution using heteronuclear NMR. The study was carried out through titrations involving HAH1 and either the second or the fifth soluble domains of ATP7A (MNK2 and MNK5, respectively), in the presence of copper(I). The copper-transfer properties of MNK2 and MNK5 are similar, and differ significantly from those previously observed for the yeast homologous system. In particular, no stable adduct is formed between either of the MNK domains and HAH1. The copper(I) transfer reaction is slow on the time scale of the NMR chemical shift, and the equilibrium is significantly shifted towards the formation of copper(I)-MNK2/MNK5. The solution structures of both apo- and copper(I)-MNK5, which were not available, are also reported. The results are discussed in comparison with the data available in the literature for the interaction between HAH1 and its partners from other spectroscopic techniques.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Glucose entry rate was measured in two camels (Camelus dromedarius) and two sheep (Ovis wies) in the fed state and also after 72 hr of fasting.
  • 2.2. Plasma glucose concentration in the fed camels (129 mg/100 ml) was considerably higher than that of the fed sheep (63 mg/100 ml).
  • 3.3. The mean glucose entry rate in the fed camels (1.67mg/min per kg body wt) was very similar to the sheep (1.79 mg/min per kg body wt).
  • 4.4. When the results were expressed as a function of the metabolic body size, the entry rates in the camel were 1.5 times greater than that of the sheep.
  • 5.5. The relationship between glucose entry rate and plasma glucose concentration in different mammalian species is discussed.

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