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This paper examines the middle ear of fossil living animals in terms of the homologies which have been drawn between its parts in different vertebrate groups. Seven homologies are considered: 1, the middle ear cavity/spiracular pouch; 2, the stapes/hyomandibula; 3, the stapedial/hyomandibular processes; 4 the tympanic membrane; 5, the otic notch; 6, the fenestra ovalis; 7, and the stapedial/hyomandibular foramen. The reasons leading to assessments of homology are reviewed. Homologies 1 and 2, based largely on embryological evidence, are fairly robust, though there are arguments about the details. Homologies 3, 4 and 5 stem from ideas about early tetrapod evolution, and were influenced by contingent factors including the order and time of discovery of early fossil taxa, and perceptions of their phylogeny which resulted from this. They were also influenced by ideas of the evolution of terrestriality among tetrapods. Most of the conceptions have been overturned in recent years by new fossil discoveries and new ways of looking at old data. Homology 6 has been little considered. One possible hypothesis, placed in a strictly archetypal theoretical framework has been ignored but deserves consideration on other grounds. Homology 7 depends on how tetrapods are characterised, not a question which has posed difficulties until recently, but which is likely to with the discovery of intermediate fossil forms.  相似文献   

The human ear is a defining feature of the face. Its subtle structures convey signs of age and sex that are unmistakable yet not easily defined. With analysis of normative cross-sectional data, this study explored anatomic and aesthetic differences in the ear between men and women, as well as changes in ear morphology with age. A total of 123 volunteers were randomly selected for this study. The cohort consisted of 89 women ages 19 to 65 years (median age, 42 years) and 34 men ages 18 to 61 years (median age, 35 years). The average total ear height across the entire cohort for both left and right ears was 6.30 cm, average lobular height was 1.88 cm, and average lobular width was 1.96 cm. As expected based on head size, significant sex-related differences were noted in the distance from the lateral palpebral commissure to both the helical root and insertion of the lobule. Measured distances in both vectors were approximately 4.6 percent longer in men than in women. Similarly, the height of the pinna was significantly larger in men than in women by approximately 6.5 percent. The average height and width of the lobule, however, were nearly identical in men and women. Analysis of age-related data showed a significant difference in the total ear height between the subpopulations; however, this difference was not significant after the lobular height was subtracted from total ear height, suggesting that the lobule was the only ear structure that changed significantly with age. In addition, lobular width decreased significantly with age. This study establishes normative data for ear morphology and clearly demonstrates the changes in earlobe morphology that occur with advancing age.  相似文献   



Special stains, such as reticulin stain and CD34 immunostain, are very helpful in the diagnosis of well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Most studies have shown that absent or decreased reticulin stain or an abnormal reticulin pattern with widened trabeculae is reliable for the diagnosis of well-differentiated HCC.

Case report

We report here two cases of well differentiated HCC with an unusual reticulin staining pattern. A strongly positive reticulin network was preserved within the tumor, which surrounded individual tumor cells in a monolayered trabecular pattern. At the same time, an increased CD34 stain was present in the tumor.


This unusual reticulin pattern represents part of the diverse reticulin staining patterns seen in HCC. Although this staining pattern is rare, it should be recognized when diagnosing well-differentiated HCC in small samples such as cellblock of fine needle aspiration or small core biopsies.  相似文献   

M Barr 《Teratology》1982,25(2):153-159
The craniofacial anatomy of an infant with facial duplication is described. There were four eyes, two noses, two maxillae, and one mandible. Anterior to the single pituitary the brain was duplicated and there was bilateral arhinencephaly. Portions of the brain were extruded into a large frontal encephalocele. Cases of symmetrical facial duplication reported in the literature range from two complete faces on a single head (diprosopus) to simple nasal duplication. The variety of patterns of duplication suggests that the doubling of facial components arises in several different ways: Forking of the notochord, duplication of the prosencephalon, duplication of the olfactory placodes, and duplication of maxillary and/or mandibular growth centers around the margins of the stomatodeal plate. Among reported cases, the female:male ratio is 2:1.  相似文献   

The external auditory meatus, middle, and inner ear of the deep-diving Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) were studied with light microscopic, histological, and histochemical techniques in order to contribute to the open discussion on the orientation of this seal in the darkness of the deep Antarctic seas. The external auditory meatus is characterized by a well-developed venous plexus, single apocrine ceruminous, and numerous holocrine sebaceous glands and an incomplete tube of elastic cartilage. The tympanic membrane is comprised of two layers of radially and concentrically arranged collagen fibers and by elastic fibers which are concentrated in the outer part of the ear drum. The tympanic cavity is lined by a pseudostratified prismatic ciliated epithelium with goblet cells; a plexus of wide venous vessels marks the subepithelial lamina propria. The cochlea is about 10 mm high and forms about two and a half turns. The richly pigmented stria vascularis is well vascularized, while the cell-rich prominentia spiralis contains only single small blood vessels. The organ of Corti contains one row of inner and three rows of outer hair cells. Cells of Hensen, Claudius, and Boettcher are present. The basilar membrane is of comparatively uniform simple structure and is composed of abundant glycoproteins, proteoglycans, collagenous fibers, and the loose tissue of the tympanal layer. The spiral ligament is built up by abundant proteoglycans and a complex system of radial and concentric collagen fibers; close to the osseous wall of the bony cochlea it contains fine elastic fibers. The inner zone of the osseous wall of the cochlea strikingly contains hyaline cartilage. The thin lamina spiralis ossea is covered by a limbus spiralis with interdental cells secreting the lamina tectoria, which has a fibrous texture and contains glycoproteins and negatively charged components. J. Morphol. 234:25–36, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the epithelium lining the tympanic cavity of the chicken was studied by TEM and SEM. In addition, the distribution of nonspecific esterase activity in the epithelium was investigated by TEM. Ultrastructural study revealed the presence of disk-like apical protrusions of the epithelial cells, previously not observed in other cell types. The protrusions contained some cytoplasmic organelles and were characterized by a ring-shaped thickening around their periphery. The ring was made up of a granulo-filamentous material. Our observations clearly indicate the existence of an apocrine secretory mechanism, consisting of a progressive detachment of disk-like protrusions from the apex of the epithelial cells. The ultracytochemical study demonstrated nonspecific esterase activity on the epithelial surface and in the secretory vesicles. We propose that nonspecific esterase is a marker for middle ear surfactant in birds.  相似文献   

Computed polypositional high-resolution tomography (CT) was provided to 45 children with dysplasia of the external acoustic meatus (EAM). The computed tomograms were analyzed in accordance with the scheme which included the evaluation of the following structures: atresia or stenosis area, pneumatized mastoid process, tympanic cavity, ant rum, osteal opening of the Eustachian tube, chain of auditory ossicles, windows of the labyrinth, internal ear, facial nerve canal, and large vessels. Preoperative CT of the temporal bones allows for the evaluation of the above-listed structures, which is of paramount importance for the planning of the patient management policy. Also, CT enables the assessment of the risk of surgical intervention associated with a potential injury to the facial nerve, large vessels, and temporomandibular articulation. CT is to be an indispensable diagnostic modality for examination of children presenting with EAM dysplasia.  相似文献   

The ossified Meckel's cartilage is described in detail from three adult individuals of two triconodont mammals, Repenomamus and Gobiconodon , which have been discovered in the Lower Cretaceous of Liaoning, China. A possible ossified Meckel's cartilage has also been recognized in the Early Cretaceous symmetrodont Zhangheotherium from Liaoning. The rod-like ossified Meckel's cartilage in Repenomamus bridges the dentary and the ear region of the cranium. Its shape and position are similar to those of Meckel's cartilage in prenatal and in some postnatal extant mammals. The ossified Meckel's cartilage may have functioned as an attachment site for the medial pterygoid muscle. These specimens provide direct evidence for the function of the internal groove which is commonly present in the dentary of early mammals and their relatives. The evidence weakens the hypothesis of multiple origins for the definitive mammalian middle ear. It supports the assumption that a persistent or ossified Meckel's cartilage has been present in adults of the common ancestor of mammals. The new evidence of Repenomamus does not support the model in which brain expansion and negative allometry of the auditory chain are primarily responsible for the detachment of ear ossicles in mammalian ontogeny and evolution. An alternative hypothesis is proposed which does not require brain expansion as the initial factor for the detachment of ear ossicles during mammalian evolution. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 138 , 431–448.  相似文献   

In this article, we use animal G-protein alpha subunit family as an example to illustrate a comprehensive analytical pipeline for detecting different types of functional divergence of protein families, which is phylogeny-dependent, combined with ancestral sequence inference and available protein structure information. In particular, we focus on (i) Type-I functional divergence, or site-specific rate shift, as typically exemplified by amino acid residue highly conserved in a subset of homologous genes but highly variable in a different subset of homologous genes, and (ii) Type-II functional divergence, or the shift of cluster-specific amino acid property, as exemplified by a radical shift of amino acid property between duplicate genes, which is otherwise evolutionally conserved. We utilized the software DIVERGE2 to carry out these analyses. In the case of G-protein alpha subunit gene family, we have predicted amino acid residues that are related to either Type-I or Type-II functional divergence. The inferred ancestral sequences for these sites are helpful to explore the trends of functional divergence. Finally, these predicted residues are mapped to the protein structures to test whether these residues may have 3D structure or solvent accessibility preference.  相似文献   

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