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A comparative study of single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB-proteins) isolated from chromatin and the extrachromatin fraction of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells was carried out. No differences were found either in SDS-gel electrophoretic mobility or in the single-stranded DNA-binding capacity and stimulation of the replicative synthesis of DNA. However, chromatin SSB-proteins contained 1.4-1.5 times more phosphate than extrachromatin proteins. Both preparations could be phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C and cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but the chromatin proteins were phosphorylated in a lesser degree. In parallel with phosphorylation the SSB-proteins displayed a higher binding affinity for ssDNA-cellulose. Phosphorylation can thus be regarded as a means of regulation of the SSB-protein function, in particular, their interaction with chromatin DNA.  相似文献   

To study the biochemical properties of SSB's from Deinococcus grandis (DgrSSB) and Deinococcus proteolyticus (DprSSB), we have cloned the ssb genes obtained by PCR and have developed Escherichia coli overexpression systems. The genes consist of an open reading frame of 891 (DgrSSB) and 876 (DprSSB) nucleotides encoding proteins of 296 and 291 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 32.29 and 31.33 kDa, respectively. The amino-acid sequence of DgrSSB exhibits 45%, 44% and 82% identity and the amino-acid sequence of DprSSB reveals 43%, 43% and 69% identity with Thermus aquaticus (TaqSSB), Thermus thermophilus (TthSSB) and Deinococcus radiodurans SSBs, respectively. We show that DgrSSB and DprSSB are similar to Thermus/Deinococcus SSBs in their biochemical properties. They are functional as homodimers, with each monomer encoding two single-stranded DNA binding domains (OB-folds). In fluorescence titrations with poly(dT), both proteins bind single-stranded DNA with a binding site size of about 33 nt per homodimer. In a complementation assay in E. coli, DgrSSB and DprSSB took over the in vivo function of EcoSSB. Thermostability with half-lives of about 1 min at 65-67.5 degrees C make DgrSSB and DprSSB similar to the known SSB of Deinococcus radiodurans (DraSSB).  相似文献   

Antibodies were raised in rabbit against a pure subset of calf thymus single-stranded DNA binding proteins (ssDBPs) and purified by affinity chromatography on antigen-Sepharose. In Western blot experiments these antibodies were shown to react to the same extent with the whole family of bovine ssDBPs, as well as with ssDBPs from HeLa cells. When used to stain total cell extracts from both calf thymus and HeLa cells the antibodies reacted only with bands corresponding to the ssDBPs and with a set of bands of higher molecular weight, whose electrophoretic pattern matched that of the 40S hnRNP core proteins. In effect we observed that purified 40S hnRNP core proteins from HeLa cells were strongly reactive with the antibodies. Moreover after partial tryptic digestion HeLa cells ssDBPs and hnRNPs produced immunoreactive fragments of the same molecular weight and isoelectric point. Extensive structural homologies can thus be evidenced between these two classes of proteins, which share the property of selective binding to single-stranded nucleic acids.  相似文献   

Possible involvement of the single-strand DNA-binding protein (SSB-protein) in DNA replication in Ehrlich ascite tumour (EAT) cells was studied. There was a direct correlation between the content of SSB-protein in chromatin and the intensity of replicative synthesis of DNA in various preparations of EAT in vitro and in vivo (the computed value of the correlation coefficient was equal to 0.9). It was shown that the addition of exogenous SSB-protein to permeable EAT cells increased the replicative synthesis. It was concluded that although eukaryotic SSB-proteins are not complete analogs of prokaryotic ones, they may participate in DNA replication in eukaryotic cells and, possibly, are intracellular regulators of proliferation.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSB-proteins) isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT) cells were incubated for 30 min at 5 mM NaCl with salmon sperm DNA or [3H]DNA from EAT at the SSB-protein/DNA ratio (w/w) of 0 to 4.5. After addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate up to a 0.05% concentration, the proteins were applied to columns with benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose. Double-stranded DNA was eluted by 1 M NaCl; the DNA containing single-stranded regions was eluted by 50% dimethylformamide. There was a progressive lowering of the DNA content in the first eluate and a rise in the second eluate, as could be evidenced from the increase in the SSB-protein/DNA w/w ratio. This effect was more pronounced in the case of homologous DNA and was not coupled with the nuclease activity of SSB proteins. It was concluded that EAT SSB-proteins are "DNA-unwinding" proteins.  相似文献   

The (ADP-ribose)n protein conjugates formed by incubation of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell nuclei with 1 mM (3H)NAD were isolated by chromatography on boronate cellulose columns with a yield of >85%. Possible contamination by glycoproteins was excluded by rechromatography after specific release of the (ADP-ribose)n residues from their acceptors. Dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis revealed numerous protein bands which coincided with the (3H)ADP-ribose bands obtained by fluorography of the gels. 40% of the acceptor proteins were identified as the nucleosomal core histones. Most of these histones, however, appeared in the non-histone fraction because of extensive modification by poly(ADP-ribose). Drastic changes in properties were also seen in the true non-histone proteins which comprised 60% of the total conjugated protein. Besides several prominent acceptor proteins (Mr = 12,000; 31,000; 125,000) numerous proteins were detected indicating a considerable heterogeneity of non-histone acceptors.  相似文献   

Several proteins of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) particles display very high binding affinities for different ribonucleotide homopolymers. The specificity of some of these proteins at high salt concentrations and in the presence of heparin allows for their rapid one-step purification from HeLa nucleoplasm. We show that the hnRNP C proteins are poly(U)-binding proteins and compare their specificity to that of the previously described cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein. These findings provide a useful tool for the classification and purification of hnRNP proteins from various tissues and organisms and indicate that different hnRNP proteins have different RNA-binding specificities.  相似文献   

Two protein kinase activities which differ in their catalytic activity towards endogenous and exogenous substrates have been detected and partially purified from heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNP).Abbreviations hnRNP heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles - MOPS 3-[N-Morpholino] propanesulphonic acid - MES 2-[N-Morpholino] ethanesulphonic acid - IBMX isobutylmethylxanthine  相似文献   

To assess the possible functional role of single-strand DNA-binding (SSB) proteins in eucaryotic cell, a comparative study was made of SSB-proteins isolated from chromatin and the nonchromatin fractions of Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT) cells. No appreciable differences between the two groups could be found either in SDS-gel electrophoretic patterns or in the ssDNA-binding capacity and stimulation of DNA replication in permeable EAT cells. However, the chromatin SSB-proteins incorporated 1.4-times more labelled phosphate in vivo; phosphate assays in the isolated chromatin and nonchromatin SSB-proteins yielded ca. 3 and 2 moles Pi/mole protein, respectively. Both preparations could be further phosphorylated in vitro with Ca-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase and the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase, but the non-chromatin proteins were phosphorylated to a greater degree. In parallel with phosphorylation, the SSB-proteins displayed stronger binding to ssDNA cellulose. Phosphorylation may thus be a means of regulating the functions of SSB-proteins, in particular their interaction with chromatin.  相似文献   

We have studied in vitro binding of DNA to nuclear lamina structures isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. At low ionic strength in the presence of Mg++, they bind considerable amounts of mouse and bacterial DNA, forming complexes stable in 2 M NaCl. Single-stranded DNA and pulse-labeled DNA show higher binding efficiencies than native uniformly labeled DNA. When mixing occurs in 2 M NaCl, complex formation is inhibited. When nuclei are digested with DNAse I under conditions that favor chromatin condensation, DNA associated with matrices subsequently prepared from such nuclei is markedly enriched in satellite DNA. If digestion is carried out with DNAse II while nuclei are decondensed in EDTA, no enrichment in satellite DNA is observed. Preparations of purified, high-molecular weight, double-stranded DNA contain variable amounts of fast-sedimenting aggregates, which are insoluble in 2 M NaCl but are dispersed by DNA fragmentation or denaturation. These results point at some artifacts inherent in studies of DNA bound to residual nuclear structures in vivo and suggest conditions expected to avoid these artifacts. Further, using controlled digestion with DNAse II, we have studied the in vivo association of DNA with nuclear lamina isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. In the course of DNA fragmentation from above 50 kbp to about 20 kbp average size, the following events were observed. The DNA of high molecular weight (much longer than 50 kbp) behaved as if tightly bound to the nuclear lamina, as judged by sedimentation in sucrose and metrizamide density gradients, electron microscopy, and retention on glass fiber filters. As the size of DNA decreased, it was progressively detached from the nuclear lamina, and at about 20 kbp average length practically all DNA was released. The last 1-4% of DNA, although cosedimenting with the nuclear lamina in sucrose gradients, behaved as free DNA, banding at 1.14 g/cm3 in metrizamide density gradients and showing less than 4% retention on filters. At no stage of digestion did the DNA cosedimenting with nuclear lamina show changes in satellite DNA content relative to that of total DNA or enrichment in newly replicated DNA. It was shown, however, that digestion of nuclear lamina-DNA complex with EcoRI or Hae III led to the formation of DNA-protein aggregates, which banded at 1.35 g/cm3 in high salt containing metrizamide density gradients and which were strongly enriched in satellite DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have developed a simple and rapid method for isolation of purified nuclear lamina from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. The procedure employs chromatin structures prepared from whole cells at low ionic strength and is carried out under conditions that minimize the formation of artifactual protein-DNA complexes. When the isolation is performed in the presence of EDTA, nuclear lamina without distinct pore complexes is obtained. In the absence of EDTA, intact pore complexes and a large amount of vimentin 100 A filaments are seen associated with nuclear lamina. The main nuclear lamina proteins are characterized using gel electrophoresis, immunoblotting, and two-dimensional peptide mapping. An extensive structural homology is found between lamin A and lamin C, whose peptide maps differ by only one major spot, whereas lamin B has apparently unrelated pattern.  相似文献   

Summary Furosemide-binding proteins were isolated from cholate-solubilized membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells by affinity chromatography, using furosemide as ligand. Solubilized proteins retarded by the affinity material were eluted by furosemide. In reducing and denaturing gels, the major proteins eluted by furosemide were 100 and 45 kDa. In nonreducing, nondenaturing gels, homodimers of both polypeptides were found, whereas no oligomeric proteins containing both polypeptides were seen. It is concluded that the furosemide gel binds two distinct dimeric proteins. The isolated proteins were reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and the K+ transport activity of these vesicles was assayed by measurement of86Rb+ uptake against a large opposing K+ gradient. The reconstituted system was found to contain a K+ transporting protein, which is sensitive to Ba2+ like the K+ channel previously demonstrated to be activated in intact cells after cell swelling.  相似文献   

Displacement of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein (SSB) from ssDNA is necessary for filament formation of RecA on ssDNA to initiate homologous recombination. The interaction between RecO and SSB is considered to be important for SSB displacement; however, the interaction has not been characterized at the atomic level. In this study, to clarify the mechanism underlying SSB displacement from ssDNA upon RecO binding, we examined the interaction between Thermus thermophilus RecO and cognate SSB by NMR analysis. We found that SSB interacts with the C-terminal positively charged region of RecO. Based on this result, we constructed some RecO mutants. The R127A mutant had considerably decreased binding affinity for SSB and could not anneal SSB-coated ssDNAs. Further, the mutant in the RecOR complex prevented the recovery of ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA from inhibition by SSB. These results indicated that the region surrounding Arg-127 is the binding site of SSB. We also performed NMR analysis using the C-terminal peptide of SSB and found that the acidic region of SSB is involved in the interaction with RecO, as seen in other protein-SSB interactions. Taken together with the findings of previous studies, we propose a model for SSB displacement from ssDNA where the acidic C-terminal region of SSB weakens the ssDNA binding affinity of SSB when the dynamics of the C-terminal region are suppressed by interactions with other proteins, including RecO.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites cells were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine and subjected to prolonged labeling with [14C]thymidine. The isolated nuclei were digested with the restriction endonuclease BspRI and then processed to yield a 'matrix fraction' and a 'non-matrix fraction'. The DNA fragments purified from these fractions and from whole digested nuclei were examined for nitrocellulose-binding sites before and after digestion with single-strand-specific (S1) nuclease. Both, pulse-labeled and long-time-labeled fragments, isolated from the matrix fraction, exhibited a significantly increased content of nitrocellulose-binding sites. The major portion of these sites were rendered non-binding by digestion with single-strand-specific nuclease and consisted most probably of structures exposing relatively small stretches of non-base-paired DNA. The nature of the minor portion of binding sites which was insensitive to single-strand-specific nuclease is not clear. Both types of binding sites are possible candidates for mediating the attachment of DNA to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

The possible involvement of SSB-proteins in DNA replication in Ehrlich ascites tumour (EAT) has been investigated. A direct relation (the computer-generated correlation coefficient was 0.9) between the SSB-proteins content in chromatin and intensity of the replicative synthesis of DNA in various preparation of EAT in vivo and in vitro is observed. Addition of exogenous SSB-proteins to the permeable EAT cells has been found to increase the replicative synthesis. Although eukaryotic SSB-proteins are not complete analogs of the prokaryotic SSB-proteins, they evidently participate in DNA replication in eukaryotic cells and possibly are intracellular regulators of proliferation.  相似文献   

Newly transcribed heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA) in the eucaryote cell nucleus is bound by proteins, giving rise to large ribonucleoprotein (RNP) fibrils with an inherent substructure consisting largely of relatively homogeneous approximately 20-nm 30S particles, which contain core polypeptides of 34,000-38,000 mol wt. To determine whether this group of proteins was sufficient for the assembly of the native beaded nucleoprotein structure, we dissociated 30S hnRNP purified from mouse ascites cells into their component proteins and RNA by treatment with the ionic detergent sodium deoxycholate and then reconstituted this complex by addition of Triton X-100 to sequester the deoxycholate. Dissociation and reassembly were assayed by sucrose gradient centrifugation, monitoring UV absorbance, protein composition, and radiolabeled nucleic acid, and by electron microscopy. Endogenous RNA was digested and reassembly of RNP complexes carried out with equivalent amounts of exogenous RNA or single-stranded DNA. These complexes are composed exclusively of groups of n 30S subunits, as determined by sucrose gradient and electron microscope analysis, where n is the length of the added nucleic acid divided by the length of nucleic acid bound by one native 30S complex (about 1,000 nucleotides). When the nucleic acid: protein stoichiometry in the reconstitution mixture was varied, only complexes composed of 30S subunits were formed; excess protein or nucleic acid remained unbound. These results strongly suggest that core proteins determine the basic structural properties of 30S subunits and hence of hnRNP. In vitro construction of RNP complexes using model nucleic acid molecules should prove useful to the further study of the processing of mRNA.  相似文献   

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