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The corpora allata (CA) and median neurosecretory cells (MNC) of Phormia regina and Sarcophaga bullata become active with increasing age of the fly, on a diet of sugar alone. To prevent or retard oögenesis the CA or MNCs must be removed shortly after emergence, with subsequent protein meals. Topical JH application partially compensates for CA or MNC removal. This shows that the MNC activate the CA, and not vice versa. The trauma of either operation slightly depresses egg development.Injection of ecdysone into both species in the stage of initial yolk deposition causes the primary oöcytes to degenerate. This leads to development of the penultimate oöcytes. Older and younger egg stages are not sensitive to ecdysone. In P. regina the application of JH to females with developing primary oöcytes stimulates yolk deposition in the penultimate oöcytes.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids from 41 strains of Metarhizium anisopliae, obtained from different parts of the world were extracted and examined by electrophoresis. Strong bands of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) were detected in two isolates from Brazil, V215 and V291, which had, respectively, 13 and 9 distinct bands ranging in size from ca. 0.75 to 3.5 kb. Icosahedral virus‐like particles (VLPs) (ca. 33 nm in diameter) were observed by transmission electron microscopy in extracts of these isolates. The VLPs and dsRNA were both absent from a clone of the isolate V291 which had been subcultured successively on solid medium. Bioassays against the aphid Myzus persicae showed no detectable difference in virulence between the clone of V291 which contained dsRNA and the clone that did not.  相似文献   

Studies of Río Negro subsistence farming and fishing activities are used to estimate the human carrying capacity for the region and the likely pattern of human land-use during prehistory. Ceramic evidence suggests human presence in the region more than 3000 years ago. Traditional farming is labor intensive and relatively unproductive. Nevertheless, farmers achieve an energy return of 15.21, and produce 2600 kcal per work hour. Fish are the major protein source, but fish catch per unit of effort and fish yield per hectare of floodplain are very low; fishermen are probably exploiting local fish resources very close to their limit. The low human population density would suggest that the Río Negro forest has been relatively undisturbed. Nevertheless, charcoal is widespread and abundant in forest soils. This charcoal is probably from anthropogenic or natural wildfires. These results suggest a much more complex history for Amazonia than previously thought.K. Clark is a free-lance biologist residing in Lima, Peru  相似文献   

The study reports on the effects of prenatal and/or postnatal exposures to short-night or long-night conditions, and of crowding, on embryogenesis and oögenesis in alate virginoparae, gynoparae, and oviparae of a holocyclic strain of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, from Yakima, Washington State.In alate virginoparae raised at a density of 10–20 per radish seedling in a short-night regime (8 hr darkness per diem), 3–4 embryos occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, when the aphids attained adulthood. More than 30 larvae were deposited by most of these alatae. However, in young adult gynoparae, raised at these densities in a long-night regime (15 hr darkness per diem), only one viable embryo (a presumptive ovipara) occurred per ovariole. The follicle containing this embryo was followed by 1–2 abnormal follicles in each ovariole, and the number of larvae deposited by a gynopara was generally less than 10. In young adult oviparae similarly raised under a long-night regime, only one egg typically occurred in each of their 10 ovarioles, and the eggs deposited by an ovipara (only after it had mated) generally numbered less than 10. Alate virginoparae and gynoparae contained an additional embryo in some of their ovarioles when these morphs were raised at a lower density (1–5 per plant).Presumptive gynoparae partially developed the reproductive features of alate virginoparae when transferred to a short-night regime at birth; the converse was true when presumptive alate virginoparae were transferred to a long-night regime early in larval life. Oviparae maintained in short nights from before birth developed the appearance of apterous virginoparae but still produced eggs rather than embryos. However, their oögenesis was enhanced and eggs (10–20) were deposited by them without prior mating. Under all regimes tested, oviparae were always deposited early in the larviposition sequence of their alate mothers, and the number of oviparae deposited never exceeded 15.The possible involvement of juvenile hormone in the regulation of these events and the ecological significance of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Pilosocereus robinii is a rare species which is experiencing sudden population collapse. Identifying and developing effective conservation and management strategies to halt the forestall extinction of this species is crucial. The present study was conducted to assess the best conditions for in vitro propagation of this plant in regard to its morphogenic, genetic as well as the chemical potentials. A successful in vitro propagation system of P. robinii has been developed. MS hormone-free medium induced the best root morphogenic potential. The plants were acclimatized in the greenhouse at 100% survival rate. Besides, the somaclonal variations between the in vitro raised plants were analyzed using PCR-ISSR markers and SDS–PAGE protein, where the regenerated explants on MS medium supplemented with TDZ were the highest in inducing new specific marker bands. Sh6 ISSR primer showed the highest polymorphism value, 81.8% with 33 total amplified fragments, while Sh3 ISSR primer showed the lowest value with polymorphic percentage of 14.3%. Furthermore, SDS–PAGE protein analysis showed no variation in protein pattern of the studied treatments. On the other side, HPLC analysis of the in vitro plantlets extracts has shown that 2iP based treatments were the highest in organic acids accumulation, while the phenolic constituents' accumulation was found to reach its peak in the BA based treatments.  相似文献   

The evidence of microclimatic edge effects through forest/open area ecotones is firm. How this affects the species composition near edges is less well understood and documented. In south-western South Africa shrub-dominated regularly burnt vegetation (i.e. fynbos) is the most common vegetation with indigenous temperate forests naturally occurring mostly in ravines on mountain slopes. The size and width of these forest patches varies considerably. In order to understand how the width of forest patches affects species composition of mosses and liverworts we investigated 20 forest patches of different width. In each forest patch we compiled a total species list, and collected data on selected environmental variables, for a plot of 10×20 m. No significant relationship was found between patch width and the number of either moss or liverwort species. However, the species composition of mosses (but not liverworts) changed along the gradient of patch width. The variation in number of species was large (8–29 mosses and 11–33 liverworts) among the plots and we propose that factors other than distance to the forest edge may be more important in structuring the bryophyte community of these ravine forests. One such factor that is likely to be important is the climatic difference among the plots. There is variation in features, such as precipitation, summer temperature, cloudiness, and the amount of fog, for which we do not have data but that could overrule the microclimatic differences due to edge effects.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus is a very important toxigenic fungus that produces aflatoxins, a group of extremely toxic substances to man and animals. Toxigenic fungi can grow in feed crops, such as maize, peanuts, and soybeans, being thus of high concern for public health. There are toxigenic and non-toxigenic A. flavus variants, but the necessary conditions for expressing the toxigenic potential are not fully understood. Therefore, we have studied total-DNA polymorphism from toxigenic and non toxigenic A. flavus strains isolated from maize crops and soil at two geographic locations, 300 km apart, in the Southeast region of Brazil. Total DNA from each A. flavus isolate was extracted and subjected to polymerase chain reaction amplification with five randomic primers through the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique. Phenetic and cladistic analyses of the data, based on bootstrap analyses, led us to conclude that RAPD was not suitable to discriminate toxigenic from non toxigenic strains. But the present results support the use of RAPD for strain characterization, especially for preliminary evaluation over extensive collections.  相似文献   

Mexican spruce (Picea mexicana Martínez), an endangered species of the highest sky islands in México's Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental, is threatened by fire, grazing, and global warming. Its conservation depends on whether it also is threatened by inbreeding and loss of genic diversity. We used 18 isozyme markers in 12 enzyme systems to assay genic diversity, characterize the mating system, and test for recent bottlenecks in three known populations. Unbiased, expected heterozygosity (H e ) averaged 0.125. Despite a separation of 676 km between populations in the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental, Wright's F ST , the proportion of total genic diversity among populations, was only 6.9%. Nei's genetic distance was 0.001 between the populations in the Sierra Madre Oriental and more than an order of magnitude greater, 0.019, between the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental. However, both values point to relatively recent divergence. Mating systems were predominantly outcrossing, but with significant selfing. Multilocus estimates of selfing varied from 19% to 41%, and the means of single-locus estimates were higher, suggesting that additional inbreeding occurred by mating among relatives. Despite significant inbreeding, observed heterozygosity was as high as or higher than H e ; Wright's fixation index, F IS , was –0.107. Under the observed level of selfing, positive values of F IS were expected. Therefore, selection against inbreds and homozygotes must be intense. Cornuet-Luikart tests indicate recent bottlenecks in at least two of the three populations. The results suggest that Mexican spruce is a genetically viable species, and threats are primarily environmental.  相似文献   

Five different primer combinations were used for the analysis of 152 B biotype Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) individuals and five Trialeurodes vaporairiorum individuals collected from 19 counties and seven host plants in Shanxi province in China, respectively. The main objective of the present study was to use AFLP markers to determine the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations collected from Shanxi Province. The use of these primer combinations allowed the identification of 127 polymorphic bands (52.26%) from 60 to 500 bp. The average number of polymorphic bands per primer was 25.4 while the range for the five primers was 20–32. The average degree of heterozygosity was 0.251, while the range for the five primers was 0.204–0.289. The results suggested definite genetic diversity among different B. tabaci populations. Cluster analysis showed that B. tabaci populations were firstly scattered to three genetic groups according to the regions, then every genetic group was scattered to several subgroups according to the host plants, which revealed the genetic variability of B biotype B. tabaci populations has been not only among different regions, but also among different host plants in Shanxi Province.  相似文献   

The resurgence and spread of antimalarial drug resistance is one of the causes of the worldwide increase of malaria. In Colombia, uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria has been treated with a combination of amodiaquine (AQ) and sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP) since 2000. The efficacy of these two antimalarials was evaluated after the implementation of the new malaria treatment scheme. In the municipalities of El Charco and Tumaco (Nari?o) on the Pacific Coast region, the standard PAHO protocol was used to evaluate antimalarial efficacy in areas of low to moderate malaria transmission. Patients were randomly allocated to treatment regime in two cities of Nari?o, El Charco (n = 48) and Tumaco (n = 50). After 14 days none of El Charco patients presented therapeutic failure to either antimalarial. However, in Tumaco after 28 days, 12 of 24 (95% CI: 30.6-69.4) patients presented AQ treatment failure while 4 of 26 (95% CI: 5.1-33.1) patients had SP treatment failure. The high level of AQ treatment failure in Tumaco was unexpected because it had been introduced only recently as an antimalarial treatment in Colombia. The results suggest that the use of the current dose of AQ in combination with SP will be therapeutically useful for less time than expected. Use of combined therapies is a key strategy to delay antimalarial resistance. Unfortunately, its success depends on the efficacy of antimalarial drugs individually.  相似文献   

A priority issue in ecology and biogeography is understanding the patterns in species diversity and the causal factors of their distribution, which allows the generation of information for conservation strategies. The longitudinal distribution of fishes and their relationships with environmental variables were studied in the Guayalejo-Río Tamesí system (northeastern Mexico) from February 2000 to July 2001. A total of 5918 fish were caught in 27 collections along an altitudinal gradient in the main river course, from high mountain (1500 masl) to coastal plain near Tampico. Forty-three native and five exotic species, belonging to 35 genera in 23 families, were identified. Cluster analyses identified four major fish habitats in the river system. A distinctive euryhaline marine fish habitat (1) occurs near the mouth with native and two exotic species. Two other habitats consist essentially of freshwater fish species that are distributed along the longitudinal gradient. One of these habitats (habitat 4) shows greater diversity, as per the Shannon index value, and also includes amphidromous fish, in addition to two exotic freshwater fish; the other (habitat 2) includes freshwater, euryhaline and three exotic species. The changes in the frequency of occurrence and the abundance of Gambusia vittata, Astyanax mexicanus, and Xiphophorus variatus contribute to explaining differences between these habitats. Another habitat (3) is represented by two sampling sites located near the mouth and consist of freshwater and euryhaline fish and three exotic cyprinids with broad salinity tolerance. The low abundance and richness of exotic species suggest little impact on native fish fauna in this river. The fish assemblage of the Guayalejo-Tamesí river system species changes along a longitudinal gradient with the addition, replacement and presence of indicator species. Upstream fish fauna is mostly composed of freshwater species, some of them generalists that inhabit the entire longitudinal gradient, others that are restricted to certain sites, and the remainder of species is an assemblage composed of a mixture of euryhaline freshwater and marine species near the mouth.  相似文献   

Oviposition and oögenesis can be inhibited in female Rhodnius prolixus by ecdysone given by the digestive tract. The inhibition is dose-dependent, and doses higher than 4.0 ng ecdysone/mg body weight drastically reduce the size and shape of the whole ovaries. In ecdysone-treated insects, normal oviposition and oögenesis can be re-established by a subsequent blood meal without ecdysone, or by the application of a juvenile hormone analogue.These results suggest that ecdysone inhibits juvenile hormone production.  相似文献   

Biomass, litterfall, litter standing crop, and decomposition was studied in a native subtropical alluvial forest locally known as Selva Marginal (SM) and an exotic Ligustrum lucidum forest (LF) at the Reserva Integral de Punta Lara, Buenos Aires Province, 34°47S and 58°1W. The alluvial forest site was at the southern limit of distribution of subtropical forests in South America. The Ligustrum forest was invading disturbed areas. Total biomass was 147.7 Mg/ha (86% aboveground and 14% belowground) in the SM, and 71.4 Mg/ha (93% and 7%, respectively) in the LF. Litterfall was 10.3 Mg/ha·yr and 13.8 Mg/ha·yr respectively. Annual leaf decomposition rate was greater for Ligustrum (k=4.07) than for SM species (k=1.48). The mean residence time of aboveground biomass was 12 yr for the SM and 5 yr for the LF. The k1 values (litterfall/standing crop) were 1.9 and 2.0 for SM and LF respectively. The influence of coastal road and wall in the hydroperiod, native forested wetland ecosystem survival and exotic forest invasion is discussed.  相似文献   

Slik JW 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):114-120
In this study I investigated the effects of the extreme, 1997/98 El Niño related drought on tree mortality and understorey light conditions of logged and unlogged tropical rain forest in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan (Borneo). My objectives were to test (1) whether drought had a significant effect on tree mortality and understorey light conditions, (2) whether this effect was greater in logged than in undisturbed forest, (3) if the expected change in tree mortality and light conditions had an effect on Macaranga pioneer seedling and sapling densities, and (4) which (a)biotic factors influenced tree mortality during the drought. The 1997/1998 drought led to an additional tree mortality of 11.2, 18.1, and 22.7% in undisturbed, old logged and recently logged forest, respectively. Mortality was highest in logged forests, due to extremely high mortality of pioneer Macaranga trees (65.4%). Canopy openness was significantly higher during the drought than during the non-drought year (6.0, 8.6 and 10.4 vs 3.7, 3.8 and 3.7 in undisturbed, old logged and recently logged forest, respectively) and was positively correlated with the number of dead standing trees. The increase in light in the understorey was accompanied by a 30 to 300-fold increase in pioneer Macaranga seedling densities. Factors affecting tree mortality during drought were (1) tree species successional status, (2) tree size, and (3) tree location with respect to soil moisture. Tree density and basal area per surface unit had no influence on tree mortality during drought. The results of this study show that extreme droughts, such as those associated with El Niño events, can affect the tree species composition and diversity of tropical forests in two ways: (1) by disproportionate mortality of certain tree species groups and tree size classes, and (2) by changing the light environment in the forest understorey, thereby affecting the recruitment and growth conditions of small and immature trees.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, blood feeding rates, oögenesis and fat body development were utilized to assess the effects of photoperiod and temperature in the conditioning of adult female Culiseta inornata for aestivation. Long-day (16L:8D) and short-day (8L:16D) photoperiods were examined in combination with temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C. All tested individuals were reared from egg to adult under one of six possible regimes.Blood feeding occurred in approximately 60% of the females subjected to short-day conditions. Females subjected to long-day regimes exhibited gonotrophic concordance (the inhibition of blood feeding), evidenced by a decrease in overall blood-feeding rate to 20%. Inhibition of blood feeding by long-day females decreased in a linear fashion with increasing temperature. No interaction of the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon blood feeding was apparent. Examination of the ovarioles of post-blood feeding females, reared under each of the above conditions, revealed no evidence of gonotrophic dissociation (the inhibition of oögenesis despite continued blood feeding).Fat body hypertrophy occurred in females reared under long-day conditions, whereas hypotrophy of this tissue was apparent in short-day females. No significant difference in fat body development occurred between parous and nulliparous females reared under long-day photoperiod conditions. Short-day blood-fed females reared at 15°C deposited a significantly greater amount of fat than short-day blood fed females reared at 20° and 25°C, and short-day nonbloodfed females reared at 15°, 20°, and 25°C. The primary stimulus for fat body hypertrophy appears to be long-day photoperiod conditions. Temperature exerted little discernible effect upon this process, and there was no interaction between the effects of photoperiod and temperature upon the degree of fat body development.  相似文献   

Morphometric and meristic data from 32 specimens from Río Negro Province do not allow differentiation between G. donosobarrosi and G. chilensis. The significance of morphological and genetic differentiation among Argentinian tortoises is yet to be determined; southern Chaco tortoises undergo ontogenetic and sexual dichromatism. Geochelone chilensis has an extensive latitudinal range (Map 1). Field investigations indicate that Chaco tortoises occupy, and apparently excavate, burrows in the southern portion of the range, prior reports of the species’ southern limit are evaluated and the link between tortoise distribution and “monte”; vegetation is discussed. The season of reproduction and clutch size are noted. Extensive internal pet traffic has markedly affected tortoise populations in some areas; near the southern limit of the range, however, there is little commercial collecting.  相似文献   

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