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To assess effects of plant crop species on rhizosphere ascomycete communities in the field, we compared a wheat monoculture and an alternating crop rotation of wheat and potato. Rhizosphere soil samples were taken at different time points during the growing season in four consecutive years (1999-2002). An ascomycete-specific primer pair (ITS5-ITS4A) was used to amplify internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences from total DNA extracts from rhizosphere soil. Amplified DNA was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Individual bands from DGGE gels were sequenced and compared with known sequences from public databases. DGGE gels representing the ascomycete communities of the continuous wheat and the rotation site were compared and related to ascomycetes identified from the field. The effect of crop rotation exceeded that of the spatial heterogeneity in the field, which was evident after the first year. Significant differences between the ascomycete communities from the rhizospheres of wheat in monoculture and one year after a potato crop were found, indicating a long-term effect of potato. Sequencing of bands excised from the DGGE gels revealed the presence of ascomycetes that are common in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

Investigating the dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities in seasonally dry tropical forests is essential for sustainable management and for understanding the resilience of this forest type in future climate change scenarios. EMF communities in secondary forest fragments with Shorea siamensis as a single host tree species in central Thailand were sampled seasonally for 2.5 y. Ten EMF taxa were identified from ectomycorrhizal morphotypes, with/tomentella-thelephora and/russula-lactarius as the dominant taxa. Seasonal differences in EMF diversity were not detected; the dominant morphotypes were present in both seasons and their abundance varied. Most EMF taxa exhibited wide environmental ranges and only a few taxa were correlated with soil moisture. Seasonal dynamics of ectomycorrhizal colonization was likely influenced by climatic factors and the phenology of host species. Together, these results suggested that climatic variation may have a long-term and subtle influence on the composition of ectomycorrhizal communities.  相似文献   

Biotic and abiotic conditions in soil pose major constraints on growth and reproductive success of plants. Fungi are important agents in plant soil interactions but the belowground mycobiota associated with plants remains poorly understood. We grew one genotype each from Sweden and Italy of the widely-studied plant model Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants were grown under controlled conditions in organic topsoil local to the Swedish genotype, and harvested after ten weeks. Total DNA was extracted from three belowground compartments: endosphere (sonicated roots), rhizosphere and bulk soil, and fungal communities were characterized from each by amplification and sequencing of the fungal barcode region ITS2. Fungal species diversity was found to decrease from bulk soil to rhizosphere to endosphere. A significant effect of plant genotype on fungal community composition was detected only in the endosphere compartment. Despite A. thaliana being a non-mycorrhizal plant, it hosts a number of known mycorrhiza fungi in its endosphere compartment, which is also colonized by endophytic, pathogenic and saprotrophic fungi. Species in the Archaeorhizomycetes were most abundant in rhizosphere samples suggesting an adaptation to environments with high nutrient turnover for some of these species. We conclude that A. thaliana endosphere fungal communities represent a selected subset of fungi recruited from soil and that plant genotype has small but significant quantitative and qualitative effects on these communities.  相似文献   

烟草黑胫病是由寄生疫霉烟草变种引起的一种对烟草生产造成巨大经济损失的土传病害。本文以健康烟株与感染黑胫病烟株茎秆和根际土壤为研究对象,通过PCR技术扩增样本中真菌转录间隔区的ITS1区域,采用Illumina Miseq高通量测序技术对扩增片段进行测序,旨在了解黑胫病感染对于烟草茎秆和根际土壤真菌群落结构与多样性的影响。本研究20个测序样品,共获得755 599条高质量序列片段,最短序列为200bp,最长序列为356bp,平均序列长度248bp。结果表明,健康烟株和发病烟株根际土壤的优势真菌为子囊菌门Ascomycota、接合菌门Zygomycota和担子菌门Basidiomycota,所有茎秆样品的优势真菌为子囊菌门、担子菌门。健康烟株与感染黑胫病烟株根际土壤样品相对丰度大于1%的属有镰刀菌属Fusarium、被孢霉属Mortierella、隐球菌属Cryptococcus、链格孢属Alternaria和赤霉菌属Gibberella等,其中,健康烟株根际土壤优势属为镰刀菌属(39.35%)和被孢霉属(14.19%),发病烟株根际土壤镰刀菌属和被孢霉属相对丰度分别为40.26%和20.77%;健康茎秆样品优势属为隐球菌属(31.12%)、链格孢属(18.28%)、镰刀菌属(15.67%)和红酵母属Rhodotorula(13.34%);病健交界茎秆样品优势属为镰刀菌属(41.36%)、隐球菌属(28.15%)和链格孢属(22.32%);发病茎秆优势属为隐球菌属(62.14%)和链格孢属(27.75%)。烟株感染黑胫病后,其根际土壤与茎秆样品真菌优势属种类与健康烟株无明显变化,但属水平的相对丰度变化显著。发病烟株茎秆与根际土壤样品真菌群落Sobs、Chao1、Shannon指数较健康烟株降低,Simpson指数上升,表明烟株发病后根际土壤真菌与茎秆内生真菌群落丰富度与多样性降低。该结果对于研究烟草黑胫病发生的微生态机制及其生物防治具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

蒋玉玲  陈旭辉  苗青  曲波 《植物生态学报》2019,43(12):1079-1090
兰科植物的生存及生长高度依赖其根中的共生真菌, 其中的菌根真菌更是对兰科植物的种子萌发与后续生长有着非常重要的作用, 研究兰科植物根中的真菌, 尤其是菌根真菌, 对兰科植物的保护有重要作用。该研究利用第二代测序技术, 对中国辽宁省境内的9种属于极小种群的兰科植物的根、根际土和根围土中的真菌群落和菌根真菌组成进行了研究。结果显示, 兰科植物根中的真菌群落和根际土、根围土中的真菌群落具有显著差异。兰科植物根中的总操作分类单元(OTU)数目远小于根际土和根围土中的总OTU数目。同时, 兰科植物根中菌根真菌的种类和丰度与根际土、根围土中菌根真菌的种类与丰度没有明显联系。FunGuild分析结果显示, 丛枝菌根真菌在根际土与根围土中的丰度非常高, 但在兰科植物的根中却数量极少。这些结果表明, 兰科植物根中的真菌群落与土壤中的真菌群落在一定程度上是相互独立的。  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is an attractive alternative to excavating and chemically treating contaminated soils. Certain plants can directly bioremediate by sequestering and/or transforming pollutants, but plants may also enhance bioremediation by promoting contaminant-degrading microorganisms in soils. In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing of bacterial 16S rRNA genes and the fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region to compare the community composition of 66 soil samples from the rhizosphere of planted willows (Salix spp.) and six unplanted control samples at the site of a former petrochemical plant. The Bray–Curtis distance between bacterial communities across willow cultivars was significantly correlated with the distance between fungal communities in uncontaminated and moderately contaminated soils but not in highly contaminated (HC) soils (>2000 mg kg−1 hydrocarbons). The mean dissimilarity between fungal, but not bacterial, communities from the rhizosphere of different cultivars increased substantially in the HC blocks. This divergence was partly related to high fungal sensitivity to hydrocarbon contaminants, as demonstrated by reduced Shannon diversity, but also to a stronger influence of willows on fungal communities. Abundance of the fungal class Pezizomycetes in HC soils was directly related to willow phylogeny, with Pezizomycetes dominating the rhizosphere of a monophyletic cluster of cultivars, while remaining in low relative abundance in other soils. This has implications for plant selection in phytoremediation, as fungal associations may affect the health of introduced plants and the success of co-inoculated microbial strains. An integrated understanding of the relationships between fungi, bacteria and plants will enable the design of treatments that specifically promote effective bioremediating communities.  相似文献   

In this study, the enzyme activity of partially purified diadinoxanthin de-epoxidase (DDE) from the diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana was investigated at different ascorbate concentrations and pH values. In comparison with spinach violaxanthin de-epoxidase (VDE), we found a much higher affinity of the enzyme for the co-substrate ascorbate. The Km value of DDE at pH 5 (0.7 m M ) was significantly lower than that observed for VDE (2.3 m M ). The pH-optimum of DDE activity was found at pH 5 at low ascorbate concentrations. At high ascorbate concentrations, we observed a strong shift of the pH optimum towards higher pH values, and significant DDE activity was still present at almost neutral pH values. This is in contrast to VDE, where despite a slight shift towards higher pH values, enzyme activity was never observed above pH 6.5. The pH optimum of VDE was always found in a narrow range between pH 5 and 5.2, irrespective of the presence of high or low ascorbate concentrations. The high affinity of DDE for ascorbate indicates that, even at a limited availability of reduced ascorbate, high enzyme activity is possible at low pH values. At high ascorbate concentrations, on the other hand, DDE activity can be shifted towards neutral pH values, thereby facilitating a very fast and strong response to small pH changes in the thylakoid lumen. The importance of the high ascorbate affinity of DDE for the physiology of intact diatom cells is discussed.  相似文献   

[背景]闽楠是珍贵用材树种.阐明闽楠根际土壤微生物特征,对科学经营闽楠人工林有指导作用.[目的]明确闽楠人工林恢复过程中根际土壤丛枝菌根群落随林龄的变化特征.[方法]采用高通量Illumina MiSeq测序的方法,评估不同林龄闽楠幼林根际土壤丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi,AMF...  相似文献   

The fungal population dynamics in soil and in the rhizospheres of two maize cultivars grown in tropical soils were studied by a cultivation-independent analysis of directly extracted DNA to provide baseline data. Soil and rhizosphere samples were taken from six plots 20, 40, and 90 days after planting in two consecutive years. A 1.65-kb fragment of the 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplified from the total community DNA was analyzed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and by cloning and sequencing. A rhizosphere effect was observed for fungal populations at all stages of plant development. In addition, pronounced changes in the composition of fungal communities during plant growth development were found by DGGE. Similar types of fingerprints were observed in two consecutive growth periods. No major differences were detected in the fungal patterns of the two cultivars. Direct cloning of 18S rDNA fragments amplified from soil or rhizosphere DNA resulted in 75 clones matching 12 dominant DGGE bands. The clones were characterized by their HinfI restriction patterns, and 39 different clones representing each group of restriction patterns were sequenced. The cloning and sequencing approach provided information on the phylogeny of dominant amplifiable fungal populations and allowed us to determine a number of fungal phylotypes that contribute to each of the dominant DGGE bands. Based on the sequence similarity of the 18S rDNA fragment with existing fungal isolates in the database, it was shown that the rhizospheres of young maize plants seemed to select the Ascomycetes order Pleosporales, while different members of the Ascomycetes and basidiomycetic yeast were detected in the rhizospheres of senescent maize plants.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are important for efficient nutrient uptake of several widespread arctic plant species. Knowledge of temporal variation of ECM fungi, and the relationship of these patterns to environmental variables, is essential to understand energy and nutrient cycling in Arctic ecosystems. We sampled roots of Bistorta vivipara ten times over two years; three times during the growing‐season (June, July and September) and twice during winter (November and April) of both years. We found 668 ECM OTUs belonging to 25 different ECM lineages, whereof 157 OTUs persisted throughout all sampling time‐points. Overall, ECM fungal richness peaked in winter and species belonging to Cortinarius, Serendipita and Sebacina were more frequent in winter than during summer. Structure of ECM fungal communities was primarily affected by spatial factors. However, after accounting for spatial effects, significant seasonal variation was evident revealing correspondence with seasonal changes in environmental conditions. We demonstrate that arctic ECM richness and community structure differ between summer (growing‐season) and winter, possibly due to reduced activity of the core community, and addition of fungi adapted for winter conditions forming a winter‐active fungal community. Significant month × year interactions were observed both for fungal richness and community composition, indicating unpredictable between‐year variation. Our study indicates that addressing seasonal changes requires replication over several years.  相似文献   

Wood-inhabiting fungi may affect soil fungal communities directly underneath decaying wood via their exploratory hyphae. In addition, differences in wood leachates between decaying tree species may influence soil fungal communities. We determined the composition of fungi in 4-yr old decaying logs of Larix kaempferi and Quercus rubra as well as in soil directly underneath and next to logs. Fungal community composition in soil covered by logs was different from that in wood and uncovered soil and was clearly influenced by the tree species. Soil fungal species richness under logs was lower than in uncovered soil but higher than in decaying wood. The amount of exploratory hyphae of log-inhabiting fungi was only high close to decaying logs. In conclusion, there is a small but significant effect of decaying coniferous and broadleaf logs on soil fungal communities directly underneath logs, likely affected by differences in wood chemistry and fungal preference between tree species.  相似文献   

Time-series are critical to understanding long-term natural variability in the oceans. Bacterial communities in the euphotic zone were investigated for over a decade at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series station (SPOT) off southern California. Community composition was assessed by Automated Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA) and coupled with measurements of oceanographic parameters for the surface ocean (0–5 m) and deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM, average depth ∼30 m). SAR11 and cyanobacterial ecotypes comprised typically more than one-third of the measured community; diversity within both was temporally variable, although a few operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were consistently more abundant. Persistent OTUs, mostly Alphaproteobacteria (SAR11 clade), Actinobacteria and Flavobacteria, tended to be abundant, in contrast to many rarer yet intermittent and ephemeral OTUs. Association networks revealed potential niches for key OTUs from SAR11, cyanobacteria, SAR86 and other common clades on the basis of robust correlations. Resilience was evident by the average communities drifting only slightly as years passed. Average Bray-Curtis similarity between any pair of dates was ∼40%, with a slight decrease over the decade and obvious near-surface seasonality; communities 8–10 years apart were slightly more different than those 1–4 years apart with the highest rate of change at 0–5 m between communities <4 years apart. The surface exhibited more pronounced seasonality than the DCM. Inter-depth Bray-Curtis similarities repeatedly decreased as the water column stratified each summer. Environmental factors were better predictors of shifts in community composition than months or elapsed time alone; yet, the best predictor was community composition at the other depth (that is, 0–5 m versus DCM).  相似文献   

目的探究强直性脊柱炎(ankylosing spondylitis,AS)患者肠道真菌菌群的多样性特征,分析健康人群与AS患者肠道真菌的结构差异。方法收集17例健康人群新鲜粪便样本和24例AS患者新鲜粪便样本,分别称为HC组和AS组,提取两组粪便样本总DNA;根据真菌ITS2区设计引物进行扩增,利用Illumina HiSeq PE250平台进行ITS2高通量测序;测序结果经过Reads拼接,OTUs(operational taxonomic units)聚类,Alpha和主成分分析,物种组成统计,显著性差异分析,最终得到样本物种信息。结果对肠道真菌菌群进行Alpha分析,各多样性指标中,shannon和observed_species指数差异有统计学意义(P0.05),其余指数差异均无统计学意义,故不能明确两组间多样性的差异。主成分分析提示差异显著。对肠道真菌结构进行分析,门的水平分析显示,担子菌门(Basidiomycota)在HC组和AS组中差异显著,接合菌门(Zygomycota)在两组间差异极显著;纲和属的水平分析显示,Ascomycota_unidentified纲在两组中差异显著,伞菌纲(Agaricomycetes)、Incertae_sedis_10纲、Orbiliomycetes纲差异极显著。Agaricomycetes_unidentified_1属、Amphinema属、Geoglossales_unidentified_1属、腔块菌属(Hydnotrya)差异显著,鹅膏菌属(Amanita)和锁瑚菌属(Clavulina)差异极显著。结论本实验证实了在AS患者中存在肠道真菌菌群失调,其特征是生物多样性和结构的改变,揭示肠道真菌也可能在AS发病中发挥作用。  相似文献   

Anaerobic fungi are potent fibre degrading microbes in the equine hindgut, yet our understanding of their diversity and community structure is limited to date. In this preliminary work, using a clone library approach we studied the diversity of anaerobic fungi along six segments of the horse hindgut: caecum, right ventral colon (RVC), left ventral colon (LVC), left dorsal colon (LDC), right dorsal colon (RDC) and rectum. Of the 647 ITS1 clones, 61.7 % were assigned to genus level groups that are so far without any cultured representatives, and 38.0 % were assigned to the cultivated genera Neocallimastix (35.1 %), Orpinomyces (2.3 %), and Anaeromyces (0.6 %). AL1 dominated the group of uncultured anaerobic fungi, particularly in the RVC (88 %) and LDC (97 %). Sequences from the LSU clone library analysis of the LDC, however, split into two distinct phylogenetic clusters with low sequence identity to Caecomyces sp. (94–96 %) and Liebetanzomyces sp. (92 %) respectively. Sequences belonging to cultured Neocallimastix spp. dominated in LVC (81 %) and rectum (75.5 %). Quantification of anaerobic fungi showed significantly higher concentrations in RVC and RDC compared to other segments, which influenced the interpretation of the changes in anaerobic fungal diversity along the horse hindgut. These preliminary findings require further investigation.  相似文献   

H. Kwaśna 《Plant and Soil》2004,264(1-2):209-218
Fungal communities in the rhizospheres of oak roots were shown to change after the trees were felled. The ecological significance of this is considered. Fungal communities were isolated from rhizospheres of thin roots (0.5–1 mm diam.) of living trees and their stumps two years after felling in 30- and 50-year-old stands of Quercus robur, with samples taken at two locations in each stand. In total, 128 species of fungi were isolated. Six species, Absidia cylindrospora, Penicillium adametzii, P. citrinum, P. daleae, P. janczewskii and Umbelopsis vinacea were detected in the rhizospheres of living oaks and stumps at all locations. The abundance of Geomyces spp.?+?Pseudogymnoascus roseus, Gymnoascus reessii and Zygomycetes was greater, and of Penicillium spp. was smaller, usually significantly, in rhizospheres of stump roots than of living tree roots. Among Zygomycetes, the populations of A. cylindrospora and Mucor hiemalis decreased, while those of Mortierella spp., particularly M. macrocystis, increased after felling. Species of Penicillium favoured by roots are P. adametzii, P. citrinum, P. daleae, P. herquei, P. janczewskii, P. raistrickii. On stump roots they are replaced by P. chrysogenum, P. islandicum and P. spinulosum. The combination of Chalara spp. with oak roots indicates the occurrence of specific relationships, suggesting that the organic food base provided by the plant is a primary factor determining the composition of the fungal community. Edaphic and other environmental factors may be less important in this effect.  相似文献   

Fungal keratitis caused by the species of Aspergillus is a common and leading problem in developing countries like India. In this study, a total of 135 isolates from Aspergillus keratitis were studied by sequence analyses of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region performed by nucleotide-nucleotide BLAST analysis followed by the initial identification of the isolates based on conidial and colony morphology. The sequence analysis revealed several unusual species which were never reported in eye infections such as A. tamrii, A. tubingensis, A. braslliensis, A. nomius, A. pseudonomius, A. sydowii, Eurotium amstelodami. The sequence analysis of the ITS region; the β-tubulin and calmodulin genes brought out the genetic diversity among the isolates as the study intended to locate a more sensitive target sequence to study genetic diversity among a set of test fungal isolates. The PCR amplified sequences of the test isolates of the study as well as sequences belonging to section Flavi obtained from Genbank database were compared and analyzed along with three standard isolates by phylogenetic tree (Neighbor-joining) as to find out a target region/gene that could produce a better resolution to differentiate the isolates. Accordingly, the calmodulin gene had provided better resolution compared to ITS and β-tubulin to study the diversity among the test Aspergillus species isolated from fungal corneal ulcer.  相似文献   

不同生境马铃薯根际土壤细菌多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来,随着国家对马铃薯产业重视程度的增加,生产的专业化和规模化程度越来越高,化肥农药用量不断加大,加之连作等种植模式,致使以疮痂病为代表的土传病害普遍发生且逐年加重,个别地块发病率达90%以上,给种植业者带来巨大的经济损失。[目的] 为了探索马铃薯疮痂病发生与土壤环境的关系,分析区域性种植方式和施肥量对土壤细菌种群变化的影响,为实现土传病害有效防治提供借鉴。[方法] 本文分别从1年连作土传病害轻的宁夏西吉(西北)、3年连作土传病害严重的河北沽源(华北)、5年轮作未发现土传病害的内蒙古海拉尔(东北)大田马铃薯根际采集土壤,利用高通量测序技术,比较了样品间细菌群落结构差异。[结果] 3组样品共获得有效条带617558条,可分类操作单元(OTUs)3077个。各样品中变形菌门(Proteobacteria)数量最多,含量均在33%以上。与未发病土壤样品相比,土传病害发生严重的样品中细菌数量、物种数、细菌多样性、种类丰富度均有所降低,有害菌数量增加,益生菌数量减少。其中,放线菌(Actinobacteria)数量明显增多,变形菌(Proteobacteria)、绿弯菌(Chloroflexi)和酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)数量明显减少,组分及数量差异明显的细菌(尤其是放线菌门)大多与土壤全磷含量呈显著相关。[结论] 过量施用化肥和常年连作改变了土壤细菌群落结构,生态环境恶化,导致土传性病害发生。其中,磷可能是影响土壤微生物群落结构变化最主要的肥料元素。  相似文献   

This study aimed to inventory fungal populations associated with the rhizosphere of Avicennia germinans in different salinity levels in a semi-arid mangrove in the Colombian tropics. Targeting the ITS1 and ITS2 regions provided complementary information, allowing a better approach to inventorying the fungal biodiversity. Amorosia and Aspergillus were the most abundant ascomycete genera, while Cystobasidium was the most abundant basidiomycete genus. Only five genera showed significant differences in abundance among the three salinity levels. Nevertheless, 65.4% of the genera were classified as exclusive for a specific salt content. Saprotrophs were the most abundant functional group and symbiotrophs were detected as mycorrhizas, fungi with biocontrol activity and entomopathogenic activity. These ecological groups play an important role in the cycling of organic matter and the availability of nutrients for mangrove plants and their tolerance to environmental and biotic stresses. This study highlights soil salinity as a determining factor in the composition of the fungal community in mangroves.  相似文献   

湖泊沉积物中真菌的类群及其作用所知甚少。以长江中上游代表性湖泊洪湖为研究对象,从湖心截取了一个72cm长的沉积柱,通过rDNA内转录间隔区(ITS)的变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE),对洪湖沉积物中真菌群落结构的垂直变化进行了分析。结果显示,DGGE条带以14-18cm层次为过渡,在2-14cm和14-72cm之间存在一定差异。Shannon-Weaver index(H′)在上下层之间有波动。聚类分析上层2-18cm和中下层18-72cm分别以不同的小类聚在一起。表明14-18cm以上和以下的类群存在差异,  相似文献   

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