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The topic of ‘fungal stress’ is central to many important disciplines, including medical mycology, chronobiology, plant and insect pathology, industrial microbiology, material sciences, and astrobiology. The International Symposium on Fungal Stress (ISFUS) brought together researchers, who study fungal stress in a variety of fields. The second ISFUS was held in May 8-11 2017 in Goiania, Goiás, Brazil and hosted by the Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública at the Universidade Federal de Goiás. It was supported by grants from CAPES and FAPEG. Twenty-seven speakers from 15 countries presented their research related to fungal stress biology. The Symposium was divided into seven topics: 1. Fungal biology in extreme environments; 2. Stress mechanisms and responses in fungi: molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and cellular biology; 3. Fungal photobiology in the context of stress; 4. Role of stress in fungal pathogenesis; 5. Fungal stress and bioremediation; 6. Fungal stress in agriculture and forestry; and 7. Fungal stress in industrial applications. This article provides an overview of the science presented and discussed at ISFUS-2017.  相似文献   

The term ‘stress’ is widely used in the algal literature, usually in the context of the response of algae to changed abiotic and biotic factors. ‘Stress’ is seen as the cause of changes in algal metabolism and composition and often as a factor inducing the overproduction of particular desirable secondary metabolites. However, ‘stress’ is used differently by different authors and is often ill-defined, with no clear separation of cause and effect. This lack of a defined stress concept leads to poor experimental design, miscommunication of results and potentially erroneous conclusions. This paper reviews the stress concept as it applies to algae, especially microalgae. Here, stress is defined as the disruption of homeostasis due to a stressor and the stress response represents the changes in cell metabolism during acclimation and the restoration of homeostasis. Once homeostasis is restored the cell is no longer stressed. The stages of the stress response, i.e. alarm, regulation, acclimation and adaptation, are described. The well-studied responses of the green halophilic alga Dunaliella to changes in salinity are used as an example to illustrate the stress response and acclimation to the changed salinity.  相似文献   

High‐throughput technologies have led to the generation of complex wiring diagrams as a post‐sequencing paradigm for depicting the interactions between vast and diverse cellular species. While these diagrams are useful for analyzing biological systems on a large scale, a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the observed network connections is critical for the further development of systems and synthetic biology. Here, we use queueing theory to investigate how ‘waiting lines’ can lead to correlations between protein ‘customers’ that are coupled solely through a downstream set of enzymatic ‘servers’. Using the E. coli ClpXP degradation machine as a model processing system, we observe significant cross‐talk between two networks that are indirectly coupled through a common set of processors. We further illustrate the implications of enzymatic queueing using a synthetic biology application, in which two independent synthetic networks demonstrate synchronized behavior when common ClpXP machinery is overburdened. Our results demonstrate that such post‐translational processes can lead to dynamic connections in cellular networks and may provide a mechanistic understanding of existing but currently inexplicable links.  相似文献   

Environmental stress is increasing worldwide, yet we lack a clear picture of how stress disrupts the stability of microbial communities and the ecosystem services they provide. Here, we present the first evidence that naturally-occurring microbiomes display network properties characteristic of unstable communities when under persistent stress. By assessing changes in diversity and structure of soil microbiomes along 40 replicate stress gradients (elevation/water availability gradients) in the Florida scrub ecosystem, we show that: (1) prokaryotic and fungal diversity decline in high stress, and (2) two network properties of stable microbial communities—modularity and negative:positive cohesion—have a clear negative relationship with environmental stress, explaining 51–78% of their variation. Interestingly, pathogenic taxa/functional guilds decreased in relative abundance along the stress gradient, while oligotrophs and mutualists increased, suggesting that the shift in negative:positive cohesion could result from decreasing negative:positive biotic interactions consistent with the predictions of the Stress Gradient Hypothesis. Given the crucial role microbiomes play in ecosystem functions, our results suggest that, by limiting the compartmentalization of microbial associations and creating communities dominated by positive associations, increasing stress in the Anthropocene could destabilize microbiomes and undermine their ecosystem services.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Microbial ecology  相似文献   

Ubiquitous noxious hydrophobic substances, such as hydrocarbons, pesticides and diverse industrial chemicals, stress biological systems and thereby affect their ability to mediate biosphere functions like element and energy cycling vital to biosphere health. Such chemically diverse compounds may have distinct toxic activities for cellular systems; they may also share a common mechanism of stress induction mediated by their hydrophobicity. We hypothesized that the stressful effects of, and cellular adaptations to, hydrophobic stressors operate at the level of water : macromolecule interactions. Here, we present evidence that: (i) hydrocarbons reduce structural interactions within and between cellular macromolecules, (ii) organic compatible solutes – metabolites that protect against osmotic and chaotrope-induced stresses – ameliorate this effect, (iii) toxic hydrophobic substances induce a potent form of water stress in macromolecular and cellular systems, and (iv) the stress mechanism of, and cellular responses to, hydrophobic substances are remarkably similar to those associated with chaotrope-induced water stress. These findings suggest that it may be possible to devise new interventions for microbial processes in both natural environments and industrial reactors to expand microbial tolerance of hydrophobic substances, and hence the biotic windows for such processes.  相似文献   

In recent years, the research community has, with comprehensive systems biology approaches and related technologies, gained insight into the vast complexity of numerous cancers. These approaches allow an in-depth exploration that cannot be achieved solely using conventional low-throughput methods, which do not closely mimic the natural cellular environment. In this review, we discuss recent integrative multiple omics approaches for understanding and modulating previously identified ‘undruggable’ targets such as members of the RAS family, MYC, TP53, and various E3 ligases and deubiquitinases. We describe how these technologies have revolutionized drug discovery by overcoming an array of biological and technological challenges and how, in the future, they will be pivotal in assessing cancer states in individual patients, allowing for the prediction and application of personalized disease treatments.  相似文献   

Stress, adaptation and evolution are major concerns in conservation biology. Stresses from pollution, climatic changes, disease etc. may affect population persistence. Further, stress typically occurs when species are placed in captivity. Threatened species are usually managed to conserve their ability to adapt to environmental changes, whilst species in captivity undergo adaptations that are deleterious upon reintroduction into the wild. In model studies using Drosophila melanogaster, we have found that; (a) inbreeding and loss of genetic variation reduced resistance to the stress of disease, (b) extinction rates under inbreeding are elevated by stress, (c) adaptive evolutionary potential in an increasingly stressful environment is reduced in small population, (d) rates of inbreeding are elevated under stressful conditions, (e) genetic adaptation to captivity reduces fitness when populations are reintroduced into the 'wild', and (f) the deleterious effects of adaptation on reintroduction success can be reduced by population fragmentation.  相似文献   

Several developments in science education aim to improve pupils' ability to ‘think scientifically’. This paper argues for the explicit teaching of the ideas that pupils need to ‘think about’ to do this; ideas related to the design of investigations and the collection, presentation, analysis, and evaluation of the resulting evidence — ideas which are important both for pupils who continue to study or work with biology and for all pupils to become biologically literate. This paper considers some of the concepts of evidence which are particularly important to biology, and discusses how and why the ideas could be taught.  相似文献   

Social interaction among cells is essential for multicellular complexity. But how do molecular networks within individual cells confer the ability to interact? And how do those same networks evolve from the evolutionary conflict between individual‐ and population‐level interests? Recent studies have dissected social interaction at the molecular level by analyzing both synthetic and natural microbial populations. These studies shed new light on the role of population structure for the evolution of cooperative interactions and revealed novel molecular mechanisms that stabilize cooperation among cells. New understanding of populations is changing our view of microbial processes, such as pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance, and suggests new ways to fight infection by exploiting social interaction. The study of social interaction is also challenging established paradigms in cancer evolution and immune system dynamics. Finding similar patterns in such diverse systems suggests that the same ‘social interaction motifs’ may be general to many cell populations.  相似文献   

The emerge of metabolomics within functional genomics has provided a new dimension in the study of biological systems. In regards to the study of agroecosystems, metabolomics enables monitoring of metabolic changes in association with biotic or abiotic agents such as agrochemicals. Focusing on crop protection chemicals, a great effort has been given towards the development of crop protection agents safer for consumers and the environment and more efficient than the existing ones. Within this framework, metabolomics has so far been a valuable tool for high-throughput screening of bioactive substances in order to discover those with high selectivity, unique modes-of-action, and acceptable eco-toxicological/toxicological profiles. Here, applications of metabolomics in the investigation of the modes-of-action and ecotoxicological–toxicological risk assessment of bioactive compounds, mining of biological systems for the discovery of bioactive metabolites, and the risk assessment of genetic modified crops are discussed.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) constitute key features underpinning the dynamic nature of cell signaling systems in plants. Despite their importance in many aspects of cell biology, our understanding of oxidative and especially of nitrosative signaling and their regulation remains poorly understood. Early reports have established that ROS and RNS coordinately regulate plant defense responses to biotic stress. In addition, evidence has accumulated demonstrating that there is a strong cross-talk between oxidative and nitrosative signaling upon abiotic stress conditions. The goal of this mini-review is to provide latest findings showing how both ROS and RNS comprise a coordinated oxidative and nitrosative signaling network that modulates cellular responses in response to environmental stimuli.Key words: abiotic stress, nitrosative stress, oxidative stress, reactive nitrogen species, reactive oxygen species, signaling  相似文献   

The engineering-based approach of synthetic biology is characterized by an assumption that ‘engineering by design’ enables the construction of ‘living machines’. These ‘machines’, as biological machines, are expected to display certain properties of life, such as adapting to changing environments and acting in a situated way. This paper proposes that a tension exists between the expectations placed on biological artefacts and the notion of producing such systems by means of engineering; this tension makes it seem implausible that biological systems, especially those with properties characteristic of living beings, can in fact be produced using the specific methods of engineering. We do not claim that engineering techniques have nothing to contribute to the biotechnological construction of biological artefacts. However, drawing on Descartes’s and Kant’s thinking on the relationship between the organism and the machine, we show that it is considerably more plausible to assume that distinctively biological artefacts emerge within a paradigm different from the paradigm of the Cartesian machine that underlies the engineering approach. We close by calling for increased attention to be paid to approaches within molecular biology and chemistry that rest on conceptions different from those of synthetic biology’s engineering paradigm.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an intricate and dynamic network of membrane tubules and cisternae. In plant cells, the ER ‘web’ pervades the cortex and endoplasm and is continuous with adjacent cells as it passes through plasmodesmata. It is therefore the largest membranous organelle in plant cells. It performs essential functions including protein and lipid synthesis, and its morphology and movement are linked to cellular function. An emerging trend is that organelles can no longer be seen as discrete membrane-bound compartments, since they can physically interact and ‘communicate’ with one another. The ER may form a connecting central role in this process. This review tackles our current understanding and quantification of ER dynamics and how these change under a variety of biotic and developmental cues.  相似文献   

Approaches to quantifying and predicting soil biogeochemical cycles mostly consider microbial biomass and community composition as products of the abiotic environment. Current numerical approaches then primarily emphasise the importance of microbe–environment interactions and physiology as controls on biogeochemical cycles. Decidedly less attention has been paid to understanding control exerted by community dynamics and biotic interactions. Yet a rich literature of theoretical and empirical contributions highlights the importance of considering how variation in microbial population ecology, especially biotic interactions, is related to variation in key biogeochemical processes like soil carbon formation. We demonstrate how a population and community ecology perspective can be used to (1) understand the impact of microbial communities on biogeochemical cycles and (2) reframe current theory and models to include more detailed microbial ecology. Through a series of simulations we illustrate how density dependence and key biotic interactions, such as competition and predation, can determine the degree to which microbes regulate soil biogeochemical cycles. The ecological perspective and model simulations we present lay the foundation for developing empirical research and complementary models that explore the diversity of ecological mechanisms that operate in microbial communities to regulate biogeochemical processes.  相似文献   

Whilst global environmental change in the 21st century will undoubtedly have direct impacts on built heritage, it will also have important indirect effects through its influence on microbial, plant and animal life on heritage sites. Environmental change will affect both the structure of biotic communities and the function of such communities. Both impacts will, in turn, influence the deterioration and conservation of heritage sites. Changes in precipitation will exert a major, but as yet poorly understood, control on heritage biotas, whilst changes in atmospheric composition may also be important. Climatic changes will cause range shifts for some taxa, further influencing community composition. Whilst there are many unknowns, making prediction difficult, some scenarios can be proposed based on ecological response to stress and disturbance. This approach indicates some ‘hotspots’ at risk of experiencing dramatic shifts in biotic communities and their impacts, which may switch from biodeteriogenic to bioprotective or vice versa. Such hotspots include vulnerable sandstone and limestone heritage structures in areas of the Mediterranean, Middle East, Caribbean and Southern Africa.  相似文献   

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