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The autosomal recessive gene diabetes (db) produces a condition similar to human insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in certain strains of inbred mice. In this investigation, the effects of expression of the db gene on the development of the submandibular glands, electrophoretic protein patterns in salivas, fasting blood glucose levels, and glycosylated hemoglobin levels were evaluated in mice undergoing puberty. Three sex-limited effects of the db gene were observed in diabetic male mice: (1) a compromise of the development of the specialized submandibular glands with the extensive tubular portion normally found in males, (2) failure to develop a salivary protein pattern unique to male mice, and (3) attainment of higher levels of fasting blood glucose than found in female diabetic mice. Since it has been documented that homozygous mice fail to develop functional gonads, apparently due to insufficient production of gonadotropin, it is likely that the compromised development of the specialized submandibular glands, and, consequently, the male salivary protein pattern, is a result of decreased testosterone production. Experiments in which diabetic mice were treated with testosterone support that conclusion, since testosterone caused transformation of the salivary protein pattern to one identical with that of normal male littermate controls and increased the tubular portion of the submandibular glands.This study was supported in part by Public Health Service Research Grant 5 R01 AM21177 and by the Indiana University Human Genetics Center (PHS P01 GM21054). The author was supported by Public Health Service Career Development Award 1 K04 AM00284. This is Publication No. 79-18 from the Indiana University Human Genetics Center.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess whether changes in kisspeptin and GnRH levels could be attributed to sex steroids at puberty onset. We used the ovariectomy (OVX) model in rats treated with 17β-estradiol (E2; OVX + E2), or oil (OVX + oil), and in intact rats treated with E2 (intact + E2) or oil only (intact + oil) to determine gene expression changes of Kiss1 and Gnrh1 in the hypothalamus and protein expression of kisspeptin and GnRH in the different areas of the hypothalamus. In the intact + E2 and OVX + E2 rats on the day of the onset of puberty, GnRH-immunoreactive (ir) cell numbers decreased (P < 0.05) in the arcuate nucleus but were increased in the preoptic area; Kisspeptin-ir cells increased (P < 0.05) in the arcuate nucleus, periventricular nucleus, and preoptic area; no difference (P > 0.05) was found in the paraventricularis nucleus for GnRH-ir or kisspeptin-ir cells. Additionally, levels of Kiss1 and Gnrh1 messenger RNA in the hypothalamus were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the OVX + E2 or intact + E2 rats than in the OVX + oil or intact + oil animals, respectively. In the OVX + oil rats, OVX significantly increased (P < 0.05) levels of Gnrh1 and Kiss1 messenger RNA and the expression of GnRH and kisspeptin in the hypothalamus compared to intact + oil animals. These results suggest that kisspeptin and GnRH play major roles in modulating the activity of estrogen circuits at the onset of puberty.  相似文献   

Newly born TO strain female mice were exposed daily to the urine from male albino mice of the same and CFLP strains, from feral mice carrying Robertsonian translocation chromosomes and to water as a control condition. At 21 days of age, when exposure was discontinued, there were differences in body weight between treatments which were not present when adult. Exposure to urine from mice with Robertsonian translocations did not accelerate puberty and the interval between vaginal opening and first oestrus was longer (4.2 days) than in mice exposed to the urine from the albino strains (1.8 days). Mice exposed to the urine from the Robertsonian stock were in dioestrus more often than those exposed to the urine from laboratory strains. The Robertsonian mice also differed in their behaviour in an open arena in that they passed fewer faecal pellets than those exposed to the urine from the albino mice. The water control mice defecated the least frequently. The mice exposed to the Robertsonian urine were less active than the laboratory strains but the differences did not reach an acceptable level (P less than 0.06) of significance.  相似文献   

Proton particles comprise the most abundant ionizing radiation (IR) in outer space. These high energy particles are known to cause frequent double- and single-stranded DNA lesions that can lead to cancer and tumor formation. Understanding the mechanism of cellular response to proton-derived IR is vital for determining health risks to astronauts during space missions. Our understanding of the consequences of these high energy charged particles on microRNA (miRNA) regulation is still in infancy. miRNAs are non-coding, single-stranded RNAs of ~22 nucleotides that constitute a novel class of gene regulators. They regulate diverse biological processes, and each miRNA can control hundreds of gene targets. To investigate the effect of proton radiation on these master regulators, we examined the miRNA expression in selected mice organs that had been exposed to whole-body proton irradiation (2 Gy), and compared this to control mice (0 Gy exposure). RNA was isolated from three tissues (testis, brain, and liver) from treated and control mice and subjected to high-throughput small RNA sequencing. Bioinformatics analysis of small RNA sequencing data revealed dysregulation of (p < 0.05; 20 up- and 10 down-regulated) 14 mouse testis, 8 liver, and 8 brain miRNAs. The statistically significant and unique miRNA expression pattern found among three different proton-treated mouse tissues indicates a tissue-specific response to proton radiation. In addition to known miRNAs, sequencing revealed differential expression of 11 miRNAs in proton-irradiated mice that have not been previously reported in association with radiation exposure and cancer. The dysregulation of miRNAs on exposure to proton radiation suggest a possible mechanism of proton particles involvement in the onset of cell tumorgenesis. In summary, we have established that specific miRNAs are vulnerable to proton radiation, that such differential expression profile may depend upon the tissue, and that there are more miRNAs affected by proton radiation than have been previously observed.  相似文献   

Testosterone-dependent olfactory signals emitted by male are well known to accelerate female puberty in mice (Vandenbergh effect). However, it remains unclear whether these chemosignals also influence adult expression of male-directed odor preference. Therefore, we exposed female mice to intact or castrated male bedding (vs clean bedding as control) during the peripubertal period (postnatal day (PD) 21–38) and measured male-directed odor preference in adulthood. At PD45 or PD60, females exposed to intact male odors, and thus showing puberty acceleration, preferred to investigate odors from intact males over females or castrated males. Females exposed to castrated male odors did not show puberty acceleration but preferred male (intact or castrated) over female odors. Finally, control females did not show any odor preference when tested at PD45, although a preference for male odors emerged later (PD60). In a second experiment, females that were exposed to intact male odors after pubertal transition (PD36–53) also preferred intact male over castrated male odors. In conclusion, our results indicate that peripubertal exposure to male odors induced early expression of male-directed odor preference regardless of puberty-accelerating effect and that induction of male-directed odor preference is not specific to the peripubertal period.  相似文献   

The sexual development of female mice is accelerated by exposure to an adult male or to male urine. The component of the urine responsible for this effect is androgen-dependent, heat labile, nondialysable, precipitatable with ammonium sulphate, and is not extractable in ether. These results indicate that the pheromone causing accelerated sexual development is associated with a protein component of male urine. Tests of the active fraction after digestion with proteolytic enzymes suggest that the pheromone may be a portion of a protein or a substance bound to a protein.  相似文献   

A series of 9 experiments was conducted to examine various characteristics of the urinary chemosignal found in the urine of oestrous female mice that accelerates the sexual development of conspecific females. This urinary chemosignal was effective in doses as small as 0.001 ml/day, was present in excreted and bladder urine, required 3 days of treatment starting before Day 29 of age to effect an acceleration of puberty, required a minimum daily exposure of 2 h, and was relatively nonvolatile. In addition the chemosignal from oestrous females was effective in summer but not in winter months, was significantly more effective when collected at the middle or end of the dark portion of the daily cycle than at the beginning of the dark phase or middle of the light phase, and was not affected by food deprivation or shortened photoperiod. Simultaneous treatment of test subjects with urine from oestrous females and grouped females resulted in delays in puberty and simultaneous treatment with urine from oestrous females and urine from males or pregnant or lactating females did not result in any enhanced acceleration of puberty.  相似文献   

Young female mice were grouped on Day 21 after birth and subjected to removal of the vomeronasal organ. Soiled bedding from intact adult males failed to advance the onset of first oestrus in these lesioned mice compared to the various control groups. Vomeronasal organ lesions of prepubertal females also prevented increases in uterine weight following exposure to soiled bedding for 48 h on Day 23 when compared to controls. Lowering prolactin by injections of bromocriptine for 48 h on Day 26, but not Day 23, advanced the onset of puberty in intact and vomeronasal organ-lesioned females. Elevating prolactin by injections of domperidone were without effect on the early onset of oestrus when compared to sham-injected controls. It is concluded that marked similarities exist in both the receptor system and neuroendocrine mechanism of male pheromone action observed in prepubertal females and that seen in the adult.  相似文献   

Osteoblast differentiation under in vitro conditions is associated with increased expression of non-collagenous bone proteins including osteocalcin, osteopontin, and osteonectin, the exact function of which remain poorly understood. To determine whether these proteins play an important role in the formation of mineralised bone matrix by osteoblasts in vivo, we analysed the time-course of their expression during estrogen-induced osteogenesis in female mice, and compared this with the formation of new cancellous bone. Female mice were sacrificed prior to or following treatment with 17beta-estradiol for up to 32 days (500 microg/animal/week). Total RNA was extracted from femurs, and changes in expression of genes for a range of osteoblast-derived proteins assessed by Northern blot analysis. In parallel experiments, the time course of cancellous bone formation was determined by measuring bone mineral density (BMD) of the distal femur. Estrogen led to a rapid increase in BMD, which reached significance by Day 16. This was preceded by three-fold increases in expression of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and type I collagen (COL I) at Days 8 and 12 respectively. In contrast, osteocalcin, osteopontin, and osteonectin expression showed no change during this initial period, although modest increases were observed at later times (i.e., Days 20 and 24). Our results suggest that osteocalcin, osteopontin, and osteonectin are not involved in the initial phase of the osteogenic response to estrogen, suggesting that these non-collagenous bone proteins do not play a direct role in the formation of mineralised bone matrix by osteoblasts in vivo.  相似文献   

Foraging effort, food intake, fat deposition and puberty in female mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel caging system was used to study the interrelationships between foraging effort, food intake, growth and sexual maturation of peripubertal female mice. Females housed in these cages were forced to work (forage) at various intensities in order to obtain food pellets. It is argued that this is a biologically more meaningful approach to understanding the energetics of sexual development than the traditional approach of simple underfeeding. Female mice exhibited a cascade of developmental adjustments and deficits when challenged to forage harder for less food. The functions most sensitive to increased foraging effort were sexual development and growth in body length; growth in body weight was intermediate and fat deposition was least sensitive of all. The relative insensitivity of fat deposition to higher foraging costs suggests a strategy for survival during the postweaning dispersal movements of the wild ancestors of the laboratory mouse. Finally, regression analyses suggested that heavier females who had less than average body fat and higher than average food intake achieved their pubertal ovulation most rapidly.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neurons, which produce the kisspeptin family of peptide hormones (Kp), are critical for initiating puberty and maintaining estrous cyclicity by stimulating gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release. Conversely, RFamide-related peptide-3 (RFRP3) neurons inhibit GnRH activity. It has previously been shown that neonatal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) can alter the timing of female pubertal onset and induce irregular estrous cycles or premature anestrus. Here we tested the hypothesis that disrupted ontogeny of RFamide signaling pathways may be a mechanism underlying advanced puberty. To test this, we used a transgenic strain of Wistar rats whose GnRH neurons express enhanced green fluorescent protein. Pups were exposed by daily subcutaneous injection to vehicle, 17beta-estradiol (E2), 50 μg/kg BPA, or 50 mg/kg BPA, from Postnatal Day (PND) 0 through PND 3, and then cohorts were euthanized on PNDs 17, 21, 24, 28, and 33 (5-8 animals per age per exposure; males were collected on PNDs 21 and 33). Vaginal opening was advanced by E2 and 50 μg/kg BPA. On PND 28, females exposed to E2 and 50 μg/kg BPA had decreased RFRP-3 fiber density and contacts on GnRH neurons. RFRP3 perikarya were also decreased in females exposed to 50 μg/kg BPA. Data suggest that BPA-induced premature puberty results from decreased inhibition of GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

Three experiments were designed to test the effects of food deprivation during various phases of the reproductive cycle on fertility and fecundity of the dams and on the age of sexual maturation and body growth of their female progeny. Food deprivation consisted of removal of all food every other day. Animals were deprived of food either during the period prior to pairing, during the period between pairing and conception or during gestation. Both fertility and fecundity were affected by food deprivation in some, but not all manipulations. The female progeny of food-deprived females reached puberty significantly later than the progeny of non-deprived dams when the food deprivation occurred during the week prior to pairing and up until successful insemination after pairing with a fertile male, but not when food deprivation occurred at other times during the reproductive cycle. Body growth did not differ in the daughters of food-deprived dams across the treatments for any of the experiments.  相似文献   

The current study evaluated the effect of glutamate supply on the onset of puberty and possible links to changes in serum concentrations of insulin [INS], glucose [GLU] and triiodothyronine [T(3)]. The study was conducted from June to November in prepuberal female goats (n=18; 3 mo. old, 7/8 Saanen-Alpine, 1/8 Criollo, 26° north) randomly assigned to two experimental groups: (i) excitatory amino acids group (group AA, n=10; 16.52±1.04 kg LW, 3.4±0.12 body condition score [BCS], receiving an intravenous infusion of 7 mg kg(-1) live weight [LW] of l-glutamate, twice a week, and (ii) control group (group CC, n=8; 16.1±1.04 kg LW, 3.1±0.12 BCS) receiving saline. Blood samples were obtained twice a week, for assessing progesterone [P(4)], as well as in a monthly basis to evaluate INS and T(3) by RIA. Mean final LW and BCS were 23.2±0.72 kg, 3.53±0.10 units, without differences between groups. The AA group depicted an earlier onset of puberty (6.9±0.3 compared to 7.5±0.4 mo.; P<0.05) and an increased ovarian activity (70±0.28% compared to 25±0.26%; P<0.05). Neither serum INS concentrations nor serum glucose concentrations differed between treatments (1.2±0.06 ng mL(-1) and 89.6±1.8 mg 100 mL(-1); P>0.05, respectively). Serum T(3) concentrations, however, were greater in AA goats (1.55±0.03 compared to 1.39±0.04 ng mL(-1)). In addition, a treatment x time interaction occurred (P<0.05) across the experimental period for both T(3) and INS, with increases by the last third of the experimental period, time at which the onset of puberty occurred in both experimental groups. No differences (P>0.05) for glucose concentrations across time occurred between treatments. Results indicate that, in prepuberal goats, glutamate acts as a cue for sexual maturation in a glucose-independent pathway, while both T(3) and INS seem to act as metabolic modulators for the establishment of puberty in goats. Actions of INS and T(3) are mediated directly on hypothalamic centers regulating the pulsatile release of GnRH or indirectly by peripheral cues reflecting INS-T(3) actions on somatic development remains to be determined.  相似文献   

In Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), oxytocin (OXT) activity within the medial preoptic-anterior hypothalamus (MPOA-AH) and the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) plays an important role in the expression of sexual receptivity. Immunocytochemical analysis with OXT-specific antibodies was used to identify the distribution of OXT-containing cell bodies and fibers in female hamster brain and to determine the possible sources of OXT important for sexual receptivity. Oxytocin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers were found in several regions of the preoptic area, including the medial preoptic area, the medial preoptic nucleus, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Large numbers of cell bodies and fibers were localized within the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei, and in anterior hypothalamus. OXT-immunoreactive fibers were observed in the VMH and the ventral tegmental area. The anatomical data from the present study support the hypothesis that OXT activity in the MPOA-AH and the VMH plays an important role in the regulation of sexual receptivity in hamsters.  相似文献   

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