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To sense and defend against oxidative stress, cells depend on signal transduction cascades involving redox‐sensitive proteins. We previously identified SUMO (small ubiquitin‐related modifier) enzymes as downstream effectors of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Hydrogen peroxide transiently inactivates SUMO E1 and E2 enzymes by inducing a disulfide bond between their catalytic cysteines. How important their oxidation is in light of many other redox‐regulated proteins has however been unclear. To selectively disrupt this redox switch, we identified a catalytically fully active SUMO E2 enzyme variant (Ubc9 D100A) with strongly reduced propensity to maintain a disulfide with the E1 enzyme in vitro and in cells. Replacement of Ubc9 by this variant impairs cell survival both under acute and mild chronic oxidative stresses. Intriguingly, Ubc9 D100A cells fail to maintain activity of the ATM–Chk2 DNA damage response pathway that is induced by hydrogen peroxide. In line with this, these cells are also more sensitive to the ROS‐producing chemotherapeutic drugs etoposide/Vp16 and Ara‐C. These findings reveal that SUMO E1~E2 oxidation is an essential redox switch in oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The heme of bacteria, plant and animal hemoglobins (Hbs) must be in the ferrous state to bind O2 and other physiological ligands. Here we have characterized the full set of non‐symbiotic (class 1 and 2) and ‘truncated’ (class 3) Hbs of Lotus japonicus. Class 1 Hbs are hexacoordinate, but class 2 and 3 Hbs are pentacoordinate. Three of the globins, Glb1‐1, Glb2 and Glb3‐1, are nodule‐enhanced proteins. The O2 affinity of Glb1‐1 (50 pm ) was the highest known for any Hb, and the protein may function as an O2 scavenger. The five globins were reduced by free flavins, which transfer electrons from NAD(P)H to the heme iron under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Class 1 Hbs were reduced at very fast rates by FAD, class 2 Hbs at slower rates by both FMN and FAD, and class 3 Hbs at intermediate rates by FMN. The members of the three globin classes were immunolocalized predominantly in the nuclei. Flavins were quantified in legume nodules and nuclei, and their concentrations were sufficient to maintain Hbs in their functional state. All Hbs, except Glb1‐1, were expressed in a flavohemoglobin‐deficient yeast mutant and found to confer tolerance to oxidative stress induced by methyl viologen, copper or low temperature, indicating an anti‐oxidative role for the hemes. However, only Glb1‐2 and Glb2 afforded protection against nitrosative stress induced by S‐nitrosoglutathione. Because this compound is specifically involved in transnitrosylation reactions with thiol groups, our results suggest a contribution of the single cysteine residues of both proteins in the stress response.  相似文献   

Activity of chloroplast-localized DNA endonuclease was observed in detached tobacco leaves that had been treated with paraquat and light The DNA endonuclease was able to cleave the chloroplast, plasmid, and single-stranded DNA, as estimated on an agarose gel. Activity was sensitive to two endonuclease inhibitors: aurintricarboxylic acid and ZnSO4. The time course for activity showed a peak 4 h after the stress treatment These results suggest that this enzyme plays a specific physiological role during oxidative stress. Probable roles for this enzyme are also discussed.  相似文献   

Although c‐Myc is essential for melanocyte development, its role in cutaneous melanoma, the most aggressive skin cancer, is only partly understood. Here we used the NrasQ61KINK4a?/? mouse melanoma model to show that c‐Myc is essential for tumor initiation, maintenance, and metastasis. c‐Myc‐expressing melanoma cells were preferentially found at metastatic sites, correlated with increased tumor aggressiveness and high tumor initiation potential. Abrogation of c‐Myc caused apoptosis in primary murine and human melanoma cells. Mechanistically, c‐Myc‐positive melanoma cells activated and became dependent on the metabolic energy sensor AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK), a metabolic checkpoint kinase that plays an important role in energy and redox homeostasis under stress conditions. AMPK pathway inhibition caused apoptosis of c‐Myc‐expressing melanoma cells, while AMPK activation protected against cell death of c‐Myc‐depleted melanoma cells through suppression of oxidative stress. Furthermore, TCGA database analysis of early‐stage human melanoma samples revealed an inverse correlation between C‐MYC and patient survival, suggesting that C‐MYC expression levels could serve as a prognostic marker for early‐stage disease.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the salt overly sensitive (SOS) signalling pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining ion homoeostasis and conferring salt tolerance under salinity condition. Previously, we functionally characterized the conserved SOS pathway in the woody plant Populus trichocarpa. In this study, we demonstrate that overexpression of the constitutively active form of PtSOS2 (PtSOS2TD), one of the key components of this pathway, significantly increased salt tolerance in aspen hybrid clone Shanxin Yang (Populus davidiana × Populus bolleana). Compared to the wild‐type control, transgenic plants constitutively expressing PtSOS2TD exhibited more vigorous growth and produced greater biomass in the presence of high concentrations of NaCl. The improved salt tolerance was associated with a decreased Na+ accumulation in the leaves of transgenic plants. Further analyses revealed that plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity and Na+ efflux in transgenic plants were significantly higher than those in the wild‐type plants. Moreover, transgenic plants showed improved capacity in scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by salt stress. Taken together, our results suggest that PtSOS2 could serve as an ideal target gene to genetically engineer salt‐tolerant trees.  相似文献   

To elucidate proline antioxidant properties in common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) plants, they were treated with paraquat (a producer of superoxide radical) and/or NaCl and also with paraquat and proline at the stage of 4–5 true leaves. The paraquat solution (1 ml containing 0.1 μmol of the agent) was applied to the leaf surface; NaCl (200 mM) and proline (the final concentration of 5 mM) were added to nutrient medium. Experimental plants were firstly kept in darkness for 12 h, then illuminated, and in 3, 6, and 12 h, leaves and roots were fixed for biochemical analyses. The results obtained are in agreement with the supposition of proline antioxidant properties. In particular, it was established that paraquat induced a slight increase in the proline level in the leaves during dark period of plant growth and also during subsequent 3 h after light switching on. This transient proline accumulation in the leaves was accompanied by its level decrease in the roots. Proline addition to the nutrient medium of paraquat-treated plants neutralized paraquat damaging action on the leaves. In the presence of paraquat, proline treatment reduced the accumulation in the roots of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde, the product of membrane lipid peroxidation. It also affected indirectly the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and free, covalently bound, and ionically bound peroxidases. Keeping in mind that, in the presence of paraquat, superoxide-induced changes in SOD activity in the roots were negatively correlated with the level of proline, which content was the highest during the last hours of experiments, we can conclude that proline antioxidant effects are manifested only after 12 h of stressor action, whereas antioxidant enzymes are involved in ROS scavenging during the earlier stage of damaging factor action.  相似文献   

The uptake and degradation of atrazine (ATR) by rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) was investigated with and without arsenate and phosphate nutrient in the cultured solution over a period of 48 h. The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) contents in plants under different treatments were measured to evaluate the oxidative stress of the plant cell and its influence on the plant uptake and degradation of ATR. Results indicated that the ATR levels and main degradation products, deethylatrazine (DEA) and deisopropylatrazine (DIA), in plants varied significantly in different treatments. Added arsenate in solution increased the level of DEA and the ratios of DEA to the total (ATR, DEA, and DIA) in roots, while it either increased or decreased the H2O2 content in roots. Added arsenate increased the ratios of degradation products to the total in shoots, which corresponded to the 110%–285% increase of the H2O2 content. In phosphate-deficient systems, the H2O2 contents in shoots increased significantly, especially when exposed to a low level of ATR while the ratios of DIA and DEA to the total in shoots increased. The oxidative stress in rice seedlings induced by arsenic coexisting with ATR and by phosphate deficiency affected the plant uptake and degradation of ATR.  相似文献   

Mutant pqr-216 from an Arabidopsis activation-tagged line showed a phenotype of increased tolerance to oxidative stress after treatment with 3 μ m paraquat (PQ). Based on the phenotype of transgenic plants overexpressing the genes flanking the T-DNA insert, it was clear that enhanced expression of a Nudix (nucleoside diphosphates linked to some moiety X) hydrolase gene, AtNUDX2 (At5g47650), was responsible for the tolerance. It has been reported that the AtNUDX2 protein has pyrophosphatase activities towards both ADP-ribose and NADH ( Ogawa et al ., 2005 ). Interestingly, the pyrophosphatase activity toward ADP-ribose, but not NADH, was increased in pqr-216 and Pro 35S :AtNUDX2 plants compared with control plants. The amount of free ADP-ribose was lower in the Pro 35S :AtNUDX2 plants, while the level of NADH was similar to those in control plants under both normal conditions and oxidative stress. Depletion of NAD+ and ATP resulting from activation of poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation under oxidative stress was observed in the control Arabidopsis plants. Such alterations in the levels of these molecules were significantly suppressed in the Pro 35S :AtNUDX2 plants. The results indicate that overexpression of AtNUDX2 , encoding ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase, confers enhanced tolerance of oxidative stress on Arabidopsis plants, resulting from maintenance of NAD+ and ATP levels by nucleotide recycling from free ADP-ribose molecules under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Isocitrate lyase is a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle. This cycle plays an essential role in cell growth on acetate, and is important for gluconeogenesis as it bypasses the two oxidative steps of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in which CO2 is evolved. In this paper, a null icl mutant of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is described. Our data show that isocitrate lyase is required for growth in darkness on acetate (heterotrophic conditions), as well as for efficient growth in the light when acetate is supplied (mixotrophic conditions). Under these latter conditions, reduced acetate assimilation and concomitant reduced respiration occur, and biomass composition analysis reveals an increase in total fatty acid content, including neutral lipids and free fatty acids. Quantitative proteomic analysis by 14N/15N labelling was performed, and more than 1600 proteins were identified. These analyses reveal a strong decrease in the amounts of enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis in parallel with a shift of the TCA cycle towards amino acid synthesis, accompanied by an increase in free amino acids. The decrease of the glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis, as well as the decrease in enzymes involved in β–oxidation of fatty acids in the icl mutant are probably major factors that contribute to remodelling of lipids in the icl mutant. These modifications are probably responsible for the elevation of the response to oxidative stress, with significantly augmented levels and activities of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase, and increased resistance to paraquat.  相似文献   



To determine whether the carotenoid production improves stress tolerance of lactic acid bacteria, the cloned enterococcal carotenoid biosynthesis genes were expressed in Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris MG1363, and the survival rate of carotenoid‐producing engineered MG1363 strain under stress condition was investigated.

Methods and Results

We cloned carotenoid biosynthesis genes from yellow‐pigmented Enterococcus gilvus. The cloned genes consisted of crtN and crtM and its promoter region were inserted into the shuttle vector pRH100, and the resulting plasmid was named pRC. The cloned crtNM was expressed using pRC in noncarotenoid‐producing L. lactis ssp. cremoris MG1363. The expression of crtNM led to the production of C30 carotenoid 4,4′‐diaponeurosporene. After exposure to 32 mmol l?1 H2O2, low pH (1.5, acidified with HCl), 20% bile acid and 12 mg ml?1 lysozyme, the survival rates of the MG1363 strain harbouring pRC were 18.7‐, 6.8‐, 8.8‐ and 4.4‐fold higher, respectively, than those of MG1363 strain harbouring the empty vector pRH100.


The expression of carotenoid biosynthesis genes from Ent. gilvus improves the multistress tolerance of L. lactis.

Significance and Impact of the study

First report of the improvement of multistress tolerance of lactic acid bacteria by the introduction of genes for carotenoid production.  相似文献   

When competing for space and resources, bacteria produce toxins known as bacteriocins to gain an advantage over competitors. Recent studies in the laboratory have confirmed theoretical predictions that bacteriocin production can determine coexistence, by eradicating sensitive competitors or driving the emergence of resistant genotypes. However, there is currently limited evidence that bacteriocin‐mediated competition influences the coexistence and distribution of genotypes in natural environments, and what factors drive interactions towards inhibition remain unclear. Using natural soil populations of Pseudomonas fluorescens, we assessed the ability of the isolates to inhibit one another with respect to spatial proximity in the field, genetic similarity and niche overlap. The majority of isolates were found to produce bacteriocins; however, widespread resistance between coexisting isolates meant relatively few interactions resulted in inhibition. When inhibition did occur, it occurred more frequently between ecologically similar isolates. However, in contrast with results from other natural populations, we found no relationship between the frequency of inhibition and the genetic similarity of competitors. Our results suggest that bacteriocin production plays an important role in mediating competition over resources in natural settings and, by selecting for isolates resistant to local bacteriocin production, can influence the assembly of natural populations of P. fluorescens.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate Spondias mombin L. (SM) pulp and its influence on cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction (MI). Male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups: a sham group (animals underwent simulated surgery) that received standard chow (S; n = 20), an infarcted group that received standard chow (MI; n = 24), an infarcted group supplemented with 100 mg of SM/kg bodyweight/d, (MIS100; n = 23) and an infarcted group supplemented with 250 mg of SM/kg bodyweight/d (MIS250; n = 22). After 3 months of treatment, morphological, functional and biochemical analyses were performed. MI induced structural and functional changes in the left ventricle with worsening systolic and diastolic function, and SM supplementation at different doses did not influence these variables as analysed by echocardiography and an isolated heart study (P > .05). However, SM supplementation attenuated cardiac remodelling after MI, reducing fibrosis (P = .047) and hypertrophy (P = .006). Biomarkers of oxidative stress, inflammatory processes and energy metabolism were further investigated in the myocardial tissue. SM supplementation improved the efficiency of energy metabolism and decreased lipid hydroperoxide in the myocardium [group S (n = 8): 267.26 ± 20.7; group MI (n = 8): 330.14 ± 47.3; group MIS100 (n = 8): 313.8 ± 46.2; group MIS250: 294.3 ± 38.0 nmol/mg tissue; P = .032], as well as decreased the activation of the inflammatory pathway after MI. In conclusion, SM supplementation attenuated cardiac remodelling processes after MI. We also found that energy metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammation are associated with this effect. In addition, SM supplementation at the highest dose is more effective.  相似文献   

In mammals, recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) plays a crucial role in adaptive immunity, generating a vast range of immunoglobulins. Rag1?/? zebrafish (Danio rerio) are viable and reach adulthood without obvious signs of infectious disease in standard nonsterile conditions, suggesting that innate immunity could be enhanced to compensate for the lack of adaptive immunity. By using microarray analysis, we confirmed that the expression of immunity‐ and apoptosis‐related genes was increased in the rag1?/? fish. This tool also allows us to notice alterations of the DNA repair and cell cycle mechanisms in rag1?/? zebrafish. Several senescence and aging markers were analyzed. In addition to the lower lifespan of rag1?/? zebrafish compared to their wild‐type (wt) siblings, rag1?/? showed a higher incidence of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, a greater amount of phosphorylated histone H2AX, oxidative stress and decline of the antioxidant mechanisms, an upregulated expression and activity of senescence‐related genes and senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase, respectively, diminished telomere length, and abnormal self‐renewal and repair capacities in the retina and liver. Metabolomic analysis also demonstrated clear differences between wt and rag1?/? fish, as was the deficiency of the antioxidant metabolite l ‐acetylcarnitine (ALCAR) in rag1?/? fish. Therefore, Rag1 activity does not seem to be limited to V(D)J recombination but is also involved in senescence and aging. Furthermore, we confirmed the senolytic effect of ABT‐263, a known senolytic compound and, for the first time, the potential in vivo senolytic activity of the antioxidant agent ALCAR, suggesting that this metabolite is essential to avoid premature aging.  相似文献   

The sustainability of global crop production is critically dependent on improving tolerance of crop plants to various types of environmental stress. Thus, identification of genes that confer stress tolerance in crops has become a top priority especially in view of expected changes in global climatic patterns. Drought stress is one of the abiotic stresses that can result in dramatic loss of crop productivity. In this work, we show that transgenic expression of a highly conserved cell death suppressor, Bax Inhibitor‐1 from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtBI‐1), can confer increased tolerance of sugarcane plants to long‐term (>20 days) water stress conditions. This robust trait is correlated with an increased tolerance of the transgenic sugarcane plants, especially in the roots, to induction of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress by the protein glycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin. Our findings suggest that suppression of ER stress in C4 grasses, which include important crops such as sorghum and maize, can be an effective means of conferring improved tolerance to long‐term water deficit. This result could potentially lead to improved resilience and yield of major crops in the world.  相似文献   

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