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Inbreeding depression, the reduced fitness of offspring of closely related parents, is commonplace in both captive and wild populations and has important consequences for conservation and mating system evolution. However, because of the difficulty of collecting pedigree and life‐history data from wild populations, relatively few studies have been able to compare inbreeding depression for traits at different points in the life cycle. Moreover, pedigrees give the expected proportion of the genome that is identical by descent (IBDg) whereas in theory with enough molecular markers realized IBDg can be quantified directly. We therefore investigated inbreeding depression for multiple life‐history traits in a wild population of banded mongooses using pedigree‐based inbreeding coefficients (fped) and standardized multilocus heterozygosity (sMLH) measured at 35–43 microsatellites. Within an information theoretic framework, we evaluated support for either fped or sMLH as inbreeding terms and used sequential regression to determine whether the residuals of sMLH on fped explain fitness variation above and beyond fped. We found no evidence of inbreeding depression for survival, either before or after nutritional independence. By contrast, inbreeding was negatively associated with two quality‐related traits, yearling body mass and annual male reproductive success. Yearling body mass was associated with fped but not sMLH, while male annual reproductive success was best explained by both fped and residual sMLH. Thus, our study not only uncovers variation in the extent to which different traits show inbreeding depression, but also reveals trait‐specific differences in the ability of pedigrees and molecular markers to explain fitness variation and suggests that for certain traits, genetic markers may capture variation in realized IBDg above and beyond the pedigree expectation.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1999, two species of endemic Hawaiian thrushes, `Oma`o (Myadestes obscurus) and Puaiohi (M. palmeri), were captive‐reared and re‐introduced into their historic range in Hawai`i by The Peregrine Fund, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey–Biological Resources Division (BRD) and the Hawai`i State Department of Land and Natural Resources. This paper describes the management techniques that were developed (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive propagation, and release) with the non‐endangered surrogate species, the `Oma`o; techniques that are now being used for recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. In 1995 and 1996, 29 viable `Oma`o eggs were collected from the wild. Of 27 chicks hatched, 25 were hand‐reared and released into Pu`u Wa`awa`a Wildlife Reserve. Using the techniques developed for the `Oma`o, a captive propagation and release program was initiated in 1996 to aid the recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. Fifteen viable Puaiohi eggs were collected from the wild (1996–1997) to establish a captive breeding flock to produce birds for re‐introduction. These Puaiohi reproduced for the first time in captivity in 1998 (total Puaiohi chicks reared in captivity 1996–1998 = 41). In 1999, 14 captive‐bred Puaiohi were re‐introduced into the Alaka`i Swamp, Kaua`i. These captive‐bred birds reproduced and fledged seven chicks in the wild after release. This is the first endangered passerine recovery program using this broad spectrum of management techniques (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive‐breeding, and release) in which re‐introduced birds survived and bred in the wild. Long‐term population monitoring will be published separately [BRD, in preparation]. Zoo Biol 19:263–277, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Molecular estimates of inbreeding may be made using genetic markers such as microsatellites, however the interpretation of resulting heterozygosity‐fitness correlations (HFCs) with respect to inbreeding depression is not straightforward. We investigated the relationship between pedigree‐determined inbreeding coefficients (f) and HFCs in a closely monitored, reintroduced population of Stewart Island robins (Petroica australis rakiura) on Ulva Island, New Zealand. Using a full sibling design, we focused on differences in juvenile survival associated specifically with individual sibling variation in standardized multilocus heterozygosity (SH) when expected f was identical. We found that within broods, siblings with higher SH at microsatellite loci experienced a higher probability of juvenile survival. This effect, however, was detected primarily within broods that experienced inbreeding or when inbreeding had occurred in their pedigree histories (i.e., at the parents’ level). Thus we show, for the first time in a wild population, that the strength of an HFC is partially dependent on the presence of inbreeding events in the recent pedigree history. Our results illustrate the importance of realized effects of inbreeding on genetic variation and fitness and the value of full‐sibling designs for the study of HFCs in the context of small, inbred populations.  相似文献   

Inbreeding can affect fitness‐related traits at different life history stages and may interact with environmental variation to induce even larger effects. We used genetic parentage assignment based on 22 microsatellite loci to determine a 25 year long pedigree for a newly established island population of moose with 20–40 reproducing individuals annually. We used the pedigree to calculate individual inbreeding coefficients and examined for effects of individual inbreeding (f) and heterozygosity on fitness‐related traits. We found negative effects of f on birth date, calf body mass and twinning rate. The relationship between f and calf body mass and twinning rate were found to be separate but weaker after accounting for birth date. We found no support for an inbreeding effect on the age‐specific lifetime reproductive success of females. The influence of f on birth date was related to climatic conditions during the spring prior to birth, indicating that calves with a low f were born earlier after a cold spring than calves with high f. In years with a warm spring, calf f did not affect birth date. The results suggest that severe inbreeding in moose has both indirect effects on fitness through delayed birth and lower juvenile body mass, as well as separate direct effects, as there still was a significant relationship between f and twinning rate after accounting for birth date and body mass as calf. Consequently, severe inbreeding as found in the study population may have consequences for population growth and extinction risk.  相似文献   

Empirical support for the genetic management strategies employed by captive breeding and reintroduction programs is scarce. We evaluated the genetic management plan for the highly endangered black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) developed by the American Zoo and Aquarium Associations (AZA) as a part of the species survival plan (SSP). We contrasted data collected from five microsatellite loci to predictions from a pedigree‐based kinship matrix analysis of the captive black‐footed ferret population. We compared genetic diversity among captive populations managed for continued captive breeding or reintroduction, and among wild‐born individuals from two reintroduced populations. Microsatellite data gave an accurate but only moderately precise estimate of heterozygosity. Genetic diversity was similar in captive populations maintained for breeding and release, and it appears that the recovery program will achieve its goal of maintaining 80% of the genetic diversity of the founder population over 25 years. Wild‐born individuals from reintroduced populations maintained genetic diversity and avoided close inbreeding. We detected small but measurable genetic differentiation between the reintroduced populations. The model of random mating predicted only slightly lower levels of heterozygosity retention compared to the SSP strategy. The random mating strategy may be a viable alternative for managing large, stable, captive populations such as that of the black‐footed ferret. Zoo Biol 22:287–298, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are designated as critically endangered and wild populations are dramatically declining as a result of habitat destruction, fragmentation, diseases (e.g., Ebola) and the illegal bushmeat trade. As wild populations continue to decline, the genetic management of the North American captive western lowland gorilla population will be an important component of the long‐term conservation of the species. We genotyped 26 individuals from the North American captive gorilla collection at 11 autosomal microsatellite loci in order to compare levels of genetic diversity to wild populations, investigate genetic signatures of a population bottleneck and identify the genetic structure of the captive‐born population. Captive gorillas had significantly higher levels of allelic diversity (t7 = 4.49, = 0.002) and heterozygosity (t7 = 4.15, = 0.004) than comparative wild populations, yet the population has lost significant allelic diversity while in captivity when compared to founders (t7 = 2.44, = 0.04). Analyses suggested no genetic evidence for a population bottleneck of the captive population. Genetic structure results supported the management of North American captive gorillas as a single population. Our results highlight the utility of genetic management approaches for endangered nonhuman primate species.  相似文献   

The negative effects of inbreeding on fitness are serious concerns for populations of endangered species. Reduced fitness has been associated with lower genome‐wide heterozygosity and immune gene diversity in the wild; however, it is rare that both types of genetic measures are included in the same study. Thus, it is often unclear whether the variation in fitness is due to the general effects of inbreeding, immunity‐related genes or both. Here, we tested whether genome‐wide heterozygosity (20 990 SNPs) and diversity at nine immune genes were better predictors of two measures of fitness (immune response and survival) in the endangered Attwater's prairie‐chicken (Tympanuchus cupido attwateri). We found that postrelease survival of captive‐bred birds was related to alleles of the innate (Toll‐like receptors, TLRs) and adaptive (major histocompatibility complex, MHC) immune systems, but not to genome‐wide heterozygosity. Likewise, we found that the immune response at the time of release was related to TLR and MHC alleles, and not to genome‐wide heterozygosity. Overall, this study demonstrates that immune genes may serve as important genetic markers when monitoring fitness in inbred populations and that in some populations specific functional genes may be better predictors of fitness than genome‐wide heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Most of the major genetic concerns in conservation biology, including inbreeding depression, loss of evolutionary potential, genetic adaptation to captivity and outbreeding depression, involve quantitative genetics. Small population size leads to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity and so increases extinction risk. Captive populations of endangered species are managed to maximize the retention of genetic diversity by minimizing kinship, with subsidiary efforts to minimize inbreeding. There is growing evidence that genetic adaptation to captivity is a major issue in the genetic management of captive populations of endangered species as it reduces reproductive fitness when captive populations are reintroduced into the wild. This problem is not currently addressed, but it can be alleviated by deliberately fragmenting captive populations, with occasional exchange of immigrants to avoid excessive inbreeding. The extent and importance of outbreeding depression is a matter of controversy. Currently, an extremely cautious approach is taken to mixing populations. However, this cannot continue if fragmented populations are to be adequately managed to minimize extinctions. Most genetic management recommendations for endangered species arise directly, or indirectly, from quantitative genetic considerations.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of inbreeding and inbreeding depression requires unbiased estimation of inbreeding depression across diverse mating systems. However, studies estimating inbreeding depression often measure inbreeding with error, for example, based on pedigree data derived from observed parental behavior that ignore paternity error stemming from multiple mating. Such paternity error causes error in estimated coefficients of inbreeding (f) and reproductive success and could bias estimates of inbreeding depression. We used complete “apparent” pedigree data compiled from observed parental behavior and analogous “actual” pedigree data comprising genetic parentage to quantify effects of paternity error stemming from extra‐pair reproduction on estimates of f, reproductive success, and inbreeding depression in free‐living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Paternity error caused widespread error in estimates of f and male reproductive success, causing inbreeding depression in male and female annual and lifetime reproductive success and juvenile male survival to be substantially underestimated. Conversely, inbreeding depression in adult male survival tended to be overestimated when paternity error was ignored. Pedigree error stemming from extra‐pair reproduction therefore caused substantial and divergent bias in estimates of inbreeding depression that could bias tests of evolutionary theories regarding inbreeding and inbreeding depression and their links to variation in mating system.  相似文献   

The use of captive broodstocks is becoming more frequently employed as the number of species facing endangerment or extinction throughout the world increases. Efforts to rebuild the endangered Snake River sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, population have been ongoing for over a decade, but the use of microsatellite data to develop inbreeding avoidance matrices is a more recent component to the program. This study used known genealogical relationships among sockeye salmon offspring to test four different pairwise relatedness estimators and a maximum-likelihood (M-L) relatedness estimator. The goal of this study was to develop a breeding strategy with these estimators that would minimize the loss of genetic diversity, minimize inbreeding, and determine how returning anadromous adults are incorporated into the broodstock along with full-term hatchery adults. Results of this study indicated that both the M xy and R QG estimators had the lowest Type II error rates and the M-L and R R estimators had the lowest Type I error rates. An approach that utilizes a combination of estimators may provide the most valuable information for managers. We recommend that the M-L and R R methods be used to rank the genetic importance of returning adults and the M xy or R QG estimators be used to determine which fish to pair for spawning. This approach provides for the best genetic management of this captive, endangered population and should be generally applicable to the genetic management of other endangered stocks with no pedigree.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the utility of microsatellite data and genetic pedigree information to guide the genetic management of two long-term conservation programs for endangered populations of salmon: Snake River Sockeye Salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, and inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar. Both programs are captive broodstock (live gene banking) programs for endangered populations of salmon. In order for these programs to be successful for recovery efforts, genetic change, including accumulation of inbreeding, loss of genetic variation, and adaptation to captivity, must be minimized. We provide an overview of each program, describe broodstock selection and pairing for spawning, and discuss how pedigree data are being used to evaluate different management practices. While there are inherent species and programmatic differences, both of these programs use widely accepted genetic conservation strategies (minimize mean kinship, reduce variance in family size, minimize inbreeding in the next generation, maintain large census and effective population size) to potentially mitigate some unintended side-effects associated with the rearing of small populations in captivity. These case studies highlight the benefits and practical limitations of applying these strategies in the genetic management of salmon, and may be used to inform other conservation programs.  相似文献   

The South China tiger (Panther tigris amoyensis) is critically endangered with 73 remaining individuals living in captivity, all derived from six wild founders since 1963. The population shows a low level of juvenile survivorship and reproductive difficulties, and faces a huge conservation challenge. In this study, inbreeding depression and genetic diversity decline were examined by using pedigree data and 17 microsatellites. The constant B, which is related to the number of lethal equivalents, was estimated to be 0 for the offspring of noninbred parents, but was >0 for the offspring of inbred parents and for all offspring. Percentage of successfully breeding tigers inversely correlated with inbreeding level (r = −0.626, α = 0.05). Taken together, these findings suggest the population is suffering from inbreeding depression in juvenile survivorship and fecundity. No significant correlation was detectable for the mean litter size with f of either dams (r = −0.305, α = 0.46) or kittens (r = 0.105, α = 0.71), indicating litter size was not strongly subject to inbreeding depression. The average number of alleles per locus was 4.24 ± 1.03 (SE), but effective number of alleles was only 2.53 ± 0.91. Twenty-one alleles carried by early breeders at 13 loci were absent in the present breeders and potential breeders. Multilocus heterozygosity was inversely correlated with inbreeding levels (r = −0.601, α = 0.004). These findings suggest rapid allelic diversity loss is occurring in this small captive population and that heterozygosity is being lost as it becomes more inbred. Our phylogenetic analysis supports past work indicating introgression from northern Indochinese tigers in the population. As no wild representatives of the South China tiger can be added to the captive population, we may consider the alternate scenario of further introgression in the interest of countering inbreeding depression and declining genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Captive breeding programs are an important tool for the conservation of endangered species. These programs are commonly managed using pedigrees containing information about the history of each individual's family, such as breeding pairs and parentage. However, there are some species that are kept in groups where it is hard to distinguish between particular individuals within the group, making it very difficult to record any information at an individual level. Currently, software and methods commonly used for registering and analyzing pedigrees to help manage populations at an individual level are not adequate for managing these group‐living species. Therefore, there is a need to further develop these tools and methodologies for pedigree analysis to better manage group‐living species. PMx is a program used for the management of ex situ populations in zoos and aquariums. We adapted the pedigree analysis method implemented in PMx to analyze pedigrees (records of descendant lineages) of group‐living species. In addition, we developed a group pedigree data entry sheet and group2PMx, a converter program that enables group datasets to be imported into PMx. We show how pedigree analysis of a group‐living species can be used for population management using the studbook of the endangered Texas blind cave salamander Eurycea rathbuni. Such analyses of the pedigree of groups can improve the management of group‐living species in ex situ breeding programs. Firstly, it enables better management decisions based on more accurate genetic measures between groups, allowing for greater control of inbreeding. Secondly, it can improve the conditions in which group‐living species are held by adapting husbandry practices to better reflect conditions of these species living in the wild. The use of the spreadsheet and group2PMx extends the application of PMx, allowing conservation managers and other institutions outside the zoo and aquarium community to easily import and analyze their pedigree data.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is positively linked to the viability and evolutionary potential of species but is often compromised in threatened taxa. Genetic rescue by gene flow from a more diverse or differentiated source population of the same species can be an effective strategy for alleviating inbreeding depression and boosting evolutionary potential. The helmeted honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix is a critically endangered subspecies of the common yellow‐tufted honeyeater. Cassidix has declined to a single wild population of ~130 birds, despite being subject to intensive population management over recent decades. We assessed changes in microsatellite diversity in cassidix over the last four decades and used population viability analysis to explore whether genetic rescue through hybridization with the neighbouring Lichenostomus melanops gippslandicus subspecies constitutes a viable conservation strategy. The contemporary cassidix population is characterized by low genetic diversity and effective population size (Ne < 50), suggesting it is vulnerable to inbreeding depression and will have limited capacity to evolve to changing environments. We find that gene flow from gippslandicus to cassidix has declined substantially relative to pre‐1990 levels and argue that natural levels of gene flow between the two subspecies should be restored. Allowing gene flow (~4 migrants per generation) from gippslandicus into cassidix (i.e. genetic rescue), in combination with continued annual release of captive‐bred cassidix (i.e. demographic rescue), should lead to positive demographic and genetic outcomes. Although we consider the risk of outbreeding depression to be low, we recommend that genetic rescue be managed within the context of the captive breeding programme, with monitoring of outcomes.  相似文献   

For threatened species with small captive populations, it is advisable to incorporate conservation management strategies that minimize inbreeding in an effort to avoid inbreeding depression. Using multilocus microsatellite genotype data, we found a significant negative relationship between genetic relatedness (inbreeding) and reproductive success (fitness) in a captive population of the critically endangered Black Stilt or KakīHimantopus novaezelandiae. In an effort to avoid inbreeding depression in this iconic New Zealand endemic, we recommend re‐pairing closely related captive birds with less related individuals and pairing new captive birds with distantly related individuals.  相似文献   

Matschie's tree kangaroo (Dendrolagus matschiei) is an endangered species that has been bred in captivity since the 1970s. In 1992, the Tree Kangaroo Species Survival Plan® (TKSSP) was established to coordinate the captive management of Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) D. matschiei. The TKSSP makes annual breeding recommendations primarily based on the mean kinship (MK) strategy. Captive breeding programs often use the MK strategy to preserve genetic diversity in small populations—to avoid the negative consequences of inbreeding and retain their adaptive potential. The ability of a captive breeding program to retain the population's genetic diversity over time can be evaluated by comparing the genetic diversity of the captive population to wild populations. We analyzed DNA extracted from blood and fecal samples from AZA (n = 71), captive (n = 28), and wild (n = 22) D. matschiei using eight microsatellite markers and sequenced the partial mitochondrial DNA control region gene. AZA D. matschiei had a similar expected heterozygosity (He = 0.595±0.184) compared with wild D. matschiei (He = 0.628±0.143), but they had different allelic frequencies (FST = 0.126; P<0.001). AZA D. matschiei haplotype diversity was almost two times lower than wild D. matschiei (). These data will assist management of AZA D. matschiei and serve as a baseline for AZA and wild D. matschiei genetic diversity values that could be used to monitor future changes in their genetic diversity. Zoo Biol 30:636–646, 2011. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Maintaining genetic diversity is a crucial goal of intensive management of threatened species, particularly for those populations that act as sources for translocation or re‐introduction programmes. Most captive genetic management is based on pedigrees and a neutral theory of inheritance, an assumption that may be violated by selective forces operating in captivity. Here, we explore the conservation consequences of early viability selection: differential offspring survival that occurs prior to management or research observations, such as embryo deaths in utero. If early viability selection produces genotypic deviations from Mendelian predictions, it may undermine management strategies intended to minimize inbreeding and maintain genetic diversity. We use empirical examples to demonstrate that straightforward approaches, such as comparing litter sizes of inbred vs. noninbred breeding pairs, can be used to test whether early viability selection likely impacts estimates of inbreeding depression. We also show that comparing multilocus genotype data to pedigree predictions can reveal whether early viability selection drives systematic biases in genetic diversity, patterns that would not be detected using pedigree‐based statistics alone. More sophisticated analysis combining genomewide molecular data with pedigree information will enable conservation scientists to test whether early viability selection drives deviations from neutrality across wide stretches of the genome, revealing whether this form of selection biases the pedigree‐based statistics and inference upon which intensive management is based.  相似文献   

The minimization of kinship in captive populations is usually achieved through the use of pedigree information. However, pedigree knowledge alone is not sufficient if pedigree information is missing, questionable, or when the founders of the captive population are related to one another. If this is the case, higher levels of inbreeding and lower levels of genetic diversity may be present in a captive population than those calculated by pedigree analyses alone. In this study, the genetic status of the critically endangered Mississippi sandhill crane (MSC) (Grus canadensis pulla) was analyzed using studbook data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service managed captive breeding program as well as microsatellite DNA data. These analyses provided information on shared founder genotypes, allowing for refined analysis of genetic variation in the population, and the development of a new DNA-based studbook pedigree that will assist in the genetic management of the MSC population.  相似文献   

Captive‐breeding programs have been widely used in the conservation of imperiled species, but the effects of inbreeding, frequently expressed in traits related to fitness, are nearly unavoidable in small populations with few founders. Following its planned extirpation in the wild, the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) was preserved in captivity with just 14 founders. In this study, we evaluated the captive red wolf population for relationships between inbreeding and reproductive performance and fitness. Over 30 years of managed breeding, the level of inbreeding in the captive population has increased, and litter size has declined. Inbreeding levels were lower in sire and dam wolves that reproduced than in those that did not reproduce. However, there was no difference in the inbreeding level of actual litters and predicted litters. Litter size was negatively affected by offspring and paternal levels of inbreeding, but the effect of inbreeding on offspring survival was restricted to a positive influence. There was no apparent relationship between inbreeding and method of rearing offspring. The observable effects of inbreeding in the captive red wolf population currently do not appear to be a limiting factor in the conservation of the red wolf population. Additional studies exploring the extent of the effects of inbreeding will be required as inbreeding levels increase in the captive population. Zoo Biol 29:36–49, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fruit bats of the genus Pteropus are important contributors to ecosystem maintenance on islands through their roles as pollinators and seed dispersers. However, island faunas are the most prone to extinction and there is a real need to assess the possible genetic implications of population reductions in terms of extinction risk. An effective method of ameliorating extinction risk in endangered species is the establishment of captive populations ex situ. The effectiveness of captive breeding programmes may be assessed by comparing the genetic variability of captive colonies to that of wild counterparts. Here, we use polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess genetic variability in wild, critically endangered Rodrigues fruit bats (Pteropus rodricensis, Dobson 1878) and we compare this variability to that in a captive colony. We document remarkable conservation of genetic variability in both the wild and captive populations, despite population declines and founder events. Our results demonstrate that the wild population has withstood the negative effects of population reductions and that captive breeding programmes can fulfil the goals of retaining genetic diversity and limiting inbreeding.  相似文献   

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