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In the traditional sense, several families of Chlorococcales sensu lato , such as Golenkiniaceae, Micractiniaceae, and Scenedesmaceae contained taxa with bristle formation, whereas the Chlorellaceae contained only genera without bristles. However, phylogenetic analyses of the small subunit (SSU) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA sequences have shown that the genera Micractinium, Diacanthos (formerly Micractiniaceae) and Didymogenes (formerly Scenedesmaceae) are closely related to the genus Chlorella . The bristle formation within the Chlorella -clade is originated independently in four lineages: Micractinium pusillum, Diacanthos belenophorus, Didymogenes anomala , and Micractinium parvulum (also known as Golenkinia minutissima ). The latter species is to exclude from the genus Micractinium . Consequently, we proposed the new genus Hegewaldia and transferred M. parvulum to this genus. In contrast, Diacanthos belenophorus is closely related to Micractinium pusillum . As a result, the new combination ( Micractinium belenophorum comb. nov.) is proposed. Comparisons of the secondary structure of ITS-1 and ITS-2 rDNA sequences among the strains of Didymogenes and Hegewaldia are provided to support the species concept in these genera.  相似文献   

Symbiotic algae of the ciliate Paramecium bursaria (Ehrenberg) Focker are key species in the fields of virology and molecular evolutionary biology as well as in the biology of symbiotic relationships. These symbiotic algae were once identified as Zoochlorella conductrix Brandt by the Dutch microbiologist, Beijerinck 120 years ago. However, after many twists and turns, the algae are today treated as nameless organisms. Recent molecular analyses have revealed several different algal partners depending on P. bursaria strains, but nearly all P. bursaria contains a symbiont belonging to either the so‐called ‘American’ or ‘European’ group. The absence of proper names for these algae is beginning to provoke ill effects in the above‐mentioned study areas. In the present study, we confirmed the genetic autonomy of the ‘American’ and ‘European’ groups and described the symbionts as Chlorella variabilis Shihira et Krauss and Micractinium reisseri Hoshina, Iwataki et Imamura sp. nov., respectively (Chlorellaceae, Trebouxiophyceae).  相似文献   

Correctly identifying species of Chlorella-like microalgae is difficult because of their morphological simplicity and high phenotypic plasticity. The use of molecular tools has revolutionized research on algal diversity, enabling such advances as the discovery of numerous new taxa. This article presents the results of a study of strains that are newly isolated from a freshwater Lake Prudovikov (Samara region, Russian Federation). These strains had the typical Chlorella morphology, exhibiting spherical cells and a cup-shaped parietal chloroplast. The chloroplast contained a single pyrenoid enveloped by starch grains. However, 18S–ITS1–5.8S–ITS2 sequence analyses indicated that the studied strains are strongly allied with the well-supported genus Micractinium. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of the morphological, molecular and environmental characteristics of the studied strains (employing a polyphasic approach), we propose that they are new species of Micractinium: Micractinium kostikovii sp. nov.  相似文献   

Many freshwater protists harbor unicellular green algae within their cells and these host‐symbiont relationships slowly are becoming better understood. Recently, we reported that several ciliate species shared a single species of symbiotic algae. Nonetheless, the algae from different host ciliates were each distinguishable by their different genotypes, and these host‐algal genotype combinations remained unchanged throughout a 15‐month period of sampling from natural populations. The same algal species had been reported as the shared symbiont of several ciliates from a remote lake. Consequently, this alga appears to play a key role in ciliate‐algae symbioses. In the present study, we successfully isolated the algae from ciliate cells and established unialgal cultures. This species is herein named Brandtia ciliaticola gen. et sp. nov. and has typical ‘Chlorella‐like’ morphology, being a spherical autosporic coccoid with a single chloroplast containing a pyrenoid. The alga belongs to the Chlorella‐clade in Chlorellaceae (Trebouxiophyceae), but it is not strongly connected to any of the other genera in this group. In addition to this phylogenetic distinctiveness, a unique compensatory base change in the SSU rRNA gene is decisive in distinguishing this genus. Sequences of SSU‐ITS (internal transcribed spacer) rDNA for each isolate were compared to those obtained previously from the same host ciliate. Consistent algal genotypes were recovered from each host, which strongly suggests that B. ciliaticola has established a persistent symbiosis in each ciliate species.  相似文献   

Subcultures of SAG 211–9b and 1AM C-211, ultimately derived from CCAP 211/9b, a strain isolated by Pringsheim in 1939 and identified as Chlorella sac-charophila (Kruger) Migula were observed using light and electron microscopy. Their morphology proved to be basically identical. Both have two forms of cells, one (E-form) narrowly to broadly ellipsoidal, the other (S-form) ovoid to spheroidal. The cell wall of both forms is composed of a single smooth layer. The chloroplast of young cells is trough-like or saucer-shaped with a smooth margin, while that of mature cells is band- or cup-shaped with deep incisions. The thylakoid lamellae are loosely stacked and neither form has a pyrenoid. Both types of cells are capable of producing autospores: eight to 16 in E-form cells, two to four in S-form cells. These morphological features are different from those of C. saccharophila, which has a pyrenoid and produces only one form of autospores. In the absence of any existing genus that includes Chlorella-like algae with a simple cell wall, no pyrenoid, and two forms of mature cells and autospores, a new genus, Watanabea, is proposed with the type species W. reniformis.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic and morphological study of green algae resembling Ulva conglobata from Japan was undertaken, along with morphological observations of the original material of U. conglobata Kjellman. The samples resembling U. conglobata included five genetically distinct species: U. fasciata, U. pertusa, U. tanneri, Ulva sp. 1 and Ulva sp. 2. The discovery of marginal denticulations in some of the original material of U. conglobata, made it possible to distinguish those species without denticulations: U. pertusa, U. tanneri and Ulva sp. 2. The morphological characteristics of Ulva sp. 1 matched those of U. conglobata, but Ulva sp. 1 was not clearly identified as U. conglobata owing to the lack of DNA sequence data of the original material. Ulva sp. 2 had lobes adhering to each other by rhizoids. This morphological feature is stable in Ulva sp. 2 and unique among Ulva species. In conjunction with the molecular data, Ulva sp. 2 was described as a new species, U. adhaerens sp. nov. This species features rhizoidal extensions in regions other than the base and an elaborate arrangement of the extensions used for adhesion. It thereby expands our knowledge of the morphogenesis of the morphologically simple genus Ulva.  相似文献   

Distinctive spindle‐shaped thecae first described by Samuel Eddy in 1930 and assigned to the genus Peridinium Ehrenberg are commonly reported from freshwater environments in eastern North America. We demonstrate that thecae incubated from cysts of Peridinium wisconsinense Eddy have six cingular plates and a protuberant apical pore complex characteristic of the family Thoracosphaeraceae Schiller 1930 emend. Tangen in Tangen et al . 1982. Small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences confirm the close genetic similarity with Chimonodinium lomnickii (Wo?oszyńska) Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg, Gert Hansen & Moestrup and with species recently reassigned to the genus Apocalathium Craveiro, Daugbjerg, Moestrup & Calado that was inferred from previously published LSU rDNA analysis of cysts of P. wisconsinense . Despite sharing identical tabulation with the thoracosphaeracean genera Chimonodinium Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg, Gert Hansen & Moestrup and Apocalathium , substantial morphological differences in the morphology of both the thecate and cyst stages of P. wisconsinense led us to reassign this species to the genus Fusiperidinium gen. nov. The phylogenetic position of Fusiperidinium wisconsinense comb. nov., inferred from concatenated data of SSU and LSU sequences, suggests that it evolved from the brackish Scrippsiella lineage, independently of the transition that produced the family Peridiniaceae. Cysts described as Geiselodinium tyonekensis Engelhardt from nonmarine strata from Alaska are apparently identical to the resistant cysts produced by F. wisconsinense . The palynologically‐constrained late Middle Miocene age for the Tyonek Formation provides a minimum age of 11.6 Ma for the evolution of this lineage, coinciding with a rapid glacioeustatic decline in sea level. Our findings also call into question the inclusion of the family Thoracosphaeraceae within the order Peridiniales Haeckel.  相似文献   

Cryptic and pseudo-cryptic species are common amongst marine phytoplankton, and may cause misleading inferences of ecological and physiological data of plankton community studies. Deciphering the diversity and distribution of species of the benthic dinoflagellate Ostreopsis is one example, as there are many morphologically indistinct clades that differ greatly genetically and toxicologically from one another. In this study, a new species, Ostreopsis rhodesae from the southern Great Barrier Reef was described. While it initially appeared to be highly similar to several other Ostreopsis species, we found O. rhodesae can be distinguished based on the relative size of the second apical plate (2′), which is twice as long as the APC plate, and separates the third apical (3′) from the third precingular (3′′) plate. Phylogenetic trees based on the SSU, ITS/5.8S and D1-D2 and D8-D10 regions of the LSU rRNA were well supported, and showed a clear difference to other Ostreopsis clades. Compensatory base changes (CBCs) were identified in helices of the ITS2 between O. rhodesae and O. cf. ovata and O. cf. siamensis, which were also present in the same habitat. Fish gill cell lines were toxic to O. rhodesae, cell extracts but no palytoxin-like analogues were found in them. The findings highlight a case of pseudo-cryptic speciation, found in sympatry with closely related and morphologically similar species, but biologically and functionally distinct.  相似文献   

Spiny-surfaced species of Prorocentrum form harmful algal blooms, and its taxonomic identity is obscure due to the size and shape variability. Molecular phylogenies reveal two major clades: one for P. cordatum with sequences mainly retrieved as P. minimum, and the other for P. shikokuense with sequences also retrieved as P. dentatum and P. donghaiense. Several closely related clades still need to be characterized. Here, we provide nuclear SSU and LSU rRNA genes, and nuclear ITS region (ITS1-5.8S gene-ITS2) sequences of the strain CCMP3122 isolated from Florida (initially named P. donghaiense) and strains Prorocentrum sp. RCC6871–2 from the Ross Sea, Antarctica. We describe Prorocentrum thermophilum sp. nov. based on the strain CCMP3122, a species also distributed in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico, New Zealand, and the Arabian Gulf; and Prorocentrum criophilum sp. nov. based on the strain RCC6872, which is distributed in the Antarctic Ocean and Arctic Sea. Prorocentrum thermophilum is roundish (~14 μm long, ~12 μm wide), with an inconspicuous anterior spine-like prolongation under light microscopy, valves with tiny, short knobs (5–7 per μm2), and several (<7) large trichocyst pores (~0.3 μm) in the right valve, as well as smaller pores (~0.15 μm). Prorocentrum criophilum is round in valve view (~11 μm long, 10 μm wide) and asymmetrically roundish in lateral view, the periflagellar area was not discernible under light microscopy, valves with very tiny, short knobs (6–10 per μm2), and at least 12 large pores in the right valve. Other potentially undescribed species of spiny-surfaced Prorocentrum are discussed.  相似文献   

A root-knot nematode Meloidogyne thailandica n. sp. was discovered on roots of ginger (Zingiber spp.) intercepted from Thailand in October 2002 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service at the port of San Francisco. Comparison by light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to five other morphologically related species (M. incognita, M. arenaria, M. microcephala, M. megatyla, and M. enterolobii) revealed that the new species differs from these by one or more of the following: body, tail and hyaline tail length, shape of head, tail and tail terminus of second-stage juveniles; stylet length and shape of spicules in males; perineal pattern, stylet length and shape of knobs in females. The distinctive perineal pattern is oval to rectangular, with smooth to moderately wavy and coarse striae, and with characteristic radial structures present underneath the pattern area; the dorsal arch is high, sometimes round to rectangular, and striae in and around the anal area form a thick network-like pattern interrupted by lateral lines and large phasmids. Second-stage juveniles have a long, slender tail and long, gradually tapering hyaline tail region ending in a rounded terminus. Male spicules commonly have an acutely angled shaft with a bidentate terminus. Molecular data from the ribosomal large subunit D3 expansion segment revealed four haplotypes, two of which were unique and distinguish M. thailandica n. sp. from M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica.  相似文献   

Recent morphology-based investigations of freshwater Arctic diatoms suggest that many species remain to be discovered, reflecting a unique polar flora. During a survey of the freshwater diatom flora of northern Billefjorden, including the Petuniabukta fjord region (Spitsbergen), several morphodemes belonging to the Achnanthidium minutissimum species complex were recorded. Molecular phylogenies based on rbcL, 28S and 18S sequences, including single cells from Canada and strains from Marion Island (sub-Antarctica) and GenBank revealed the presence of 12 distinct A. minutissimum complex lineages, of which three contained strains from Spitsbergen. One Arctic lineage is described as a new species. Achnanthidium digitatum sp. nov. is morphologically characterized by narrow, linear to only slightly lanceolate valves and usually two areolae per stria. The two remaining Arctic lineages are in need of a more complete morphological and molecular comparison with other representatives of the A. minutissimum complex to clarify their taxonomic identity. It is argued that implementation of molecular data in the taxonomy of Achnanthidium will be essential to solve the taxonomic problems associated with this group, eventually resulting in a better understanding of the biogeography and niche differentiation of different species belonging to the A. minutissimum complex. Ideally, this should be based on more variable genes than the currently widely used 18S, which does not have a species level resolution in the A. minutissimum complex.  相似文献   

A new miniature species of the endemic Neotropical genus Hyphydrophilus (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha, Geophilidae) is described and illustrated, after the holotype female and paratype female, from the Yungas rainforest of Salta province, northwestern Argentina. H. minellii sp. nov. is compared in detail with the other two species currently assigned to the taxon, i.e. H. adisi Pereira, Minelli & Barbieri, 1994 and H. projectus Pereira, Foddai & Minelli, 2000, both from Brazil, from which it differs by the presence of a small slightly sclerotized and inwards directed process of internal limbs of tentorium. Other unique traits of the new taxon are the relatively high number of leg-bearing segments (59), antennal articles I–IV with numerous large setae on the latero-external side, apical medial edge of forcipular trochanteroprefemur with a well-developed slightly pigmented tooth, dorsal and ventral medial edges of the forcipular tarsungulum slightly serrate, sternal pore-fields present on anterior region of the trunk only. This is the first report of the genus Hyphydrophilus from Argentina and the Yungas forests; previously it was only known to occur in Central Brazilian Amazonia, thus the present record represents a remarkable extension of the known range of this taxon.  相似文献   

Stunt nematodes are characterized by phenotypic plasticity, with overlapping morphology and morphometry leading to potential misidentification. Consequently, the application of integrative taxonomic approaches is useful to species delimitation based on a combination of different perspectives, e.g. morphology and DNA sequences. We conducted nematode surveys in cultivated and natural environments in Spain and the USA, from which we identified 18 known species of the family Telotylenchidae and two new taxa within the studied samples. These species were morphologically, morphometrically, and molecularly characterized. The results of light and scanning electron microscopic observations, and molecular and phylogenetic analysis also allowed two new species to be distinguished, described herein as B itylenchus hispaniensis sp. nov. and T ylenchorhynchus mediterraneus sp. nov. The phylogenetic analysis was carried out using molecular data from nuclear ribosomal DNA genes [D2–D3 expansion segments of the large ribosomal subunit (28S), internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and partial small ribosomal subunit (18S)]. We also provide here a test of alternative hypotheses that confirms the monophyly of both Tylenchorhynchus and Bitylenchus sensu Siddiqi's classification but does not support Fortuner & Luc's conceptual view of Tylenchorhynchus as a large genus. Ancestral state reconstructions of several diagnostic morphological characters using a maximum parsimony approach showed congruence in morphological and molecular evolution for stylet knob inclination and tail tip annulation. Our analysis emphasizes some of the problems related to the taxonomy and phylogeny of nematodes of Telotylenchinae. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Two new pleurostomatid ciliates, Loxophyllum lembum sp. n., L. vesiculosum sp. n., and the poorly known L. perihoplophorum Buddenbrock, 1920, isolated from brackish waters in coastal regions of southern China, are described following observations of live cells and protargol‐impregnated specimens. Loxophyllum lembum sp. n. is distinguished by a combination of characters including two macronuclear nodules, 6–9 contractile vacuoles along the ventral margin, 11–14 right and 6–8 left kineties and the presence of cortical granules. Loxophyllum vesiculosum sp. n. differs from its congeners mainly by the unique distribution of contractile vacuoles, several of which lie along the dorsal margin and one on the ventral margin, and 15–21 right and 6–8 left kineties. Loxophyllum perihoplophorum is characterized by its large cell size (350–450 μm long in vivo), 3–5 contractile vacuoles along the dorsal margin in the posterior region of the body, and 19–23 right and 7–9 left kineties. An improved diagnosis of L. perihoplophorum is provided. The SSU rDNA sequence of L. perihoplophorum is reported for the first time and its molecular phylogeny is analyzed. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses of SSU rDNA sequence data recover the monophyly both of the order Pleurostomatida and of the genus Loxophyllum.  相似文献   

In sixteen moss, lichen and mixed (moss/lichen) samples, collected from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 291 specimens, 48 simplexes, including one exuvium with 6 eggs, and 8 free-laid eggs of eutardigrades were found. In total, 17 species, together with one new to science, were identified (all are new records for the Baltic states): Astatumen bartosi, Diphascon (Adropion) prorsirostre, D. (Diphascon) bullatum, D. (D.) pingue pingue, D. (D.) recamieri, D. (D.) rugosum, Hypsibius convergens, H. dujardini, H. cf. scabropygus, Isohypsibius ronsisvallei, I. sattleri, Macrobiotus harmsworthi harmsworthi, M. hufelandi hufelandi, Milnesium asiaticum, Milnesium tardigradum tardigradum, Minibiotus formosus sp. n. and Paramacrobiotus richtersi. The new species is most similar to Minibiotus gumersindoi, but differs from it mainly by the presence of two types of cuticular pores, the absence of a triangular or pentagonal arrangement of pores above a single large pore on legs, the presence of granulation on all legs and a different macroplacoid length sequence. In this paper we also provide photographs and morphometrics of H. cf. scabropygus.  相似文献   

The biodiversity of terrestrial algae is still grossly understudied, and African deserts in particular are barely touched in this respect. Here, four coccoid green algae from oases in the Western Desert of Egypt were characterized using a combination of morphotaxonomic, ecological and 18S rDNA data, with additional carotenoid and lipid analyses for two of the strains. Three strains were identified as affiliated with known taxa: Mychonastes sp., Asterarcys sp. (first report of this genus from a desert soil), and Stichococcus cf. deasonii. The fourth strain is proposed to represent a new cryptic genus Pharao gen. nov., with the type species P. desertorum sp. nov. The new taxon is sister to the clade of uncharacterized North American desert strains of Radiococcaceae (Chlorophyceae, Chlorophyta). The pigment profile of P. desertorum gen. et sp. nov. revealed carotenoids and chlorophylls typical of green algae. Bioorganic analysis showed a complex lipidome based on phospho‐ (PC), galacto‐ (MGDG and DGDG), betaine‐ (DGTS), and sulfoquinovosyl‐ (SQDG) membrane lipids, besides significant amounts of storage neutral lipids such as diacyl‐ (DAG) and triacylglycerols (TAG). The presence of saturated alkyl chains within all the membrane lipid classes in P. desertorum and Asterarcys sp. appears to reflect the need to maintain membrane fluidity and viscosity. In summary, African deserts likely still harbor new taxa to be described, and lipidomic analyses of such taxa may provide clues about their ability to survive in the extremely harsh desert habitats.  相似文献   

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