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Molecular techniques are making ever more genetic markers available for use in parentage assignment, and measures of relatedness. We present a program, Kinship, designed to use likelihood techniques to test for any non-inbred pedigree relationship between pairs of individuals, using single-locus codominant genetic markers. Kinship calculates the likelihood that each pair of individuals in a data set are related by a given pedigree hypothesis, and likelihood ratios for any pair of hypotheses. The program also uses a simulation routine to attach statistical significance to its results. 相似文献
Florentine Riquet Thierry Comtet Thomas Broquet Frédérique Viard 《Molecular ecology》2017,26(20):5467-5483
In many marine invertebrates, long‐distance dispersal is achieved during an extended pelagic larval phase. Although such dispersal should result in high gene flow over broad spatial scales, fine‐scale genetic structure has often been reported, a pattern attributed to interfamilial variance in reproductive success and limited homogenization during dispersal. To examine this hypothesis, the genetic diversity of dispersing larvae must be compared with the postdispersal stages, that is benthic recruits and adults. Such data remain, however, scarce due to the difficulty to sample and analyse larvae of minute size. Here, we carried out such an investigation using the marine gastropod Crepidula fornicata. Field sampling of three to four larval pools was conducted over the reproductive season and repeated over 3 years. The genetic composition of larval pools, obtained with 16 microsatellite loci, was compared with that of recruits and adults sampled from the same site and years. In contrast to samples of juveniles and adults, large genetic temporal variations between larval pools produced at different times of the same reproductive season were observed. In addition, full‐ and half‐sibs were detected in early larvae and postdispersal juveniles, pointing to correlated dispersal paths between several pairs of individuals. Inbred larvae were also identified. Such collective larval dispersal was unexpected given the long larval duration of the study species. Our results suggest that each larval pool is produced by a small effective number of reproducers but that, over a reproductive season, the whole larval pool is produced by large numbers of reproducers across space and time. 相似文献
CHRIS D. LOWE STEPHEN J. KEMP IAN F. HARVEY DAVID J. THOMPSON PHILLIP C. WATTS 《Molecular ecology resources》2007,7(5):880-882
We isolated and characterized 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the azure damselfly Coenagrion puella (Zygoptera; Coenagrionidae) as part of a study assessing reproductive success and genetic structure in an isolated population of this species. Levels of genetic diversity were assessed in 50 individuals collected from Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Hampshire, UK. The number of alleles per microsatellite loci ranged from three to 22 and the observed and expected heterozygosities varied between 0.26 and 0.84 and between 0.23 and 0.91, respectively. Two loci showed significant (P < 0.05) heterozygote deficits, likely because of null (non‐amplifying) alleles; one pair of loci was in linkage disequilibrium. 相似文献
Maureen A. Hess Craig D. Rabe Jason L. Vogel Jeff J. Stephenson Doug D. Nelson Shawn R. Narum 《Molecular ecology》2012,21(21):5236-5250
While supportive breeding programmes strive to minimize negative genetic impacts to populations, case studies have found evidence for reduced fitness of artificially produced individuals when they reproduce in the wild. Pedigrees of two complete generations were tracked with molecular markers to investigate differences in reproductive success (RS) of wild and hatchery‐reared Chinook salmon spawning in the natural environment to address questions regarding the demographic and genetic impacts of supplementation to a natural population. Results show a demographic boost to the population from supplementation. On average, fish taken into the hatchery produced 4.7 times more adult offspring, and 1.3 times more adult grand‐offspring than naturally reproducing fish. Of the wild and hatchery fish that successfully reproduced, we found no significant differences in RS between any comparisons, but hatchery‐reared males typically had lower RS values than wild males. Mean relative reproductive success (RRS) for hatchery F1 females and males was 1.11 (P = 0.84) and 0.89 (P = 0.56), respectively. RRS of hatchery‐reared fish (H) that mated in the wild with either hatchery or wild‐origin (W) fish was generally equivalent to W × W matings. Mean RRS of H × W and H × H matings was 1.07 (P = 0.92) and 0.94 (P = 0.95), respectively. We conclude that fish chosen for hatchery rearing did not have a detectable negative impact on the fitness of wild fish by mating with them for a single generation. Results suggest that supplementation following similar management practices (e.g. 100% local, wild‐origin brood stock) can successfully boost population size with minimal impacts on the fitness of salmon in the wild. 相似文献
L. M. Van Camp K. M. Saint S. Donnellan J. N. Havenhand P. G. Fairweather 《Molecular ecology resources》2003,3(4):654-655
Recent decades have seen the fast growth of cephalopod fisheries but their management is compromised by the critical gaps in our knowledge of cephalopod life histories. Molecular markers are invaluable tools for studying the evolutionary significance and management implications of variation in mating systems. We have developed seven polymorphic microsatellite loci for mating system analysis in the southern calamari Sepioteuthis australis Quoy & Gaimard 1833 using magnetic enrichment and colony hybridization techniques. Observed heterozygosities range from 32% to 100% and will have sufficient power to examine the relative success of alternate mating strategies in S. australis. 相似文献
Ilana Janowitz‐Koch Craig Rabe Ryan Kinzer Doug Nelson Maureen A. Hess Shawn R. Narum 《Evolutionary Applications》2019,12(3):456-469
While the goal of supplementation programs is to provide positive, population‐level effects for species of conservation concern, these programs can also present an inherent fitness risk when captive‐born individuals are fully integrated into the natural population. In order to evaluate the long‐term effects of a supplementation program and estimate the demographic and phenotypic factors influencing the fitness of a threatened population of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), we genotyped tissue samples spanning a 19‐year period (1998–2016) to generate pedigrees from adult fish returning to Johnson Creek, Idaho, USA. We expanded upon previous estimates of relative reproductive success (RRS) to include grandparentage analyses and used generalized linear models to determine whether origin (hatchery or natural) or phenotypic traits (timing of arrival to spawning grounds, body length, and age) significantly predicted reproductive success (RS) across multiple years. Our results provide evidence that this supplementation program with 100% natural‐origin broodstock provided a long‐term demographic boost to the population (mean of 4.56 times in the first generation and mean of 2.52 times in the second generation). Overall, when spawning in nature, hatchery‐origin fish demonstrated a trend toward lower RS compared to natural‐origin fish (p < 0.05). However, when hatchery‐origin fish successfully spawned with natural‐origin fish, they had similar RS compared to natural by natural crosses (first‐generation mean hatchery by natural cross RRS = 1.11 females, 1.13 males; second‐generation mean hatchery by natural cross RRS = 1.03 females, 1.08 males). While origin, return year, and body length were significant predictors of fitness for both males and females (p < 0.05), return day was significant for males but not females (p > 0.05). These results indicate that supplementation programs that reduce the potential for genetic adaptation to captivity can be effective at increasing population abundance while limiting long‐term fitness effects on wild populations. 相似文献
The application of genetic techniques has provided valuable new insights into primate evolution and behavior. Important techniques include the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), where in exponential amounts of a target DNA sequence are produced via enzymatic amplification. This allows DNA to be analyzed from fecal droppings, which is particularly beneficial in field studies. Fragments containing hypervariable microsatellites can be amplified and subsequently typed. Also parts of the mitochondrial DNA can be amplified and subsequently sequenced. These methods have been applied with great success to determine familial relationships and, on a smaller scale, relationships among lineages and social groups, and the redefinition of the interface between social behavior, social structure and population genetics. Moreover, it has become possible, to a degree, to study genetic variation as it relates directly to adaptive evolution, as the maintenance of genetic variation has become accessible to analysis. 相似文献
Supplementation of wild populations with captive-bred organisms is a common practice for conservation of threatened wild populations. Yet it is largely unknown whether such programmes actually help population size recovery. While a negative genetic effect of captive breeding that decreases fitness of captive-bred organisms has been detected, there is no direct evidence for a carry-over effect of captive breeding in their wild-born descendants, which would drag down the fitness of the wild population in subsequent generations. In this study, we use genetic parentage assignments to reconstruct a pedigree and estimate reproductive fitness of the wild-born descendants of captive-bred parents in a supplemented population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The estimated fitness varied among years, but overall relative reproductive fitness was only 37 per cent in wild-born fish from two captive-bred parents and 87 per cent in those from one captive-bred and one wild parent (relative to those from two wild parents). Our results suggest a significant carry-over effect of captive breeding, which has negative influence on the size of the wild population in the generation after supplementation. In this population, the population fitness could have been 8 per cent higher if there was no carry-over effect during the study period. 相似文献
Lucia R. Weinman Joseph W. Solomon Dustin R. Rubenstein 《Molecular ecology resources》2015,15(3):502-511
E. A. HERRERA M. E. CHEMELLO E. A. LACEY V. SALAS B. F. SOUSA 《Molecular ecology resources》2004,4(4):541-543
Fourteen microsatellite loci were isolated from capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), which are large, diurnal social rodents that occur in the wet savannas of South America. Five of these loci were monomorphic. The remaining nine loci were polymorphic (two to seven alleles per locus), with observed levels of heterozygosity ranging from 0.063 to 0.800 (n = 17 animals). The latter loci provide a valuable tool for assessing patterns of parentage and kinship within capybara social groups. 相似文献
For many species in nature, a sire's progeny may be distributed among a few or many dams. This poses logistical challenges--typically much greater across males than across females--for assessing means and variances in mating success (number of mates) and reproductive success (number of progeny). Here we overcome these difficulties by exhaustively analyzing a population of green swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri) for genetic paternity (and maternity) using a suite of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Genetic analyses of 1476 progeny from 69 pregnant females and 158 candidate sires revealed pronounced skews in male reproductive success both within and among broods. These skews were statistically significant, greater than in females, and correlated in males but not in females with mating success. We also compare the standardized variances in swordtail reproductive success to the few such available estimates for other taxa, notably several mammal species with varied mating systems and degrees of sexual dimorphism. The comparison showed that the opportunity for selection on male X. helleri is among the highest yet reported in fishes, and it is intermediate compared to estimates available for mammals. This study is one of a few exhaustive genetic assessments of joint-sex parentage in a natural fish population, and results are relevant to the operation of sexual selection in this sexually dimorphic, high-fecundity species. 相似文献
We analysed the polygynous mating system of the bat Saccopteryx bilineata using behaviour observations and genetic data on 11 microsatellite DNA loci. Basic social units in S. bilineata are harem groups that consist of single males and up to eight females. Colonies comprise several harem groups, and the composition of colonies and harems is often stable over several reproductive seasons. The combination of parentage exclusion and likelihood-based parentage assignment in this study produced detailed parentage information for a large colony of S. bilineata. Reproduction occurred mostly within the colony (17% extra-colony paternity), but social associations in harems within the colony did not represent reproductive units (70% extra-harem paternity). The latter finding was consistent over three reproductive seasons. Spatial association of the roosting sites of males and females could not explain parentage patterns in the colony. Even though intra-harem paternity was less frequent than expected, it contributed significantly to reproduction of harem males. On average, the number of offspring sired by a male with females in his harem territory increased significantly with harem size, which corresponds to the higher energetic investment that is related to the maintenance of large harems. However, extra-harem paternity was not correlated with a male's harem size or intra-harem reproductive success. This suggests that individual preferences of females rather than male traits associated with the ability to defend large harems are most likely to cause the detected differences between social association and genetic mating system. 相似文献
Susan M. Haig James R. Belthoff David H. Allen 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1993,47(1):185-194
The degree to which DNA similarity is related to kinship and population structure in natural populations was investigated for a small population of cooperatively-breeding Red-cockaded Woodpeckers (Picoides borealis) in the western Piedmont region of South Carolina. An independent pedigree was established from records of color-banded individuals. Results of DNA profiles were then examined relative to this pedigree. DNA similarity among unrelated woodpeckers averaged 0.55 ± 0.01 (SE). The mean number of DNA bands scored and similarity did not significantly differ between founders and the current population. Examination of parentage in 10 families indicated that multiple paternity did not occur when band by band comparisons or similarity values were compared among parents, helpers, and offspring. Thus, Red-cockaded Woodpeckers were monogamous in this population. DNA similarity among all individuals ranged from 0.32-0.78. Distribution of these similarity values by kinship resulted in some overlap with other kin values. Therefore, specific similarity values could not be assigned a kinship value without knowledge of the pedigree. However, least-squares linear regression indicated that similarity was significantly related to kinship (P < 0.05). These results indicate that use of DNA profiles may be important in quantifying population structure, however, they must be used in conjunction with a known pedigree before any assessment of kinship among individuals is made. Band by band comparisons remain a viable technique for examination of parentage when all putative parents have been sampled. 相似文献
Hugo B. Harrison Pablo Saenz‐Agudelo Serge Planes Geoffrey P. Jones Michael L. Berumen 《Molecular ecology》2013,22(23):5738-5742
Genetic parentage analyses provide a practical means with which to identify parent–offspring relationships in the wild. In Harrison et al.'s study (2013a), we compare three methods of parentage analysis and showed that the number and diversity of microsatellite loci were the most important factors defining the accuracy of assignments. Our simulations revealed that an exclusion‐Bayes theorem method was more susceptible to false‐positive and false‐negative assignments than other methods tested. Here, we analyse and discuss the trade‐off between type I and type II errors in parentage analyses. We show that controlling for false‐positive assignments, without reporting type II errors, can be misleading. Our findings illustrate the need to estimate and report both the rate of false‐positive and false‐negative assignments in parentage analyses. 相似文献
Megan V. McPhee;Patrick D. Barry;Chris Habicht;Scott C. Vulstek;Joshua R. Russell;William W. Smoker;John E. Joyce;Anthony J. Gharrett; 《Evolutionary Applications》2024,17(2):e13640
Evaluating salmon hatchery supplementation programs requires assessing not only program objectives but identifying potential risks to wild populations as well. Such evaluations can be hampered by difficulty in distinguishing between hatchery- and wild-born returning adults. Here, we conducted 3 years (2011–2013) of experimental hatchery supplementation of sockeye salmon in Auke Lake, Juneau, Alaska where a permanent weir allows sampling and genotyping of every returning adult (2008–2019). We identified both hatchery- and wild-born returning adults with parentage assignment, quantified the productivity (adult offspring/spawner) of hatchery spawners relative to that of wild spawners, and compared run timing, age, and size at age between hatchery- and wild-born adults. Hatchery-spawning females produced from approximately six to 50 times more returning adults than did naturally spawning females. Supplementation had no discernable effect on run timing and limited consequences for size at age, but we observed a distinct shift to younger age at maturity in the hatchery-born individuals in all three brood years. The shift appeared to be driven by hatchery-born fish being more likely to emigrate after one, rather than two, years in the lake but the cause is unknown. In cases when spawning or incubation habitat is limiting sockeye salmon production, hatchery supplementation can be effective for enhancing the number of returning adult fish but not without the risk of phenotypic change in the recipient population, which can be an undesired outcome of hatchery supplementation. This study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that phenotypic change within a single generation of captive spawning might be widespread in salmon hatchery programs. 相似文献
Lebas NR 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(1):193-203
It is now evident that the genetic mating system can be very different to the observed mating system. However, it is less well known what makes particular individuals more (or less) successful than expected from the observed system. In this study the observed territorial structure of a field population of the agamid lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus, was compared with the mating system as evidenced by microsatellite parentage assignment. This study also investigated whether any male traits predicted reproductive success. Sixty-five per cent of clutches were sired at least partially by a male other than the main territory-holding male and 35% of clutches were sired by a male with no overlap of the female's territory. Multiple paternity was moderately frequent at 25% of clutches. Male chest patch size predicted territory size and the number of females in the territory, but did not predict reproductive success. Instead, male head depth and body size were independently related to the number of offspring sired. As male head depth also predicted the number of females in a territory, these males are likely to be gaining increased reproductive success as a consequence of the higher number of females in their territories. Larger body size males, however, did not have a greater number of females in their territory and instead had more extra-territorial copulations. Whether these extra-territorial copulations are due to female choice or success in male competition is unknown. 相似文献
JINLIANG WANG 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(9):1898-1913
Genetic marker‐based parentage analyses are widely applied to studies of natural populations in the fields of evolutionary biology, conservation biology and ecology. When the same markers used in a parentage analysis are used together with the inferred parentage in a downstream analysis, such as the analysis of mate choice in terms of heterozygosity or relatedness, a bias may be incurred because a subset of the genotypes are favoured in parentage assignments or non‐exclusions. A previous simulation study shows that exclusion‐based paternity analyses are biased in favour of heterozygous males, and males less related to the mothers than expected under random mating. In this study, I investigated the biases of genetic paternity analyses achieved by both exclusion‐ and likelihood‐based methods, using both analytical and simulation approaches. It is concluded that while both exclusion‐ and likelihood‐based methods can lead to biased paternity assignments or non‐exclusions in favour of a subset of genotypes, the bias is not consistently towards heterozygous males or males apparently less related to mothers. Both the direction and extent of the bias depend heavily on the allele frequency distribution and the number of markers, the methods used for paternity assignments, and the estimators of relatedness. There exist important differences in the patterns of the biases between exclusion‐ and likelihood‐based paternity analysis methods. It is concluded that the markers, except when they are highly informative to yield accurate paternity assignments or exclusions, should be split into two subsets which are used separately in the paternity and downstream analyses. 相似文献
Anthony C. Fiumera J. Andrew Dewoody Marjorie A. Asmussen John C. Avise 《Evolutionary ecology》2002,16(6):549-565
Statistical methods for estimating genetic parentage are increasingly applied to accommodate limited marker polymorphism and the incomplete sampling of individuals. Neff et al. (2000a, Mol. Ecol. 9, 515–528; 2000b, Mol. Ecol. 9, 529–539) published a method (Pat) that estimates the proportion of next-generation individuals sired by a focal male, taking into account that the male may be genetically compatible, by random chance, with offspring that are not his own. Here we employ this method to reestimate paternity of 68 nest-guarding males from several fish species. The difference between the conventional exclusion-based estimate and Pat was >0.05 in only four of the 68 (5.9%) fish nests analyzed. An analytical formula shows that the difference between the two estimates is expected to be negligible if the focal male is consistent with a large proportion of the genotyped offspring, or if marker polymorphism is high. In addition, computer simulations illustrate how numbers of marker loci and their levels of genetic polymorphism, as well as the mating system of the organism under study, can influence estimates of paternity derived from exclusion-based estimates and Pat. Finally, we discuss various applications of these estimators including cases where additional biological information is present in the form of behavioral observations on parental care. 相似文献
Our knowledge about genetic mating systems and the underlying causes for and consequences of variation in reproductive success has substantially improved in recent years. When linked to longitudinal population studies, cross-generational pedigrees across wild populations can help answer a wide suite of questions in ecology and evolutionary biology. We used microsatellite markers and exhaustive sampling of two successive adult generations to obtain population-wide estimates of individual reproductive output of males and females in a natural population of the Neotropical frog Allobates femoralis (Aromobatidae), a pan-Amazonian species that features prolonged iteroparous breeding, male territoriality and male parental care. Parentage analysis revealed a polygynandrous mating system in which high proportions of males (35.5%) and females (56.0%) produced progeny that survived until adulthood. Despite contrasting reproductive strategies, successfully reproducing males and females had similar numbers of mating partners that sired the adult progeny (both sexes: median 2; range 1-6); the numbers of their offspring that reached adulthood were also similar (both sexes: median 2; range 1-8). Measures of reproductive skew indicate selection on males only for their opportunity to breed. Reproductive success was significantly higher in territorial than in nonterritorial males, but unrelated to territory size in males or to body size in both sexes. We hypothesize that female polyandry in this species has evolved because of enhanced offspring survival when paternal care is allocated to multiple partners. 相似文献
Griffin Ashleigh S.; Pemberton Josephine M.; Brotherton Peter N. M.; McIlrath Grant; Gaynor David; Kansky Ruth; O'Riain Justin; Clutton-Brock Timothy H. 《Behavioral ecology》2003,14(4):472-480
Measurement of reproductive skew in social groups is fundamentalto understanding the evolution and maintenance of sociality,as it determines the immediate fitness benefits to helpers ofstaying and helping in a group. However, there is a lack ofstudies in natural populations that provide reliable measuresof reproductive skew and the correlates of reproductive success,particularly in vertebrates. We present results of a study thatuses a combination of field and genetic (microsatellite) dataon a cooperatively breeding mongoose, the meerkat (Suricatasuricatta). We sampled 458 individuals from 16 groups at twosites and analyzed parentage of pups in 110 litters with upto 12 microsatellites. We show that there is strong reproductiveskew in favor of dominants, but that the extent of skew differsbetween the sexes and between different sites. Our data suggestthat the reproductive skew arises from incest avoidance andreproductive suppression of the subordinates by the dominants. 相似文献