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Rice sheath blight disease, caused by the basidiomycetous necrotroph Rhizoctonia solani, became one of the major threats to the rice cultivation worldwide, especially after the adoption of high‐yielding varieties. The pathogen is challenging to manage because of its extensively broad host range and high genetic variability and also due to the inability to find any satisfactory level of natural resistance from the available rice germplasm. It is high time to find remedies to combat the pathogen for reducing rice yield losses and subsequently to minimize the threat to global food security. The development of genetic resistance is one of the alternative means to avoid the use of hazardous chemical fungicides. This review mainly focuses on the effort of better understanding the host–pathogen relationship, finding the gene loci/markers imparting resistance response and modifying the host genome through transgenic development. The latest development and trend in the R. solani–rice pathosystem research with gap analysis are provided.  相似文献   

Three tetraploid somatic hybrid lines produced by protoplast fusion between a dihaploid potato, Solanum tuberosum, cultivar BF15 and the wild potato species Solanum berthaultii were evaluated here for their response to different soil‐borne pathogens, that is Fusarium solani, Pythium aphanidermatum and Rhizoctonia solani as well as to infection by potato virus Y (PVY). Both hybrid and BF15 plants grown in vitro were inoculated with the tested pathogen strains, that is R. solani, P. aphanidermatum, or F. solani. The growth level and disease severity index of these plants were compared to the susceptible commercial cultivar Spunta. A better growth of inoculated hybrid plants and restricted disease symptoms were observed in comparison with the commercial plants. Under glasshouse conditions and after inoculation with R. solani and P. aphanidermatum, improved resistance of the hybrid plants to these pathogens was confirmed. Indeed, these plants showed no significant damage following inoculation and a better development in R. solani‐infected plants. The susceptibility of the hybrid tubers to R. solani, P. aphanidermatum, and to F. solani infection was also determined. A significant reduction of tissue colonisation was observed in all the hybrid lines compared to the cultivated cultivars. The STBc and STBd hybrids also showed improved resistance to the PVY ordinary strain (PVYo) under glasshouse conditions.  相似文献   

Plant resistance genes (R genes) harbor tremendous allelic diversity, constituting a robust immune system effective against microbial pathogens. Nevertheless, few functional R genes have been identified for even the best‐studied pathosystems. Does this limited repertoire reflect specificity, with most R genes having been defeated by former pests, or do plants harbor a rich diversity of functional R genes, the composite behavior of which is yet to be characterized? Here, we survey 332 NBS‐LRR genes cloned from five resistant Oryza sativa (rice) cultivars for their ability to confer recognition of 12 rice blast isolates when transformed into susceptible cultivars. Our survey reveals that 48.5% of the 132 NBS‐LRR loci tested contain functional rice blast R genes, with most R genes deriving from multi‐copy clades containing especially diversified loci. Each R gene recognized, on average, 2.42 of the 12 isolates screened. The abundant R genes identified in resistant genomes provide extraordinary redundancy in the ability of host genotypes to recognize particular isolates. If the same is true for other pathogens, many extant NBS‐LRR genes retain functionality. Our success at identifying rice blast R genes also validates a highly efficient cloning and screening strategy.  相似文献   



To examine the biocontrol potential of multiactive Greek indigenous Streptomyces isolates carrying antifungal activity against Rhizoctonia solani that causes damping‐off symptoms on beans.

Methods and Results

A total of 605 Streptomyces isolates originated from 12 diverse Greek habitats were screened for antifungal activity against R. solani DSM843. Almost one‐third of the isolates proved to be antagonistic against the fungus. From the above isolates, six were selected due to their higher antifungal activity, identified by analysing their 16S rRNA gene sequence and studied further. The obtained data showed the following: firstly, the isolates ACTA1383 and ACTA1557 exhibited the highest antagonistic activity, and therefore, they were selected for in vivo experiments using bean seeds as target; secondly, in solid and liquid culture experiments under optimum antagonistic conditions, the medium extracts from the isolates OL80, ACTA1523, ACTA1551 and ACTA1522 suppressed the growth of the fungal mycelium, while extracts from ACTA 1383 and ACTA1557 did not show any activity.


These results corresponded important indications for the utility of two Greek indigenous Streptomyces isolates (ACTA1557 and ACTA1383) for the protection of the bean crops from R. solani damping‐off symptoms, while four of them (isolates OL80, ACTA1523, ACTA1551 and ACTA1522) seem to be promising producers of antifungal metabolites.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This is the first study on the biocontrol of R. solani using multiactive Streptomyces isolates originated from ecophysiologically special Greek habitats. Our study provides basic information to further explore managing strategies to control this critical disease.  相似文献   

Forty‐seven genotypes and one wild relative of soybean, Glycine soja, were screened for resistance against aerial blight under epiphytotic conditions in the field during the Kharif season of two consecutive years viz., 2016 and 2017. Out of the 48 genotypes screened, only 18 genotypes exhibited a moderately resistant response to aerial blight during both the years of study. In order to perform molecular screening of the genotypes for aerial blight resistance, the genomic DNA obtained from the seedlings of the forty‐eight soybean genotypes was subjected to PCR amplification with 12 SSR markers. The SSR markers Satt 119, Sat_076, Satt 433, Satt 281, Satt 277, Satt 245 and Satt 520 were able to clearly amplify different banding pattern for resistant and susceptible genotypes, out of which Satt 433 and Satt 520 were found to exhibit a pattern, highly similar to the results of field screening of the genotypes with respect to resistant and susceptible reaction to the disease. The eighteen soybean genotypes that exhibited moderately resistant reaction to RAB under field conditions during both the years showed a banding pattern similar to resistant check PS‐1583 in the amplification profile produced by the SSR markers. The polymorphism information content (PIC) from the analysis of amplification profile of the SSR markers used in the study, ranged from 0.58 to 0.95. The dendrogram constructed using UPGMA cluster analysis clearly differentiated the resistant and susceptible genotypes of soybean into two separate groups.  相似文献   

Sheath blight disease of rice caused by Rhizoctonia solani is one of the most dreaded plant diseases faced by the rice farmers all over the world. None of the commercially cultivated rice varieties have sufficient level of field resistance, and the disease is presently being managed by chemical pesticides. In this study, 40 isolates of rice sheath blight pathogen, collected from diverse rice ecosystems from 12 different states of India, were characterized for their morphological, pathological and genetic variation. The isolates showed wide morphological variation in terms of size of sclerotia and abundance of sclerotia production. The virulence of each pathogen isolate was studied on four rice varieties, that is TN1, IR 64, Tetep and Swarnadhan in glasshouse, and observations were taken by measuring the relative lesion height. The relative lesion heights produced by these isolates on four different rice varieties varied widely. Genetic variation of the isolates was analysed using ISSR markers. The primers based on AG, GA, AC and CA repeats were informative and revealed polymorphism among the isolates. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the primers ranged from 0.80 to 0.96, while the resolving power (Rp) ranged from 3.7 to 15.35. Largely, grouping of the isolates happened based on their geographical origin. One isolate from Titabar, Assam, and another from Adialabad, Telangana, were quite distinct from rest of the isolates.  相似文献   

  • Oxalic acid is widely distributed in biological systems and known to play functional roles in plants. The gene AAE3 was recently identified to encode an oxalyl‐CoA synthetase (OCS) in Arabidopsis that catalyses the conversion of oxalate and CoA into oxalyl‐CoA. It will be particularly important to characterise the homologous gene in rice since rice is not only a monocotyledonous model plant, but also a staple food crop.
  • Various enzymatic and biological methods have been used to characterise the homologous gene.
  • We first defined that AAE3 in the rice genome (OsAAE3) also encodes an OCS enzyme. Its Km for oxalate is 1.73 ± 0.12 mm , and Vm is 6824.9 ± 410.29 U·min?1·mg protein?1. Chemical modification and site‐directed mutagenesis analyses identified thiols as the active site residues for rice OCS catalysis, suggesting that the enzyme might be regulated by redox state. Subcellular localisation assay showed that the enzyme is located in the cytosol and predominantly distributed in leaf epidermal cells. As expected, oxalate levels increased when OCS was suppressed in RNAi transgenic plants. More interestingly, OCS‐suppressed plants were more susceptible to bacterial blight but more resistant to Al toxicity.
  • The results demonstrate that the OsAAE3‐encoded protein also acts as an OCS in rice, and may play different roles in coping with stresses. These molecular, enzymatic and functional data provide first‐hand information to further clarify the function and mechanism of OCS in rice plants.

This study investigated the effect of magnesium (Mg) on sheath blight, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, development on rice plants from cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle grown in nutrient solution containing 0.062, 0.125, 0.25 and 0.50 mm of Mg. Sheath blight progress on inoculated sheaths was evaluated by measuring lesions expansion (mm) at 24, 48, 72 and 96 h after inoculation. Data were used to calculate the area under lesion expansion progress curve (AULEPC). The relationship between the foliar Mg concentration and the Mg rates was quadratic. The Mg concentration on leaf sheaths tissue was highest at the Mg rates of 0.389 and 0.400 mm , respectively, for cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle. A linear model best described the relationship between the AULEPC and the Mg rates. The AULEPC decreased by 48.7 and 26.2% for plants of cultivars BR‐IRGA 409 and Labelle, respectively, as the Mg rates in the nutrient solution increased. The results permitted to conclude that high foliar Mg concentration played a pivotal role to decrease sheath blight lesions expansion.  相似文献   

Sclerotia produced by a single isolate of Rhizoctonia solani AG3PT were buried in small plot experiments to investigate the effects of sclerotial production method, soil type and burial depth on sclerotial viability in field soil. The factor with the greatest effect on sclerotial viability, defined as the percentage of sclerotia germinating on agar following retrieval, in all experiments was the duration of burial. After 18 months, on average across all experiments, 20% of retrieved sclerotia were viable. A comparison between sclerotia produced in vitro on malt yeast extract agar and in vivo using micropropagated tubers in field soil found no significant differences between the two production methods on sclerotial viability. Burial in field soil at 20‐cm depth was found to significantly reduce sclerotial viability to 50% compared to 60% at 5 cm. In two pot experiments, amending the growing medium and soil with increasing inoculum densities of R. solani was found to increase stem number, stem canker and black scurf severity regardless of whether this soil‐borne inoculum was derived from mycelium or sclerotia. Black scurf incidence and severity were assessed 30–32 days posthaulm destruction and found to be similar for a range of sclerotial soil‐borne inoculum densities (1.0 × 10?1 g/kg d.w. soil to 6 × 10?3 g/kg d.w. soil). The significance of these findings in relation to pathogen survival, detection in soil and disease development is discussed.  相似文献   

一株水稻纹枯菌拮抗细菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】从土壤中分离并鉴定水稻纹枯菌拮抗细菌,测定其体外抑菌和温室防治效果。【方法】采用系列稀释法和平板对峙法筛选拮抗细菌,基于形态、生理特征及16S rDNA序列鉴定其分类地位,采用种子细菌化温室试验测定其防效。【结果】从蔬菜根际土壤中筛选出一株纹枯菌拮抗细菌,命名为kwkjT4。菌株具有明显的体外抑菌活性,对水稻纹枯病的温室防效与井冈霉素相当,初步鉴定为假紫色色杆菌(Chromobacterium pseudoviolaceum)。最适生长条件为pH 7.0,温度32°C,培养时间为36 h;抑菌活性物质产生的最适培养条件为pH 6.0,温度28°C,培养时间为48 h;表明两者并不一致。【结论】kwkjT4菌株在水稻纹枯病的生物防治中具有潜在的应用价值。这是C.pseudoviolaceum拮抗纹枯菌的首次报道。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the antagonist effect of two Rhizobium strains Pch Azm and Pch S.Nsir2 to Rhizoctonia solani and for an evaluation of the relative impact of rhizobia on the expression of the plant's defence response against Rhizoctonia. First, these strains reduced fungal growth observed in vitro using the same or separately Petri dishes. Moreover, these isolates led to reduced chickpea infection by R. solani, resulting from the direct effect of rhizobia on pathogens and possible induced resistance in chickpea. Concomitantly, reduction in infection was accompanied by enhanced level of defence‐related enzymes, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POX). An increased level of phenol content was recorded in the roots of bacterized plants grown in the presence of pathogen. The results promise the use of rhizobia for protection of chickpea against R. solani.  相似文献   

Fungal avirulence effectors, a key weapon utilized by pathogens to promote their infection, are recognized by immune receptors to boost host R gene‐mediated resistance. Many avirulence effectors share sparse sequence homology to proteins with known functions, and their molecular and biochemical functions together with the evolutionary relationship among different members remain largely unknown. Here, the crystal structure of AvrPib, an avirulence effector from Magnaporthe oryzae, was determined and showed a high degree of similarity to the 相似文献   

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