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To evaluate the influence of the genomic properties of yeasts on the formation of wine flavour, genotypic diversity among natural Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains originating from grapes collected in four localities of three Austrian vine-growing areas (Thermenregion: locations Perchtoldsdorf and Pfaffst?tten, Neusiedlersee-Hügelland: location Eisenstadt, Neusiedlersee: location Halbturn) was investigated and the aroma compounds produced during fermentation of the grape must of 'Grüner Veltliner' were identified. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis (AFLP) showed that the yeast strains cluster in four groups corresponding to their geographical origin. The genotypic analysis and sequencing of the D1/D2 domain of 26S rRNA encoding gene and ITS1/ITS2 regions indicated that the Perchtoldsdorf strains were putative interspecies hybrids between S. cerevisiae and Saccharomyces kudriavzevii. Analysis of the aroma compounds by GS/MS indicated a region-specific influence of the yeasts on the chemical composition of the wines. The aroma compound profiles generated by the Perchtoldsdorf strains were more related to those produced by the Pfaffst?tten strains than by the Eisenstadt and Halbturn strains. Similar to the Pfaffst?tten yeasts, the putative hybrid strains were good ester producers, suggesting that they may influence the wine quality favourably.  相似文献   

The wine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is central in the production of aroma compounds during fermentation. Some of the most important yeast-derived aroma compounds produced are esters. The esters ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate are formed from alcohols and acetyl-CoA in a reaction catalysed by alcohol acetyltransferases. The pool of acetyl-CoA available in yeast cells could play a key role in the development of ester aromas. Carnitine acetyltransferases catalyse the reversible reaction between carnitine and acetyl-CoA to form acetylcarnitine and free CoA. This reaction is important in transferring activated acetyl groups to the mitochondria and in regulating the acetyl-CoA/CoA pools within the cell. We investigated the effect of overexpressing CAT2, which encodes the major mitochondrial and peroxisomal carnitine acetyltransferase, on the formation of esters and other flavour compounds during fermentation. We also overexpressed a modified CAT2 that results in a protein that localizes to the cytosol. In general, the overexpression of both forms of CAT2 resulted in a reduction in ester concentrations, especially in ethyl acetate and isoamyl acetate. We hypothesize that overproduction of Cat2p favours the formation of acetylcarnitine and CoA and therefore limits the precursor for ester production. Carnitine acetyltransferase expression could potentially to be used successfully in order to modulate wine flavour.  相似文献   

Temperature is one of the leading factors that drive adaptation of organisms and ecosystems. Remarkably, many closely related species share the same habitat because of their different temporal or micro‐spatial thermal adaptation. In this study, we seek to find the underlying molecular mechanisms of the cold‐tolerant phenotype of closely related yeast species adapted to grow at different temperatures, namely S. kudriavzevii CA111 (cryo‐tolerant) and S. cerevisiae 96.2 (thermo‐tolerant). Using two different systems approaches, i. thermodynamic‐based analysis of a genome‐scale metabolic model of S. cerevisiae and ii. large‐scale competition experiment of the yeast heterozygote mutant collection, genes and pathways important for the growth at low temperature were identified. In particular, defects in lipid metabolism, oxidoreductase and vitamin pathways affected yeast fitness at cold. Combining the data from both studies, a list of candidate genes was generated and mutants for two predicted cold‐favouring genes, GUT2 and ADH3, were created in two natural isolates. Compared with the parental strains, these mutants showed lower fitness at cold temperatures, with S. kudriavzevii displaying the strongest defect. Strikingly, in S. kudriavzevii, these mutations also significantly improve the growth at warm temperatures. In addition, overexpression of ADH3 in S. cerevisiae increased its fitness at cold. These results suggest that temperature‐induced redox imbalances could be compensated by increased glycerol accumulation or production of cytosolic acetaldehyde through the deletion of GUT2 or ADH3, respectively.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthesises a variety of volatile aroma compounds during wine fermentation. In this study, the influence of fermentation temperature on (1) the production of yeast-derived aroma compounds and (2) the expression of genes involved in aroma compounds’ metabolism (ADH1, PDC1, BAT1, BAT2, LEU2, ILV2, ATF1, ATF2, EHT1 and IAH1) was assessed, during the fermentation of a defined must at 15 and 28°C. Higher concentrations of compounds related to fresh and fruity aromas were found at 15°C, while higher concentrations of flowery related aroma compounds were found at 28°C. The formation rates of volatile aroma compounds varied according to growth stage. In addition, linear correlations between the increases in concentration of higher alcohol and their corresponding acetates were obtained. Genes presented different expression profiles at both temperatures, except ILV2, and those involved in common pathways were co-expressed (ADH1, PDC1 and BAT2; and ATF1, EHT1 and IAH1). These results demonstrate that the fermentation temperature plays an important role in the wine final aroma profile, and is therefore an important control parameter to fine-tune wine quality during winemaking.  相似文献   

Maintenance of high cell viability was the main characteristic of our new strains of thermotolerant Saccharomyces. Total sugar conversion to ethanol was observed for sugarcane juice fermentation at 38-40 degrees C in less than 10 h and without continuous aeration of the culture. Invertase activity differed among the selected strains and increased during fermentation but was not dependent on cell viability. Invertase activity of the cells and optimum temperature for growth, as well as velocity of ethanol formation, were dependent on medium composition and the type of strain used. At high sugarcane syrup concentrations, the best temperature for ethanol formation by strain 781 was 35 degrees C. Distinct differences among the velocities of ethanol production using selected strains were also observed in sugarcane syrup at 35-38 degrees C.  相似文献   

The performance of hybrids relative to their parents is an important factor in speciation research. We measured the growth of 46 Saccharomyces yeast F1 interspecific and intraspecific hybrids, relative to the growth of each of their parents, in pairwise competition assays. We found that the growth of a hybrid relative to the average of its parents, a measure of mid‐parent heterosis, correlated with the difference in parental growth relative to their hybrid, a measure of phenotypic divergence, which is consistent with simple complementation of low fitness alleles in one parent by high fitness alleles in the other. Interspecific hybrids showed stronger heterosis than intraspecific hybrids. To manipulate parental phenotypic divergence independently of genotype, we also measured the competitive growth of a single interspecific hybrid relative to its parents in 12 different environments. In these assays, we not only identified a strong relationship between parental phenotypic divergence and mid‐parent heterosis as before, but, more tentatively, a weak relationship between phenotypic divergence and best‐parent heterosis, suggesting that complementation of deleterious mutations was not the sole cause of interspecific heterosis. Our results show that mating between different species can be beneficial, and demonstrate that competition assays between parents and offspring are a useful way to study the evolutionary consequences of hybridization.  相似文献   

Reticulate evolution can be a major driver of diversification into new niches, especially in disturbed habitats and at the edges of ranges. Industrial fermentation strains of yeast provide a window into these processes, but progress has been hampered by a limited understanding of the natural diversity and distribution of Saccharomyces species and populations. For example, lager beer is brewed with Saccharomyces pastorianus, an alloploid hybrid of S. cerevisiae and S. eubayanus, a species only recently discovered in Patagonia, Argentina. Here, we report that genetically diverse strains of S. eubayanus are readily isolated from Patagonia, demonstrating that the species is well established there. Analyses of multilocus sequence data strongly suggest that there are two diverse and highly differentiated Patagonian populations. The low nucleotide diversity found in the S. eubayanus moiety of hybrid European brewing strains suggests that their alleles were drawn from a small subpopulation that is closely related to one of the Patagonian populations. For the first time, we also report the rare isolation of S. eubayanus outside Patagonia, in Wisconsin, USA. In contrast to the clear population differentiation in Patagonia, the North American strains represent a recent and possibly transient admixture of the two Patagonian populations. These complex and varied reticulation events are not adequately captured by conventional phylogenetic methods and required analyses of Bayesian concordance factors and phylogenetic networks to accurately summarize and interpret. These findings show how genetically diverse eukaryotic microbes can produce rare but economically important hybrids with low genetic diversity when they migrate from their natural ecological context.  相似文献   

2-Phenylethyl acetate (2-PEA) is a desired aroma compound in wine due to its honey- and flowery-like characteristics. The effects of adding l-phenylalanine (Phe) during 2-PEA production were investigated in the co-fermentation of Hanseniaspora vineae (HV6) and Saccharomyces cerevisiae BDX. BDX and HV6 strains overproduced 2-phenylethyl alcohol (2-PE) and 2-PEA, respectively. The co-fermentation of BDX and HV6 achieved a 14.9 fold increase in 2-PEA odour activity value (OAV) but a 42.0 % reduction of 2-PE OAV compared to BDX fermentation; the 2-PEA concentration was significantly higher than the sum of BDX and HV6 pure fermentations. This suggests that BDX and HV6 have synergistic effects on 2-PEA formation in mixed culture. Adding 151.6 mg/L Phe enhanced the OAV of 2-PEA by 52.8 % compared to the control. The combination of Phe addition with the co-fermentation of S. cerevisiae and H. vineae is a potential way to increase 2-PEA production and improve wine aromatic quality.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of hop aroma terpenoids by ale and lager yeasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Terpenoids are important natural flavour compounds, which are introduced to beer via hopping. It has been shown recently that yeasts are able to biotransform some monoterpene alcohols. As a first step towards examining whether yeasts are capable of altering hop terpenoids during the brewing of beer, we investigated whether they were transformed when an ale and lager yeast were cultured in the presence of a commercially available syrup. Both yeasts transformed the monoterpene alcohols geraniol and linalool. The lager yeast also produced acetate esters of geraniol and citronellol. The major terpenoids of hop oil, however, were not biotransformed. Oxygenated terpenoids persisted much longer than the alkenes.  相似文献   

Aims: Short branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs) are cheese flavour compounds, which result from the conversion of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). In Swiss cheese, the production of short BCFAs is mainly performed by Propionibacterium freudenreichii and is strain dependent. Our aim was to investigate the possible links between the biosynthesis of short BCFAs and membrane BCFAs in P. freudenreichii. Methods and Results: Short and membrane BCFAs were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Two strains differing in their capacities to release short BCFAs were selected. Tri-deuterated-labelled leucine was used in both strains as a precursor of short extracellular iso-BCFAs and of membrane iso-BCFAs. The proportions of anteiso : iso BCFAs synthesized varied as function of the BCAAs provided in the growth medium, from 72 : 28 to 100 : 0, with leucine and valine, and with isoleucine as sole BC precursors, respectively. The branching pattern of short BCFAs exactly matched that of membrane BCFAs, whatever the exogenous BCAAs provided. Conclusions: The biosynthesis of short BCFAs is closely related to that of membrane BCFAs in P. freudenreichii. Significance and Impact of the Study: The biosynthesis of short BCFAs in P. freudenreichii depends more on the strain than on the presence of exogenous BC precursors.  相似文献   

通过优化胞磷胆碱底物浓度的发酵条件,提高酿酒酵母发酵菌浓及胞磷胆碱转化率.分别以胞苷酸、磷酸胆碱、硫酸镁和乙醇等底物和反应关联物质诱导酿酒酵母,采用单因素变量实验优化发酵条件.优化后,酿酒酵母C401菌株摇瓶培养的菌浓为70 g/L,胞磷胆碱转化率为53.3%,比诱导前提高了33.5%.30 L发酵中菌浓可达90.5 g/L,胞磷胆碱转化率为59%.  相似文献   

啤酒酵母胞外多糖发酵条件的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以啤酒酵母S-12为出发菌株,用紫外线+氯化锂作为复合诱变剂,获得一株产胞外多糖量较高的变株S-12-4,比出发菌株提高33.3%,同时对变株进行了最佳培养条件的研究,结果表明:最适碳源和氮源分别为大米糖3%、酵母粉0.37%及NH4Cl0.32%,最适发酵条件为起始PH6.0、培养温度26℃,发酵周期为30h,在此基础上进行培养,变株S-12-4产胞外多糖最高可达38.2mg/100mL,比初始条件提高了54%。  相似文献   

AIMS: To develop a multiplex PCR assay for the specific identification and differentiation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. bayanus and their hybrids. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two sets of primers with sequences complementary to the region YBR033w were used. A single amplicon of 1710 bp or 329 bp was obtained with species S. cerevisiae and S. bayanus, respectively, while the presence of both bands was observed in S. pastorianus because of its hybrid nature. Both amplification products were also obtained after amplification from DNA of several laboratory S. cerevisiae x S. bayanus hybrid strains. CONCLUSIONS: Multiplex PCR was optimized for the rapid and reliable identification of S. cerevisiae, S. bayanus and their hybrids. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The procedure may be used for routine detection of the most common Saccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts involved in industrial fermentation processes, overcoming the problems of conventional techniques.  相似文献   

The effect of inoculation with selected Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains was studied on fermentation and flavor compounds of wines made from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Emir grown in Central Anatolia, Turkey. Flavor compounds were analysed and identified by GC-FID and GC-MS, respectively. The total concentrations of flavor compounds did not increase with the addition of indigenous and commercial wine yeasts, but differences were noted in individual volatile compounds. Cluster and factor analyses of flavor compounds also showed that wines produced were different depending on the wine strain used. Wines were completely fermented to less than 1.4 g/l residual sugar. Yeasts other than S. cerevisiae survived longer than previously reported. Inoculation with selected strains increased the ethanol level. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2002) 29, 28–33 doi:10.1038/sj.jim.7000258 Received 11 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 27 March 2002  相似文献   

AIMS: Investigation of the meiotic segregation of karyotypes and physiological traits in indigenous Saccharomyces strains isolated from Aglianico (South Italy) red wine. METHODS AND RESULTS: Segregation was studied in F1 and F2 descendants. Tetrads were isolated from sporulating cultures by micromanipulation. The spore clones were subjected to karyotype analysis by pulse-field gel electrophoresis (Bio-Rad model CHEF-DR II) and to various physiological tests. Certain chromosomes of the isolates showed 2:2 segregation patterns in F1 but proved to be stable in F2. The ability of cells to utilize maltose also segregated in a 2 : 2 manner in F1 and did not segregate in F2. Resistance to CuSO4, SO2 tolerance, the fermentative power and the production of certain metabolites segregated in both F1 and F2 generations and showed patterns indicating the involvement of polygenic regulation. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis revealed a high degree of genetic instability and demonstrated that meiosis can improve chromosomal and genetic stability. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Winemaking is critically dependent on the physiological properties and genetic stability of the fermenting Saccharomyces yeasts. Selection of clones from F2 or later generations can be a method of reduction of genetic instability.  相似文献   

Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the GDH1 homologues from Saccharomyces bayanus strain CBS 380T and S. pastorianus strains showed that they share an almost identical sequence, SuGDH1*, which is a diverged form of the SuGDH1 from the type strain of the former species S. uvarum, considered as synonym of S. bayanus. SuGDH1* is close to but differs from SuGDH1 by the accumulation of a high number of neutral substitutions designated as Multiple Neutral Mutations Accumulation (MNMA). Further analysis carried out with three other markers, BAP2, HO and MET2 showed that they have also diverged from their S. uvarum counterparts by MNMA. S. bayanus CBS 380T is placed between S. uvarum and S. pastorianus sharing MET2, CDC91 sequences with the former and BAP2, GDH1, HO sequences with the latter. S. bayanus CBS 380T has been proposed to be a S. uvarum/S. cerevisiae hybrid and this proposal is confirmed by the presence in its genome a S. cerevisiae SUC4 gene. Strain S. bayanus CBS 380T, with a composite genome, is genetically isolated from strains of the former S. uvarum species, thus justifying the reinstatement of S. uvarum as a distinct species.  相似文献   

Real-time, or quantitative, PCR (QPCR) was developed for the rapid quantification of two of the most important yeast groups in alcoholic fermentation (Saccharomyces spp. and Hanseniaspora spp.). Specific primers were designed from the region spanning the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and the 5.8S rRNA gene. To confirm the specificity of these primers, they were tested with different yeast species, acetic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria. The designed primers only amplified for the intended group of species and none of the PCR assays was positive for any other wine microorganisms. This technique was performed on reference yeast strains from pure cultures and validated with both artificially contaminated wines and real wine fermentation samples. To determine the effectiveness of the technique, the QPCR results were compared with those obtained by plating. The design of new primers for other important wine yeast species will enable to monitor yeast diversity during industrial wine fermentation and to detect the main spoilage yeasts in wine.  相似文献   

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