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The morphological features and chromosome numbers were examined in cultures of five species of Cephaleuros; C. aucubae, C. biolophus, C. japonicus, C. microcellularis, and C. virescens, collected from Japan. On agar media of Bold's basal medium and CA medium, radial growth of the algal colonies was vigorous in C. virescens, moderate in C. aucubae, and poor in C. microcellularis, but varied from poor to moderate in isolates of C. biolophus and C. japonicus. Filaments of C. virescens branched at an angle less than 40° and just below the cross walls, while those of the other species branched at an angle greater than 40° without relation to the cross walls. The length of filamentous cells was significantly smaller in C. microcellularis than in the other species. The chromosome number differed with the species: n = 22 in C. aucubae, n = 34 in C. biolophus, n = 18 in C. japonicus, n = 12 in C. microcellularis, and n = 24 in C. virescens. The chromosome number did not vary between isolates from filaments and gametes in C. aucubae and C. biolophus and among those from filaments, gametes, and zoospores in C. japonicus and C. virescens.  相似文献   

Cephaleuros parasiticus Karsten, an endophyte of Magnolia grandiflora L. has been examined with light, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The discoid thalli are composed of filaments which ramify throughout the leaf tissues beneath the epidermis. Algal filaments do not penetrate host cells, but do produce black leaf spots which have been mistaken for those caused by the fungus Glomerella cingulate (Ston.) Spauld. and Schrenk. Two distinct thallus types occur, often simultaneously on a single leaf. One bears clusters of zoosporangiate branches which seasonally emerge through the ventral (and rarely, dorsal) surface of the leaf. In contrast, the other thallus type bears gametangia which break through the dorsal leaf surface. Zoosporangia and gametangia have never been found on the same thallus. The zoosporangia are smaller than, but almost identical in shape to, those of C. virescens Kunze. Simple plasmodesmata are present in crosswalls and acetolysis indicates that little or no sporopollenin is present in the cell walls. The ultrastructure of biflagellate gametes and quadriflagellate zoospores is virtually indistinguishable from that reported for C. virescens and similar to that reported for Phycopeltis and Trentepohlia. In both gametes and zoospores there are keeled flagella, overlapping and parallel basal bodies, two 3-layered multilayered structures with microtubular splines, and two medial compound microtubular roots. Pyrenoids, eyespots, flagellar and body scales, striated roots (or rhizoplasts), and distal bands are absent. Two presumptive mating structures are present in each biflagellate gamete, and flagellar collars occur in both types of motile cells. The extreme similarity in motile cell ultrastructure revealed in this interspecific comparison parallels that similarity revealed in intergeneric comparisons.  相似文献   

Acrochaete wittrockii (Wille) Nielsen is a heteromorphic diplohaplont. The haplophase consists of isomorphic, dioecious filamentous epiphytes on brown algae. Several generations follow each other by triflagellate zoospores from spring to early summer. By late summer and throughout autumn, quadriflagellate zoopores are produced by the epiphytic thalli; they give rise to male and female gametophytes of a globular, pseudoparenchymatic appearance in culture. The gametophytes produce anisogamic biflagellate gametes which, after gametic union, develop into diploid unicellular sporophytes. After 6–7 days, the sporophyte produces triflagellate zoospores, repeating the life history when germinating on brown algal hosts. Alternatively, triflagellate zoospores which settle on the bottom of petri dishes, develop into unicellular, autonomous sporangial plants. Their triflagellate spores repeat the epiphytic stage on brown algal hosts, or the sporangial plant cycle on non-living substrate, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract. Clionaids are excavating sponges, which live in and grow into calcareous substrates. We studied the sexual reproductive cycles of two clionaid sponges coexisting in a Mediterranean coastal basin (Porto Cesareo, Italy), Cliona viridis and Cliona celata, by analyzing monthly tissue samples of ten specimens of each species collected over a 2‐year period. From May to June of the second study year, supplementary samples were taken weekly. Up to 90% of the specimens of C. viridis and 70% of those of C. celata sampled were reproductive during the study. In both species, but particularly in C. viridis, reproductive investment, measured as the percentage of sponge tissue occupied by gametes, was high. Oocytes were present almost year‐round in both species, except for a 1–4‐month period after zygote release. In contrast, spermatogenesis occurred most frequently in May in both species, when (May–June) oocytes reached their greatest diameters. Cliona viridis and C. celata are hermaphrodites, with oocytes and spermatic cysts coexisting in 10% of the studied individuals in the first year of the study, and in 30% during the second. No developing embryos or larvae were incubated in the sponge tissues, and fertilization was not observed. Temperature may play a role in triggering some important phases of the reproduction of these Cliona, such as oocyte maturation and spermatogenesis, which occurred when water temperature increased from 17°C to 25°C between May and June.  相似文献   

Cultures of Polymyxa graminis were maintained in roots of barley plants grown in sand at different temperatures using Wisconsin soil temperature tanks. At 17 – 20°C, the minimum time from inoculation with cystosori to the production of zoospores from the inoculated roots was 2 – 3 wk. At 11 – 20°C many zoospores were produced but the incubation period was longer at the lower temperatures. Above 20°C little fungal development occurred. The duration of motility of zoospores ranged from c. 1 h to > 24 h. Bovine serum albumen (BSA) prolonged motility but glycine and glucose had no effect or, at higher concentrations, were toxic. Zoospores were rapidly immobilised by zinc ions in solution at or above 10μg/ml. In some experiments BSA added to the zoospore suspension greatly increased transmission of barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) while glucose, glycine and ovalbumen decreased it. When seedlings were incubated with zoospore suspensions for 24 h at different temperatures, BaYMV transmission was high (> 60%) at 10, 15 and 20°C but there was little at 5 or 25°C. In experiments to determine the time taken for zoospore penetration, seedlings were incubated in suspension for different periods of time and then rinsed in zinc sulphate solution to kill free zoospores. Between 3 and 3·5 h was needed for zoospores to establish infection. Transmission occurred equally to plants of various ages between 3 days and 7·5 wk.  相似文献   

Cephaleuros virescens is a pantropical subaerial green alga with no known long‐range dispersal mechanisms. Sexual reproduction is relatively rare and may involve intragametangial fusion of identical, mitotically produced gametes. This situation may be a consequence of adaptation to the subaerial habitat. Genetic variation among populations of C. virescens may be very low and might be positively correlated to the distance (hence, time) separating populations. Thus, assessing the global biogeography of C. virescens requires analysis of what might be low levels of variation. Because C. virescens occurs on literally hundreds of different host species, the question of host‐races must also be considered. Preliminary analysis of local populations of C. virescens, originally obtained as field collections from three different host species and subsequently raised in culture, is the first step in addressing the biogeography of this alga. We are using the AFLP plant mapping protocol by PE Applied Biosystems to detect genetic variability in the three isolates of C. virescens. AFLP is a PCR‐based DNA fingerprinting technique that detects the presence or absence of restriction fragments rather than fragment length differences. Because the number of restriction fragments that can be detected with the AFLP technique is “virtually unlimited,” it is a very powerful tool for assessing the degree of relatedness or variability among cultivars or isolates. AFLP techniques have been used successfully to distinguish morphologically identical bacteria, determine relatedness among soybean accessions, reveal genetic variability within bee samples, and identifyfall armyworm strains and hybrids.  相似文献   

Axenic Ulva mutabilis gametes develop parthenogenetically into callus‐like colonies consisting of undifferentiated cells without normal cell walls. From the accompanying microbial flora of established laboratory strains of U. mutabilis with normal morphology, a Roseobacter, a Sulfitobacter, and a Halomonas species were isolated. Each of these microbe species alone induced the development of the Ulva gametes into thalli composed of differentiated cells with characteristic deficiencies. Typical traits of these thalli were: an enhanced rate of cell division not followed by cell expansion, the presence of unusual cell wall protrusions, and the absence of differentiated rhizoid cells. The addition of a Cytophaga species, also derived from the same microbial flora, to either one of the three other strains resulted in the development of normal fast growing thalli with the typical morphology of the algal strain used. These effects are mediated by specific regulatory factors that are excreted into the environment by the bacteria and could be also isolated from the bacterial cell extracts. In contrast with the Cytophaga‐factor, the regulatory factor of the three other bacterial species was also found intracellularly in other bacterial strains not associated with Ulva, but in this case it was not excreted. Functionally, the Roseobacter‐, Sulfitobacter‐, and Halomonas‐factors resemble a cytokinin, while the Cytophaga‐factor acts similar to auxin. Neither factor could be replaced by known phytohormones. The Roseobacter species exhibits a specific chemotactic affinity to the rhizoid cells of U. mutabilis and seems to cooperate with the Cytophaga strain and the alga by chemical communication forming a symbiotic tripartite community.  相似文献   

The formation of calcium‐containing structures on the thallial surface of the lichen Ramalina lacera (With.) J.R. Laund. in response to air pollution and to simulated acid rain, was studied in in situ and transplanted thalli. In situ thalli were collected from an unpolluted site and transplanted to heavily polluted and less polluted sites for a 10 month period. Additional thalli were treated either with double distilled water or with simulated acid rain. Scanning electron microscopy and infrared spectrometry revealed that thallial surfaces of in situ R. lacera samples collected in unpolluted sites were covered with two kinds of calcium oxalate crystals: whewellite and weddellite. These aggregates of calcium oxalate crystals appear to disintegrate and provide a crystal layer on the thallial surface. Infrared spectroscopy of powder scraped from thallial surfaces of transplants, retrieved from non‐polluted sites, showed the presence of whewellite and weddellite, whereas powders obtained from thalli retrieved from polluted sites contained whewellite, weddellite and gypsum. It is suggested that a certain fraction of the gypsum detected in crater‐like structures in transplants from polluted sites and in thalli treated with simulated acid rain is endogenous and should be considered a biomineral.  相似文献   

Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901) has recently established across North America and Central Europe. A 3‐year survey was conducted in northwestern Croatian regions from 2013 to 2015 using mosquito ovitraps at possible points of entry and house yards, occasionally complemented by larval collections from cemetery vases. In the first year, the survey investigated the county bordering Slovenia, where the first detection of Ae. j. japonicus had taken place on 28 August 2013. During the next 2 years, Ae. j. japonicus was detected in this area from early May until late October. In 2015, several counties further to the east were included in the survey, leading to the detection of Ae. j. japonicus approximately 100 km eastward from the initially surveyed region. Given a moderate continental climate and homogeneous climatic conditions in this part of Europe, the eastward spread of Ae. j. japonicus can be expected to continue.  相似文献   

The morphology ofPedobesia lamourouxii andDerbesia ryukyuensis, both collected in Shimoda and the adjacent areas in central Japan, was studied from field specimens and laboratory cultures. Specimens which had the same morphology as EuropeanP. lamourouxii produced stephanokont zoospores which developed into either prostrate filaments or expanded discoidal thalli similar to those described by Feldmann and Codomier (1974) and Feldmannet al. (1975). Erect filament identical with the thallus found in nature developed directly from prostrate filaments. The specimens which had morphology similar to that ofDerbesia ryukyuensis described by Yamada and Tanaka (1938) also produced stephanokont zoospores which developed similarly to those ofP. lamourouxii. This species is, therefore, a member ofPedobesia, and it is made a new combinationP. ryukyuensis (Yamada et Tanaka) Kobara et Chihara, comb. nov.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships (LWRs) were determined for three zoarcoid fish species: Zoarces elongatus Kner, 1868, Pholis fangi (Wang & Wang, 1935) and Chirolophis japonicus Herzenstein, 1890. Samples were collected from the coastal waters of the northern Yellow Sea (near Dalian City) using bottom trawl nets (20 mm stretched mesh size in the cod‐end) for Zoarces elongatus and Pholis fangi and set gill nets (mesh size 15.6 mm) for Chirolophis japonicus. Samples were taken from mid‐March to early April 2017. Parameter b values in the fitted LWRs were 3.119, 3.440 and 3.423 for Z. elongatus, P. fangi and C. japonicus, respectively.  相似文献   

Nuclear basic proteins (histones) were studied in male and female gametes of the isogamous brown algae, Colpomenia bullosa (Saunders) Yamada and Analipus japonicus (Harvey) Wynne and sperm of the oogamous Cystoseira hakodatensis (Yendo) Fensholt by using SDS‐ and AUT‐PAGE. Four major core histones and several linker histone H1s were detected by electrophoresis. Each of the core histones was identified by amino acid sequence analysis and peptide mapping. Electrophoresis patterns of histones were the same in male and female gametes and quite similar between the two species. The composition of histone H1s in conspicuously condensed sperm nuclei of C. hakodatensis was different from that in isogamous gametes. Electrophoresis after micrococcal nuclease digestion of chromatin in male and female gamete nuclei of C. bullosa and A. japonicus and sperm of C. hakodatensis resulted in regular ladder patterns of DNA fragments (ca. 200 base pair). The chromatin of the brown algal gametes thus has the typical nucleosome structure. These results showed that chromatin condensation in sperm nuclei of C. hakodatensis was associated with a modification of linker histone H1 but not by change of core histones, replacement by other basic proteins, changes of repeating patterns, or disappearance of nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the behavior of populations of zoospores of the obligately parasitic, endobiotic chytridRozella allomycis towards young, vegetative thalli of various saprophytic fungi, in order to identify host-dependent factors which control the development ofRozella. An inverted microscope was employed for continuous observation of parasite-host interaction in petri dishes of broth or agar medium. Two factors appear to control the initial stages of invasion byRozella of both susceptible and resistant species of the host genus,Allomyces: (i) a soluble exudate which attractsRozella zoospores, (ii) a receptor on the cell-wall surface which causesRozella zoospores to adhere, and to encyst and to germinate immediately thereafter. A related, nonsusceptible species,Blastocladiella emersonii, also attractsRozella zoospores, but supports very limited attachment.Rozella zoospores neither accumulate around, nor adhere to young thalli of non-blastocladialean fungi. This host-specific behavior pattern is compared with that of saprophytic and facultatively parasitic Phycomycetes, whose zoospores show nonspecific chemotactic responses and require no receptor for attachment, encystment and germination.  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopic examination of Cephaleuros virescens Kunze growing on leaves of Camellia sp. indicates that gametes are similar to those of Trentepohlia aurea. The gametes bear two, smooth isokont “keeled” flagella containing typical “9 + 2” axonemes and lacking scales. Flagellar insertion is apical and the parallel basal bodies overlap laterally. Each basal body is associated with a separate multilayered structure and component microtubular spline. The latter extends posteriorly beneath the plasmalemma. A nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and cytoplasmic haematochrome droplets are present. Pyrenoids and eyespots are absent. The subcellular components of C. virescens gametes are comparable to those found in gametes of T. aurea; however, the arrangement of basal bodies and multilayered structures differs slightly from that in T. aurea. Comparison of the fine structure of gametes from Cephaleuros, Phycopeltis, and Trentepohlia clearly indicates that the (1) mode of flagellar insertion, (2) morphology, number, and arrangement of multilayered structures, and (3) keeled flagella are common to these three genera and, thus far, unique among the green algae. Although flagellar insertion is apical, it is not bilaterally symmetrical (sensu stricto), nor is it asymmetrical (cf. Chara and Nitella sperms). The arrangement may be termed “reversed bilateral symmetry” and standardization of the terminology is recommended.  相似文献   

The induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) by ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B, 280–315 nm) and repair mechanisms were studied in the lichen Cladonia arbuscula ssp. mitis exposed to different temperatures and water status conditions. In addition, the development and repair of CPDs were studied in relation to the different developmental stages of the lichen thallus podetial branches. Air‐dried lichen thalli exposed to UV‐B radiation combined with relatively high visible light (HL, 800 μmol m?2 s?1; 400–700 nm) for 7 days showed a progressive increase of CPDs with no substantial repair, although HL was present during and after irradiation with UV‐B. Fully hydrated lichen thalli, that had not been previously exposed to UV‐B radiation for 7 days, were given short‐term UV‐B radiation treatment at 25°C, and accumulated DNA lesions in the form of CPDs, with repair occurring when they were exposed to photoreactivating conditions (2 h of 300 μmol m?2 s?1, 400–700 nm). A different pattern was observed when fully hydrated thalli were exposed to short‐term UV‐B radiation at 2°C, in comparison with exposure at 25°C. High levels of CPDs were induced at 2°C under UV‐B irradiation, without significant repair under subsequent photoreactivating light. Likewise, when PAR (300 μmol m?2 s?1) and UV‐B radiation were given simultaneously, the CPD levels were not lowered. Throughout all experiments the youngest, less differentiated parts of the lichen thallus – namely ‘tips’, according to our arbitrary subdivision – were the parts showing the highest levels of CPD accumulation and the lowest levels of repair in comparison with the older thallus tissue (‘stems’). Thus the experiments showed that Cladonia arbuscula ssp. mitis is sensitive to UV‐B irradiation in the air‐dried state and is not able to completely repair the damage caused by the radiation. Furthermore, temperature plays a role in the DNA damage repairing capacity of this lichen, since even when fully hydrated, C. arbuscula ssp. mitis did not repair DNA damage at the low temperatures.  相似文献   

Studies of the secretomes of microbes grown on insoluble substrates are important for the discovery of novel proteins involved in biomass conversion. However, data in literature and this study indicate that secretome samples tend to be contaminated with cytoplasmic proteins. We have examined the secretome of the Gram‐negative soil bacterium Cellvibrio japonicus using a simple plate‐based culturing technique that yields samples with high fractions (60–75%) of proteins that are predicted to be secreted. By combining this approach with label‐free quantification using the MaxLFQ algorithm, we have mapped and quantified proteins secreted by C. japonicus during growth on α‐ and β‐chitin. Hierarchical clustering of the detected protein quantities revealed groups of up‐regulated proteins that include all five putative C. japonicus chitinases as well as a chitin‐specific lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (CjLPMO10A). A small set of secreted proteins were co‐regulated with known chitin‐specific enzymes, including several with unknown catalytic functions. These proteins provide interesting targets for further studies aimed at unraveling the enzymatic machineries used by C. japonicus for recalcitrant polysaccharide degradation. Studies of chitin degradation indicated that C. japonicus indeed produces an efficient chitinolytic enzyme cocktail. All MS data have been deposited in the ProteomeXchange with the dataset identifier PXD002843 ( http://proteomecentral.proteomexchange.org/dataset/PXD002843 ).  相似文献   

Samples of trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) leaves showing mottling and mosaic were collected from plants growing in a private garden in Tehran province, Iran, in 2012. Symptomatic leaf samples were tested for Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Peanut stunt virus (PSV) infection in enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using specific antibodies. None of the samples were positive for CMV and PSV; however, all reacted positively with that of AMV antiserum. In biological assay, systemic infection was found on Datura stramonium, Nicotiana tabacum cvs., White Burley, and Xanthi, 21 days postinoculation (DPI), while necrotic local lesions were obtained following inoculation of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata within three to four DPI. Using a pair of primers specific for AMV, a DNA fragment of 880 bp was RT‐PCR‐amplified. Analysis of the sequences revealed the presence of 657 nucleotides of AMV complete coat protein (CP) gene (translating 218 amino acid residues). Phylogenetic analysis using neighbour‐joining (NJ) method clustered AMV isolates into two main types and the IRN‐Tru (GenBank Accession No. JX865593 ) isolate fell into type I. Pairwise nucleotide distances also confirmed two main types with the highest and lowest similarities for type I and II, respectively. The association of AMV with mosaic disease of C. radicans represents the first record from the world.  相似文献   

Introduction – Steroidal saponins are the main active constituents in Ophiopogon japonicus Ker‐Gawler (Liliaceae). However, because of their high polarity, non‐chromophores and low content in plants, steroidal saponins are difficult to be isolated from O. japonicus by conventional phytochemical methods. Objective – To develop a sensitive and rapid approach towards the structural analysis of steroidal saponins using HPLC/ESI‐MSn. Methodology – The fragmentation behaviors of six known steroidal saponins in negative ESI‐MSn were used to deduce their mass spectral fragmentation mechanisms. By using HPLC/ESI‐MSn, the important structural information on aglycone types, sugar types and saccharide sequences can be obtained. Results – According to the HPLC retention behaviour, the molecular structural characteristics provided by multistage mass spectrometry spectra and the literature, a total of 8 steroidal saponins were tentatively identified or characterized in O. japonicus rapidly. Conclusion – This work has shown that HPLC‐ESI‐MSn may be used as an effective and rapid method for the characterization and identification of steroidal saponins from O. japonicus. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pythium porphyrae (Oomycota), a pathogen causing red rot diseasein Porphyra spp., can at present only be detected when colonizationof the host thallus has already occurred and so it is often too late to takeappropriate disease control measures. The paper presents an account of an effective methdology for early detection of the disease. Since Py.porphyrae zoospores are the primary means of pathogen dispersal,polyclonal antibodies (Pabs) were raised against the surface components ofzoospores and encysted zoospores. Using these Pabs the disease initiationstages of the Pythium porphyrae were detected on the surface of Porphyra thalli by immunofluorescence assay. The specificity of theseantibodies and the efficacy of immunofluorescence assay in the detectionof red rot disease are discussed.  相似文献   

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