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Alcaïs A  Abel L 《Human heredity》2000,50(4):251-256
Sib pair linkage studies are now widely used to investigate the genetic factors implicated in complex quantitative traits. To increase the power of these approaches, it has been proposed to select extremely discordant (ED) sib pairs which are expected to contain the highest linkage information. However, it is known that sibships of larger size contain more linkage information than independent sib pairs. In this paper we compare, in terms of power and cost considerations, the ED strategy, which uses information on sib pairs only, to the recently developed 'Maximum Likelihood Binomial' sibship-oriented method performed on the whole sibships from which the ED sib pairs have been extracted. We show that the use of these whole sibships is an efficient alternative to approaches focusing on ED sib pairs only.  相似文献   

Admixture mapping is the first experimentally practical method for carrying out a whole-genome association scan, and is thus a promising method for detecting risk factors for common disease. The goal of the community should now be to aggressively test whether the method is useful in practice for localizing disease genes, by carrying out at least three high-powered studies. We also propose a stringent criteria we believe the community should adopt before declaring a statistically significant admixture association to disease.  相似文献   

Hippocampus: mapping or memory?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The identification of 'place cells' in the hippocampus has suggested a special role for this brain structure in spatial mapping, but other studies have indicated a more general role in memory. New findings on place cells point the way towards a reconciliation of the mapping and memory views.  相似文献   

Feeding specializations such as herbivory are an often cited example of convergent and adaptive evolution. However, some groups such as lizards appear constrained in the evolution of morphological specializations associated with specialized diets. Here we examine whether the inclusion of plant matter into the diet of omnivorous lacertid lizards has resulted in morphological specializations and whether these specializations reflect biomechanical compromises as expected if omnivores are constrained by functional trade-offs. We examined external head shape, skull shape, tooth structure, intestinal tract length and bite performance as previous studies have suggested correlations between the inclusion of plants into the diet and these traits. Our data show that omnivorous lacertid lizards possess modifications of these traits that allow them to successfully exploit plant material as a food source. Conversely, few indications of a compromise phenotype could be detected, suggesting that the evolution towards herbivory is only mildly constrained by functional trade-offs.  相似文献   

The first goal of this study was to determine whether morphological variation in the freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis results in spatially structured populations distributed around Corsica, France, which would suggest genetically differentiated populations through reproductive isolation by distance. The second goal was to determine whether some morphological traits are related to water velocity, one of the most contrasting habitat characteristics in these rivers, which would suggest an adaptation to local conditions. The results showed that the morphology of S. fluviatilis differed among the three main geographic areas studied in Corsica and that geographically distant populations of S. fluviatilis were less similar morphologically and genetically than close ones. The results also indicated that the morphological differences among populations conformed to functional expectations. Overall, the results suggest that the morphological variation of S. fluviatilis from Corsican rivers is an adaptive response to water velocity and that these populations are in a process of reproductive isolation by distance.  相似文献   

We examined the adaptive importance of allozyme variation in wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum). The test involved a nested sampling design with four population groups, each representing a different environment, and a comparison of observed allozyme variation with that expected under the assumption that allozymes are not neutral. Measurements of plant fitness in indigenous and alien environments in reciprocal introductions of seeds and seedlings in the four environments provided a guideline for the expected pattern of allozyme variation. The results showed considerable variation in both the degree of regional and population subdivision and the pattern of the subdivision among loci. The observed pattern of variation was ambiguous. Although two alleles exhibited a pattern of distribution that cannot be explained by genetic drift as a function of geographic distance, we failed to detect either a significant relationship between genetic distance and environmental similarity or any favored epistatic allele combinations across the four environments. Our results suggest that interpretation of allozyme variation in wild barley as adaptive and directly related to local environment still needs justification. Although we could not reject the null hypothesis, a proposed methodology seeking a concordance between observed and "adaptive" (i.e., expected under hypothesis that allozymes are not neutral) allozyme variation may prove to be effective in resolving the neutralist-selectionist debate when applied to other species.  相似文献   

Mark Donohue 《Morphology》2011,21(3-4):499-513
Kanum, a language of southern New Guinea, displays nonconfigurationality only for arguments marked with an overt structural case. After examining a variety of constraints on scrambling, in main and subordinate clauses, I argue that nonconfigurationality is a process of scrambling, rather than independent mapping from functional structure to constituency, and further is dependent on features associated with overt morphological case, and that alternative accounts in terms of grammatical function identity cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

Conflicts over the delivery and sharing of food among family members are expected to lead to evolution of exaggerated offspring begging for food. Coevolution between offspring begging intensity and parent response depends on the genetic architecture of the traits involved. Given a genetic correlation between offspring begging intensity and parental response, there may be fast and arbitrary divergence in these behaviours between populations. However, there is limited knowledge about the genetic basis of offspring solicitation and parental response and whether these traits are genetically correlated. In this study, we performed a partial cross-fostering experiment of young between pied and collared flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca and Ficedula albicollis) and recorded the behaviour of individual offspring and their (foster)parents. We found that nestling collared flycatchers reached a higher phenotypic quality, estimated both as mass at fledging and as intensity of their T-lymphocyte-mediated immune response when raised by heterospecific foster parents. However, although collared flycatchers begged relatively more intensively, we found no evidence of corresponding higher resistance (i.e. lower feeding rate) of adult collared flycatchers than of adult pied flycatchers. Thus, the difference in offspring begging intensity between the two species seems not to be a result of a difference in escalation of the parent-offspring conflict. Instead, the species' divergence in exaggeration of offspring begging intensity 'honestly' matches a difference between the species in offspring need. This interpretation is strengthened by the fact that the difference in begging intensity between the two species increased as the season progressed, coinciding with the higher sensitivity of nestling collared flycatchers to the seasonal decline in food availability. Thus, the behavioural differentiation appears to be a direct consequence of a life-history differentiation (offspring growth patterns).  相似文献   

The results of recent (10–12 years) research in the functions of two-gene chromosomal modules are considered and generalized. One of the genes encodes a toxin protein; the product of the other gene is an antitoxin protein. In the course of balanced bacterial growth, the toxin is constantly neutralized by the antitoxin; however, certain metabolic changes (amino acid starvation, etc.) disturb the balance and then the toxin “poisons” the cell (in most cases, by destroying mRNA). As a result, bacterial growth ceases. In accordance with one group of the data, long-term inhibition of growth of most cells results in their programmed death and destruction, corresponding to apoptosis; this allows a minor part of the population to survive due to an additional nutrient source. The results of other works show that growth inhibition is mostly reversible and the functions of the relevant gene modules are restricted to the regulation of cell metabolism, i.e., transition of bacteria to the hypometabolic state. There is also a compromise point of view. The possibilities of biotechnological applications for “toxin-antitoxin” systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of regeneration: adaptive or inherent?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If regeneration were adaptive, it would have arisen autonomously by natural selection from non-regenerative antecedents. Unless each episode coincidentally reinvented the same method of regeneration independently, one would expect the various lineages to differ basically from each other, which they do not. On the other hand, if regeneration were inherent to metazoan life, a derivative of embryogenesis, its various expressions should be as much like each other as they resemble the development of embryonic appendage buds, which they do. It follows that the uneven distribution of regeneration must have been due to its extinction here and there, not as a negative adaptation by natural selection but as a pleiotropic epiphenomenon linked to more useful adaptations with which it was incompatible. In vertebrate evolution, these adaptations have included the transition from aquatic to terrestrial habitats and the modification of poikilothermic to homeothermic metabolism. The former advance rendered the regeneration of weight-bearing limbs impractical; the latter favored rapid wound healing and scar formation which effectively precluded blastema formation. If the latent capacity for regeneration persists in non-regenerative appendages, as would seem to be the case, then the restoration of its overt expression should be possible if the mechanisms of its inhibition could be discovered and eventually rendered ineffectual.  相似文献   

Increasing globalization has promoted the spread of exotic species, including disease vectors. Understanding the evolutionary processes involved in such colonizations is both of intrinsic biological interest and important to predict and mitigate future disease risks. The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a major vector of dengue, chikungunya and Zika, the worldwide spread of which has been facilitated by Ae. aegypti's adaption to human‐modified environments. Understanding the evolutionary processes involved in this invasion requires characterization of the genetic make‐up of the source population(s). The application of approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) to sequence data from four nuclear and one mitochondrial marker revealed that African populations of Ae. aegypti best fit a demographic model of lineage diversification, historical admixture and recent population structuring. As ancestral Ae. aegypti were dependent on forests, this population history is consistent with the effects of forest fragmentation and expansion driven by Pleistocene climatic change. Alternatively, or additionally, historical human movement across the continent may have facilitated their recent spread and mixing. ABC analysis and haplotype networks support earlier inferences of a single out‐of‐Africa colonization event, while a cline of decreasing genetic diversity indicates that Ae. aegypti moved first from Africa to the Americas and then to Asia. ABC analysis was unable to verify this colonization route, possibly because the genetic signal of admixture obscures the true colonization pathway. By increasing genetic diversity and forming novel allelic combinations, divergence and historical admixture within Africa could have provided the adaptive potential needed for the successful worldwide spread of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Summary Two species ofEuphydryas butterflies were studied in California, USA, and showed considerable diet overlap at the species level. They utilize many of the same plant genera for oviposition. However,E. editha is less likely to use woody perennials than isE. chalcedona.Both butterfly species are known to specialize on different host plants in different populations, so species level divergence may not be a good predictor of community level divergence. Within five communities,E. editha andE. chalcedona showed no dietary overlap. A major component of the niche ofE. editha in one community was occupied byE. chalcedona in a second community, even though both butterfly species occupied both communities. These resource use patterns indicate that community level interactions may affect diet divergence. The degree to which divergence within communities is greater (or less) than expected from a species level comparison may be used to provide a measure of community organization. Equations are given in the Appendix for calculating overlap probabilities from presence/absence types of data; in this study, presence is oviposition on a particular plant species, absence is no oviposition on that plant species. Given the various assumptions of the model,E. editha andE. chalcedona show significant community level components of their dietary divergence in the areas studied. However, in some other communitiesE. editha andE. chalcedona do share host plant species. Therefore, we could not demonstrate community level divergence conclusively, nor has this been demonstrated for any other pair of insect herbivore species. We do not know whether this is because the phenomenon is truly rare or just very hard to demonstrate.  相似文献   

There is a remarkable similarity in the appearance of groups of animal species during periods of their embryonic development. This classic observation has long been viewed as an emphatic realization of the principle of common descent. Despite the importance of embryonic conservation as a unifying concept, models seeking to predict and explain different patterns of conservation have remained in contention. Here, we focus on early embryonic development and discuss several lines of evidence, from recent molecular data, through developmental networks to life-history strategies, that indicate that early animal embryos are not highly conserved. Bringing this evidence together, we argue that the nature of early development often reflects adaptation to diverse ecological niches. Finally, we synthesize old and new ideas to propose a model that accounts for the evolutionary process by which embryos have come to be conserved.  相似文献   

Several recent reports have claimed that adaptive mutants in bacteria and yeast are induced by selective conditions. The results of these reports suggest that mutants can arise nonrandomly with respect to fitness, contrary to what has been widely accepted. In several cases that have received careful experimental reexamination, however, the detection of seemingly nonrandom mutation has been explained as an experimental artifact. In the remaining cases, there is no evidence to suggest that cells have the capacity to direct or choose which genetic variants will arise. Instead, current models propose processes by which genetic variants persist as mutations only if they enable cell growth and DNA replication. Most of these models are apparently contradicted by experimental data. One model, the hypermutable state model, has recently received limited circumstantial support. However, in this model the origin of adaptive mutants is random; the apparent nonrandomness of mutation is merely a consequence of natural selection. The critical distinction between the origin of genetic variation (mutation) and the possible consequence of that variation (selection) has been neglected by proponents of directed mutation.  相似文献   

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