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In American football, impacts to the helmet and the resulting head accelerations are the primary cause of concussion injury and potentially chronic brain injury. The purpose of this study was to quantify exposures to impacts to the head (frequency, location and magnitude) for individual collegiate football players and to investigate differences in head impact exposure by player position. A total of 314 players were enrolled at three institutions and 286,636 head impacts were recorded over three seasons. The 95th percentile peak linear and rotational acceleration and HITsp (a composite severity measure) were 62.7g, 4378rad/s(2) and 32.6, respectively. These exposure measures as well as the frequency of impacts varied significantly by player position and by helmet impact location. Running backs (RB) and quarter backs (QB) received the greatest magnitude head impacts, while defensive line (DL), offensive line (OL) and line backers (LB) received the most frequent head impacts (more than twice as many than any other position). Impacts to the top of the helmet had the lowest peak rotational acceleration (2387rad/s(2)), but the greatest peak linear acceleration (72.4g), and were the least frequent of all locations (13.7%) among all positions. OL and QB had the highest (49.2%) and the lowest (23.7%) frequency, respectively, of front impacts. QB received the greatest magnitude (70.8g and 5428rad/s(2)) and the most frequent (44% and 38.9%) impacts to the back of the helmet. This study quantified head impact exposure in collegiate football, providing data that is critical to advancing the understanding of the biomechanics of concussive injuries and sub-concussive head impacts.  相似文献   

In this study, we developed a curve-fit model of countermovement dynamics and examined whether the characteristics of a countermovement jump can be quantified using the model parameter and its scaling; we expected that the model-based analysis would facilitate an understanding of the basic mechanisms of force reduction and propulsion with a simplified framework of the center of mass (CoM) mechanics. Ten healthy young subjects jumped straight up to five different levels ranging from approximately 10% to 35% of their body heights. The kinematic and kinetic data on the CoM were measured using a force plate system synchronized with motion capture cameras. All subjects generated larger vertical forces compared with their body weights from the countermovement and sufficiently lowered their CoM position to support the work performed by push-off as the vertical elevations became more challenging. The model simulation reasonably reproduced the trajectories of vertical force during the countermovement, and the model parameters were replaced by linear and polynomial regression functions in terms of the vertical jump height. Gradual scaling trends of the individual model parameters were observed as a function of the vertical jump height with different degrees of scaling, depending on the subject. The results imply that the subjects may be aware of the jumping dynamics when subjected to various vertical jump heights and may select their countermovement strategies to effectively accommodate biomechanical constraints, i.e., limited force generation for the standing vertical jump.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify the severity of head impacts sustained by individual collegiate football players and to investigate differences between impacts sustained during practice and game sessions, as well as by player position and impact location. Head impacts (N = 184,358) were analyzed for 254 collegiate players at three collegiate institutions. In practice, the 50th and 95th percentile values for individual players were 20.0 g and 49.5 g for peak linear acceleration, 1187 rad/s2 and 3147 rad/s2 for peak rotational acceleration, and 13.4 and 29.9 for HITsp, respectively. Only the 95th percentile HITsp increased significantly in games compared with practices (8.4%, p = .0002). Player position and impact location were the largest factors associated with differences in head impacts. Running backs consistently sustained the greatest impact magnitudes. Peak linear accelerations were greatest for impacts to the top of the helmet, whereas rotational accelerations were greatest for impacts to the front and back. The findings of this study provide essential data for future investigations that aim to establish the correlations between head impact exposure, acute brain injury, and long-term cognitive deficits.  相似文献   

Drop vertical jumps (DVJs) stimulate enhanced countermovement loading as would occur with a run-up before jumping. A variety of performance variables have been associated with DVJ performance including ground contact time (GCT), reactive strength index (RSI), eccentric utilization ratio (EUR), and elasticity index (EI). This study examined the stability reliability and precision of these variables and their associations with DVJ displacement in trained men and women. The EUR and EI measures were redundant, so only EUR findings were reported. Except for EUR, data for all variables were both reliable and precise (intraclass correlation coefficient ≥ 0.70, coefficient of variation [CV%] ≤ 15.0) although EUR data were precise (CV% ≤ 15.0). Correlations with DVJ displacement were low for GCT, moderate for RSI, and negligible for EUR. Therefore, GCT and EUR likely represent unique performance characteristics not related to DVJ displacement. Furthermore, the variability in DVJ performance accounted for by RSI may primarily reflect the inclusion of displacement as the numerator in the quotient for calculating it.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the performance and hormonal responses to a 15-week off-season training program for American football. Nine skill position players from a National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I-A football team participated as subjects in this study. Following 4 weeks of weight training (phase I), subjects performed weight training concurrently with high-volume conditioning drills (phase II). Phase III consisted of 15 spring football practice sessions executed over a 30-day period. Performance and hormonal changes were assessed prior to phase I, and following phases I, II, and III. Maximal strength was significantly increased (p < 0.05) for all strength tests during phase I. Squat and power clean values decreased following phase II (p < 0.05), with all values returning to baseline upon completion of phase III. Sprinting speed significantly worsened during phase I (p < 0.05), but then returned to baseline during phase III. Vertical jump and agility improved during phase I (p < 0.05), with vertical jump remaining unchanged for the duration of the study and agility returning to baseline following phase II. Testosterone levels decreased during phase II (p < 0.05) prior to returning to baseline levels during phase III. Cortisol and the testosterone/cortisol ratio remained unchanged during the course of the investigation. Even though overtraining did not occur in the current investigation, a significant maladaptation in performance did occur subsequent to phase II. For this particular athletic population, a strength and conditioning program utilizing a reduced training volume-load may prove more effective for improving performance in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate positional relationships between sprint and jump abilities and body mass in elite college American football players (n = 1,136). Data from the annual National Football League combine over the years 2005-2009 were examined. The measures included for examination were the 9.1-, 18.3-, 36.6-, and flying 18.3-m sprints and the vertical and horizontal jumps. Pearson's correlation coefficients (r) were calculated to determine the relationships between the tests, and coefficients of determination (r2) were used to determine common variance. With the exception of the relationship between the 9.1-m and the flying 18.3-m sprints, the relationships between all sprints are very strong. Vertical jump ability is more strongly associated with maximum speed, as compared with acceleration. Horizontal jump ability is similarly associated with maximum speed and acceleration. The 9.1-, 18.3-, and flying 18.3-m sprints and the jump tests would appear to measure independent skills. Stationary start sprints up to 36.6 m appear to be heavily influenced by acceleration and may thus measure similar characteristics. The flying 18.3-m sprint is recommended as a measure of maximum speed. Body mass was most strongly associated with performance in the lineman group. When body mass was controlled for, correlations weakened across all the groups. The role of body mass remains unclear. Regardless of sport, the present research supports the notion that the relationships between various sprint and jump abilities warrant positional consideration. Coaches and practitioners will be able to use the findings of this research to better test and monitor athletes requiring different skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of different types of warm-up on countermovement vertical jump (VJ) performance. Sixty-four male Division I collegiate football players completed a pretest for VJ height. The participants were then randomly assigned to a warm-up only condition, a warm-up plus static stretching condition, a warm-up plus dynamic stretching condition, or a warm-up plus dynamic flexibility condition. VJ performance was tested immediately after the completion of the warm-up. The results showed that there was a significant difference (P < .05) in VJ performance between the warm-up groups. Posttest jump performance improved in all groups; however, the mean for the static stretching group was significantly lower than the means for the other 3 groups. The static stretching negated the benefits gained from a general warm-up when performed immediately before a VJ test.  相似文献   

Ponderal somatograms evaluate body size and shape by converting muscular (shoulders, chest, biceps, forearm, thigh, calf) and nonmuscular (abdomen, hips, knee, ankle, wrist) girths into ponderal equivalent (PE) values. Anthropometric measurements, including stature, body mass, girths, and percent body fat by densitometry were collected in 54 Division III football players in preseason camp (fall) and at the beginning (winter) and end (spring) of the team strength and conditioning program. PE values were calculated for each girth as PE, kg = (girth, cm / k)(2) x stature, dm, where k = k constant from Behnke's reference man. PE values were compared to body mass to indicate overdevelopment (PE > body mass) and underdevelopment (PE < body mass) at specific girth sites. From fall to winter, body mass (+1.6 kg), percent fat (+1.3%), fat mass (+1.6 kg), nonmuscular abdominal and hip girths (+2.1 cm, +1.5 cm), and PE values (+5.3 kg, +2.6 kg) increased significantly (p < 0.05). From winter to spring, percent fat (-1.5%), fat mass (-1.4 kg), nonmuscular abdominal girth (-1.0 cm), and PE value (-2.5 kg) decreased significantly (p < 0.05). Fat-free mass (+1.5 kg), muscular biceps girth (+0.4 cm), and PE value (+2.6 kg) increased significantly (p < 0.05) from winter to spring. Ponderal somatogram muscular components were generally overdeveloped, with the greatest overdevelopment at the biceps in fall (+14.7 kg), winter (+14.9 kg), and spring (+17.4 kg). Nonmuscular components generally were underdeveloped, except abdomen and hips that were overdeveloped. The abdomen remained the greatest nonmuscular overdevelopment in fall (+6.8 kg), winter (+10.5 kg), and spring (+7.9 kg). Ponderal somatograms provide a relatively simple, practical method to track specific changes in body size and shape over time.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of 5 weeks of eccentrically loaded and unloaded jump squat training in experienced resistance-trained athletes during the strength/ power phase of a 15-week periodized off-season resistance training program. Forty-seven male college football players were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups. One group performed the jump squat exercise using both concentric and eccentric phases of contraction (CE; n = 15). A second group performed the jump squat exercise using the concentric phase only (n = 16), and a third group did not perform the jump squat exercise and served as control (CT; n = 16). No significant differences between the groups were seen in power, vertical jump height, 40-yd sprint speed and agility performance. In addition, no differences between the groups were seen in integrated electromyography activity during the jump squat exercise. Significant differences between the CE and CT groups were seen in Delta 1RM squat (65.8 and 27.5 kg, respectively) and Delta 1RM power clean (25.9 and 3.8 kg, respectively). No other between-group differences were observed. Results of this study provide evidence of the benefits of the jump squat exercise during a short-duration (5-week) training program for eliciting strength and power gains. In addition, the eccentric phase of this ballistic movement appears to have important implications for eliciting these strength gains in college football players during an off-season training program. Thus, coaches incorporating jump squats (using both concentric and eccentric phases of contraction) in the off-season training programs of their athletes can see significant performance improvements during a relatively short duration of training.  相似文献   

Performance data for 261 NCAA Division 1A collegiate football players were analyzed to determine if player position, body weight, body fat, and training time were correlated with changes in performance in the following events: power clean (PC), bench press (BP), squat (SQ), vertical jump (VJ), 40-yd dash (40yd), and 20-yd shuttle (20yd). Individual positions were combined into the following groups: (A) wide receivers, defensive backs, and running backs, (B) linebackers, kickers, tight ends, quarterbacks, and specialists, and (C) linemen. Increases in body weight were positively correlated with increases in BP and PC performance for all groups. Increases in body fat were negatively correlated with performance in the PC and VJ for all groups. For group C, increases in body fat were also negatively correlated with performance in the 40yd and 20yd. Group and training time exhibited no linear relationship with performance in any of the tested events. No linear relationships were observed between the independent variables and performance in the SQ. When individual training data were analyzed longitudinally, a nonlinear increase in performance in the PC, BP, and SQ was observed as training time increased, with the greatest rate of change occurring between the first and second semesters of training.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of different warm-up interventions on jump, sprint and agility performance in collegiate soccer players. Twenty-one healthy male college soccer players (age: 20.14 ± 1.65 years; body height: 179.9 ± 8.34 cm; body mass: 74.4 ± 13.0 kg; % body fat: 9.45 ± 4.8) participated in the study. Subjects underwent four different randomized warm-up protocols separated by at least 48 hours. The warm-up schemes were: 1. no conditioning contraction protocol (NCC); 2. dynamic stretching (DS); 3. prolonged intermittent low-intensity isometric exercise (ST); and, 4. ST with an additional external load equal to 30% of body weight (ST + 30% BW). All interventions were preceded by a general warm-up. Results from one-way repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated a significant difference in countermovement jump (CMJ) at F(3,60) = 10.2, ηρ2 = 0.337, p < 0.01. Post hoc analysis revealed a significant difference in CMJ performance in DS when compared to NCC and ST + 30% BW. No significant difference in CMJ was observed between DS and ST. CMJ scores in NCC, ST, and ST + 30% BW were non-significant. There was a significant difference in speed; F(3, 60) = 6.61, ηρ2 = 0.248, p < 0.01. Post hoc analysis revealed significantly better time in DS than NCC and ST. However, no difference in speed was observed between DS and ST + 30% BW. Similarly, speed was similar in NCC, ST and ST + 30% BW. A significant difference in agility performance was also observed; F(3, 60) = 24.1, ηρ2= 0.546, p < 0.01. Post hoc analysis revealed significantly greater performance gains in DS than NCC. No significant difference in agility was observed in DS, ST and ST + 30% BW. In conclusion, a prolonged intermittent low-intensity isometric protocol using bodyweight only showed similar benefits with dynamic stretching in countermovement jump performance. When the same isometric condition with additional load equal to 30% of bodyweight was applied, effects in speed and agility were similar to dynamic stretching.  相似文献   

Women's handball is a sport, which has seen an accelerated development over the last decade. Although anthropometric and physical characteristics have been studied for male sports teams, in women's handball, studies are scarce. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to describe the anthropometric characteristics, throwing velocity, hand grip, and muscular power of the lower limbs in female handball players and second, to identify the possible differences in these parameters in terms of individual playing positions (center, back, wing, pivot, and goalkeeper). A total of 130 elite female Spanish handball players participated in the study (age 25.74 ± 4.84 years; playing experience 14.92 ± 4.88 years). Anthropometric assessment was performed for all the subjects following the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry protocols. Furthermore, all the subjects performed a vertical jump test (squat jump and countermovement jump). Hand grip and throwing velocity in several situations were also assessed. A 1-way analysis of variance and a Tukey post hoc test were used to study the differences among individual playing positions. Wings were less heavy, shorter, and showed a smaller arm span than did goalkeepers, backs and pivots (p ≤ 0.001). Additionally, pivots were heavier than centers. Backs and pivots exhibited higher muscular mass than did wings. Total players' somatotype was mesomorphy endomorphy (3.89-4.28-2.29). Centers showed higher throwing velocity levels than did wings in 9-m throws from just behind the line, with a goalkeeper. Backs exhibited higher hand-grip values than did wings. Statistical differences have been established between wings and other specific playing positions, especially with pivot and backs. Coaches can use this information to select players for the different specific positions.  相似文献   

We measured vertical jump, anaerobic power, and shooting accuracy in 18 Division I women basketball players (age 18-22 years) 6 hours following a morning strength training routine called a lift day (LD) and on a control day in which no strength training was performed. Subjects had been strength trained for 4 weeks prior to testing. The strength training session on lift day was a full-body workout and included 7 exercises performed in 3-6 sets at loads ranging from a 5 to 12 repetition maximum (RM). There were no significant differences in jump height with 2 legs (49.5 +/- 4.8 cm and 49.0 +/- 4.8 cm, LD and control, respectively), relative mean power output over 30 seconds on a Wingate bicycle test (6.4 +/- 0.8 W.kg(-1) and 6.6 +/- 0.7 W.kg(-1), LD and control, respectively), or shooting accuracy over 60 seconds (21.5 +/- 3.8 points/min and 21.3 +/- 4.1 points/min, LD and control, respectively). These data suggest that in collegiate women basketball players, a previous bout of strength training has no negative effect on vertical jump height, anaerobic power, or shooting accuracy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between vertical jump measures and sprint speed over 10, 20, and 40 m in professional basketball players. Thirty-three professional basketball players aged (±SD) (27.4 ± 3.3 years), body mass (89.8 ± 11.1 kg), and stature (192 ± 8.2 cm) volunteered to participate in this study. All participants were tested on squat jump, countermovement jump, and 40-m running speed. The results show that all jump measures in absolute terms were correlated significantly to running performance over 10-, 20-, and 40-m sprint times. None of the jumping performance peak powers and reactive strength were found to have a correlation to running speed times in absolute term. Furthermore, all jump height measures relative to body mass except reactive strength had a marked and significant relationship with all sprint performance times. The results of this study indicate that while there is a strong and marked relationship between 10-, 20-, and 40-m sprint, there is also a considerable variation within the factors that contribute to performance over these distances. This may indicate that, separate training strategies could be implemented to improve running speed over these distances.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are main components of eukaryote genomes-up to 50% in some vertebrates-which can replicate and jump to new locations. TEs contribute to shape genome evolution, actively by creating new genes (or exons) or altering gene expression as consequence of transposition, and passively by serving as illegitimate recombinational hotspots. Analysis of amphioxus TEs can help to shed light on the ancestral status of chordate TEs and to understand genome evolution in cephalochordates and early vertebrates. The Branchiostoma floridae genome project has revealed that TE content constitutes ~28% of the amphioxus genome. Amphioxus TEs belong to more than 30 superfamilies, which represent a higher diversity than in vertebrates. Amphioxus TE families are also highly heterogeneous as generally none of their members are drastically more abundant than others, and none of the TEs seems to have suffered any massive expansion. Such diversity and heterogeneity make the amphioxus genome not to be particularly prone to major evolutionary changes mediated by TEs, and therefore favoring genomic evolutionary stasis. Comparison of TE diversity and content between amphioxus and vertebrates allows us to discuss whether or not a burst of TEs happened after the two rounds of whole-genome duplication that occurred during early vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the frequency and clinical significance of glandular cells in posthysterectomy vaginal smears. The slides of vaginal cuff smears of 290 patients were reviewed. The glandular cells were categorized into three groups: (1) squamous metaplastic-like cells; (2) columnar endocervical-like cells; and (3) small round cuboidal cells. Glandular cells were found in 39 (13%) of the 290 vaginal smears. Group 1 type cells were seen in 76% (n = 30), group 2 type cells in 38% (n = 15) and group 3 type cells in 47% (n = 19) of the smears. In 19 (48%) of the smears combination of two or three groups were seen. The presence of glandular cells showed a strong association with inflammation/repair as a background finding in the smears. No correlation could be found between the presence of atrophy and history of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Apart from these there was a prominent increase in reporting benign glandular cells after the application of the current Bethesda 2001 reporting criteria in our laboratory. As a result our study showed that the finding of glandular cells in posthysterectomy vaginal smears is more frequent than expected and most of them could be related to inflammatory and regenerative processes in the absence of a clearly identified underlying cause.  相似文献   

To determine whether the relative utilization of exogenous carbohydrate (CHO(exo)) differs between children and adults, substrate utilization during 60 min of cycling at 70% peak O(2) uptake was studied in 12 pre- and early pubertal boys (9.8 +/- 0.1 yr) and 10 men (22.1 +/- 0.5 yr) on two occasions. Subjects consumed either a placebo or a (13)C-enriched 6% CHO(exo) beverage (total volume per trial: 24 ml/kg). Substrate utilization was calculated for the final 30 min of exercise. During both trials, total fat oxidation was higher (5.4 +/- 0.5 vs. 3.0 +/- 0.4 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.001) and total CHO oxidation lower (27.4 +/- 1.5 vs. 34.8 +/- 1.2 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.001) in boys than in men, respectively. During the CHO(exo) trial, CHO(exo) oxidation was higher (P < 0.001) in boys (8.8 +/- 0.5 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) than in men (6.2 +/- 0.5 mg x kg(-1) x min(-1)) and provided a greater (P < 0.001) relative proportion of total energy in boys (21.8 +/- 1.4%) than in men (14.6 +/- 0.9%). These results suggest that, although endogenous CHO utilization during exercise is lower, the relative oxidation of ingested CHO is considerably higher in boys than in men. The greater reliance on CHO(exo) in boys may be important in preserving endogenous fuels and may be related to pubertal status.  相似文献   

A mixed beech and spruce forest soil was incubated under potential denitrification assay (PDA) condition with 10% acetylene (C2H2) in the headspace of soil slurry bottles. Nitrous oxide (N2O) concentration in the headspace, as well as nitrate, nitrite and ammonium concentrations in the soil slurries were monitored during the incubation. Results show that nitrate disappearance rate was higher than N2O production rate with C2H2 blockage during the incubation. Sum of nitrate, nitrite, and N2O with C2H2 blockage could not recover the original soil nitrate content, showing an N imbalance in such a closed incubation system. Changes in nitrite and ammonium concentration during the incubation could not account for the observed faster nitrate disappearance rate and the N imbalance. Non-determined nitric oxide (NO) and N2 production could be the major cause, and the associated mechanisms could vary for different treatments. Commonly applied PDA measurement likely underestimates the nitrate removal capacity of a system. Incubation time and organic matter/nitrate ratio are the most critical factors to consider using C2H2 inhibition technique to quantify denitrification. By comparing the treatments with and without an antibiotic, the results suggest that microbial N uptake probably played a minor role in N balance, and other denitrifying enzymes but nitrate reductase could be substantially synthesized during the incubation.  相似文献   

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