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Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) are small additional chromosomes characterizable for their origin only by molecular cytogenetic approaches. sSMC have been reported previously in four types of syndromes associated with chromosomal imbalances: in approximately 150 cases with Turner syndrome, 26 cases with Down syndrome and only one case each with Klinefelter syndrome and "Triple-X"-syndrome. Here we report the second case with an sSMC detected in addition to a Klinefelter karyotype. Molecular cytogenetics applying centromere-specific multicolor FISH (cenM-FISH) and a specific subcentromere-specific (subcenM-FISH) probe set characterized the sSMC as a dic(9)(:p12-->q11.1::q11.1--> p11.1:). The reported patient was described with hypogonadism, gynaecomastia plus a bronchial carcinoma. The patient's clinical features are discussed in connection with other Klinefelter cases and possible consequences of presence of the sSMC(9). Furthermore, a suggestion is made for the mode of sSMC-formation in this case.  相似文献   

We describe the clinical case of a nine-year-old boy with psychomotor retardation and a small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) present in mosaic form. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using centromere cross-hybridizing probes D1/5/19Z (pZ5.1), the whole chromosome paint probe 19, pool YACs19p (839B1, 872G3, 728C8), and pool YACs19q (767C4, 761C1, 786G6) demonstrated that the sSMC was derived from chromosome 19p. Based on GTG-banding and FISH analyses, the patient's karyotype was interpreted as: 47,XY,+mar.ish der(19) (:p13.3-->p11:)(839B1+, 872G3+,728C8+, D1/5/19Z+) de novo[52]/46,XY[48]. To our knowledge, only two other similar cases have been reported. This case helps to better delineate karyotype-phenotype correlations between sSMC 19p and associated clinical phenomena.  相似文献   

Marker or ring X chromosomes are frequently seen in Ullrich-Turner Syndrome with 46,X,r(X) karyotype, but only 8 children were reported with an extra marker X chromosome in at least some of their cell lines, we describe a 5 years old male patient who is mosaic (17%) for a cell line with an extra ring shaped marker X chromosome in addition to a normal 46,XY cell line. He had mild motor mental retardation, a dysmorphic face, dysplastic ears, high arched palate, cryptorchidism and brachydactyly. G-banding showed 46,XY[83]/47,XY,+r?[17] karyotype. NOR banding revealed no satellite region but its centromere was intact in C-banding. By fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique, dual X/Y alpha-satellite probes were used to detect the origin of ring shaped marker chromosome and 17% of his cells had two X chromosome signals due to marker X; hybridization with X chromosome inactivation center (XIST) specific probe revealed the absence of the locus on the ring chromosome. In this report, clinical features of our patient are compared with previously reported cases and the cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic techniques used to detect origin of marker chromosome are discussed.  相似文献   

Somatic mosaicism is something that is observed in everyday lives of cytogeneticists. Chromosome instability is one of the leading causes of large-scale genome variation analyzable since the correct human chromosome number was established in 1956. Somatic mosaicism is also a well-known fact to be present in cases with small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC), i.e. karyotypes of 47,+mar/46. In this study, the data available in the literature were collected concerning the frequency mosaicism in different subgroups of patients with sSMC. Of 3124 cases with sSMC 1626 (52%) present with somatic mosaicism. Some groups like patients with Emanuel-, cat-eye- or i(18p)- syndrome only tend rarely to develop mosaicism, while in Pallister-Killian syndrome every patient is mosaic. In general, acrocentric and non-acrocentric derived sSMCs are differently susceptible to mosaicism; non-acrocentric derived ones are hereby the less stable ones. Even though, in the overwhelming majority of the cases, somatic mosaicism does not have any detectable clinical effects, there are rare cases with altered clinical outcomes due to mosaicism. This is extremely important for prenatal genetic counseling. Overall, as mosaicism is something to be considered in at least every second sSMC case, array-CGH studies cannot be offered as a screening test to reliably detect this kind of chromosomal aberration, as low level mosaic cases and cryptic mosaics are missed by that.  相似文献   

Here we report a prenatally detected small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) derived from chromosome 2 as demonstrated by cenM-FISH (centromere-specific multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization). By application of a recently described subcentromere-specific probe set (subcenM-FISH) for chromosome 2, the presence of a small partial trisomy due to a karyotype 47,XX,+r(2)(::p11.1->q11.2::) was demonstrated. Including this case, a total of 11 patients with sSMC(2) are described throughout the literature. Based on that data, a first genotype/phenotype correlation according to the size and structure of the marker is suggested.  相似文献   

We present prenatal diagnosis of mosaicism for a small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) derived from chromosome 22 associated with cat eye syndrome (CES) using cultured amniocytes in a pregnancy with fetal microcephaly, intrauterine growth restriction, left renal hypoplasia, total anomalous pulmonary venous return with dominant right heart and right ear deformity. The sSMC was bisatellited and dicentric, and was characterized by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). The SALSA MLPA P250-B1 DiGeorge Probemix showed duplication of gene dosage in the CES region. aCGH showed a 1.26-Mb duplication at 22q11.1–q11.21 encompassing CECR1CECR7. The sSMC was likely inv dup(22) (q11.21). Prenatal diagnosis of an sSMC(22) at amniocentesis should alert CES. MLPA, aCGH and fetal ultrasound are useful for rapid diagnosis of CES in case of prenatally detected sSMC(22).  相似文献   

Fourteen cases with constitutional small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) were assessed by combination of diverse techniques including genome-wide high-resolution chromosomal microarray (CMA), chromosome banding analysis (G banding), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Of the 14 sSMCs, 4 were complex sSMCs composed of genomic materials from more than one chromosome, 7 were simple sSMCs which contain only centromeric and/or pericentromeric regions from individual chromosomes, and the remaining 3 sSMCs contained inverted duplications. CMA precisely defined the breakpoints and genetic contents in 12 of the 14 sSMCs but failed to identify 2 of the 14 sSMCs due to lack of detectable euchromatin. In addition, CMA revealed unexpected genomic abnormalities in 2 cases. FISH techniques were necessary for the determination of the physical location, structure, formation mechanism, mosaic level, and origin of all these sSMCs. Our data emphasize the necessity to combine these methods for comprehensive characterization of sSMCs.  相似文献   

We report here a prenatal case with de novo supernumerary marker chromosome originating from chromosome 17 in non-mosaic form resulting in normal pregnancy outcome. In this case, a 26-year-old pregnant woman was referred for amniocenthesis and microdeletion Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) testing at 18 weeks of gestation due to history of a previous child with Angelman Syndrome. PWS/AS region deletion was excluded by FISH. A de novo supernumerary, non-satellited, monocentric marker chromosome was detected during conventional cytogenetic analysis. With the use of FISH testing, it was found that the marker chromosome originated from chromosome 17. Additionally, the marker chromosome was found not to contain the Smith-Magenis and Miller Dieker syndrome regions. After detailed review of the literature, genetic counseling was given to the family, and the family decided to continue the pregnancy to term. A female child was born at term without any phenotypical abnormalities and clinical complications. Follow-up at 15 months-of-age revealed no developmental abnormalities. To our knowledge, our patient is the first reported prenatal case with a de novo monocentric, supernumerary marker chromosome derived from chromosome 17 in a non-mosaic form that resulting in normal pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

Sixteen newly established cell lines with small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) derived from chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, and 22 are reported. Two sSMC are neocentric and derived from 15q24.1-qter and 2q35-q36, respectively. Two further cases each present with two sSMC of different chromosomal origin. sSMC were characterized by multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization for their chromosomal origin and genetic content. Moreover, uniparental disomy of the sister chromosomes of the sSMC was excluded in all nine cases studied for that reason. The 16 cases provide information to establish a refined genotype-phenotype correlation of sSMC and are available for future studies.  相似文献   

Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) are a morphological heterogeneous group of additional abnormal chromosomes that cannot be characterized alone by conventional banding cytogenetics. Molecular cytogenetic techniques are valuable tools for the accurate identification of sSMC and a prerequisite for sound genetic counseling based on refined genotype/phenotype correlation. We describe a new case of a retarded patient with an sSMC derived from chromosome 5. The characterization of the sSMC was done by subcentromere-specific multicolor (subcenM) fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) and by full tilling resolution array analysis, after microdissection and amplification of the marker DNA. Uniparental disomy for normal sister chromosomes of the sSMC(5) was excluded. The karyotype was mos47,XX,+r(5)(::p11.1 → q12.1::)[70%]/46,XX[30%], being the trisomic region between 46.15 ∼ 49.56 Mb and 61.25 ∼ 61.335 Mb, a region known to harbor ∼45 annotated genes. Together with a review of the previously described cases of sSMC(5) and duplications involving the 5q proximal region, we can conclude that trisomy of the 5q11 region is associated with learning difficulties and speech delay.  相似文献   

Pure partial duplication or triplication of the proximal part of chromosome 14 has been reported in only 4 patients. Other individuals with a duplication or triplication of this region have additional chromosome imbalances. We present a new case with a supernumerary marker chromosome in all blood cells and in 35% of the cells an additional smaller marker chromosome. Both markers appeared to be derived from chromosome 14 (del(14)(q21.2) in all cells and del(14)(q11.2) in 35% of the cells). This results in a partial duplication of the proximal region of chromosome 14, combined with a mosaic partial triplication of a smaller segment of the same region. In this paper, we compare the clinical features of this case to those of cases from the literature. Although most of the patients from literature were unbalanced translocation carriers, their clinical features were comparable, except from renal abnormalities.  相似文献   

The frequency of small supernumerary marker chromosomes has been estimated to approximately 0.45 per 1000 newborns. They are usually seen as single marker chromosomes in a mosaic state. Two cytogenetically identical markers have been observed only occasionally. We report on a boy, with congenital heart defect, neonatal hypotonia, hypogenitalism, delayed psychomotor development and mild dysmorphic facial features. The GTG karyotype performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed a mosaic male karyotype with three cell lines. One cell line had a normal karyotype. In the other two either single or double chromosome 6 derived supernumerary markers were present, leading to partial trisomy or partial tetrasomy of chromosome 6, respectively.  相似文献   

Human chromosome 9 is involved in a number of recurrent structural rearrangements; moreover, its pericentromeric region exhibits a remarkable evolutionary plasticity. In this study we present the molecular characterization of a constitutional rearrangement, involving the 9p21.1q13 region, which led to the formation of a supernumerary marker chromosome (SMC). We defined the sequence of the breakpoints and identified a new set of duplicons on human chromosome 9, named LCR9s (chromosome 9 low-copy repeats). Two of these duplicons were shown to be involved in a somatic exchange leading to the formation of the SMC. High-resolution FISH coupled to database search demonstrated that a total number of 35 LCR9 paralogs are present in the human genome. These newly described chromosome 9 duplicons have features that may be crucial in driving structural chromosome rearrangements in germinal and somatic cells.  相似文献   

We describe the first case of a supernumerary inv dup(22)(q11.1) in an infertile male with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. This case supports the opinion that supernumerary inv dup(22)(q11.1) could play a role in male infertility. We suggest that the breakpoint in the region 22q11.1 and/or fourfold dosage of centromeric/pericentromeric sequences of the chromosome 22 may be the cause of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism resulting in impaired spermatogenesis and infertility in our patient.  相似文献   

We present prenatal diagnosis and molecular cytogenetic analysis of mosaic small supernumerary marker chromosome 1 [sSMC(1)]. We review the literature of sSMC(1) at amniocentesis and chromosome 1p21.1-p12 duplication syndrome. We discuss the genotype–phenotype correlation of the involved genes of ALX3, RBM15, NTNG1, SLC25A24, GPSM2, TBX15 and NOTCH2 in this case.  相似文献   

The propositus was referred because of sterility and oligospermia. His karyotype was 45, XY, t(13q14q). His father was dead; his mother and the only brother, who was fertile, both had 47 chromosomes, but a normal phenotype and normal intelligence. The additional chromosome was three quarters the size of a G chromosome and had satellites on the short and long arms.  相似文献   

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