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Succession has a strong influence on species diversity and composition of terrestrial ecosystems. Peat bogs are among them. They have a large area in Belarus compared to other Central European countries. While in several studies have analyzed the effects of succession on vegetation in peat bog ecosystems, the response of peatland insects to succession has not been investigated yet. To address this issue were sampled Auchenorrhyncha abundance and environmental parameters on the ancient and one of the largest natural peat bog along a successional gradient from the margin to the bog dome. The results provide evidence that succession of peat bogs has influence on planthoppers and leafhoppers abundance, diversity and species composition. Along the successional gradient from younger towards older successional stages an increase abundance of specialized peat bog species, chamebionts, oligophagous and monophagous was observed. On the contrary, the younger stages of natural peat bog succession offer favorable conditions to eurytopic, polyphagous and chortobiont planthoppers and leafhoppers. The highest abundance and species richness of Auchenorrhyncha were in the lagg zone followed by early stages of natural peat bog succession. The highest diversity was in the middle stages of succession. A determinant of Auchenorrhyncha diversity was the cover of ericaceous dwarf shrubs. Linear models shrub cover and number of plants species had a positive effect on planthoppers and leafhoppers diversity and a negative effect on their abundance. Amount of ericaceous dwarf shrubs within the peat bog could be as a measure of heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Effects of ground cover upon arboreal spiders and their ability to control pests were studied in an apple orchard over six years. The ground cover treatments were: (1) annual and perennial flowering herbs (FLOWER), (2) regularly mowed grass (GRASS) and (3) weed-free bare ground (BAREgr) in the alleys. Spider abundance and species richness increased significantly in FLOWER compared to BAREgr, with GRASS being intermediate between the other two treatments. The effects of ground cover vegetation varied across spider guilds and individual species. The number of stalkers (Salticidae) increased sharply with the amount of vegetation in the alleys, while the increase was much less steep in ambushers (mainly Thomisidae and Philodromidae), and we found no significant difference between the treatments in space web builders (Theridiidae) and orb web builders (mainly Araneidae). The spider community was dominated by the intraguild predator Carrhotus xanthogramma (Salticidae), which showed a 3.5-fold increase in FLOWER compared to BAREgr and represented 40, 54 and 63% of the total spider abundance in BAREgr, GRASS and FLOWER treatments, respectively. The other species were less numerous and their response to FLOWER compared to BAREgr treatments ranged from a ninefold increase to a sixfold decrease. Within potential prey groups, hymenopteran parasitoids, dipterans and Auchenorrhyncha were the best predictors of spider abundance. In contrast, the abundance of apple pests was independent of spider density and showed no difference between treatments, indicating that spiders in the studied orchard had little impact on the size of the pest populations. This study demonstrates that functional traits and abundances of spider guilds and species, rather than the total spider abundance per se, might explain the success or failure of spiders in conservation biological control.  相似文献   

Recent climate warming in the Arctic has caused advancement in the timing of snowmelt and expansion of shrubs into open tundra. Such an altered climate may directly and indirectly (via effects on vegetation) affect arctic arthropod abundance, diversity and assemblage taxonomic composition. To allow better predictions about how climate changes may affect these organisms, we compared arthropod assemblages between open and shrub‐dominated tundra at three field sites in northern Alaska that encompass a range of shrub communities. Over ten weeks of sampling in 2011, pitfall traps captured significantly more arthropods in shrub plots than open tundra plots at two of the three sites. Furthermore, taxonomic richness and diversity were significantly greater in shrub plots than open tundra plots, although this pattern was site‐specific as well. Patterns of abundance within the five most abundant arthropod orders differed, with spiders (Order: Araneae) more abundant in open tundra habitats and true bugs (Order: Hemiptera), flies (Order: Diptera), and wasps and bees (Order: Hymenoptera) more abundant in shrub‐dominated habitats. Few strong relationships were found between vegetation and environmental variables and arthropod abundance; however, lichen cover seemed to be important for the overall abundance of arthropods. Some arthropod orders showed significant relationships with other vegetation variables, including maximum shrub height (Coleoptera) and foliar canopy cover (Diptera). As climate warming continues over the coming decades, and with further shrub expansion likely to occur, changes in arthropod abundance, richness, and diversity associated with shrub‐dominated habitat may have important ecological effects on arctic food webs since arthropods play important ecological roles in the tundra, including in decomposition and trophic interactions.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of selective logging and corresponding forest canopy loss on arboreal ant diversity in a tropical rainforest. Arboreal ants were collected from an unlogged forest plot and from forest plots selectively logged 14 years and 24 years earlier in Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia, using a canopy fogging method. Selective logging was associated with a significant decrease in canopy cover and an increase in understory vegetation density relative to unlogged forest. Our study showed that selective logging in primary forest might not dramatically decrease total species number and overall abundance of arboreal ants; however, it may influence the species composition and dominance structure of the ant community, accompanied by an increase in abundance of shrub‐layer species and trophobiotic species. In view of the results of this study, management techniques that minimize logging impact on understory vegetation structure are likely to help maintain the conservation value of logged forests for arboreal ants. Our results also suggest that accurate assessment of the impacts on biodiversity should not be based only on measurement of species number and overall abundance, but also on analysis of species composition and community structure.  相似文献   

Changes in climate and in browsing pressure are expected to alter the abundance of tundra shrubs thereby influencing the composition and species richness of plant communities. We investigated the associations between browsing, tundra shrub canopies and their understory vegetation by utilizing a long‐term (10–13 seasons) experiment controlling reindeer and ptarmigan herbivory in the subarctic forest tundra ecotone in northwestern Fennoscandia. In this area, there has also been a consistent increase in the yearly thermal sum and precipitation during the study period. The cover of shrubs increased 2.8–7.8 fold in exclosures and these contrasted with browsed control areas creating a sharp gradient of canopy cover of tundra shrubs across a variety of vegetation types. Browsing exclusions caused significant shifts in more productive vegetation types, whereas little or no shift occurred in low‐productive tundra communities. The increased deciduous shrub cover was associated with significant losses of understory plant species and shifts in functional composition, the latter being clearest in the most productive plant community types. The total cover of understory vegetation decreased along with increasing shrub cover, while the cover of litter showed the opposite response. The cover of cryptogams decreased along with increasing shrub cover, while the cover of forbs was favoured by a shrub cover. Increasing shrub cover decreased species richness of understory vegetation, which was mainly due to the decrease in the cryptogam species. The effects were consistent across different types of forest tundra vegetation indicating that shrub increase may have broad impacts on arctic vegetation diversity. Deciduous shrub cover is strongly regulated by reindeer browsing pressure and altered browsing pressure may result in a profound shrub expansion over the next one or two decades. Results suggest that the impact of an increase in shrubs on tundra plant richness is strong and browsing pressure effectively counteracts the effects of climate warming‐driven shrub expansion and hence maintains species richness.  相似文献   

Question: How does the composition and species richness of understorey vegetation associate with changing abundance of deciduous shrub canopies? What are the species‐specific associations between shrubs and understorey plants? Location: Tundra habitats along an over 1000‐km long range, spanning from NW Fennoscandia to the Yamal Peninsula in northwest Russia. Methods: The data from 758 vegetation sample plots from 12 sites comprised cover estimates of all plant species, including bryophytes and lichens, and canopy height of deciduous shrubs. The relationships between shrub volume and cover of plant groups and species richness of vegetation were investigated. In addition, species‐specific associations between understorey species and shrub volume were analysed. Results: Shrub abundance was shown to be associated with the composition of understorey vegetation, and the association patterns were consistent across the study sites. Increased forb cover was positively associated with shrub volume, whereas bryophyte, lichen, dwarf shrub and graminoid cover decreased in association with increasing volume of deciduous shrubs. The total species richness of vegetation declined with increasing shrub volume. Conclusions: The results suggest that an increase of shrubs – due to climatic warming or a decrease in grazing pressure – is likely to have strong effects on plant–plant interactions and lead to a decrease in the diversity of understorey vegetation.  相似文献   

The first overview on the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of peat bogs of the Austrian Bohemian Forest is presented. Seven oligotrophic peat bog sites were studied in 2011 by suction sampler (“G-Vac”) and 93 Auchenorrhyncha species (with 7465 adult specimens) were recorded. Eleven species (about 18 % of the individuals) are tyrphobiontic or tyrphophilous. The relative species abundance plot is not very steep; the six most abundant species represent 50 % of the individuals. The most common species is Conomelus anceps (17 % of the individuals). Compared to the whole Austrian Auchenorrhyncha fauna, the fauna of peat bogs comprises distinctly more univoltine species and more species hibernating in nymphal stage. Densities of adult Auchenorrhyncha in peat bogs are low in spring (about 10–60 individuals per m²) and high in July, with up to 180 (±50) individuals per m². Disturbed peat bogs have higher species numbers and higher Auchenorrhyncha densities in total, but lower numbers and densities in peat bog specialists.  相似文献   

1 Studies of plant performance in relation to local variability in environmental conditions can be used to predict the responses of species to environmental change.
2 We used redundancy analysis to study how interpopulation variation in average plant weight, flower and bulbil number, bulbil weight and population density among 28 populations of Bistorta vivipara was related to variation in 15 environmental factors. We also examined the responses of plants to a 4-year experimental increase in temperature.
3 Significant differences in average plant performance were found between populations. Variance partitioning of the response data showed that environmental factors explained 45% of the variation in plant performance and density between populations, whereas variation due to transect position was small (10.8%). Soil pH, altitude and season length were the most influential of the environmental variables, and explained 23%, 21% and 14%, respectively, of the variation. Plant performance was in general negatively correlated with these variables, whereas plant density increased along the pH and altitude gradients, suggesting that environmental factors associated with elevation (temperature and vegetation cover) and pH (soil fertility) had opposing effects on individual performance and density. Season length was highly important for average bulbil weight.
4 Plants growing in open top chambers had significantly enhanced growth and produced significantly heavier bulbils than those in control plots, whereas flower and bulbil number were unaffected by experimentally increased temperatures. Plant density was equal for warmed and control plots.
5 Although warming may increase bulbil weight and plant size in B. vivipara , the response to climate change is complicated by the fact that population densities may decrease due to intensified competition for light caused by a denser vegetation cover.  相似文献   

Definition of northern British grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitats was carried out using a classification based on analysis of data from 351 sites, involving 121 species, located between Greater Manchester and northern Scotland. Ten habitats were identified showing little influence of geographical position and exhibiting a basic upland-lowland trend. Other factors influencing habitat and species assemblage distribution were soil water, vegetation structure and land cover. An analysis of the species data with satellite-derived land cover data indicated that the lowland covers of tilled land, coast and urban and the upland covers of heath grassland and shrub heath were most important in affecting both species and assemblage distribution. The large-scale survey of grassland sites provided new information on both the ecology and distribution of individual Auchenorrhyncha species. Some were limited to specific habitat types but a considerable number were generalist species found in most or all of the 10 habitat types but showing preferences within upland to lowland or wet to dry site gradients. The ability to generate a subtle grassland Auchenorrhyncha habitat classification with large-scale survey results from standardised and reproducible sampling increases the potential for using habitat diversity for the conservation of grassland Auchenorrhyncha. Habitat preservation would also ensure that species richness (biodiversity) is maintained and that the habitats of rare species are conserved.  相似文献   

1 The Bibury long‐term data set contains information on annual fluctuations in the abundance of over 100 grasses and forbs in roadside verge vegetation over the period from 1958 to the present. Monitoring has been carried out every July by the same individual. The data set represents a unique long‐term record of the dynamics of a complete plant community.
2 Records for the most abundant taxa (including bare ground and litter) were used to determine the effect of climate variability on the year‐to‐year performance of the selected species. Residuals about the long‐term mean log biomass of each species (de‐trended where the species showed a significant increase or decrease in abundance over time) were correlated against indices of interannual climate variability. Plant and weather records were compared over 3‐month seasonal periods (March–May, June–August, September–November, December–February) or 6‐month seasonal periods (March–August, September–February), with time lags of 0, 1 and 2 years.
3 Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to formulate annual weather indices, using either conventional weather variables (temperature, rainfall and sunshine) or the Lamb catalogue of daily weather types.
4 Between 5% and 70% more correlations were observed than might be expected to occur by chance, depending on the season and the PCA index, indicating markedly non‐random plant–weather relationships. Total vegetation production was positively correlated with minimum spring temperature. The distribution of correlations was generally evenly distributed across the three lag periods.
5 In general, those species favoured by environmental stress or disturbance were promoted following warm dry springs and summers, whereas those favoured by more productive conditions were promoted following a wet growing season.  相似文献   

Aim We aimed to describe the large‐scale patterns in population density of roe deer Caprelous capreolus in Europe and to determine the factors shaping variation in their abundance. Location Europe. Methods We collated data on roe deer population density from 72 localities spanning 25° latitude and 48° longitude and analysed them in relation to a range of environmental factors: vegetation productivity (approximated by the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation) and forest cover as proxies for food supply, winter severity, summer drought and presence or absence of large predators (wolf, Canis lupus, and Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx), hunter harvest and a competitor (red deer, Cervus elaphus). Results Roe deer abundance increased with the overall productivity of vegetation cover and with lower forest cover (sparser forest cover means that a higher proportion of overall plant productivity is allocated to ground vegetation and thus is available to roe deer). The effect of large predators was relatively weak in highly productive environments and in regions with mild climate, but increased markedly in regions with low vegetation productivity and harsh winters. Other potentially limiting factors (hunting, summer drought and competition with red deer) had no significant impact on roe deer abundance. Main conclusions The analyses revealed the combined effect of bottom‐up and top‐down control on roe deer: on a biogeographical scale, population abundance of roe deer has been shaped by food‐related factors and large predators, with additive effects of the two species of predators. The results have implications for management of roe deer populations in Europe. First, an increase in roe deer abundance can be expected as environmental productivity increases due to climate change. Secondly, recovery plans for large carnivores should take environmental productivity and winter severity into account when predicting their impact on prey.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The habitat heterogeneity hypothesis states that the more complex the habitat, the higher the species richness. The present study analyzes the effect of local factors on regional spider ( Araneidae and Thomisidae ) richness. The main objective is to disentangle the relative importance of habitat structure and other environmental variables.
2. Fifteen territorial units of 1 km2 were sampled to obtain reliable and comparable inventories of the two spider families. Richness values were modelled using general regression models and a set of climate, topographic and vegetation structure variables. Pure and joint effects were computed via variation partitioning.
3. The results highlight the great importance of vegetation complexity, especially of grass and sub-shrub cover, in determining spider species richness.
4. The maximum temperature is the only climate variable significantly related to species richness, although its effect is combined with that of spatial and vegetation structure variables.
5. These results support the habitat heterogeneity hypothesis, and highlight the importance of taking vegetation complexity into account when managing habitats and where spider conservation is desired.  相似文献   

1. Web building spider communities represent a vehicle for addressing how abiotic and biotic factors interact to structure natural communities. 2. The present study investigates how intense rainfall and potential predation by ants affect the proportion of three‐dimensional (3D) versus two‐dimensional (2D) spider webs along precipitation gradients. 3. Besides capturing prey, 3D webs may provide protection against predators, but they require a much greater material investment to be built than 2D webs. If costs take precedence over predator protection benefits, the proportion of 3D webs would decrease as precipitation increases (the ‘rain intensity’ hypothesis). Alternatively, if predator protection benefits take precedence, and the abundance of ants and other predators increases with precipitation, the proportion of 3D webs would increase with precipitation (the ‘predation risk’ hypothesis). 4. Seven sites were selected along a rain gradient of relatively uniform elevation and latitude in western Ecuador. Rain intensity, ant abundance and vegetation lushness (leaf area, canopy cover, tree diameter) were all observed to increase along the gradient, as did vegetation cover immediately above each web. 5. Relative to 2D webs, 3D webs increased in frequency with annual rainfall, consistent with the predation risk hypothesis but counter to the rain intensity hypothesis. 6. In areas of greater precipitation, however, lusher vegetation provided greater immediate vegetation cover to webs. Microhabitat factors may thus mitigate the destructive power of intense rainfall, thus allowing the predator protection benefits of 3D webs to be realised despite the occurrence of strong rains.  相似文献   

Influence of ground cover on spider populations in a table grape vineyard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Cover crops and/or resident ground vegetation have been used in California vineyards to increase the number of predators and decrease the number of pestiferous herbivores. The most common resident predators in vineyards are spiders (Araneae). Several observational studies suggest that the addition of cover crops results in an increase in spider density and a decrease in insect pest densities. 2. To test experimentally the effects of cover crops and/or resident ground vegetation (hereafter collectively referred to as ground cover) on spider populations, a 3-year study was undertaken in a commercial vineyard. Large, replicated plots were established with and without ground cover during the growing season. Spider species diversity was analysed on the vines and on the ground cover. 3. On the vines, there was no significant difference in spider species richness or the total number of spiders in plots with and without ground cover. There were differences in the relative abundance of two spiders between treatments, with one species (Trachelas pacificus [Chamberlin & Ivie]) more abundant in plots with ground cover and another (Hololena nedra Chamberlin & Ivie) more common on vines in plots with no ground cover. Annual variation in spider abundance was greater than variation due to ground cover treatment. 4. On the ground cover, the spider species diversity was considerably different from that found on the vines above, suggesting that there is little movement of spiders between the ground cover and the vines. Enhancement of T. pacificus populations on vines with ground covers may be a result of prey species movement between the ground cover and the vines. Spider abundance was sparse on the bare ground. 5. The maintenance of ground cover increased spider species diversity in the vineyard as a whole (vine and ground cover). However, the relatively small changes in spider abundance on the vines indicate there are limitations in the use of ground covers for pest management with respect to generalist predators.  相似文献   

Sowing of wildflower strips has been integrated in agri-environment schemes of several European countries. Their beneficial effects on natural enemies of pest insects are well documented but (1) the desired spill-over into crop fields has not always been demonstrated, and (2) the need to adapt sown mixtures to regional climatic differences has been rarely addressed.We set up a multi-site experiment in different French climatic regions to compare effects of a wildflower strip with a grass mixture and spontaneous vegetation. The design included five regions, three to five fields per region and the three strip treatments being repeated in each field. We tested strip treatment effects on vegetation (plant species richness, plant and flower cover) and on natural enemies (hoverflies, ladybirds, aphid predation). In a subset, we further analysed the spill-over into winter wheat fields including natural enemies and pest insects (cereal aphids, leaf beetles).The wildflower strip mixture developed well in all regions and increased plant species richness and flower cover compared with grass strips and spontaneous vegetation. We found a corresponding higher hoverfly abundance and aphid predation in wildflower strips that were consistent in all regions, whereas ladybird abundance was not affected. A significantly higher hoverfly abundance, aphid predation and aphid parasitism in wheat fields close to wildflower strips indicated a spill-over. No corresponding margin treatment effects were observed for aphid and leaf beetle abundance in the field. A multivariate analysis comparing the influence of climate and vegetation parameters showed that floral cover better explained variation in natural enemy abundance and predation than climate. Our results demonstrated that similar mixtures of native plants can be used over large climatic gradients to improve biocontrol. Further research is needed to improve spill-over into crop fields and to obtain consistently strong effects in different climate zones.  相似文献   

Capsule Vegetation structure and invertebrate abundance interact to influence both foraging sites and nestling provisioning rate; when invertebrate availability is low, adults may take greater risks to provide food for their young.

Aims To investigate nesting and foraging ecology in a declining farmland bird whose fledging success is influenced by the availability of invertebrate prey suitable for feeding to offspring, and where perceived predation risk during foraging can be mediated by vegetation structure.

Methods Provisioning rates of adult Yellowhammers feeding nestlings were measured at nests on arable farmland. Foraging sites were compared with control sites of both the same and different microhabitats; provisioning rate was related to habitat features of foraging‐sites.

Results Foraging sites had low vegetation density, probably enhancing detection of predators, or high invertebrate abundance at high vegetation density. Parental provisioning rate decreased with increasing vegetation cover at foraging sites with high invertebrate abundance; conversely, where invertebrate abundance was low, provisioning rate increased with increasing vegetation cover.

Conclusions Vegetation structure at foraging sites suggests that a trade‐off between predator detection and prey availability influences foraging site selection in Yellowhammers. Associations between parental provisioning rate and vegetation variables suggest that where invertebrate abundance is high birds increase time spent scanning for predators at higher vegetation densities; however, when prey are scarce, adults may take more risks to provide food for their young.  相似文献   

In Sølendet nature reserve in the upper boreal of central Norway, the effects of controlled trampling from 1977 to 1981 were observed in four rich fen localities. The vegetation recovery was monitored on permanent plots on 3–4 occasions during the period 1981–1995. During trampling the vegetation cover was reduced and bare peat increased, particularly in a wet fen expanse locality. Woody species and herbs disappeared or were considerably reduced in cover, while some graminoids (e.g. Carex spp. and Eriophorum angustifolium ) and bryophytes (e.g. Campylium stellatum and Scorpidium cossonii ), appeared to be quite tolerant. Equisetum palustre and Eriophorum angustifolium increased in cover on two tracks. Several bryophytes survived trampling, but Sphagnum warnstorfii was eradicated. Campylium stellatum and Tomentypnum nitens were able to increase after the decrease in S. warnstorfii . The recovery was dependent on which species were present at the outset and which species arrived early. Further development seemed to depend largely on the species' capacity for rapid increase in cover. Eventually, the more vulnerable dominants of the untrampled vegetation (e.g. Thalictrum alpinum, Trichophorum cespitosum and Sphagnum warnstorfii ) increased in abundance. After 15 years the tracks still contained fewer species and had less vegetation cover than the surroundings.  相似文献   

1982-2018年中国植被覆盖变化非线性趋势及其格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗爽  刘会玉  龚海波 《生态学报》2022,42(20):8331-8342
探究植被覆盖变化是评估陆地生态系统环境变化的重要手段,但现有研究多采用线性趋势来表达植被覆盖的变化情况而忽略了趋势的非线性。本文使用GLASS FVC数据,利用BFAST方法和格局分析,探讨了1982-2018年我国植被覆盖变化的非线性趋势及其分布格局。结果表明:(1)与线性趋势方法的对比发现,BFAST的检测结果揭示了四川盆地、黄土高原等地的植被覆盖显著增加趋势其实存在中断,青海和东北等地植被覆盖经历了由退化到改善的过程而并非简单的线性增加,而青藏高原中东部等地则由原先的改善趋势变为了退化趋势。(2)将非线性趋势结果进行分类,其中单调型增加类型占比最多,达到33.58%,主要分布在内蒙古、陕西及河南等地;单调型减少占比1.82%,主要分布在东南沿海地区;中断型增加占比22.91%,主要分布在四川盆地东部和华北地区;中断型减少占比2.68%,主要分布在青藏高原东南部;由增到减占比4.20%,主要分布在青海等地;由减到增占比14.62%,主要分布在吉林等地。大范围的植被覆盖增加趋势充分反映了我国过去几十年植被的改善,但同时存在的减少趋势表明潜在的植被退化风险仍不可忽视。(3)不同趋势类型发生改变的时间有所差异,总体上1988-1999年间发生的改变较少,而2000-2011年间发生的改变较多,我国21世纪以来实施的大规模生态保护和恢复工程对植被的改善过程有重要影响。(4)分布格局上,植被覆盖改善趋势类型(单调型增加,中断型增加,由减到增)呈现大聚集,小分散的特点,具有复杂的形状;退化趋势类型(单调型减少,中断型减少,由增到减)的面积均较小,分布也相对离散。全国尺度上趋势空间格局呈现一定规律但分布的异质性较大,区域尺度上植被覆盖经受的干扰显著,变化过程实际也是较为复杂的。本研究表明,使用非线性趋势方法和格局分析,可以更准确地评估植被覆盖的时空变化,从而为生态环境相关工作的开展提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

Native unploughed tallgrass prairie from Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA is described with respect to plant species compositional changes over a five year period in response to fire and topography. The principal gradient of variation in the vegetation is related to time since burning. Species show an individualistic response in terms of relative abundance to this gradient. Both the percentage of and cover of C4 species and all grasses decrease as the prairie remains unburnt. Forb and woody plant species numbers and abundance increase along this gradient. A secondary gradient of variation reflects topography (i.e. upland versus lowland soils). Upland soils support a higher species richness and diversity. Upland and lowland plant assemblages are distinct except on annually burnt prairie. The interaction between burning regime, topography and year-to-year climatic variation affects the relative abundance of the plant species differentially. The most dominant species overall, Andropogon gerardii, was affected only by year-to-year variation (i.e. climate). Its position at the top of the species abundance hierarchy was unaffected by burning regime or soil type. The other dominant species showed a suite of varying responses to these factors.Deceased May, 1986.  相似文献   

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