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中华稻蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔双双  朱道弘 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):845-853
为弄清中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis(Thunberg)卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段,观察了其胚胎发育过程,检测了中华稻蝗铁岭、济南、长沙及儋州种群产卵后卵粒含水量的变化规律和胚胎发育的停滞时期.根据胚胎形态,自原头与原颚胸折叠的胚胎发育阶段开始,将中华稻蝗的胚胎发育过程划分为11个阶段.在25℃的温度条件下,4个地...  相似文献   

中华稻蝗不同地理种群杂交子代的滞育率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为弄清中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis Thunberg卵滞育的遗传特征,调查中华稻蝗济宁、泗洪及株洲3个地理种群卵滞育的地理变异及亲本对杂交子代滞育的影响。结果表明:南方的株洲种群仅部分卵进入滞育,滞育率较低,而纬度较高的济宁、泗洪种群的卵滞育率达100%。说明不同地理种群的中华稻蝗卵滞育率存在着地理变异。将完全滞育的济宁、泗洪种群与滞育率较低的株洲种群的雌雄成虫进行正反杂交,济宁与株洲种群、泗洪与株洲种群的子代均有部分卵为非滞育卵,与株洲种群的滞育特征相似。但不管是以株洲种群为父本,还是为母本,杂交子代的滞育率均显著高于株洲种群,而与完全滞育的济宁、泗洪种群更为接近,说明中华稻蝗卵滞育的发生受雌雄基因的共同作用,但滞育程度与滞育率高的亲本的关联性更大。  相似文献   

研究了乌苏里鸣螽的生物学特性。该虫在河北省秦皇岛市 1年发生 1代 ,以滞育卵在土内越冬 ,翌年 3月下旬~ 6月上旬孵化为若虫。若虫共 7龄 ,1龄期 1 3~ 2 9d ,2龄期 8~ 2 0d ,3龄期 7~ 1 3d ,4龄期 6~ 9d,5龄期 6~ 9d ,6龄期 5~ 1 5d ,7龄期 1 2~ 1 7d。 6月下旬~ 8月中旬羽化为成虫 ,雌成虫产卵自 7月上旬至 9月下旬结束。成虫平均寿命 81 2 5d。  相似文献   

中华稻蝗五地理种群的卵滞育强度及生活史模式变异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为调查中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis的地理适应,自北纬42.3°至20.0°采集了5个地理种群的标本,比较了其子代的卵滞育发生、滞育强度及成虫虫体大小。结果表明: 不同的中华稻蝗地理种群显示了不同的光周期和温度反应模式。铁岭、济宁和泗洪种群的滞育不受光周期和温度的影响,滞育率均为100%。南方的长沙和海口种群仅部分卵进入滞育,海口种群在短日条件下的滞育率高于长日条件,卵期温度亦对其滞育有较大的影响,而长沙种群的卵滞育仅受卵期温度的调控。长沙和海口种群的卵滞育强度最弱,其次是铁岭种群,中间纬度的济宁和泗洪种群的滞育强度最高。在北方的一化性种群中,滞育强度随着纬度的降低而增强。成虫的虫体大小因栖息地纬度的变化而呈现复杂的变异,北方种群的虫体大小与栖息地纬度存在显著的负相关关系,而长沙和海口种群的虫体小于济宁和泗洪种群。结果提示中华稻蝗各种群已形成各自的地理适应机制,纬度梯度在其生活史的形成和发育中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

苦楝斑叶蝉生物学特性及防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苦楝斑叶蝉是苦楝树上的重要害虫。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区每年发生 1代 ,以卵在寄主树皮内越冬。越冬卵 4月上旬开始孵化 ,5月上旬成虫开始羽化 ,羽化后 10~ 15天产卵 ,卵期约 30 0天。若虫共5龄。采用敌敌畏、乐果等农药防治  相似文献   

夹竹桃天蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷玉兰  林仲桂 《昆虫知识》2010,47(5):918-922,F0004
夹竹桃天蛾Daphnis nerii(Linnaeus)是夹竹桃上的重要害虫,具有间歇性爆发的特点。该虫在湖南省衡阳地区1年发生2~3代,以蛹在寄主附近的枯枝落叶层、表层松土及土壤缝穴中越冬。越冬代成虫于6月上旬出现,6月中下旬产卵。6月下旬第1代幼虫孵化;第1代成虫于7月中旬出现,7月下旬产卵。第2代幼虫8月上旬孵化,8月下旬至9月上旬幼虫危害最历害,9月中旬开始化蛹,化蛹持续到10月中旬。第2代蛹发生分化,一部分成为越冬蛹,另一部分则羽化为成虫。第2代成虫于10月上旬开始产下第3代卵。10月上旬第3代幼虫开始孵化,11月中旬第3代幼虫开始化蛹、越冬。  相似文献   

<正> 1988年入冬前从田间采集中华稻蝗 Oxya chinensis Thunberg卵块进行越冬和室内孵化观察。至1989年5月下旬~6月上旬,在若虫孵化期间,羽化出一批黑色寄生蜂,我们鉴定为飞蝗黑卵蜂 Scelio uvarovi Ogloblin,但蜂体只有2.75~3.05mm,比文献记载的明显为小,后又将标  相似文献   

高建发  杜进琦 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):794-796
小红珠绢蝶Parnassius nomion Fischer von Waldheim在甘肃甘南1年发生1代。翌年5月上旬幼虫孵化,6月下旬开始化蛹,7月下旬至8月上旬,成虫开始羽化,8月中旬至9月上旬成虫开始产卵,该虫以卵越冬。  相似文献   

【目的】掌握新入侵我国的进境植物检疫性害虫葡萄花翅小卷蛾在吐鲁番市的生物学特性及种群周年发生规律,为其综合防治提供理论依据。【方法】在田间以性引诱剂定点监测、野外网室笼罩饲养以及室内人工饲养相结合的方法,观察葡萄花翅小卷蛾生活习性及其种群发生规律。【结果】该虫在我国新疆吐鲁番市1 a发生5代,以蛹在葡萄藤皮下越冬。越冬蛹翌年3月底—4月初(葡萄开墩)开始羽化,4月上旬为羽化高峰期(清明节前后),中旬为羽化末期。越冬代成虫将卵产于花芽上,4月中旬第1代幼虫开始孵化;第1代成虫于5月中旬开始羽化,5月下旬羽化结束;第2代成虫于6月下旬开始出现,7月上旬为羽化高峰期;第3代成虫于7月底开始羽化,8月上旬为羽化高峰期;第4代成虫于8月底开始羽化,9月上旬为羽化高峰期;越冬代幼虫10月上旬开始化蛹越冬,大部分幼虫更趋向于在老树的藤皮下化蛹。成虫的飞行、取食、交配、产卵等行为多发生在黄昏。越冬代成虫将卵产于葡萄花序萼片以及花蕾上;第1~3代成虫将卵产于葡萄果实表面,第4代成虫将卵产于葡萄二次开的花絮上,卵单产,单雌产卵量为20~40粒左右。第1代幼虫取食葡萄花絮,第2~4代幼虫危害葡萄果实,并有自相残杀的习性,糖醋液(红糖:醋:酒:水=6:3:1:10)对成虫有一定的诱杀效果。【结论】该虫在吐鲁番1 a发生5代,各世代划分明显,越冬代发生数量最大,无世代重叠现象,随温度升高各世代和虫态的发育历期缩短,幼虫在葡萄整个生长季节均造成危害,第3、4代幼虫危害成熟果实,引起果实大量腐烂并造成严重经济损失。  相似文献   

西藏飞蝗的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李庆  封传红  张敏  蒋凡  杨刚  罗林明 《昆虫知识》2007,44(2):210-213
西藏飞蝗Locusta.migratoria tibetensis Chen在四川甘孜州1年发生1代,某些地方(乡城县)1年发生不完整的2代,即以卵越冬,翌年3月下旬开始孵化出土,4月中、下旬为孵化盛期,1~3龄始盛期为4月中旬~5月中旬,高峰期为5月下旬,7月上旬初始羽化,7月下旬~8月上旬为羽化盛期,8月上旬始见产卵,8月下旬~9月上旬为产卵盛期,第1代成虫较早产下的卵块在条件适宜的情况下可于当年9月上旬孵化出土,但孵化出的蝗蝻不能越冬。该虫卵、全蝻期及全世代的发育起点温度分别为14.2,16.1,14.6℃,有效积温为179.1日.度、360.0日.度、787.8日.度。在18,21,24,27和30℃等5种恒温条件下其平均世代历期214.4,133.3,79.2,66.3和50.7d。  相似文献   

In the Ibaraki population (Japan) of Locusta migratoria, adult locusts produce diapause eggs under short-day (SD) conditions and non-diapause eggs under long-day (LD) conditions. The identity and titre of ecdysteroids in the ovaries and eggs from LD and SD adult females were investigated by RIA/HPLC. Maternal ecdysteroids accumulated in the developing ovaries represented about 90% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 5% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. Before oviposition the quantity of ecdysteroids reached 29.8±1.85 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equiv. per mg tissue ovaries from LD females and 13.1±3.55 ng 20E equiv./mg in ovaries from SD females. The sum of RIA-positive materials in newly laid eggs was more than three times higher in non-diapause eggs than in diapause eggs. Ecdysteroids present in egg extracts comprised about 85% polar conjugates, 5% free ecdysteroids and 10% non-hydrolyzable metabolites. On the other hand, after diapause termination the amount of ecdysteroids increased drastically. Also, the composition of ecdysteroids differed from that observed during diapause and became comparable to that of non-diapause eggs. The significant differences in the ecdysteroids between non-diapause and diapause eggs may suggest the possible involvement of these compounds in the control of embryonic diapause of this locust.  相似文献   

Overwintering diapause in Helicoverpa armigera, a multivoltine species, is controlled by response to photoperiod and temperature. Photoperiodic responses from 5 different geographical populations showed that the variation in critical photoperiod for diapause induction was positively related to the latitudinal origin of the populations at 20, 22 and 25 °C. Diapause response to photoperiod and temperature was quite different between northern and southern populations, being highly sensitive to photoperiod in northern populations and temperature dependence in southern populations. Diapause pupae from southern population showed a significantly shorter diapause duration than from northern-most populations when they were cultured at 20, 22, 25, 28 and 31 °C; by contrast, overwintering pupae from southern populations emerged significantly later than from northern populations when they were maintained in natural conditions, showing a clinal latitudinal variation in diapause termination. Diapause-inducing temperature had a significant effect on diapause duration, but with a significant difference between southern and northern populations. The higher rearing temperature of 22 °C evoked a more intense diapause than did 20 °C in northern populations; but a less intense diapause in southern population. Cold exposure (chilling) is not necessary to break the pupal diapause. The higher the temperature, the quicker the diapause terminated. Response of diapause termination to chilling showed that northern populations were more sensitive to chilling than southern population.  相似文献   

Petrobia harti (Ewing) developed more rapidly, deposited more eggs and lived longer onOxalis corniculata than onO. articulata. No development took place on several other recorded host plants. In the field this mite was most abundant during early summer. Males made up less than 10% of the population, and no diapause eggs were seen in the field.Petrobia tunisiae Manson developed on various winter Gramineae, produced about 17 non-diapause eggs during its first generation and mostly diapause eggs in the second. A few diapause eggs kept in the laboratory and dipped in chloroform hatched even after 3 years. A summer diapause is postulated for this species.  相似文献   

Geographic variability in diapause response of Japanese Orius species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interspecific and latitudinal variation in diapause characteristics were examined in 12 strains of Orius species (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) including O. sauteri (Poppius), O. nagaii Yasunaga, O. minutus (L.), O. strigicollis (Poppius), and O. tantillus (Motschulsky) from Japan. A latitudinal cline was found in the photoperiodic response controlling reproductive diapause: the lower the latitude, the lower the diapause incidence and the shorter the critical daylength. To examine the overwintering success, eight strains including four species derived from different latitudes (26–43° N) were reared outdoors in Tsukuba (36° N), central Japan from the autumn of 1998 to the summer of 1999, and their winter survival and spring fecundity were recorded. Most females of the northern strains entered diapause in the autumn when the temperature was still high, and died before winter without oviposition. In the southern strains including a nondiapause Okinawa (26° N) strain of O. strigicollis, females overwintered as well as native strains in a state of quiescence. In all strains, the winter survival was significantly lower in males than in females, and eggs and nymphs failed to overwinter.  相似文献   

Coping with seasonal and daily variation in environmental conditions requires that organisms are able to adjust their reproduction and stress tolerance according to environmental conditions. Females of Drosophila montana populations have adapted to survive over the dark and cold winters at high latitudes and altitudes by spending this season in photoperiodically controlled reproductive diapause and reproducing only in spring/summer. The present study showed that flies of a northern population of this species are quite tolerant of low temperatures and show high seasonal and short-term plasticity in this trait. Culturing the flies in short day length (nearly all females in reproductive diapause), as well as allowing the flies to get cold hardened before the cold treatment, increased the cold tolerance of both sexes both in chill coma recovery time test and in mortality assay. Chill coma recovery time test performed for the females of two additional D. montana populations cultured in a day length where about half of the females enter diapause, also showed that diapause can increase female cold tolerance even without a change in day length. Direct linkage between diapause and cold tolerance was found in only two strains representing a high-altitude population of the species, but the phenomenon will certainly be worth of studying in northern and southern populations of the species with larger data sets.  相似文献   

By means of in vitro studies, in which isolated suboesophageal ganglions of the Bombyx silkworm were cultured, it was shown that at least two kinds of substances are biosynthesized and exert independent effects on determination of diapause or non-diapause in silkworm eggs. They are referred to as the diapause and non-diapause substance, respectively. Whether diapause or non-diapause eggs are laid may depend upon the different quality of these substances.  相似文献   

Theoretically, asymmetric gene flow along an environmental gradient can limit species range expansion by keeping peripheral populations from locally adapting. However, few empirical studies have examined this potentially fundamental evolutionary mechanism. We address this possibility in the cricket Allonemobius socius, which exist along a season‐length gradient where the probability of producing a single generation per year (univoltinism) increases with latitude. As the probability of univoltinism increases northwards, populations are expected to hedge their bets by producing a greater proportion of diapause eggs when exposed to a mild diapause cue. However, gene flow from southern populations may disrupt local adaptation in the north by reducing the proportion of diapause eggs (expected to be 100% in pure univoltine environments). This may limit range expansion along the northern periphery where A. socius compete with A. fasciatus, a sister species that exhibits an invariant diapause‐only egg‐laying strategy. To assess the potential for range limitation, we examined diapause incidence (the proportion of diapause eggs produced under diapause conditions), gene flow symmetry and population structure across nine A. socius populations. We found that gene flow was asymmetric and biased northwards towards the periphery. Furthermore, peripheral populations that inhabited pure univoltine environments produced numerous nondiapause eggs (a southern, bivoltine diapause phenotype), which we assume to be a suboptimal phenotype. These patterns suggest that asymmetric gene flow along the gradient constrains adaptation in peripheral populations, potentially constraining species range expansion.  相似文献   

To investigate geographic adaptation of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria in China, locusts were collected from six localities, ranging from 47.4°N to 19.2°N. Using offspring from the various populations, we compared embryonic diapause, reproductive traits, cold‐hardiness and adult body size. The incidence of embryonic diapause was influenced by the genetic makeup, parental photoperiod, and incubation temperature of the eggs. The northern strain (47.4°N) produced diapause eggs under all photoperiodic conditions, whereas the other strains produced a higher proportion of diapause eggs when exposed to a short photoperiod. The incubation temperature greatly influenced diapause induction. At a low temperature, all eggs entered diapause, even some of those from a tropical strain (19.2°N) in which no diapause was induced at high temperatures. Photoperiodic changes during the parental generation affected the incidence of embryonic diapause. Diapause intensity decreased with decreasing original latitude. Cold hardiness was compared by exposing eggs in diapause to either ?10 or ?20°C for various periods; the northern strain was more cold‐hardy than the southern strain, although some eggs in the tropical strain were probably not in a state of diapause. Adult body size and head width showed a complicated pattern of variation along the latitudinal gradient, whereas egg pod size (egg pod width and egg number) and hatchling weight tended to decrease with decreasing latitude. These results reveal that L. migratoria has adapted to local environments and that the latitudinal gradient appears to play an important role in shaping L. migratoria life cycle and development.  相似文献   

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