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Female plants of five isolates (including two varieties) of the red alga Antithamnion plumula were cultured mnoalgally and analysed for chlorophylls and carotenoids. The relative amounts of the individual pigments ewre similar for the five isolates. All isolates contained chlorophyll β,β-carotene, β,ε-carotene, α-cryptoxanthin and lutein. Allylic methylation of α-cryptoxanthin indicated a 3′-position of the hydroxyl group. An earlier tentative identification of neoxanthin in A. plumula could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

In addition to chlorophylls a and b, β-carotene, lutein, violaxanthin and neoxanthin, leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Virginia Gold) contain antheraxanthin in some harvests. In lower leaves, chlorophylls decreased more rapidly than carotenoids during senescence, but both types of pigment decreased at equal rates in upper leaves. The chlorophyll a:b ratio decreased only in post-mature leaves. Total carotenoid decreased with age, with the relative proportion of β-carotene increasing in lower leaves. Seasonal influences rather than age of leaf determines whether antheraxanthin is present. No esterified xanthophylls were found in senescent leaves.  相似文献   

The structures of three previously unidentified carotenoids from Eutreptiella gymnastica are reported. These include siphonein with defined n-2-trans-2-dodecenoic esterifying acid and assigned 3R(?), 3′R,6′R chirality, (3R)-3′,4′-anhydrodiatoxanthin and eutreptiellanone (3,6-epoxy-3′,4′,7′,8′-tetradehydro-5,6-dihydro-β,β-caroten-4-one) with probable 3S,5R,6S chirality.  相似文献   

The identity of chrysanthemaxanthin as a major pigment in avocado pulp has been confirmed by MS and the identity of neoxanthin similarly established. A carbonyl pigment was identified as 3-hydroxy-sintaxanthin. Two new UV fluorescent apocarotenoids were isolated. On the basis of spectrum, behaviour in acid and MS, one of these is assigned the structure 5,8-epoxy-5,8-dihydro- 10′-apo-β-caroten-3, 10′-diol. The other has an acid labile pentaene chromophore, and structure (1) has been tentatively assigned on similar evidence. These are the first natural allyic apocarotenols whose structures have been established.  相似文献   

Neoxanthin has been isolated from petals of Helianthus annuus, Taraxacum officinale and Impatiens nolitangere. It is identical with authentic neoxanthin from Euglena gracilis. MS and IR spectra were recorded, showing typical fragmentation patterns of neoxanthin, and an allene group. A pigment with the properties of deepoxineoxanthin and polar xanthophylls, which absorbed at very short wavelengths, were also isolated.  相似文献   

During growth and subsequent maturation, the distribution and formation of pigments in the inner pulp and in the outer region of the pericarp of ‘che  相似文献   

The intracellular localization of carotenoids in the fungus Neurospora crassa was examined after completion of photoinduced biosynthesis of these pigments. Differential centrifugation of cell homogenates yielded subcellular fractions which were characterized by activities of several marker enzymes for cell constituents and in part purified by subsequent sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Most (ca 58%) of the carotenoids were found to be localized in lipid globules, but substantial amounts are also associated with two membrane fractions that were rich in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum as indicated by high activities of NADPH- and NADH—cytochrome c reductase. These results, along with the coincidence in the distribution of both carotenoids and activities of specific marker enzymes in the sucrose density gradients, led to the conclusion that apart from lipid globules, carotenoids are also localized in membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The marine siphonous green alga, Codium fragile, was shown to contain two 25-methylene sterols. These were identified as (24S)-24-ethylcholesta-5.25-dien-3β-ol and the previously unknown (24S)-24-methylcholesta-5,25-dien-3β-ol for which the trivial name codisterol is proposed.  相似文献   

A new cuparene-type sesquiterpene, isolaurenisol, has been isolated and identified from the New Zealand red alga Laurencia distichophylla. Major differences in the chemical composition of two morphologically indistinguishable samples of L. distichophylla are noted.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, pH and oxygen level onsecondary carotenoids (SC) accumulation in Chlorococcum sp. were investigated. The optimaltemperature, pH and oxygen level for the yields ofsecondary carotenoids and astaxanthin were35 °C, pH 8 and 10% (v/v), respectively. Whilethe ratio (R) of products containing hydroxyl group(s) to those containing keto group (s) increased withthe increase of temperature and pH, R value decreasedwith the level of oxygen. These results indicate thathigher temperature and pH favor the introduction ofhydroxyl group to the corresponding substrates,however, under high oxygen level keto group wasrelatively easy to be added compared to the additionof hydroxyl.  相似文献   

Quantitative carotenoid analysis of a natural bloom of Euglena sanguinea Ehrenberg revealed the presence of β,β-carotene (1% of total carotenoids), monoesters of adonirubin (3%), diesters of (3S, 3′R)-adonixanthin (13%), diesters of (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin (75%), 19-monoester of (3R, 3′R, 6R)-loroxanthin (1%), (3R, 3′R)-diatoxanthin (6%), diadinoxanthin (1%) and neoxanthin (traces). The carotenoid content amounted to 0.7% of the dry wt. Methods employed included TLC, HPLC, VIS, MS, CD and H NMR (400 and 500 MHz). The high content of ketocarotenoids is characteristic of secondary carotenoids produced under stressed growth conditions. Previously secondary carotenoids were associated with green algae (Chlorophyceae), but have now been encountered in Euglenophyceae.  相似文献   

Seed coat carotenoids of Dioon, Encephelartos, Macrozamia and Zamia with ranges in Africa, the West Indies, Australia and Mexico are simple mixtures which conform to the theoretical primitive angiosperm “magnolian pattern”. Lycopene is the principal pigment of Zamia while Encephelartos, Dioon and Macrozamia coats contain a mixture of the unsubstituted, mono-and di-hydroxy-β-carotenes. The evolutionary significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Astaxanthin isolated from the yeast Phaffia rhodozyma has the 3R,3′R-configuration, opposite to that of astaxanthin from other sources which have been so far investigated. This is the first example of a naturally occurring carotenoid biosynthesized in different optical forms. A possible explanation is advanced.  相似文献   

The roots of Argyranthemum adauctum ssp. jacobaeifolium, a rare endemic from Gran Canaria, afforded two new derivatives of the aromatic acetylene frutescin and 8-isovaleryloxymyrcene, while the aerial parts gave a new bisabolol derivative. Furthermore several known compounds were isolated. The structures were elucidated by high field 1H NMR spectroscopy and a few chemical reactions.  相似文献   

Complete accounts of the natural products chemistry of Bonnemaisonia nootkana, B. asparagoides, B. hamifera and Trailliella intricata are described. In contrast to the chemistry of the closely related alga Asparagopsis, Bonnemaisonia spp. do not produce halomethanes, but instead an array of C7-C9 halogen-containing ketones, alcohols and carboxylic acids. Biomimetic syntheses of these compounds suggest they are precursors and products of in vivo Favorsky rearrangements.  相似文献   

The intracellular and intraplastidic distribution of carotenoids has been investigated in radish seedlings grown in the presence of the herbicides amitrole and SAN 6706. Both herbicides caused bleaching and the plants became deficient in chlorophylls and the usual chloroplast cyclic carotenoids, but accumulated the acyclic carotenoid biosynthetic intermediates 15-cis-phytoene and all-trans-lycopene. In both the untreated and herbicide-treated plants all carotenoids, including phytoene and lycopene, were contained in the plastid. In all cases the normal cyclic carotenoids were located virtually exclusively in the thylakoid or prothylakoid fraction. In amitrole-treated plants, lycopene also was contained only in the thylakoid fraction, whereas phytoene, in these and in SAN 6706-treated plants, was detected in both the thylakoid fraction and an envelope preparation. Possible implications for the biosynthesis of the carotenoids are discussed.  相似文献   

A new cis isomer in the violaxanthin series has been isolated from the blossoms of Viola tricolor and identified by MS, IR and UV as the central-monocis form. It was converted to all-trans-violaxanthin by stereomutation. The CD correlation between 15-cis-violaxanthin and natural violaxanthin (5,6,5′,6′-diepoxy-5,6,5′,6′-tetrahydro- β,β-caroten-3,3′-diol) provided the basis for assignment of the absolute configurations 3S, 5R, 6S, 3′S, 5′R, 6′S. Trans—cis isomerization of all-trans-violaxanthin also resulted in 15- cis-violaxanthin. In addition a quantitative determination of the carotenoids was conducted.  相似文献   

The red marine algae Microcladia borealis, M. californica and M. coulteri produce several unusual halogenated monoterpenes including violacene, plocamene-B, plocamene-C, and plocamane-D. The isolation of these terpenes along with a study of their variation in each Microcladia at different locations are described.  相似文献   

Protoplast yields from the fungus Acremonium diospyri, prepared using Novozym 234, were affected by culture age, osmotic stabilizer and its concentration, and incubation time. Protoplasts were released by extension through pores in small hyphal fragments produced by enzyme action on the mycelium, and regeneration was similar to that reported for other fungi. Stabilized protoplasts were shown to synthesize carotenoids on exposure to light, but their carotenoid composition differed from that of mycelium incubated under the same conditions.  相似文献   

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