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1. The synthesis of long-chain fatty acids de novo was measured in the liver and in regions of adipose tissue in intact normal and genetically obses mice throughout the daily 24h cycle. 2. The total rate of synthesis, as measured by the rate of incorporation of 3H from 3H2O into fatty acid, was highest during the dark period, in liver and adipose tissue of lean or obese mice. 3. The rate of incorporation of 14C from [U-14C]glucose into fatty acid was also followed (in the same mice). The 14C/3H ratios were higher by a factor of 5-20 in parametrial and scapular fat than that in liver. This difference was less marked during the dark period (of maximum fatty acid synthesis). 4. In normal mice, the total rate of fatty acid synthesis in the liver was about twofold greater than that in all adipose tissue regions combined. 5. In obese mice, the rate of fatty acid synthesis was more rapid than in lean mice, in both liver and adipose tissue. Most of the extra lipogenesis occurred in adipose tissue. The extra hepatic fatty acids synthesized in obese mice were located in triglyceride rather than phospholipid. 6. In adipose tissue of normal mice, the rate of fatty acid synthesis was most rapid in the intra-abdominal areas and in brown fat. In obese mice, all regions exhibited rapid rates of fatty acid synthesis. 7. These results shed light on the relative significance of liver and adipose tissue (i.e. the adipose 'organ') in fatty acid synthesis in mice, on the mino importance of glucose in hepatic lipogenesis, and on the alterations in the rate of fatty acid synthesis in genetically obese mice.  相似文献   

Programmed synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid during the cell cycle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Fatty acid synthesis by subcellular fractions of heart and liver of chick embryos at varying stages of development has been studied. Fatty acid synthetase activity is associated with the embryonic heart at early stages of development, as suggested by substrate requirement, Schmidt decarboxylation of synthesized fatty acids and gas liquid chromatographic identification of the products as palmitic and stearic acids. The fatty acid synthetase activity decreases in heart cytosol with age of the embryo and is absent in the newly hatched chick and in older chicken. The acetyl CoA carboxylase activity is negligible in embryonic and adult chicken heart. The fatty acid synthetase activity in liver is low, but measurable during the entire embryonic development. The activity increases by about three-fold on hatching and thereafter in fed, newly hatched chicks by about 35-fold, over the basal embryonic activity. The acetyl and malonyl transacylase activities in the heart and liver cytosols during development followed closely the fatty acid synthetase activities in heart and liver, respectively. A non-coordinate induction of fatty acid synthetase and acetyl CoA carboxylase activities in liver was observed during development. The microsomal chain elongation in liver and heart followed the pattern of fatty acid synthetase activity in liver and heart, respectively. The mitochondrial chain elongation in embryonic heart is initially low and increases with age; while this activity in liver is higher in early stages of embryonic development than in the older embryos and the chicks. Measurement of lipogenesis from acetate-1-14C by liver and heart slices from chick embryos and newly hatched chicks support the conclusions reached in the studies with the subcellular fractions. The results obtained indicate that the major system of fatty acid synthesis in embryonic and adult heart is the mitochondrial chain elongation. In embryonic liver, fatty acid synthesis proceeds by chain elongation, while the de novo system is the major contributor to the lipogenic capacity of the liver after hatching.  相似文献   

The rate of ribonucleic acid synthesis during the cell cycle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

1. Lipogenesis has been studied in intact genetically obese mice by measuring the incorporation of a single oral dose of 250mg. of [U-14C]glucose into fatty acid and cholesterol in the liver and extrahepatic tissues. Studies were also carried out with [U-14C]glucose added to the diet and fed for 24hr. With either method of isotope administration, the conversion of [U-14C]glucose into fatty acid was greatly elevated in the livers of the obese mice. In contrast, conversion of the single dose of [14C]glucose into fatty acid in extrahepatic tissues of obese mice was only half that occurring in the non-obese litter mates. When [14C]glucose was given in the diet for 24hr. the total accumulation of labelled fatty acid in extrahepatic tissues of obese mice was slightly less than in the non-obese. Uptake of labelled glucose and conversion into fatty acid in adipose tissue of the obese mice decreased with age. 2. Conversion of the single dose of [14C]glucose into liver cholesterol was comparable in obese and non-obese mice fed on a purified low-fat diet. However, obese mice given this diet for 12 weeks accumulated 1·54% of cholesterol in the liver compared with 0·29% in the non-obese litter mates. This accumulation apparently resulted from a decrease in removal of cholesterol from the liver, rather than an increased synthesis. 3. Conversion of the single dose of [14C]glucose into extrahepatic fatty acid was decreased by 18hr. starvation proportionally as much in obese as in non-obese mice. The decrease in liver fatty acid synthesis caused by starvation also was considerable in obese mice, although somewhat less marked than in the non-obese. 4. The metabolic derangements in the liver could be more fundamental to the development of the obesity than the changes seen in extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

Fatty acids are essential compounds in the cell. Since the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae does not feed typically on fatty acids, cellular function and growth relies on endogenous synthesis. Since all cellular organelles are involved in--or dependent on--fatty acid synthesis, multiple levels of control may exist to ensure proper fatty acid composition and homeostasis. In this review, we summarize what is currently known about enzymes involved in cellular fatty acid synthesis and elongation, and discuss potential links between fatty acid metabolism, physiology and cellular regulation.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis in Escherichia coli   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1. Fatty acid formation by cells of a strain of Escherichia coli has been studied in the exponential, post-exponential and stationary phases of growth. 2. During the exponential phase of growth, the metabolic quotient (mmumoles of fatty acid synthesized/mg. dry wt. of cells/hr.) for each fatty acid in the extractable lipid was constant. 3. The newly synthesized fatty acid mixtures produced during this phase contained hexadecanoic acid (41%), hexadecenoic acid (31%), octadecenoic acid (21%) and the C(17)-cyclopropane acid, methylenehexadecanoic acid (4%). 4. As the proportion of newly synthesized material increased, changes in the fatty acid composition of the cells during this period were towards this constant composition. 5. Abrupt changes in fatty acid synthesis occurred when exponential growth ceased. 6. In media in which glycerol, or SO(4) (2-) or Mg(2+), was growth-limiting there was a small accumulation of C(17)-cyclopropane acid in cells growing in the post-exponential phase of growth. 7. Where either NH(4) (+) or PO(4) (3-) was growth-limiting and there were adequate supplies of glycerol, Mg(2+) and SO(4) (2-), there was a marked accumulation of C(17)-cyclopropane acid and C(19)-cyclopropane acid appeared. 8. Under appropriate conditions the metabolic quotient for C(17)-cyclopropane acid increased up to sevenfold at the end of exponential growth. Simultaneously the metabolic quotients of the other acids fell. 9. A mixture of glycerol, Mg(2+) and SO(4) (2-) stimulated cyclopropane acid formation in resting cells.  相似文献   

De novo fatty acid synthesis in lung is significant during fetal growth and development. Specific activity and relative rate of synthesis of fatty acid synthetase increase with the days of gestational age and drop significantly after birth. Fetal lungs contain thyroid hormone receptors and binding capacities of this hormone to the fetal lungs also increase with the days of gestational age. Our results suggest that de novo fatty acid synthesis in fetal lungs may make a significant contribution towards surfactant synthesis.  相似文献   

The phosphorylative modification in vivo of histones after shortterm (0 to 60 min) isoproterenol stimulation of confluent rat C6 glioma cell cultures has been investigated. Analysis of the phosphorylation patterns after the purification and separation of histones by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed significantly increased phosphorylation of histones H1-1 and H3 and a decrease of the phosphorylation of histones H1-3, H2A, and H2B. There was no apparent effect of isoproterenol on the net phosphorylation of histones H1-2 and H4. The data suggest an effect of isoproterenol on the phosphorylative modification of glioma cell histones via modulation of nuclear phosphorylating and dephosphorylating activities.  相似文献   

【目的】探索大肠杆菌生长分裂过程中,脂肪酸作为底物在细胞膜合成过程中的掺入模式。【方法】本研究解析了以乙酰CoA为底物,合成中间产物长链脂酰-ACP,随后合成磷脂酰乙醇胺(phosphatidylethanolamine,PE)的途径,并将合成途径中的10个关键酶与绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,EGFP)或红色荧光蛋白(monmer Cherry,mCherry)进行融合,在大肠杆菌内表达这些融合蛋白,用激光共聚焦荧光显微镜成像的方式来获得这些融合蛋白的定位信息。【结果】宽场荧光显微镜成像结果显示,磷脂酰乙醇胺合成途径中的10个酶在不同表达水平下出现不同的定位模式。在大肠杆菌中高水平表达融合蛋白EGFP-FabA、EGFP-FabB、EGFP-FabI、EGFP-FabG、EGFP-PlsB和EGFP-PssA时,细胞两极和中部有大量蛋白聚集的现象。EGFP-FabD、EGFP-FabF、EGFP-CdsA、EGFP-PSD在不同表达水平下,均匀分散在细胞质或细胞膜上。缩时影像(Time-lapse)结果显示,合成途径中的一个关键蛋白EGFP-Pls B在细胞分裂前随着细胞膜的内陷聚集到细胞隔膜,随着细胞分裂,母细胞的隔膜成为新细胞的两极。【结论】本研究通过获取磷脂酰乙醇胺合成相关蛋白酶在大肠杆菌中的定位结果,推测脂肪酸分子是在细胞分裂隔膜和两极掺入,被催化合成PE后被运送到细胞膜其他位置。  相似文献   

Analysis of the fatty acid content ofT. rubrum showed that the organism is capable of synthesizing a variety of saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids (Kostiw, Vicher &Lyon, 1966). The present study was undertaken to determine the mechanism of synthesis of these fatty acids. Experimental data point to the presence of two mechanisms of fatty acid synthesis inT. rubrum:de novo synthesis and chain elongation. The presence of both mechanisms is suggested by the nature of the enzyme preparation, by the cofactor requirements for either pathway, and by the reaction products.University of Illinois at the Medical Center, and Chicago Medical School, Chicago, Illinois. Presented in part at the International Society of Mycology Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 1967.  相似文献   

1. Mammary tissue was obtained from rabbits at various stages of pregnancy and lactation and used for tissue-slice incubations (to measure the rate of fatty acid synthesis and CO(2) production) and to determine relevant enzymic activities. A biphasic adaptation in fatty acid synthetic capacity during lactogenesis was noted. 2. The first lactogenic response occurred between day 15 and 24 of pregnancy. Over this period fatty acid synthesis (from acetate) increased 14-fold and the proportions of fatty acids synthesized changed to those characteristic of milk fat (77-86% as C(8:0)+C(10:0) acids). 3. The second lactogenic response occurred post partum as indicated by increased rates of fatty acid synthesis and CO(2) production (from acetate and glucose) and increased enzymic activities. 4. Major increases in enzymic activities between mid-pregnancy and lactation were noted for ATP citrate lyase (EC, acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC, fatty acid synthetase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC, and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC Smaller increases in activity occurred with glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC and NADP(+)-isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC and the activity of NADP(+)-malate dehydrogenase (EC was negligible at all periods tested. 5. During pregnancy and lactation there was a close temporal relationship between fatty acid synthetic capacity and the activities of ATP citrate lyase (r=0.94) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (r=0.90).  相似文献   

1. Lipogenesis in vivo has been studied in mice given a 250mg. meal of [U-14C]glucose (2·5μc) or given an intraperitoneal injection of 25μg. of [U-14C]glucose (2·0μc). 2. The ability to convert a [U-14C]glucose meal into fatty acid was not significantly depressed by 6–7hr. of starvation. In contrast, incorporation of 14C into fatty acid in the liver after the intraperitoneal dose of [14C]glucose was depressed by 80% and by more than 90% by 1 and 2hr. of starvation respectively. Carcass fatty acid synthesis from the [U-14C]glucose meal was not depressed by 12hr. of starvation, whereas from the tracer dose of [U-14C]glucose the depression in incorporation was 80% after 6hr. of starvation. 3. Re-feeding for 3 days, after 3 days' starvation, raised fatty acid synthesis and cholesterol synthesis in the liver fivefold and tenfold respectively above the levels in non-starved control mice. These increases were associated with an increased amount of both fatty acid and cholesterol in the liver. 4. After 18hr. of starvation incorporation of a [U-14C]glucose meal into carcass and liver glycogen were both increased threefold.  相似文献   

1. Mammary-tissue biopsies were obtained from multiparous cows at 30 and 7 days pre partum and 7 and 40 days post partum. Investigations of the effect of lactogenesis on fatty acid and lactose synthesis involved measurements of biosynthetic capacity (tissue-slice incubations in vitro) and activities of relevant enzymes. 2. Fatty acid synthesis from acetate increased over 20-fold from 30 days pre partum to 40 days post partum. Changes in the lipogenic capacity of mammary-tissue slices more closely paralleled increases in the activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (EC and acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC than of other enzymes involved in acetate incorporation into fatty acids or in NADPH generation. 3. Lactose biosynthesis by mammary-tissue slices, lactose synthetase activity (EC and alpha-lactalbumin concentration were all negligible at 30 days pre partum but increased 2.5-4-fold between 7 days pre partum and 40 days post partum. Phosphoglucomutase (EC, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (EC and UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (EC had substantial activities at 30 days pre partum and increased less dramatically during lactogenesis. 4. Results are consistent with acetyl-CoA carboxylase and perhaps acetyl-CoA synthetase representing the regulatory enzyme(s) in fatty acid synthesis, with lactose synthetase (alpha-lactalbumin) serving a similar function in lactose biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis in developing mouse liver   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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