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SYNOPSIS. The blood of each of 95 turtles (8 species) collected from southeastern Louisiana was infected with some or all of the merogonic stages and gametocyte stage of Haemogregarina pseudemydis n. sp. Five species of turtles harbored Pirhemocyton chelonarum n. sp. Turtle Haemogregarina and Pirhemocyton are locality records for Louisiana. Pirhemocyton is reported for the first time in turtles and in the continental U.S.A.  相似文献   

The valid avian species of the apicomplexan blood parasite genera Haemoproteus, Hepatozoon and Leucocytozoon are arranged according to host family, assuming host familial specificity; salient points of the parasite morphology are recorded where appropriate.  相似文献   

Atalodera ucri, Wouts and Sher, 1971, and A. lonicerae, (Wouts, 1973) Luc et al., 1978, induce similar multinucleate syncytia in roots of golden bush and honeysuckle, respectively. The syncytium is initiated in the cortex; as it expands, it includes several partially delimited syncytial units and distorts vascular tissue. Outer walls of the syncytium are relatively smooth and thickest near the feeding site of the nematode; inner walls are interrupted by perforations which enlarge as syncytial units increase in size. The cytoplasm of the syncytium is granular and includes numerous plastids, mitochondria, vacuoles, Golgi, and a complex network of membranes. Nuclei are greatly enlarged and amoeboid in shape. Although more than one nucleus sometimes occur in a given syncytial unit, no mitotic activity was observed. Syncytia induced by species of Atalodera chiefly differ from those of Heterodera sensu lato by the absence of cell wall ingrowths; wall ingrowths increase solute transport and characterize transfer cells. In syncytia of Atalodera spp., a high incidence of pits and pit fields in walls adjacent to vasctdar elements suggests that in this case plasmodesmata provide the pathway for increased entry of sohttes. The formation of a syncytium by species of Atalodera and Heterodera sensu lato, but a single uninucleate giant cell by Sarisodera and Hylonema, indicates a pattern of host responses that may be useful, with other characters, for phylogenetic inference for Heteroderidae.  相似文献   

Hyalomma aegyptium ticks were collected from tortoises, Testudo graeca, at localities in northern Africa, the Balkans, and the Near and Middle East. The intensity of infestation ranged from 1-37 ticks per tortoise. The sex ratio of feeding ticks was male-biased in all tested populations. Larger tortoises carried more ticks than did the smaller tortoises. The juveniles were either not infested, or carried only a poor tick load. Hyalomma aegyptium was absent in the western Souss Valley and Ourika Valley in Morocco, the Cyrenaica Peninsula in Libya, Jordan, and the Antilebanon Mountains in Syria. Hemolivia mauritanica, a heteroxenous apicomplexan cycling between T. graeca and H. aegyptium, was confirmed in Algeria, Romania, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran. Its prevalence ranged from 84% in Romania (n = 45), 82% in eastern Turkey (n = 28), and 82% in the area of northwestern Syria with adjacent Turkish borderland (n = 90), to 38% in Lebanon (n = 8) and in only 1 of 16 sampled tortoises in Algeria. The intensity of parasitemia in the studied areas ranged from 0.01% up to 28.17%. The percentage of Hemolivia-infected erythrocytes was significantly higher in adults. All tortoises from Hyalomma-free areas were Hemolivia-negative. Remarkably, all 29 T. graeca from Jabal Duruz (southwestern Syria) and 36 T. graeca from the area north of Middle Atlas (Morocco) were Hemolivia-negative, despite the fact that ticks parasitized all adult tortoises in these localities. Identical host preferences of H. aegyptium and H. mauritanica suggest the occurrence of co-evolution within the Testudo-Hyalomma-Hemolivia host-parasite complex.  相似文献   

A new species of Cryptosporidium is described from the feces of domestic cattle, Bos taurus. Oocysts are structurally similar to those of Cryptosporidium muris described from mice but are larger than those of Cryptosporidium parvum. Oocysts of the new species are ellipsoidal, lack sporocysts, and measure 7.4 x 5.5 microm (range, 6.0-8.1 by 5.0-6.5 microm). The length to width ratio is 1.35 (range, 1.07-1.50). The colorless oocyst wall is < 1 microm thick, lacks a micropyle, and possesses a longitudinal suture at one pole. A polar granule is absent, whereas an oocyst residuum is present. Oocysts were passed fully sporulated and are not infectious to outbred, inbred immunocompetent or immunodeficient mice, chickens or goats. Recent molecular analyses of the rDNA 18S and ITS1 regions and heat-shock protein 70 (HSP-70) genes demonstrate this species to be distinct from C. muris infecting rodents. Based on transmission studies and molecular data, we consider the large form of Cryptosporidium infecting the abomasum of cattle to be a new species and have proposed the name Cryptosporidium andersoni n. sp. for this parasite.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidiosis is a common parasitic infection in birds that is caused by more than 25 Cryptosporidium species and genotypes. Many of the genotypes that cause avian cryptosporidiosis are poorly characterized. The genetic and biological characteristics of avian genotype III are described here and these data support the establishment of a new species, Cryptosporidium proventriculi. Faecal samples from the orders Passeriformes and Psittaciformes were screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium by microscopy and sequencing, and infections were detected in 10 of 98 Passeriformes and in 27 of 402 Psittaciformes. Cryptosporidium baileyi was detected in both orders. Cryptosporidium galli and avian genotype I were found in Passeriformes, and C. avium and C. proventriculi were found in Psittaciformes. Cryptosporidium proventriculi was infectious for cockatiels under experimental conditions, with a prepatent period of six days post-infection (DPI), but not for budgerigars, chickens or SCID mice. Experimentally infected cockatiels shed oocysts more than 30 DPI, with an infection intensity ranging from 4,000 to 60,000 oocysts per gram (OPG). Naturally infected cockatiels shed oocysts with an infection intensity ranging from 2,000 to 30,000 OPG. Cryptosporidium proventriculi infects the proventriculus and ventriculus, and oocysts measure 7.4 × 5.8 μm. None of the birds infected C. proventriculi developed clinical signs.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Molecular tools have revolutionized assessments of blood parasites in freshwater turtles. In the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, two native species of terrapins occur,...  相似文献   

Molecular and biological characteristics of a new species of Cryptosporidium from the feces of pigs (Sus scrofa) is described. Oocysts are structurally indistinguishable from those of Cryptosporidium parvum; they are passed fully sporulated, lack sporocysts, and measure 4.9-4.4 microm (mean = 4.6 microm) x 4.0-4.3 microm (mean = 4.2 microm); length to width ratio 1.1 (n = 50). Cryptosporidium suis is not transmissible to nude mice and is poorly infectious for cattle. Molecular and phylogenetic analyses at the 18S ribosomal RNA, heat shock protein 70, and actin gene loci demonstrate C. suis to be genetically distinct from all known species and genotypes of Cryptosporidium, and thus is named as Cryptosporidium suis.  相似文献   

Five species of snakes in Florida, from Palm Beach County in the south and Alachua County 450 km to the north, occur in similar habitat but have distinctive Hepatozoon species characteristic of each host species. In Palm Beach County, Diadophis punctatus is host to Hepatozoon punctatus n. sp., Thamnophis sauritus sackenii to Hepatozoon sauritus n. sp., and Nerodia fasciata pictiventris to Hepatozoon pictiventris n. sp. In Alachua County, N. fasciata pictiventris is parasitized by Hepatozoon fasciatae n. sp., Seminatrix p. pygaea by Hepatozoon seminatrici n. sp., and Thamnophis s. sirtalis by Hepatozoon sirtalis n. sp. Each Hepatozoon sp. has distinctive gamonts and sporogonic characters and, in the 4 species where known, meronts. Nerodia floridana is host to Haemogregarina floridana n. sp. in both localities, with generic identification tentative, based upon presence of erythrocytic meronts. The presence of sporocysts in the proboscis of 31% of Aedes aegypti infected by H. pictiventris is the first report of infective stages of a reptilian Hepatozoon species within the mouthparts of a dipteran vector. This study suggests that in Florida, at least, the diversity of the Hepatozoon community not only equals but probably exceeds the diversity of the snake communities present, and that host specificity in nature may be much greater than that postulated from previous studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The sexual stages and sporogonic development of Haemogregarina balli an apicomplexan blood parasite of snapping turtles, Chelydra serpentina were studied by electron microscopy for 30 days post feeding (PF). Gamonts were invested by an extracellular sheath which fused with intestinal microvilli. All stages of development were observed epicellularly within intestinal epithelial cells of the leech Placobdella ornata. Nuclear division in microgametogenesis was characterized by a trans-nuclear cytoplasmic channel containing the spindle fibers. Basal bodies associated with nuclear division were unpaired with an atypical (8 + 0) microtubular conformation. Four aflagellate microgametes were formed. During fertilization, a single microgamete was enclosed in a pocket of a microgamont. The pocket was lined by a dense layer and underlying ER. In sporogony, nuclei were invested by a trilaminar pellicle as they divided, forming four anlagen. Each anlage divided by longitudinal binary fission forming eight sporozoites in mature oocysts. Sporozoites penetrated the intestinal epithelium by 27 days PF.  相似文献   

A new species of Cryptosporidium, C. bovis, is described. Oocysts of C. bovis, previously identified as Cryptosporidium genotype Bovine B (GenBank AY120911), are morphologically indistinguishable from those of C. parvum. They are excreted fully sporulated and contain 4 sporozoites, but lack sporocysts. Oocysts measure 4.76-5.35 microm (mean = 4.89 microm) x 4.17-4.76 microm (mean = 4.63 microm), with a length-to-width ratio of 1.06 (n = 50). Oocysts were not infectious for neonatal BALB/ c mice, but were infectious for 2 calves that were previously infected with C. parvum. Oocysts were not infectious for 2 experimentally exposed lambs less than 1 wk of age and were not detected in 42 lambs 2-3 mo of age, but were detected in a 2-wk-old lamb. In an earlier study, 79 of 840 calves on 14 dairy farms in 7 states were found infected with the new species. Most calves were 2-7 mo of age and none exhibited signs of diarrhea. This new species has been found in 10 of 162 calves aged 9 to 11 mo on a beef farm in Maryland. Fragments of the 18S rDNA, HSP-70, and actin genes were amplified by PCR, and purified PCR products were sequenced. Multilocus analysis of the 3 unlinked loci demonstrated the new species to be distinct from C. parvum and also demonstrated a lack of recombination, providing further evidence of species status. Based on these biological and molecular data, we consider this highly prevalent Cryptosporidium that infects primarily postweaned calves to be a new species and propose the name Cryptosporidium bovis n. sp. for this parasite.  相似文献   

The structure and infectivity of the oocysts of a new species of Cryptosporidium from the feces of humans are described. Oocysts are structurally indistinguishable from those of Cryptosporidium parvum. Oocysts of the new species are passed fully sporulated, lack sporocysts. and measure 4.4-5.4 microm (mean = 4.86) x 4.4-5.9 microm (mean = 5.2 microm) with a length to width ratio 1.0-1.09 (mean 1.07) (n = 100). Oocysts were not infectious for ARC Swiss mice, nude mice. Wistar rat pups, puppies, kittens or calves, but were infectious to neonatal gnotobiotic pigs. Pathogenicity studies in the gnotobiotic pig model revealed significant differences in parasite-associated lesion distribution (P = 0.005 to P = 0.02) and intensity of infection (P = 0.04) between C. parvum and this newly described species from humans. In vitro cultivation studies have also revealed growth differences between the two species. Multi-locus analysis of numerous unlinked loci, including a preliminary sequence scan of the entire genome demonstrated this species to be distinct from C. parvum and also demonstrated a lack of recombination, providing further support for its species status. Based on biological and molecular data, this Cryptosporidium infecting the intestine of humans is proposed to be a new species Cryptosporidium hominis n. sp.  相似文献   

Seven new species of avian Hepatozoon, H. lanis, H. malacotinus, H. numidis, H. pittae, H. estrildus, H. sylvae and H. zosteropis, respectively, are described from the Laniinae, Malaconotinae, Numidinae, Pittidae, Poephilinae, Sylviinae and Zosteropidae. Hepatozoon adiei Hoare, 1924 is synonymised with Hepatozoon neophrontis (Todd &; Wolbach, 1912) Wenyon, 1926 from the Accipitridae and H. neophrontis re-described. Four species of Hepatozoon described by de Beaurepaire Aragão from Brazil are reviewed and Hepatozoon tanagrae (de Beaurepaire Aragão, 1911) Hoare, 1924 is synonymised with H. rhamphocoeli (de Beaurepaire Aragão, 1911) Hoare 1924 and H. brachyspizae (de Beaurepaire Aragão) Hoare, 1924 with H. paroariae (de Beaurepaire Aragão, 1911) Hoare, 1924. Illustrations and measurements for Hepatozoon albatrossi Peirce &; Prince, 1980, H. atticorae (de Beaurepaire Aragão, 1911) Hoare, 1924 and H. parus Bennett &; Peirce, 1989 are also presented to complete the review of the known avian species. The value of some potential morphological characteristics for distinguishing species of Hepatozoon is discussed.  相似文献   

Goussia girellae n. sp. is described from the opaleye fish, Girella nigricans. Merogonic stages were observed in the apices of intestinal epithelial cells, in the lamina propria, and in extra-intestinal sites including liver, gills, and spleen. Gamonts were observed in the intestinal epithelial cells. Only unsporulated oocysts were detected in the intestine, and sporulation occurred when feces containing oocysts were incubated for 48 h in seawater at 21 degrees C. Oocysts are elongated (24.8 x 14.7 micron) with a wall about 200 nm thick and have no residuum, micropyle, or polar granule. Sporocysts are ellipsoid (8.5 x 4.5 micron), have a thin two-layered wall approximately 30 nm thick, and consist of two valves joined by a suture. Although moribund opaleye were also infected with Gyrodactylus sp., Cryptobia sp., Cardicola sp., and epitheliocystis organisms (chlamydia), all fish were heavily infected with G. girellae and morbidity was thus attributed to the coccidium.  相似文献   

Ascogregarina saraviae n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Lecudinidae) is described from wild-caught Lutzomyia lichyi (Diptera: Psychodidae) females. Gametocysts adhered to the hemocoel side of the genital accessory gland walls and oocysts were injected into their lumina. Sporulated oocysts were ellipsoidal, 12.4 x 5.8 (11.6-13.1 x 5.6-5.9) micrometers, contained eight sporozoites and a refractile residuum. The elongate form of A. saraviae n. sp. oocysts, and their more delicate walls, clearly distinguish them from oocysts of A. chagasi (Adler & Mayrink, 1961).  相似文献   

The horse genotype is one of three common Cryptosporidium spp. in equine animals and has been identified in some human cases. The species status of Cryptosporidium horse genotype remains unclear due to the lack of extensive morphological, biological, and genetic data. In the present study, we have conducted biological and whole genome sequence analyses of an isolate of the genotype from hedgehogs and proposed to name it Cryptosporidium equi n. sp. to reflect its common occurrence in equine animals. Oocysts of C. equi measured 5.12 ± 0.36 μm × 4.46 ± 0.21 μm with a shape index of 1.15 ± 0.08 (n = 50). Cryptosporidium equi was infectious to 3-week-old four-toed hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris) and mice, with a prepatent period of 2–9 days and a patent period of 30–40 days in hedgehogs. It was not infectious to rats and rabbits. Phylogenetic analyses of small subunit rRNA, 70 kDa heat shock protein, actin, 60 kDa glycoprotein and 100 other orthologous genes revealed that C. equi is genetically distinct from other known Cryptosporidium species and genotypes. The sequence identity between C. equi and Cryptosporidium parvum genomes is 97.9%. Compared with C. parvum, C. equi has lost two MEDLE genes and one insulinase-like protease gene and gained one SKSR gene. In addition, 60 genes have highly divergent sequences (sequence differences ≥ 5.0%), including those encoding mucin-like glycoproteins, insulinase-like peptidases, and MEDLE and SKSR proteins. The genetic uniqueness of C. equi supports its increasing host range and the naming of it as a valid Cryptosporidium species. This is the first known use of whole genome sequence data in delineating new Cryptosporidium species.  相似文献   

The Javan ferret-badger Melogale orientalis (Carnivora: Mustelidae: Helictidinae) is a small carnivore endemic to Indonesia. In the family Mustelidae, 10 Eimeria, 12 Cystoisopora, one Isospora, and one Hammondia species are known, but no eimeriid coccidia has been yet described in the subfamily Helictinidae (ferret badgers). Coproscopic examination of Javan ferret-badgers imported into the Czech Republic revealed the presence of coccidian oocysts. Sporulated oocysts differ from other Eimeria known in the family Mustelidae by their small size (12.4–16.1 × 10.4–13.4 μm) and ovoidal shape. Morphological data and phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and COI genes indicated a new species of Eimeria found in faecal samples of Javan ferret badgers. The species is described as E. melogale n. sp.  相似文献   

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