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Paramutation is the transfer of epigenetic information between alleles that leads to a heritable change in expression of one of these alleles. Paramutation at the tissue‐specifically expressed maize (Zea mays) b1 locus involves the low‐expressing B′ and high‐expressing B‐I allele. Combined in the same nucleus, B′ heritably changes B‐I into B′. A hepta‐repeat located 100‐kb upstream of the b1 coding region is required for paramutation and for high b1 expression. The role of epigenetic modifications in paramutation is currently not well understood. In this study, we show that the B′ hepta‐repeat is DNA‐hypermethylated in all tissues analyzed. Importantly, combining B′ and B‐I in one nucleus results in de novo methylation of the B‐I repeats early in plant development. These findings indicate a role for hepta‐repeat DNA methylation in the establishment and maintenance of the silenced B′ state. In contrast, nucleosome occupancy, H3 acetylation, and H3K9 and H3K27 methylation are mainly involved in tissue‐specific regulation of the hepta‐repeat. Nucleosome depletion and H3 acetylation are tissue‐specifically regulated at the B‐I hepta‐repeat and associated with enhancement of b1 expression. H3K9 and H3K27 methylation are tissue‐specifically localized at the B′ hepta‐repeat and reinforce the silenced B′ chromatin state. The B′ coding region is H3K27 dimethylated in all tissues analyzed, indicating a role in the maintenance of the silenced B′ state. Taken together, these findings provide insight into the mechanisms underlying paramutation and tissue‐specific regulation of b1 at the level of chromatin structure.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo studies of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA polymerase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One major DNA polymerase has been purified and characterized from Trypanosoma cruzi. The enzyme has a sedimentation coefficient of 6.8 S corresponding to an approximate molecular weight of 180,000 assuming a globular shape. The enzyme recognizes activated DNA very efficiently, as well as synthetic polydeoxynucleotides, whereas poly rA-dT12 is very poorly utilized. Trypanosoma cruzi DNA polymerase is not inhibited at all by aphidicolin, while araCTP inhibits the enzyme very slightly. The purified enzyme is strongly inhibited by N-ethyl maleimide, dideoxyTTP, ethidium bromide and berenil. All our attempts to find a DNA polymerase sensitive to aphidicolin in vitro have failed, nor have we been able to find a low molecular weight DNA polymerase in this organism. However, when DNA synthesis was studied in whole trypanosomes, aphidicolin was shown to inhibit DNA synthesis more efficiently than ethidium bromide and berenil.  相似文献   

TFIIB and the regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Deng W  Roberts SG 《Chromosoma》2007,116(5):417-429

Natural abundance carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (67.9 MHz) were obtained for native nucleosome cores: cores dissociated in 2 M NaCl and 2 M NaCl, 6 M urea; and cores degraded with DNase I plus proteinase K. Phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of native and dissociated cores and core length DNA were also obtained at 60.7 MHz. The 31P resonance and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of DNA were only slightly affected by packaging in nucleosome cores, in agreement with other reports, but 13C resonances of DNA were essentially unobservable. The loss of DNA spectral intensity suggests that rapid internal motions of DNA sugar carbons in protein-free DNA previously demonstrated by 13C NMR methods are partly restricted in nucleosomes. The 13C spectrum of native cores contains many narrow intense resonances assigned to lysine side chain and alpha-carbons, glycine alpha-carbons, alanine alpha- and beta- carbons, and arginine side chain carbons. Several weaker resonances were also assigned. The narrow line widths, short T1 values, and non-minimal nuclear Overhauser enhancements of these resonances, including alpha- and beta-carbons, show that some terminal chain segments of histones in nucleosomes are as mobile as small random coil polypeptides. The mobile segments include about 9% of all histone residues and 25% of all lysines, but only 10% of all arginines. The compositions of these segments indicate that mobile regions are located in amino- or carboxyl-terminal sequences of two or more histones. In addition, high mobility was observed for side chain carbons of 45-50% of all lysines (delta and epsilon carbons) and about 25% of all arginines (zeta carbon) in histones (including those in mobile segments), suggesting that basic residues in terminal histone sequences are not strongly involved in nucleosome structure and may instead help stabilize higher order chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The mucin-like glycoproteins of Trypanosoma cruzi have novel O-linked oligosaccharides that are acceptors of sialic acid in the trans-sialidase (TcTS) reaction. The transference of sialic acid from host glycoconjugates to the mucins is involved in infection and pathogenesis. The synthesis of the pentasaccharide, beta-D-Galp-(1-->2)-[beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)]-beta-D-Galp-(1-->6)-[beta-D-Galf-(1-->4)]-D-GlcpNAc and the corresponding alditol, previously isolated by reductive beta-elimination of the mucins, is described. The key step was the 6-O-glycosylation of a easily accessible derivative of beta-D-Galf-(1-->4)-D-GlcpNAc with a beta-D-Galp-(1-->2)-[beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)]-D-Galp donor using the trichloroacetimidate method. The beta-linkage was diastereoselectively obtained by the nitrile effect. The pentasaccharide is the major oligosaccharide in the mucins of T. cruzi, G strain and presents two terminal beta-D-Galp residues for possible sialylation by TcTS. A preparative sialylation reaction was performed with its benzyl glycoside and the sialylated product was isolated and characterized. NMR spectroscopic analysis showed that selective monosialylation occurred at the terminal (1-->3) linked galactopyranose.  相似文献   

The use of in situ techniques to detect DNA and RNA sequences has proven to be an invaluable technique with paraffin-embedded tissue. Advances in non-radioactive detection systems have further made these procedures shorter and safer. We report the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, via indirect and direct in situ polymerace chain reaction within paraffin-embedded murine cardiac tissue sections. The presence of three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences were evaluated: a 122 base pair (bp) sequence localized within the minicircle network, a 188 bp satellite nuclear repetitive sequence and a 177 bp sequence that codes for a flagellar protein. In situ hybridization alone was sensitive enough to detect all three T. cruzi specific DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA polymerase beta is a nuclear enzyme involved in the base excision and single-stranded DNA break repair pathways. In trypanosomatids, this protein does not have a defined cellular localization, and its function is poorly understood. We characterized two Trypanosoma cruzi proteins homologous to mammalian DNA polymerasebeta, TcPolbeta and TcPolbetaPAK, and showed that both enzymes localize to the parasite kinetoplast. In vitro assays with purified proteins showed that they have DNA polymerization and deoxyribose phosphate lyase activities. Optimal conditions for polymerization were different for each protein with respect to dNTP concentration and temperature, and TcPolbetaPAK, in comparison to TcPolbeta, conducted DNA synthesis over a much broader pH range. TcPolbeta was unable to carry out mismatch extension or DNA synthesis across 8-oxodG lesions, and was able to discriminate between dNTP and ddNTP. These specific abilities of TcPolbeta were not observed for TcPolbetaPAK or other X family members, and are not due to a phenylalanine residue at position 395 in the C-terminal region of TcPolbeta, as assessed by a site-directed mutagenesis experiment reversing this residue to a well conserved tyrosine. Our data suggest that both polymerases from T. cruzi could cooperate to maintain mitochondrial DNA integrity through their multiple roles in base excision repair, gap filling and translesion synthesis.  相似文献   

Epimastigote culture forms of different isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi from different mammal hosts, humans, and vectors were tested with FITC-conjugated peanut agglutinin lectin (PNA-FITC). The parasites maintained in axenic medium, liver infusion tryptose. were evaluated by flow cytometric analyses; whereas T. cruzi I (Tcl), which is associated with the sylvatic transmission cycle, was labeled in high percentages with PNA (88-99.2%), T. cruzi II (TcII) (parasites associated with domiciliar cycle) and T. cruzi, zymodeme 3 (Tc/Z3) (also associated with the sylvatic cycle) were labeled in low percentages (TcII, 0-26% and Tc/Z3, 0-12.6%). It was demonstrated that it is possible to differentiate the 2 main T. cruzi subpopulations, TcI and TcII, using Arachis hypogaea. These results also showed a higher variability in TcII in terms of PNA binding.  相似文献   

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