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doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00395.x
Prevalence of dental myths, oral hygiene methods and tobacco habits in an ageing North Indian rural population Background and objectives: Though increased emphasis is being given to expanding dental care facilities and awareness in Indian villages, the target population is unfortunately less literate and financially‐equipped compared to their urban counterparts. This study attempted to evaluate dental myths, oral hygiene methods and beliefs, and tobacco habits present in a rural ageing population. Material and methods: The study area consisted of a group of 10 villages, situated in the district of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The sample comprised 681 people aged 50 years or above. The subjects were questioned about dental myths, tobacco habits and oral hygiene methods and then divided into groups on the basis of age, gender, and educational status. Mean values, standard deviation, chi‐square test, t‐test and p values were used to obtain inter‐group comparisons. Results: Forty percent of the subjects considered oral hygiene unnecessary, with 61% relying on simple mouth rinsing for maintaining oral hygiene, 48% either smoked and chewed tobacco or both and 81% had one or more dental myth. Conclusion: The results showed that the rural ageing population is deprived and a targeted programme to spread scientific dental practices to them is necessary.  相似文献   

Food habits of badgers (Meles meles) in an arid habitat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We examined the diet of an endangered frog, Rana porosa brevipoda inhabiting rice fields of western Japan, by forced regurgitation of stomach contents. The frog diet consisted of a wide variety of arthropods, and ants, beetles, dipterans, bugs, orthopterans, and spiders, which were especially prominent. These prey taxa were also collected in large numbers by sweep-net samplings made in the frog habitat, and relative abundances of prey taxa in frog diet and those in sweep samples were found to be significantly correlated. Aquatic forms did not contribute much to the frog diet, but were found to be taken more frequently and in larger numbers in irrigated fields than in drained fields. These findings suggest that prey availability around frog habitat is very important to regulate the food items of R. p. brevipoda. On the other hand, terrestrial components of frog habitats are indicated to be important because the frog highly depended on terrestrial invertebrates. From these results, we consider it imperative to preserve terrestrial components linked with aquatic environments to conserve biodiversity in rice field ecosystems.  相似文献   

Diet of wolvesCanis lupus Linnaeus, 1758 in Latvia was studied from 1997 to 2001 based on 302 scats and 107 stomachs. Wild ungulates (cervids and wild boarSus scrofa) and beaverCastor fiber were the dominant prey. Cervids were found in 50% of samples (62% biomass), wild boar in 25% (21% biomass), beavers in 14% (12% biomass). Wolves selected for wild boar, especially in winter when its ratio in the diet increased to 34% from 20% in summer. It was a more common prey species in the east of the country. The ratio of beavers, small rodents and plant food was higher in summer, which resulted in a broader food niche in summer than in winter (B = 2.53 versus 1.81, respectively). The role of domestic animals in the wolf diet was minimal except for winter when they were consumed as carrion (13%). More than 1/3of all stomachs investigated were empty. The average weight of stomach contents was 972.8 g. The importance of the beaver as an alternative prey is discussed. We conclude that wolves in Latvia prey mainly on wild animals and conflicts with livestock owners are only occasional and/or local.  相似文献   

The dental awareness and needs of a population with Parkinson's disease were assessed by means of postal questionnaires sent to members of Parkinson's disease societies of Belfast and London. A total of 228 valid replies were received representing a response rate of 31%. Results showed that dental problems were reported often, xerostomia and burning sensation being at least twice that of the general population. Satisfaction with dental care was high although it was significantly reduced in those with loose dentures and burning sensation. The results of this study support a greater participation by dentists in the planning and provision of healthcare for sufferer of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Maternal smoking habits in 67 609 singleton pregnancies were examined. The overall incidence of congenital malformations was 2.8% in both non-smokers and smokers. On analysing congenital defects according to individual systems there was no significant difference in the incidence of malformations according to the number of cigarettes smoked, except for neural tube defects. Further analysis, taking social class into account, showed that neural tube defects were less common in non-smokers in social classes I and II. This study suggests that maternal smoking does not have teratogenic effects in the offspring, except in the case of neural tube defects, where the effect is at most modest.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2010.00363.x
General health, dental status and perceived dental treatment needs of an elderly population in Istanbul Background: Comprehensive data on the oral health status and dental treatment needs of the elderly population in Turkey are deficient. Objectives: This pilot study determined the general and dental health status, perceived medical and dental treatment needs of an elderly population dwelling in residential homes in Istanbul. Method: Subjects at three different residential homes, namely one belonging to the state and two supported by foundations in Istanbul (N=121, female: 63 and male: 58) were involved in this study. A detailed questionnaire was prepared and dental examinations were conducted. Information was collected related to age, education levels, financial status, current physical functional status, general health, mental health, previous dental history, current dental status, oral hygiene practices and denture hygiene of these elderly people. The prevalence of edentulism, the presence and type of dental prostheses, dental and denture status and denture cleanliness were further evaluated. Results: The three most prevalent reported general health problems were associated with genito‐urinary problems (24%) followed by cardiovascular (18%) and respiratory problems (14%) varying significantly between genders, with males suffering more from cardiovascular problems than females (p < 0.05). Females showed significantly higher gastrointestinal and orthopaedic problems than males (p < 0.05). Females were more frequently edentulous than males but denture hygiene was significantly better in females than in males (p < 0.05). Brushing frequency did not significantly increase denture hygiene (p = 0.6). More than one‐third of the subjects had not been to the dentist within the previous 5–10 years, mainly due to lack of demand, followed by the cost of the dental care and fear. More than two‐thirds of denture‐wearing subjects wore their dentures only during eating. Conclusions: There was significant perceived dental treatment and care need for the sample population of elderly studied.  相似文献   

2011年11月至2012年10月,作者采用粪便显微分析法研究了黄山短尾猴的四季食性.结果表明:黄山短尾猴共取食植物26科50种;不同季节间黄山短尾猴食性具有明显变化,冬季取食13科25种植物,春季取食23科46种植物,夏季取食14科32种植物,秋季取食17科37种植物;壳斗科、樟科是黄山短尾猴全年的主要食物,占短尾猴总取食量的51.26%~59.75%,其他科属植物也占有重要地位;甜槠在四季均为黄山短尾猴的主要取食食物,豹皮樟在冬季取食量相对较高,秋季最低,红楠、杉木在冬春季节的取食比例差异最大;黄山短尾猴采取与其他灵长类相似的觅食策略;黄山短尾猴四季食物生态位宽度差异不明显,受人为影响较为明显.  相似文献   

StoatsMustela erminea Linnaeus, 1758 and weaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 exploit the same array of prey species at different frequencies according to body size. The rabbitOryctolagus cuniculus, which typically is the dominant prey for stoats in temperate parts of Europe, is absent in Denmark. The present study based on gastrointestinal tract contents examines the food habits of sympatric stoats (n=112) and weasels (n=132) from Denmark. Rodents were the most important prey group for both stoats and weasels, constituting 77% and 84% of their diet respectively, expressed as frequency of occurrence. No differences were detected in the proportions of major prey groups between sexes within species, but between species the diets differed. Stoats ate birds and birds’ eggs more often than weasels did, while weasels ate more insectivores. Stoats ate more oftenMicrotus voles and water voleArvicola terrestris than weasels did, while weasels ate more bank voleClethrionomys glareolus and moleTalpa europaea. There was a larger dietary overlap between sympatric stoats and weasels in Denmark than in other dietary studies in areas where rabbits were available.  相似文献   

Food habits of jaguars and pumas in Jalisco, Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Food habits and the basal rate of metabolism in birds   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Brian K. McNab 《Oecologia》1988,77(3):343-349
Summary The correlation of basal rate of metabolism with various factors is examined in birds. Chief among these is body mass. As in mammals, much of the remaining variation in basal rate among birds is associated with food habits. Birds other than passerines that feed on grass, nectar, flying insects, or vertebrates generally have basal rates that are similar to mammals of the same mass and food habits. In contrast, most invertebrate-eating birds that weigh over 100 g have higher basal rates than equally-sized, invertebrate-eating mammals. The high basal rates of small passerines equal those of small mammals that do not enter torpor and represent the minimal cost of continuous endothermy. Large passerines and small procellariiforms, charadriiforms, and psittaciforms generally have higher basal rates than mammals with the same mass and food habits. The high basal rates of passerines (in combination with altricial habits) may have significance in permitting high post-natal growth rates and the exploitation of seasonally abundant resources. These interrelations may contribute to the predominance of passerines in temperate land environments.  相似文献   

Food habits and home range use of a troop of Japanese macaque Macaca fuscata Blyth on Kinkazan Island (9.6km2), northern Japan, were studied from the spring of 2000 to the winter of 2002. The home range of this troop covers the area where vegetation is modified by foraging of sika deer Cervus nippon Temminck. The core areas of the home ranges of the macaque troop corresponded closely to the distributions of the staple food plants in every season. For example, leaves of Berberis thunbergii DC. and leaves of Zelkova serrata Makino in spring, berries of Berchemia racemosa Sieb. & Zucc. in summer, nuts of Zelkova serrata and Carpinus spp. in the fall of 2000 and winter of 2001, seeds of Torreya nucifera Sieb. & Zucc. in the fall of 2001, and bark of Zanthoxylum piperitum DC. in winter of 2002. Among the staple food plants, Berberis thunbergii and Zanthoxylum piperitum are more abundant on Kinkazan Island than other macaque habitats in northern Japan because they are spiny and unpalatable to sika deer, hence survive under the heavy foraging by the deer. Further, another staple food plant, Berchemia racemosa, a liana, grows abundantly at the edges of Illicium forests. Illicium anisatur is toxic and is not consumed by sika deer. Monkeys of this troop using the unique vegetation induced by sika deer grazing, fed on several plants which are not consumed by monkeys in other areas, and the home range was heavily affected by the distributions of these plants.  相似文献   

The food preferences of an insular population of Rattus rattus inhabiting colonies of the Short-tailed shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris are described from results obtained during analyses of stomach contents and droppings collected from Big Green Island, Furneaux Group, Tasmania. It was found that rats on the island maintained themselves by eating a predominantly vegetarian diet and results suggest that there was some selective feeding on monocotyledons rather than the dicotyledons present in the area. Green parts of plants were taken throughout the year and rats may select these as a water source during the summer months. Plants made up 77.2% of the 254 stomach contents analysed and of this 57.7% was green material. Insect remains were found in 24.8% of the 1400 droppings examined and made up 14.3% of the stomach contents. Few feathers of the shearwater Puffinus tenuirostris were found in the stomachs or droppings and preliminary behavioural experiments suggested that the rat does not actively predate the bird though it may remove unattended eggs and eat dead chicks.  相似文献   

The food habits of Sika deer (Cervus nippon) on Mt. Goyo, northern Honshu (the main island of Japan), were studied. Among 88 plant species found in surveys, 36 species (40.9%) were eaten by the deer. The percentage frequency of feeding (F) was highest for graminoids (59.6%), followed by browses (16.6%) and ferns (7.7%) and lowest for forbs (5.4%). Though various kinds of plants were eaten, only limited species formed the bulk of the deer dietary composition.Sasa nipponica, in particular, was the most important constituent, ranking highest inF value (80.3%) and being the dominant component of feces. Fecal analyses revealed that, 1) in areas lower than 900 m in altitude,Sasa nipponica accounted for between 20 and 60% of the content and that pasture grasses were also important, and 2)S. nipponica occupied more than 50% in montane areas higher than 900 m, and even more than 80% in winter. The utilization ofS. nipponica as a forage for Sika deer was discussed. This plant can be a key forage species because it meets all the necessary conditions: abundance and stability of supply, palatability, nutritive quality and tolerance to grazing.  相似文献   

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