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Possible effects of habitat fragmentation on the population genetics of a species of wolf spider (Lycosidae) from remnant Callitris woodland in the wheat belt of central western New South Wales in Australia are examined. Single-strand conformational analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (subunit 1) was used to characterize the haplotypes of 295 spiders in six blocks each of four woodland sites. DNA sequences were collected from 119 of these spiders to confirm haplotype scoring, allow phylogeny estimation and permit calculation of sequence-based statistics. Intra-block tests do not suggest widespread effects of fragmentation. Genetic diversity is high in all blocks, with 25 haplotypes being identified. Nucleotide diversity is relatively low, as all of the haplotypes are closely related. One block had a significantly low value for the Ewens/Watterson test of neutrality and one block's value was nearly significantly high. Two blocks had nearly significant values of the Harpending Raggedness Index testing for recent population bottlenecks. No other intrablock tests approach significance. Interpopulation comparisons show significant nonhomogeneity of haplotype frequencies globally and in all pairwise comparisons. Relationships between woodland blocks based on haplotype frequencies are discordant with geographical proximity. Haplotype distribution patterns suggest that population structuring existed prior to fragmentation. We develop two measures of genetic distinctiveness to identify subpopulations of interest for conserving evolutionary processes in a species' regional population. One is based on the sum of pairwise FST values and one on the spatial distribution of genetic variation. High values of the measure suggest a subpopulation might have been recently perturbed and low values that it is relatively undisturbed. The two measures identify different blocks as being of particular interest.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the wood-decay fungus Fomitopsis rosea (Alb. et Schw. Fr.) Karst is presented for populations sampled in Russia, Sweden and Finland. A total of 11 variable arbitrary primed (AP)–PCR markers were found to be segregated in a 1:1 ratio. The genotype for each fruiting body was inferred from the genotypes of the haploid single-spore isolates. Observed heterozygosity was lowest in southern Fennoscandia, the area with the longest history of forestry management. Overall, there was a deficit of heterozygotes compared with frequencies of heterozygotes predicted from Hardy–Weinberg expectations. When we partitioned the deficit of heterozygotes into the hierarchical genetic structure by means of F -statistics we found that the possible causes for it were both limited gene flow between regions and local nonrandom mating within all populations. Future management for the conservation of F. rosea populations and how the results relate to the life cycle of basidomycete fungi are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the temporal and spatial patterns in deforestation and community structure of mammals in a fragmented old‐growth, temperate rain forest to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic habitat conversion advances in a nonrandom manner across native landscapes, and that its effects on ecological communities are both persistent and predictable. Location The location is the Hood Canal district of Olympic National Forest, Washington, USA. Results Deforestation followed the apparently general pattern observed for deforestation of tropical rain forests and other native landscapes, advancing first along low and relatively level valleys, then to areas at higher elevations and along steeper slopes, and eventually to sites more distant from those of initial land conversion and transportation centres. Mammal surveys within this area indicated that this nonrandom advance of deforestation has created relatively steep geographical and topographic gradients in both local and landscape‐level factors and, ultimately, in the structure of mammalian communities. Conclusion The close and likely causal relationship between anthropogenic habitat loss and the ecological dynamics of mammalian communities and dependent species (e.g. spotted owls) indicates that our abilities to understand and eventually reduce the current extinction crisis may rely heavily on our understanding of, and abilities to modify, the manner in which we expand across and transform native landscapes.  相似文献   

The effect of habitat fragmentation on spatial foraging behaviour in the root vole Microtus oeconomus was investigated in seven experimental populations. Four of the populations were established in large, continuous blocks (30 × 95 m) of meadow habitat (treatment plots), whereas the three remaining populations had six small rectangular habitat fragments (30 × 7.5 m) with variable inter-fragment distances (control plots). Both the small habitat fragments and the large continuous habitat were embedded in a non-habitat matrix area which was regularly mowed. Half-way through the study period, the continuous habitat in treatment plots was destroyed by mowing to give a configuration identical to the control plots. Dyed bait placed at the edges and in the interior of habitat fragments as well as in the matrix area was used to reveal differential use of these areas for foraging. Animals in the small-fragment plots fed more than expected along the edges, while edges were used according to availability in the large blocks of continuous habitat. In the fragmented plots, the frequency of foraging in the matrix decreased with increasing distance to the fragment border and with increasing inter-fragment distances. Furthermore, the frequency of use of more than one habitat fragment in individual foraging ranges decreased with increasing inter-fragment distances. Reproductively inactive animals of both sexes fed more often along habitat edges than reproductively active animals. Reproductively active females fed exclusively in one habitat fragment, whereas inactive animals and especially reproductively active males frequently included more than one fragment in their foraging ranges. The only effect of habitat destruction was less foraging in the matrix habitat in the post-destruction treatment plots compared to the permanently fragmented control plots. This was probably an effect of different matrix quality. Root voles in these experimental populations forage in edge and matrix habitat with great risk of becoming victims to predation, and the results are interpreted in this context. Received: 19 August 1998 / Accepted: 30 June 1999  相似文献   

Aims Many pine populations in Canada have fragmented distributions resulting from the effects of glaciations, overharvesting and white pine blister rust infections. Forest fragmentation can modify gene flow and reduce genetic diversity. Selective logging can reduce the density of trees, thereby altering mating patterns and increasing inbreeding. The hypothesis of the present study is that forest fragmentation will not increase inbreeding and will have no effect on genetic diversity parameters in the Canadian Pinus moniticola and P. strobus populations targeted because of (i) the long life span of the pine species, (ii) outbreeding and self-incompatibility of P. monticola and P. strobus and (iii) wind pollination resulting in high gene flow among populations. We studied the genetic diversity of P. strobus across its range in Canada, and we completed a detailed analysis of the genetic structure of P. monticola populations from western Canada using microsatellites genetic markers.Methods Seed samples from 10 P. monticola populations and 10 P. strobus populations were collected from western and eastern Canada, respectively. The mother trees included in seed lots were representative of each stand. Genomic DNA extracted from each sample was amplified with microsatellite primers. The intra- and interpopulation genetic diversity parameters were assessed using Popgene and Genepop softwares and the genetic distances among populations within each species using the PowerMarker software.Important findings Pinus monticola and P. strobus exhibited moderate to high genetic diversity. Also, both species showed low levels of inbreeding despite the geographic isolation and small stand size. Gene flow estimates were high and population differentiation values were relatively low for these fragmented forest sites.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, i.e., the reduction of populations into small isolated remnants, is expected to increase spatial genetic structure (SGS) in plant populations through nonrandom mating, lower population densities and potential aggregation of reproductive individuals. We investigated the effects of population size reduction and genetic isolation on SGS in maritime pine ( Pinus pinaster Aiton) using a combined experimental and simulation approach. Maritime pine is a wind-pollinated conifer which has a scattered distribution in the Iberian Peninsula as a result of forest fires and habitat fragmentation. Five highly polymorphic nuclear microsatellites were genotyped in a total of 394 individuals from two population pairs from the Iberian Peninsula, formed by one continuous and one fragmented population each. In agreement with predictions, SGS was significant and stronger in fragments ( Sp  = 0.020 and Sp  = 0.026) than in continuous populations, where significant SGS was detected for one population only ( Sp  = 0.010). Simulations suggested that under fat-tailed dispersal, small population size is a stronger determinant of SGS than genetic isolation, while under normal dispersal, genetic isolation has a stronger effect. SGS was always stronger in real populations than in simulations, except if unrealistically narrow dispersal and/or high variance of reproductive success were modelled (even when accounting for potential overestimation of SGS in real populations as a result of short-distance sampling). This suggests that factors such as nonrandom mating or selection not considered in the simulations were additionally operating on SGS in Iberian maritime pine populations.  相似文献   

We investigated the association of habitat fragmentation with genetic structure of male black grouse Tetrao tetrix. Using 14 microsatellites, we compared the genetic differentiation of males among nine localities in continuous lowland habitats in Finland to the genetic differentiation among 14 localities in fragmented habitats in the Alps (France, Switzerland and Italy). In both areas, we found significant genetic differentiation. However, the average differentiation, measured as theta, was more than three times higher in the Alps than in Finland. The greater differentiation found in the Alps is probably due to the presence of mountain ridges rising above natural habitats of the species, which form barriers to gene flow, and to a higher influence of genetic drift resulting from lower effective sizes in highly fragmented habitats. The detection of isolation by distance in the Alps suggests that gene flow among populations does occur. The genetic variability measured as gene diversity HE and allelic richness A was lower in the Alps than in Finland. This could result from the higher fragmentation and/or from the fact that populations in the Alps are isolated from the main species range and have a lower effective size than in Finland. This study suggests that habitat fragmentation can affect genetic structure of avian species with relatively high dispersal propensities.  相似文献   

The Idaho ground squirrel, which consists of a northern (Spermophilus brunneus brunneus) and a southern subspecies (S. b. endemicus), has suffered from habitat loss and fragmentation, resulting in a reduction in both numbers and geographic range of the species. The northern Idaho ground squirrel (NIDGS) is listed as a threatened subspecies under the Endangered Species Act, and the southern Idaho ground squirrel (SIDGS) is a candidate. Because Idaho ground squirrel populations are small and often isolated, they are susceptible to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity through drift. This research evaluates levels of genetic diversity and patterns of population divergence in both subspecies of Idaho ground squirrels. We hypothesized that NIDGS would exhibit lower genetic diversity and greater population divergence due to a longer period of population isolation relative to most SIDGS populations. Genetic diversity and divergence were quantified using 8 microsatellite loci. Contrary to expectations, SIDGS populations exhibited consistently lower levels of microsatellite diversity. Additionally, NIDGS exhibited only modest divergence among populations, while divergence levels among SIDGS populations were highly varied. Preliminary evaluations of mitochondrial DNA diversity and structure revealed lower diversity in NIDGS and some differences in gene flow that warrant further study. Based on our results, we suggest different management strategies for the two subspecies. Habitat restoration appears to be the most desirable conservation strategy for NIDGS populations. In contrast, low genetic diversity observed in SIDGS may warrant supplementation of isolated populations through translocations or captive breeding to mitigate further loss of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Yao X  Ye Q  Kang M  Huang H 《The New phytologist》2007,176(2):472-480
Polymorphic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation on the population structure and gene flow of Changiostyrax dolichocarpa, a critically endangered tree in central China. Intrapopulation genetic diversity, population structure and gene flow in the five extant populations of this species were analysed by eight SSR markers. Intrapopulation genetic diversity results suggest that C. dolichocarpa remnants maintained a relatively high degree of genetic diversity despite severe fragmentation. Low genetic differentiation among populations was found based on Wright's F(ST) and amova analysis. Both the F(ST)-based estimate and private allele method revealed high historical gene flow among the remnant populations. Recent immigrants, detected by assignment tests, tend to decrease from the grandparent generation to the current generation. The potentially highly restricted current gene flow among fragments may render the fragmented populations of C. dolichocarpa at a higher risk of local extinction several generations after fragmentation. Both in situ and ex situ conservation management for the remnant populations of C. dolichocarpa are therefore urgently needed to rescue remaining genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Aim To contrast floristic spatial patterns and the importance of habitat fragmentation in two plant communities (grassland and scrubland) in the context of ecological succession. We ask whether plant assemblages are affected by habitat fragmentation and, if so, at what spatial scale? Does the relative importance of the niche differentiation and dispersal‐limitation mechanisms change throughout secondary succession? Is the dispersal‐limitation mechanism related to plant functional traits? Location A Mediterranean region, the massif of Albera (Spain). Methods Using a SPOT satellite image to describe the landscape, we tested the effect of habitat fragmentation on species composition, determining the spatial scale of the assemblage response. We then assessed the relative importance of dispersal‐related factors (habitat fragmentation and geographical distance) and environmental constraints (climate‐related variables) influencing species similarity. We tested the association between dispersal‐related factors and plant traits (dispersal mode and life form). Results In both community types, plant composition was partially affected by the surrounding vegetation. In scrublands, animal‐dispersed and woody plants were abundant in landscapes dominated by closed forests, whereas wind‐dispersed annual herbs were poorly represented in those landscapes. Scrubby assemblages were more dependent on geographical distance, habitat fragmentation and climate conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); grasslands were described only by habitat fragmentation and rainfall. Plant traits did not explain variation in spatial structuring of assemblages. Main conclusions Plant establishment in early Mediterranean communities may be driven primarily by migration from neighbouring established communities, whereas the importance of habitat specialization and community drift increases over time. Plant life forms and dispersal modes did not explain the spatial variation of species distribution, but species richness within the community with differing plant traits was affected by habitat patchiness.  相似文献   

为探究片段化生境中木本植物种子雨的基本特征,该研究根据2015—2020年(研究期间)在千岛湖样岛上的植物群落长期监测样地内每月收集的种子雨数据,采用Kruskal-Wallis检验对木本植物的种子雨密度进行年际差异分析,对不同传播方式物种的种子雨密度进行月份间差异性分析,并利用线性混合效应模型,探究岛屿空间特征(岛屿面积、距最近岛屿的距离、距大陆的距离)以及气候因子(0 ℃以上积温、降水量)对木本植物以及不同传播方式物种的种子雨密度的影响。结果表明:(1)2015—2020年6年间,在29个样岛用240个收集器共收集到877 178粒木本植物的成熟种子,属于26科40属52种。(2)动物传播是木本植物主要的种子传播方式,不同传播方式物种的种子雨时间动态存在较大差异。(3)木本植物的种子雨年密度与岛屿面积和年积温呈显著正相关,与年降水量呈显著负相关。(4)自主传播物种的种子雨月密度与距最近岛屿的距离呈显著正相关,而动物传播物种的种子雨月密度则与距大陆的距离呈显著正相关,风力传播物种的种子雨月密度与月积温呈极显著正相关。综上表明,生境片段化通过岛屿空间特征影响了木本植物种子雨的时间动态。  相似文献   

Dispersal of Amazonian birds in continuous and fragmented forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many ecologists believe birds disappear from tropical forest fragments because they are poor dispersers. We test this idea using a spatially explicit capture data base from the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project near Manaus, Brazil. We measure bird movements directly, over relatively large scales of space and time, both before and after landscape fragmentation. We found that species which disappear from fragments move extensively between plots before isolation, but not after, and often disperse to longer distances in continuous forest than in fragmented forest. Such species also preferentially emigrate from smaller to larger fragments, showing no preference in continuous forest. In contrast, species that persist in fragments are generally less mobile, do not cross gaps as often, yet disperse further after fragmentation than before. 'Heavy tailed' probability models usually explain dispersal kernels better than exponential or Gaussian models, suggesting tropical forest birds may be better dispersers than assumed with some individuals moving very long distances.  相似文献   

Armillaria cepistipes is a common wood-rotting basidiomycete fungus found in most forests in Central Europe. In Switzerland, the habitat of A. cepistipes is fragmented because of the presence of major geographical barriers, in particular the Alps, and past deforestation. We analysed the impact of habitat fragmentation on the current spatial genetic structure of the Swiss A. cepistipes population. A total of 167 isolates were sampled across an area of 41 000 km2 and genotyped at seven microsatellite and four single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. All isolates belonged to different genotypes which, according to the Bayesian clustering algorithm implemented in Tess, originated from a single gene pool. Our analyses indicate that the overall A. cepistipes population shows little, but significant (FST = 0.02), genetic differentiation. Such a situation suggests gene flow is strong, possibly due to long-distance dispersal of airborne basidiospores. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that we could not detect a pattern of isolation by distance. Gene flow is partially restricted by the high mountain ranges of the Alps, as indicated by a signal of spatial autocorrelation detected among genotypes separated by less than about 80–130 km. In contrast, past deforestation seems to have no significant effect on the current spatial population structure of A. cepistipes. This might indicate the existence of a time lag between the current spatial genetic structure and the processes that have induced this specific structure.  相似文献   

Cerulean warblers (Dendroica cerulea) have experienced significant declines across their breeding range and presently exist in disjunct populations, largely because of extensive loss and fragmentation of their breeding and wintering habitat. Despite this overall decline, a recent north-eastern expansion of the breeding range has been proposed, and some researchers have suggested that the eastern Ontario population may be acting as a source population maintaining sink populations elsewhere. However, little is known about either the geographic distribution of genetic variation or dispersal in these birds. We assayed variation in five microsatellite loci and a 366 base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region among 154 cerulean warblers from five populations throughout the breeding range. No evidence of population genetic structure was found. Assignment tests suggested that six individuals were either inter-population migrants or descendants of recent migrants. The lack of population genetic structure is probably due to a combination of historical association and contemporary dispersal. Population decline does not appear to have reduced genetic variation yet. Overall results suggest that cerulean warblers from Ontario, Illinois, Arkansas and Tennessee should be considered a single genetic management unit for conservation.  相似文献   

The process of habitat fragmentation results in the breaking apart of originally continuous habitats, causing multiple changes in biotic and abiotic interactions. Alterations in resource availability and in mutualistic and antagonistic plant–animal interactions may impact plant offspring quantity and quality. Currently, several old fragmented systems evidence a process of flora homogenization, where shade‐tolerant species are replaced by pioneer light‐demanding species. Notably, the relationship between quantity and quality parameters of plant offspring production and the successful recruitment of pioneer species in fragmented forests has been poorly explored. Here, we assess population size, sapling recruitment and offspring performance of one of the most widespread tree species of subtropical South America, the native pioneer Acacia caven (Fabaceae). Population size of adults and saplings increased from small to continuous forests, whereas the sapling recruitment per adult tree (sapling/adult ratio) showed no significant differences among forests of different size. Seedling performance was negatively related to forest area and population size, implying potential superior competitive ability of seedlings produced in smaller populations compared to larger ones. Our results show that A. caven is resilient to habitat fragmentation effects, which may be ascribed to a set of advantageous ecological traits such as outcrossing, massive flowering, generalist pollination, drought resistance, rapid growth and re‐sprouting. Thus, this pioneer tree benefits from the availability of vacant sites and resources released by declining plant populations of other species, eventually becoming the dominant species in fragmented habitats. Pioneer native plant species with ecological traits such as A. caven may represent the silent successful survivors and new colonizers of fragmented habitats, the ubiquitous landscapes of the future.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Forest fragmentation can create negative edge effects that reduce the reproductive success of birds nesting near the forest/nonforest interface, and threaten bird populations deeper in remnant forest habitats. Negative edge effects may be more pronounced in landscapes that are moderately fragmented, particularly where agriculture is the primary land-use fragmenting forests. Information about the extent and strength of edge effects at a site can help guide conservation actions, and determine their effectiveness. We examined edge effects for birds breeding in a nearly contiguous forest fragmented by relatively narrow agricultural corridors in Illinois (USA). We measured rates of nest predation and brood parasitism for Acadian Flycatchers ( Empidonax virescens ) over a continuum of distances from the edge of an agricultural inholding. Nest predation and brood parasitism were highest near the edge and decreased with increasing distance from the edge. Given the cumulative effects of nest predation and brood parasitism on reproductive success, we determined that forest within 600 m of the inholding was sink habitat. We found, however, that deeper forest interior areas currently serve as source habitat, and that conversion of the entire 205 ha agricultural corridor to forest would add 1350 ha of source habitat for Acadian Flycatchers. Such results provide support for a local conservation strategy of forest consolidation and establish baseline measures necessary to determine the relative effectiveness of any subsequent reforestation efforts.  相似文献   

为明确青海野生黄色类群羊肚菌群体的遗传结构和遗传多样性,本研究利用SSR分子标记对来自青海省3个地理单元7个地区的35株野生黄色类群羊肚菌进行分析.结果 显示,12对引物共扩增出54条清晰可识别条带,其中多态性条带有48条,占比88.8%.居群水平的Nei's遗传多样性指数和Shannon's多样性指数分别为0.371...  相似文献   

Using the same set of microsatellite markers, we compared the population genetic structure of two Mastomys species, one being exclusively commensal in southeastern Senegal, and the other being continuously distributed outside villages in this region. Both species were sampled in the same landscape context and at the same spatial scale. According to the expectations based on the degree of habitat patchiness (which is higher for commensal populations in this rural area), genetic diversity was lower and genetic differentiation was higher in commensal populations of Mastomys natalensis than in wild populations of Mastomys erythroleucus. Contrasting estimates of effective dispersal and current migration rates corroborates previous data on differences in social structure between the two species. Isolation-by-distance analyses showed that human-mediated dispersal is not a major factor explaining the pattern of genetic differentiation for M. natalensis, and that gene flow is high and random between M. erythroleucus populations at the spatial scale considered.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation threaten the long‐term viability of innumerable species of plants and animals. At the same time, habitat fragmentation may impose strong natural selection and lead to evolution of life histories with possible consequences for demographic dynamics. The Baltic populations of the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) inhabit regions with highly fragmented habitat (networks of small dry meadows) as well as regions with extensive continuous habitat (calcareous alvar grasslands). Here, we report the results of common garden studies on butterflies originating from two highly fragmented landscapes (FL) in Finland and Sweden and from two continuous landscapes (CL) in Sweden and Estonia, conducted in a large outdoor cage (32 by 26 m) and in the laboratory. We investigated a comprehensive set of 51 life‐history traits, including measures of larval growth and development, flight performance, and adult reproductive behavior. Seventeen of the 51 traits showed a significant difference between fragmented versus CL. Most notably, the growth rate of postdiapause larvae and several measures of flight capacity, including flight metabolic rate, were higher in butterflies from fragmented than CL. Females from CL had shorter intervals between consecutive egg clutches and somewhat higher life‐time egg production, but shorter longevity, than females from FL. These results are likely to reflect the constant opportunities for oviposition in females living in continuous habitats, while the more dispersive females from FL allocate more resources to dispersal capacity at the cost of egg maturation rate. This study supports theoretical predictions about small population sizes and high rate of population turnover in fragmented habitats selecting for increased rate of dispersal, but the results also indicate that many other life‐history traits apart from dispersal are affected by the degree of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

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