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A train of action potentials (a spike train) can carry information in both the average firing rate and the pattern of spikes in the train. But can such a spike-pattern code be supported by cortical circuits? Neurons in vitro produce a spike pattern in response to the injection of a fluctuating current. However, cortical neurons in vivo are modulated by local oscillatory neuronal activity and by top-down inputs. In a cortical circuit, precise spike patterns thus reflect the interaction between internally generated activity and sensory information encoded by input spike trains. We review the evidence for precise and reliable spike timing in the cortex and discuss its computational role.  相似文献   

It is much debated on what time scale information is encoded by neuronal spike activity. With a phenomenological model that transforms time-dependent membrane potential fluctuations into spike trains, we investigate constraints for the timing of spikes and for synchronous activity of neurons with common input. The model of spike generation has a variable threshold that depends on the time elapsed since the previous action potential and on the preceding membrane potential changes. To ensure that the model operates in a biologically meaningful range, the model was adjusted to fit the responses of a fly visual interneuron to motion stimuli. The dependence of spike timing on the membrane potential dynamics was analyzed. Fast membrane potential fluctuations are needed to trigger spikes with a high temporal precision. Slow fluctuations lead to spike activity with a rate about proportional to the membrane potential. Thus, for a given level of stochastic input, the frequency range of membrane potential fluctuations induced by a stimulus determines whether a neuron can use a rate code or a temporal code. The relationship between the steepness of membrane potential fluctuations and the timing of spikes has also implications for synchronous activity in neurons with common input. Fast membrane potential changes must be shared by the neurons to produce synchronous activity.  相似文献   

In vivo studies have shown that neurons in the neocortex can generate action potentials at high temporal precision. The mechanisms controlling timing and reliability of action potential generation in neocortical neurons, however, are still poorly understood. Here we investigated the temporal precision and reliability of spike firing in cortical layer V pyramidal cells at near-threshold membrane potentials. Timing and reliability of spike responses were a function of EPSC kinetics, temporal jitter of population excitatory inputs, and of background synaptic noise. We used somatic current injection to mimic population synaptic input events and measured spike probability and spike time precision (STP), the latter defined as the time window (Deltat) holding 80% of response spikes. EPSC rise and decay times were varied over the known physiological spectrum. At spike threshold level, EPSC decay time had a stronger influence on STP than rise time. Generally, STP was highest (6 ms) triggered spikes at lower temporal precision (>or=6.58 ms). We found an overall linear relationship between STP and spike delay. The difference in STP between fast and slow compound EPSCs could be reduced by incrementing the amplitude of slow compound EPSCs. The introduction of a temporal jitter to compound EPSCs had a comparatively small effect on STP, with a tenfold increase in jitter resulting in only a five fold decrease in STP. In the presence of simulated synaptic background activity, precisely timed spikes could still be induced by fast EPSCs, but not by slow EPSCs.  相似文献   

Synaptic information efficacy (SIE) is a statistical measure to quantify the efficacy of a synapse. It measures how much information is gained, on the average, about the output spike train of a postsynaptic neuron if the input spike train is known. It is a particularly appropriate measure for assessing the input–output relationship of neurons receiving dynamic stimuli. Here, we compare the SIE of simulated synaptic inputs measured experimentally in layer 5 cortical pyramidal neurons in vitro with the SIE computed from a minimal model constructed to fit the recorded data. We show that even with a simple model that is far from perfect in predicting the precise timing of the output spikes of the real neuron, the SIE can still be accurately predicted. This arises from the ability of the model to predict output spikes influenced by the input more accurately than those driven by the background current. This indicates that in this context, some spikes may be more important than others. Lastly we demonstrate another aspect where using mutual information could be beneficial in evaluating the quality of a model, by measuring the mutual information between the model’s output and the neuron’s output. The SIE, thus, could be a useful tool for assessing the quality of models of single neurons in preserving input–output relationship, a property that becomes crucial when we start connecting these reduced models to construct complex realistic neuronal networks.  相似文献   

The reliability and precision of the timing of spikes in a spike train is an important aspect of neuronal coding. We investigated reliability in thalamocortical relay (TCR) cells in the acute slice and also in a Morris-Lecar model with several extensions. A frozen Gaussian noise current, superimposed on a DC current, was injected into the TCR cell soma. The neuron responded with spike trains that showed trial-to-trial variability, due to amongst others slow changes in its internal state and the experimental setup. The DC current allowed to bring the neuron in different states, characterized by a well defined membrane voltage (between ?80 and ?50 mV) and by a specific firing regime that on depolarization gradually shifted from a predominantly bursting regime to a tonic spiking regime. The filtered frozen white noise generated a spike pattern output with a broad spike interval distribution. The coincidence factor and the Hunter and Milton measure were used as reliability measures of the output spike train. In the experimental TCR cell as well as the Morris-Lecar model cell the reliability depends on the shape (steepness) of the current input versus spike frequency output curve. The model also allowed to study the contribution of three relevant ionic membrane currents to reliability: a T-type calcium current, a cation selective h-current and a calcium dependent potassium current in order to allow bursting, investigate the consequences of a more complex current-frequency relation and produce realistic firing rates. The reliability of the output of the TCR cell increases with depolarization. In hyperpolarized states bursts are more reliable than single spikes. The analytically derived relations were capable to predict several of the experimentally recorded spike features.  相似文献   

 Mean firing rates (MFRs), with analogue values, have thus far been used as information carriers of neurons in most brain theories of learning. However, the neurons transmit the signal by spikes, which are discrete events. The climbing fibers (CFs), which are known to be essential for cerebellar motor learning, fire at the ultra-low firing rates (around 1 Hz), and it is not yet understood theoretically how high-frequency information can be conveyed and how learning of smooth and fast movements can be achieved. Here we address whether cerebellar learning can be achieved by CF spikes instead of conventional MFR in an eye movement task, such as the ocular following response (OFR), and an arm movement task. There are two major afferents into cerebellar Purkinje cells: parallel fiber (PF) and CF, and the synaptic weights between PFs and Purkinje cells have been shown to be modulated by the stimulation of both types of fiber. The modulation of the synaptic weights is regulated by the cerebellar synaptic plasticity. In this study we simulated cerebellar learning using CF signals as spikes instead of conventional MFR. To generate the spikes we used the following four spike generation models: (1) a Poisson model in which the spike interval probability follows a Poisson distribution, (2) a gamma model in which the spike interval probability follows the gamma distribution, (3) a max model in which a spike is generated when a synaptic input reaches maximum, and (4) a threshold model in which a spike is generated when the input crosses a certain small threshold. We found that, in an OFR task with a constant visual velocity, learning was successful with stochastic models, such as Poisson and gamma models, but not in the deterministic models, such as max and threshold models. In an OFR with a stepwise velocity change and an arm movement task, learning could be achieved only in the Poisson model. In addition, for efficient cerebellar learning, the distribution of CF spike-occurrence time after stimulus onset must capture at least the first, second and third moments of the temporal distribution of error signals. Received: 28 January 2000 / Accepted in revised form: 2 August 2000  相似文献   

Cerebellum is involved in the motion coordination and working memory, to which the programming of sequential spikes at Purkinje cells is essential. It is not clear about the intrinsic mechanisms underlying spike capacity and timing precision as well as their postnatal maturation. We investigated the programming and intrinsic property of sequential spikes at Purkinje neurons during postnatal development by whole-cell recording in cerebellar slices. Cerebellar Purkinje neurons demonstrate the increasing of spike capacity and timing precision, as well as the lowering of refractory periods and threshold potentials during the postnatal maturation. In addition, the correlation between spike parameters and intrinsic properties converts to be more linear. This postnatal plasticity of neuronal intrinsic properties improves the timing precision and capacity of spike programming at cerebellar Purkinje neurons.  相似文献   

Neurons encode information in sequences of spikes, which are triggered when their membrane potential crosses a threshold. In vivo, the spiking threshold displays large variability suggesting that threshold dynamics have a profound influence on how the combined input of a neuron is encoded in the spiking. Threshold variability could be explained by adaptation to the membrane potential. However, it could also be the case that most threshold variability reflects noise and processes other than threshold adaptation. Here, we investigated threshold variation in auditory neurons responses recorded in vivo in barn owls. We found that spike threshold is quantitatively predicted by a model in which the threshold adapts, tracking the membrane potential at a short timescale. As a result, in these neurons, slow voltage fluctuations do not contribute to spiking because they are filtered by threshold adaptation. More importantly, these neurons can only respond to input spikes arriving together on a millisecond timescale. These results demonstrate that fast adaptation to the membrane potential captures spike threshold variability in vivo.  相似文献   

Local Field Potentials (LFPs) integrate multiple neuronal events like synaptic inputs and intracellular potentials. LFP spatiotemporal features are particularly relevant in view of their applications both in research (e.g. for understanding brain rhythms, inter-areal neural communication and neuronal coding) and in the clinics (e.g. for improving invasive Brain-Machine Interface devices). However the relation between LFPs and spikes is complex and not fully understood. As spikes represent the fundamental currency of neuronal communication this gap in knowledge strongly limits our comprehension of neuronal phenomena underlying LFPs. We investigated the LFP-spike relation during tactile stimulation in primary somatosensory (S-I) cortex in the rat. First we quantified how reliably LFPs and spikes code for a stimulus occurrence. Then we used the information obtained from our analyses to design a predictive model for spike occurrence based on LFP inputs. The model was endowed with a flexible meta-structure whose exact form, both in parameters and structure, was estimated by using a multi-objective optimization strategy. Our method provided a set of nonlinear simple equations that maximized the match between models and true neurons in terms of spike timings and Peri Stimulus Time Histograms. We found that both LFPs and spikes can code for stimulus occurrence with millisecond precision, showing, however, high variability. Spike patterns were predicted significantly above chance for 75% of the neurons analysed. Crucially, the level of prediction accuracy depended on the reliability in coding for the stimulus occurrence. The best predictions were obtained when both spikes and LFPs were highly responsive to the stimuli. Spike reliability is known to depend on neuron intrinsic properties (i.e. on channel noise) and on spontaneous local network fluctuations. Our results suggest that the latter, measured through the LFP response variability, play a dominant role.  相似文献   

The spike trains that transmit information between neurons are stochastic. We used the theory of random point processes and simulation methods to investigate the influence of temporal correlation of synaptic input current on firing statistics. The theory accounts for two sources for temporal correlation: synchrony between spikes in presynaptic input trains and the unitary synaptic current time course. Simulations show that slow temporal correlation of synaptic input leads to high variability in firing. In a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model with spike afterhyperpolarization the theory accurately predicts the firing rate when the spike threshold is higher than two standard deviations of the membrane potential fluctuations. For lower thresholds the spike afterhyperpolarization reduces the firing rate below the theory's predicted level when the synaptic correlation decays rapidly. If the synaptic correlation decays slower than the spike afterhyperpolarization, spike bursts can occur during single broad peaks of input fluctuations, increasing the firing rate over the prediction. Spike bursts lead to a coefficient of variation for the interspike intervals that can exceed one, suggesting an explanation of high coefficient of variation for interspike intervals observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Single neurons in the cerebral cortex are immersed in a fluctuating electric field, the local field potential (LFP), which mainly originates from synchronous synaptic input into the local neural neighborhood. As shown by recent studies in visual and auditory cortices, the angular phase of the LFP at the time of spike generation adds significant extra information about the external world, beyond the one contained in the firing rate alone. However, no biologically plausible mechanism has yet been suggested that allows downstream neurons to infer the phase of the LFP at the soma of their pre-synaptic afferents. Therefore, so far there is no evidence that the nervous system can process phase information. Here we study a model of a bursting pyramidal neuron, driven by a time-dependent stimulus. We show that the number of spikes per burst varies systematically with the phase of the fluctuating input at the time of burst onset. The mapping between input phase and number of spikes per burst is a robust response feature for a broad range of stimulus statistics. Our results suggest that cortical bursting neurons could play a crucial role in translating LFP phase information into an easily decodable spike count code.  相似文献   

Precise spatio-temporal patterns of neuronal action potentials underly e.g. sensory representations and control of muscle activities. However, it is not known how the synaptic efficacies in the neuronal networks of the brain adapt such that they can reliably generate spikes at specific points in time. Existing activity-dependent plasticity rules like Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity are agnostic to the goal of learning spike times. On the other hand, the existing formal and supervised learning algorithms perform a temporally precise comparison of projected activity with the target, but there is no known biologically plausible implementation of this comparison. Here, we propose a simple and local unsupervised synaptic plasticity mechanism that is derived from the requirement of a balanced membrane potential. Since the relevant signal for synaptic change is the postsynaptic voltage rather than spike times, we call the plasticity rule Membrane Potential Dependent Plasticity (MPDP). Combining our plasticity mechanism with spike after-hyperpolarization causes a sensitivity of synaptic change to pre- and postsynaptic spike times which can reproduce Hebbian spike timing dependent plasticity for inhibitory synapses as was found in experiments. In addition, the sensitivity of MPDP to the time course of the voltage when generating a spike allows MPDP to distinguish between weak (spurious) and strong (teacher) spikes, which therefore provides a neuronal basis for the comparison of actual and target activity. For spatio-temporal input spike patterns our conceptually simple plasticity rule achieves a surprisingly high storage capacity for spike associations. The sensitivity of the MPDP to the subthreshold membrane potential during training allows robust memory retrieval after learning even in the presence of activity corrupted by noise. We propose that MPDP represents a biophysically plausible mechanism to learn temporal target activity patterns.  相似文献   

Neurons in the central nervous system are thought to program neural language via firing sequential spikes for guiding animal behaviors. The quantitative profiles of spike intrinsic properties are critically important to understand spike programming. We developed approaches with whole-cell recordings to measure the threshold potentials and refractory periods (RPs) of sequential spikes, and to analyze the relationships of these factors with spike timing precision and capacity at the regular-spiking and fast-spiking neurons in cortical slice. The RPs and threshold potentials of sequential spikes at these two groups of neurons are different and are linearly correlated with spike timing precision and capacity. These data suggest that RPs and threshold potentials essentially navigate the spike programming for the precise and loyal encoding of meaningful neural signals. Our study provides the avenues for decoding the spectrum of the neural signals quantitatively.  相似文献   

Capturing the response behavior of spiking neuron models with rate-based models facilitates the investigation of neuronal networks using powerful methods for rate-based network dynamics. To this end, we investigate the responses of two widely used neuron model types, the Izhikevich and augmented multi-adapative threshold (AMAT) models, to a range of spiking inputs ranging from step responses to natural spike data. We find (i) that linear-nonlinear firing rate models fitted to test data can be used to describe the firing-rate responses of AMAT and Izhikevich spiking neuron models in many cases; (ii) that firing-rate responses are generally too complex to be captured by first-order low-pass filters but require bandpass filters instead; (iii) that linear-nonlinear models capture the response of AMAT models better than of Izhikevich models; (iv) that the wide range of response types evoked by current-injection experiments collapses to few response types when neurons are driven by stationary or sinusoidally modulated Poisson input; and (v) that AMAT and Izhikevich models show different responses to spike input despite identical responses to current injections. Together, these findings suggest that rate-based models of network dynamics may capture a wider range of neuronal response properties by incorporating second-order bandpass filters fitted to responses of spiking model neurons. These models may contribute to bringing rate-based network modeling closer to the reality of biological neuronal networks.  相似文献   

Mammalian inner hair cells transduce the sound waves amplified by the cochlear amplifier (CA) into a graded neurotransmitter release that activates channels on auditory nerve fibers (ANF). These synaptic channels then charge its dendritic spike generator. While the outer hair cells of the CA employ positive feedback, poising on Andronov-Hopf type instabilities which make them extremely sensitive to faint sounds and make CA output strongly nonlinear, the ANF appears to be based on different principles and a different type of dynamical instability. Its spike generator “digitizes” CA output into trains of action potentials and behaves as a linear filter, rate-coding sound intensity across a wide dynamic range. Here we model the spike generator as a 3 dimensional version of a saddle node on invariant circle (SNIC) bifurcation. The generic 2d SNIC increases its spike rate as the square root of the input current above its spiking threshold. We add negative feedback in the form of a low voltage-threshold potassium conductance that slows down the generator’s rate of increase of its spike rate. A Poisson random source simulates an inner hair cell, outputting a series of noisy periodic current pulses to the model ANF whose spikes phase lock to these pulses and have a linear frequency to current relation with a wide dynamic range. Also, the spike generator compartment has a cholinergic feedback connection from the olive and experiments show that such feedback is able to alter the amount of H conductance inside the generator compartment. We show that an olive able to decrease H would be able to shift the spike generator’s dynamic range to higher sound intensities. In a quiet environment by increasing H the olive would be able to make spike trains similar to those caused by synaptic input.  相似文献   

多通道神经元锋电位检测和分类的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大脑神经元胞外单细胞动作电位(即锋电位)的检测和分类是提取神经元脉冲序列、研究神经系统信息处理机制的关键.为了提高锋电位的检出率和分类的正确性,设计了一种处理多通道锋电位记录信号的算法,用于分析微电极阵列记录的大鼠海马神经元锋电位信号,电极阵列上的测量点排列紧密,4个通道可以同时记录到来自相同神经元的信号.该算法首先利用一种多通道阈值检测法检出四通道记录信号中的锋电位,然后利用一种基于复合锋电位的主成分特征参数分类法将锋电位分类.仿真数据和实验记录信号的检验结果表明:与相应的单通道算法相比,该算法的锋电位检出率和分类的正确性显著提高,并且可以增加单次实验测得的神经元数目.因此,该算法为实现神经元锋电位的自动检测提供了一种简单有效的新 方法.  相似文献   

RV Florian 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e40233
In many cases, neurons process information carried by the precise timings of spikes. Here we show how neurons can learn to generate specific temporally precise output spikes in response to input patterns of spikes having precise timings, thus processing and memorizing information that is entirely temporally coded, both as input and as output. We introduce two new supervised learning rules for spiking neurons with temporal coding of information (chronotrons), one that provides high memory capacity (E-learning), and one that has a higher biological plausibility (I-learning). With I-learning, the neuron learns to fire the target spike trains through synaptic changes that are proportional to the synaptic currents at the timings of real and target output spikes. We study these learning rules in computer simulations where we train integrate-and-fire neurons. Both learning rules allow neurons to fire at the desired timings, with sub-millisecond precision. We show how chronotrons can learn to classify their inputs, by firing identical, temporally precise spike trains for different inputs belonging to the same class. When the input is noisy, the classification also leads to noise reduction. We compute lower bounds for the memory capacity of chronotrons and explore the influence of various parameters on chronotrons' performance. The chronotrons can model neurons that encode information in the time of the first spike relative to the onset of salient stimuli or neurons in oscillatory networks that encode information in the phases of spikes relative to the background oscillation. Our results show that firing one spike per cycle optimizes memory capacity in neurons encoding information in the phase of firing relative to a background rhythm.  相似文献   

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