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The microsomes from rabbit intestinal mucosa which had been washed quickly and thoroughly with phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride were found to catalyze the hydroxylation of fatty acids in the presence of NADPH and molecular oxygen. Myristic and palmitic acids were converted to the corresponding omega-and (omega-1)-hydroxy fatty acids, whereas lauric acid was converted only to 12-hydroxylauric acid, and capric acid, to 9-and 10-hydroxycapric acids together with an unknown polar acid.Among these fatty acids, both myristic and lauric acids appeared to be the most efficient substrates. The inhibition of the hydroxylation by SKF 525-A and carbon monoxide suggested that the activity depended upon cytochrome P-450. The specific activity of the fatty acid hydroxylation was almost constant along the small intestine, while the aminopyrine N-demethylation activity and the cytochrome P-450 content were highest at the proximal end of the intestine and progressively declined toward the caudal end. The cytochrome P-450 was solubilized from the intestinal microsomes and purified by 6-amino-n-hexyl Sepharose 4B chromatography. The partially purified cytochrome P-450 was active in fatty acid hydroxylation in combination with intestinal NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   

The discovery and optimization of a novel series of FATP1 inhibitors are described. Through the derivatization process, arylpiperazine derivatives 5k and 12a were identified as possessing potent in vitro activity against human and mouse FATP1s as well as excellent pharmacokinetic properties. In vivo evaluation of triglyceride accumulation in the liver, white gastrocnemius muscle and soleus is also described.  相似文献   

Fatty acids (C12-C18) and their omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxy derivatives, when converted to p-bromophenacyl (PBP) esters, can be completely separated from one another by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a silicic acid column using 0.5% (v/v) isopropanol in n-hexane. In this system, fatty acid PBP esters are eluted at the solvent front, whereas the retention times of the omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxy derivatives are 14-20 and 24-29 min, respectively. The PBP esters can also be separated by reverse phase HPLC on a muBondapak C18 column, a method which has been developed by Fan et al. (Fan, L. L., Masters, B. S. S., and Prough, R. A. (1976) Anal. Biochem. 71, 265-272) for separation of methyl esters of fatty acids and their omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxy derivatives. In the latter method, however, the retention times of omega- and (omega-1)-hydroxy derivatives are only about 2 min apart and an increase in the solvent polarity is needed for elution of the esters of unmodified fatty acids. Fatty acid PBP esters, however, can be obtained as independent peaks which are not disturbed by the solvent front. An application of the former method to measure fatty acid omega oxidation by liver microsomes and by a reconstituted monooxygenase system containing purified cytochrome P-450 is described.  相似文献   

During feeding experiments with [omega-14C]oleic acid and [omega-14c]nervonic acid to adult rats, 14C-labelled C26, C28 and C30 fatty acids were recovered from the intestinal mucosa, liver, plasma, kidney and stools. The structures of these fatty acids were determined by g.l.c., radio-g.l.c. and mass spectrometry. The Schmidt and Ginger degradation methods indicated that most of the 14C found in these extra-long fatty acids remained in the omega position. These radioactive extra-long fatty acids were found mainly in the polar lipids of rats killed 3 or 15 h after being fed on labelled oleic acid or nervonic acid. Rats killed 63 h later yielded only traces of these extra-long fatty acids. When the rats were given antibiotics or received the same radioactive fatty acids by intravenous injection, the labelled extra-long fatty acids could not be detected in any of the tissues. We conclude that they were probably synthesized by elongation of oleic acid and nervonic acid by intestinal micro-organisms (probably yeasts) and then absorbed by the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

W T Cave 《FASEB journal》1991,5(8):2160-2166
Environmental variables influence the incidence and expression of disease. Dietary fat is one environmental variable that has been associated experimentally and epidemiologically with alterations in certain types of tumorigenesis. Recently, detailed biochemical analyses have shown that not all fatty acid families possess the same tumor-promoting potential. In general, diets containing high levels of the n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids have routinely enhanced tumorigenesis in lipid sensitive carcinogen-induced and tumor transplant tumor models, whereas diets with equivalent levels of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have diminished tumorigenesis. At present, there is no definitive biochemical mechanism that fully explains these observations, but several possibilities have been proposed. One of the most attractive of these hypotheses is that each polyunsaturated fatty acid family has an individual effect on eicosanoid metabolism which determines its tumor-promoting potential. Regardless of current uncertainties about mechanisms of action, however, results of numerous animal models affirm the importance of qualitative, as well as quantitative, dietary lipid differences on tumorigenesis. This knowledge strengthens the probability that further advances in our understanding of lipid-tumor interrelationships will have important preventive and therapeutic medical benefits.  相似文献   

The discovery, optimization and structure-activity relationship of novel FATP1 inhibitors have been described. The detailed SAR studies of each moiety of the inhibitors combined with metabolite analysis led to the identification of the potent inhibitors 11p and 11q with improved blood stability.  相似文献   

γ-Glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT, EC catalyzes the hydrolysis and transpeptidation of extracellular glutathione and plays a central role in glutathione homeostasis. We report here the synthesis and evaluation of a series of hydrolytically stable γ-(monophenyl)phosphono glutamate analogues with varying electron-withdrawing para substituents on the leaving group phenols as mechanism-based and transition-state analogue inhibitors of Escherichia coli and human GGTs. The monophenyl phosphonates caused time-dependent and irreversible inhibition of both the E. coli and human enzymes probably by phosphonylating the catalytic Thr residue of the enzyme. The inactivation rate of E. coli GGT was highly dependent on the leaving group ability of phenols with electron-withdrawing groups substantially accelerating the rate (Brønsted βlg = −1.4), whereas the inactivation of human GGT was rather slow and almost independent on the nature of the leaving group. The inhibition potency and profiles of the phosphonate analogues were compared to those of acivicin, a classical inhibitor of GGT, suggesting that the phosphonate-based glutamate analogues served as a promising candidate for potent and selective GGT inhibitors.  相似文献   

A series of 3-aryl-4-hydroxyquinolin-2(1H)-ones with fatty acid synthase inhibitory activity was prepared. Starting from a derivative with an IC(50) = 1.4 microM, SAR studies led to compounds with more than 70-fold increase in potency (IC(50) < 20 nM).  相似文献   

DNA-free minicells of Escherichia coli will not allow growth of phage T-7, nor is RNA synthesis stimulated by phage infection. Thus, these miniature cells seem not to contain in vivo RNA polymerase activity. However, DNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity can be unmasked in extracts with poly(dA-T) and Mn2+. This activity may represent a cytoplasmic pool of inactive RNA polymerase in normal cells.  相似文献   

Arachidonylsulfonyl fluoride (3), reported here for the first time, is similar in potency to its known methyl arachidonylfluorophosphonate (2) analogue as an inhibitor of mouse brain fatty acid amide hydrolase activity (IC(50) 0.1 nM) and cannabinoid CB1 agonist [3H]CP 55,940 binding (IC(50) 304-530 nM). Interestingly, 3 is much more selective than 2 as an inhibitor for fatty acid amide hydrolase relative to acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase and neuropathy target esterase. N-(2-Hydroxyethyl)arachidonylsulfonamide (4) is at least 2500-fold less potent than N-(2-hydroxyethyl)arachidonamide (anandamide) (1) at the CB1 agonist site.  相似文献   

Inactivators of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) have been identified as possible treatments for a range of conditions, including atherosclerosis, venous thrombosis, and obesity. We describe the synthesis and inhibitory activity of a novel series of compounds based on bis-arylsulfonamide and aryl sulfonimide motifs that show potent and specific activity towards PAI-1. Inhibitors containing short linking units between the sulfonyl moieties and a 3,4-dihydroxy aryl substitution pattern showed the most potent inhibitory activity, and retained high specificity for PAI-1 over the structurally-related serpin anti-thrombin III (ATIII).  相似文献   

The discovery, structure-activity relationships, and optimization of a novel class of fatty acid synthase (FASN) inhibitors is reported. High throughput screening identified a series of substituted piperazines with structural features that enable interactions with many of the potency-driving regions of the FASN KR domain binding site. Derived from this series was FT113, a compound with potent biochemical and cellular activity, which translated into excellent activity in in vivo models.  相似文献   

A general route for the synthesis of chloromethyl ketone derivatives of fatty acids is described. 5-Chloro-4-oxopentanoic acid, 7-chloro-6-oxoheptanoic acid, 9-chloro-8-oxononanoic acid and 11-chloro-10-oxoundecanoic acid were synthesized by this method and tested as covalent inhibitors of pig heart acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. The K1 decreased by approx. 20-fold for each pair of methylenes added to the chain length, showing that the initial stage in inhibitor binding occurs at a non-polar region of the protein. This region is probably located at the enzyme active site, since inhibition was prevented by acetoacetyl-CoA or acetyl-CoA but not by CoA. The site of modification by chloromethyl ketone derivatives of fatty acids is restricted to a thiol group, since inactivation of the enzyme was prevented by reversible thiomethylation of the active-site thiol. In contrast, an amino-directed reagent, citraconic anhydride, still inactivated the enzyme, even when the active-site thiol was protected. Evidence that the enzyme thiol was particularly reactive came from studies on the pH-dependence of the alkylation reaction and thiol-competition experiments. Inhibition of the enzyme proceeded suprisingly well at acidic pH values and a 10(5) molar excess of external thiol over active-site thiol was required to prevent inhibition by 0.3 mM-9-chloro-8-oxononanoic acid. In addition to inhibiting isolated acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase, in hepatocytes the chloromethyl ketone derivatives of fatty acids also inhibited chloresterol synthesis, which uses this enzyme as an early step in the biosynthetic pathway. In isolated cells, the chloromethyl ketone derivatives of fatty acids were considerably less specific in their inhibitory action compared with 3-acetylenic derivatives of fatty acids, which act as suicide inhibitors of acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase. However, 9-chloro-8-oxononanoic acid was also an effective inhibitor of both hepatic cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis in mice in vivo, whereas the acetylenic fatty acid derivative, dec-3-ynoic acid, was completely ineffective. The effective inhibitory dose of 9-chloro-8-oxononanoic acid (2.5-5 mg/kg) was substantially lower than the estimated LD50 for the inhibitor (100 mg/kg).  相似文献   

Given the poor prognosis and high cost of care for patients with acute inflammatory responses (often leading to organ failure and/or allograft rejection), immunomodulation of this hyperresponse represents an important priority for research in nutritional medicine. The primary goal of nutritional support in inflammatory disease is to provide adequate energy, particularly through use of novel lipids (to alter eicosanoid pathway toward a more regulated inflammatory state), and protein to meet endogenous requirements for tissue repair IL-1 production, and restored cellular function, thus preventing secondary infection (52). Manipulation of macrophage eicosanoid production by use of omega-3 PUFA may reduce the cellular immune response (by competing with arachidonic acid, which produces inflammatory eicosanoids of the 2- and 4-series), whereas inclusion of MCT found in coconut oil may lower the arachidonic acid content of membrane phospholipids. As more data are obtained on the use of such tailored therapies in critically ill patients, a new generation of parenteral and enteral diets will be developed to reduce inflammation and immune dysfunction.  相似文献   

Omega-3(ω-3) fatty acid desaturase transgenic pigs may improve carcass fatty acid composition. The use of transgenic pigs is also an excellent large animal model for studying the role of ω-3 fatty acids in the prevention and treatment of coronary heart disease and cancer. Transgenic pigs carrying synthesized fatty acid desaturase-1 gene (sFat-1) from Caenorhabditis briggsae by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) were produced for the first time in China. Porcine fetal fibroblast cells were transfected with a sFat-1 expression cassette by the liposome-mediated method. Transgenic embryos were reconstructed by nuclear transfer of positive cells into enucleated in vitro matured oocytes. A total of 1889 reconstructed embryos were transferred into 10 naturally cycling gilts. Nine early pregnancies were established, 7 of which went to term. Twenty-one piglets were born. The cloning efficiency was 1.1% (born piglets/transferred embryos). The integration of the sFat-1 gene was confirmed in 15 live cloned piglets by PCR and Southern blot except for 2 piglets. Expression of the sFat-1 gene in 12 of 13 piglets was detected with RT-PCR. The data demonstrates that an efficient system for sFat-1 transgenic cloned pigs was developed, which led to the successful production of piglets expressing the sFat-1 gene.  相似文献   

Effects of lipid infusion into postpartum (PP) beef heifers on plasma concentrations of linoleic acid and prostaglandin (PG) F(2alpha) metabolite (PGFM), days to first estrus, and subsequent pregnancy rate were examined. Treatments (n = 5 per group) of 1 L intralipid (20% soybean oil; IL), 1 L 50% dextrose (DEXT; isocaloric to IL), 0.5 L intralipid (0.5 IL), and 1 L physiological saline (SAL) were infused i.v. over 4 h on each of Days 7 through 11 PP. Capacity of the uterus to produce PG was evaluated after i.v. injection of 150 IU of oxytocin (OT) to IL- and DEXT-treated heifers Day 12 PP. Change in plasma concentrations of PGFM from 0 to 4 h was greater for IL-treated heifers than for heifers given other treatments on Day 7 (P = 0.04) and on Day 11 (P = 0.01), but not on Day 9 (P>0.10). Plasma linoleic acid on Day 11 and OT-induced release of PGFM on Day 12 were greater in IL-treated heifers compared with DEXT-treated heifers (P<0.06 and P = 0.01, respectively). There were no significant differences among treatments for mean days to first estrus or pregnancy rate. Infusion of lipid increased systemic concentrations of linoleic acid and increased the capacity of PP heifers to produce uterine PGF(2alpha) as indicated by plasma PGFM concentration after OT injection.  相似文献   

Rat liver microsomes labeled with spin-labeled phosphatidylcholine release the label into the aqueous phase during the aerobic incubation with NADPH (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1979) 87, 300-307). To establish the chemical nature of the released moiety, microsomes were labeled with [14C]phosphatidylcholine. When the 14C-labeled microsomes were incubated with NADPH under aerobic conditions, a few percent of the radioactivity was liberated into the aqueous phase within 60 min. Thin-layer chromatographic analysis of the radioactive substance liberated showed the presence of hydroxylated fatty acids derived from the 2-position of glycerol moiety. About one-third of the fatty acids formed from [14C]phosphatidylcholine during the incubation were converted into hydroxy-derivatives. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis further confirmed an NADPH-dependent formation of 16-hydroxypalmitic acid, 15-hydroxypalmitic acid, and hydroxy-derivatives of other fatty acids from the phospholipids of the microsomal membrane. Evidence was also obtained indicating the formation of ketopalmitic acid.  相似文献   

Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a promising target for the development of drugs to treat neurological diseases. In search of new FAAH inhibitors, we identified 2-(4-cyclohexylphenoxy)-N-(3-(oxazolo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-yl)phenyl)acetamide, 4g, with an IC50 of 2.6?µM as a chemical starting point for the development of potent FAAH inhibitors. Preliminary hit-to-lead optimisation resulted in 2-(4-phenylphenoxy)-N-(3-(oxazolo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-yl)phenyl)acetamide, 4i, with an IC50 of 0.35?µM.  相似文献   

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