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Proteins in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria serve as general porins or as receptors for specific nutrient transport systems. Many of these proteins are also used as receptors initiating the processes of colicin or phage binding and uptake. The functional activities of several outer membrane proteins in Escherichia coli K-12 were followed after cessation or repression of their synthesis. Cessation of receptor synthesis was accomplished with a thermolabile suppressor activity acting on amber mutations in btuB (encoding the receptor for vitamin B(12), the E colicins, and phage BF23) and in fepA (encoding the receptor for ferric enterochelin and colicins B and D). After cessation of receptor synthesis, cells rapidly became insensitive to the colicins using that receptor. Treatment with spectinomycin or rifampin blocked appearance of insensitive cells and even increased susceptibility to colicin E1. Insensitivity to phage BF23 appeared only after a lag of about one division time, and the receptors remained functional for B(12) uptake throughout. Therefore, possession of receptor is insufficient for colicin sensitivity, and some interaction of receptor with subsequent uptake components is indicated. Another example of physiological alteration of colicin sensitivity is the protection against many of the tonB-dependent colicins afforded by provision of iron-supplying siderophores. The rate of acquisition of this nonspecific protection was found to be consistent with the repression of receptor synthesis, rather than through direct and immediate effects on the tonB product or other components of colicin uptake or action.  相似文献   

The starch polysaccharides amylose and amylopectin are not utilized by Escherichia coli, but are bound by the bacteria. The following evidence supports the view that the outer membrane lambda receptor protein, a component of the maltose/ maltodextrin transport system is responsible for the binding. (i) Amylose and amylopectin both inhibit the transport of maltose into E. coli. (ii) Both polysaccharides prevent binding of non-utilizable maltodextrins by the intact bacterium, a process previously shown to be dependent on components of the maltose transport system (T. Ferenci, Eur. J. Biochem., in press). (iii) A fluorescent amylopectin derivative, O-(fluoresceinyl thiocarbamoyl)-amylopectin, has been synthesized and shown to bind to E. coli in a reversible, saturable manner. Binding of O-(fluoresceinyl thiocarbamoyl)-amylopectin is absent in mutants lacking the lambda receptor, but mutations in any of the other components of the maltose transport system do not affect binding as long as lambda receptor is present. (iv) Using the inhibition of lambda receptor-dependent O-(fluoresceinyl thiocarbamoyl)-amylopectin binding as an assay, the affinities of the lambda receptor for maltodextrins and other sugars have been estimated. The affinity for dextrins increases with increasing degree of polymerization (K(d) for maltose, 14 mM; for maltotetraose, 0.3 mM; for maltodecaose, 0.075 mM). Maltose and some other di- and trisaccharides are inhibitory to amylopectin binding, but only at concentrations above 1 mM.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the outer membrane of Escherichia coli O111 gives a single, major, 42,000-dalton protein peak when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at neutral pH. Further studies have shown that this peak consists of more than a single polypeptide species, and on alkaline SDS-gel electrophoresis this single peak is resolved into three subcomponents designated as proteins 1, 2, and 3. By chromatography of solubilized, outer membrane protein on diethylaminoethyl-cellulose followed by chromatography on Sephadex G-200 in the presence of SDS, it was possible to separate the 42,000-dalton major protein into four distinct protein fractions. Comparison of cyanogen bromide peptides derived from these fractions indicated that they represented at least four distinct polypeptide species. Two of these proteins migrated as proteins 1 and 2 on alkaline gels. The other two proteins migrated as protein 3 on alkaline gels and cannot be separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In purified form, these major proteins do not contain bound lipopolysaccharide, phospholipid, or phosphate. These proteins may contain a small amount of carbohydrate, as evidenced by the labeling of these proteins by glucosamine, and to a lesser extent by glucose, under conditions where the metabolism of these sugars to amino acids and lipids is blocked. All of the proteins were labeled to the same extent by these sugars. Thus, it was concluded that there are at least four distinct polypeptide species with apparent molecular masses of about 42,000 daltons in the outer membrane of E. coli O111.  相似文献   

The colicin A pore-forming domain (pfColA) was fused to a bacterial signal peptide (sp-pfColA). This was inserted into the Escherichia coli inner membrane in functional form and could be coimmunoprecipitated with epitope-tagged immunity protein (EpCai). We constructed a series of fusion proteins in which various numbers of sp-pfColA alpha-helices were fused to alkaline phosphatase (AP). We showed that a fusion protein made up of the hydrophobic alpha-helices 8 and 9 of sp-pfColA fused to AP was specifically coimmunoprecipitated with EpCai produced in the same cells. This is the first biochemical evidence that Cai recognizes and interacts with the colicin A hydrophobic helical hairpin.  相似文献   

Phage typing is used for the subtyping of clones of epidemic bacteria. In this study, we identified the outer membrane protein OmpW as the receptor for phage VP5, one of the typing phages for the Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor biotype. A characteristic 11-bp deletion in ompW was observed in all epidemic strains resistant to VP5, suggesting that this mutation event can be used as a tracing marker in cholera surveillance.  相似文献   

Under most conditions of growth, the most abundant protein in the outer membrane of most strains of Escherichia coli is a protein designated as “protein 1” or “matrix protein”. In E. coli B, this protein has been shown to be a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 36,500 and it may account for more than 50% of the total outer membrane protein. E. coli K-12 contains a very similar, although probably not identical, species of protein 1. Some pathogenic E. coli strains contain very little protein 1 and, in its place, make a protein designated as protein 2 which migrates faster on alkaline polyacrylamide gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and which gives a different spectrum of CNBr peptides. An E. coli K-12 strain which had been mated with a pathogenic strain was found to produce protein 2, and a temperate bacteriophage was isolated from this K-12 strain after induction with UV light. This phage, designated as PA-2, is similar in morphology and several other properties to phage lambda. When strains of E. coli K-12 are lysogenized by phage PA-2, they produce protein 2 and very little protein 1. Adsorption to lysogenic strains grown under conditions where they produce little protein 1 and primarily protein 2 is greatly reduced as compared to non-lysogenic strains which produce only protein 1. However, when cultures are grown under conditions of catabolite repression, protein 2 is reduced and protein 1 is increased, and lysogenic and non-lysogenic cultures grown under these conditions exhibit the same rate of adsorption. Phage PA-2 does not adsorb to E. coli B, which appears to have a slightly different protein 1 from K-12. These results suggest that protein 1 is the receptor for PA-2, and that protein 2 is made to reduce the superinfection of lysogens.  相似文献   

Increasing antibacterial resistance presents a major challenge in antibiotic discovery. One attractive target in Gram-negative bacteria is the unique asymmetric outer membrane (OM), which acts as a permeability barrier that protects the cell from external stresses, such as the presence of antibiotics. We describe a novel β-hairpin macrocyclic peptide JB-95 with potent antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli. This peptide exhibits no cellular lytic activity, but electron microscopy and fluorescence studies reveal an ability to selectively disrupt the OM but not the inner membrane of E. coli. The selective targeting of the OM probably occurs through interactions of JB-95 with selected β-barrel OM proteins, including BamA and LptD as shown by photolabeling experiments. Membrane proteomic studies reveal rapid depletion of many β-barrel OM proteins from JB-95-treated E. coli, consistent with induction of a membrane stress response and/or direct inhibition of the Bam folding machine. The results suggest that lethal disruption of the OM by JB-95 occurs through a novel mechanism of action at key interaction sites within clusters of β-barrel proteins in the OM. These findings open new avenues for developing antibiotics that specifically target β-barrel proteins and the integrity of the Gram-negative OM.  相似文献   

Outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) are spherical bilayered proteolipids released from the cell surfaces of bacteria, which have gained traction in the biotechnology fields. Bacterial cellular machinery can be genetically engineered to produce and package heterologous enzymes into OMVs, producing nanocarriers and nanoparticle catalysts. However, the productivity or efficiency of packaging the target protein into OMVs has not been quantitatively evaluated. In this study, we packaged green fluorescence protein (GFP) into the OMVs of Escherichia coli through N‐terminal fused expression to outer membrane protein W (OmpW). The OMV productivity and amount of OmpW‐GFP packaged in the OMVs were quantitatively compared between two hypervesiculating mutant strains ΔnlpI and ΔdegP. Both strains increased the OMV production, but the ΔnlpI strain additionally enhanced the packaging of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs. It was further confirmed that Spr, a peptidoglycan endopeptidase, plays an important role in the enhanced packaging of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs through the increased OmpW‐GFP expression on the ΔnlpI cells. Finally, the amount of OmpW‐GFP released in the OMV fraction of both mutants was determined in terms of the OMV productivity and the packaging efficiency of OmpW‐GFP into OMVs. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 34:51–57, 2018  相似文献   

Protein 1, a major protein of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, has been shown to be the pore allowing the passage of small hydrophilic solutes across the outer membrane. In E. coli K-12 protein 1 consists of two subspecies, 1a and 1b, whereas in E. coli B it consists of a single species which has an electrophoretic mobility similar to that of 1a. K-12 strains mutant at the ompB locus lack both proteins 1a and 1b and exhibit multiple transport defects, resistance to toxic metal ions, and tolerance to a number of colicins. Mutation at the tolF locus results in the loss of 1a, in less severe transport defects, and more limited colicin tolerance. Mutation at the par locus causes the loss of protein 1b, but no transport defects or colicin tolerance. Lysogeny of E. coli by phage PA-2 results in the production of a new major protein, protein 2. Lysogeny of K-12 ompB mutants resulted in dramatic reversal of the transport defects and restoration of the sensitivity to colicins E2 and E3 but not to other colicins. This was shown to be due to the production of protein 2, since lysogeny by phage mutants lacking the ability to elicit protein 2 production did not show this effect. Thus, protein 2 can function as an effective pore. ompB mutations in E. coli B also resulted in loss of protein 1 and similar multiple transport defects, but these were only partially reversed by phage lysogeny and the resulting production of protein 2. When the ompB region from E. coli B was moved by transduction into an E. coli K-12 background, only small amounts of proteins 1a and 1b were found in the outer membrane. These results indicate that genes governing the synthesis of outer membrane proteins may not function interchangeably between K-12 and B strains, indicating differences in regulation or biosynthesis of these proteins between these strains.  相似文献   

Phage T2 or T4 was adsorbed to Escherichia coli, and the outer (L) membrane was then isolated with the phage still attached in their usual postinjection appearance. T2 was readily inactivated by isolated cell walls but very poorly by purified L membrane. T4 was inactivated by neither.  相似文献   

Yeast (CUP1) and mammalian (HMT-1A) metallothioneins (MTs) have been efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli as fusions to the outer membrane protein LamB. A 65-amino-acid sequence from the CUP1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast [Y] MT) was genetically inserted in permissive site 153 of the LamB sequence, which faces the outer medium. A second LamB fusion at position 153 was created with 66 amino acids recruited from the form of human (H) MT that is predominant in the adipose tissue, HMT-1A. Both LamB153-YMT and LamB153-HMT hybrids were produced in vivo as full-length proteins, without any indication of instability or proteolytic degradation. Each of the two fusion proteins was functional as the port of entry of lambda phage variants, suggesting maintenance of the overall topology of the wild-type LamB. Expression of the hybrid proteins in vivo multiplied the natural ability of E. coli cells to bind Cd2+ 15- to 20-fold, in good correlation with the number of metal-binding centers contributed by the MT moiety of the fusions.  相似文献   

A specific dimer of the 37,000-dalton, major outer membrane protein was demonstrated by chemical cross-linking with cleavable reagents.  相似文献   

A novel Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A (OmpA) was discovered through a proteomic investigation of cell surface proteins. DNA polymorphisms were localized to regions encoding the protein's surface-exposed loops which are known phage receptor sites. Bacteriophage sensitivity testing indicated an association between bacteriophage resistance and isolates having the novel ompA allele.  相似文献   

A cell cycle-specific incorporation of free lipoprotein into the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was observed, with a maximal rate of incorporation occuring at the time of septation.  相似文献   

A protein was isolated from membranes of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum. This protein was characterized by gel electrophoresis, gel filtration, analytical ultracentrifugation and amino acid sequencing. The molecular weight of the purified protein was shown to be 26 kDa by SDS-PAGE. HPLC gelfiltration, SDS-PAGE and analytical ultracentrifugation are consistent with the presence of a homogenous protein in the preparations. Amino acid analysis was obtained from the isolated protein after fragmentation with Lys-C, trypsin and cyanogen bromide. The cleavage pattern resulting from these treatments combined with Edman sequencing yield a sequence allowing the identification of an integral membrane agglutinin in Chl. tepidum.  相似文献   

The Tol-Pal system of gram-negative bacteria is composed of five proteins. TolA, TolQ, and TolR are inner membrane proteins, TolB is a periplasmic protein, and Pal, the peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein, is anchored to the outer membrane. In this study, the roles of Pal and major lipoprotein Lpp were compared in Escherichia coli. lpp and tol-pal mutations have previously been found to perturb the outer membrane permeability barrier and to cause the release of periplasmic proteins and the formation of outer membrane vesicles. In this study, we showed that the overproduction of Pal is able to restore the outer membrane integrity of an lpp strain but that overproduced Lpp has no effect in a pal strain. Together with the previously reported observation that overproduced TolA complements an lpp but not a pal strain, these results indicate that the cell envelope integrity is efficiently stabilized by an epistatic Tol-Pal system linking inner and outer membranes. The density of Pal was measured and found to be lower than that of Lpp. However, Pal was present in larger amounts compared to TolA and TolR proteins. The oligomeric state of Pal was determined and a new interaction between Pal and Lpp was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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