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In laboratory experiments, adults and nauplii of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa Dana feed on planktonic ciliates and rotifers. Adults have a higher clearing rate for planktonic ciliates and rotifers than for phytoplankton. Adult copepods have a maximum clearing rate of ≈200 ml copepod−1 · d−1 for large ciliates, with lower clearing rates for small ciliates. Nauplii have higher clearance for small than for large ciliates. Addition of ciliates or rotifers to the diet of A. tonsa enhances egg production; this effect is due to improved food quality. Microzooplankton may be an important component of the diet of A. tonsa even when phytoplankton are plentiful. Selective predation by copepods probably influences the population dynamics of planktonic ciliates and rotifers in coastal waters.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the potential competition and feeding impact of the common rotifer species, Keratella cochlearis and K. quadrata , on the abundant prostomatid ciliates, Urotricha furcata and Balanion planctonicum, in laboratory batch culture experiments. All four species have similar feeding preferences, co-occur in many freshwater environments, and are thus potential competitors for the same algal food.
2. Two small Cryptomonas species served as food for the ciliates and the rotifers in the experiments. Growth rates of each ciliate species were measured when they grew alone and when they were paired with one of the rotifer species.
3. Both rotifer species reduced the growth rate of U. furcata , probably primarily by direct feeding on the ciliates. Growth rate of B. planctonicum was unaffected by K. cochlearis , but was drastically reduced by grazing and/or mechanical interference of K. quadrata .
4. These results suggest niche partitioning of the sympatric ciliates with respect to their rotifer competitors/predators.  相似文献   

Fine scale spatial distributions of planktonic ciliates whichprey on dinoflagellates were investigated in a small estuary.The horizontal distributions of Favella sp., Balanion sp. andStrobilidium sp. were positively correlated with the patchydistribution of dinoflagellates. The vertical distribution ofFavella was positively corrdated with the distribution of dinoflagellates.Throughout the diel cycle, the vertical distribution of Faveilawas similar to the vertical distribution of dinoflagellates.We speculate that behavioral responses are responsible for theassociation of diliates with their prey in the water column.Vertically coincident ciliate and algal populations should respondsimilarly to turbulent mixing and water displacement causedby wind stress, bathymetry, or frontal convergences. This wouldresult in horizontal patches in which the ciliates and algaeremain associated. This fine scale spatial coupling betweenciliates and their prey should result in higher ciliate growthrates and greater impact of ciliate grazing on phytoplanktonpopulations than would be predicted from average ciliate oralgal densities. Coincident patches of algae and ciliates mayalso provide higher food concentrations for larger grazers whichcan use both resources. Contribution No. 5532, W.H.O.I.  相似文献   

Diversity and dominance in planktonic rotifers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Green  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):345-352
The diversity of planktonic species in a body of water can be estimated in two ways: momentary diversity and long term diversity. The former represents the number capable of coexisting at any one time, and the latter includes a seasonal or other temporal component. The relationship between the two varies mainly with salinity. Dominance is generally inversely related to diversity. In considering the total possible range of dominance for a given number of species the mean values are surprisingly restricted. An abnormally high dominance for a number of species can be an indication of pollution or some other form of environmental stress.  相似文献   

A method was developed to allow direct measurements of predationexerted by metazooplankton on ciliates. The method relied onthe use of ciliates labelled with fluorescent microparticles(FMP). Optimal labelling conditions were determined with ciliatesfrom cultures (Tetrahymena pyriformis) and with natural ciliateassemblages sampled in a river. Labelled T. pyriformis wereused as tracer food to determine gut passage time (GPT) andingestion rates of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus in thelaboratory. Predation of metazooplankton from the lowland riverMeuse (Belgium) was determined by labelling natural assemblagesof ciliates and using them as tracer food for metazooplankterssampled in the river. Optimal labels of ciliates, i.e. sharpdistribution of FMP in cells, were obtained with short incubations(10 min) and low FMP concentrations (1 x 105 mL–1). GPTvaried between 30 and 45 min for B. calyciflorus and from 25up to >35 min for rotifers from the river. The ingestionrate of B. calyciflorus fed with T. pyriformis was 3.3 ±0.6 ciliate rot–1 h–1, i.e. 1.4 ± 0.3 ngCrot–1 h–1. Metazooplankton species for which theingestion of ciliates could be measured were the rotifers Keratellacochlearis, Euchlanis dilatata and Synchaeta spp. Ingestionrates measured ranged from 0.4 to 12.5 ngC rot–1 h–1.The method proposed proved to be useful in estimating the predationof microplankton on ciliates in semi- in situ conditions; infurther developments, labelled natural assemblages of ciliatescould be used for in situ incubations with the Haney chamber.  相似文献   

Estuarine diversity of tintinnids (planktonic ciliates)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In Chesapeake Bay, a large eutrophic and partially stratifiedestuary, we investigated diversity among tintinnids (Ciliophora,suborder Tintinninia) in September 1999. In contrast with thetypical estuarine pattern, tintinnid diversity was high andincreased with decreasing salinity from the mouth of the bayto the mid-bay region. Peak species numbers and diversity values[20–25 species, H' (ln) = 2.4–2.5] were found instations in the mesohaline (14–17  相似文献   

Three levels of chemical communications involved plankton Crustacea are considered: 1) Influence of zooplankton excretion on phytoplankton; 2) Influence of zooplankton excretion on the individuals of the same or other species of the same trophic level; 3) Influence of chemical cues released by predatory zooplankton and fish on herbivorous zooplankton. The data on the influence of excreted cues on some physiological (growth, reproduction, feeding, etc.) and behavioural (vertical and horizontal migrations) characters of planktonic crustaceans are presented. Ecological role and chemistry cues responsible for the interactions of different trophic levels can be different. It is considered that chemical communications in aquatic ecosystems can be provided with: 1) Species-specific cues that strictly influence particular biological functions (communication system of feromone type); 2) Non-specific cues that strictly influence particular functions (system of regulator, that act at the whole ecosystem as the hormonal system of an organism). 3) Non-specific substances with broad (non-specidic) influence--toxic substances of "biocondition substances" according to classification of Novikov and Kharlamova (2000).  相似文献   

Norbert Walz 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):209-213
The results indicate that the two rotifer species Brachionus angularis and Keratella cochlearis have different life history strategies. Brachionus angularis appeared to be an r-strategist, showing higher reproductive, mortality and population growth rates than K. cochlearis. Additional evidence is offered suggesting that K. cochlearis is a K-strategist. Although K. cochlearis had a lower growth rate than B. angularis, this was compensated by a lower mortality rate, especially in pre-reproductive individuals. In addition, K. cochlearis allocated energy to reproduction more efficiently than B. angularis.  相似文献   

The combined effects of herbivory and fire on plant mortality were investigated using prescribed burns of tamarisk (Tamarix ramosissima Lebed) exposed to herbivory by the saltcedar leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae: Diorhabda carinulata Desbrocher). Tamarix stands in the Humboldt Sink (NV, USA) were divided into three treatments: summer burn (August 2006), fall burn (October 2006) and control (unburned), and litter depth was manipulated to vary fire intensity within burn seasons. A gradient of existing herbivory impact was described with three plant condition metrics prior to fire: reduced proportions of green canopy, percent root crown starch sampled at the height of the growing season (August 2006), and percent root crown starch measured during dormancy (December 2006). August root crown starch concentration and proportion green canopy were strongly correlated, although the proportion green canopy predicted mortality better than August root crown starch. December root crown starch concentration was more depleted in unburned trees and in trees burned during the summer than in fall burn trees. Mortality in summer burned trees was higher than fall burned trees due to higher fire intensity, but December root crown starch available for resprouting in the spring was also lower in summer burned trees. The greatest mortality was observed in trees with the lowest December root crown starch concentration which were exposed to high fire intensity. Disproportionate changes in the slope and curvature of prediction traces as fire intensity and December starch reach reciprocal maximum and minimum levels indicate that beetle herbivory and fire intensity are synergistic.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence of marine planktonic Oligotrichina and other ciliates   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Planktonic ciliates, principally from the suborders Oligotrichina and Tintinnina, were examined by epifluorescence microscopy. This allowed (1) to check if isolated symbiotic plastids demonstrated by TEM in some species could keep and show an important autofluorescence, (2) to count and identify the species presenting this characteristic, and (3) to determine their proportion compared with the other strictly heterotrophic planktonic ciliates. An average of 40.6% of the Oligotrichina species, collected during the fall and winter, diplayed a strong autofluorescence. This indicated chlorophyll contents, in a good state of activity, which most often masked the digestive vacuoles shown by TEM. It seems that the maintenance of plastids, or of symbiotic algae, is common in this sub-order. These autofluorescent ciliates are probably all mixotrophic. We suggest to call them ‘plastidic ciliates’, and to consider their role in marine primary production. Discussion deals with the origin and the role of autofluorescent pigments in the Oligotrichina, compared with the other planktonic ciliates. The interest and the limits of the methods employed up to now, or to be used in this field, are analysed. Finally the evolutionary and ecological significance of such a development of symbiosis among planktonic ciliates is discussed.  相似文献   

The rotifers of the recently-commissioned Azibo reservoir were studied during two years. The community was similar to that of other portuguese reservoirs with Keratella cochlearis, Polyarthra spp., Asplanchna priodonta and Collotheca pelagica dominant, although densities varied strongly. Maximum rotifer density was 640 ind l–1 in 1987 and 315 ind l–1 in 1988. During the first year two density peaks were observed, while in the second year fluctuations were irregular. Phytoplankton availability was considered the main reason for the fluctuation of rotifer density, although temperature, dissolved oxygen and cladoceran interference may also have played a role. A high density of Anabaena flos-aquae might have facilitated the dominance of K. cochlearis in 1988.  相似文献   

Saunders-Davies  A. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,186(1):153-156
The plankton rotifers Keratella cochlearis and Polyarthra vulgaris were sampled at 10 cm below the surface at different distances from two dissimilar shores and in the centre of a small eutrophic lake. Light and depth were measured at each sampling point. In each case the numbers of rotifers per liter increased with distance from the shore. There was a significant correlation between the numbers for the two species for the two shores, but none in the centre. In the case of one shore there was a strong correlation between rotifer numbers and supra-surface ambient light.  相似文献   

Two euplanktonic ciliates, Urotricha psenneri n. sp. (Prostomatida) and Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) n. comb. (Pleurostomatida), were discovered in the surface plankton of the oligotrophic Lake Traunsee in Austria. Their morphology and infraciliature were studied in live cells as well as in specimens impregnated with protargol and silver nitrate. Urotricha psenneri is a small urotrichid, less than 50 microm length and with a single caudal cilium. It is unique in having (i) a massive oral basket projecting as a conspicuous bulge with cylindrical microfibrillar annulus and (ii) a curved brosse row 1 in the broad, barren circumoral area. Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) is about 55 x 13 microm in vivo, has two macronuclear nodules with a single micronucleus in between in the posterior body half, has a single contractile vacuole with a terminal excretory pore, and few, but thick and thus highly conspicuous extrusomes. The amphileptid ciliary pattern (spica) is difficult to recognise due to the widely spaced basal bodies.  相似文献   

Miloslav Devetter 《Biologia》2011,66(4):662-668
The rotifer community of the canyon shaped Slapy Reservoir was studied over four years, from 2000 to 2003. A total of 38 rotifer taxa were identified in the pelagial zone. The dominant species, Keratella cochlearis, K. quadrata, Polyarthra dolichoptera, P. vulgaris, Synchaeta lakowitziana and Pompholyx sulcata, were similar to other reservoirs in the same area. Tychoplanktic species, which are typical for communities of upstream reservoirs, are reduced in the Slapy Reservoir. The seasonal fluctuation of rotifer abundance is characterized by a significant spring peak, clear water depression, summer peak and sometimes a lower peak in autumn. Fluctuation of the rotifer species shows a highly unified trend through the years with very low variation through the years. It results from the input of hypolimnetic water from an upstream reservoir, which erased a large part of the effect of year to year climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

1. Mycosporine‐like amino acids (MAAs) are a family of secondary metabolites known to protect organisms exposed to solar UV radiation. We tested their distribution among several planktonic ciliates bearing Chlorella isolated from an oligo‐mesotrophic lake in Tyrol, Austria. In order to test the origin of these compounds, the MAAs were assessed by high performance liquid chromatography in both the ciliates and their symbiotic algae. 2. Considering all Chlorella‐bearing ciliates, we found: (i) seven different MAAs (mycosporine‐glycine, palythine, asterina‐330, shinorine, porphyra‐334, usujirene, palythene); (ii) one to several MAAs per species and (iii) qualitative and quantitative seasonal changes in the MAAs (e.g. in Pelagodileptus trachelioides). In all species tested, concentrations of MAAs were always <1% of ciliate dry weight. 3. Several MAAs were also identified in the Chlorella isolated from the ciliates, thus providing initial evidence for their symbiotic origin. In Uroleptus sp., however, we found evidence for a dietary source of MAAs. 4. Our results suggest that accumulation of MAAs in Chlorella‐bearing ciliates represents an additional benefit of this symbiosis and an adaptation for survival in sunlit, UV‐exposed waters.  相似文献   

Two series of experiments were carried out to determine the relation of the rate of phosphorus and nitrogen excretion by the planktonic rotifers to ambient temperature and individual body weights of these animals. The following formulas describing this relation were obtained: EP=0.0154 W?1.27 e0.096T EN=0.0879 W?1.01 e0.088 T, where EP and EN denote the rate of P and N excretion, respectively, in µg · mg dry wt?1 · h?1, W is body weight in µg dry weight, and T is temperature in °C.  相似文献   

The relative density of Polyarthra major and Keratella cochlearis was measured by centrifugation in solutions of different densities. Ficoll was used as the solute. The mean values for the relative density of living specimens of P. major was found to be 1.0277 ± 0.0062. The value for preserved animals was lower at 1.0160 ± 0.0029. The relative density of fixed specimens of K. cochlearis was measured and found to be approximately 1.0450 ± 0.0175.  相似文献   

Daphnia can suppress ciliates and rotifers through predationand interference competition, but it is not known whether thisproduces any direct benefit to Daphnia. We conducted survivorshipand cohort lifetable experiments to determine whether Daphniacan utilize ciliates and rotifers as food. Three species ofoligotrich ciliates (Halteria grandinella, Strobilidium gyransand Strobilidiumvelox) and one rotifer (Keratella cochlearis)were used. Lifetable experiments were conducted with a basallevel of algae (Cryptomonas sp.), plus either ciliates or rotifers,while survivorship experiments had only the rotifers or ciliates.Densities of 30 H.grandinella ml–1, 50 S.gyrans ml–1and 15 S.velox ml–1 enhanced Daphnia pulex's populationgrowth rate 35–50% over controls with only algae. TenS.gyrans ml–1 did not produce a significant change inDaphnia's growth rate. Densities of 100 and 300 K.cochlearis–1 increased Daphnia population growth rates by II and10%, respectively. Both 10 and 50 S.gyrans ml–1 enhancedDaphnia's survivorship compared to starved controls, but neither100 nor 300 K.cochlearis l–1 enhanced its survivorship.The amount of enhancement of Daphnia growth rates by rotifersand ciliates is roughly proportional to the death rates imposedby Daphnia. The death rate imposed by Daphnia on rotifers isa function of both algal density and Daphnia size. Per unitbiomass, neither ciliates nor Keratella appear to be as nutritiousfor Daphnia as is Cryptomonas.  相似文献   

Procedures for the continuous laboratory culture of Keratella cochlearis in a defined medium and upon an algal food are described. Culturing success appears to be a function of food availability as well as composition. This availability requirement is satisfied by the use of test tubes and inverted titration plate concavities as culture vessels. The satisfactory culture medium contains an ammonia compound as a nitrogen source.  相似文献   

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