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The current study was undertaken to develop a successful procedure for the nonsurgical transfer of pig embryos. A total of 663 embryos were surgically collected on Day 4 or 5 from 55 donors, of which 542 embryos of acceptable quality were nonsurgically transferred to 46 recipients. Nonsurgical recipient gilts were sedated 15 min prior to transfer with 20 mg im acepromazine maleate. A disposable insemination spirette with an attached 3-way stopcock was manipulated into the cervix of each gilt. Embryos were expelled from a tomcat catheter into the spirette, and 10 to 12 ml of Whitten's medium were used to flush embryos through the spirette into the reproductive tract. Sixteen (34.8%) recipient gilts did not return to estrus before Day 36, and 10 (21.7%) gilts farrowed with an average litter size of 4.3 +/- 0.7. Embryos were collected from an additional 20 donors and were surgically transferred to an additional 19 recipients. Surgical transfers conducted at the same time as the nonsurgical transfers resulted in 12 (63.2%) gilts farrowing and 7.1 +/- 0.6 pigs were born per litter. In conclusion, a procedure has been developed for nonsurgical transfer of swine embryos which simplifies the process of embryo transfer and which may increase the potential for utilization of embryo transfer technologies by swine producers.  相似文献   

As the success rates of IVF clinics improve, one of the adverse consequences is the increased incidence of twins, due largely to the number of embryos transferred. Even if the number of embryos transferred is restricted to two, the twinning rate can exceed 40% of the pregnancies. An obvious way to reduce this high twin rate would be to transfer only one embryo. This would require that cryopreservation of the supernumerary embryos be efficacious enough so that the chance of achieving an ongoing pregnancy is not diminished by transferring a single embryo in the stimulated cycle. Previous studies utilising embryos on day 2 and 3 of development have shown that the pregnancy rates can be acceptable (about 40%) and that the cumulative rate can be up to 60%. Most of these studies, however, do not include a comparison with the cumulative pregnancy rate with two embryos transferred in the stimulated cycle. Therefore, the efficacy has not been proven. We present clinical data from the past few years to illustrate the increase in success rates and the concomitant increase in twinning rates. The increased success in the cryopreservation program has enabled us to trial a single embryo transfer program and compare the results to the transfer of two embryos. The results strongly suggest that the transfer of a single embryo is the better clinical option.  相似文献   

Repeat breeding is an important factor affecting economic success in dairy management. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of transfer of frozen-thawed IVF embryos in establishing pregnancy in repeat-breeding Holstein cattle. Cumulus oocyte complexes were collected by aspiration of 2-5 mm follicles from ovaries obtained at two local abattoirs. After IVF, days 7 and 8 blastocysts were frozen either in 1.5M ethylene glycol with 0.1M sucrose, or in 1.4M glycerol with 0.1M sucrose. Holstein recipients (122 heifers and 410 cows) included those that had not conceived after 3-21 inseminations. Embryos frozen in ethylene glycol were transferred directly, and embryos frozen in glycerol were transferred after dilution of the cryoprotectant in sucrose into recipients 7 or 8 days after estrus (without-AI group), or following AI (with-AI group). Pregnancy rates were compared by the Chi-square test. Significantly higher pregnancy rates were achieved by embryo transfer following AI (with-AI group) than by embryo transfer alone (without-AI group) in both heifers (49.2 and 29.5%, respectively) and cows (41.5 and 20.4%, respectively; P<0.05). Pregnancy rates were not significantly different between heifers and cows. However, pregnancy rate decreased as the number of inseminations prior to embryo transfer increased in the with-AI group, but not in the without-AI group. Therefore, transfer of frozen-thawed IVF embryos during the same cycle in which AI was done improved pregnancy rates in repeat-breeding Holstein heifers and cows, and suggested that embryo transfer is an alternative in the treatment of repeat breeding.  相似文献   

McMillan WH 《Theriogenology》1998,50(7):1053-1070
Embryo survival to term in recipient cattle is highly variable. We examined calving data in the published literature to determine whether a model of binomial independence or a model which includes an embryo (e) and recipient term (r), adequately explain observed embryo survival rates following attempts to induce twin calving using transfer of two embryos. To achieve this we examined 32 published papers which provided us with 47 sets of data concerning 4560 recipients with either 0, 1 or 2 calves born. In each set of data, the observed embryo survival rate to term (p) (number of calves born/number of embryos) was calculated and the expected number of recipients with either 0, 1 or 2 calves born was determined, assuming a binomial distribution. Parameters for the second model were estimated using maximum-likelihood procedures. The model of embryo independence was rejected in 85% of the sets of data, suggesting that factors other than the embryo are important sources of variation in embryo survival or loss. The proposed e and r model of embryo survival adequately describes the published data in recipients receiving either single or twin embryos. In general, only 50-70% of embryos and recipients are sufficiently competent to result in a calving. Variation among laboratories producing either in vitro or in vivo derived embryos was due to variation in recipient and not embryo competence. It is argued that e rather than observed embryo survival rate, and r rather than observed pregnancy rate, should be used to compare differences among embryo treatments and groups of recipients, respectively. Acceptance of this proposition should permit faster progress in identifying the biology of superior embryos and recipients, which is a prerequisite to improving embryo survival rate in cattle. Collectively, the published data are not consistent with a model of embryo independence, and that a model of embryo survival to term which recognises recipient as well as embryo contributions to embryo survival may be more appropriate in cattle.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine progesterone concentration (P4) from days 4 to 28 relative to presumptive estrus necessary for maintenance of pregnancy in lactating Holstein cows. Cows were assigned to the low P4 (LowP4, n = 28) or control (n = 153) treatments. All cows were presynchronized with two injections of PGF (14 d apart) and an ovulation synchronization protocol (11 d later; GnRH on day −10, PGF on day −3; and GnRH on day 0 = presumptive estrus). Cows in the Low P4 treatment received 2 injections of prostaglandin F on days 4 and 5 (day 0 = presumptive estrus) and a new CIDR insert on day 5 that was replaced every 7 d until day 28. Blood was sampled on days −9, −2, 0, 4, 7,14, 21, and 28. Ovaries were examined with ultrasound on days −9, −3, and 7 and cows bearing a corpus luteum ≥20 mm on day 7 received an embryo. On days 0, 4 and 7 P4 did not differ (P ≥ 0.27) but control cows had greater (P < 0.01) P4 on days 14, 21, and 28. Progesterone concentration fold change from day 0 to 7 was not (P = 0.14) affected by treatment, but P4 concentration fold change from day 7 to 14 was (P < 0.01) greater for control cows compared with LowP4 cows. No LowP4 cows became pregnant after embryo transfer, whereas 35.7, 25.5, and 21.4% of control cows were pregnant on day 28, 42, and 63, respectively. Progesterone concentration fold changes from day 0 to 7 (P = 0.03) and from day 7 to 14 (P = 0.05) were associated with pregnancy outcomes on day 63. Among cows that were pregnant on day 63, the minimum P4 concentration fold changes from day 0 to 7 and from day 7 to 14 were 2.71 and 1.48, respectively. Interestingly, cows with P4 concentration <5 ng/mL on day 14 were (P = 0.01) and tended to be (P = 0.07) more likely to lose pregnancy from day 28 to 42 and from day 28 and 63, respectively. Faster rise in P4 concentration during the metestrus and early diestrus are associated with pregnancy establishment following embryo transfer, which suggests that early rise in P4 concentration has an indirect effect on embryo development through modulation of uterine environment and secretion of histotroph. Furthermore, the positive effects of early rise in P4 concentration appear to go beyond the phase of maternal recognition of pregnancy through adhesion and placentation stages.  相似文献   

Fetal cells and DNA have been detected in the maternal circulation during and after pregnancy in a few mammalian species. The incidence of similar microchimerism in cattle could have repercussion for the application of modern biotechnologies such as the transfer of transgenic embryos. To determine if feto-maternal leakage can occur in pregnant cows, we have analyzed maternal blood samples for the presence of fetal DNA during gestation and post-partum periods. Y chromosome-specific DNA was detected in up to 73% of blood samples from naturally mated heifers carrying conventional bull calves and a transgene-specific sequence in up to 50% of recipient cows carrying transgenic fetuses. These findings document for the first time that transplacental leakage of fetal DNA into the maternal circulation can occur in cattle despite the epitheliochorial placenta of ruminants, with potential implications for the utilization of recipient cows in the food chain.  相似文献   

Many researchers are reluctant to administer analgesia after rodent embryo transfer, primarily out of concern that analgesia will affect embryo implantation. According to the Animal Welfare Act and the Guide, however, embryo transfer constitutes major survival surgery and is likely to cause pain and distress despite its minimally invasive nature. The authors examined the effects of a single dose of the analgesic buprenorphine on mice that underwent embryo transfer. In mice treated with buprenorphine, the number of viable implanted embryos was typically equal to or greater than that in untreated mice. All mice seemed quiet, alert and active after surgery.  相似文献   

Increased interest in transfer of valuable genetic material around the world with minimal health risks has stimulated the development of non-surgical embryo transfer (nsET) technologies in pigs. Experimental evidence shows that nsET without sedation of the recipients is now feasible. The goal of this study, therefore, was to evaluate a method of nsET under commercial conditions. The experiment included 135 donor gilts and 45 multiparous recipient sows. Ovulation was induced in both donors and recipients, and nsET was performed using the Swinlet catheter. Donor gilts averaged 16.5 (7-45) corpora lutea, but this depended on age of the donor (P < 0.05). An average of 10.1 transferable blastocysts was recovered per donor, and the recovery rate was 84%. For 44 nsET, 14 recipients (31%) came into estrous before Day 23 after ovulation, 7 recipients (16%) came into estrous between Days 23 and 30, 3 recipients (6.8%) came into estrous between Days 39 and 48, 2 recipients (4.5%) had a late abortion. Finally, 18 of 44 recipients (41%) resulted in successful births, with an average liter size of 7.2 +/- 2.8. Birth weight of nsET piglets were 0.2 kg more than control piglets, but depended on litter size ((P < 0.05). The sex-ratio was not different from 50%. No anatomical abnormalities were observed in the offspring of nsET. Of the recipients that did not become pregnant from nsET, 91% became pregnant after insemination in the next estrous. Gilts born from nsET gave on average 12.4 +/- 3.0 total born piglets in their first pregnancy. In conclusion, the nsET procedure used in this study can be applied in practice without the need for special facilities, such as surgical and anesthesia equipment.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine viability of equine embryos in vivo after vitrification. In a preliminary study (Experiment 1), embryos were exposed in three steps to vitrification solutions containing increasing concentrations of ethylene glycol and glycerol (EG/G); the final vitrification solution was 3.4 M glycerol + 4.6 M ethylene glycol in a base medium of phosphate-buffered saline. Embryos were warmed in a two-step dilution and transferred into uteri of recipients. No pregnancies were observed after transfer of blastocysts >300 microm (n = 3). Transfer of morulae or blastocysts < or = 300 microm resulted in four embryonic vesicles (4/6, 67%). In a second experiment, embryo recovery per ovulation was similar for collections on Day 6(28/36, 78%) versus Days 7 and 8(30/48, 62%). Embryos < or = 300 and >300 microm were vitrified, thawed and transferred as in Experiment 1. Some embryos < or = 300 microm were also transferred using a direct-transfer procedure (DT). Embryo development rates to Day 16 were not different for embryos < or = 300 microm that were treated as in Experiment 1(10/22, 46%) or transferred by DT (16/26, 62%). Embryos > 300 microm (n = 19) did not produce embryonic vesicles.  相似文献   

In the present study, 638 embryo transfers conducted over 3 yr were retrospectively examined to determine which factors (recipient, embryo and transfer) significantly influenced pregnancy and embryo loss rates and to determine how rates could be improved. On Day 7 or 8 after ovulation, embryos (fresh or cooled/transported) were transferred by surgical or nonsurgical techniques into recipients ovulating from 5 to 9 d before transfer. At 12 and 50 d of gestation (Day 0 = day of ovulation), pregnancy rates were 65.7% (419 of 638) and 55.5% (354 of 638). Pregnancy rates on Day 50 were significantly higher for recipients that had excellent to good uterine tone or were graded as "acceptable" during a pretransfer examination, usually performed 5 d after ovulation, versus recipients that had fair to poor uterine tone or were graded "marginally acceptable." Embryonic factors that significantly affected pregnancy rates were morphology grade, diameter and stage of development. The incidence of early embryonic death was 15.5% (65 of 419) from Days 12 to 50. Embryo loss rates were significantly higher in recipients used 7 or 9 d vs 5 or 6 d after ovulation. Embryos with minor morphological changes (Grade 2) resulted in more (P<0.05) embryo death than embryos with no morphological abnormalities (Grade 1). Between Days 12 and 50, the highest incidence of embryo death occurred during the interval from Days 17 to 25 of gestation. Embryonic vesicles that were imaged with ultrasound during the first pregnancy exam (5 d after transfer) resulted in significantly fewer embryonic deaths than vesicles not imaged until subsequent exams. In the present study, embryo morphology was predictive of the potential for an embryo to result in a viable pregnancy. Delayed development of the embryo upon collection from the donor or delayed development of the embryonic vesicle within the recipient's uterus was associated with a higher incidence of pregnancy failure. Recipient selection (age, day after ovulation, quality on Day 5) significantly affected pregnancy and embryo loss rates.  相似文献   

Histological examination of a single placentome recovered from a Holstein heifer (Bos taurus ) after delivery of a dead 9.5-mo-old gaur (Bos gaurus ) calf revealed failure of proper development of the chorioallantoic villi after interspecies embryo transfer. Macroscopically, the placentome appeared normal in size, its surface was rough, and on crosssection, the penetration of the villi was irregular and very different from the homogeneous penetration in developed cow placentomes. Microscopically, the heifer caruncle had an extensive system of maternal crypts but the villi failed to branch completely and entered only about one half of the available crypt spaces. The epithelial lining of the maternal crypts in the heifer placentome was nearly missing, which was rather unusual for a species of the genus Bos . The overall picture suggested a decreased feto-maternal compatibility, resulting in poor development of the utero-placental contact, retarded fetal growth, and ultimate fetal death.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe aim was to investigate whether children born after assisted reproduction technology (ART), particularly after frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET), are at higher risk of childhood cancer than children born after fresh embryo transfer and spontaneous conception.Methods and findingsWe performed a registry-based cohort study using data from the 4 Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The study included 7,944,248 children, out of whom 171,774 children were born after use of ART (2.2%) and 7,772,474 children were born after spontaneous conception, representing all children born between the years 1994 to 2014 in Denmark, 1990 to 2014 in Finland, 1984 to 2015 in Norway, and 1985 to 2015 in Sweden. Rates for any cancer and specific cancer groups in children born after each conception method were determined by cross-linking national ART registry data with national cancer and health data registries and population registries. We used Cox proportional hazards models to estimate the risk of any cancer, with age as the time scale.After a mean follow-up of 9.9 and 12.5 years, the incidence rate (IR) of cancer before age 18 years was 19.3/100,000 person-years for children born after ART (329 cases) and 16.7/100,000 person-years for children born after spontaneous conception (16,184 cases). Adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) was 1.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.96 to 1.21, p = 0.18. Adjustment was performed for sex, plurality, year of birth, country of birth, maternal age at birth, and parity. Children born after FET had a higher risk of cancer (48 cases; IR 30.1/100,000 person-years) compared to both fresh embryo transfer (IR 18.8/100,000 person-years), aHR 1.59, 95% CI 1.15 to 2.20, p = 0.005, and spontaneous conception, aHR 1.65, 95% CI 1.24 to 2.19, p = 0.001. Adjustment either for macrosomia, birth weight, or major birth defects attenuated the association marginally. Higher risks of epithelial tumors and melanoma after any assisted reproductive method and of leukemia after FET were observed.The main limitation of this study is the small number of children with cancer in the FET group.ConclusionsChildren born after FET had a higher risk of childhood cancer than children born after fresh embryo transfer and spontaneous conception. The results should be interpreted cautiously based on the small number of children with cancer, but the findings raise concerns considering the increasing use of FET, in particular freeze-all strategies without clear medical indications.Trial registrationTrial registration number: ISRCTN 11780826.

Nona Sargisian and colleagues investigate the risk of childhood cancer in children born after Frozen-Thawed Embryo Transfer in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden.  相似文献   

Previous studies mainly evaluated the effect of culture conditions on preimplantation embryo apoptosis. In order to inhibit apoptosis of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos, putative apoptosis inhibitors were used to treat donor cells. However, little is known about the effect of activation treatments on embryo apoptosis. We firstly investigated the effect of various parthenogenetic activation (PA) treatments on embryo development, blastocyst cell number, and apoptosis, and then one of these activation treatments proved to be most efficient was selected for activation rabbit NT embryos. The activation by electrical pulses and 30 min later, electroporation with 25 muM D-myoinositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) in Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free PBS, then exposure to 2.0 mM 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) for 3 hr effectively activated rabbit oocytes, and resulted in significantly a higher blastocyst development rate (72.7%) and total cell number (175 +/- 14.1), and markedly lower apoptosis level of blastocyst (4.3 +/- 0.5) than all the other groups. When the same activation protocol was applied in NT embryo activation, we found that exposure of the embryos to 6-DMAP for 3 hr could decrease the apoptosis level of blastocyst and increase blastocyst rate and cell number. The results demonstrate that oocyte activation affects not only embryo development and quality but also embryo apoptosis.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of superovulation protocols in improving the efficiency of embryo donors for porcine nonsurgical deep-uterine (NsDU) embryo transfer (ET) programs. After weaning (24 hours), purebred Duroc sows (2–6 parity) were treated with 1000 IU (n = 27) or 1500 IU (n = 27) of eCG. Only sows with clear signs of estrus 4 to 72 hours after eCG administration were treated with 750 IU hCG at the onset of estrus. Nonhormonally treated postweaning estrus sows (n = 36) were used as a control. Sows were inseminated and subjected to laparotomy on Days 5 to 6 (Day 0 = onset of estrus). Three sows (11.1%) treated with the highest dosage of eCG presented with polycystic ovaries without signs of ovulation. The remaining sows from nonsuperovulated and superovulated groups were all pregnant, with no differences in fertilization rates among groups. The number of CLs and viable embryos was higher (P < 0.05) in the superovulated groups compared with the controls and increased (P < 0.05) with increasing doses of eCG. There were no differences among groups in the number of oocytes and/or degenerated embryos. The number of transferable embryos (morulae and unhatched blastocysts) obtained in pregnant sows was higher (P < 0.05) in the superovulated groups than in the control group. In all groups, there was a significant correlation between the number of CLs and the number of viable and transferable embryos, but the number of CLs and the number of oocytes and/or degenerated embryos were not correlated. A total of 46 NsDU ETs were performed in nonhormonally treated recipient sows, with embryos (30 embryos per transfer) recovered from the 1000-IU eCG, 1500-IU eCG, and control groups. In total, pregnancy and farrowing rates were 75.1% and 73.2%, respectively, with a litter size of 9.4 ± 0.6 piglets born, of which 8.8 ± 0.5 were born alive. There were no differences for any of the reproductive parameters evaluated among groups. In conclusion, our results demonstrated the efficiency of eCG superovulation treatments in decreasing the donor-to-recipient ratio. Compared with nonsuperovulated sows, the number of transferable embryos was increased in superovulated sows without affecting their quality and in vivo capacity to develop to term after transfer. The results from this study also demonstrate the effectiveness of the NsDU ET procedure used, making possible the commercial use of ET technology by the pig industry.  相似文献   

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