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目的:检测中国不同地区普通和富硒猪肉、鸡肉、鱼肉中总硒含量,为评估居民硒摄入量以及指导富硒产业发展提供依据。方法:2017年7—9月采集中国10个地区代表城市普通和富硒样品共516份,采用原子荧光光谱法测定总硒含量。结果:普通和富硒产品中,鱼肉总硒含量最高,其次猪肉,鸡肉与猪肉接近;西安三种产品总硒水平最高,克山和安康总硒水平最低。富硒产品与普通相比,猪肉和鸡肉总硒水平显著提高,富硒鱼肉略高于普通鱼肉。结论:鱼肉是很好的居民膳食硒来源,但富硒作用不显著;富硒猪肉和鸡肉产业发展不平衡,亟需制定相应的科学技术与国家相关标准。  相似文献   

基于2013年全国2 000户家庭食物消费调研数据,从城乡、不同收入组和不同地区三个层次,深入分析当前食物消费结构快速转型时期居民食物消费与营养摄入现状与特征,从营养层面剖析当前居民食物消费中存在的问题,并就改善当前居民膳食营养状况提出政策建议。  相似文献   

目的:检测山东、黑龙江、江西三个省份富硒大蒜、普通大蒜、土壤及水源的硒含量,为当地富硒大蒜产业发展提供科学依据。方法:采集山东、黑龙江、江西三个省份富硒大蒜、普通大蒜、土壤及水源共120份,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定总硒含量。结果:山东省富硒大蒜硒含量高于普通大蒜中硒的含量;黑龙江省来信子村富硒大蒜硒含量明显高于其他4个基地;江西省5个地区富硒大蒜硒的含量可以分为两个区间:硒含量较低的区间(11.660 0~31.984 0 μg/100 g)、硒含量较高的区间(86.530 0~97.224 0 μg/100 g)。结论:山东省的富硒大蒜富硒效果好,黑龙江省宝清县来信子村富硒大蒜的富硒效果好,江西省宜春县富硒大蒜均为超富硒农产品。  相似文献   

水稻子粒硒含量的遗传及QTL检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
富硒功能水稻具有富硒、优质、保健、防病、安全等特点,已成为当前研究的热点。子粒硒含量的QTL定位对研究富硒功能水稻的遗传育种具有重要的意义。以籼稻亲本奉新红米和明恢100杂交的145个株系的F2群体构建遗传连锁图谱,图谱拟合92个SSR标记位点,覆盖水稻基因组2187.5 cM,标记间平均遗传距离为23.7 cM,占水稻全基因组的49.2%。采用复合区间作图法,对水稻子粒硒含量进行QTL分析,在第5染色体上共检测到2个新的水稻子粒硒的QTL,对表型变异的贡献率分别为6.39%、8.01%。  相似文献   

西双版纳野生蔬菜中硒含量测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为从天然植物中寻找富硒食品 ,分析了西双版纳地区常用的 6 8种野生蔬菜的硒含量。结果表明 ,6 8种野生蔬菜中硒平均含量为 0 0 85 3mgkg-1(干物质 ) ,低于栽培蔬菜中硒含量 ,其中富硒的 8种 ,低硒的 34种 ,极度低硒的 2 6种。 8种富硒含量为 0 84± 0 0 2 5— 0 37± 0 0 2 2mgkg-1(干物质 ) ,平均硒含量高于其它 6 0种野生蔬菜平均硒含量 35倍  相似文献   

基于食物当量统一量化分析了1980年以来中国居民食物消费量和食物消费结构的演变趋势,结合Shannon-Wiener指数,分析探讨了居民食物消费种类的变化;通过进一步比较城乡居民恩格尔系数和不同收入阶层食物消费性支出,对比分析中国城乡居民及不同收入群体间的食物消费支出差异。研究发现,居民消费的食物质量不断提高,消费种类趋于多元化;居民直接粮食消费量逐年降低,动物性食物消费量持续增加,未来我国食物安全问题将转变为畜产品的生产和供给安全问题;我国居民肉类消费量与发达国家及饮食结构相似的地区相比仍有一定差距;参照《中国居民膳食指南(2016)》,目前居民谷类食物的摄入量已达到要求,肉类食物的摄入量略高于标准,但奶类的消费量还远远低于营养目标,食物消费结构还需进一步调整优化。  相似文献   

目的:查阅国内外食物成分数据,建立中国常见食物维生素B12的含量数据表,以供国内同行做维生素B12膳食营养研究等查询和参考。方法:查找国内外期刊网和食物数据库中维生素B12含量的数据,根据中国居民的饮食习惯,整理成维生素B12的食物成分表。结果:经比较,最后收集美国农业部营养数据实验室(USDA-NDL)中113种和杨月欣主编《中国食物成分表(2004)》中9种食物维生素B12的含量。将中国居民常吃的食物按肉类、水产类、蛋奶类、其他类及其维生素B12数据分别整理成表,共收录122种中国居民常吃食物。  相似文献   

茶叶锌、硒含量变化与种植土壤差异的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以贵州4个茶叶产地(贵定、都匀、凤冈、湄潭)生产的新鲜茶叶(贵定云雾茶、都匀毛尖、凤冈锌硒茶、湄潭翠芽)及种植土壤为材料,研究了不同茶树叶片及种植土壤的锌、硒含量,研究不同土壤类型及不同深度土壤锌、硒含量的差异;茶树当年生新叶(一芽二叶)和生长1年以上老叶的锌、硒含量变化;土壤锌、硒含量与新老叶片锌、硒含量之间的关系。结果显示,随着茶园土壤深度(0~20 cm,20~40 cm)的增加,锌含量增加了2.0%~18.0%,而土壤硒含量则没有明显变化;不同样地土壤和同一样地土壤不同深度的锌、硒含量差异均达显著水平(Sig.0.01),但差异未见明显规律;茶树新叶锌、硒含量比老叶分别高2.3~4.0倍和1.2~3.0倍;新叶的锌、硒含量与土壤锌、硒含量呈正相关关系,且新叶中的锌、硒含量之间也呈正相关关系。表明土壤中的锌、硒含量来源于成土母岩并直接影响茶叶的品质,因此合理选择土壤类型对种植优质茶和规划发展茶产业具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物中的硒及其生理作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
施和平 《植物学通报》1995,12(A01):31-36

分别从湖北省的恩施(高硒)、北京(中硒)、吉林省的延边和甘肃省的天水(低硒)采集黄豆样品,用两套独立的连续化学提取法提取低分子量化合物、脂类、核酸、蛋白及多糖等组分并测定其硒含量,研究了黄豆不同结合态硒含量的分布规律。结果表明:土壤中硒含量高低悬殊地区黄豆的硒含量相应高低不等,但其中硒在不同结合态中的分布没有系统差异。蛋白结合的硒量占黄豆硒总量的50%~66%以上,其中水溶蛋白结合硒量达42.6%~56.7%,为优势硒结合形态。同时发现丙酮溶解的脂肪部分不含硒,但脂蛋白、核酸和多糖组分含有硒。样品的蛋白质和氨基酸含量分析结果还表明恩施高硒地区黄豆中的蛋白质和氨基酸含量相对较高。  相似文献   

To assess the levels of daily dietary intake of selenium (Se) among the general Chinese population, a series of field surveys were conducted in the 1990s. Samples of 24-h duplicates of foods were collected from 500 participants (300 in 6 cites and 200 from 4 villages). Se levels were determined by microwave digestion followed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and the measurements were compared with FCT (Food Composition Tables)-based estimates. The average daily intake of Se was 69.2 μg/d (79.9 and 53.1 μg/d in urban and rural areas, respectively) by instrumental determination and 35.1 μg/d (36.7 and 32.7 μg/d) by FCT-based estimation. As the distribution of Se should be uneven within China, the FCT-based estimation is of a limited value and the ICP-MS determination of Se is more accurate and reliable when evaluating the nutritional status of local people. Taking ICP-MS-based values, Se intakes were lower in rural areas than in urban areas, and the intakes of about half of the people in rural areas were less than the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in China of 50 μg/d. The low intake might be resulted from difference in the types of food consumed. Thus, the dietary intake of Se basically meets the recommended RDA in most of urban areas, but insufficiency may be still a nutritional and public health problem in some rural areas.  相似文献   

Three models were used to determine the daily dietary Selenium intake in Slovakia. The Selenium content of food produced and consumed in the Slovak Republic was used to estimate and calculate the daily Selenium intake based on food consumption data per capita and seven days, (24 h) eating protocol models. In a duplicate portion model, Selenium was analyzed in a whole day hospital diet during an eight-day period. According to these models the daily dietary Selenium intake was 38.2 μg; 43.3 ±6.5 μg for men and 32.6 ±6.6 μg for women; 27.1 ±7.8 μg for normal and 32.3 ±4.8 μg for nourishing hospital diets. The main contributors of Selenium to daily intake were the following: eggs, pork, and poultry. The obtained results indicate that the daily dietary intake of Selenium of the Slovak people is below the recommended values.  相似文献   

The concentration of selenium was determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis in erythrocytes, platelets, and plasma of eight dietetically treated children with phenylketonuria (n=6) or maple-syrup-urine disease (n=2) with low selenium intake and for ten children with normal selenium intake. The normal selenium concentration in platelets was about 600 ng/g and about five times higher than in erythrocytes of the same children. A decreased selenium concentration in platelets was seen only when the corresponding concentrations in erythrocytes and plasma were very low. This suggests a special role of selenium in platelets.  相似文献   

Selenium concentration was measured in the breast milk of 30 mothers at different stages of lactation and various body mass indices (BMI). For a maternal mean selenium intake meeting 100% of the Recommended Daily Allowance, mean milk selenium concentration was 14.06 ng/mL (range: 10.0–24.7 ng/mL). No significant correlation was found between the concentration of milk selenium with the stage of lactation, BMI, or dietary selenium intake.  相似文献   

The dietary intake of arsenic, selenium and mercury was studied for children living on the North Sea island Amrum, Germany. Altogether, 98 duplicate portions were collected from 14 children (age 1.5-5.5 years) in April and May 1995 over a sampling period of 7 days, respectively. The element concentrations in duplicate samples were measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. The weekly As and Hg intake (median and range) was 2.31 and 0.89-6.75 microg/(kg(bw) x week) for As and 0.13 and 0.060-0.62 microg/(kg(bw) x week) for Hg. Compared with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) for As and Hg as proposed by the WHO, German children from coastal areas reveal no health risks due to As and Hg dietary intake. The daily Se intake (median and range) was 19 and 6-160 microg/day. The appropriate Se intake of 10-40 microg/day, as recommended by the Austrian, German, and Swiss Nutrition Councils for 1-4 years-old children, was not reached in 8 out of 49 cases (16.3%), whereas the recommended Se intake, fixed at 15-45 microg/day for the 4-7 years-old children, was not reached in 15 out of 48 cases (31.3%).  相似文献   

In recent years the selenium (Se) intake of the human population of the UK has shown a marked decline from 60 μg/d in 1978 to around 30 μg/d in 1990 owing largely to a significant reduction in the importation of North American wheat for bread-making fluor. Other countries (Finland, for example) in similar situations have instituted fertilization programs in order to raise cereal Se concentrations and thus boost dietary intakes. An alternative approach would be to increase the Se concentration of carcass meat by supplementation of meat animals for a limited period prior to slaughter. A trial was set up with store lambs to evaluate this approach. Sixteen Scottish Blackface lambs were stratified according to live weight and then randomly allocated to one of four treatments: unsupplemented, or 3.5, 7, or 10.5 mg. Se/head/wk. After 14 wk, the lambs were sacrificed and samples of shoulder and thigh muscle, liver, and kidney were obtained for analysis. All three treatments effected an increase in whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and plasma Se concentrations over controls. Shoulder, thigh, and liver Se exhibited a dose-response relationship to treatment, but kidney Se concentrations were unaffected by treatment. Muscle and some organ meat Se concentrations can therefore be increased by supplementation and could contribute to increased human dietary intakes of the element.  相似文献   

The selenium concentration in foods grown and consumed and in plasma, red blood cells, and toenails of people living in the district of Chita in the transbaikalian part of Russia were studied in August 1991. Preliminary results from the area have suggested low selenium intakes and the possible occurrence of cardiomyopathy (Keshan disease) in the population. A low selenium concentration in foods grown locally was found: mean selenium concentration in wheat grains was 1, 5, and 28 μg/kg, respectively, in three villages studied, that of oats was beween 3–6 μg/kg, and of cow's milk 10–27 μg/kg dry matter. The selenium concentration of bread was considerably higher, between 87–337 μg/kg dry wt, presumably because wheat imported from the US had been used for baking. Occasional samples of pork, beef, and mutton contained between 32–318 μg selenium/kg dry wt. Low selenium concentrations were observed in samples of soil and river water. The mean plasma selenium concentration of 52 persons was 1.02 μmol/L, including 33 children and 19 adult subjects. The selenium concentrations in red blood cells and toenails were 1.95 μmol/L and 0.61 mg/kg, respectively. No symptoms of heart disease caused by selenium deficiency were observed. It is concluded that the selenium status of people was fairly good thanks to the contribution to dietary intake of imported wheat with a high selenium content. As the selenium concentration was very low in foods grown in the area, the selenium intake of the population will be reduced to a very low level if only locally produced foods are consumed.  相似文献   

The selenium content of infant formulae varies as a result of differences in the amount of intrinsic selenium compounds. Manufacturers have been gradually changing the protein profile of infant formulae to reflect human milk contents more closely. Because of these variations in infant formula composition and their potential impact on selenium content, this trace element was analysed with regard to the different protein sources.

The aims of this study were to determine the selenium content in infant formulae sold commercially in Spain, to estimate a daily dietary intake for infants fed on formulae and to compare with the selenium provided by Spanish breast milk samples used as a reference. We have also identified certain trace elements added to formulae which interact with selenium according to the type and protein matrix of the infant formulae.

Selenium concentration was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) with a hydride generator.

The selenium concentrations in human milk and infant formulae determined in this study are similar to those found by other researchers in different countries. The daily selenium intake from the formulae studied was estimated according to the recommended doses from the manufacturers. The theoretical selenium intake of nursed infants has been studied in relation to the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA: 10 μg Se/day) and the specific recommendations for infant formula nutrient contents (10–35 μg Se/L) set by the Expert Panel of Life Sciences Research Office (LSRO) of the American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

According to our results, on an overall view, infants fed on the studied infant formulae have an intake between basal and normative requirements. This might be considered as providing an adequate selenium supply. However, the intake of selenium provided by several formulae included in this research did not reach the RDA for the first month of neonate life.  相似文献   

Chromium content of 22 daily diets, designed by nutritionists to be well-balanced, ranged from 8.4 to 23.7 μg/1000 cal with a mean ±SEM chromium content of 13.4±1.1 μg/1000 cal. Most dairy products are low in chromium and provide <0.6μg/serving. Meats, poultry, and fish are also low in chromium, providing 2 μg of chromium or less per serving. Chromium contents of grain products, fruits, and vegetables vary widely, with some foods providing >20 μg/serving. In summary, chromium content of individual foods varies, and is dependent upon chromium introduced in the growing, transport, processing, and fortification of the food. Even well-balanced diets may contain suboptimal levels of dietary chromium.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the determination of selenium concentration in serum by flow injection-hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HG-AAS) following microwave digestion of serum samples and reduction of selenate to selenite. The detection limit of the method was 0.3 μg Se/L and the characteristic concentration, corresponding to the 0.0044 absorbance signal, was 0.12 μg Se/L. The results from the analysis of two Seronorm standard reference materials showed good agreement with the certified values. The method was then used to analyze selenium in sera of Austrian and Slovenian people for the calculation of dietary intakes. The selenium concentrations in sera of mothers at delivery, their neonates, and the male and female adults were 71 ± 14, 42 ± 6, 75 ± 21, and 65 ± 16 μg/L for the Austrians and 62 ± 15, 34 ± 7, 70 ± 12, and 66 ± 15 μg/L for the Slovenians. The dietary intakes of selenium of the mothers and the male and the female adults were calculated as 52, 37, and 46 μg/d for the Austrians and 45, 38, and 32 μg/d for the Slovenians.  相似文献   

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