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以往的研究表明,在3000-2000年前,"西方基因"已经在我国多个地区存在,这些"西方基因"是经由新疆流向内地的。为探讨这些"西方基因"在中国现代人群中的存在情况,本文对现代华北和云南人类头骨上的欧亚人种特征表现状况作了检查和比较。结果表明:1)欧亚人种特征在现代华北头骨标本和云南头骨标本中都能够检测到。这提示了"西方基因"不仅曾经流向华北,也流向中国西南地区的云南;2)华北头骨所代表的这一人群,在欧亚人种特征平均出现率(AFOERC)上并不比大约3000年前的殷墟人群高。这很可能是由于该华北人群与带有"西方基因"的外界人群往来有限,因而并无更多的"西方基因"流入的缘故;3)云南头骨标本比华北头骨标本在AFOERC上低得多;这可能是该云南人群与当地其他人群发生过频繁的基因交流而弱化了其原有的AFOERC的缘故。  相似文献   

天主教传教士Pierre Marie Heude(1836-1902)1867年自法国来到中国,他特别钟情于自然历史研究,把几乎所有的精力倾注于他在东亚地区的标本收藏上。1868年,他在现上海市郊的徐家汇建立了一座博物馆并收藏大量的动物标本。1933年徐家汇博物馆被震旦大学(现复旦大学)接管,并建立了一座新馆,更名为震旦博物院(欧洲称为Musee Heude),在Heude收藏的标本中,一部分是他在菲律宾,印度尼西亚,日本,印度及中国等地区探险时采集的,而绝大多数标本则是他通过各种方法联络各国同僚收集而来,在他死后,由他的接班人Courtois和Sowerby等继承了他的研究,1952年,上海自然历史博物馆接收了原震旦博物院,1958年原震旦博物院的标本被送至上海自然历史博物馆和中国科学院 研究所收藏。源自原震旦博物院的哺乳动物头骨标本可能是目前仍保存在国内有关亚洲地区收藏数量最大的一部分,然而,由于历史久远和中国近代变迁等因素的影响,Heude当时收藏的原始记录资料和标本标签大多遗佚或破损,使这批具有极高学术价值的头骨标本一直在标本馆中沉睡了一百多年。2000年4月中旬至5月中旬,作者将存放在上海和北京的所有兽类头骨标本进行了整理,重新进行标识和编目,经整理,共清理出兽类头骨2139件,根据Heude当时的分类,共查出模式标本188件(其中正模54,副模6,配模79,余模49),用红色圆点在模林标本上进行了标记,并将其名写于其上,尽管Heude标本中模式标本绝大多数为同物异名,这在一定程度上降低了它们的价值,但仍有一部分模式标本是名符其实的,如Bubalus mindorensis和Sus cebifrons等。在本文中,作者按现代分类顺序进行排列,并将保存于上海和北京两地的标本分开排列,以便于查找,同时用现代学术界认可的种名,在每一种名之后,分别列出标本中雌,雄个体,亚成体和性别不明标本的数量,如3.4.7+5表示,标本中有3个雄性成体,4个雌性成体,7个亚成体和5只性别不明个体。在种名的下面,按Heude在标本上标识的种名进行排列,在种名后是作者名和在著作中进行描述的时间,模式标本排列在前,其它标本在后。目录中的地名来自Heude在头骨上的标记,在目录最后列出了所有在目录中出现的地名。Heude在标签和头骨上书写的地名,可能是他根据当地口音或其他方式所确定,多数不是学术上公开使用的有效名称,给现在及将来使用带来诸多不便,因此在研究历史文献的基础上尽可能地附上了这些地名的现代名称。  相似文献   

一、材料来源柳州博物馆保存了来自柳州市东南郊东方红公社新风大队楼梯山水边洞(野外号:74099)的大熊猫下颌骨和花面狸(Paguma larvata)头骨各一个。根据这一线索,1974年12月,我们与广西博物馆、柳州博物馆共同在这一地点作了发掘,又获得一具大熊猫头骨(V4715),和前一件标本属同一个体。根据尺寸大小和形态特点,它属巴氏亚种(我们同意王将克的意见,采用如下学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca baconi)。同时获得的其它哺乳动物化石有:  相似文献   

贵州关岭晚三叠世早期法郎组瓦窑段迄今为止已产出了大量大型长吻鱼龙化石骨架,其中见于正式文献的有14件之多。头骨结构的相似性指示它们均归属于同一种:邓氏萨斯特鱼龙(Shastasaurus tangae)。对比已发表标本和尚未发表的本种新材料的头后骨骼发现,这些大型长吻的邓氏萨斯特鱼龙化石可以粗略地划分为两种类型:一种类型(A型)前肢和后肢大多不发育附生指列,且后肢第Ⅱ远端跗骨、蹠骨和第2趾前端1~2个趾节骨明显小于正常尺寸,甚至缺失;另一种类群(B型)前肢多发育一列后附生指,后肢发育一列前附生指。与此相对应,A型头骨顶脊前端分叉角度大,头骨略粗壮;B型头骨顶脊前端分叉角度小,头骨相对略纤长。鉴于这些化石均产自同一地区的相同层位,每一类型的骨骼数量大体相等,身体大小范围接近,虽然也可以据两种类型的微小差异划分为两个形态种,但依据头骨和头后骨骼结构的相似性本文更倾向于将这些标本置于同一种,而将彼此间区别判断为两性之间的差异。依据躯干和尾部长度比等推测A型鱼龙可能为雌性个体,B型鱼龙可能为雄性个体。  相似文献   

澳大利亚科学家从墨尔本以北考乌沼泽发现的1.5万年的头骨中分离出DNA。这是已知最古老的人类基因。堪培拉澳大利亚国立大学史前系的阿兰·托尼说:“这一发现增加了验证澳大利亚人起源的可能性。”某些科学家认为,澳洲人是4—5万年前从印度尼  相似文献   

本文对我国现存唯一的一例成年雄性普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)头骨做一介绍。该普氏野马年龄6.8岁,谱系册号723,近亲繁殖系数418,此标本现保存于北京动物园。头骨及下颌骨测量见图1、2、3、4、5及表1、2。  相似文献   

1939年魏敦瑞曾就在周口店山頂洞发現的三具完整头骨发表論文,认为一个老年男性头骨(101号)在測量上很象某些西欧新人化石如克魯馬农人等,而根据形态观察等特征則确定是原始的蒙古人种。另一个女性头骨(102号)則认为是美拉尼西亚人类型,第三个女性头骨(103号)是爱斯基摩人类型。二十年来他的这种論点曾受到一些学者的批評,但都沒有就这些化石的种族問題作过比較全面的分析。二十年来特別是解放以后,在我国又发現了許多新人化石,如柳江人  相似文献   

内蒙古中新世通古尔组 Tungurictis(Carnivora:Hyaenidae)的新材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斯氏通古尔鼬 (Tungurictisspocki)是 1 939年Colbert描述的一个采自内蒙古中中新世通古尔组的小型食肉类的新属、新种。他最初认为通古尔鼬属于灵猫科 ,但最近Hunt( 1 989)及Hunt和Solounias( 1 991 )提出通古尔鼬具有一些鬣狗科耳区的特征 (如水平方向的听泡隔板等 )但缺少典型鬣狗科强壮的用来咬碎骨骼的前臼齿。Werdelin和Solounias( 1 991 )对鬣狗科分支系统的研究也进一步证实通古尔鼬实际上是一种鬣狗科较为原始的成员。因此通古尔鼬成为研究鬣狗科初期演化关系的重要一环。Tungurictisspocki的正型标本 (AMNH 2 660 0 )是一件相当完整的头骨 ,但这是美国自然历史博物馆第三次中亚考查团在狼营地点 (WolfCamp)获得的惟一标本。缺少下颌骨和非常关键的下裂齿对于研究鬣狗科关系总是一件憾事。因此在通古尔台地南缘首次发现的出自同一个体的斯氏通古尔鼬上、下颌骨 ,对加深该种形态特征的认识和对鬣狗科系统关系的研究都具有一定意义。新发现的材料 (IVPPV 1 3784)包括很可能属同一个体头骨的前半部分以及下颌骨 ,并保存了P3~M2及m1~m2。V 1 3784采自内蒙古苏尼特左旗IVPP 346地点西 1 .5km(美国自然历史博物馆中亚考查团推饶木诺尔地点TairumNorlocality ,又称南营地SouthCamp) ,属通古尔组下部  相似文献   

张银运  邢松 《人类学学报》2011,30(3):241-249
周口店直立人3号头骨是1929年发现的, 被步达生鉴定为一青春期或成年期的女性个体的头骨。后来, 步达生改变了观点, 认为该头骨是代表青春期早期的男性个体。魏敦瑞同意步达生的意见, 但认为该头骨应属于8岁或9岁的男性个体。此后,周口店直立人3号头骨的性别和年龄的鉴定一直困扰着许多古人类学家。1993年发现的南京直立人成年女性头骨在形态上和尺寸上与周口店直立人3号头骨有相近之处。本文对周口店直立人3号头骨与南京直立人等头骨作了形态和测量上的比较, 结果表明: 从头骨的尺寸大小, 眶上圆枕、枕圆枕和肌嵴的发育程度以及头骨骨壁厚度等来看, 周口店3号头骨有理由被认为是女性个体的。该头骨的鼓骨裂、下颌骨关节窝、泪腺窝、额窦、骨缝等都无法证明其是幼年个体。周口店直立人3号头骨应代表成年女性个体。  相似文献   

为深入探讨柳江人化石形态特征的表现特点、进化程度及其与其年代数据的吻合性,本文对柳江、山顶洞、资阳、丽江等主要中国更新世晚期人类头骨化石及1 114例全新世以来不同地区现代中国人头骨进行了对比分析,结果发现:柳江人头骨绝大多数特征的出现情况位于现代中国人的变异范围,只有极个别特征与现代人不同;柳江人头骨具有的低眶等特征也可见于其他中国更新世晚期人类化石,说明柳江人化石上保留有少量常见于更新世晚期人类的原始特征,但与其他中国更新世晚期人类,尤其是山顶洞人头骨相比,柳江人显得要现代的多;柳江人与山顶洞人之间头骨形态特征的差异以体现头骨原始性及粗硕强壮程度上的差别居多,而个别特征差异或许与气候环境适应有关。我们认为:柳江人在形态进化上与现代中国人已经非常接近,他们之间的差别非常小;柳江人与山顶洞人头骨特征表现上的差异主要反映了他们之间在演化程度上的差异,同时也在一定程度上体现了各自的生存环境;现有的形态学证据不大可能为柳江人较早的时代提供支持。  相似文献   

太原地区现代人头骨的研究   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5  
本文报告了太原地区男、女组现代人头骨测量性状的基本统计量和非测量性状的出现情况,记述和讨论了它们的两侧差异和性别差异情况,建立了以多个项目测量值鉴定华北人头骨性别的判别函数。  相似文献   

T M Wang  C Shih  J C Liu  K J Kuo 《Acta anatomica》1986,126(1):29-33
One hundred mandibles of adult Chinese cadavers of both sexes without missing teeth, alveolar bone resorption and malposition of teeth were studied. The anatomical location of each mandibular mental foramen was measured by using a combination of three previous methods. Our results showed that the location of the mental foramen below the apex of the lower second premolar (relation IV: 58.98%) was the most common. On average, the distance between the most anterior portion of the anterior border of the mental foramen and the mandibular symphysis was 28.06 mm, between the most anterior portion of the anterior border of the mental foramen and the posterior border of the ramus 74.14 mm, between the inferior border of the mental foramen and the lower border of the mandibular body 14.70 mm, between the superior border of the mental foramen and the bottom of the lower second premolar socket 2.50 mm. The distance across the mental foramen between the alveolar crest and the lower border of the mandibular body was 30.29 mm. Our results were compared with those of other investigators. The significance of identifying the anatomical location of the mental foramen in dental practice is discussed.  相似文献   

A Santini  M Land 《Acta anatomica》1990,137(3):208-212
The antero-posterior position of the mental foramen was studied in 68 Chinese and 44 British skulls of known or calculated age at death. All skulls showed low pre-mortem tooth loss and had a good occlusion. The position of the foramen was related to the body of the mandible as well as to the standing mandibular teeth using two previously published methods. There was no significant difference in the size of the Chinese and British mandibles. There was a significant difference between the two groups when measurements relating the foramen to the body of the mandible (symphysis menti) were considered, the foraminal position being more distal in the Chinese group. The modal position of the foramen in the Chinese sample was along the long axis of the second premolar, whereas in the British sample it lay between the apices of the first and second premolar. The foraminal position apparently moved distally in both groups with age and this was likely to be associated with mesial tooth drift and age-related attrition.  相似文献   

香港地区现代人头骨的研究:性别和地区类型的判别分析   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
王令红 《人类学学报》1989,8(3):222-230
本文报告了香港地区现代中国人头骨测量性状的性别差异情况和香港与太原的男性头骨的差异情况。在此基础上,使用判别分析的方法建立了各自的判别函数,正判率分别达到93.1%和85.3%。它们分别适用于华南头骨的性别鉴定和华南与华北男性头骨的区分。  相似文献   

采用定点方法,对太行山猕猴下颌骨有关变量作了测量、统计和分析。通过对太行山猕猴下颌生物力学、异速生长的研究表明,雄性下颌相对较长,与此有关的生物力学特点是下颌髁后缘至M1近中侧长、下颌髁后缘至M3下次小尖长和下颌支高等阻力臂减小,而下颌髁长、下颌髁宽、下颌体高Ⅱ、下颌体宽Ⅱ、下颌联合长等变量则增强,使咀嚼力增加。这些特点均与其生态对策密切相关。研究结果还与有关材料进行了比较,表明太行山猕猴与国内其他地区的猕猴存在着明显差异。  相似文献   

Since the nineteenth century, researchers have noted that Neandertal and modern human adults differ in mental foramen position, although the ontogenetic changes in the position of this feature have only recently come under the scrutiny of paleoanthropologists. Research on mental foramen position has focused on whether this feature is inferior to a particular tooth. However, tooth position may not be a reliable indicator of mental foramen position because of variability in tooth size within and between taxa and during eruption events. As opposed to observing the mental foramen with respect to the postcanine teeth, we examined linear distances from the mental foramen to other mandibular landmarks. Modern human adults may appear truncated, or paedomorphic, in mental foramen position with respect to Neandertal adults. However, infants of the two taxa differ substantially in anterior mandibular form. The initial differences in the shape of the mental region may be related to the embryological position of the mental foramen in modern humans and its role in the development of the mental trigone. The shape changes that accrue thereafter, possibly from faster mandibular growth rates in Neandertals, further distinguish the adults from one another. Although mandibular shape differences exist from early infancy onwards, adults of the two taxa are broadly similar in bi-mental foramen breadth with respect to mandibular size. For this reason, qualitative assessments of mental foramen position may provide less taxonomic information than previously thought.  相似文献   

The mandibular nerve is a sensory and motor nerve that innervates the muscles of mastication, the lower dentition, and the lower lip and surrounding structures. Although this nerve contains both efferent and afferent fibers, the mental nerve, a terminal branch of the mandibular nerve, is a strictly sensory nerve that exits the mental foramen and innervates the lower lip, the skin overlaying the mandible, and the oral mucosa around the mandible. Osteological foramina are often used as proxies for nerve cross section area and they often correlate well with some aspect of a primate's ecology (e.g., optic foramen and visual acuity). The primary objective of this study is to explore the correlation between the mental foramen and dietary preference among primates. The mental foramen of 40 primate species (n = 180) was measured from 3‐D surface models of the mandible. Both conventional and phylogenetic tests indicate that although frugivores have larger mental foramina than folivores, the differences were not significant. These results show that while structures like the infraorbital foramen correlate well with diet and touch sensitivity, the mental foramen does not. Based on these findings, the mental foramen is not a suggested morphological character for interpreting of the fossil record. J. Morphol. 277:978–985, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Mandibular dysmorphology in unilateral coronal synostosis has been recognized clinically. In patients with unilateral coronal synostosis, the chin point deviates away from the affected side. To investigate whether this mandibular asymmetry resolves after correction of unilateral coronal synostosis, familial nonsyndromic rabbits were used. Rabbits with unilateral coronal synostosis that underwent "correction" with resection of the affected suture were compared with "uncorrected" rabbits with unilateral coronal synostosis and normal, wild-type rabbits (n = 36; three equal groups of 12). Serial lateral cephalograms obtained at 10, 25, 42, and 84 days showed no asymmetries in wild-type rabbits and progressive asymmetries in the ramal height and mandibular length in uncorrected unilateral coronal synostosis rabbits. However, in corrected unilateral coronal synostosis rabbits, existing asymmetries at 10 and 25 days improved by 42 days and were not seen by maturity, at 84 days. In dry, mature, mandibular specimens, wild-type rabbits showed equal side-to-side measurements and uncorrected unilateral coronal synostosis rabbits showed the following on the affected side: longer ramal height (15 percent), shorter ramal width (13 percent), longer body height (10 percent), and shorter body width (13 percent). By contrast, the corrected unilateral coronal synostosis specimens showed no side-to-side differences in 10 of 11. There were no asymmetries in condylar shape or condylar volume in any of the three groups. Cranial base measurements showed asymmetries of the uncorrected unilateral coronal synostosis specimens that were consistent with an anteriorly positioned glenoid fossa on the affected side. However, only one of 11 corrected unilateral coronal synostosis specimens showed similar cranial base asymmetries. The data showed that mandibular asymmetries in nonsyndromic, familial rabbits with unilateral coronal synostosis are progressive with growth but improve after correction of synostosis.  相似文献   

下颌骨的性别判别分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对183例国人成年下颌骨的统计检验表明,13项测量数据中有12项性别差异显著。其中下颌枝高性别差异最为明显,其单项性别判别率达80%。采用Fisher判别分析法建立了11项判定国人下颌骨性别的判别函数,判别率为85.2%—87.4%。  相似文献   

Kane AA  Lo LJ  Chen YR  Hsu KH  Noordhoff MS 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2000,106(5):1162-74; discussion 1175-6
This study was undertaken to quantify the path of the inferior alveolar nerve in the normal human mandible and in the mandibles of patients presenting for cosmetic reduction of the mandibular angles. The goals were: (1) to provide normative information that would assist the surgeon in avoiding injury to the nerve during surgery; (2) to characterize gender differences in the normal population; and (3) to compare the course of the nerve in the normal population to its course in a group of patients who presented with a complaint of "square face." The study was based upon the computerized tomographic scans of 10 normal patients (six men, four women) and 8 patients (all women) complaining of "square face." Using AnalyzePC 2.5 imaging software, the mandibles were segmented and the position of the nerve was recorded within its osseous canal in the mandibular ramus on each axial slice in which it was identifiable. Distances were calculated between the nerve and the anterior, posterior, lateral, and medial cortices. The positions of the lateral ramus prominence and the lowest point on the sigmoid notch were also recorded. The position of the mental foramen was recorded in relation to the nearest tooth, and the three-dimensional surface distances from the foramen to the alveolar bone, the inferior border of the mandible, and the mandibular symphysis were determined. The distances from the entrance of the nerve into the mandible to the lateral ramus prominence and the lowest point on the sigmoid notch were calculated. Summary statistics were obtained, comparing differences in gender. The nerve was identifiable in each ramus over a mean distance of 12.7 mm. On average, the lateral ramus prominence was 0.3 mm higher on the caudad-cephalad axis than the point at which the nerve entered the bone, whereas the location of the lowest point on the sigmoid notch was 16.6 mm above the nerve. The average distances from the nerve to the anterior, posterior, medial, and lateral cortices were 11.6, 12.1, 1.8, and 4.7 mm, respectively. Gender differences were significant for all of these except the medial cortex to nerve distance. On average, the mental foramen exited the body of the mandible immediately below the second premolar and the average surface distances from the foramen to the symphysis, the most cephalad alveolar bone, and the inferior border of the body were 30.9, 14.2, and 19.3 mm, respectively. With regard to the patients presenting for mandibular angle reduction, there were a few statistically significant but small scalar differences from normal controls.  相似文献   

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