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为了正确检测和研究高频电刺激(high frequencystimulation,HFS)期间神经元的动作电位发放活动,进而深入揭示深部脑刺激治疗神经系统疾病的机制,本课题研究HFS期间锋电位波形的变化.在麻醉大鼠海马CA1区的输入神经通路Schaffer侧支上,施加1~2 min时长的100或者200 Hz顺向高频刺激(orthodromic-HFS,O-HFS),利用微电极阵列采集刺激下游神经元的多通道锋电位信号,并获得由O-HFS经过单突触传导激活的中间神经元的单元锋电位波形及其特征参数.结果表明,O-HFS使得锋电位的幅值明显减小而半高宽明显增加,以基线记录为基准计算百分比值,O-HFS期间锋电位的降支幅值和升支幅值分别可减小20%和40%左右,半高宽则增加10%以上.并且,在大量神经元同时产生动作电位期间,或者在比200 Hz具有更大兴奋作用的100 Hz刺激期间,锋电位波形的改变更多,幅值的减小可达50%,宽度的增加可达20%.可以推测,高频电刺激对于神经元的兴奋作用可能升高细胞膜电位,从而改变细胞膜离子通道的活动特性,导致动作电位波形的改变.这些结果支持深部脑刺激具有兴奋性调节作用的假说,对于正确分析高频电刺激期间神经元锋电位活动具有指导意义,也为进一步研究深部脑刺激(DBS)治疗脑神经系统疾病的机制提供了重要线索.  相似文献   

The mouse heart is a popular model for cardiovascular studies due to the existence of low cost technology for genetic engineering in this species. Cardiovascular physiological phenotyping of the mouse heart can be easily done using fluorescence imaging employing various probes for transmembrane potential (Vm), calcium transients (CaT), and other parameters. Excitation-contraction coupling is characterized by action potential and intracellular calcium dynamics; therefore, it is critically important to map both Vm and CaT simultaneously from the same location on the heart1-4. Simultaneous optical mapping from Langendorff perfused mouse hearts has the potential to elucidate mechanisms underlying heart failure, arrhythmias, metabolic disease, and other heart diseases. Visualization of activation, conduction velocity, action potential duration, and other parameters at a myriad of sites cannot be achieved from cellular level investigation but is well solved by optical mapping1,5,6. In this paper we present the instrumentation setup and experimental conditions for simultaneous optical mapping of Vm and CaT in mouse hearts with high spatio-temporal resolution using state-of-the-art CMOS imaging technology. Consistent optical recordings obtained with this method illustrate that simultaneous optical mapping of Langendorff perfused mouse hearts is both feasible and reliable.  相似文献   

The cortex is spontaneously active, even in the absence of any particular input or motor output. During development, this activity is important for the migration and differentiation of cortex cell types and the formation of neuronal connections1. In the mature animal, ongoing activity reflects the past and the present state of an animal into which sensory stimuli are seamlessly integrated to compute future actions. Thus, a clear understanding of the organization of ongoing i.e. spontaneous activity is a prerequisite to understand cortex function. Numerous recording techniques revealed that ongoing activity in cortex is comprised of many neurons whose individual activities transiently sum to larger events that can be detected in the local field potential (LFP) with extracellular microelectrodes, or in the electroencephalogram (EEG), the magnetoencephalogram (MEG), and the BOLD signal from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The LFP is currently the method of choice when studying neuronal population activity with high temporal and spatial resolution at the mesoscopic scale (several thousands of neurons). At the extracellular microelectrode, locally synchronized activities of spatially neighbored neurons result in rapid deflections in the LFP up to several hundreds of microvolts. When using an array of microelectrodes, the organizations of such deflections can be conveniently monitored in space and time. Neuronal avalanches describe the scale-invariant spatiotemporal organization of ongoing neuronal activity in the brain2,3. They are specific to the superficial layers of cortex as established in vitro4,5, in vivo in the anesthetized rat 6, and in the awake monkey7. Importantly, both theoretical and empirical studies2,8-10 suggest that neuronal avalanches indicate an exquisitely balanced critical state dynamics of cortex that optimizes information transfer and information processing.In order to study the mechanisms of neuronal avalanche development, maintenance, and regulation, in vitro preparations are highly beneficial, as they allow for stable recordings of avalanche activity under precisely controlled conditions. The current protocol describes how to study neuronal avalanches in vitro by taking advantage of superficial layer development in organotypic cortex cultures, i.e. slice cultures, grown on planar, integrated microelectrode arrays (MEA; see also 11-14).  相似文献   

To assess the ability of the thin-filament regulatory system to control each stretch-activation (SA) event in the fast beating of asynchronous insect flight muscle (IFM), we obtained fast (3.4 ms/frame) and semistatic (≥ 50 ms) x-ray diffraction recordings for IFM fibers from bumblebees (beating at 170 Hz) and compared the results with those acquired in giant waterbugs (20-30 Hz) and crane flies (40 Hz, semistatic only). In contrast to the well-documented large SA force of waterbug IFMs, the SA force of bumblebee and crane fly IFMs was small compared to their large isometric force. In semistatic recordings, step-stretched bumblebee and crane fly IFMs showed smaller net SA-associated intensity changes in reflections that report myosin attachment to actin and tropomyosin movement toward its activating position. However, fast recordings on bumblebee IFMs showed a fast and large temporary reversal of intensities in these reflections, suggesting that the myosin heads supporting isometric force are dynamically replaced by SA-supporting heads, and that tropomyosin moves to and back from its inactivating position in milliseconds. In waterbug IFMs, the fast temporary reversal of intensities was not obvious. The observed rates of the attachment/detachment of myosin heads and the motion of tropomyosin are fast enough for the thin-filament regulatory system to control each SA event in fast-beating insects.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly evident that the spatial distribution and the motion of membrane components like lipids and proteins are key factors in the regulation of many cellular functions. However, due to the fast dynamics and the tiny structures involved, a very high spatio-temporal resolution is required to catch the real behavior of molecules. Here we present the experimental protocol for studying the dynamics of fluorescently-labeled plasma-membrane proteins and lipids in live cells with high spatiotemporal resolution. Notably, this approach doesn’t need to track each molecule, but it calculates population behavior using all molecules in a given region of the membrane. The starting point is a fast imaging of a given region on the membrane. Afterwards, a complete spatio-temporal autocorrelation function is calculated correlating acquired images at increasing time delays, for example each 2, 3, n repetitions. It is possible to demonstrate that the width of the peak of the spatial autocorrelation function increases at increasing time delay as a function of particle movement due to diffusion. Therefore, fitting of the series of autocorrelation functions enables to extract the actual protein mean square displacement from imaging (iMSD), here presented in the form of apparent diffusivity vs average displacement. This yields a quantitative view of the average dynamics of single molecules with nanometer accuracy. By using a GFP-tagged variant of the Transferrin Receptor (TfR) and an ATTO488 labeled 1-palmitoyl-2-hydroxy-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (PPE) it is possible to observe the spatiotemporal regulation of protein and lipid diffusion on µm-sized membrane regions in the micro-to-milli-second time range.  相似文献   

Therapeutic drugs for cognitive and psychiatric disorders are often characterized by their molecular mechanism of action. Here we demonstrate a new approach to elucidate drug action on large-scale neuronal activity by tracking somatic calcium dynamics in hundreds of CA1 hippocampal neurons of pharmacologically manipulated behaving mice. We used an adeno-associated viral vector to express the calcium sensor GCaMP3 in CA1 pyramidal cells under control of the CaMKII promoter and a miniaturized microscope to observe cellular dynamics. We visualized these dynamics with and without a systemic administration of Zolpidem, a GABAA agonist that is the most commonly prescribed drug for the treatment of insomnia in the United States. Despite growing concerns about the potential adverse effects of Zolpidem on memory and cognition, it remained unclear whether Zolpidem alters neuronal activity in the hippocampus, a brain area critical for cognition and memory. Zolpidem, when delivered at a dose known to induce and prolong sleep, strongly suppressed CA1 calcium signaling. The rate of calcium transients after Zolpidem administration was significantly lower compared to vehicle treatment. To factor out the contribution of changes in locomotor or physiological conditions following Zolpidem treatment, we compared the cellular activity across comparable epochs matched by locomotor and physiological assessments. This analysis revealed significantly depressive effects of Zolpidem regardless of the animal’s state. Individual hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells differed in their responses to Zolpidem with the majority (∼65%) significantly decreasing the rate of calcium transients, and a small subset (3%) showing an unexpected and significant increase. By linking molecular mechanisms with the dynamics of neural circuitry and behavioral states, this approach has the potential to contribute substantially to the development of new therapeutics for the treatment of CNS disorders.  相似文献   

传统荧光显微镜由于对某些荧光分子存在光毒性、光损伤等方面的缺陷,无法满足对部分活体样本进行长时间观测的需求。光片荧光显微镜(light sheet fluorescence microscope,LSFM)是一种新型荧光显微镜,有别于激光共聚焦显微镜,其特殊的正交光路设计和高效的信号采集装置,使其具备低光毒性、低光漂白、低光损伤和高时空分辨率等优良特性,从而能对细胞及大尺度生物组织样本进行时空连续性较好的记录,尤其适宜于活体生物样品。基于此,概述了光片荧光显微镜的成像原理、成像优势、成像效果的改进与优化历程及其在生命科学领域应用所取得的研究成果,重点对近三年相关应用进行了汇总,并简要介绍了其在神经生物学、发育生物学、动物细胞生物学和植物科学领域中一部分代表性研究内容,最后,总结了光片荧光显微镜的优点与发展至今仍存在的不足,并对其在光遗传学和多组学研究中的潜在应用进行了展望,以期为研究人员提供较为系统的光片荧光显微镜相关基础知识、最新的研究应用进展以及未来的潜在应用方向,为研究人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Astrocytes form together with neurons tripartite synapses, where they integrate and modulate neuronal activity. Indeed, astrocytes sense neuronal inputs through activation of their ion channels and neurotransmitter receptors, and process information in part through activity-dependent release of gliotransmitters. Furthermore, astrocytes constitute the main uptake system for glutamate, contribute to potassium spatial buffering, as well as to GABA clearance. These cells therefore constantly monitor synaptic activity, and are thereby sensitive indicators for alterations in synaptically-released glutamate, GABA and extracellular potassium levels. Additionally, alterations in astroglial uptake activity or buffering capacity can have severe effects on neuronal functions, and might be overlooked when characterizing physiopathological situations or knockout mice. Dual recording of neuronal and astroglial activities is therefore an important method to study alterations in synaptic strength associated to concomitant changes in astroglial uptake and buffering capacities. Here we describe how to prepare hippocampal slices, how to identify stratum radiatum astrocytes, and how to record simultaneously neuronal and astroglial electrophysiological responses. Furthermore, we describe how to isolate pharmacologically the synaptically-evoked astroglial currents.  相似文献   

应用线性硅电极阵列检测海马场电位和单细胞动作电位   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来,硅材料微电极阵列发展迅速,μ为研究大脑神经细胞活动的时空特性提供了理想的手段.考察了线性硅材料微电极阵列在神经细胞电位检测中的稳定性,以及对于单细胞动作电位检测的有效性.实验结果表明,在麻醉大鼠海马CA1区场电位记录中,上下移动记录微电极200μm,对于正向和反向诱发电位的记录几乎没有影响,说明,线性微电极阵列对于神经细胞的损伤很小,检测性能稳定.电极阵列上处于细胞胞体层的测量点可以有效地记录到CA1神经细胞的动作电位发放,同一记录点上可以清楚地分辨出数个不同神经细胞的发放电位.实验结果显示了硅电极阵列操作简便、检测信号稳定和获取信息多等特点,对于开展微电极阵列应用研究的工作人员具有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological properties of cardiac tissue change as a function of position. We define the "excitability" as the propagation velocity of an excitation pulse through the tissue, and study a simple FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) model of heart tissue whose excitability changes with position. The propagation velocity is shown to be a good continuous measure of the excitability for both limit cycle and excitable tissue. The influence of the spatial dependence of the excitability is examined for several normal and pathological situations. A novel transient effect is observed for a train of pulses propagating across an excitability step. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that nerves can be stimulated in a variety of ways by the transient heating associated with the absorption of infrared light by water in neuronal tissue. This technique holds great potential for replacing or complementing standard stimulation techniques, due to the potential for increased localization of the stimulus and minimization of mechanical contact with the tissue. However, optical approaches are limited by the inability of visible light to penetrate deep into tissues. Moreover, thermal modelling suggests that cumulative heating effects might be potentially hazardous when multiple stimulus sites or high laser repetition rates are used. The protocol outlined below describes an enhanced approach to the infrared stimulation of neuronal cells. The underlying mechanism is based on the transient heating associated with the optical absorption of gold nanorods, which can cause triggering of neuronal cell differentiation and increased levels of intracellular calcium activity. These results demonstrate that nanoparticle absorbers can enhance and/or replace the process of infrared neural stimulation based on water absorption, with potential for future applications in neural prostheses and cell therapies.  相似文献   

Although the supralinear summation of synchronizing excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and backpropagating action potentials (APs) is important for spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP), the spatial conditions of the amplification in the divergent dendritic structure have yet to be analyzed. In the present study, we simulated the coincidence of APs with EPSPs at randomly determined synaptic sites of a morphologically reconstructed hippocampal CA1 pyramidal model neuron and clarified the spatial condition of the amplifying synapses. In the case of uniform conductance inputs, the amplifying synapses were localized in the middle apical dendrites and distal basal dendrites with small diameters, and the ratio of synapses was unexpectedly small: 8-16% in both apical and basal dendrites. This was because the appearance of strong amplification requires the coincidence of both APs of 3-30 mV and EPSPs of over 6 mV, both of which depend on the dendritic location of synaptic sites. We found that the localization of amplifying synapses depends on A-type K+ channel distribution because backpropagating APs depend on the A-type K+ channel distribution, and that the localizations of amplifying synapses were similar within a range of physiological synaptic conductances. We also quantified the spread of membrane amplification in dendrites, indicating that the neighboring synapses can also show the amplification. These findings allowed us to computationally illustrate the spatial localization of synapses for supralinear summation of APs and EPSPs within thin dendritic branches where patch clamp experiments cannot be easily conducted.  相似文献   

Near-infrared (NIR) optical imaging is a noninvasive and nonionizing modality that is emerging as a diagnostic tool for breast cancer. The handheld optical devices developed to date using the NIR technology are predominantly developed for spectroscopic applications. A novel handheld probe-based optical imaging device has been recently developed toward area imaging and tomography applications. The three-dimensional (3D) tomographic imaging capabilities of the device have been demonstrated from previous fluorescence studies on tissue phantoms. In the current work, fluorescence imaging studies are performed on tissue phantoms, in vitro, and in vivo tissue models to demonstrate the fast two-dimensional (2D) surface imaging capabilities of this flexible handheld-based optical imaging device, toward clinical breast imaging studies. Preliminary experiments were performed using target(s) of varying volume (0.23 and 0.45 cm3) and depth (1–2 cm), using indocyanine green as the fluorescence contrast agent in liquid phantom, in vitro, and in vivo tissue models. The feasibility of fast 2D surface imaging (∼5 seconds) over large surface areas of 36 cm2 was demonstrated from various tissue models. The surface images could differentiate the target(s) from the background, allowing a rough estimate of the target''s location before extensive 3D tomographic analysis (future studies).  相似文献   

The tubular heart of tunicates is composed of a single layer of myoendothelial cells. The direction of contraction reverses every few minutes. The conduction times in both directions are the same. Conduction velocity was greatest in the middle of the arms of the V-shaped heart and slowest in the apex. The greater the heart length, the greater was the conduction velocity. The Q10 of conduction velocity was 2–2.3. Removal of the raphe which attaches the heart to the pericardium and removal of a line of undifferentiated cells opposite the raphe did not change the conduction velocity or prevent the heart from reversing the direction of conduction. The median resting potential of 42 cells was -71 mv and the median action potential was 75 mv. At 20°C the duration of the action potential was 1.2 sec and the maximal rate of depolarization was 3–10 v/sec. An increase in the beat frequency produced by electrically stimulating the heart decreased the resting potential, rate of rise, the duration, and the overshoot of the action potential. The shape of the action potential was sometimes different in the two directions of conduction. The electrophysiological evidence indicates only one cell type and suggests that the mode of the spread of excitation is by local current flow from cell to cell.  相似文献   

We describe the use of a standard optical microscope to perform quantitative measurements of mass, volume, and density on cellular specimens through a combination of bright field and differential interference contrast imagery. Two primary approaches are presented: noninterferometric quantitative phase microscopy (NIQPM), to perform measurements of total cell mass and subcellular density distribution, and Hilbert transform differential interference contrast microscopy (HTDIC) to determine volume. NIQPM is based on a simplified model of wave propagation, termed the paraxial approximation, with three underlying assumptions: low numerical aperture (NA) illumination, weak scattering, and weak absorption of light by the specimen. Fortunately, unstained cellular specimens satisfy these assumptions and low NA illumination is easily achieved on commercial microscopes. HTDIC is used to obtain volumetric information from through-focus DIC imagery under high NA illumination conditions. High NA illumination enables enhanced sectioning of the specimen along the optical axis. Hilbert transform processing on the DIC image stacks greatly enhances edge detection algorithms for localization of the specimen borders in three dimensions by separating the gray values of the specimen intensity from those of the background. The primary advantages of NIQPM and HTDIC lay in their technological accessibility using “off-the-shelf” microscopes. There are two basic limitations of these methods: slow z-stack acquisition time on commercial scopes currently abrogates the investigation of phenomena faster than 1 frame/minute, and secondly, diffraction effects restrict the utility of NIQPM and HTDIC to objects from 0.2 up to 10 (NIQPM) and 20 (HTDIC) μm in diameter, respectively. Hence, the specimen and its associated time dynamics of interest must meet certain size and temporal constraints to enable the use of these methods. Excitingly, most fixed cellular specimens are readily investigated with these methods.  相似文献   

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