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青藏高原高寒草原生态系统是我国特有的生态系统类型,由于受到人为破坏的影响,目前该地区草原生态系统功能退化,优良牧草减少,有毒植物蔓延。高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)和高原鼢鼠(Myospalax baileyi)是青藏高原东缘高寒草原中最重要的两种小型哺乳动物,其采食行为和挖掘洞穴的生活特性必然对生态系统产生影响,但其与有毒植物之间的互作关系尚未揭示。基于此,在甘肃省玛曲县河曲马场自然生长的高寒草原生态系统中开展了有毒植物的分布与高原鼠兔、高原鼢鼠之间的相关性研究。结果表明,该高寒草原生态系统中分布有毒植物27种,分属于菊科、豆科、毛茛科等11科。在此基础上,测定了该地区有毒植物的生物多样性指数、均匀度指数和丰富度指数,并探究了单位面积条件下有毒植物的分布特征与高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠种群密度之间的相关性,发现该地区高寒草原有毒植物的蔓延与高原鼠兔的密度之间存在密切的负相关关系(P0.05),而与高原鼢鼠的相关性不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   



A comparative food ethnobotanical study was carried out in fifteen local communities distributed in five districts in the Palestinian Authority, PA (northern West Bank), six of which were located in Nablus, two in Jenin, two in Salfit, three in Qalqilia, and two in Tulkarm. These are among the areas in the PA whose rural inhabitants primarily subsisted on agriculture and therefore still preserve the traditional knowledge on wild edible plants.


Data on the use of wild edible plants were collected for one-year period, through informed consent semi-structured interviews with 190 local informants. A semi-quantitative approach was used to document use diversity, and relative importance of each species.

Results and discussion

The study recorded 100 wild edible plant species, seventy six of which were mentioned by three informants and above and were distributed across 70 genera and 26 families. The most significant species include Majorana syriaca, Foeniculum vulgare, Malvasylvestris, Salvia fruticosa, Cyclamen persicum, Micromeria fruticosa, Arum palaestinum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Gundelia tournefortii, and Matricaria aurea. All the ten species with the highest mean cultural importance values (mCI), were cited in all five areas. Moreover, most were important in every region. A common cultural background may explain these similarities. One taxon (Majoranasyriaca) in particular was found to be among the most quoted species in almost all areas surveyed. CI values, as a measure of traditional botanical knowledge, for edible species in relatively remote and isolated areas (Qalqilia, and Salfit) were generally higher than for the same species in other areas. This can be attributed to the fact that local knowledge of wild edible plants and plant gathering are more spread in remote or isolated areas.


Gathering, processing and consuming wild edible plants are still practiced in all the studied Palestinian areas. About 26 % (26/100) of the recorded wild botanicals including the most quoted and with highest mCI values, are currently gathered and utilized in all the areas, demonstrating that there are ethnobotanical contact points among the various Palestinian regions. The habit of using wild edible plants is still alive in the PA, but is disappearing. Therefore, the recording, preserving, and infusing of this knowledge to future generations is pressing and fundamental.  相似文献   



Despite being an ancient practice that satisfies basic human needs, the use of wild edible plants tends to be forgotten along with associated knowledge in rural communities. The objective of this work is to analyze existing relationships between knowledge, use, and management of native wild edible plants and socioeconomic factors such as age, gender, family income, individual income, past occupation and current occupation.


The field work took place between 2009 and 2010 in the community of Carão, Altinho municipality, in the state of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 39 members of the community regarding knowledge, use and management of 14 native wild edible plants from the Caatinga region, corresponding to 12 vegetable species. In parallel, we documented the socioeconomic aspects of the interviewed population (age, gender, family income, individual income, past occupation and current occupation).


Knowledge about edible plants was related to age but not to current occupation or use. Current use was not associated with age, gender or occupation. The association between age and past use may indicate abandonment of these resources.


Because conservation of the species is not endangered by their use but by deforestation of the ecosystems in which these plants grow, we suggest that the promotion and consumption of the plants by community members is convenient and thereby stimulates the appropriation and consequent protection of the ecosystem. To promote consumption of these plants, it is important to begin by teaching people about plant species that can be used for their alimentation, disproving existing myths about plant use, and encouraging diversification of use by motivating the invention of new preparation methods. An example of how this can be achieved is through events like the “Preserves Festival”.

通过野外及走访调查,对西双版纳野生有毒植物资源进行了调查,同时对其科属分布、生活型组成、毒性、有毒部位进行了分析。结果显示,西双版纳野生有毒植物289种,隶属于79科214属,其中优势科集中在豆科、大戟科、天南星科、夹竹桃科、芸香科,优势属为大戟属和茄属;生活型以草本植物居多,占36.68%;有毒部位以全株或全草有毒为主,占37.37%;毒性以小毒植物占大多数,剧毒植物有5种,大毒植物有11种。通过走访调查了解到,商陆、钩吻、相思子、曼陀罗、洋金花、油桐、蓖麻等有毒植物种类在民间曾多次发生误食中毒甚至死亡事例,需要特别注意识别。今后应加强对常见有毒植物的辨识与防范科普宣传,同时加强对有毒植物的开发和应用研究。  相似文献   

Batesian mimics gain protection from predation through the evolution of physical similarities to a model species that possesses anti-predator defences. This protection should not be effective in the absence of the model since the predator does not identify the mimic as potentially dangerous and both the model and the mimic are highly conspicuous. Thus, Batesian mimics should probably encounter strong predation pressure outside the geographical range of the model species. There are several documented examples of Batesian mimics occurring in locations without their models, but the evolutionary responses remain largely unidentified. A mimetic species has four alternative evolutionary responses to the loss of model presence. If predation is weak, it could maintain its mimetic signal. If predation is intense, it is widely presumed the mimic will go extinct. However, the mimic could also evolve a new colour pattern to mimic another model species or it could revert back to its ancestral, less conspicuous phenotype. We used molecular phylogenetic approaches to reconstruct and test the evolution of mimicry in the North American admiral butterflies (Limenitis: Nymphalidae). We confirmed that the more cryptic white-banded form is the ancestral phenotype of North American admiral butterflies. However, one species, Limenitis arthemis, evolved the black pipevine swallowtail mimetic form but later reverted to the white-banded more cryptic ancestral form. This character reversion is strongly correlated with the geographical absence of the model species and its host plant, but not the host plant distribution of L. arthemis. Our results support the prediction that a Batesian mimic does not persist in locations without its model, but it does not go extinct either. The mimic can revert back to its ancestral, less conspicuous form and persist.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is developed that there are causal linkages in evolved insect herbivore life histories and behaviors from phylogenetic constraints to adaptive syndromes to the emergent properties involving ecological interactions and population dynamics. Thus the argument is developed that the evolutionary biology of a species predetermines its current ecology.Phylogenetic Constraints refer to old characters in the phylogeny of a species and a group of species which set limits on the range of life history patterns and behaviors that can evolve. For example, a sawfly is commonly limited to oviposition in soft plant tissue, while plants are growing rapidly.Adaptive Syndromes are evolutionary responses to the phylogenetic constraints that minimize the limitations and maximize larval performance. Such syndromes commonly involve details of female ovipositional behavior and how individuals make choices for oviposition sites relative to plant quality variation which maximize larval survival. Syndromes also involve larval adaptations to the kinds of choices females make in oviposition. The evolutionary biology involved with phylogenetic constraints and adaptive syndromes commonly predetermines the ecological interactions of a species and its population dynamics. Therefore, these ecological interactions are calledEmergent Properties because they are natural consequences of evolved morphology, behavior, and physiology. They commonly strongly influence the three-trophic-level interactions among host plants, insect herbivores, and carnivores, and the relative forces of bottom-up and top-down influences in food webs. The arguments are supported using such examples as galling sawflies and other gallers, shoot-boring moths and beetles, budworms, and forest Macrolepidoptera. The contrasts between outbreak or eruptive species and uncommon and rare species with latent population dynamics are emphasized.  相似文献   

More than 18 000 archaeological sites have been identified, and a dozen rock shelter sites investigated in the Zeekoe Valley, Upper Karoo, South Africa, but no work has been performed to date regarding edible plant remains. A baseline for understanding potential contribution of plants to the Zeekoe Valley diet is crucial for developing models of land use and mobility patterns for Late Stone Age (LSA) inhabitants, particularly since ethnographically known foragers in Botswana, some 800 km to the north, are as much as 80% dependent on plant foods for their survival. Since native foraging groups are long extinct in this semi-arid region with abundant natural springs, a rigorous investigation of botanical and ethnohistoric literature forms the groundwork for field investigations where direct ethnographic observation is no longer an option. First, edible species in the study area are identified in the literature. They are then sought on the ground with the aid of local informants whose families have resided in the valley for generations. It appears as though some knowledge of local plants gained from native foragers 150 years ago or more has remained in Afrikaans families passed down from landowning parent to child. On the ground, collection and middle range experimentation was followed by basic nutritional analysis. These measures were then used to compare foraging efficiency to measures from extant foraging groups. While dozens of edible species were identified, five plant species formed the focus of this study: Slymstock Uintjie (Albuca canadensis); Boesman Uintjie (Cyperus usitatus, Cyperus fulgens); Jakkalsbosberry (Diospyros austro-africana); Rooi wortel (Pelargorium sidoides); and Osbossie (Talinum caffrum). Results suggest native foraging groups, now extinct in the vicinity, may have been 60% or more dependent on plant food resources, despite abundance of game in the area and in the archaeological record.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of toxins in mushrooms has received very little consideration, although it is clear that poisons have appeared (and/or disappeared) many times in mushrooms' evolutionary history. One possibility is that poisons have evolved in some mushroom species to deter their consumption by would-be fungivores before spore dispersal. If this is so, then one might expect poisonous mushrooms to signal their unprofitability in some way. In this study, we have conducted the first formal analysis of the ecological and morphological traits associated with edible and poisonous mushrooms in North America and Europe. Poisonous mushrooms do not tend to be more colorful or aggregated than edible mushrooms, but they are more likely to exhibit distinctive odors even when phylogenetic relationships are accounted for. This raises the intriguing possibility that some poisonous species of mushrooms have evolved warning odors (and perhaps tastes) to enhance avoidance learning by fungivores.  相似文献   

Symmetry has been proposed to increase the efficiency of visual aposematic displays in animals, and I suggest that it may also be true for many aposematic spiny or poisonous plants. For instance, in the very spiny plant taxa cacti, Aloe sp., Agave sp. and Euphorbia sp., which have been proposed to be aposematic because of their colorful spine system, the shoots, and in cacti, the spiny fruits as well, are usually radially symmetric. Moreover, in the radial symmetric shoots of Agave and Aloe their individual spiny leaves are also bilaterally symmetric. Spiny or poisonous fruits of various other taxa, the symmetric spiny leaf rosettes and flowering spiny heads of many Near Eastern species of the Asteraceae and other taxa, and poisonous colorful flowers in taxa that were proposed to be aposematic are also symmetric. Thus, in plants, like in animals, symmetry seems to be commonly associated with visual aposematism and probably contributes to its effectiveness. Symmetry may stem from developmental constraints, or like in flowers, have other signaling functions. However, because of the better perception of symmetry by animals it may exploit inherited modes of animal sensing that probably result in paying more attention to symmetric shapes. All these possible alternatives do not negate the probable deterring role of symmetry in plant aposematism.  相似文献   

The great majority of plant species in the tropics require animals to achieve pollination, but the exact role of floral signals in attraction of animal pollinators is often debated. Many plants provide a floral reward to attract a guild of pollinators, and it has been proposed that floral signals of non-rewarding species may converge on those of rewarding species to exploit the relationship of the latter with their pollinators. In the orchid family (Orchidaceae), pollination is almost universally animal-mediated, but a third of species provide no floral reward, which suggests that deceptive pollination mechanisms are prevalent. Here, we examine floral colour and shape convergence in Neotropical plant communities, focusing on certain food-deceptive Oncidiinae orchids (e.g. Trichocentrum ascendens and Oncidium nebulosum) and rewarding species of Malpighiaceae. We show that the species from these two distantly related families are often more similar in floral colour and shape than expected by chance and propose that a system of multifarious floral mimicry—a form of Batesian mimicry that involves multiple models and is more complex than a simple one model–one mimic system—operates in these orchids. The same mimetic pollination system has evolved at least 14 times within the species-rich Oncidiinae throughout the Neotropics. These results help explain the extraordinary diversification of Neotropical orchids and highlight the complexity of plant–animal interactions.  相似文献   

Immune functions are costly, and immune investment is usually dependent on the individual''s condition and resource availability. For phytophagous insects, host plant quality has large effects on performance, for example growth and survival, and may also affect their immune function. Polyphagous insects often experience a large variation in quality among different host plant species, and their immune investment may thus vary depending on which host plant species they develop on. Larvae of the polyphagous moth Spodoptera littoralis have previously been found to exhibit density‐dependent prophylaxis as they invest more in certain immune responses in high population densities. In addition, the immune response of S. littoralis has been shown to depend on nutrient quality in experiments with artificial diet. Here, I studied the effects of natural host plant diet and larval density on a number of immune responses to understand how host plant species affects immune investment in generalist insects, and whether the density‐dependent prophylaxis could be mediated by host plant species. While host plant species in general did not mediate the density‐dependent immune expression, particular host plant species was found to increase larval investment in certain functions of the immune system. Interestingly, these results indicate that different host plants may provide a polyphagous species with protection against different kinds of antagonisms. This insight may contribute to our understanding of the relationship between preference and performance in generalists, as well as having applied consequences for sustainable pest management.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, the spread and densification of woodlands and shrublands subsequent to rural depopulation is a critical issue for the conservation of open-habitat plant species. Our objective was to assess the effectiveness of forest management to reduce the negative impact of forest closure on the persistence of a protected herbaceous perennial species Paeonia officinalis. Using demographic surveys from 2003 to 2008 in a woodland, open and managed habitat clear-cutted for the aim of our study, we assessed the effect of forest opening on plant performance and population dynamics. In addition, we performed a shading experiment on reproductive plants to mimic canopy closure and study its impact on plant growth and fecundity. Based on quadrat surveys and matrix models, we showed that forest cutting induced a rapid increase in plant performance and population asymptotic growth rate. Indeed, within 2 years, plant size, flower, seed and ovule numbers as well as the plant stage distribution, asymptotic growth rates and elasticity patterns shifted from values similar to those in the woodland habitat to values similar to those in the open habitat. Similarly, artificially shaded reproductive plants regressed within 2 years towards the vegetative stage. For perennial plants which have a stage in their life-cycle which allows for individual survival under unfavourable conditions such as the vegetative stage for P. officinalis, such demographic plasticity may be fundamental for their long-term persistence in temporally heterogeneous environments. Our study highlights the need to mix an experimental approach with a mid-term demographic survey in order to design efficient conservation management strategies for declining populations of rare species.  相似文献   

Pollinator shifts are often related to speciation in angiosperms, and the relationship between them has been discussed in several plant taxa. Although limited information on plants pollinated by non-flying mammals in Central and South America and Africa is available, related research has not been conducted in Asia. Herein, I summarize the available knowledge of pollination in Asian Mucuna (Fabaceae), a genus mainly distributed in the tropics, and discuss the evolution of plants pollinated by non-flying mammals in Asia. Nineteen pollinator species have been recorded and pollination systems have been categorized into four types. An examination of the relationship between Mucuna species and their pollinators from the lineage perspective revealed that all species in Mucuna, subgenus Macrocarpa, which are distributed in Asia, are pollinated exclusively by non-flying mammals. Additionally, plants pollinated by non-flying mammals were found to have diverged from bat-pollinated and non-flying mammal-pollinated plants, while plants pollinated by non-flying mammals have evolved multiple times. This is a unique example of evolutionary transition. I hypothesize that the diversification of squirrel species in tropical Asia may have led to the speciation and diversification of Mucuna in Asia. Furthermore, the behavioural and ecological characteristics of bats and birds in Asia differ from the characteristics of those in other regions, implying that Asian Mucuna species do not rely on bat or bird pollinators. The adaptation of floral characteristics to pollinators is not well understood in Asia. Mammal-pollinated plants in Asia may have evolved differently from those in other regions and have unique pollination systems.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical review of wild edible plants in Spain   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper compiles and evaluates the ethnobotanical data currently available on wild plants traditionally used for human consumption in Spain. Forty-six ethnobotanical and ethnographical sources from Spain were reviewed, together with some original unpublished field data from several Spanish provinces. A total of 419 plant species belonging to 67 families was recorded. A list of species, plant parts used, localization and method of consumption, and harvesting time is presented. Of the seven different food categories considered, green vegetables were the largest group, followed by plants used to prepare beverages, wild fruits, and plants used for seasoning, sweets, preservatives, and other uses. Important species according to the number of reports include: Foeniculum vulgare , Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum , Origanum vulgare , Rubus ulmifolius , Silene vulgaris , Asparagus acutifolius , and Scolymus hispanicus . We studied data on the botanical families to which the plants in the different categories belonged, overlapping between groups and distribution of uses of the different species. Many wild food plants have also been used for medicinal purposes and some are considered to be poisonous. This review highlights the rich traditional knowledge on edible plants that has remained in rural Spain. Until recently, many wild plants were used as dietary supplements. However, most of this knowledge survives only in the memory of the elderly, and will probably disappear in a few decades.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 27–71.  相似文献   

Ruspolia differens (Serville) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae, Conocephalinae) (its common names including ‘African edible bush‐cricket’, ‘edible grasshopper’, and ‘nsenene’) is an important source of food for humans in East Africa, but its ecology and biology are poorly understood. We explored the host plants of R. differens with a series of no‐choice and multiple‐choice laboratory experiments using 18 local common grass and sedge species in Uganda. In no‐choice experiments, the degree of acceptance differed significantly among the studied plant species, but in only three species were leaves rejected and in one species were inflorescences rejected. The pattern of acceptance among plant species was different in the local vs. swarming populations. Leaves were generally more accepted by the local population, whereas inflorescences were generally more accepted by the swarming population. Both leaves and inflorescences were more readily accepted by males than by females. According to the multiple‐choice experiments, R. differens preferred inflorescences over leaves. Our results demonstrate that R. differens is a facultatively oligophagous grass‐specialist, which has a clear preference for certain grass or sedge species (especially inflorescences), but it accepts many host plants if the preferred ones are not available. To preserve viable natural populations of R. differens in East Africa in the long term, our results draw special attention to the availability of grasslands where accepted and preferred host plants are available year‐round.  相似文献   

Divergent adaptation to host plant species may be the major mechanism driving speciation and adaptive radiations in phytophagous insects. Host plants can differ intrinsically in a number of attributes, but the role of natural enemies in host plant specialization is often underappreciated. Here, we report behavioural divergence between the European corn borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis) and its sibling species Ostrinia scapulalis, in relation to a major enemy: humans. Harvesting maize imposes selective mortality on Ostrinia larvae: those located above the cut-off line of the stalk face almost certain death. We show that ECB larvae diapause closer to the ground than those of O. scapulalis, which is sympatric but feeds mainly on weeds. The difference in diapause height results from genetically determined differences in geotactic behaviour. ECB larvae descend towards the ground specifically at harvest time, increasing their chances of surviving harvesting by about 50 per cent over O. scapulalis larvae. Natural enemies appear as a major driver of host-plant specialization in this example, stressing the need to consider ‘tri-trophic’ ecological niches to understand insect diversification. Our results also strongly suggest that geotaxis evolved as a singular instance of behavioural resistance in a major agricultural pest.  相似文献   

In the present study we analyzed medicinal and edible plant utilization in Cuyin Manzano, a small rural population located near the Andean forests of Argentina. We also studied where and when plant knowledge was learned, who the principal transmitters were, and how people were taught. The participants were interviewed individually and at random, by means of a semi-structured questionnaire. Interviews were carried out in 16 families in order to examine the present use of wild plants. The inhabitants of Cuyin Manzano cited 87 plants: 63 medicinal and 24 edible species. They mentioned on average 31 ± 10 species per person. Similar patterns of plant use were found in young and old people alike, irrespective of gender. Learning about useful plants took place at an early age as a result of family tradition. This local knowledge is acquired and taught “by doing,” and is mostly transmitted vertically through family dissemination. Wild plant learning implies the acquisition of plants' physical and functional features as well as their environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

ATP sulfurylase (ATPS, EC: is a crucial enzyme for sulfate assimilation pathway in both plastids and cytosol in plants. In this study, genome-wide and comparative analyses of ATPSs in 11 higher plant species, including sequence and structural analyses have been performed. Expression of ATPS genes in sorghum under cadmium (Cd) and salinity (NaCl) stresses were also investigated to provide a model experimental data for the regulation of ATPS genes under stress conditions. Thirty-one ATPS genes from 11 plant species were found. It showed that ATPSs from different species have high sequence divergences, which cause structural differences among them. Phylogenetic analysis has shown that there are two major types of ATPSs evolved in dicots while monocots were evolved to have one type of ATPs. Finally, expression analysis of ATPS genes revealed tissue and stress dependent expression pattern, which indicates expressions of ATPS genes are tightly regulated.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on marketing, value addition and management concerns of the wild edible plants of the Sikkim Himalaya. At least 23 weekly markets, locally called ‘ Hats ’, have been identified in the state, and three markets, viz. Gangtok, Namchi and Singtam, were studied in detail, for one year, with reference to the availability, quantity sold and retailers involved with the marketing of wild edible species. A total of 44 wild edible species have been recorded to be sold annually in the three markets. Among all the species,Spondias axillaris was sold in highest quantity and more retailers were involved in its business than for any other wild edible plant. Other important species wereMachilus edulis, Diplazium esculentum, Eleagnus latifolia,Dendrocalamus hamiltonii, Agaricus and Baccaurea sapida. The rural economics of wild edible plants is estimated to be some 140 tons per annum, and the prices for various species have increased over the years. At Gangtok, prices increased 3 to 6 times from 1981 to 1996–1997. Analysis of the field data showed that the wild edible plants were an important source of income to the plant dwellers and subsistence for farm families. Value addition was done to a few wild edible species, and cost-benefit analysis showed that the income from the fruits could be increased by at least 3–5 times after making pickles, squash and jam. It was recorded that plant dwellers have open access for the collection of these plant resources, which often leads to their over exploitation, and the local state government at present lacks policies and strategies for protecting and promoting wild edible plants in any of its programs. It is suggested that suitable conservation practices and policies need to be formulated to conserve these plants in the wild habitats within the state.  相似文献   

The multiple use of distinct ecological environments in the search for wild resources has been practiced since ancestral times in aboriginal communities inhabiting northwestern Patagonia. This paper examines the actual use and knowledge of wild edible plants in a Mapuche community presently settled in one of the most arid areas of Patagonia, far from the temperate forests where their ancestors used to live. The difference between knowledge of and use of wild plants is analyzed emphasizing that these differences could contribute to the understanding of eroding processes believed to be occurring in the community. These objectives are studied quantitatively by utilizing ethnobotanical indices, partially derived from ecological theory. Our results indicate that the Paineo dwellers still utilize multiple ecological gathering environments and have thorough plant knowledge of both native and exotic species. The Andean forest, more than 50km away from this community, is the environment from which the Paineo dwellers know the greatest total richness and the highest diversity of wild edible plants, followed by the Monte–Steppe species and lastly, those growing around their homes. The transmission of wild edible plant knowledge in the Paineo community diminishes with age, and the forest plants are the most vulnerable to loss. Our results have shown that the knowledge and consumption of wild edible plants follows a pattern according to ecological conditions of the gathering environments, as well as the cultural heritage of the Paineo people.  相似文献   

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